askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous,
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Oi oi, aren't "master" and "lord" a bit too heavy?
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Oh, he could be our boss! He does give us tasks to do every now and then!
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Hmm, but that would imply we work under him. He's not a detective, so I don't think boss is right, either.
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Oh! He could be our "assistant!" Every hero has at least one of those, right?
-The Detective Boys
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askaceattorney · 6 months
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Dear Detective Shinichi Kudo,
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If you can give me the information about this organization, I will hand it to Interpol and see what to do from here.
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Worry not, I'm sure they will be more than willing to work with you.
- Franziska von Karma
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rockinmusician · 7 months
Hey Ibuki, just need you to confirm that I exist real quick. I have some... *Stuff...* lined up to begin in a few hours and I'm still not sure this isn't just a dream.
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"Well, just as long as I'm not dreaming either, we should be good."
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spoolodetectives · 7 years
I love this blog more than Lynne loves chicken.
I love you too
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sweetdreemurrs · 7 years
So, Frisk, with all that's going on, how are you feeling?
F: I guess I’m alright? Chara came home one day traumatized about a toaster or something though. Lots of weird stuff I guess.
*They give a shrug.*
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(Original Letter)
Dear Mod,
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I wasn’t stabbed! I was about to run away from this office. We all wanted out. Nothing was happening.
-Draco Malfoy
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askdetconan · 7 months
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Dear Anonymous Lady or Gentleman,
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In my personal experience, everyone has a deep desire to believe in magic. There is no limiting it between one gender or another -- and thus, I always begin my shows by appealing to both Ladies and Gentlemen.
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Perhaps you should come view my next illusion. You may find yourself quite fascinated!
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askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous Lady or Gentleman,
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Do you know that trick that fascinates young kids, where it looks like you separate your thumb into two? That, as well, is magic - and it doesn't cost a cent.
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Having money is a wonderful way to gather props for your shows, but props are not a necessity for magic to exist. Simply learn well, and you'll be able to fill your audience with awe regardless.
-Kaito KID
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askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous,
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Self-control and discipline are some of the very fundamentals of martial arts - I wouldn't be a good martial artist if I had to use my full strength all the time.
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I wouldn't use any amount of force that Shinichi could handle, don't worry. Hehe.
-Ran Mouri
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askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous Fan,
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Aha! Dating advice, is it? Well, I suppose it was to be expected at some point!
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An ideal first date would be... Hm, a reservation at a high-class restaurant for lunch - no later than 12:00 PM, followed by a trip to the beach just in time to watch the sunset while you walk. Obviously, she should be on the side of the ocean so that she can see the pretty sight without having to look around you. Make sure you hold her hand firmly, but not too tight. When you finish walking, return her home with a smile, and walk her up to her door. Then, you offer to give her a hug - not a kiss - and say your farewells.
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And that is the ideal first date! She'll be falling head over heels for you after that.
-Kogoro Mouri
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askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous,
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He can be pretty cute, yes. I'd gladly give him a hug if he asked!
-Kazuha Toyama
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askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear moonlightkitsunexsnowdog,
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I believe a simple warning would be enough: nobody knows me quite so well as the Inspector on my tail and the officers under him - and by now, I'm certain they know murder is never my M.O.
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If anyone wishes to attempt to pin their crimes on me, I think they'll find it won't stick to my snow-white suit.
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I recognize you also asked me what my perfect revenge would be - but I don't believe I'm the vengeful type. Worrying about revenge would be such a burden, wouldn't it?
-Kaito KID
P.S. Your writing is quite intriguing, and I very much appreciate that I seem to be a consistent character. If you need any inspiration in the future, perhaps you could come view one of my shows in person, hm?
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askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous,
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A ghost? You're joking, right? I mean, the kid might be incredibly smart, but I'm sure he's corporeal. Besides, he doesn't actively embarrass us - he usually relies on us during cases he winds up involved in.
-Wataru Takagi
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askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous,
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Merry Christmas to you, too! And a happy New Year!
-Conan Edogawa
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askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous,
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Hmm, titles...
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Well, Ayumi would definitely have to be "the Noble!" Genta would probably be "The Fierce," which means I'm "The Bright" and Conan's "The Gentle!"
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Actually, I think Conan would be "the Bright" and I'd be "the Gentle!" Mitsuhiko, you're more like "the Noble!"
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I'm fine with being "the Fierce!" That's a title they used for Gomera in the newest movie! Haha!
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L- Looks like I'm "the Bright?" I can't complain, I guess...
-The Detective Boys
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askdetconan · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous,
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She sure is!
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This inquiry must be because I haven't made any comments on letters addressed to the Detective Boys yet. Well, here I am. Is that satisfactory?
-The Detective Boys
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