#anyway tangent over good afternoon y'all
Good evening! Or morning, maybe afternoon… HI.
I just discovered Take Care of You and I-
WOW. I love it, and I am absolutely desperate for more. I’ve subscribed to your notifs, but I wondered if you had any kind of schedule for posting your writing or if you go by a more “write when inspired” schedule (which is exactly what I do and why I’m yet to post anything I’ve started because it’s all unfinished lol). And if there’s a tag list I would absolutely love to be on it! If not, I shall keep checking in.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day! Thank you for writing an amazing story - I look forward to reading your other work. 💕
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I used to have a schedule🥴 (y'all remember those three weeks where i had a posting schedule and actually kept it? ah, i recall it quite fondly). Unfortunately, life decided to kick me in the teeth and my mental health declined significantly 😎 *cue finger guns* (i promise i'm fine I just have unhealthy coping mechansims and everyone on tumblr has been so loving and perfect y'all are incredible).
ANYWAYS, lately I have tried to post TCOY every weekend, but that is no guarantee... Although, today I sat down and puzzled out how many chapters are left in my other series and that gave me some semblance of control over my writing which is step one of getting my shit together lol. Also a part of me has been weighing the options of self publishing something cute, sweet, and short. I am in the process of writing a BEAST of a series which doesn't get the time it deserves b/c of work. But, maybe can I dip my toe into the world of self publication with a stand alone, lighthearted and fun book. Get some experience there and maybe earn some petty cash to support a writing career.
Wow, I went off on a tangent there lol. Long story short, I have no schedule and I LOVE YOU for your words of kindness, my friend.
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rahleeyah · 1 year
So I have been known to bake naked; naked is my preferred state and sometimes you make a mess and it's easier to just shower than to get crusty flour goop off your favorite t-shirt ya feel and like I live alone ain't no one seeing my tiddies but Sam and he's seen worse so it's fine. So anyway one of my coworkers tried my rolls last week and she was like "if Leah can do it I can do it" and she went home and she tried to bake some rolls over the weekend.
On Tuesday she comes to me with a roll in a bag and asks me to take it apart and tell her what she's doing wrong. She thinks she's not getting enough rise; turns out she's using an enriched dough and quick start yeast but her recipe doesn't call for quick start and she's doing two rises, and it's dry, and it's a little tough. So I talk to her about some different things she could do and she's frustrated but eager to learn so to make her laugh I tell her how I do everything by hand, I don't use the mixer bc I like to feel how everything is coming together, and sometimes I end up sitting on the floor, naked, with the bowl between my knees to keep it stable, and everybody has a good chuckle.
So she comes in this morning and says she's feeling better about her latest attempt. It's the day before the holiday and no one really wants to work so all the ladies are gathered around my cubicle just talking, laughing it up. She explains that she tried again, but, she loudly declares, she was not naked, and about this time when we're all laughing baby lawyer walks in. He missed that part of the story thankfully but we had a good chuckle about what if one of the boys heard us talking about baking naked. There was also a tangent about a TV show ala naked and afraid, but naked and bakin' which in our accent rhymes. It was a good time.
So then this afternoon the big boss swings by our corner and lady attorney tells him he missed us cutting up this morning. "someone," she says, "and I'm not saying who, likes to bake naked." Y'all this man starts cackling, he was so delighted by it, and tells a little joke about cooking bacon naked, and then tells us "I'm going home early. What y'all do after I leave is between you and [head of HR]."
Anyway. Sometimes I really love where I work. And sometimes I bake naked.
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