#anti flow state ui
aholefilledwithtwigs · 8 months
I have discovered a personal hell. Timed online courses with time minimums
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Let's force Big Tech to interoperate
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Congress hauling the CEOs of four giant Big Tech companies to testify before them this week feels like the start of something new and maybe even something wonderful.
Now we just need to make sure they don't fuck it up.
One thing we DON'T want is for Big Tech to cement its dominance by being "punished" with the responsibility to police users in ways that mean that the companies get to lock out all competitors from interoperating with them.
Having your monopoly deputized as a de facto arm of the state can be a drag, sure, but the upside is that once you're part of that apparatus, you can wave your "public duty" around every time you're threatened with breakup or face a competitor.
Don't get me wrong. Let's fine 'em. Let's make rules for 'em. Let's make 'em pay their taxes.
But while we're at it, let's force them to interoperate - to let co-ops, tinkerers, and commercial competitors plug into their platforms and give us REAL choice in how they work.
Writing for EFF's Deeplinks blog, my colleague Bennett Cyphers (with some contributions from me) has published a fantastic breakdown of what interoperability could do, and how it could work:
"If Facebook and Twitter allowed anyone to fully and meaningfully interoperate with them, their size would not protect them from competition nearly as much as it does. But platforms have shown that they won’t choose to do so on their own."
We need to set a floor under interoperability: mandates to offer interoperable interfaces to competitors. And we need to set a ceiling: competitive compatibility (ComCom), allowing competitors to expand these without permission from platforms.
There's already proposed legislation to do some of this, Mark Warner's ACCESS Act, which proposes three kinds of mandates: Data Portability, Delegatability, and Back End Interoperability.
Data Portability ("users can take their data from one service and do what they want with it elsewhere") is the low-hanging fruit. It's already in laws like the #GDPR. It's your data, you should be able to get your hands on it.
Back-end Interoperability ("enabling users to interact with one another across the boundaries of large platforms"): forcing Facebook to let Diaspora plug in (ditto Twitter-Mastodon). Companies expose the same APIs to competitors that they use between their own services.
Delegability ("users delegate third-parties to interact with a platform on their behalf"): Alternative UIs that block dark patterns, sort by chrono, etc. These parties would be regulated and have legal duties to their users, and couldn't monetize user data.
All of this needs to be done carefully because it could turn into a security and privacy nightmare. Users should have control over their data, and "no data should flow across company boundaries until users give explicit, informed consent" (which can be withdrawn).
Sometimes, dominant actors might shut down an API to fix a security bug: these downtimes have to be regulated to, to last only as is technically necessary, lest they become a pretense to block competition.
These mandates are the floor on interop, things dominant companies MUST do. Competitive Compatibility is the other half of the equation: stripping companies of the legal right to punish competitors for figuring out other ways to interoperate.
That is, we fix copyright, patent, anti-circumvention, cybersecurity and other laws so that they can't be used to block interoperators. Every dominant platform today relied on ComCom to attain dominance, and then they kicked the ladder away:
"Comprehensively addressing threats to competitive compatibility will be a long and arduous process, but the issue is urgent. It’s time we got started. "
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cladeymoore · 4 years
Onboarding thousands of users with React Native
A retrospective for companies considering React Native
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Source: engineering.fb.com
By Ian Ownbey, Nick Cherry, and Jacob Thornton
In mid-2019, we committed to rewriting Coinbase’s core mobile sign-up with React Native. This decision was motivated by a few observations:
Coinbase currently supports over 100 countries. Because different jurisdictions have different regulatory requirements (e.g. Know Your Customer, Anti-Money Laundering), our sign-up experience needs to be dynamic — adapting to each user’s location and identity profile. Unfortunately, these flows were some of the oldest, most complex parts of our mobile apps; even incremental changes could be expensive to implement. In order for us to support more countries faster (and more safely), we needed to make our mobile onboarding code much more robust. Given the state of the app, we estimated that rewriting the sign-up flows from scratch would be significantly faster than trying to refactor the existing code.
As mentioned above, our sign-up flow involves a great deal of business logic. Rewriting the sign-up experience natively would require a non-trivial amount of code duplication, and maintaining parity between our iOS and Android apps (something we’ve struggled with historically) would be costly. However, if we implemented the module with React Native, we could target multiple platforms. This would allow us to re-use most (if not all) of the business logic and ensure behavioral consistency between all of our apps.
Coming into this project, the Coinbase mobile apps were fully native and the Coinbase Pro mobile app was written entirely with React Native. We wanted to share our new sign-up experience with both products, and we expected that integrating a React Native package would be less expensive than embedding native modules.
So far, the project has been a success, increasing our team’s velocity and enabling us to share the sign-up flow across products and platforms. Ultimately, we feel like we’ve made the right decision investing in React Native. With a team of five engineers, we’ve rewritten the entire sign-up flow from scratch and shipped to both Coinbase and Coinbase Pro on iOS with support for Android being worked on now. We’ve learned a lot about React Native in the process and want to take the time to share the highlights and lowlights of our experience.
The Good Parts
If we were to reduce the benefits of React Native to a single word, it would be “velocity”. On average, our team was able to onboard engineers in less time, share more code (which we expect will lead to future productivity boosts), and ultimately deliver features faster than if we had taken a purely native approach. We accomplished this while maintaining a high bar for quality, and we believe the finished product is indistinguishable from a fully native app. There were many factors that contributed to these wins, and in the following sections, we’ll discuss some of the most important ones.
Components are composable JavaScript functions that accept immutable inputs (called “props”) and return React elements describing what should appear on the screen. They are the fundamental building blocks of any React app and make it easy for engineers to split their UIs into self-contained, reusable pieces.
For the onboarding rewrite, we created a family of components comprised of form elements (e.g. buttons, text inputs), text elements (e.g. headings, paragraph text), layout elements (e.g. screens, spacers), and more complex UI widgets (e.g. date inputs, progress bars, modals). With the exception of the date input, all components were written entirely in TypeScript.
Most of the core components were created early in the project’s lifecycle. These reusable building blocks enabled engineers to move very quickly when building out screens, which is mostly an exercise in describing interfaces with declarative markup. For example, below is the code used for creating our phone verification screen:
const config = { name: 'PhoneScreen', formShape: { phoneNumber: '', countryCode: 'US' }, optionsShape: { analytics: {} },
export default createScreen(config, ({ Form, isLoading, options }) => { const { phoneNumber, countryCode } = useFields(Form); const [submit, isSubmittable] = useSubmitter(Form);
return ( <AnalyticsContext.Provider value={options.analytics}> <Screen> <Header> Set up 2-step verification </Header>
<Paragraph type="muted"> Enter your phone number so we can text you an authentication code. </Paragraph>
<PhoneInput {...phoneNumber} countryCodeValue={countryCode.value} label="Phone" keyboardType="phone-pad" onCountryCodeChange={countryCode.onChange} placeholder="Your phone number" returnKeyType="done" validators={[ [required, 'Phone number is a required field.'], [phoneNumberValidator, 'Please enter a valid phone number.'], ]} />
<Spacer />
<Button disabled={!isSubmittable} isLoading={isLoading} name="continue" onPress={submit} > Continue </Button> </Screen> </AnalyticsContext.Provider> ) });
Each component was designed to be themeable from the start, which helped us adhere to a design system and ensure visual consistency across the module. The theme provider also makes it trivial to uniformly adjust styling (e.g. colors, typefaces, sizes, padding, etc.) either globally or for a given set of screens.
Lastly, because components lend themselves nicely to encapsulation, we were often able to parallelize development efforts around these units, as engineers could work on various parts of the app with minimal dependence on one another. This was beneficial to our velocity and our ability to schedule work effectively.
Fast Refresh
Fast Refresh is a React Native feature that allows engineers to get near-instant feedback for changes in their React components. When a TypeScript file is modified, Metro will regenerate the the JavaScript bundle (For incremental builds, this typically takes less than a second), and the simulator or development device will automatically refresh its UI to reflect the latest code. In many cases, the full state of the application can be retained, but when dependencies outside the React tree are modified, Fast Refresh will fall back to performing a full reload. When a full reload occurs, the app loses most of its state, but engineers still get the benefit of seeing the effects of their changes nearly instantly.
Fast Refresh significantly boosted productivity when creating core components and screens, as both tasks are very visual and iterative in nature.
The functionality was also helpful when developing against API endpoints, as it enabled engineers to tweak the API client and perform network requests without needing to configure the application state (e.g. access tokens, form data) after every change.
Even when UI and state retention were not particularly relevant (e.g. when working on business logic within the framework), the ability to manually test code in seconds (as opposed to tens of seconds) is a huge win for productivity, as engineers are not constantly making the trade-off of either context-switching or sitting idly while they wait for the compiler.
Learning Curve for React/Web Engineers
There are a few notable differences between writing React code for a React Native app versus a web-based app:
The component primitives are different. For example, in React Native engineers will use View and Text elements, where web engineers would use div or span.
Unlike CSS, styles applied to elements in React Native do not cascade. For example, setting a font-family in a root-level container does not apply the typeface to its children.
React Native often requires engineers to have some familiarity with native development tools, like XCode and Android Studio. For example, even when using a third-party library that requires no Objective-C coding, an engineer may need to modify a permission in a plist file.
Mobile devices have features, limitations, and quirks that web engineers may not be familiar with. For example, logic to retry requests during periods of intermittent connectivity is more nuanced for mobile apps than for web.
In our experience, most of these differences were easily surmountable for web engineers, who were able to be productive in a React Native context almost immediately. Considering that the vast majority of the sign-up flow was written in TypeScript (i.e. only a tiny portion of the app required any custom native code), this substantially contributed to our velocity.
It should be noted that developing a deep familiarity with the native environment is undoubtedly the most challenging part of transitioning from web to React Native. This is also one of the reasons why it is invaluable to have native engineers as part of teams working with React Native.
iOS + Android
The vast majority of the new sign-up flow was written in TypeScript that is functional on both iOS and Android devices out of the box. One exception to this was needing to write our own native module to take advantage of the native iOS Date Picker, which will be required to productionize for Android. Even with this extra overhead, we expect that the velocity benefits of sharing an estimated 95% of the code and having parity between the two platforms will be well worth the cost.
Coinbase + Coinbase Pro
We shipped the new sign-up screens as an internal NPM package that is currently being utilized by both the Coinbase app, written in Swift, and the Coinbase Pro iOS app which is written entirely in React Native. Adding support for Coinbase Pro cost an estimated two weeks of engineering time, with most of the efforts going into 1) explorations around how to best support both greenfield and brownfield React Native implementations and 2) abstracting authentication logic (e.g. granting and refreshing access tokens) to allow host applications to provide their own custom implementations. Similar to supporting both iOS and Android, we expect that the benefits of sharing the entire sign-up screens codebase between Coinbase and Coinbase Pro will be worth the extra overhead.
React Native + Web
We have a number of internal libraries at Coinbase which are utilized in our web stack, and by utilizing React Native we were able to take advantage of some of them. Especially useful was an internal library that was written to manage form state, validation and submission. Since this was an important part of the project we were able to use it with pretty minor changes, enabling the library to be shared between web and mobile. Conceivably, React Native and web could share any code that 1) can be extracted to an NPM package and 2) isn’t tightly coupled to UI primitives (e.g. div, View). For example, API clients, localization modules, and various utilities (e.g. crypto address parsers, currency formatters) could all be candidates for sharing.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It is commonly used for developing React Native apps and has capabilities similar to Swift and Kotlin.
While TypeScript does come with a learning curve and possibly a higher upfront cost to write (compared to vanilla JavaScript), we believe the safety, ease of maintenance, and IDE enhancements it enabled were invaluable. Without a type-safe abstraction on top of JavaScript, many of the framework-level changes that were required throughout the project would have been significantly more challenging and error-prone. Especially given the slow release cadence (relative to web) of mobile apps, we feel that the extra confidence provided by a typed language is essential.
The Hard Parts
While our overall experience with React Native has been positive, the journey was not without its bumps. In the following sections, we’ll discuss some of the challenges we faced, including the native-to-React-Native learning curve, complications of targeting multiple platforms, and the sharp edges that come with emerging technologies.
