#baby luxu ain't as jaded yet
beastenraged · 1 year
Luxu is a character that was assigned to be a faceless observer of the narrative. Player is a faceless observer who forced themselves into the narrative.
How would you write the two meetings?
If they meet, it is outside the pages of history.
If they speak, their words go unrecorded.
Such a meeting would never be known by the statutes of what we call ‘canon,’ if it ever did occur in the first place. 
Luxu is not entirely sure what brings him here, to this place full of Light and sea. Destiny Islands, the locals call it, and it is a World that remains stable through the cycles of Light and Dark the rest of the Worlds involve themselves in. 
Much like Scala ad Caelum, actually. A place to remain the same, so history may take place. So the future can happen. 
“Hello. Market Day isn’t until next week.”
He turns to catch a figure moving towards, stumbling through the sands. Luxu calls them a ‘figure’ because there’s something...lacking about the blue cloak that covers every inch of skin. Lacking in gender, at least, man or woman. 
Or even the thought of something in between those binaries so many people demand. Much like Luxu himself, actually, no matter how he uses ‘he/him’ for his own convenience. (Or the convenience of others...?)
The truth, as always, is far more complicated. 
“I’m not here for whatever you sell here.”
The figure pauses. “Oh?”
“No.” What possesses him to say what he does next...could it be Darkness itself? “I’m here from outside this World.”
“Oh. Oh. Which one? Are you from...?” The figure hesitates. So different from every sure movement they’ve made so far, even the ones that have almost got them tumbled over onto the beach shells. 
“Before? Are you a Dandelion?”
Luxu can’t help the jerk at hearing that from this stranger. A Dandelion? As far as he knows, no other made it out past the Union Leaders he observed. None were awake to run. Excepting...
“You’re that kid. The extra. The one who wasn’t supposed to be a Dandelion.”
The figure’s stance hardens, shoulders stiffening up. “...you must be Luxu.”
Luxu. Luxu. How do they know that name. 
“You know what, I didn’t think the Foretellers went around babbling about little old me to their kids,” Luxu remarks, as casual as he can fake it. 
The figure hesitates. “No. They didn’t. But. I asked. And you aren’t any of the others, I saw happened to them and the Foretellers...so you must be Luxu.”
Luxu claps. “Excellent reasoning! What’s your name?”
“My name? Oh. It’s ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛.”
Nothing but static. Just like-
The figure laughs, a little. “Yeah, I can’t tell anyone my name now. I guess it’s the price for...what I did.”
They fake a casual shrug, mimicking Luxu’s own gesture from earlier. “Nothing to worry about, I don’t really talk to people much these days. So what are you doing here, Luxu?”
“Just taking a look at this place for myself. So...what did you think about becoming a Dandelion?” Luxu asks, genuinely curious. He never got a chance to talk to any of the Union Leaders about this, outside of Brain, and Brain always refused to say anything about that time in the dataworld. 
So what answer will this stranger provide?
“You know, the Dandelions plan was an awful one,” the figure says. Looking out to the horizon, not meeting Luxu’s eyes. “We should have stayed and helped each other, not been...pitted against each other. I did what I did to save Ephemer and everyone else...but it was wrong. Whoever came with that...”
A gloved hand pulled into a tight fist. 
“They were wrong. I hate them, for what they did to everyone. Isn’t that awful?”
This nobody can’t say that about the Master’s plan. The Master that Luxu has sacrificed everything and everyone for. 
(He’ll make this hurt.)
“Your friends are gone,” Luxu draws out, relishing every flinch the stinging message nets him. “They are gone and you will never see them again. You’re going to die before they will, don’t you know? And you won’t see them...” 
Because Dark things don’t get to move on. And this person before is full of Dark. 
(Just like Luxu himself.)
The figure stands still. As still as the fixed positions of the stars in the skies. 
"You can't bring them back."
Luxu pauses in his step. Of course he can't bring them back, that's what the plan is for-
"You'll have changed and they won't have. You can't bring back what you had," the other repeats.
He turns just enough to meet a yellowish eye staring at him, from under that blue hood. 
“Just what you said, about my friends being gone? Yours are, too. You just don’t know it yet.”
Luxu can’t speak, he can’t even move- as those damning words continue. 
“I got a chance to grow up beyond ‘a role.’ But you?” Those yellow tinted eyes hold the worst emotion of all, as they look at him: understanding. “You’ve never had that chance.”
“I...” Luxu swallows. He doesn’t need to breathe, he’s never had to before. But something about this place, this person, leaves his useless lungs struggling to be filled. 
“No offense, but I hope we never meet again.”
“...that sounds like a good idea,” Luxu makes out. 
The figure looks out to the sea. When they look back, Luxu is gone. Just them. Them and...
“Baba, baba! Look, I found a starfish!” The patter of small feet, bright silver eyes excited. A pink starfish held up, over a small white-haired head. 
They chuckle at their child’s enthusiasm. “Very nice, Xehanort. But don’t forget to put it back in the sea, okay?”
Xehanort nods solemnly, every inch of his six years. “I won’t. I promise, I’ll put every starfish back!”
“I know you will. I know.”
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