#baby in a jar frfr
hammity-hammer ยท 5 months
THIS PICCREW IS REALLY CUTE AND FUN i am collecting babies in jars like pokemon (i keep forcing my friends to do them and send them to me so i can keep them)
i would love for everybody to do it and show me your babies !!! Also-- we made ourselves as babies so yeah
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blxetsi ยท 3 years
Hey hope you feel better from the shot! ^^ May I request some fluff headcanons with Miche/Mike?
thank you thank you !! im feeling much better ๐Ÿคฉ hope u enjoy this baby !!!
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fluffy headcanons with mike zacharias
mike zacharias x gn!reader
warnings: all fluff, mentions of puke, this mf is clingy and touches ur shoes smh ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคš
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- mike is like your bodyguard
- seriously this guy is a PROTECTOR at heart frfr
- anything you need help with ? hes there. you feel scared ? hes there. someones being a creep around you ? hes immediately blocking them from you with his giant body
- mf wakes up at like 5:30 just to go out for a run ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ but he brings u back coffee from your fave place
- comes and gives you a kiss when hes all gross and sweaty and wont hesitate to jump on you if you try and deny him a good morning kiss
- like its not his fault you sleep like a rock okay ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคš
- he really likes doing things with you, like brushing your teeth together, washing the dishes together, showering together, getting dressed together
- its so simple but domestic to him and he just loves your energy and being around you
- kind of clingy, this man would love to have you with him 24/7 but alas thats not possible ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ’”
- if you needed space he would give it to you for sure, but it would be a little difficult to find what to do when youre not with him
- hes very considerate, wont watch the new episode of that show you watch together, will leave the last slice of garlic bread for you
- for some reason he just seems like the kind of guy that will randomly wash your shoes
- "oh they look a little dirty,,, i should clean them !"
- he likes taking care of you, he likes rubbing your back when you puke, he likes holding you in his lap when you cry, he likes making you food and helping you open jars
- he just likes to feel needed, and you make him feel needed
- hes a very quiet man, and sometimes he thinks you need someone more extroverted and willing to talk but you DONT
- ik this is cliche but he likes the way you smell
- the hair products you use and the cologne and the laundry detergent you use just makes him so happy, if he smelt any of it on another person he would think of you and get so happy
- very thoughtful when it comes to gifts he just seems to know exactly what you want
- every note, card, letter etc. gets saved in a box, he likes to keep his memories with you
- he even kept the grocery receipt you gave to him that had your number on it
- movie or concert tickets get saved too, pictures get developed and put away
- he wants documentation of his relationship with you, of his LIFE with you
- yeah this man is in it to win it, he wants to spend the rest of his life with you
- mike just wants to cherish you okay ? so let him please :)
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im sorry this is so short ! i hope you enjoyed tho ily !! requests open and stay safe everyone
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