#bernadette is at nichtsehen
fracturedlayers · 6 years
Fewer things brought swifter retribution than messing with Bernadette’s things, but that hadn’t stopped the Graceless Nephil from combing through her bunker stash of... well, relics stolen from the people she killed. Usually she took weapons, sometimes articles of clothing, though Sam and Dean finally managed to discourage that, seeing how earth wasn’t like purgatory and walking around in a dead man’s coat was a great way to get ID’d.
Jack wasn’t interested in guns, knives or broken jewelry. Wasn’t interested in the spare needles for the vials strapped to her gauntlets, wasn’t interested in an alarming number of angel blades, wasn’t interested in a faded picture of a little girl that looked like her with a different name scrawled across the back.
He found what he came for, what he’d overheard Bernadette and Gabriel discussing a while back. Vials upon vials of Grace. At least 30, if not more. All glowing in a box tucked in the back of her closet.
Jack yelped as a hand materialized in a plume of red smoke and clamped over his mouth while a dangerous voice whispered in his ear.
      “What part of stay out of my space was too hard to understand.”
The Nephil scrambled away as deft hands reclaimed the box of stolen Grace. Pale blue eyes locked with brown and his jaw set with anger before holding out his hand.
      “Give them to me. Castiel doesn’t need them, and Gabriel will recover on his own. You said it yourself, they’re just going to rot in here with the rest of your shit.”
Rarely did Jack swear, and it did nothing to defuse the situation. 
      “Don’t you fucking judge me, you have no IDEA what I’ve BEEN THROUGH. If I wanted even a hint of the real world, I had to SCAVENGE IT off a dead man’s BODY. I had to KILL to catch a glimpse of life on earth!”
Jack turned and clasped both hands over the back of his head, eerily similar to Cas. It was like looking through a mirror sometimes, but he still wasn’t Cas, who would be immensely disappointed in both of them right now. Her especially.
      “Look,” she breathed, putting the box back on the shelf, “you don’t need it. You’re still you, or did you not listen to a word Gabriel said?”
      “I listened,” he muttered, swiping at his eyes, “but what if it doesn’t have to be like this. Castiel stole an angel’s Grace when he lost his, and he’s fine.” 
      “Is that...?” Bernadette tilted her head back with disbelief before steepled hands pressed against her chin. “Oh my sweet summer child. He’s fine because he managed to recover some of his own Grace. When all he had was Theo’s, it had a shelf life. It wasn’t his, and it was dying, and he was dying with it. That’s why I stole from all those angels. I thought... I thought the variety would buy him time. But you have to understand, he wouldn’t have needed that time if he hadn’t stolen Theo’s Grace. He would have just stayed human. He would have aged like Sam and Dean, but he wouldn’t have been on such a short clock. He gave up decades for a few months of being an angel again. I don’t know if he knew that would happen, but still.”
Jack looked horribly frightened and torn, and he pushed back more tears as they threatened to break free.
      “But maybe you’re right, maybe with variety-”
      “Jack, you’re so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn’t stop to think if you should.”
His face pinched in at that, yet another eerie echo of Cas. 
      “What does... Dr. Ian Malcolm’s issue with genetically engineered dinosaurs have to do with this?”
Bernadette’s eyes slid shut, and she raised both hands emphatically.
      “I am, so proud of you for knowing that. But ignore the dinosaurs and think about what he said. Think what Gabe would say.”
Jack swallowed hard, but he was always eager to show he could listen.
      “He said I’m still me. I’m... the son of Kelly Kline, and I have three dads and what happened to me isn’t my fault.”
      “It’s not. You’re still you. But Jack, if you do this? You might end up living on borrowed time. You might feel like you don’t have enough Grace and want more.”
He rounded on her then, and made as if to grab her arm.
      “You think I would hurt people like HE DID-!?” but she teleported out of reach, face tight as she pointed at his livid form with warning.
      “Do NOT touch me. You’re looking for a fight and right now this is one you will not win. I’m not saying you’d want to hurt anyone, I just know Satan wasn’t happy unless he was eating Grace. Maybe it’s addicting, I don’t know. What I do know is I’ll never be able to look anyone in this bunker in the eye again if you do this and it goes south.”
      “They wouldn’t hate you,” Jack muttered, looking down at his tied shoelaces, “Castiel loves you. I felt it. So does Gabriel. He hides on his bad days because he doesn’t want you to think he isn’t happy to see you when he can’t keep up. They’ve both been mad at each other, and Sam and Dean, and everyone still loves each other. They’d still love you. I wouldn’t hate you either, even if you don’t like me.”
Bernadette was pale and stricken, though that last statement returned some life to her face. 