Learning Curve for Native Engineers
React Native is built on a multitude of technologies. TypeScript is transpiled into JavaScript with Babel, then served by Metro (a relative to Webpack). The compiled JavaScript interacts with React Native APIs that communicate “over the bridge” to Objective-C or Java. React Native also provides global variables to polyfill functionality one would expect to find in a modern browser context, like fetch or FormData. Most of the application code is written with React, using TSX to mimic the ergonomics of HTML and CSS-like props to style elements. Engineers may come across tutorials featuring class-based components integrating with Redux, but the community is migrating to functional components, hooks, and context. Coding styles and conventions are enforced by TSLint/ESLint, then prettified by Prettier. Jest is the unit test runner, and we rely on Detox for E2E tests, possibly adding Enzyme in the future. Engineers spend most of their time in VSCode, a terminal shell, and their debugger of choice (e.g. Chrome dev tools, Reactotron).
Web engineers have probably had at least some exposure to most of the technologies and concepts mentioned in the previous paragraph, which is a big part of why the React Native learning curve is relatively low for them. Native engineers, on the other hand, may not be familiar with many of those terms, making the barrier to entry steeper. They’re not just learning a new language. They’re learning a new meta-language that transpiles into a new language using new build tools, a new library (React) that embraces new paradigms, a new framework (React Native), and a new ecosystem, all emerging from the complex and quirky evolution of JavaScript development over the past decade.
Another factor that makes the transition to React Native challenging for native engineers is the modular nature of the landscape. With native development, engineers spend their time in a powerful IDE (XCode, Android Studio) that does most of the heavy lifting in regards to managing the local environment. In contrast, React Native development often requires engineers to be more hands-on — installing dependencies and starting servers from the command-line, setting up build and release scripts, and configuring and connecting to a third-party debugger.
Finally, where mobile engineering has centralized authorities (Apple, Google) who maintain many of the foundational tools and define best practices for the platform, the React Native ecosystem is much more decentralized. While decentralization certainly comes with its benefits, it can create a great deal of confusion for newcomers. Often there is no single source of truth to rely on, and engineers may need to sift through several resources (e.g. Github documentation, Medium posts, StackOverflow threads, source code) to find what they’re looking for. In the process, they may encounter information that is conflicting and/or outdated, as the JavaScript ecosystem tends to evolve rapidly.
Possible Future Improvements
Invest in custom tooling to improve the local development experience for native engineers.
Have each native engineer spend a significant portion of their time pairing with one or more web engineers for the first quarter working with React Native.
Maintain a library for commonly referenced React Native documentation, written with native engineers in mind as the primary audience. Materials would include up-to-date best practices for developing React Native apps at Coinbase, tutorials, troubleshooting guides, etc.
The React Native team is also continually working to update their documentation to be more friendly to engineers across platforms.
Native Interoperability
Sometimes an app may need to access a platform API for which React Native doesn’t have a corresponding module yet. Or a particular feature might benefit from a performance boost that can only be achieved through native code. For scenarios like these, React Native offers native modules, which allow JavaScript to delegate tasks to custom native code.
When developing the Sign Up screens we didn’t encounter any performance issues that couldn’t be addressed purely with JavaScript. We did, however, need to write our date input using a custom native module, as we wanted to present the UIDatePicker that iOS users are accustomed to. We successfully implemented the component, but the developer experience was less than ideal:
While native modules can be written in Swift and Kotlin, React Native only supports Objective-C and Java by default. Additionally, native modules must be exported using a set of macros that come with React Native. Between the Objective-C (We didn’t prioritize supporting Swift.) and the macros, writing code for a native module can feel a little awkward/clumsy.
The core React Native components (e.g. TextInput) are not easily extendable through native code. If a component needs to behave similarly to a core component, but also requires custom native code, engineers may need to re-implement functionality that typically comes for free with core components. An example of this is triggering focus and blur callbacks for our custom native input components.
Changes to custom native modules require a rebuild, the same as it would for a native app. As a consequence, engineers working on native code are forced to go back to a less productive environment without things like Fast Refresh.
Data sent over the javascript-to-native bridge is not typesafe, which means that types need to be maintained on both the native and the TypeScript side.
Possible Future Improvements
Add Swift and Kotlin support for native modules.
If we find ourselves dealing with the same category of problem (e.g. focusing and blurring inputs that rely on custom native modules) more than once, consider investing in a lightweight framework to standardize and abstract the common behavior or upstream the changes into React Native.
Maintain a sandbox environment to improve build times when writing native modules.
Describe native APIs with JSON and use a tool like quicktype to generate types for TypeScript, Swift, and Kotlin, making it easy to keep JavaScript and native types synchronized.
Coming React Native features like CodeGen will greatly change how Native Modules work and should solve a lot of these problems.
Platform Differences
While the majority of TypeScript code works on both platforms out of the box, there are some behavioral/styling inconsistencies between foundational UI components on iOS vs Android. Many of these differences are acknowledged in the React Native documentation, but could easily be overlooked if engineers aren’t diligent about testing on both platforms. React Native provides two convenient options to implement platform-specific behavior when it is necessary (the Platform module and platform-specific file extensions), but this introduces branching logic between platforms.
Possible Future Improvements
Ensure that each React Native team at Coinbase has at least one native engineer from each platform (iOS, Android). These individuals will likely have better intuitions than web engineers when it comes to the expected behaviors and nuances of platform-specific native components.
Maintain a thorough integration/E2E test suite that must pass for both iOS and Android simulators before any code can be committed to master. This should help protect against platform-specific defects that may have been missed in development.
Require Pull Requests to include screenshots and/or gifs of new features working on iOS and Android, to normalize and enforce manual testing on both platforms.
Introduce an automated visual testing framework to prevent unintended UI changes.
One surprising discovery was that React Native debuggers do not necessarily evaluate JavaScript in the same engine as the simulator / device. With iOS devices, React Native runs on JavaScriptCore, and with Android devices, React Native can run on Hermes. However, when debugging is enabled, JavaScript execution is delegated to the debugger. So when debugging with Chrome dev tools, the Javascript is being evaluated by the V8 engine in the web context, not JavaScriptCore or Hermes in the native context.
In theory, these engines should all behave the same, as they’re all following the ECMAScript Language Specification. However, on two occasions, we were haunted by bugs that seemed to appear at random, then reliably work the moment we tried to examine the behaviors more closely. After a great deal of head-scratching in both cases, we realized that the bug was only present when debugging was disabled. The root cause of the issues had to do with the fact that global variables (specifically the fetch function and the Date object) had slightly different behaviors depending on which engine was running the code. Other teams have also cited different performance characteristics depending on whether debug was enabled (see “message actions” section).
It should be noted that the overwhelming majority of JavaScript behaves identically, regardless of whether debug is enabled. Furthermore, now that we’re aware of the potential pitfalls of debug mode, we expect any future issues to be easier to identify.
Possible Future Improvements
Encourage new engineers to rely primarily on debuggers like Reactotron or Safari developer tools (which evaluate JavaScript using the simulator/device’s engine) and only resort to Chrome when one of its unique features is valuable.
Encourage new engineers to use whatever debuggers they prefer, but be very explicit in communicating engine-related pitfalls, so they have a better chance of identifying this category of problem if they encounter it.
Maintain a thorough integration/E2E test suite that must pass for both iOS and Android simulators before any code can be committed to master. This should help ensure that bugs aren’t masked by discrepancies between the engines of the simulator/device and a debugger.
Moving Forward
Overall, our team had a markedly positive experience with React Native. Component reusability, Fast Refresh, and ease of web engineer onboarding have all contributed meaningfully to the velocity of the project. As the team moves quickly, TypeScript and unit + E2E test suites should help ensure that it also moves safely. It is also worth noting that we did not encounter any performance issues that couldn’t be solved with JavaScript alone.
We are excited to continue our investments in React Native, with a particular internal focus on the following:
Developer Experience
While some aspects of working with React Native could be described as delightful, the developer experience is not without its quirks and may feel very hands-on at times, particularly for engineers who don’t come from a web background. For example, working with a React Native app requires installing and configuring several system-level dependencies (e.g. Homebrew, Node, Yarn, Ruby, Bundler, XCode, XCode Commandline Tools, XCodeGen, OpenJDK, Android Studio, Watchman, React Native CLI, TypeScript), synchronizing NPM packages (Javascript and native), synchronizing assets (e.g. fonts), managing a local Metro server with simulators/emulators, and connecting to a standalone debugger.
Education and Onboarding
React Native is a powerful technology that web engineers will be able to go far with. But unlocking its full potential requires a deep understanding of iOS and Android platforms, which can only be acquired through years of mobile experience. That is to say, for React Native to be truly successful at Coinbase, we need the help of our native engineers.
As mentioned previously, the learning curve for native engineers will be steep; in addition to React Native, they’ll also need to become familiar with several layers of technologies from the web ecosystem. If you are considering this on your team, we recommend you do everything you can to setup your engineers for success. This might include creating content that will help them navigate the landscape (e.g. tutorials, clearly defined best practices, troubleshooting guides), regularly scheduling pairing sessions with web engineers, and/or incorporating guard rails and tooling into our codebases sooner rather than later.
If you’re interested in technical challenges like this, please check out our open roles and apply for a position.
This website contains links to third-party websites or other content for information purposes only (“Third-Party Sites”). The Third-Party Sites are not under the control of Coinbase, Inc., and its affiliates (“Coinbase”), and Coinbase is not responsible for the content of any Third-Party Site, including without limitation any link contained in a Third-Party Site, or any changes or updates to a Third-Party Site. Coinbase is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any Third-Party Site. Coinbase is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by Coinbase of the site or any association with its operators.
Onboarding thousands of users with React Native was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from Money 101 https://blog.coinbase.com/onboarding-thousands-of-users-with-react-native-361219066df4?source=rss----c114225aeaf7---4 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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berserker-official · 7 years
For Honor 1.14.1 Patch Notes
Here’s a link if you want to read them on the official site
Live Update Part
Unlock Tech Fixes: Unlocked attacks can no longer become unparryable.
Players were able to elect to launch attacks without having a target locked, and if they performed this in a particular way, the attacks would still be aimed at you, but you could not parry it. We fixed this by forcing the system to aim directly at the nearby target. (Because of this we’ve updated rotation speeds for some character’s Zone Attacks - Conq, Highlander, Shinobi, and Shugoki. There might still be situations that make attacks unparryable, but this should be extremely rare.)
Guardbreak: Bug Fix resolved an issue causing guardbreak to not connect when both players are fighting on certain stairs in Forge and Sentinel maps.
Warlord: Headbutt timing reverted to pre patch 1.13, meaning Dodge Forward into Headbutt is now 100ms again. Dodge recovery duration shortened to 600ms from 700ms. Light Side Attacks damage increased to 13 from 12. Counter Stab damage increased to 12 from 10.
Centurion: Charged Heavy Attack range decreased to 4.25m, Charged Heavy Finisher range decreased to 4.75m. Uncharged Heavy Finisher link into Jab delayed by 100ms. Jabs do not stagger on wall anymore. Normal Jab Stamina drain decreased to 30. Normal Jab Miss recovery shortened to 700ms. Legion Kick does not stun anymore. Eagle Talon stamina cost increased to 20. Bug Fix Jab stamina cost of 12 works correctly now.
Shinobi: Double Dodge stamina cost decreased to 24. Double Dodge Kick stamina cost decreased to 10. Back Flip and Front Roll stamina costs decreased to 12. Reflex Guard Duration increased to 800ms.
Patch Notes Part
Zone Attack Flicker: Flicker has been removed.
Host Advantage: If 2 opponents use the same attacks each other at the same time one player would be rewarded with a hit and the other would be hit. This is fixed. This goes for attacks like Raider’s stampede Charge, LB’s Long Arm and Sprint attack, Cent’s Charged Heavies, Finishers, and Jabs, and Gladiator’s Skewer. (Fixing the issue on the Impaling Charge has unfortunately created another issue that caused the LB’s sprint attack to bump after stumbling his opponent near a wall. To correct that, we have added a specific recovery when that target bumps a wall. The effect is now the LB has a 100ms delay when unlocked and a 200ms delay when locked.
Chip Damage: Can no longer kill because of Revenge/ Attack Boosts/ etc.
General: Optimized the attack UI feedback so it appears as soon as possible.
Assassins now have the same conditions for parry as non-assassins (this means they can no longer parry Warden’s Crushing Counterstrike or Highlander’s confirmed hits.
Fixed an issue that allowed the player to apply bleed to an opponent while in Revive or Respawn invulerability period.
Re-enabled iconic Emote Spam for Conq, Cent, LB, Raider, and Orochi. Female Conq will be in a future update.
