ryuucha · 11 days
For the Lich Sarkaz!Welt agenda,
1. They live ridiculously long life and are near immortal.
2. They have space manipulation art and keeper of libraries and knowledge.
3. They live in Leithanien, a Caprinae and Elafia country.
I think they fit him really well
You know what? I’ve just finished the event where Fremont appears (instant added to fav npc), adds up with this delightful agenda you’re offering definitely makes me MORE TEMPTED to give in 😂
Come come give me more of that agenda heheheheh
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entamewitchlulu · 11 months
Sorry if I'm being agnorant it insensitive, but how does the AI even work on writing? I know how and how bad the AI feeding on art is happening. But how do the AI even write? I mean, writing have to include all the scenes, characters and emotion.
It's definitely not insensitive to ask! Honestly, it's something that I don't think a lot of people get completely (and I won't pretend that I'm an expert). But in answer to your question, how does the AI know how to write and include all the scenes, characters, and emotions?
Short answer: It doesn't.
Longer answer: AI is a Pattern Recognizer. What that means is that if you put enough Things into it, the coding it's made up of will sort and categorize all the Patterns it can identify, and then when given parameters, it will spit something out that matches those parameters based on the patterns it has stored.
As an example: let's say I fed the AI with a bunch of photos of flowers and all of Van Gogh's paintings. The AI's code sifts through the data, organizes it all based on tags, data, etc, and stores it. Then I tell it "hey, give me a painting of a tulip in the style of Van Gogh." The code searches the database for tags that match the prompt: so it searches its database of flowers for one tagged "tulip", then it searches all of its tagged images of Van Gogh's work and finds patterns in those images, like swirly lines, bright colors, etc, and it combines those things and spits out an image that looks like a tulip that might have been painted by Van Gogh.
The same concept works for writing. If I poured all of JRR Tolkien's writing into an AI, the code goes through and stores, tags, and organizes all that data. Then if I tell it: write a sequel to The Lord of the Rings about Frodo in the Undying Lands. The code pulls Patterns out of the database, like "if someone says this, Frodo usually says this in response." And through that, it manages to cobble something out that maybe sounds like how JRR Tolkien might have written Frodo.
The thing is, it doesn't actually Know what it has. Code can't Know things. So it doesn't Know or Understand who Frodo is. To the AI, "Frodo" is a pattern of words in sequence. So it can find those Patterns and recognize "these sequences are most likely to occur when referring to the parameter of Frodo," and cobble something together, something that might even sound pretty good. But it can't Think. It can't extrapolate or make decisions. It can't consider the internal depth of who Frodo is or represents. It can just repeat and rearrange patterns.
This means, often, if you're reading something written by an AI, eventually you're going to come across something that feels OOC, or loses its internal coherency, or loses details and plot threads, because the AI isn't Thinking. It's not coming up with outlines and keeping track of details, it's just reconfiguring its already loaded database.
Of course, the more patterns it has, the more it can approximate something that sounds like a person wrote it, and that's why a lot of artists and writers are so against it: their work is getting loaded into the AI so that it has a bajillion patterns, including their own styles and concepts! Which it can then use to push more and more of us out of what we love to do as people who are more concerned with Profit decide it's easier to fix some plot holes and wonky writing than to have something with heart, soul, and the actual Decisions of a Person behind it.
So yeah. The TL;DR is, an AI can't write. It can just rearrange patterns fed into it into something that is approximately like what someone might have written. But there's no choices, thought, or consideration behind any of it. It's just a hollow shell of a concept wrapped up in the trappings of someone else's words.
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beastenraged · 6 months
Lots of people (including me) think that Player 2 is the same Player from UX. That the heart station with ephemera, skuld and charity, with the union crest from behind just confirmed it.
Normally a heart station got the sleeping posture of the Owner of that heart in it. But player's don't have one. Of course this is most likely to be the technical difficulty of a customisable player.
