#another person said that this was underdeveloped and rushed while she had 2 games of mutual pining w erend
lesbianshadowheart · 1 year
#hfw spoilers#hzd spoilers#hbs spoilers#horizon burning shores#ok hehe onto words now bc i need to scream. dont read furhter if u dont want spoilos ofc#anyways im having SO much fun scrolling thru the tag and seeing a#ans seeing all the people salty#just saw someone say this is a spit in the face of shippers AKHXHEJSHD do yuou think. they care#do yo uthink this is a cw show 😭😭#another person said that this was underdeveloped and rushed while she had 2 games of mutual pining w erend#i have to laugh#’mutual pining’ 😭😭#are you projecting maybe#is there any chance you may have overinterpreted#honestly i just. cuz i know there will be romance choices in hz3 but my greatest wish#is that theyre all gay. please please please#i want to see ere*oy shippers say we poppin the biggest bottles when it happens tomorrow#also saying that its rushed.. sure maybe i havent played yet but. its a video game romance forst of all#like how is that always the first thing said when a lesbian romance happens#like just how are yall out there shipping her with avad and nil and whomever and saying that#another thing is saying that she wasnt ready for romance at all like she didnt take 2 whole ass games to get there#like yall wouldnt be perfectly content if shed made out with middle aged man erend in game 1…#godd i just want her to be confirmed lesbian specifically. ive had it w being nice i just wanna go apeshit#cuz er*loys are already acting like theyre oppressed#there r some fandoms where#for shipping a lesbian w a man you would het your head bitten off mantis style#just saying#auauauaughaha <- this is what im feeling rn#sorry for this#ill delete it later shbdsj
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collisionsofstars · 3 years
...so... apparently yasha and beau actually kissed on their date, and also said they loved each other..? with yasha saying she fell in love with beau in kamordah? so much to unpack here but let’s go
this whole thing was bad enough already. like, beau had her feelings for jester completely retconned as if it had never even happened, and may i remind you once again that marisha confirmed at the time on talks that beau’s feelings were more significant than anything else she’d ever felt in her past. it wasn’t just casual, it wasn’t just sheer sexual attraction, or “lust”, as post-hiatus beau would say, but... love. i truly believe that beau didn’t just like jester, she loved her and she showed it every time they interacted in so many different ways; and jester did the same for her, every time.
the point here is how confusing it is to me hearing yasha said she fell in love with beau in kamordah. i could be wrong, but if i recall correctly, yasha did very little to support beau back then when they confronted her dad, only saying something to him, but never to beau. tagging in on the group hug, but not approaching beau directly to talk about it. so, when exactly was the moment she fell in love? when was it, really, all throughout the rest of the episodes from 91 to 99 that yasha has talked to someone else about her “love” for beau, similar to how they constantly do it now, having yasha talk to jester about it? when was it that she showed at least one small hint that her feelings had grown like that?
and then again, literally just one episode ago, when beau came back from talking to yudala and discovering how she really got into the cobalt soul, she talked to the m9 about her abduction, her traumas, she put her heart out there for them in a 20 minute conversation but yasha didn’t say anything. didn’t try to comfort her, nothing. not even about the eyes, when jester had asked beau about it and showed her concern regarding it. it’s not necessarily a bad thing that yasha doesn’t inquire beau about these things all the time, but it is bad that she doesn’t, and later acts as if she had. it is bad that she doesn’t try to comfort the person who she apparently cares about so much.
i honestly, genuinely struggle to comprehend how the cast has had months to discuss and decide where they wanted to take the narrative and their characters and this is what they’ve come up with. beauyasha is the first lesbian canon couple between pc’s, and it is, at the same time, the pairing in all the m9 with the least interactions, least chemistry, least everything. they base all of their “romance” over an apparently indefinable connection, that both of them struggle to grasp or even try to define why they’re so attracted to each other. i’m not saying that we should always be able to pinpoint why exactly we’re attracted to or like people, but when asked that, they always had similar answers, like “there’s just something about her”. beau didn’t even have to think when asked the reasons why she liked jester, and it makes sense that she didn’t have to think that hard: she knows why she likes jester because they talk! they have a real connection, and i’m not even necessarily talking about the possible romantic connection they could’ve had, their friendship alone already grants them that. and that wasn’t something that happened overnight, it was slowly built, piece by piece, on a course of almost 100 episodes. we’ve seen shared growth between beau and jester, shared experiences, traumas, and most of all: conversation. fucking conversation. they learned how to read and to deal with each other, learned how to comfort one another, how to protect each other, not only from things that could kill them in battle but also from themselves. jester calls out on beau’s self deprication and always tells her that she’s good, she’s enough, she’s so much more than what she thinks about herself and what other people tell her. and beau, on retrospect, protects jester from her blind trust, from her naivety, from ideas that jester has on impulse that could 100% backfire unsafely, like the one time she wanted to disguise herself as her mother when meeting with the gentleman.