      “I do like you, Jack. I just... I don’t know what I’m supposed to be to you. You picked Cas as your dad, hell you two even look similar. And he thinks of you as his kid, and I’m... fuck, I’m nobody’s mom. I can’t be your sister and date your dad-”
      “Are you two finally dating-”
      “Shut up, okay, I will destroy you.”
      “Is that why you stayed in his room last night and he didn’t come out like he usually does-”
      “Okay- OKAY yes, you’re extremely observant, again, shut up. My point is... I don’t know what I need to be to you. And I don’t know what Cas wants me to be to you, and I might as well ask him the meaning of life because that’d probably be just as easy for him to answer.”
Jack’s ice blue eyes narrowed in thought.
      “What about... my aunt? Castiel is technically my uncle.”
The corner of Bernadette’s mouth dipped in approving contemplation at that.
      “I suppose I could be a crazy aunt. I’ve been worse things. You don’t have to call me that, though.”
Jack smirked, weak as it was, for the first time since he’d entered that room. He chanced a step forward, eyes drifting back to the box.
      “Still, it’s... it’s my body. And it’s my life. Why can’t I make this decision on my own?” 
She sighed heavily, and scrubbed both hands down her exhausted face.
      “Jack, you’re still a kid. You haven’t seen your first birthday. This could be a death sentence when you’ve barely lived. Even if you get your powers back, it won’t be the same. It won’t be like it never happened. If a lack of Grace was killing you, then absolutely, I’d have half of them shoved down your throat already, but we. Don’t. KNOW. Look, nobody here wants to see you hurting. Nobody. But losing you would be so much worse. I’m sorry, okay, I’m sorry, for how awful I was to you in the beginning. I’m sorry I blamed you for Castiel’s death because the guy I should have taken it out on was in another dimension. I’m not... I’m not gonna bury these vials, but I want you to think about it. Really think about it. Talk to Cas and Gabe, maybe they have a better idea of what might go down. I’m not an angel, I’m just-”
      “Someone who swallowed a jar full of powers she didn’t fully understand.”
      “Injected them, actually, but that’s fair. Okay, that’s fair. I thought I had to get stronger to protect Cas, and I’d be lying if I said the thought of being something more than human in and of itself wasn’t appealing. But there was a WIDE fucking margin of error in purgatory. Nothing stays dead in purgatory. If the ADAM and the plasmids killed me, I would have just woken up somewhere else.”
The Nephil looked back down at his shoes in defeat, and turned as if to leave. She materialized in his path with a cloud of red smoke and caught his gaze.
      “Talk to your family. Think about this. Consider every angle. And if the answer is still yes, come find me.”
He swiped at his eyes again and nodded.
      “Thank you.”
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illusivexemissary · 3 years
Updated as of January 20, 2021:
Gabriel is the 12-billion-year-old Archangel of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions. He is the youngest of the Four Archangels created by God to fight and contain the Darkness/Amara.  At the eve of the Apocalypse, Gabriel deceived his elder brother Lucifer into thinking he had murdered him in order to remove himself from eons of sibling warfare.   Unfortunately Gabriel’s former friends, Loki and his children, captured him and sold him to the Prince of Hell Asmodeus as vengeance for the death of Odin (murdered by Gabriel’s brother Lucifer), where he spent many years imprisoned, tortured, and drained of his Grace, believed by all to be dead.
He physically recuperated (far too quickly) and killed Asmodeus, Loki and his sons, and joined Team Free Will on their quest to rescue Jack and Mary from the alternate reality.  Gabriel died fighting the alternate Michael in order to buy the others time to escape back to their reality.  Lucifer brought him back over the divide as a bid for Jack’s favor; Jack resurrected Gabriel but rejected Lucifer. Alternate world Michael inhabited Dean’s body and was later killed by Jack. Gabriel’s resurrection was hasty and violent, and disrupted his peaceful slumber in The Empty, where, unknown to anyone but Castiel, his mind conjured a seven-year-long relationship with a phantom wife and children.  Awakening again in the world of the living ripped him from that peaceful, joyful illusion forever. He is reeling.
Gabriel, still not fully powered, lives at the cabaret of a little brother and protege who also faked his death: Balthazar. While using Balthazar’s home and business  as his hideout,  Gabriel is now focusing his energies on returning to Heaven to reinstate order. He is trying to contact those angels in the Empty with whom he spoke before his resurrection.
In the middle of this desperate quest, all but hemorrhaging with trauma and sadness, Gabriel meets an Old God who is drawn to his sadness:  Aliana, the Goddess of Grief, who oversees the process of every human being’s emotional healing.  They quickly realize a mutual, intense romantic attraction, and become devoted lovers.  But Aliana has secrets of her own.  
Main Castiel played by FALLENANGELWINGS.  Exclusive Balthazar played by DIVINETHIEF.  OC best bud, Bernadette, played by NICHTSEHEN. Chuck played by CHUCKXALMIGHTY.  Jack played by MORETHANMYFATHER. Aliana played by GRIEFGIFTED.