But wouldn't it be interesting ? Of Player not being in their own heart station, because they no longer remember "Themselves". They remembered who are precious to them, but they no longer have a defined idea of "Self", so their place in the heart station is Empty. Because there's nothing to be there.
Hmm. I'm hesitant to label the new Player the same as the old one, mostly due to the entire Xehanort is Player debacle that was confirmed to be not the actual situation at hand.
I think it's highly probable that the two are connected, tho, because that is an ongoing trope in Kingdom Hearts, connections like these.
Sora wasn't in his own heart station either, in the first Kingdom Hearts, however. His were replaced by the Princesses of Heart. Roxas had a similar situation, even though we know he had a heart.
The Station of Awakening is something more symbolic than literal, when it comes to hearts. It's possible that as we see it in the trailer, it's merely meant to represent what our player will encounter, as much as it has in other games.
I'm interested in how we're gonna get Xehanort off Scala to Destiny Islands. Also, what is Luxu up to?
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mira--mira · 1 year
In out of time, what are the chances of Sai, shin or Tenzo telling Hashirama and Madara about ROOT? Cause I'm pretty sure that's the fastest way to get them to off Danzo
Thank you for the question!
The big issue with any three of them telling the terrors about ROOT is that they physically cannot, due to the curse seal on their tongues. It's why Sai tell them there's more he can't say and physically struggles to speak to them about knowing the time travel incident in chapter 54.
ROOT is one of those things that I feel a bit conflicted about in the canon's worldbuilding. A secret shadowy organization that reports to Danzou is fine, but that they take from the ANBU...is no one aware of the power struggle? Of an elite army loyal to one man? In OoT it's a smaller organization and the curse seal is a serious thing that'll be brought up more later that makes it impossible for the members to knowingly speak/reveal the nature of ROOT to outsiders (and ROOT members usually only know one or two others, no one knows the full number of their organization besides Danzou). Hiruzen knows about it, but he thinks he can still control Danzou enough for it not to be a problem. Kakashi is also aware because of his connection to Tenzo and how much Hiruzen trusts him.
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
happy halloween!! askposting
🎃 feat. me dying bc u guys are so nice, the star war, and some halloween art!!
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you are SO welcome my friend, very happy my art is huggable!!! im rlly just out here spreading the star wars agenda my mum spread to me age 6
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I think a solid 90% of Han's parenting is "don't tell ur mom"
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:D !!!!!!! omg that's so flattering!! u check my blog!! on purpose!! i'll just HAVE to keep posting so u keep having stuff to check
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@ronear and those 4 disasters are being so brave abt it!! theyre such a mess i love all of them, and i'm gonna do a lot more of the clone wars thingie!! i have a lot of very good asks to get thru loll
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@galaxyofjedi treat!!! i give u this drawing of my cat i did for my family halloween card
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@wolfer13579 you were very quick to assume i was gonna judge you are u ok. ANYWAY omg yes such a good idea. they're both so stupid it's gonna take every mando and jedi combined to shove these idiots together
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@stars-are-watching every day i learn more wack shit abt lightsaber forms
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@moonymoon90 LOL now i'm just imagining anakin walking thru a battle field holding ahsoka like
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yuesya · 1 year
Thinking about both Shiki and Satoru blue and orange morality remind me of this. A being that is fundamentally different trying to abide by human custom. But still missing certain points and coming out as inhuman.
Thanks for linking that comic strip! There's a somewhat similar thing going on with Shiki and Satoru, although probably not quite as extreme haha.
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zorrxchicle · 1 year
anyway, dream new years eve outfit procured and secured over a week before the day im unstoppable invincible e preparadísima pra ronear all night que lle din
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-Anya a esta chica la faltan neuronas y no pocas. La pobre estaba en veinte hoteles con rangos distintos ya que en hlandia nadie la queria porq sera. Una puta niña q no todavia no tiene pelos en el coño y se cree que el mundo gira entorno a ella. Va pasando sus desnudos por ahi para conseguir algo de amor q nunca tendra, quien va a querer a una tia con cara de mono y unas cejas mas grandes q las de albacete. Siempre defendia a wars diciendo que no era fake y mas mierda (Ahora iremos con el porq telita) q mas decir de esta cara mono. No hablemos de las fotos que sube a ig creyendose modelo y no es mas que una mierda si patas. Como mas petisuis y deja de ronear con todos los pibes que veas.
