#being matt murdock: one fan's journey into the science of daredevil
npdclaraoswald · 8 months
If you enjoyed or were intrigued by the first section of Being Matt Murdock: One Fan's Journey into the Science of Daredevil by Christine Hanefalk where she discussed cultural and literary ideas of blindness, I definitely recommend one of the books she cited, There Plant Eyes: A Personal and Cultural History of Blindness by M Leona Godin which goes much more in depth on the topic
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daresplaining · 9 months
"I'll be waiting for the train, grocery shopping, or trying to find the room for the next session at a conference, and I keep thinking: What would Matt Murdock make of this? What would come more easily to him? And what wouldn't he be able to detect at all? "If your own answer to any such question is that he'd simply take care of it by some nondescript sensory voodoo, I suggest you give it a little more thought, a few minutes here and there. Think about what you are sensing and how. What's the stimulus? What's the sense? How would you operate without one or the other? What would you do to get around such complications? What might you hear, smell, and feel if you had heightened senses? Not magical fix-it-all senses, just heightened and able to detect more of what is out there, just beyond our own limits. "These kinds if questions remind us of what it is to be human, and that there are different ways to be human. We share a common world, but we move through it differently, perceive it differently, and cut slightly different slices from the matter and energy that is out there to support our conscious experience of life on this planet. This is also why Daredevil is the best thought experiment in comics. You just have to be willing to run it. And lean into it fully."
--Being Matt Murdock: One Fan's Journey Into the Science of Daredevil by Christine Hanefalk, p. 284
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prepare4trouble · 6 years
I was tagged (a while ago but I didn’t have time until now) by @sturwurstrash to list my top 10 male characters!
Unfortunately, I suck at this kind of thing and I struggled not to name every single character ever. So I’ve given myself an extra rule. I’ve tried to only include one character from each movie/show/franchise.
So, in no particular order:
Kanan Jarrus (Star Wars Rebels)
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(I might have said no particular order, but Kanan had to go first. I’m still not over what happened to him so I won’t dwell too long, but yeah. He’s the reason I watched Rebels.
Spock (Star Trek)
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I was a Trekkie long before I was a Star Wars fan. I was 9 or 10 when I first saw the original series, it was on every day after school, and I recorded every episode on vhs tapes (because it was the 90s), carefully labeled each one and watched them endlessly. Star Trek got me into science fiction, and Spock got me into Star Trek.
The Frog brothers (The Lost Boys)
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This is cheating a bit, since there’s two of them, but I couldn’t choose, anyway, they’re basically inseparable. Or they are until Alan’s forced to drink vampire blood and spends a decade or so desperately trying not to give in to the thirst and turn fully, while Edgar’s shame and fear means he barely acknowledges his brother’s existence. I could write literal volumes about the Frog brothers, in fact, I have. Just check my FanFiction.Net or AO3 accounts if you don’t believe me. A lot of my feelings about these guys is mixed up in fanon and my many, many headcanons. This random 80s movie will always have a special place in my heart, and while a lot of people like it for the vampires, or the Emersons, for me it’s all about the Frogs. The sequels are good too (the Thirst is, anyway, it’s all about the Frogs!) and the Frogs are the only characters to carry on into the other movies. And comics. In fact, just writing this paragraph makes me want to revisit the movies, and maybe write Frog fic again...
Burton “Gus” Guster (Psych)
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Gus tries so hard to be the straight man to Shawn’s over the top sillyness, and fails every time, actually succeeding in being even funnier. Probably because if you put him in a room with literally anybody else in the universe he would be the clown. It’s just in comparison the Shawn that he looks (almost) normal.
Illya Kuryakin (the man from UNCLE)
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I’m talking here about the original Illya, the one played by David McCallum back in the 60s. I didn’t like the version in the movie remake a few years back, he just wasn’t Illya. I loved that he spoke a lot of languages, and he was pretty too. That helped. Oddly, I found out years later that my mum had had a crush on him when she watched the show when it was first on. I discovered it years later, of course.
Matthew Murdock (Daredevil)
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For so many reasons. Please note it’s Matt that makes the list, not Daredevil. Daredevil is a bonus, but only sometimes.
Zuko (Avatar)
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I love the journey he went on, from being the main antagonist of the first season to Aang’s friend and teacher. I never thought when I started watching Avatar that the weird bald ponytailed kid would end up being my favourite. But when he cut his hair and went into hiding, everything changed.