Actively seeking: Michaels, Lucifers, Raphaels, and other angelic siblings. 
Mun does not follow SPN regularly after season 13, but is willing to interact with canon muses. This verse can certainly coexist compatibly with the series fifteen finale, but does not do so automatically.
For a complete list of my verses, PLEASE GO HERE. 
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fallenangelwings · 6 years
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@fallenangelwings​ | Independent canon-divergent Castiel
@nichtsehen​ | Independent multiverse supernatural OC, Bernadette
@nichtschaden​ | Independent multiverse overwatch OC, Fritz
@theprisonerofasgard​ | Independent canon-divergent Loki
Mun is 27 with 6 years of tumblr RP experience. Written by wichi.
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name   :   Nah nickname   :    wichi, wichita age   :     27 currently   reading   :    trying to get through game of thrones and a bioshock book called rapture favorite   color   :     Green favorite   flower   :     orchid number   of   muses   :     standalone muses I have 4: this nerd, Loki, and my two OCs; Bernadette and Fritz. I also have a very lowkey multimuse blog with another 20.  their   urls   :    @theprisonerofasgard​ @nichtsehen​ @nichtschaden​ @fracturedlayers​ favorite   muse   of   yours   :    I love my four standalones the most. It’s hard to pick one. number   of   followers   :     People who are roleyplay blogs or enjoy fanfiction? like 30. The other 960 only followed after I queued a bunch of cas screencaps and I’m in the process of blocking most of them number   of   drafts   atm   :   I have no idea I’m a disaster and don’t track things number   of   starters   :     If I made one and never went back to it i’m so sorry, my notes get destroyed by the 960 who don’t even like my threads last   movie   you   saw   :    Infinity war. Which reanimated my Loki muse out of spite
tagged   by   :  @wienerofthemonth​ tagging  : steal it
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blufrauleinsniper · 7 years
PSA: Archive impending
Hi remaining frens, I’m archiving this blog and moving Bernadette to a sideblog for Fritz. Otherwise I will never touch this account again, and that’s not really fair to her or the few people who might remember her. 
In addition to becoming a sideblog, her face claim is no longer Ellen Page. I love Ellen dearly, but I need a fresh start with this character, and I think a new face claim will help. On the new blog, Bernadette’s face claim will be Ellie Kendrick.
Existing verses are staying, new verses will happen. She’ll be more or less fandomless, but anchored in a few core verses. 
the new url is nichtsehen. Thanks for sticking around so long, and welcome back if you decide to see where she goes next. Hopefully I’ll have content there soon.
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illusivexemissary · 4 years
Okay lol I’m gonna try to come off hiatus yet again.
(OPEN) DEFAULT VERSE (Lore and SPN), canon divergent after episode 13X22
 Gabriel is the 12-billion-year-old Archangel of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions. He is the youngest of the Four Archangels created by God to fight and contain the Darkness.  At the eve of the Apocalypse, Gabriel deceived his elder brother Lucifer into thinking he had murdered him in order to remove himself from eons of sibling warfare.   Unfortunately Gabriel’s former friends, Loki and his children, captured him and sold him to the Prince of Hell Asmodeus as vengeance for the death of Odin (murdered by Gabriel’s brother Lucifer), where he spent many years imprisoned, tortured, and drained of his Grace, believed by all to be dead.
He physically recuperated (far too quickly) and killed Asmodeus, Loki and his sons, and joined Team Free Will on their quest to rescue Jack and Mary from the alternate reality. 
 Gabriel died fighting the alternate Michael in order to buy the others time to escape back to their reality.  Lucifer brought him back over the divide as a bid for Jack’s favor; Jack resurrected Gabriel but rejected Lucifer. Alternate world Michael inhabited Dean’s body and was later killed by Jack.
Gabriel, still not fully powered, lives at the cabaret of a little brother and protege who also faked his death: Balthazar. While using Balthazar's home and business  as his hideout,  Gabriel is now focusing his energies on returning to Heaven to reinstate order, and contact those angels in the Empty with whom he spoke before his resurrection.   Sam and Dean Winchester do not know he is alive (yet), but Castiel does. 
--Richard Speight, Jr. --Alexander Siddig 
--Main and exclusive Balthazar played by @divinethief. --Main Castiel played by @fallenangelwings.    --OC best bud, Bernadette, played by @nichtsehen. --Main and exclusive Rowena played by @hereticbound --Main Aziraphale played by @ineffablygraced
Searching for Lucifers, Michaels, Sams, Deans, and others of the Host. Always open to lore and mythology based characters.  Please drop an Ask if you’re interested in interacting, or if you’re a longtime mutual who wants to reconnect!  <3 
Mun does not follow SPN regularly after season 13, but is willing to interact with canon muses.
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