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lachiquilla · 5 years
No es lo mismo ronear que ronronear.
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ninidreamworlds · 6 years
la caballero de ren ( part 4)
la noche fue intensa, la primera vez fue extraña ya que ninguno de los dos había estado nunca con nadie, no de esa forma, para mi fue un poco dolorosa, y para el fue rápida, ya que nuestras hormonas estaban alteradas, eramos jovenes aunque kylo era unos años mas mayor que yo, pero al estar en el entrenamiento como jedis no se nos habia permitido tener relaciones mas alla de la amistad, esto superaba todos los limites y no era correcto, pero ninguno de los dos quisimos contenernos, teniamos tanta tension, y generabamos tanta tension entre ambos, que tenia que terminar explotando por algun lugar, despues de dormir y un rato y antes de que amaneciera, volvimos a empezar a ronear, besandonos por todas las partes de nuestros cuerpos, no dejamos rincon de piel sin besarla, nos enredamos entre las sabanas y volvimos a dejarnos llevar por nuestra pasion, volvimos a hacerlo, esta vez llegamos al extasis, yo un poco antes y el algo despues, esta vez fue mas lento, mas suave y lo disfrutamos ambos mucho mas, el me habia poseido dos veces en la misma noche y eso me marcaba como suya, ademas el me habia quitado la virginidad y yo la suya y eso era un lazo que marcaba un antes y un despues, aunque solo hubiera sido sexo, marcaba de una manera especial, e igual que era de diestro en el manejo del sable, tb lo era a la hora de amar, salvaje e intenso, pero a mi me gustaba, no lo podia remediar, si ahora mismo el me pedia que saltara al vacio, lo haria sin pensarlo, en realidad el me estaba dando lo que yo mas deseaba en el mundo, a el, me estaba dando su cuerpo, sus besos y su sexo........ no le podia pedir mas a la vida
antes de levantarnos, terminamos acurrucados en la cama, nuestros cabellos rubio y negro azabache estaban mezclandos, era precioso verle dormir, tenia una expresion mas suave que la que solia tener el resto del dia, y sus musculos tensos y duros se le veian mas relajados, era un regalo verle dormir a mi lado.
despues de esta noche, volvimos a repetir muy continuadamente, Snoke nos habia pedido la mision de buscar a una chica mas pequeña que decia que era importante, estuvimos meses en su busca pero no dimos con ella, tb nos mando la mision de encontrar a luke, nuestro antiguo maestro jedi, y aparte de las misiones importantes ibamos por todos los planetas redimiendo a la gente, matando y castigando a todos los que se enfrentaban a la primera orden, o no querian colaboran con snoke, o kylo ren, junto a el me volvi un monstruo, mate sin pensarlo a gente inocente, hombres y mujeres, y seres de todos los planetas, torture a gente, e hice verdaderas atrozidades, pero casi todas las noches kylo ren me lo recompensaba, poco a poco las noches de sexo con el fueron mas intensas, mas salvajes, me ataba, me amordazaba, me vendaba los ojos, jugaba con fuego, con hielo, con fustas y latigos, nunca se pasaba de la raya, ademas teniamos un codigo, si algo no me gustaba decia negro y el cortaba, pero el sexo se volvio salvaje, solo para descargar su energia, solo para desestresarse conmigo, era su juguete sexual, y como ambos lo pasabamos bien, asi seguimos mucho tiempo, el era mi sueño y le iba a dejar jugar conmigo como quisiera, ademas de que yo le amaba, el era mi superior, y le debia ser fiel y leal hasta mi muerte. Kylo ren era mi droga,lo necesitaba cada noche, pero el no siempre venia, dependia tb el trabajo y las misiones que teniamos, habia semanas que solo nos veiamos una vez , y poco a poco algo note que le estaba distanciando, pero no sabia que, un dia me acerque a su aposento , y el salio como un rayo y me metio corriendo haciendome daño en el brazo, me tiro dentro de la habitacion y me dijo: tu estas loca? que haces tu viniendo a mi habitacion? quien te ha dado esa orden? como osas venir aqui sin mi permiso? si yo quiero algo ya ire yo a visitarte y seras avisada, pero de momento no vuelvas a molestarte, y menos viniendo aqui, no te voy a castigar porque eres mi mejor caballero, pero no juegues conmigo, tu y yo no tenemos nada, lo que hacemos cada noche es solo pasion y sexo, necesito desforgame y eres la unica chica, y la unica que siente ese fuego y ese salvajismo, pero no te equivoques , si no sigues mis ordenes, sabes que no durare en matarte. 