Warden: Right Basic Heavy Attack now causes the opponent to play the regular block anticipation animation
Conq: Added text entry to Moveset page to explain the Conq can cancel attacks into Full Block. Female Conq’s Kick Flip emote animation polished to remove clipping. Fixed an issue that triggered a strange run animation when dodging back followed by unlocking and not moving.
Lawbringer: Fixes Long Arm so it can now successfully connect against a Staggered opponent. It also no longer hits moving targets too early. When performed Out of Lock, the Heavy Finisher of Judge, Jury and Executioner chain is unblockable.
Kensei: Out of Stamina run speed slightly reduced. Fixed I Quit emote so arms no longer clip through torso.
Shugoki: Shugoki no longer plays an incorrect animation after losing the Passive Uninterruptible Stance. Opponent ragdoll no longer flops over Shugoki when he kills with a Demon Ball followed by a light attack against a wall.
Orochi: Wind Gust Attack Range increased to 3m.
Nobushi: Can now Counte Guardbreak when in Hidden Stance.
Raider: Raider no longer gets stuck on certain props in the environment during Stampede Charge while the opponent continues to get carried through the air. Also no longer plays improper animation when performing the Stampede Charge on an opponent near geyser or wall.
Warlord: Warlord now has his block defense return starting at 100ms after a Feint. Out of Stamina run speed slightly reduced. All unlock hit animations fixed.
Valkyrie: Valk’s opponents now play the right reaction to her guardbreak making them immune to other opponent’s guardbreaks. Fixed an issue with the Valk’s chains playing the wrong sound.
Centurion: Cent how has his block defense return starting at 100ms after a Feint. Out of Stamina run speed slightly reduced.
Shinobi: Health increased to 110. Reduced Shinobi’s window to bump opponent with the Tackle by 400ms. Shinobi now properly enters the unbalance state when they perform a grab followed by a heavy attack and the opponent activates Revenge. Ledge drop animation fixed. Shinobi input for cancelling a charge edge case now fixed. Adds bleed icon to Teleport light attack and Teleport Kick in moveset page. Knees no longer clip through ground during Epic Tantrum Emote.
Highlander: Emotes can no longer be cancelled in the first 100ms of the animation anymore while in Offensive Form, and can now be cancelled after 300ms to stop “wavedashing.” Fixed an issue that cause guardbreaking after a dodge forward to be harder than intended. Out of Stamina run speed slightly reduced. Highlander can now change stance during parry. Fast-flow to Offensive form now takes input priority over stance change as well. Bone Crusher execution can now launch people off ledges. Polished the animation transition from guardbreak to heavy attacks.
Gladiator: Dodge Side’s movement slightly adjusted to address the unreliable dodge. Side dodge attacks like Bee’s Sting and Sucker Punch now launched at 300ms into the dodge. When the opponent performs a light attack and the Gladiator performs a Skewer Deflect by deflecting the attack, the opponent was able to dodge. This is fixed. Fixed an issue that caused the the bot to be unable to throw opponents to the side or backwards while impaled. Fixed an issue that allowed Shinobi to backflip out of the deflect and grab without him being able to react. Gladiator no longer falls off ledges after missing a Skewer. Fuscina Ictus now applies bleed when it hits a Shugoki’s super armor. Female version of Dig Your Own Grave emote no longer has the weapon wandering away. Weapon is now oriented properly during the No Mercy execution. Gladiator bot can now detect wall-throw opportunities during Skewer. Fixed an issue relating to missing sounds.
Feats: Fixed an issue where feats will not unlock when you level up with the renown gained from a multi-kill assist. Fixed a bug where if you die while an active feat buff is applied, when you respawn you still have to wait out the remainder of the active portion.
Bots: Bots have been updated to take into consideration the stamina cost when using ladders. We’ve found an issue that affected the ability for bots to successfully do Sprint Attacks on fleeing enemies. Fixed an issue that caused the Valkyrie bot to play the miss animation instead of the hit animation after successfully landing a Shield Bash. Warlord bots will use Zone Attack less often in 1v1 situations. Assassin bots no longer get stuck attempting to activate Fear Itself after killing their enemy. Bots no longer remain inactive at their bases in Custom Dominion Matches. Bots can now dodge Shugoki’s Demon’s Embrace.
General Improvements
Added Anti-Run Away system to Brawl. This will only trigger if one player is left in each team.
We separated Duel and Brawl match making MMR.
When a player quits a 1v1 PVP Duel, the other player automatically wins the match. Loss will now be added into the quitting player’s stats when a quit penalty is triggered. Relaxation perameters are now updating correctly in the match making page.
Alternative Gamepad Presets The available layouts are:
Layout 1: Swapped (X/Square) with (LB/L1) and quickchat commands are selectable by the D-Pad.
Layout 2: Swapped (X/Square) with (RS Click/R3) and quickchat commands are selectable by the D-Pad.
Fight Controls Tuning
Added the ability to customize guard mode angles and dead zones for Gamepad & Mouse separately.
Sprint to Exit Guard Mode with gamepad
Added the option to exit guard mode by sprinting.
Improved reliability of the Near Miss feedback for ballista projectiles. Fixed a conflict between reviving an ally or entering a ballista. Revive is prioritized. Communication tools are now available while in ballista. Fixed issue where hero’s hands become offset while turning the ballista.
Overwatch: Players spawn in Close-Quarters in Lane Area
Sanctuary Bridge: Players now fight in the middle of the bridge. Spike traps have been removed. Trap door has been added.
Canyon: Players now fight in Close-Quarters in the Graveyard area
High Fort: Initial spawn locations and gameplay space on the smaller island portion of the Brawl location have been adjusted.
Faction War: War assets can now be deployed from Event playlist.
Customization: Added a bar to the gear stats to show how powerful the gear is compared to the highest bonuses and biggest penalties. Scavenger menu background has been darkened to help readability.
User Interface: Notifications for all group members have been added when players with strict NAT types join groups. Improved support for Color Blind Mode for Deuteranopia and Protanopia. “invert aiming Y-axis” renamed to “invert ground targeting Y-axis.” Modified Brawl icon on the world map to make it more distinctive. Added an option to remove all new notifications in the option menu, this option also disables all the yellow exclamation marks. Icons were added to the interface to inform users of different network issues, the legend of these icons is found in the Social Menu by selecting NAT type and Connection Quality Section. Game mode modifiers are now shown in the map overview for every game mode just like in Custom Matches.
PC: When using Keyboard and Mouse to select a hero on the grid, the loadout selection squares will appear on the top of the hero tile to make loadout selection faster and more obvious. Benchmark Results are now exported to “Documents/My Games/For Honor/Benchmark.”
Various Fixes
Duel Tournament: Fixed an issue that was caused by Quickmation option to be inaccessible after abandoning a Tourney. Fixed an issue that was caused by accepting a group invite while in queue for Duel Tournament.
Map: Fixed an issue that caused the wrong animation to play while climbing a specific ladder in Overwatch. Fixed an issue that caused the Attacker minions and bots to take a longer route to the lane in Citadel Gate. Fixed an issue that caused the player to remain stuck in an invisible collision in Sanctuary Bridge.
UI: Fixed an issue whereby users were redirected to main menu instead of campaign world view after completing a mission. Fixed an issue where players were unable to exit the War Asset deployment menu. Fixed an issue that caused the match vote text to appear in the wong place. Fixed an issue that caused the match type and parameters to reset when canceling match making in custom matches. Fixed an issue that caused the player to be unable to start a custom match after adding bots. Fixed an issue that caused the icons and levels of the player to disappear in the faceoff screen. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the revive icon to be invisible. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused gear stats to disappear from screen while scavenging items. Fixed an issue that caused “Find New Opponent” to appear in between VS AI matches. Fixed an issue that caused Social Menu to not appear properly. Fixed an issue that caused the war banner of the previous season winner to not be displayed or displayed at the wrong location.
Customization: Fixed an issue allowing engravings to be applied to cloth for Gladiator. Fixed sound effect for Blizzard mood effect. Fixed an issue with Kensei’s standards and armor customization. Fixed an issue with Shattered Ice mood effect to play no sound while performing executions or emotes on the Highlander. Fixed an issue with Silent Watcher Peacekeeper chest piece. Fixed an issue with the Female Comq arms where material did not apply correctly.  Fixed an issue with the Shinobi chest piece customization. Fixed an issue with the Nobushi head customization. Removed blood textures from underpants that caused accidental illusion of a smiley face. Fixed an issue with the Warden’s “Horse Lord Helm” customization. Fixed an issue with the Gladiator “The Flying Lys” mythic outfit. Fixed an issue with “Oak Leaves” mood effect that had no sound effect while performing Executions and Emotes on the Gladiator. Fixed an issue with “Obsidian Shards” mood effect that had no sound effect while performing Executions and Emotes in the Barrack. Fixed an issue with “Fire Flies” mood effect that had no sound effect while performing Executions and Emotes in the Barrack. Fixed an issue with “Death Mist” mood effect that that was not consistent across all Heroes. Fixed an issue that caused the Female Orochi chest symbols to appear smaller than the Male symbols. Fixed an issue with “Plasma Shock” mood effect that had no sound effect while performing Executions with the Shugoki. Fixed an issue with “Blizzard” mood effect that had delayed sound effect while performing Executions. Fixed an issue with that caused the thumbnail of the “Arcadia Champion” Mythic outfit of the Lawbringer to be different from the actual outfit. Fixed an issue with that caused the thumbnail of the “Loki’s Dream” Mythic outfit of the Valkyrie to be different from the actual outfit.
PC Specific Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue that caused the Text Chat to be inaccessible in Hero selection screen. Fixed an issue that caused Text Chat to be unavailable after leaving a game and starting a new one. Fixed an issue that caused the Text Mute Icon to not update when match is loading. Player gets stuck in-game when presses Text Chat key + Toggle HUD key buttons simultaneously in a match with more than one players. In Game Menu does not get invoked when any controller or Keyboard and Mouse or Tobii is disconnected while in-game. Key binding warning pop up is not displayed for the Ballista shoot and Ballista zoom key in Key Mappings. Camera keeps on rotating in one direction when user moves head beyond tracking angle with the Tobii eye tracking device while in-game. Tobii: The character runs in opposite direction while moving forward when eye gazed on the extreme left/right side of the screen. Steam Controller: Touch pad is displayed for analog during practice on tutorial panel of dodge. Steam Controller: Misleading button prompts are displayed for multiple options in transform of emblem editor. Steam Controller: Button prompt for News tile navigation is missing on the Main menu. Steam Controller: Button prompts are missing for scroll up and scroll down button on credits page. Mouse click sound effect is not audible for the Hero Overview and Stats Overview on the Heroes page. Story Mode: Player is unable to select the character through the loadout at the start of the mission with a keyboard. Fixed an issue that caused “Find New Opponent” button to not appear.
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t-baba · 7 years
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Web Design Weekly #294
Essential Image Optimization – an eBook
An awesome eBook created by Addy Osmani that looks at the current state of image optimization and the best ways to integrate it into your workflow. A must read. (images.guide)
Lessons from migrating a large codebase to React 16 (discordapp.com)
The 100% correct way to structure a React app
Is there a “correct way”?! Well I’m not really sure but in this post David Gilbertson offers some really sound advice on making sure that the pain of a growing React app is as painless as possible. (hackernoon.com)
Fundamentals of Responsive Images
Marc Drummond explains various ways we can make sure our images look awesome and load fast for different devices. (lullabot.com)
CSS Grid Gotchas And Stumbling Blocks
Rachel Andrews is a bit of a CSS Grid guru and in this posts shares shares some fundamental advice for anyone getting started with it. (smashingmagazine.com)
How to Find WordPress Performance Bottlenecks with New Relic
In this tutorial Jon Penland shows us how we can use New Relics APM to fix the performance issues with WordPress sites. (kinsta.com)
Learn JavaScript Promises by Building a Promise from Scratch
A step-by-step tutorial by Trey Huffine to make sure you fully understand how Promises work. (medium.com)
React.js with WordPress as a Backend
A good article that looks into using WordPress as a backend and the WordPress REST API to feed data into a simple React e-commerce SPA. (hackernoon.com)
A Brief History of Modularity (ponyfoo.com)
Creating A Design System (medium.com)
Tools / Resources
Stripe Elements: Build beautiful, smart checkout flows
Stripe Elements are rich, pre-built UI components that help you create your own pixel-perfect checkout flows across desktop and mobile. (stripe.com)
Online Master’s in Information Design and Strategy
This online, part-time program at Northwestern University is taught by industry leaders and top professors. (northwestern.edu)
Draggable JS
A lightweight, responsive, modern drag & drop library developed by the Shopify team. (shopify.github.io)
ES6 Promises: Patterns and Anti-Patterns (medium.com)
TypeScript Styled Plugin (github.com)
Fantasy vs. reality: design lessons learned on the job (medium.com)
Evolving the Dropbox Brand (dropbox.design)
Product Designer at Box
As a Sr. Product Designer on our core customer-facing product, the Web Application, you’ll play a huge part on how millions of users are able to work across teams and organization. By being at the forefront of our efforts, your ability to lead and innovate will be a keystone to Box’s success. (box.com)
Director of Design at Udacity
As a Design Director you would spearhead the evolution of the Udacity brand identity by providing oversight and guidance to the design group while also rolling up your sleeves to lead specific projects and efforts. (udacity.com)
Need to find passionate developers or designers? Why not advertise in the next newsletter
Last but not least…
Apple is really bad at design (theoutline.com)
The post Web Design Weekly #294 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.
by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly http://ift.tt/2ybxaFz
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enterinit · 5 years
Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18945 released
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Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18945 released. IMPORTANT: As is normal with builds early in the development cycle, these builds may contain bugs that might be painful for some. If you take this flight, you won’t be able to switch Slow or Release Preview rings without doing a clean-install on your PC.
