your-mums-nuts · 1 year
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busterheadspace · 11 months
If you are still doing requests, can i ask for something about Andre/Gigi? I just think they're neat :33
Note:Request are open
Andre had been woken up by loud music and he turned his head  to see what was making that noise.  To his surprise but also not really a surprise, Gigi was wide awake and on her phone.  He rolled over, one arm swinging over her stomach, and the other reaching for her phone.
"Andre.." Gigi glared at him and puts his arm down. He curls up against her instead, sighing.
"Go to sleep.. It's late." He mumbled,
"I'll sleep after I looking at this 
"Hm?" More awake, he looked at the video Gigi was watching. A model was wearing a simple black dress that covered her legs. 
"Yeah.. it's pretty. But go to sleep. You get cranky when you don't get your beauty sleep."
Gigi snorts although puts her phone down and lets Andre hold her, his head resting on her stomach. 
"I'll buy you that dress." Andre said.
"Really? You better bet your ass you are if you're talking like that" Her hands comb through his soft hair. He grins, putting a hand on her face.
"I'll surprise you. Don't worry." Andre chuckles before falling asleep
In fact he did keep his promise. A week later Andre had arrived home from work and there was a package at the door. Gigi had to deal with a night show so she had to stay later. He opened the box and it was the dress! It came!
Maybe it was the excitement from the dress or whatever he took earlier at work but he wanted to do something nice for Gigi and decided to dig through his closet to look for a nice suit
The door slammed open and it woke Andre out of his nap. He quickly sat up, seeing a clearly pissed Gigi in the doorway, kicking off her shoes
"So, what happened at work?" Andre asked, hanging from the couch edge. Although he loses balance and falls onto his head with a yelp, his tie loosely hangs. He gives Gigi a sheepish smile and she shakes her head with a tiny smirk. As Andre collected himself, Gigi grabbed his tie and began fixing it
"If you're going to dress properly, can you at least learn how to do your own tie." Gigi murmured "Why are you dressed like this? If JR said we're going to another Government party, he's going to hear hell from me"
"Nah. It's not any of that. I would have drugged him with some memory serum. I got you this though." Andre took the box from the table and handed it to his girlfriend. She raised her eyebrow but opened it. A smile forms on her face as she takes the dress out, looking at it.
"So you did keep your word." She says and kisses his cheek as a thanks. Andre nearly melts with happiness and chuckles, holding her hand.
"I wouldn't waste this opportunity. Care for a dance?" 
“I’m a mess but a dance does sound hot right now. Give me time in the bathroom so I make myself look good for you.” 
Andre pouts but let's go as Gigi heads to the bathroom. She goes in, and leaves quicker than usual, wearing the dress. Andre held his hand out and she took it again. He chuckles and smiles, holding onto her arm and started swaying as he slowly spun. She followed and they enjoy a quiet dance with each other
In a split second, Andre felt himself twirling and falling, being caught by an arm wrapped around his waist. Gigi looked smug as she brought him up, cradling his face in her hands.
“So.. what next?”
“Dinner. Because I am hell of hungry after that dance and work.”
“Aw. You’re not satisfied with how hot I am.” That earns a light glare from her and he laughs nervously and goes to grab his phone for takeout. “So what are we doing?”
“How about sushi? I’ll pay since you were nice with the gift”
“Alright .” 
He made a quick call and ordered before they sat close on the couch and turned the TV.
 “You’re really pretty Gigi.” Andre whispers and she rolls her eyes in a playful manner before kissing him deeply. Andre makes a content noise as he lets go, both of them grinning at each other.
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