Rodney McKay (Stargate Atlantis)
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I just love him. Always will. He’s snarky and arrogant, but with a big enough heart to make you root for him anyway.
Lister (Red Dwarf)
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This was the first non kid’s show I was really into and Lister was one of the best things about it. The rest of the characters are awesome too though, so it was difficult to choose which one to put on here. Lister wins though, because he’s the best.
Merton Dingle (Big Wolf on Campus)
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Merton was funny. Honestly that’s the main reason a lot of these characters ended up in this list. He was also the weirdo loner at the school, which I could definitely identify with at the time. And he ended up as best friends with some awesome people, which I guess I wished I could identify with? I dunno. (Also he likes the Lost Boys too. Both the Corey’s had cameos in this show and that’s what made me watch the movie in the first place.)
Honerable mention: Ezra Bridger, Han Solo, Foggy Nelson, Shaun Spencer, Adrian Monk, Toby Domzalski, James Lake Jr, Blinkous Galadrigal, Aaarrrgghh!!!, Nog, Odo, Uryu Ishida, Uncle Iroh, Sokka, Arnold Rimmer, the Cat, Wolverine, Carson Beckett, Jack O’Neill, Daniel Jackson, Teal’c, Clint Barton (Hawkeye), Deadpool, Al Calavicci, Quinn Malory, Hank Yarbo, Kurt McKenna, Maurice Moss, Nick Knight, Lucien Lacroix, Cisco Ramon, Benton Fraser, (and probably more that I’ve forgotten)
I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you want to do it, consider yourself tagged.
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npdclaraoswald · 7 months
"For all his other abilities, Matt Murdock cannot see screens, pictures, colors, or read anything visually. This is something that virtually every fan and Daredevil creator seems to be in full agreement on." -Being Matt Murdock: One Fan's Journey into the Science of Daredevil by Christine Hanefalk
Ooh, girl, you clearly do not read Daredevil fanfiction if you think all fans are aware of that very basic fact. Which honestly, good for you; Daredevil fanfiction is very annoying because of that
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daresplaining · 2 years
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HUGE NEWS! Christine Hanefalk of The Other Murdock Papers has finished her book on the science of hypersenses! If you are following me and are somehow unfamiliar with The Other Murdock Papers, stop whatever you're doing and check it out. It is a brilliant Daredevil blog that covers the entire spectrum of DD minutiae, but one of my favorite aspects is the depth and expertise with which she explores Matt Murdock's powers. Thus, I am very, very excited about this book, and you should be too. As mentioned above, Being Matt Murdock: One Fan's Journey into the Science of Daredevil is currently available for Kindle pre-order, and the paperback edition will be available for purchase starting July 15.
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daresplaining · 2 years
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It was great to be back at NYCC this year (masked, of course-- I took it off for two seconds for these pictures) after two years' absence. It's hectic and exhausting but always a good time, even when there are no major announcements relevant to my blogs.
I had the tremendous pleasure this year of getting to meet my DD blogging idol, the amazing Christine Hanefalk of The Other Murdock Papers, in-person. I've been a fan of Christine's work for just about as long as I've been a fan of Daredevil, and it was very cool to get the chance to chat with her. As announced earlier this year, she has a new book called Being Matt Murdock: One Fan's Journey Into the Science of Daredevil, which offers a deep dive into the concept of hypersenses, using real-world science to examine this complex power-set and build a picture of what Matt's world might actually look (..."look") like. This book is an absolute treasure trove of knowledge and insight for Daredevil fans-- the kind of ultra-specific resource that we are rarely fortunate enough to get-- and I cannot recommend it highly enough. I may also have an exciting announcement related to this in the foreseeable future, so stay tuned!
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npdclaraoswald · 8 months
"Cats have an unusually impressive hearing range, and that the number of turns in the cochlea has been associated with better than otherwise expected low frequency hearing in mammals. Let's make Matt the human version of a cat" - Being Matt Murdock: One Fan's Journey into the Science of Daredevil
Catboy Matt confirmed
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npdclaraoswald · 7 months
Listening to Being Matt Murdock: One Fan's Journey into the Science of Daredevil by Christine Hanefalk's audiobook and she's pronouncing Milla's name differently than I've always read it. So
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