Introducing a new Cortana experience for Windows 10
We are beginning to roll out a new Cortana experience for Windows 10 as a Beta to Windows Insiders in the U.S. This new experience features a brand-new chat-based UI that gives you the ability to type or speak natural language queries.
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It supports most of the Cortana features people enjoy using on Windows, such as Bing answers, Assistant conversations, opening apps, managing lists, and setting reminders, alarms, and timers. And we’ve added some new features we think people will enjoy: Cortana now supports both light and dark themes in Windows.We have created a new, less intrusive screen for “Hey Cortana” queries so you can stay in the flow while you work.We have updated Cortana with new speech and language models, and significantly improved performance – making it faster and more reliable than ever before. Not all the features from the previous Cortana experience are available just yet. As a Beta, we plan to add more features over time with updates to Cortana from the Microsoft Store. To get started, choose the Cortana icon on the taskbar next to the search box. You can also leverage the speed and convenience of voice with improved speech recognition by simply saying “Hey Cortana”*. You may need to sign-in with your account to get started. *Note: This requires enabling this functionality in Settings > Voice activation privacy settings  – Talk to Cortana. If you’re an Insider in the U.S. and are not seeing the new experience, please be patient as we’re slowing rolling it out. Additional markets and languages will become available at a later date. You must be signed in to use Cortana. Historically, there were quite a few skills that could be used unauthenticated (Bing answers, open apps, Assistant conversations) but this is no longer the case. Only limited skills are currently supported in the new experience. Don’t worry we’ll be bringing back many skills over the coming months.
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Improvements: Added connecting via localhost to WSL 2 Linux apps from Windows and global WSL configuration options
You’ll now be able to connect to your WSL 2 Linux networking applications using localhost. For example, the image below shows starting a NodeJS server in a WSL 2 distro, and then connecting to it in the Edge Browser with localhost. Additionally, we’ve added global configuration options for WSL. These are options that will apply to each of your WSL distros. This also allows you to specify options that relate to the WSL 2 virtual machine (VM), as all your WSL 2 distros run inside of the same VM. The most exciting option that you’ll get access to in this build is being able to specify a custom Linux kernel!
Accessibility Improvements
Narrator now provides a more efficient reading experience when reading messages in Outlook or Windows Mail When the message is opened, Scan Mode will turn on automatically. This allows the user to use their arrow keys to read the message in addition to all other Scan Mode hotkeys to jump through the text of the message. Email messages like newsletters and marketing content are often formatted using tables to visually represent the look of the message. For a screen reader user, this information is not needed while reading the message. Narrator now recognizes some of these situations and will remove the information about the table to allow you to quickly move through the text contained in the message. This lets you to be much more efficient while reading these types of email messages. Known issues The cursor may not move to the location last read as Narrator auto-reads when an Outlook message is opened while in Scan Mode.Narrator will start reading when replying to a message. Press the control key and move to the top of the message to write your reply. Narrator’s Outlook folder reading has been enhanced for an optimal triaging experience As you read through your emails in Outlook, such as the inbox, Narrator now reads the information more efficiently. Each line item now starts with the status of the email, such as unread, forwarded, etc., followed by the other columns, such as from, subject, etc. Column headers will be silenced and columns with no data or that have the default (expected value) will be silenced, such as normal importance or unflagged, etc. While in Outlook, headers can be turned back on by pressing Narrator + H which will toggle their reading on and off. Text cursor indicator Have you ever had an issue finding the text cursor in the middle of a large amount of text, during a presentation, or on the screen in an educational setting? The new Text cursor indicator will help you see and find the text cursor wherever you are at any time! Select from a range of sizes for the text cursor indicator and make it a color easy for you to see. Or, personalize the color of your text cursor indicator to your personal preference. In the Ease of Access settings, open the new Text cursor page, turn on the text cursor indicator, and never lose track of your text cursor ever again! Known issues Text cursor indicator color and size might not persist when you sign in. To work around that, simply turn off and turn on the “Use text cursor indicator” setting again.Occasionally, you might see that the text cursor indicator stay on the screen or reappear after the app has been closed or the page contents have scrolled away.
Updated File Explorer search rolling out to all Insiders
Over the next few days, the new File Explorer search experience will be rolling out to all Insiders in the Fast ring! Thanks everyone who’s shared feedback so far and helped us to improve the experience. Please don’t hesitate to share any other comments – you can file feedback for this area under Files, Folders, and Storage > File Explorer in the Feedback Hub. General changes, improvements, and fixes We have fixed the issue causing some Insiders to experience install failures with error code c1900101 due to a compatibility bug with a storage driver on their device.We’ve made a few fixes to improve reliability when installing a Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 distro.We are extending Windows Defender ATP capabilities beyond the Windows OS and as a result are renaming to Microsoft Defender to reflect our cross-platform approach to endpoint security.We fixed an issue where Settings might crash if you selected Activation under Updates & Security.If your network connection is unexpectedly disconnected, the Miracast banner will now have a close button for you to use if needed.We fixed an issue where the Performance tab of Task Manager wouldn’t expand from a collapsed state if you double clicked on the text.We’ve updated the Details tab of Task Manager so if you right-click a process, Provide Feedback will now be listed after End Task and End Process Tree (rather than between).We fixed an issue where the network icon in the taskbar might show that there was no internet, even though there actually was connection.We fixed an issue impacting Windows Hello reliability in recent flights.We fixed an issue where if you manually updated the DNS server settings in Settings, it wouldn’t apply.We fixed an issue from the previous two flights resulting in mobile hotspot unexpectedly turning off if enabled.We fixed an issue that could result in the system hanging after resume from hibernation.We fixed an issue potentially resulting in the error, “MMC has detected an error in a snap-in and will unload it.” when you try to expand, view, or create Custom Views in Event Viewer. Known Issues There has been an issue with older versions of anti-cheat software used with games where after updating to the latest 19H1 Insider Preview builds may cause PCs to experience crashes. We are working with partners on getting their software updated with a fix, and most games have released patches to prevent PCs from experiencing this issue. To minimize the chance of running into this issue, please make sure you are running the latest version of your games before attempting to update the operating system. We are also working with anti-cheat and game developers to resolve similar issues that may arise with the 20H1 Insider Preview builds and will work to minimize the likelihood of these issues in the future.Some Realtek SD card readers are not functioning properly. We are investigating the issue.Tamper Protection may be turned off in Windows Security after updating to this build. You can turn it back on. In August, Tamper Protection will return to being on by default for all Insiders.Occasionally, the candidate selection in prediction candidate window for the Japanese IME doesn’t match with the composition string. We are investigating the issue.Insiders may notice some changes in Magnifier with today’s build. These aren’t quite ready yet for you to try, but we’ll let you know once they are in an upcoming flight. Your Phone app – Expanding phone model support for Phone screen We are continuing to expand support for Phone screen. Today, we’re excited to announce the feature availability for these devices: Samsung Galaxy A6, Samsung Galaxy A7, Samsung Galaxy A9, Samsung Galaxy A10, Samsung Galaxy A20, Samsung Galaxy A30, Samsung Galaxy A50, Samsung Galaxy A70, and Samsung Galaxy S8 Active If you have any of these devices, try out Phone screen and give us your feedback. We will continue to expand this list of devices over time. Read the full article
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didanawisgi · 7 years
Melatonin as Mitochondrial Medicine
The findings of this new study lend additional weight to the evidence that melatonin prevents age-associated disease through its impact on mitochondrial health.19
This should not be surprising, considering the highest concentrations of melatonin inside of cells is found in the mitochondria, which suggests an important natural role for its effects on energy production and cellular integrity.32
Indeed, melatonin is known for its ability to extend the lifespan of multiple species, from insects to mammals. This effect is accomplished through melatonin’s ability to protect mitochondria, promote longevity-associated proteins such as SIRT1, and reduce oxidative stress that can induce mitochondrial destruction.14-21
Specifically, melatonin can:
Prevent age-related mitochondrial dysfunction in brain cells, with the potential to slow or prevent neurodegenerative diseases,4,8-10
Prevent death of skeletal muscle cells through supporting mitochondrial energy production,5
Protect heart muscle cells following loss of blood flow (ischemia) during and after a heart attack,6
Improve mitochondrial function, and hence, energy utilization, in fat tissues of animal models of diabetes and obesity,11
Alleviate fatty liver disease by protecting liver mitochondria in similar animal models,12
Improve function of smooth muscle cells in intestines, which often slows down during aging as their energy supplies are threatened.2
With its newly-discovered ability to support the CNPase enzyme, and the resulting prevention of MPTP formation, melatonin helps preserve youthful function in every tissue in the body.
And since most human cells and tissues contain mitochondria, that translates to a vital protective effect of melatonin in all body organs and systems.
Loss of mitochondrial function is a fundamental contributor to aging in every cell, tissue, organ, and body system in humans.
A landmark study published in early 2017 has shown that melatonin supplementation supports youthful mitochondrial function by preventing the expression of an opening, or pore, or “hole” in mitochondrial membranes that would otherwise degrade their ability to generate energy.
This results in enhanced mitochondrial function, and a reduction in age-related diseases—and it goes a long way to explaining melatonin’s known longevity-promoting properties.
By supplementing with melatonin, we can preserve youthful energy supplies by providing protection for the body’s main energy source.
If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension® Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.
Ganie SA, Dar TA, Bhat AH, et al. Melatonin: A Potential Anti-Oxidant Therapeutic Agent for Mitochondrial Dysfunctions and Related Disorders. Rejuvenation Res. 2016;19(1):21-40.
Martin-Cano FE, Camello-Almaraz C, Acuna-Castroviejo D, et al. Age-related changes in mitochondrial function of mouse colonic smooth muscle: beneficial effects of melatonin. J Pineal Res. 2014;56(2):163-74.
Paradies G, Paradies V, Ruggiero FM, et al. Protective role of melatonin in mitochondrial dysfunction and related disorders. Arch Toxicol. 2015;89(6):923-39.
Petrosillo G, Fattoretti P, Matera M, et al. Melatonin prevents age-related mitochondrial dysfunction in rat brain via cardiolipin protection. Rejuvenation Res. 2008;11(5):935-43.
Hibaoui Y, Roulet E, Ruegg UT. Melatonin prevents oxidative stress-mediated mitochondrial permeability transition and death in skeletal muscle cells. J Pineal Res. 2009;47(3):238-52.
Petrosillo G, Colantuono G, Moro N, t al. Melatonin protects against heart ischemia-reperfusion injury by inhibiting mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.2009;297(4):H1487-93.
Petrosillo G, Moro N, Ruggiero FM, et al. Melatonin inhibits cardiolipin peroxidation in mitochondria and prevents the mitochondrial permeability transition and cytochrome c release. Free Radic Biol Med.2009;47(7):969-74.
Jou MJ. Melatonin preserves the transient mitochondrial permeability transition for protection during mitochondrial Ca(2+) stress in astrocyte. J Pineal Res. 2011;50(4):427-35.
