just-a-speck · 11 months
Weird question but are you an “We shall never know whether there is a God” athiest or “There is no God” athiest or “I AM YOUR GOD” athiest
also idk what an Antithiest is but I’m pretty sure I saw one yesterday being an ass :/
oh no weird questions here
and umm im more of a i dont think theres a god, its very unlikely that theres a god, even if there was a (or many) god none of the many many religions represent him (seeing how bad almost every religion is, its actually a good thing) . also if he is worth worshipping then hes never gonna demand it so worshipping is totally voluntary and if he demanding worship then hes not worth worshipping to begin with
tl;dr: no i dont know if theres a god, dont believe in one, and all religions are wrong, in any case worshippng and rituals should voluntary.
oh and theres assholes everywhere so dont mind him ig and also technically the mere existance of atheism is against most religions so you might be getting offended without him intending that, idk the convo so wont be able to tell. i mean, no offence, but me saying there is no god is offensive enough that atheism is punishable by death in 10-11 countries
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mantees · 3 years
death doesn't scare me. my family finding out i'm an atheist/bi in a christian household does
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