kylo ren podia ser el hombre mas cruel del mundo y sabia como hacerte daño, dicho eso, me volvio a sacar casi a arrastras y yo con mi corazon y mi alma partida en dos, sali corriendo a mi habitacion, me cerre y me heche a llorar, hasta que ya no tenia fuerzas ni lagrimas.................... sabia que esto llegaria y yo no lo queria ver, pero si kylo ren me habia utilizado, y yo me habia dejado, lo que si que investigaria era la mision esta que le habia encomendado snoke, que le estaba desestabilizando por dentro, y que por ese motivo venia menos a visitarme, tenia la certeza de que cada dia vendria menos hasta que al final dejara de venir, ahora tocaba investigar esa mision que tanto le desestabilizaba y que el personalmente no quiso que ninguno de sus caballeros le siguiera, yo me olia que podia ser una misión que fracasamos sobre localizar a una niña importante, y que podia tambien estar relacionado con luke. tenia una mision y era saber que le habia desestabilizado de esta manera a mi kylo ren. aunque por dentro estaba partida en dos y rota, ya la oscuridad era tan tan completa en mi que no veia la luz x ningun lugar y momento, y si kylo ya no venia a visitarme por las noches, iba a estar muy perdida ............................muy oscura ( continuara)
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ryuucha · 5 days
I've also been thinking of other Stellaron hunters in Arknight. Elio is definitely a cyclops. They are prophet species who are in despair by the prophecy of calamity and tragedy they see. Enough said.
Kafka is spider theme. Unfortunately there's no spider species in Arknight. Then I thought of her power of Spirit Whisper. Then there's Banshee who used Oral Art. So there's that. Also the fact apparently Banshee and Vampire work well together. So that match with the syngeny she has with Blade in HSR.
I can't think of anything for Silver wolf. Unless you go with Lupo of her namesake. But then wouldn't that disrupt the theme the steralaron hunters have with being Sarkaz? Then I thought of her reality hacking. Being a gamer. So thought, how about Lich? They bend reality. But unlike the usual library types, she's more punk rock style with technology. Who instead of ancient knowledge and books of normal lich, hoard modern knowledge and games.
HMMM INTERESTING! Thank you for taking the time to type and share your thoughts on this!
I admit for Stellaron Hunters I already have rough plans (Kafka as phydia, SW as lupo, Firefly as liberi) and mostly going with the “unlikely people from different backgrounds teaming up together so well” theme to avoid a Sarkaz-only team focus, but your idea is also nice options! I’m considering the Elio as cyclops bit, though most I know is from Typhoon and Valarqvin, I’ll need to read up more about them..
Would you mind if I incorporate some things from your ideas?
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entamewitchlulu · 11 months
I found a one short of Arc V idea that I really love. That Yuya's Entement Deck isn't his real deck. It's something he used to be closer to his dad and follow his ideal. For Entertainment. His real deck was Magician and Dragons. With the Theme of duality. Like Time and Space magician. Xiangke and Xiangsheng magician. When leaving for war, he left the Entement Deck behind. Because they're not strong enough and that they weren't for fighting. Most importantly, he didn't want to taint them with the upcoming war. So he left it behind.