when have you ever seen that, as plain and clear before us, between beau and yasha? when have they talked, truly, to each other? made an actual connection before jumping into anything else? and it’s not like anyone can blame this on ashley’s absence, considering that she was back permantly since episode 86, which also happened to be the one she almost killed beau while being possessed. why, yes, they’ve “talked” about it, only limiting themselves to a 2 minute conversation about something as scarring as that, with both of them saying not much more than “i’m glad i did kill you!” and “oh! i’m glad you didn’t kill me either :D” and this conversation was pretty damn recent, it happened when they visited rexxentrum again, around episode 110. so, the thing is they did have time to have an actual convincing slow-burn between them, they had the opportunities, but didn’t take it. and they didn’t take it precisely for the fact that, at the time, marisha and i believe laura as well, to a certain level were more into b/j happening than b/y. also, i don’t really have to say that the b/y thread had been dropped ages ago, long before when b/j started being a thing. and they still decided they wanted to take this “opportunity” for b/y now, 40 episodes later, rushing a romantic relationship between two characters that were barely friends in the first place.
it’s so incredibly diminishing for both of them. beau is a fully grown character, she’s changed, she’s developed and she’s pretty much a whole other person than she was back in the beginning of the campaign. she’s an engaging, complete, real character, with fears and flaws and goals but has to reduce herself to almost nothing to put up with being paired with yasha. she has to be uncharacterized, deconstructed, because if she’s not, than it’s even clearer how they don’t know anything about each other and truly, don’t have that much in common other than the fact that they’re both buff lesbians. and yasha doesn’t really stimulates growth for beau, simply because they don’t talk. characters grow together and independently when conversations are held, but it never happens for them.
and yasha is the one that breaks my heart the most. her arc about self love, acceptance and freeing of chains that kept holding her back was so bland and actually not that engaging, like the dream sequence was visually beautiful, but wouldn’t it have been so much better if it came perhaps, after they visited her village and zuala’s grave when she was ready to do that? wouldn’t it have been better with some reasoning to why she suddenly was getting her wings back, and getting her chains broken? to think that they essentialy based this whole thing on beauyasha is honestly such a disservice towards yasha’s character, not because it’s beauyasha necessarily, but because it’s bland  beauyasha. it’s underdeveloped beauyasha, you know what i mean? i truly believe that yasha’s remaining uncapability of actively taking decisions regarding herself without the influence of a third party, even after the dream sequence, is based on the fact that this result has no believable development leading up to it. it’s bland, and shallow, and she deserves so much more than that.
i’d totally be into beauyasha too, believe me, if i wasn’t presented with an actual potential to a true slowly built relationship between two best friends that not only have many things in common, but actually share traumas and similar experiences; they understand each other in a level that not many other characters reach. i really don’t understand how i even tried to force myself into swallowing b/y when they started steering the narrative towards a direction that i knew it was going to be inevitable when b/j actually exists lmao
post-hiatus romances couldn’t possibly be more bland and cr is really out there thinking they did something. i love the cast, and i love the characters even more, and that is the main reason why i cannot bring myself to watch them being crushed to almost nothing to maintain these bad relationships. and yes, it’s their game and they can do whatever the fuck they want. but that doesn’t mean i have to agree with or like their decisions all the time.
really sorry for the rant and thank you if you’ve made it this far. stan beaujes!
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fortunatelylori · 6 years
Why the Jon/D*any romance doesn’t work (Part 3)
When everyone and their mother has a different take on the same line of text
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I must warn you in advance. In this 3rd post in the series (1, 2) we will go down the rabbit hole every woman has found herself in while reading her Tinder messages trying to extract some sort of meaning from a seemingly unrelated string of emojis.
Yes, boys and girls, now is the time to try and answer the all-important question that has plagued womanhood since the beginning of time: What does Jon mean when Jon says words?
Answering this question is extremely difficult since most of what he says can be interpreted in different ways. People have chalked it up to bad writing, rushed storyline and the actor’s limitations but is that really a fair assessment?
When analyzing the Jon/Dany scenes more closely, you begin to realize that they work on multiple levels both plotting wise and emotionally. It’s that both the direction of the scenes as well as the actor’s mannerisms aren’t what people expect them to be in that situation. The writers aren’t doing a bad job at presenting you a generic romance, they’re working overtime to both give you the basic structure of said romance while at the same time subverting every trope that they employ.