Ozturk G, Akbulut KG, Guney S, et al. Age-related changes in the rat brain mitochondrial antioxidative enzyme ratios: modulation by melatonin. Exp Gerontol. 2012;47(9):706-11.
Cardinali DP, Pagano ES, Scacchi Bernasconi PA, et al. Melatonin and mitochondrial dysfunction in the central nervous system. Horm Behav. 2013;63(2):322-30.
Jimenez-Aranda A, Fernandez-Vazquez G, Mohammad ASM, et al. Melatonin improves mitochondrial function in inguinal white adipose tissue of Zucker diabetic fatty rats. J Pineal Res. 2014;57(1):103-9.
Agil A, El-Hammadi M, Jimenez-Aranda A, et al. Melatonin reduces hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic obese rats. J Pineal Res. 2015;59(1):70-9.
Baburina Y, Odinokova I, Azarashvili T, et al. 2’,3’-Cyclic nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase as a messenger of protection of the mitochondrial function during melatonin treatment in aging. Biochim Biophys Acta.2017;1859(1):94-103.
Stacchiotti A, Favero G, Lavazza A, et al. Hepatic Macrosteatosis Is Partially Converted to Microsteatosis by Melatonin Supplementation in ob/ob Mice Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. PLoS One.2016;11(1):e0148115.
Jenwitheesuk A, Nopparat C, Mukda S, et al. Melatonin regulates aging and neurodegeneration through energy metabolism, epigenetics, autophagy and circadian rhythm pathways. Int J Mol Sci.2014;15(9):16848-84.
Teran R, Bonilla E, Medina-Leendertz S, et al. The life span of Drosophila melanogaster is affected by melatonin and thioctic acid. Invest Clin. 2012;53(3): 250-61.
Chang HM, Wu UI, Lan CT. Melatonin preserves longevity protein (sirtuin 1) expression in the hippocampus of total sleep-deprived rats. J Pineal Res. 2009;47(3):211-20.
Rodriguez MI, Escames G, Lopez LC, et al. Improved mitochondrial function and increased life span after chronic melatonin treatment in senescent prone mice. Exp Gerontol. 2008;43(8):749-56.
Anisimov VN, Popovich IG, Zabezhinski MA, et al. Melatonin as antioxidant, geroprotector and anticarcinogen. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2006;1757(5-6): 573-89.
Hevia D, Gonzalez-Menendez P, Quiros-Gonzalez I, et al. Melatonin uptake through glucose transporters: a new target for melatonin inhibition of cancer. J Pineal Res. 2015;58(2):234-50.
Magnanou E, Attia J, Fons R, et al. The timing of the shrew: continuous melatonin treatment maintains youthful rhythmic activity in aging Crocidura russula. PLoS One. 2009;4(6):e5904.
Jackson EK, Menshikova EV, Mi Z, et al. Renal 2’,3’-Cyclic Nucleotide 3’-Phosphodiesterase Is an Important Determinant of AKI Severity after Ischemia-Reperfusion. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016;27(7):2069-81.
Baburina Y, Azarashvili T, Grachev D, et al. Mitochondrial 2’, 3’-cyclic nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase (CNP) interacts with mPTP modulators and functional complexes (I-V) coupled with release of apoptotic factors. Neurochem Int. 2015;90:46-55.
Krestinina O, Azarashvili T, Baburina Y, et al. In aging, the vulnerability of rat brain mitochondria is enhanced due to reduced level of 2’,3’-cyclic nucleotide-3’-phosphodiesterase (CNP) and subsequently increased permeability transition in brain mitochondria in old animals. Neurochem Int. 2015;80:41-50.
Ichas F, Mazat JP. From calcium signaling to cell death: two conformations for the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Switching from low- to high-conductance state. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1998;1366(1-2):33-50.
Lemasters JJ, Nieminen AL, Qian T, et al. The mitochondrial permeability transition in cell death: a common mechanism in necrosis, apoptosis and autophagy. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1998;1366(1-2):177-96.
Baines CP. The cardiac mitochondrion: nexus of stress. Annu Rev Physiol. 2010;72:61-80.
Bopassa JC, Michel P, Gateau-Roesch O, et al. Low-pressure reperfusion alters mitochondrial permeability transition. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2005;288(6):H2750-5.
Fiskum G. Mitochondrial participation in ischemic and traumatic neural cell death. J Neurotrauma.2000;17(10): 843-55.
Honda HM, Ping P. Mitochondrial permeability transition in cardiac cell injury and death. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2006;20(6):425-32.
Schinder AF, Olson EC, Spitzer NC, et al. Mitochondrial dysfunction is a primary event in glutamate neurotoxicity. J Neurosci. 1996;16(19):6125-33.
Paradies G, Petrosillo G, Paradies V, et al. Melatonin, cardiolipin and mitochondrial bioenergetics in health and disease.J Pineal Res. 2010;48(4): 97-310.
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
Curious, why do you think MEA is struggling to gain momentum like this?
Short answer, nonny? The stack was rigged against this game for five years, it faced odds that, even if the devs had reconstructed ME2 itself, could not have been overcome.
Long answer:
There are several active groups who have been undermining this release for a long, long time. First among them are GamerGate/anti “SJW” people who spewed their venom and then singled out a few wonky animations to turn that into a dealbreaker and sow hatred even before release. They’ve doubled down on a few “anti white” tweets by Manveer Heir to raze BioWare to the ground for not firing their “racist” developer. These aren’t just a couple dozen angry dudebros whining about the female LIs being “ugly feminazis” (And that’s one of their “least” offensive terms), these people stalk, threaten, harass and bully esp. female & LGTBQA+ fans and devs currently working on ME. To the point of BioWare themselves stepping in.
The next group is a subset born out of the otherwise cool Witcher 3/CDPR fandom who actively attempt to damage AAA releases (But BioWare is their main target) to sabotage them and keep TW3 on its pedestal. They’re the kind of ppl. who think that the Witcher’s kind of “representation” is superior to BioWare’s because it’s more “realistic”. BTW all they did were fetishized lesbians (Lesbomancy jokes IN GAME) and one NPC with a couple of minutes of screentime he uses to tell you how he was ostracised over loving his Lord’s son and how his lover committed suicide. And Geralt “relates” by stating that “Yeah, I getcha, I’m a freak myself, uwu.” 
And the final group are the people raining fire on ME:A as revenge & Gotcha! over the ME3 endings and how that backlash was handled. That includes several critics as well.
Finally, there are some legit gripes with the game itself: IE the allotment of LGTBQA+ LIs re: mlm Ryders having NO squaddies as LI options (Just 2 NPCs thus far) in comparison to bi/lesbian Ryders getting two squaddies as LIs and at least two NPCs as well. In addition to BioWare’s typical pacing issues (DAO and DAI had that too) and a bunch of glitches as well as a regressed Chargen and clunky UI.
  Some critics also went with the flow instead of giving the game a chance on its own merits. ME:A never stood a fair chance.
That doesn’t mean that there aren’t legit concerns, I mentioned quite a few myself in this post. But the majority of the initial backlash was overblown, unmerited and caused by things that had nothing to do with the game itself.
My two cents on the issue anyway.
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terryblount · 4 years
Battlefield 5 Update 6.2 goes live on March 5th, full patch notes revealed
DICE has announced that a new major update for Battlefield 5 will go live on March 5th. Moreover, the team has revealed its full patch notes that you can find below.
According to the release notes, Update 6.2 will bring new weapon balancing, ensuring a higher damage output and improved damage dropoff. Moreover, it will add Tank Customization. Not only that, but this patch will return the base damage at range values on most weapons, back to their previous standards used in 5.0.
Alongside these changes, this patch also comes with a number of bug fixes. For instance, it fixes a crash that could occur if the player played the game for more than 5 hours in one go. It also fixes a bug that would cause players to get stuck on the deploy screen that could trigger if they changed squads while still being alive.
As always, Origin will download this patch once it becomes available. Below you can also find its complete changelog.
Battlefield 5 Update 6.2 Release Notes
General Changes
Tweaked the damage values of the Bazooka and Panzerfaust. The Bazooka now does slightly less damage, especially for poor angle hits, reflecting its role as a long range sniper weapon. The Panzerfaust now does slightly more damage, especially at poor angles, returning it to the solid all around reliable antitank weapon.
The Bazooka now one hit kills enemy airplanes.
The Lunge mine now deals the correct amount of damage and is more consistent.
The Lunge mine no longer causes an unexpected second explosion after it has been selected if the player had previously used it.
The Lunge Mine now properly destroys stationary weapons.
Improved the Panzerfaust third person reload animation while in a Dinghy boat.
When equipped with some upgrades the 2x scope on the M2 Carbine did not zoom in properly. This has now been fixed.
Flamethrowers can no longer be fired when the reload animation plays, if the player also uses a pouch at the same time.
Emblems no longer clip when applied to the M2 Carbine.
Anti-Tank grenade throwback functionality has been fixed.
Ensured that the ammo belt disappears correctly when using the drum mag on the MG34.
Reduced wind impact on smoke emitted by smoke grenades and other smoke screens.
Gadgets no longer float in the air when switched in the game world.
Fixed an issue with the bolt action animation for the BOYS AT Rifle.
Fixed a LOD issue with M1918A2 on it’s bipod leg.
Fixed an issue where certain smoke effects would not be properly blocking enemy spotted icons (smoke barrage for instance).
Fixed an issue with the KI-147 and V1 rocket sometimes not having any engine sound.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes allow the spotting scope to spot enemies behind walls.
Fixed an issue that would cause an unintended soldier scream to play throughout the explosion when using the Lunge Mine.
Fixed an issue that would cause reloads not to count if the player healed during the reload animation.
Fixed the spotting scope’s glint not being aligned with the scope itself.
Corrected the ammo crate to have a pickup glint effect when being held in the player’s hands.
Corrected the Bazooka’s in world pickup model to be the bazooka, and not another rocket launcher.
The Universal carrier can no longer be disabled, as it has no self repair functionality which used to make it a frustrating transport vehicle.
The towable stationary 40MM AA no longer explodes when hitched to the Churchill tanks.
The Sherman tank no longer gets the decals of the other team, should it get stolen by the enemy team.
The Corsair F4U-1C back wheel no longer clips into the tail rudder when it retracts after take-off.
The Dinghy boat seat UI now matches the physical location of the players in the boat when seated.
Improved syncing of tank turrets aiming position between zoomed and none zoomed mode, which could previously be inconsistent if players late joined a server.
The Archer’s “rear” engine compartment has been upgraded with more armor. While still easy to critically hit like the rear, it will take less damage from a critical hit.
Increased drag on the HE shells for tanks to reduce long range tank sniping vs infantry. AT dedicated shells, which have less blast, are not affected by this change.
Increased the damage of AT mines slightly.
Increased the ammo count of shotgun type rounds for tanks, except for AA tanks.
Adjusted the Calliope Rockets to fire from a more central set of rocket tubes, in order to make more accurate shots. Decreased the time between the 4 round rocket barrage of the Calliope to make it more competitive with the Hachi’s 6 round burst.
Improved the Kettenkrad handling to be a more fun vehicle to drive.
Airplanes 3P bombsight gets less accurate at higher altitudes, pilots need to align the rings to bomb accurately from higher altitude.
Fixed a bug that could cause visual bugs when players switched between seats in the LCVP.
Fixed a bug that would cause the LCVP to sometimes rotate and spin out of control at a very high speed.
Fixed the incorrect icon for the Sturmtiger with the smoke launcher.
Fixed an issue that would cause spotted enemies to not appear from an airplane.
Fixed a bug that would cause Transport vehicles on The Pacific to not drive backwards if the terrain was not flat.
Fixed a bug with the transport vehicles on The Pacific which would sometimes cause visual issues.
Fixed a bug with certain airplane propellers spinning slower than intended.
Fixed an issue with airplanes not taking damage when hit by shell projectiles.
Fixed a bug that could cause the gunner seat position to look broken after entering it.
The death flow has been refactored, making it more robust and easier for us to debug should there be other issues. This solves multiple issues related to players getting stuck in a bleeding out state after getting killed.
Improved Norman Kingleys downstate which could previously result in invisible torsos in first person view.
Japanese soldier audio no longer requests a V1 instead of the KI-147.
Fixed another bug that could cause ragdolls to “hang from their hips” With this fix, hopefully this bug should get even rarer than it already is.