That's a really nice idea! I personally have always had the headcanon that Performapals are Yuya's deck, while magicians/odd-eyes was Zarc's original deck. That's why we slowly see the magicians start to overtake Yuya's deck theme as he gets closer to Zarc, and then his Performapals make more of a comeback in a sort of melded way in the unification arc at the end, because Yuya is becoming Zarc, and then becoming his own self which is both Zarc and the person he's become.
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beastenraged · 1 year
Luxu is a character that was assigned to be a faceless observer of the narrative. Player is a faceless observer who forced themselves into the narrative.
How would you write the two meetings?
If they meet, it is outside the pages of history.
If they speak, their words go unrecorded.
Such a meeting would never be known by the statutes of what we call ‘canon,’ if it ever did occur in the first place. 
Luxu is not entirely sure what brings him here, to this place full of Light and sea. Destiny Islands, the locals call it, and it is a World that remains stable through the cycles of Light and Dark the rest of the Worlds involve themselves in. 
Much like Scala ad Caelum, actually. A place to remain the same, so history may take place. So the future can happen. 
“Hello. Market Day isn’t until next week.”
He turns to catch a figure moving towards, stumbling through the sands. Luxu calls them a ‘figure’ because there’s something...lacking about the blue cloak that covers every inch of skin. Lacking in gender, at least, man or woman. 
Or even the thought of something in between those binaries so many people demand. Much like Luxu himself, actually, no matter how he uses ‘he/him’ for his own convenience. (Or the convenience of others...?)
The truth, as always, is far more complicated. 
“I’m not here for whatever you sell here.”
The figure pauses. “Oh?”
“No.” What possesses him to say what he does next...could it be Darkness itself? “I’m here from outside this World.”
“Oh. Oh. Which one? Are you from...?” The figure hesitates. So different from every sure movement they’ve made so far, even the ones that have almost got them tumbled over onto the beach shells. 
“Before? Are you a Dandelion?”
Luxu can’t help the jerk at hearing that from this stranger. A Dandelion? As far as he knows, no other made it out past the Union Leaders he observed. None were awake to run. Excepting...
“You’re that kid. The extra. The one who wasn’t supposed to be a Dandelion.”
The figure’s stance hardens, shoulders stiffening up. “...you must be Luxu.”
Luxu. Luxu. How do they know that name. 
“You know what, I didn’t think the Foretellers went around babbling about little old me to their kids,” Luxu remarks, as casual as he can fake it. 
The figure hesitates. “No. They didn’t. But. I asked. And you aren’t any of the others, I saw happened to them and the Foretellers...so you must be Luxu.”
Luxu claps. “Excellent reasoning! What’s your name?”
“My name? Oh. It’s ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛.”
Nothing but static. Just like-
The figure laughs, a little. “Yeah, I can’t tell anyone my name now. I guess it’s the price for...what I did.”
They fake a casual shrug, mimicking Luxu’s own gesture from earlier. “Nothing to worry about, I don’t really talk to people much these days. So what are you doing here, Luxu?”
“Just taking a look at this place for myself. So...what did you think about becoming a Dandelion?” Luxu asks, genuinely curious. He never got a chance to talk to any of the Union Leaders about this, outside of Brain, and Brain always refused to say anything about that time in the dataworld. 
So what answer will this stranger provide?
“You know, the Dandelions plan was an awful one,” the figure says. Looking out to the horizon, not meeting Luxu’s eyes. “We should have stayed and helped each other, not been...pitted against each other. I did what I did to save Ephemer and everyone else...but it was wrong. Whoever came with that...”
A gloved hand pulled into a tight fist. 
“They were wrong. I hate them, for what they did to everyone. Isn’t that awful?”