When trying to take things at face value and analyze the scenes as romantic in nature, the more I was hit with lines upon lines of dialogue that were vague, banal and impersonal. I started envisioning my scriptwriting editor taking out her red pen and cutting out these lines with notes like: what does that even mean?!? Because no editor in their right mind would’ve let this dialogue and these scenes as they are.
So why were these allowed to be filmed into a production of this level? My explanation for this is that these lines and scenes, while uninspired and unflattering to the character or the actor forced to speak them, do have the advantage of allowing the audience to read whatever they want into them, which they will because of how hotly anticipated this ship was. They’re simply allowing you to get tangled in the web so they can pull the rug from under your feet in season 8.
It might seem like I’m exalting the Ds writing abilities to extraordinary levels. But I’m not. It’s not that brilliant, to be honest. It’s a trick, nothing more. And they do it because they can. No other TV show could get away with inciting a ship this way only to annul everything put on screen later on. No show except Game of Thrones and no other ship except Jonerys. Why? Because Jonerys didn’t need to convince people to root for them, those people were already on board the ship long before Jon and Dany danced the devil’s tango. This has been one of the most hotly anticipated romances in TV history so the scenes only came to enforce what people wanted to see.
So do the writers really have anything to lose by trolling us? It doesn’t matter if Jonerys is real or fake, underdeveloped or the world’s most epic romance., everyone on planet Earth will still be tuning in to see every episode of the next season. If the Ds decide to confirm their fans dreams, then everyone who isn’t onboard will have to shrug off the inconsistencies and move on. If the political!jon theory is revealed in season 8, they will be hailed as the greatest twisters in the history of twisting. Every TV critic will write about it, will publish think pieces and then one day they will stumble on to Tumblr and discover my metas and I will become famous the world over …. Hey, a girl can dream, right?
So, let’s forget for a second that Dany and Jon were the ship that broke the internet and let’s look at the rest of the island scenes keeping in mind both the romance but also the possible subversion of said romance.
Scene 6:
Happy to report that Dany did not ask Jon to bend the knee in this scene.
Sort of …
There are 3 major things that are wrong with this scene in terms of the romance subplot:
1.       Jon’s reaction to Dany’s temper tantrum.
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He looks like he’s about to send her to her room, with no supper. Btw, I hate it when people say that Kit Harrington is a bad actor. He might not be acting out what people want to see but his micro expressions are pretty on point.
Jon isn’t wrong in being frustrated by Dany’s public humiliation of her hand. However, it does undermine the romance, particularly since Jon’s reaction goes unnoticed by Dany. And the whole thing could have been avoided had the people behind the camera simply not shown us his reaction at all. These types of reaction shots are not filmed simultaneously with the rest of the scene so it’s actually a lot of extra camera work, positioning and actors doing the same scene over and over again just to show us that Jon is annoyed by Dany but chooses not to say anything. And they do this because the script, the blueprint of the story, told them to do it.
Alternatively, you could have these reaction shots take on a positive connotation by having Jon intervene and lecture her on her rudeness, for example. That would position him as the only person willing to tell her the truth, another romantic trope that pops up in couplings all the time. But the script doesn’t go there, instead planting this seed of Jon as being duplicitous in his interactions with the woman he’s supposed to have developed feelings for by now.  
Like I said, the writers don’t have a lot of time on their hands. They need to get us all on this ship as quickly as possible; there are only 3 episodes left. And yet they continue to torpedo our trust in this romance at every turn.
1.       Dany turning to Jon for help is unearned.
As we’ve already established they’ve spent the last 5 scenes talking about knee bendings, white walkers and little else. There is no common ground between the two of them that would make this request remotely romantic. So when Dany, out of the blue, decides to ask Jon what she should do, we can’t go: “Oh, look! They trust each other now. They’re a team.” On the contrary, we’re as taken aback by this as Jon is.
2.       He doesn’t actually help her.
The conversation goes like this:
Dany: what do you think I should do?
Jon: Don’t burn people alive.
Dany is moved by his speech, so moved in fact that she doesn’t notice he didn’t actually give her any advice on what to do, just a general rule of thumb on not turning people into torches.
This a pretty blatant subversion of what is a very useful trick writers use to build trust and intimacy in a romantic plot: have one of the partners help the other with a problem that they have.
By writing yet another general, non-committal response from Jon, they’re denying us, the audience, the reason to cheer for this romantic pairing and thus frustrating the momentum needed to credibly build up this relationship.