Fixed an exploit that would increase the height of the players camera.
Fixed an issue affecting soldiers throwing a Kunai knife, which could result in the Katana sword floating in third person perspective.
Fixed a bug that could cause the soldier to continuously play the throw pouch animation.
Maps and Modes
Solomon Island – Removed the supply station that was inside the mountain.
Solomon Island – Removed the invisible collision near the beach on Breakthrough.
Solomon Island – Fixed an issue located inside the crashed plane, that could cause players to get stuck.
Solomon Island – Fixed an exploit that would allow players to hide inside a mountain wall.
Solomon Island – Removed a duplicate static track that was placed on top of another truck.
Solomon Island – Fixed multiple issues that would allow players to reach unintended areas of the map.
Solomon Island – Once the AT cannons have been destroyed, they have to be rebuilt. Previously they would incorrectly respawn.
Solomon Island – Some water no longer squirts dirt effects when being fired upon.
Solomon Island – Rain effects no longer go through the crashed airplane and military barracks.
Solomon Island – Fixed a bug that would cause invisible fires to be spawned by destroyed US transport vehicles.
Solomon Island – Various smaller clipping and other graphical issues.
Solomon Island – Many improved spawns.
Solomon Island – Improved water transparency from some angles.
Solomon Island – Added missing rain particle effects.
Solomon Island – Conquest – Improved the capture area on C flag.
Iwo Jima – Various minor graphical improvements.
Pacific Storm – Decreased the intensity of the sun, when looking out of certain bunkers.
Wake Island – Breakthrough – Improved the locations of the AT turrets in Sector 2 to make them more useful.
Wake Island – Breakthrough – Moved the AA turret in Sector 4.
Wake Island – Fixed the debris to look better when players destroy the planes parked inside the hangar.
Wake Island – Improved placement of vehicle resupply stations.
Wake Island – Added a limit to the amount of active planes on the map at the same time, each team can now only have two active planes at the same time.
Wake Island – We ask everyone to be careful around the large fuel tanks.
Wake Island – Planes now get destroyed if they crash into the hangar.
Wake Island – Fixed the floating sandbags.
Aerodrome – Improved the smoke grenade effect in the hangar area, making it more difficult to see through it.
Devastation – Fixed a few spots where players could get stuck.
Fjell 652 – Squad Conquest – Moved around a few objects that could cause players to get stuck in the geometry.
Hamada – Craters on the runway no longer hinders planes from taking off as they are now only visual and not physical alterations of the terrain.
Hamada – The sandstorm has a smoother transition loop when it’s running at maximum effect.
Marita – Fixed an exploit that could be used by players for an unfair advantage.
Narvik – Frontlines – Fixed a floating supply station and improved the combat area a bit.
Twisted Steel – Conquest – Removed the duplicate medical supply station and replaced it with an ammo station.
Breakthrough – Fixed breakthrough retreat icons in vehicles.
Outpost – Players that die near constructed towers could not be revived, this is now fixed.
Spectator mode – Fixed 3P director camera not automatically moving back to its original position after colliding with objects.
Spectator mode – Fixed a few cameras that were placed outside of the playable area by default.
War stories – Fix for the missing throwing knife animation.
War stories – Fix for the missing grenade throw animation.
Firestorm – Fixed the missing propellers on the drop planes.
Firestorm – Minimum player count for solo has been decreased from 8 to 2.
Implemented a new audio prioritization system in order to reduce occurrences of important sounds being culled due to performance limitations. This results in more controlled and stable behavior for sounds such as vehicles, footsteps and weapons.
Players can now join their friends that are playing on Community Servers through the social menu.
Added slightly more weight to most close range weapon firing sounds, excluding smgs and pistols. The difference is most prominent in stereo.
Added a new option in the audio menu to change the hit indicator sounds between current (default), original BFV release and off.
Added a potential fix for players ending up in the wrong region when matchmaking. Please let us know if the situation has improved with this update.
Added back the “Claim all” button in the armory that has vanished.
The ammo and seat UI no longer overlap when players are in Pacific vehicles passenger seats, and when playing in 4K resolution.
Improved the M2 Carbine icon to better represent the weapon visually.
If in an airplane, Spotted enemies that are not in line of sight of the player (behind a wall etc…) will now show with a different icon in the world (an outline instead of a full diamond).
Getting multiple headshot kills in a quick succession now stacks the headshot kill icons, instead of showing them one by one.
The progression of the Selbstlader 1906 has been fixed.
The game now automatically moves the selector to the previous vehicle that the player had selected in the vehicle deploy menu.
Map icons for supply stations are now shown if players can build/repair them.
The zoom settings for the mini-map are now saved between lives.
Fixed a bug that would cause players to get stuck on the deploy screen that could trigger if they changed squads while still being alive.
Fixes typos in the Sai description.
Fixed the description of the MAB38 Mastery VI assignment.
Stability and Performance
Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Russian language.
Fixed a crash that could occur if the player played the game for more than 5 hours in one go.
The post Battlefield 5 Update 6.2 goes live on March 5th, full patch notes revealed appeared first on DSOGaming.
Battlefield 5 Update 6.2 goes live on March 5th, full patch notes revealed published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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seicane02-blog · 6 years
Android Car Dvd Gps
Android All-In-One In Dash Sat-Nav mutimedia entertainments DVD player GPS navigation system stereo specially made for kinds of different vehicles.All different car owners can find suitable Android Car DVD GPS stereo here.You want to make your trip more interesting? You want to keep your children in the seat during long driving? If that, you come to the right place.
Here we strongly recommend in dash android touchscreen DVD player which comes with the most popular features in today’s in-car entertainment needs.Built in Analog TV tuner, 3G net, Wifi, ipod ready,original steering wheel match, Bluetooth handsfree and USB Port / SD Slot/ Aux In. Android Car DVD GPS provides you with turn-by-turn directions from its built-in GPS navigation system.Listen to music, listen to radio, watch the movies, play games and many other wonderful in-car multimedia entertainments.Show everyone how amazing your car's new entertainment system is!
2012 2013 2014 KIA SOUL Android 7.1 GPS Radio Bluetooth DVD Player Touch Screen Navigation System with Mirror link OBD2 DVR Rearview Camera TV 1080P Video Steering Wheel Control 3G WIFI USB SD Quad-core CPU 16G Flash
Equipped with an Android 7.1 operation system and a powerful Quad-core CPU with 16G Flash, this aftermarket GPS DVD player can perfectly replace your factory radio of 2012 2013 2014 KIA SOUL. A digital touch screen with 800*480 pixel resolution is built for you to enjoy HD video playback.
Thanks to the GPS system and the built-in bluetooth, you can listen to your favorite music and have a safe driving while navigating on the way. The built-in wifi allows you to search and download apps, watch videos, go through emails when you are in range of the wifi hotspot. A backup camera is also supported to provide assistance for you when you are reversing. The installation is quite easy. It is just plug and play. You don't need to modify or cut any wire for its installation.
•             3G/4G&WiFi/App download/3D Navigation/Radio Tuner/Bluetooth/ CD DVD player/Dual Zone/ File Management/HD 1080P Video/Steering Wheel Control/Mirror Link/OBD2/DVR/Backup camera/MP3/AUX/USB/SD etc.
•             OS: Intelligent pure android 7.1.1 operation system.
•             CPU: High quality 1.6GHz Cortex A9 Quad core processor with great performance
•             GPU: with Mali-400MP4 Quad-core GPU, It supports dual-screen display for the highest resolution of 2048*1536.
•             Hard Disk: 16 GB INand Flash
•             RAM: 2GB Samsung DDR3
•             Screen: multi-touch screen with smooth operation, high sensitivity and abundant interaction for the better view of your road ahead.
•             UI: With exquisite and user-friendly user interface, you can set any of your favorite application icons as shortcut on the main menu and set the position of the icons according to your preference.
•             High Speed 3G/4G&WiFi Internet: The system supports surfing internet via 3G or WiFi. It comes with WiFi module. You can perform Google search on the road with quick search box, play online games, watch videos, download online data and check emails by connecting to any WiFi hotspot in range or 3g internet.
•             App download: It replaces your factory radio with android based system of great utility and extendibility. You can download any applications in the android market for access to games, Skype, MSN, YouTube, twitter, E-Book, Gmail etc. This system also supports installation or removal of apps on RAM or SD optionally.
•             3D Navigation: The car stereo is equipped with worldwide real-time navigation function of high accuracy. With current location, speed, mileage, landmark building display, 3D street view, destination search and turn-by-turn voice directions, it will be your perfect road companion. With dual zone function, the music from radio/AV/DVD/TV etc can be played behind the scene under GPS mode and it will switch to the GPS voice automatically.
•             Radio Tuner: Built-in with strong digital FM/AM radio tuner, this car A/V system features searching radio channels automatically, manually and storing them in the process. RDS is also supported.
•             Bluetooth: It upgrades your car with BC6 Bluetooth module for hands-free calls and music streaming. With ringtones and voice coming out from the car speakers, you can dial, answer, reject and mute calls without taking your hands off the steering wheel. Its phonebook function enables you to search for contacts directly on the big screen of the head unit. The capability to stream your favorite tunes from the Smartphone wirelessly is also desirable. An internal microphone is included for distortion-free talking.
•             CD DVD player: This unit can play both CD and DVD. With anti-shock and last position memory technology applied, you can watch movie or video in motion. Formats such as DVD/DIVX/MP4/MP3/MP2/VCD are compatible.
•             Office Tools: You can read and edit office files such as WORD/EXCEL/POWERPOINT/PDF/TXT on it as your tablet.
•             File Management: With file browser, you can open files with the corresponding applications, search files and manage them.
•             HD 1080P video: HD 1080P video playback is supported by this car DVD player.
•             AUX: This function is for audio, video input and output from external devices.
•             Steering wheel control: Your original car’s steering wheel controls will still work after installation.
•             32GB USB/SD Connection: with USB and SD slots of 32GB capacity, this unit allows for audio and video play, photo view, E-book Reading etc from SD or USB. MP3、WMA、AAC、RM、LFAC audio formarts,MPEG-1/2/4、H264、H263、VC1、RV、RMVB、DivX、Sorenson SparK、Spark、VP8、AVS Stream video and JPG/BMP/JEPG/GIF/PNG picture are supported.
•             IPod/IPhone Charging: This multimedia DVD supports charging your iPod/iPhone via the USB cable.
•             OSD Languages: 37 kinds of OSD languages are supported including: Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Japanese ,Korean ,Arabic ,English (Australia),English (Canada) ,English (new Zealand),English (Singapore),English (United kingdom),English (United States) ,Afrikaans, Bahasa Indonesia ,Bahase Melayu ,Deutsch(Deutschland), Deutsch(Liechtenstein), Deutsch(schweiz), Filipino, Fancais(Belgique), Fancais(Canada), Fancais(France),Fancais(Suisse),Italiano(Italia), Italiano(Svizzera), Kiswahili, Latviesu, Magyar,Nederlands, Norsk bokmal,Polski, Portugues(Brasil), Portugues(portugal), Rumantsch, SlovenCina,Suomi, Svenska ,Pyccknn.
•             Designable Elements: 8 live wallpapers and 21 wallpapers are preset. You can set any picture you like as wallpaper. You are also enabled to DIY startup picture and main menu.
•             Built-in Amplifier: 4 channel output 4*45W Amplifier is embedded into this car audio system.
•             Mirror link: It synchronizes your mobile phone with this DVD player trough WiFi or USB. This technology enables you to gain access to your Smartphone’s applications on the unit to play music and videos etc. It currently supports iPhone, Samsung Galaxy (android 4.2 and above).
•             HD Digital TV: DVB-T/ATSC/ISDB-T HD TV Tuner can be provided for receiving digital TV channels.
•             Car DVR: The DVR function is used for recording the whole process of traffic accidents, taking photos for front of vehicles and storing the video in real-time while driving.
•             3G/4G module: With this 3g/4g module, you can connect to 3g/4g internet by inserting an SIM card to it.
•             Backup Camera: It adds a backup camera for automatically switching to the parking image while reversing. This option includes a waterproof and night vision backup camera which will be mounted to the position of your car’s license plate lights and the cables for its connection. The default rearview camera is wired. If you need the wireless one, please send a note us after placing order.
•             OBDII: With this OBDII Scanner, you can connect it to your car’s DLC port and open the unit’s Bluetooth for monitoring the car’s fuel consumption, water temperature, revolving speed, environment temperature, intake pressure, throttle position, air flow, computer load, car speed etc in the OBD interface.