This nobody can’t say that about the Master’s plan. The Master that Luxu has sacrificed everything and everyone for. 
(He’ll make this hurt.)
“Your friends are gone,” Luxu draws out, relishing every flinch the stinging message nets him. “They are gone and you will never see them again. You’re going to die before they will, don’t you know? And you won’t see them...” 
Because Dark things don’t get to move on. And this person before is full of Dark. 
(Just like Luxu himself.)
The figure stands still. As still as the fixed positions of the stars in the skies. 
"You can't bring them back."
Luxu pauses in his step. Of course he can't bring them back, that's what the plan is for-
"You'll have changed and they won't have. You can't bring back what you had," the other repeats.
He turns just enough to meet a yellowish eye staring at him, from under that blue hood. 
“Just what you said, about my friends being gone? Yours are, too. You just don’t know it yet.”
Luxu can’t speak, he can’t even move- as those damning words continue. 
“I got a chance to grow up beyond ‘a role.’ But you?” Those yellow tinted eyes hold the worst emotion of all, as they look at him: understanding. “You’ve never had that chance.”
“I...” Luxu swallows. He doesn’t need to breathe, he’s never had to before. But something about this place, this person, leaves his useless lungs struggling to be filled. 
“No offense, but I hope we never meet again.”
“...that sounds like a good idea,” Luxu makes out. 
The figure looks out to the sea. When they look back, Luxu is gone. Just them. Them and...
“Baba, baba! Look, I found a starfish!” The patter of small feet, bright silver eyes excited. A pink starfish held up, over a small white-haired head. 
They chuckle at their child’s enthusiasm. “Very nice, Xehanort. But don’t forget to put it back in the sea, okay?”
Xehanort nods solemnly, every inch of his six years. “I won’t. I promise, I’ll put every starfish back!”
“I know you will. I know.”
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
I found your SI! Kagami fic and I love it! My favorite Troup! Throwing a very chill person with common sense, good mentality and no fuck given attitude to a world of Chuuni and disaster! Hilarious! To see the Chuuni staring at this Chill guy like he's a cryptic!
✌ thanks for the love ✌
the trope is a fun one for me to explore, too
here, bonus si!kagami apparel
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(that's a little megaten mothman)
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mira--mira · 1 year
I've read your Out of Time, and it's absolutely amazing! Just the sheer lore building going on in the background! Fully using all the un extender plot device like summon realm, the era before clan war!
Speaking for old gods and Chakara, it didn't exist until Kaguya, and didn't spread until Hagoromo. And the Uchiha, the Indra's line, worship the old gods. What if the battle between Indra and Ashura involved more than the human world? It includes the summon and old gods too? Because I can definitely see those old gods and spirits having problem with Hagoromo spreading what is effectively an invading element to people and encroaching on their realm, which later creat the Shinobi and we all know how terrible things got.
Also, it's from another fic, but in it, all tree spirits find Hashirama's tree completely distrubing. Because they got no life in them, and unnaturally grown, unlike them growing their sense of self with time. There's no kodama or nature spirits hanging around his forest like it's supposed to, so his forest area register as complete blank to the tree sprits sense and it freak them out. Also, his trees are the last line of defense against the Jubokko trees, war trees that grow drinking blood. From them invading to cause anarchy in the fire country.
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed Out of Time! 🥰💖
I won't reveal too much but we will get some more teasers about origins at the end of the chunin exams (which is currently being written!) but there was involvement between humans and non-humans! In typical Naruto fashion there was a war of some kind that's had lasting effects to the present but I won't say anymore about it yet.
Ooh what fic was that? OoT doesn't have as much a focus on yokai as another one of my ongoing fics, but there's definitely something a little disturbing and unnatural about mokuton forests. It may or may not have something to do with Hashirama being called an "abomination" by the summons 😉 That's a super cool detail about the mokuton versus jubokko trees though! One day, I want to write a fic about jubokko mokuton trees, I think it's such a cool piece of mythology!
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