Scene 7: (or as I like to call it the “there’s a bridge I’d like to sell you” scene)
It doesn’t do this scene any favors that whenever Missandei starts talking about Dany, all I can think is “cult recruiter”.
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It’s like she’s heading the welcome parade into Jonestown…
Leaving that disturbing imagery aside, why is this scene so deeply unsatisfying?
In order to answer that, what we really have to ask ourselves is what is the purpose of this scene? There are no useless scenes in scriptwriting. Every scene must serve a part in telling the story.
Is the purpose here to show that Missandei idolizes Dany? It can’t be. We already know that. Is it foreshadowing for Davos moving to Narth because it sounds like a “liberating” place? Doesn’t quite sound right.
It must be a scene that pays service to the Tyrion/Jon scene where Jon is advised to seek out people close to Dany. So the purpose of this scene is to see Jon learning some very positive things about Dany, from her number one fan. This feels like a very natural progression, because we’ve seen this done in stories a million times before. So I think most people will not really look very deep into this scene to really realize why by the end of it, the romantic plot hasn’t advanced at all.
The reason why this scene doesn’t serve its romantic purposel is because  the whole structure of it is wrong.
Let me explain. We start the scene with
Davos: What do you think about her?
Jon: I think she has a good heart.
This line is problematic to begin with because we have seen Dany do nothing that would indicate to Jon that she has a good heart. Since he’s been here, he’s been turned from King to Lord, to simply Jon Snow, he’s seen her humiliate Tyrion, refuse to help him fight the white walkers and develop a troubling bended knee fetish. So what is it that would prompt him to say that?
Well … what is the number one argument that Dany’s fans always bring up when people criticize her? I think it goes along the lines of: But she was doing it for the right reasons. She’s a good person … She has a good heart.
 I think this is the writers at their most trolliest giving people deeply invested in this ship something to cling onto when saying that this romance does actually exist, while simultaneously making people that dislike the ship tremble in their boots a little at the thought that it might be reciprocal.
 And just to make anti-Jonerys’ tremble even more, they double down with this little gem:
Davos: A good heart? I’ve noticed you starring at her good heart.
Yeah … sorry writers, I ain’t tremblin’. I’m a woman. I’ve developed a sixth sense for men checking out a girl’s … wolf bits. It looks a bit like this …
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Nice try though!
How does Jon respond to Davos’ appraisal? Does he get flustered that he’s been found out? Does he reject it outright as a vile falsehood?
Jon: There’s no time for that.
And here I must ask again: what do the words that Jon ejects from his mouth mean?!? Does he use the excuse of the white walkers to hide his secret attraction? Does he mean it literally? Is Dany like the Flash, so quick there’s no time to look at her cleavage? Or is he letting out his frustration at having to play out this parody while the world is on the verge of annihilation, as the political!jon theory would support?
 The point is we don’t know. We can claw each other’s eyes out over this all we want. The line is left vague for a reason. We, unlike Jon for once, know nothing.
 Then we get to Missandei’s speech. She’s essentially the Pope of Daenerism. The main message of her speech is
Missandei: My queen has a good heart
Great. So why did we need this scene again?!? So Jon could find out what he already said he knew? Maybe he needed some reinforcement. What was his reaction to Missandei’s ode, you ask?
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Can’t read my … can’t read my … nobody can read my poker face …
Followed by the old, faithful romantic classic
Jon: Is that a Greyjoy ship?!?
 So … a 2 min scene of writers trolling and an aerial shot of a ship … and absolutely no progress on the romance front. No wonder this scene is frustrating.
 Humor me for a moment and imagine this scene in a different sequence.Move Missandei’s speech in the beginning and end the scene with Jon saying Dany has a good heart. Eliminate the ship altogether. Doesn’t it feel like a better set-up and make the scene less repetitive and more romantic?
Scene 8:
The first part of this scene is breathtaking. Leaving aside everything else, it’s astounding to see how far television has gotten in terms of what they can present on screen. Everything from the CGI, to the scope of the shot, to the colors, music and scenery is stunning. It’s perhaps the most memorable moment of the entire season. Plot wise, it’s also extremely meaningful.
 Because of the stunning imagery, this has led people to interpret it as romantic in nature. But it isn’t. This is not about the Jon/Dany romance at all, but rather about R+L=J, about Jon himself and his nature. We’ve never seen another person apart from Dany get so close to Drogon before, let alone pet him. And all this is punctuated by Kit Harrington playing Jon as completely overwhelmed. As he should be. He’s doing something that people haven’t been able to do for 300 years and, more importantly than that, he’s doing something that feels strangely familiar to him.