•             DAB: Short for digital audio broadcasting, DAB as an advanced digital radio technology for broadcasting radio stations integrates a number of features to reduce interference problems and signal noise. With high-quality sound, it offers more radio programs over a specific spectrum than analogue FM radio. Besides, DAB can not only automatically tune to all the available stations, offering a list for you to select from, but also provide real-time information such as song titles, music type and news or traffic updates. It’s the best choice for radio lovers and music enthusiasts.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at touch screen radio, android head unit, android radio, double din radio & car radio
0 notes
Android Phones, Cellular Phones & Smart-phones
Launched Back 1969 since Samsung Electric Sectors, Suwon, South Korea-headquartered Samsung Electronics now makes everything out of televisions into Semi-conductors.  What's more, it can be 4G harmonious, that will be very good for the mobile among the and runs Android Nougat.  It's not as fine because the samsung-galaxy S-8 - and even what's more, as the value of the S8 has fallen since launching, OnePlus price ranges are slipping upward by generation to production.  Huawei - Using 2 brands audio and Huawei tablets are fabricated in India.  Gionee M-7 Electricity smartphone specs, value and Chinese smart-phone manufacturer Gionee has established its own very first smart-phone that is bezel-less - M-7 Electricity in India.   The apparatus features a 5.7-inch sizable FHD AMOLED exhibit but using a very low display screen to human anatomy ratio and tons of area above and under the monitor.  The best is new iphone 7 that will be amongst many best mobiles in UAE.  There isn't any greater mobile to get because of also a camera which has a backseat and operation of the telephones and also the applications in the event you adore Android.  This implies buyers will probably find yourself a 4.5-inch, 854 x 480 pixel touch-screensplus a 1.3GHz quadcore chip, 1GB of RAMplus a 5-megapixel rear digicamplus a 2-megapixel entrance digicam, and also 8GB of inner space for storing.   Subsequently utilize this listing to swiftly compare just about every mobiles attributes.  While in this ZMAX Champ's instance, it has a touchscreen, however, also makes sacrifices from different regions to maintain the cost low.  It is still a deal, but despite the cost bulge, also OnePlus has generated probably one of their most apparatus in the marketplace in 20 17.  But products will be very likely to possess increased CPU speeds with processing cores larger displays and RAM.  The LG Optimus Dynamic II includes Android 4.1 along with also a 3.8" touchscreen.  We're capable of developing an reference to see the tablets accessible Tracfone, but while the quantity develops, it grows more hard to keep up that record that is present.   In the conclusion of 2014, Google declared Android One Particular mobiles were Going to start in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.  Vivo's x 20 is really a luxury Android smart-phone which has a6" 1080x2160 SuperAMOLED exhibit, 1 2 MP dual-lens digicam, Snapdragon 660 chip-set (2.2Ghz Octa Core), 4GB of RAM along with 64GB of storage.  Malwarebytes anti malware cost-free (Windows) New malware risks are evolving all of the optimal/optimally spy-ware to get android mobiles checklist Android monitor My Telephone jail-break period, and that means you need to make it possible for your anti virus applications to upgrade its own database of spy someones i-phone location called dangers usually.  love status in hindi Nokia 8 Another smart-phone to launching at August 20 17, using highly effective specification is going to be referred as Nokia 8.  According to the leaked Nokia 8 smart-phone will probably possess 5.3 in. QHD (1440 x 2560) Screen, 5 15 PPI along with Screen Pro Tect with Gorilla Glass.  Nevertheless, that the Galaxy a-3 (20 17) can be a intriguing smart-phone that satisfies the requirement for "tiny" displays.  A smart-phone brand name has achieved a amazing endeavor to attract manufacturing, if it has to do with localization, '' Xiaomi.  The reverse side to skinning is that any upgrade by Google takes once Google releases these codes because the OEMs can begin focusing to these to rollout into those Android mobiles.   Do not get this phone for its 4K display screen - maybe not merely does your eye never find exactly the gap between 2K and 4K onto the display such a measurement, nevertheless the large part of the full time that it runs within an up-scaled 1080p picture to conserve battery life.  Building including also an total superior texture and rear, bezels that are nominal, along with a all-glass entrance -- S 7 border and also both the Galaxy S 7 might be the Android mobiles which you are able to buy.  This, BestinClass speakers and also and the Razer Phone components, create that among the Android mobiles out there.   The Pixel two has once more establish the benchmark to Android cameras too, together with Google's "HDR+" processing buoyed by fresh camera programs along with much  greater communicating.  The issue could be the cost increase from past decades, however provided we have viewed developments around the plank, which is a simple price tag to pay 2017.  Xiaomi mi-6 : This really really is a flagship mobile by Xiaomi that has superior features like digital camera module onto push touchscreen screen the back panel Snapdrgon 835 chip and Quad H D exhibit.   The huge names are typical  about here; Samsung, Sony, LG and also Google have reached the end.  Knowing set and the value to purchase Samsung phones is your next measure.  This really is Nokia's superior offering among the trio of mobiles to be found from the industry.  Galaxy observe 7 is currently obtainable from every one of the significant American carriers (Sprint, tmobile, Verizon, AT&T) around August 19th, nevertheless, you also can pre order today  so that for cost, the telephone goes to be someplace at the scope of £ 770-£ 800 based on what company you proceed with You will have the ability to find the be aware 7 at blue, black, and silver while in the united states, having a completely free 256GB micro-sd card along with some Gear Blend 2 by way of lots of carriers.   Range of both Alcatel, Samusng, both LG and also ZTE spending budget smart-phones additionally arriving so on.  6GB RAM mobiles presently have all an individual could request as well as hefty toaster along with gaming.  Mobile Costs in Pakistan - Possessing.  Huawei's mobiles have improved within the last couple of decades, and also also the Mate 10 Guru could be the culmination of its initiatives.  To support discover the very fitting Android mobile to you personally, we have piled up the optimal/optimally Android apparatus out there available now, assess the mobiles onto hardware operation, OS improve prospective and, clearly, how glistening and fine that they will be to possess and then boast around to do the job coworkers.   Chinese organizations are recognized to reproduce designs out of popular brands such as i-phone and Samsung.  The HTC 1 m-9 may be the most useful looking smartphone available on the industry.  Scanning applications Scanner Radio (Android; cost-free) A free free just how exactly to track i-phone 7 phone scanner software that flows scanner packs from round  the optimal/optimally spy-ware to get android telephones checklist planetintuitive and user-friendly.  However mobiles such as those tend to have hence that the phones are the manufacturer only the versions which are available by the manufacturer.   The China-based corporation Vivo has been the first ever to advertising at the time of both 6GB RAM cellular mobiles so that as expected hauled from the feature-obsessed potential buyers.  Throwin a digital camera that is reliable and fast, a few amazing cans with noisecancelling and also on the one thing made to whine about would be the absence of an 3.5millimeter headset socket.  The Moto lineup of mobiles, including the degree level moto-x and Moto G, or famous to their effectiveness, battery lifetime, and general price.  It will not have a SD card slot machine charging or a headphone jack; also Huawei or even LG mobile phone you may not see them here when you should be accustomed to getting a lot of applications features for your own Samsung.   The smartphone also operates Android 7.0 Nougat functioning platform also can be driven by 1.25GHz quadcore MediaTek chip.  Even the i-phone 7, also along  with all the i-phone 7 Plus, now has now aided Apple to recover the name of high  smart-phone manufacturer on earth, at Q4 20-16 top to underside, it has a professionally crafted smart-phone using standard scores which high industry (as a result of a crazy spec sheet ).  It's the security characteristics that plant it firmly of the iPhone.  Every call among the checklist preceding other than also the ZTE Blade z-max and also the samsung-galaxy S-8 Lively is available direct.   The mobile includes a Snapdragon 820 using the Adreno 530 GPU, also a 5.5-inch 1080p AMOLED exhibit with Gorilla Glass 4, 6GB of both RAM and also 64GB of storage (sans a micro sd slotmachine, regrettably), plus it has powered with way of a 3,000 mAh non-removable battery.  So, like making phone calls, sending SMS, IMing, shooting images, recording and more mobiles aside from acts, you've got infinite accessibility to enjoying many trendy attributes and functions.  Cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar and the business to establish the phone collaborated, hoping of raising the earnings.   Nokia 20 17 tablets has established in India on 13th June, complete about three telephones Nokia 6, Nokia 5 and also Nokia 3 have been established launched.  Whilst the only real Android apparatus inside this listing which has beenn't a multi-media safety "characteristic mobile," that the Pixel even now garners factor in big area thanks to just two variables that distinguish it by all of those other Android package: timely upgrades directly out of Google, along with file-based encryption.  Indian client has been quite value conscious and desires that the significance of cash and so Xiaomi's incredible apparatus stormed them since they're armed with luxury features such as substantial RAM, solid battery lifepowered, solid setup, fantastic camera caliber in cheap Mi Mobiles Price-list in India.   Certainly one of the crooks to comes with a UI intended for smart phone newbs.  I have to state that you get an outstanding collection of all Android mobiles.  Even the Pixel two is apparatus that delivers up loads of software, a superb camera and also electrical power.  The gadget is.  Android mobiles in India's list comprises the designs.  Price-list of most of Android mobiles from India from stores and brands in the study consumer reviews, review rates that are mobile and have queries.  It will remove things: Google accounts options stored within settings Downloaded software and app data and your mobile Method .  
0 notes
babaionline-blog · 7 years
Ultimate Vega conflict hack tool | updated 2016
Vega Conflict hack device was created by Kixeye as well as is an area based MMO that provides you a possibility to capture the cosmic system with method as well as sly methods.
Vega Conflict hack device is as noteworthy as it comes in the MMO continuous treatment classification with outstanding visuals, incredibly quick tons displays and also a lot of important little aspects that engineers frequently overlook (voice performing, solid UI, overhaul ways, map advancement, and so on).
In the diversion you'll begin off with your very own specific room base which will be established near to an arbitrary world in the close-by planetary team. These planets demonstration like island areas and are the area you'll discover your friends and also enemies in the diversion world. There is no compelling reason to hop out as well as make opponents straight away nevertheless with the standard new player safety and security that a lot of diversions in the course have going on for the common week.
The diversion also permits you ahead back to a guaranteed state when you take a massive pounding so you will not have the capacity to cultivate interminably off dormant or much less dynamic gamers which avoids a part of the misuse that is primary in various enjoyments of the course.
Outside of PvP chances there is no absence of PvE to involvement with players prepared to attack armadas of suppliers that create out of specific regions every now and then. The degrees of these armadas (as well as along these lines troublesomely/plunder) varies that makes it really enjoyable as you stand up to see exactly what produces. Once occupied with fight gamers will go head to going with their armada of watercrafts against their foe as well as straight private ships in like manner.
As you could modify every boat in your armada from a good variety of choices there many methods to manage this fight from intensifying your guards and going in head first or trying to split up the enemy.
Vega dispute hack is an extreme new type of MMORTS as well as well worth playing for aficionados of sci-fi and the constant procedure class.
Ultimate Vega conflict hack tool|upgraded 2016 Functions:
A room MMO developed by Kixeye.
Excellent visuals for a program based diversion.
Actual time gameplay and also fight.
Tailor-make your armada of watercrafts.
Engage in PvP and also PvE content.
Quick Links:
Authorities Website
Obtain Vega Conflict hack device (iphone).
Ultimate Vega conflict hack tool|upgraded 2016 Details:. 1) Anti Restriction Defense. 2) 100% Undetected. 3) No Origin and also JAILBREAK Required. 4) iSO, Android working hack tool. 5) Safety and security Patches Applied with all hack devices.
Ultimate Vega conflict hack tool|updated 2016 Working:. Vega problem hack ANDROID Rips off.
Trick Codes.
HEX Code.
Make use of any kind of hex content manager applications that come for android/iOS and also alter the estimation of HEX Dword to any type of amount you require.
Coins HEX 3d e3 33 27 Dword.
On the off opportunity that the codes does not function, it is conceivable that your android rendition is not good with the code I provided above.
Thankfully you can do it physically! To do it physically, just use search capacity in your hex editorial supervisor application, enter your ebb and flow Coins esteem in VEGA Conflict and also hunt down it (choice DWORD).
In case you see a little run-through of outcomes, case 10. Merely alter the estimation of them one ...