 That’s why all those gif sets showing Jon as completely in awe that imply he’s looking at Dany are so frustrating. Watch this scene again and you’ll see that he’s holding eye contact with Drogon throughout, punctuated even by a close-up of the dragon’s eye looking at Jon. It’s only Dany that looks at him curiously, seeing him interact with her favorite pet/child.
 If you’re going to frame those looks as romantic in nature, you shouldn’t be shipping Jonerys at all but rather … Jonon? Drojon? Can’t decide …
 So, if we eliminate this first part, and concentrate solely on Jon and Dany’s conversation, what happens?
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They disagree on whether fire breathing lizards are beautiful, gorgeous, beasts or children.
 Dany: They are not beasts to me. They are my children.
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Jon’s face says it all really … (gif courtesy of @thelawyerthatwaspromised)
No resolution is reached on this front. So Jon abruptly changes the subject.
 Like I said in my previous post, romantic couples don’t reach this type of communicational impasses. They duke it out to the end or reach common ground. That’s what makes them work.
 But it gets worse. Not even the awkward transition to another subject leads to anything.
Jon: You weren’t gone long.
Dany: No.
Jon: And?
Dany: And I have fewer enemies today than I did yesterday.
Silence … Very awkward silence … Dany literally has to push the conversation forward and …
Dany: You don’t know how you feel about that
Jon: No, I don’t
…it still doesn’t go anywhere. The writers keep breaking the momentum of their dialogue over and over again and frustrating both Dany and the audience.
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Just look at that face. That’s the face I pull every time I come back home from a bad date.
But Dany is a stubborn girl. She tries again, with another awkward change of subject.
Dany: When you first came here, Ser Davos said you took a knife to the heart for your people.
Jon: Ser Davos gets carried away.
This would have been the perfect time for Jon to open up, at least a little bit. He thinks she has a good heart after all, right? But no. He not only avoids the subject, he lies outright. Why? Why would he lie? And more importantly why do the writers want to keep Dany at arm’s length from Jon this far into their relationship?
Dany doesn’t completely believe him but have no fear!
 Luckily the plot intervenes before Jon is forced to answer. Heaven forbid that we get a meaningful conversation between 2 people that are about to have sex a few scenes from now. The less 2 people talk, share their feelings and experiences, the more impactful their romance is. Isn’t that how it goes?
 The introduction of Jorah in this scene is significant because the dreaded competitor for the maiden’s heart is a trope used to excess in romantic plots.
 No matter that the writers haven’t built up enough of a connection between Jon and Dany for us to feel the stakes of introducing this new element into their romance. Finally, now we have the opportunity to see Jon look jealous and feel that his bond to Dany is threatened by someone with whom she shares so much history. Sure he might be standoffish and cryptic when it’s just the two of them but surely he won’t be able to control himself when he sees his lady love hug another man. So what do you say, Jon?
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P p p poker face, p p p poker face
Scene 9:
I won’t analyze this entire scene because most of it is not linked to the romantic subplot and also … it’s stupid. The whole hunt plot is stupid and Tyrion should lay off the bottle immediately. It’s affecting his intellectual skills.
 We will resume ourselved to the 3 romantic beats withing the scene.
 So, we start promisingly enough with Jon letting everyone know that Arya and Bran are alive. There’s no context as to why he decided to announce this in front of a room of strangers so read into that what you will. Perhaps he wanted to share the happy news with Dany …
Dany: I’m happy for you
 Dany: You don’t look happy.
 Perhaps we could tell from his expression?
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Lady Gaga ran out of lyrics, you guys … sorry about that …
End of topic. No need to explore this momentous event for Jon or have the opportunity to see him sharing his happiness with the love of his life. That’s what fanfiction is for.
 Then there’s the part when Jorah offers to hunt down a zombie to bring back as trophy for his heart’s desire. This has, of course, prompted people to speculate that Jon decides to go on the hunt in order to one up him in Dany’s eyes. Which is not outlandish, per se. That’s what happens in a love triangle after all.
 However there are two issues with this.
 One - there is absolutely no one in the audience that thought Jon would not go on this hunt since the moment it was proposed. He was Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, he’s the only one in that room who has gone beyond the wall and the only one who has actually fought the army of the dead. Jorah or no Jorah, the scene would have ended with Jon going on the hunt. That sort of undercuts the whole jealousy angle.
 Secondly there’s this peculiar sequence of lines after Jorah says he’ll go:
Jon: The free folk will help us
Davos: They won’t follow Ser Jorah.
 Surely, if jealousy was what the writers were going for, those two lines should have been inversed. That could be construed as an attack on Jorah’s abilities by Jon and could lead to a starring context between the two, right before they’d take their shirts off and duke it out in the rain while Dany watches in rapture from the window.
 Does that sound like a ridiculous, over the top, infantile scenario? Sure … But let’s make one thing very clear. Writers do not introduce romantic triangles into stories because they want to keep it classy. They introduce it so that at some point we can end up here:
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The last of the romantic plot in the scene comes right after Jon says he’ll go on the hunt.
Dany: I haven’t given you permission to leave.
This line pulls double duty in terms of plotting. It just does it in the wrong direction. On one hand, it torpedoes the love triangle because Dany clearly doesn’t want to let Jon go while she doesn’t have that many qualms about Jorah potentially freezing to death or getting killed. So with 8 words a triangle that started a scene ago has been turned back to a straight line for the audience. That’s no way to build up tension between your characters.
 The second thing it does is that it shows, once again, just how one sided this whole relationship is. Because Jon is not at all touched by Dany’s concern for his well-being.
 In fact he seems rather annoyed by her attempt.
Jon: With all due respect, your Grace, I don’t need your permission. I am a King.
This has been described as a ‘panty dropping’ line. Except that depending on where your alligencies lie, the interpretation for why it pulverizes underwear is different. People that are invested in this ship say that this is the moment Jon proved himself a good King to Dany. People that reject this ship see it as the moment when Jon regains his agency and status, after being humiliated by not only the queen, but also her servant when denied his rightful title.
 Again, this is a problem. Because you shouldn’t have two contradictory explanations for one line this late in the plot. By this point we should all agree on the basic meaning behind what Jon says, whether we like the pairing or not.
Jon: I put my trust in you … a stranger […] Now I’m asking you to trust in a stranger.
 We end this scene with Jon calling the two of them ‘strangers’. It kind of feels like we’ve been through 9 scenes and three episodes of romantic build-up and we have nothing to show for it.
Scene 10:
This scene has been analyzed a lot so I won’t dwell too much on it. The reason why it’s gotten so much interest is because of the ‘look back’ trope.
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Jon not looking back is not, in and of itself, a problem. In isolation, it can be seen as a missed opportunity on the writers’ part. Adding the fact that Dany does follow him with her eyes for quite a bit just like the lovely John Thornton does with Margaret Hale in the gif above, does put a blemish on the whole thing.
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But then the writers for some reason double down on this motif by having Jorah look back at Dany. And then the camera also includes Jon pointedly NOT looking back.
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Look at the boy go … It’s like he’s trying out for the Forest Gump remake. Run, Jon, run!
Once you put all of these elements together in one scene it becomes less of a frustrating lack of romantic fulfillment and more of an intentional message that is very hard to ignore.
But let’s leave that to the side and talk about their last words to each other.
Jon: If I don’t return, at least you won’t have to deal with the King in the North anymore
Dany: I’ve grown used to him
Jon: I wish you good fortune in the wars to come, Your Grace
I’ve already pointed out in my first post of the series how deeply unwise it would be to have Jon say good-bye to Dany by using Mance Rayder’s last words to Stannis if we were to look at this scene in a romantic way.
 It isn’t just the fact that Stannis and Mance were enemies. It’s also problematic because Mance was on his way to being burned alive for not bending the knee. Fire is something that the audience connects to Dany immediately. And what was the main bone of contention for these 2 characters throughout Jon’s stay on the island?
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Aside from that, the dynamic between them is exactly the same. Dany’s attempt at warmth and intimacy is flanked by two general, formal statements by Jon, the first of which is actually a bit passive-aggressive if you remember that Dany requested he bend the knee so she could name him Warden of the North.
 Also, this is put in direct contrast with the way Jorah says good-bye to her.
Dany: We should be better at saying farewell by now.
Jorah: Your Grace, I …
Jorah’s line is interrupted by Dany grabbing his hands. This touch elicits such a powerful emotional response from him that he can’t continue his train of thought. He simply bends his head and kisses her hand.
 If you were saying good-bye to someone you love, which one of these two responses would feel more bitter-sweet and romantic? Which one would you like to receive?  
 If you say Jon’s …. Well then:
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(source: @dreamofspring)
Thank you guys so much for all your great feed-back and a special thank you to @thelawyerthatwaspromised for supplying me with some of the gifs in this post. They were a life saver. The rest of the gifs and clips also do not belong to me. I picked them up from all over the place so if you recognize your work, let me know and I will add the source below the pic. Thank you!