View all ANDROID rips off!
Vega conflict hack IPHONE Cheats.
Tips and Tricks To protect against a VEGA assault assistance your guards by constructing a FIGHT MODULE which must be located near controlled components to function.
Checking out your DEGREE (pressure of your watercrafts) to that of your rival is a suitable gouge of success.
Turning Al ON lets your boats relocate as well as assault without anyone else's input. It's typically much better to join the fight. On the occasion that you not accompany it AI will certainly be ON.
The most efficient method to crush the enemy is to focus most of your watercrafts on one focus at the same time. As a result it's excellent to sign up with the battle so you can center your flame power.
0 notes
seicane02-blog · 6 years
Android Car DVD GPS  For BMW
All-In-One In Dash Sat-Nav mutimedia entertainments DVD player GPS navigation system stereo with 3G Wifi specially made for kinds of BMW vehicles.All different BMW car owners can find suitable BMW Android DVD Navigation System stereo here.You want to make your trip more interesting? You want to keep your children in the seat during long driving? If that, you come to the right place.
Here we strongly recommend in dash BMW Android touchscreen DVD player which comes with the most popular features in today’s in-car entertainment needs.Built in Analog TV tuner, ipod ready,original steering wheel match, Bluetooth handsfree and USB Port / SD Slot/ Aux In. BMW Android DVD Navigation System provides you with turn-by-turn directions from its built-in GPS navigation system.Listen to music, listen to radio, watch the movies, play games and many other wonderful in-car multimedia entertainments.Show everyone how amazing your car's new entertainment system is!
1024*600 Android 6.0 HD Touchscreen for 2004-2012 BMW 1 Series E81 E82 116i 118i 120i 130i with Radio DVD Player GPS Navigation System AUX WIFI Mirror Link OBD2 1080P Video
•             3G&WiFi/App download/3D Navigation/Radio Tuner/Bluetooth/ CD DVD player/Dual Zone/ File Management/HD 1080P Video/Steering Wheel Control/Mirror Link/OBD2/DVR/Backup camera/MP3/AUX/USB/SD etc.
•             OS: Intelligent pure android 6.0 operation system.
•             CPU: High quality 8 - Core 1.5 GHz RK-PX5 A53 processor with great performance
•             GPU: with 600Mhz Mali-400 MP4 GPU, It supports dual-screen display for the highest resolution of 2048*1536.
•             Hard Disk: 32 GB INand Flash
•             RAM: 2GB Samsung DDR3
•             Screen: multi-touch screen with smooth operation, high sensitivity and abundant interaction for the better view of your road ahead.
•             UI: With exquisite and user-friendly user interface, you can set any of your favorite application icons as shortcut on the main menu and set the position of the icons according to your preference.
 •             High Speed 3G&WiFi Internet: The system supports surfing internet via 3G or WiFi. It comes with WiFi module. You can perform Google search on the road with quick search box, play online games, watch videos, download online data and check emails by connecting to any WiFi hotspot in range or 3g internet.
•             App download: It replaces your factory radio with android based system of great utility and extendibility. You can download any applications in the android market for access to games, Skype, MSN, YouTube, twitter, E-Book, Gmail etc. This system also supports installation or removal of apps on RAM or SD optionally.
•             3D Navigation: The car stereo is equipped with worldwide real-time navigation function of high accuracy. With current location, speed, mileage, landmark building display, 3D street view, destination search and turn-by-turn voice directions, it will be your perfect road companion. With dual zone function, the music from radio/AV/DVD/TV etc can be played behind the scene under GPS mode and it will switch to the GPS voice automatically.
•             Radio Tuner: Built-in with strong digital FM/AM radio tuner, this car A/V system features searching radio channels automatically, manually and storing them in the process. RDS is also supported.
•             Bluetooth: It upgrades your car with BC6 Bluetooth module for hands-free calls and music streaming. With ringtones and voice coming out from the car speakers, you can dial, answer, reject and mute calls without taking your hands off the steering wheel. Its phonebook function enables you to search for contacts directly on the big screen of the head unit. The capability to stream your favorite tunes from the Smartphone wirelessly is also desirable. An internal microphone is included for distortion-free talking.
•             CD DVD player: This unit can play both CD and DVD. With anti-shock and last position memory technology applied, you can watch movie or video in motion. Formats such as DVD/DIVX/MP4/MP3/MP2/VCD are compatible.
•             Office Tools: You can read and edit office files such as WORD/EXCEL/POWERPOINT/PDF/TXT on it as your tablet.
•             File Management: With file browser, you can open files with the corresponding applications, search files and manage them.
•             HD 1080P video: HD 1080P video playback is supported by this car DVD player.
•             AUX: This function is for audio, video input and output from external devices.
•             Steering wheel control: Your original car’s steering wheel controls will still work after installation.
•             32GB USB/SD Connection: with USB and SD slots of 32GB capacity, this unit allows for audio and video play, photo view, E-book Reading etc from SD or USB. MP3、WMA、AAC、RM、LFAC audio formarts,MPEG-1/2/4、H264、H263、VC1、RV、RMVB、DivX、Sorenson SparK、Spark、VP8、AVS Stream video and JPG/BMP/JEPG/GIF/PNG picture are supported.
•             IPod/IPhone Charging: This multimedia DVD supports charging your iPod/iPhone via the USB cable.
•             OSD Languages: 37 kinds of OSD languages are supported including: Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Japanese ,Korean ,Arabic ,English (Australia),English (Canada) ,English (new Zealand),English (Singapore),English (United kingdom),English (United States) ,Afrikaans, Bahasa Indonesia ,Bahase Melayu ,Deutsch(Deutschland), Deutsch(Liechtenstein), Deutsch(schweiz), Filipino, Fancais(Belgique), Fancais(Canada), Fancais(France),Fancais(Suisse),Italiano(Italia), Italiano(Svizzera), Kiswahili, Latviesu, Magyar,Nederlands, Norsk bokmal,Polski, Portugues(Brasil), Portugues(portugal), Rumantsch, SlovenCina,Suomi, Svenska ,Pyccknn.
•             Designable Elements: 8 live wallpapers and 21 wallpapers are preset. You can set any picture you like as wallpaper. You are also enabled to DIY startup picture and main menu.
•             Built-in Amplifier: 4 channel output 4*45W Amplifier is embedded into this car audio system.
•             Mirror link: It synchronizes your mobile phone with this DVD player trough WiFi or USB. This technology enables you to gain access to your Smartphone’s applications on the unit to play music and videos etc. It currently supports iPhone, Samsung Galaxy (android 4.2 and above). This unit can support apple CarPlay.
•             HD Digital TV: DVB-T/ATSC/ISDB-T HD TV Tuner can be provided for receiving digital TV channels.
•             Car DVR: The DVR function is used for recording the whole process of traffic accidents, taking photos for front of vehicles and storing the video in real-time while driving.
•             3G module: With this 3g module, you can connect to 3g internet by inserting an SIM card to it.
•             Backup Camera: It adds a backup camera for automatically switching to the parking image while reversing. This option includes a waterproof and night vision backup camera which will be mounted to the position of your car’s license plate lights and the cables for its connection. The default rearview camera is wired. If you need the wireless one, please send a note us after placing order.
•             OBDII: With this OBDII Scanner, you can connect it to your car’s DLC port and open the unit’s Bluetooth for monitoring the car’s fuel consumption, water temperature, revolving speed, environment temperature, intake pressure, throttle position, air flow, computer load, car speed etc in the OBD interface.
•             DAB: Short for digital audio broadcasting, DAB as an advanced digital radio technology for broadcasting radio stations integrates a number of features to reduce interference problems and signal noise. With high-quality sound, it offers more radio programs over a specific spectrum than analogue FM radio. Besides, DAB can not only automatically tune to all the available stations, offering a list for you to select from, but also provide real-time information such as song titles, music type and news or traffic updates. It’s the best choice for radio lovers and music enthusiasts.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at touch screen radio, android head unit, double din radio, android radio & android auto head unit
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t-baba · 7 years
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Working with Data in React: Properties & State
This article is part of a web development series from Microsoft. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.
Managing data is essential to any application. Orchestrating the flow of data through the user interface (UI) of an application can be challenging. Often, today’s web applications have complex UIs such that modifying the data in one area of the UI can directly and indirectly affect other areas of the UI. Two-way data binding via Knockout.js and Angular.js are popular solutions to this problem.
For some applications (especially with a simple data flow), two-way binding can be a sufficient and quick solution. For more complex applications, two-way data binding can prove to be insufficient and a hindrance to effective UI design. React does not solve the larger problem of application data flow (although Flux does and will be thoroughly explained in a future article), but it does solve the problem of data flow within a single component.
Within the context of a single component, React solves both the problem of data flow, as well as updating the UI to reflect the results of the data flow. The second problem of UI updates is solved using a pattern named Reconciliation which involves innovative ideas such as a Virtual DOM. The next article will examine Reconciliation in detail. This article is focused on the first problem of data flow, and the kinds of data React uses within its components.
Kinds of Component Data
Data within React Components is stored as either properties or state.
Properties are the input values to the component. They are used when rendering the component and initializing state (discussed shortly). After instantiating the component, properties should be considered immutable. Property values can only be set when instantiating the component, then when the component is re-rendered in the DOM, React will compare between the old and new property values to determine what DOM updates are required.
Here is a demonstration of setting the property values and updating the DOM in consideration of updated property values.
See the Pen React.js Property Update Demo by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
State data can be changed by the component and is usually wired into the component’s event handlers. Typically, updating the state triggers React components re-render themselves. Before a component is initialized, its state must be initialized. The initialized values can include constant values, as well as, property values (as mentioned above).
In comparison with frameworks such as Angular.js, properties can be thought of as one-way bound data, and state as two-way bound data. This is not a perfect analogy since Angular.js uses one kind of data object which is used two different ways, and React is using two data objects, each with their specific usages.
My previous [[React article (link to first article)]] covered the syntax to specify and access properties. The article explored the use of JavaScript and JSX with static as well as dynamic properties in various code demonstrations. Expanding on the earlier exploration, let’s look at some interesting details regarding working with properties.
When adding a CSS class name to a component, the property name className must be used, rather than class must be used. React requires this because ES2015 identifies the word class as a reserved keyword and is used for defining objects. To avoid confusion with this keyword, the property name className is used. If a property named class is used, React will display a helpful console message informing the developer that the property name needs to be changed to className.
Observe the incorrect class property name, and the helpful warning message displayed in the Microsoft Edge console window.
Changing the class property to className, results in the warning message not being displayed.
When the property name is changed from class to className the warning message does not appear. See below for the complete CodePen demonstration.
See the Pen React.js Class Property Demo by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
In addition to property names such as className, React properties have other interesting aspects. For example, mutating component properties is an anti-pattern. Properties can be set when instantiating a component, but should not be mutated afterwards. This includes changing properties after instantiating the component, as well as after rendering it. Mutating values within a component are considered state, and tracked with the state property rather than the props property.
In the following code sample, SomeComponent is instantiated with createElement, and then the property values are manipulated afterwards.
JavaScript: var someComponent = React.createElement(SomeComponent); someComponent.props.prop1 = “some value”; someComponent.props.prop2 = “some value”; JSX: var someComponent = <SomeComponent />; someComponent.props.prop1 = “some value”; someComponent.props.prop2 = “some value”;
Manipulating the props of the instantiated component could result in errors that would be hard to trace. Also, changing the properties does not trigger an update to the component, resulting in the component and the properties could be out of sync.
Instead, properties should be set as part of the component instantiation process, as shown below.
JavaScript: var someComponent = React.createElement(SomeComponent, { prop1: “some value”, prop2: “some value” }); JSX: var someComponent = <SomeComponent prop1=”some value” prop2=”some value” />
The component can then be re-rendered at which point React will perform its Reconciliation process to determine how the new property values affect the DOM. Then, the DOM is updated with the changes.
See the first CodePen demonstration at the top of this article for a demonstration of the DOM updates.
State represents data that is changed by a component, usually through interaction with the user. To facilitate this change, event handlers are registered for the appropriate DOM elements. When the events occur, the updated values are retrieved from the DOM, and notify the component of the new state. Before the component can utilize state, the state must be initialized via the getInitialState function. Typically, the getInitialState function initializes the state using static values, passed in properties, or another data store.
Continue reading %Working with Data in React: Properties & State%
by Eric Greene via SitePoint http://ift.tt/2wcybZw
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