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furederiko · 7 years
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We'll be heralding the arrival of the Space Rebellions tomorrow morning. But before we do that, here's a quick review of Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger as whole...
Yeah, this was supposed to go up not long after the final episode's weekly review, but well... I got a little sidetracked by my health *sigh*. It's basically under the weather (which has been unexplainably REALLY cold recently), that's why it took me a while to finish one. Don't worry though, because this post will be brief. Okay it's not.... Ahahaha. XD
Let's just get one thing out of the way: Zyuohger is just another good example, of the flaws of a long running show. The downside of having a whole-year worth of air time. The need to explore stories in around 50 episodes is indeed a challenge on its own. And frankly, I don't think the writers of this show succeeded in their task. There were great stories that focused on wonderful morale messages, but there were also episodes that felt like merely repeating the annual tropes, and even went below average standards. To put it simple, it's an uneven show. The beginning of the episode wasn't as memorable and a little on-the-nose. Which was the reason why I only gave it a 7,2. That's a stark difference to the 8,4 score of the finale. But the contrast also proved something! The show gradually built itself to become something interesting. Offering a vast amount of potentials, especially due to the cultural, and racial differences of its members. The main reason why I've decided to continue watching, despite my initial reluctance.
It's quite unfortunate, that this positive progression began to falter again halfway through. I believe this show lost its momentum when the writers decided to axe Bunglay, who was easily the most interesting and challenging antagonist the show had. If it's up to me, I think this character should've stayed to the end. I've said that I appreciate the surprise they wrote to Dethgaliens Master Genis in the end, but in many ways, Bunglay was indeed a much worthy and better 'scumbag' than Genis to be called a final boss. His obsession to Yamato Kazakiri would've worked better to explore our Red's damaged relationship with his father. Not to mention, his quest for Cube Whale, could've been linked nicely to the reveal of Immortal Azald. Instead, the show ditched him, and went even south when they gave Kubar a demise that was too early and underwhelming. Yes, the cunning and treachearous antagonist who initially rose up to be an excellent replacement to Bunglay. A villain that hid his own agenda, and never hesitated to use sleazy tricks to meet his goal, wo went off in a very unceremonious way. Thus all the build-ups, those numerous episodes spent to explore him, suddenly became pointless. No matter how praiseworthy her devotion for Genis, Naria suffered from weak writing as well. She's a character who showed promise, the potential to be deliver the 'surprise' that audience needed. But the show just treated her poorly and made her a one dimensional blank character instead. As for why Genis failed as a strong big boss? That's due to the show's habit to tell, and not show. Many times we only heard how scary Genis was, particularly from the Team Players. But it wasn't until the finale that we saw first hand how evil he could be. Something that should've been done much early on, and even better, throughout the whole run. Yeah, I get that everything was meant to lead to that big surprise in the end. But at least, audience needed actual proof that he's a sinister being instead of the overly optimistic boss depicted all the time.
The core storyline about connection between people, particularly those who are different, was admirable. It touched upon issues of discrimination, equality, and many sensitive ones that resonated strongly to the real life current condition of the world. I also appreciated how pieces of the puzzle that were seeded from very early on, became connected, and (mostly) paid off in the third arc. Problem is, even if it's a strong and delicate one, this main plot was considerably thin. And worse, the show loved to drag audience from one plot point to another, without utilizing it to explore minor subplots. The result? The Zyumans practically didn't have any significant character developments. At least, not that I could remember. This mirrored the similar negative trait of "Shuriken Sentai Ninninger", because the writings never fully explored these character's potentials. Which was too bad, since each one of them were completely different races that easily shouted 'blank canvas'. Each species could've played out more distinctly with one another, and that weren't even touched. In general, their presence felt like nothing but supporting characters for Yamato, because from start to finish, they remained who they were. And speaking of Yamato, while he did have one, it was somewhat rushed as the show's approaching the end game. A fact that annoyed me, because of how ill-timed it was. The only one who had clear character growth, was none other than Misao Mondo. This additional character grew from an awkward and meek guy, to a more confident, mature, and stronger in the end. Even moreso than Yamato, and he's not even the core cast!
This was quite disappointing, because if there's one thing that the season definitely shine, it's in the cast. Eventhough they were NOT perfect, everyone's easily likeable. Despite his 'blandness', Yamato was one of the better Reds we have in the recent years. Sure, many people were calling him the 'Jesus of the Group'. But when compared to the lousy and gratingly annoying Takaharu of previous season, the mature and nurturing Yamato obviously came on top. The other members in Ninninger were better than its Red, but I'd gladly choose the other Zyuohgers in their place. Amu was a character with the strongest and most interesting personality. Her presence was important because she's crucial to drive Yamato's plot. With that reason, I think she was the best character we got in the show. Even when he seemed standoff-ish, Tusk was the likeable smart one. His story with Misao was a great touch, and a pairing I didn't expect would be a gem. Sela was the tough girl of the group, but she's also the one who was sensitive and caring. If there's one member that I found to be annoying, it's Leo. But even I have to admit that he used to be my favorite character early on. Right until the writers dumped some bad traits on him. Seriously, he morphed from super fun, to super annoying, so it was nice that he got a little redemption near the end. These characters were not only easy on the eyes, they were fun to be with. That includes Yamato's uncle Mario Mori, Bard who became the seventh member albeit too briefly, and also the wise gorilla zyuman Larry. All three who were severely underused. My point is, what a waste of potentials indeed.
In general, it became obvious and clear that the show just didn't reach nor exercise its full potential. This somehow felt like a deliberate decision from the writers too, as many of the episodes felt more like... intended fillers. It's a good proof that the number of episodes was simply too long for the core plot. I honestly can't help but wonder, if this show would've been much stronger as a 25 episodes series? I mean, this flaw was even more apparent during the third arc. Aside from Yamato, whose substory came out way too late, the show suddenly pushed aside other character's development and focused more on action, and became a by-the-number trope showcase. If it's up to me, the whole plot from episode 1-48 that involved Genis would've been concised into the first half, while the second half would fully focus on repairing the rift between Earth and Zyuland. Dealing with discrimination and injustice that's happening in both world, while introducing a whole new enemy. A stronger and more powerful threat that threatened both worlds!
Of course, that doesn't mean that I dislike the ending that we got. I wouldn't give it a high score if I do, right? Yes, I know I did whine a lot during the final 5 episodes. But I don't regret that, because it made me appreciate the ending even more. Albeit somehow feeling like a cheat, it was still a brilliant conclusion. It caught me off guard, because I was completely ready to see a 'bad ending'. What kind? One that ended with goodbyes. Where the show's dream to create a unity between Earth and Zyuland, remained just the way it was. A dream. That the 'happy' ending would still be miles away from happening, since our heroes never actually accomplished this goal. Thankfully, we all know that's not the case, as we get a truly sweet, joyful, and satisfying closure instead. In fact, I personally think that the epilogue accomplished much more than what the entire 3rd arc offered! For real.
In the end, despite leaning to 'good', my response to Zyuohger is mixed at best. There's a massive potential and promise the show could've explored, but opted not to. The show is plagued by occasional weak writing, weird decisions, and more importantly, bad timings. There's a shadow of a much better and stronger show that could've been, but in the end, that's not the case. Not saying that it's a bad season, because many times it was plain fun and entertaining. Particularly that 2-episodes crossover with "Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger" that helped established both teams to exist in the same continuity. Zyuohger just didn't feel as 'complete' as it could've been, unlike several previous seasons that managed to successfully nailed their story elements with wonders. Interestingly, at the same time, thanks to being somewhat underdeveloped, I certainly want to see these guys again. You know why? Because the way the show ended just opened up an entire possibility for a whole new season! Where humans and zyumans struggle to coexist in the same universe. One which unfortunately, we won't be seeing. At least not until these character 'return'...
Yep, of course we haven't seen the last of this team. Customary to their tradition, TOEI has already announced a special V-Cinema that will be released on June 28. Jugding from the official plot of "Kaettekita Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger O-inochi Choudai! Chikyuu Ouja Ketteisen", I'm crossing my fingers that this IS the continuity I want to see. The show wasted the chance to explore the barriers between different races, and moreso, skipped the actual daily lives of the four Zyuman Zyuohgers in Zyuland with their family. So I hope this special sequel will deal with that unused plot. It won't be their Swan Song though. Some, if not all members would undoubtedly participate in the upcoming "Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen" movie. And just like last month, they most definitely will have a crossover movie too early next year. That Versus movie will be their final official (as in, not in guest-star capacity) foray in the Super Sentai franchise. And it might be an interesting one, since the next season takes place in a distant future. That's like, a completely different world and timeline, right? Here's hoping that means we'll be getting bigger and better adventures for the Zyuohgers soon!
Overall Score: 7,84 out of 10 NOTE: Overall score was accumulated from my Weekly Review scores. You can view a graph of those reviews to find out which episodes were the highlights and also the series lows.
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