#best ligament injury doctor kolkata
healmybones1 · 1 year
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Ligament Injury in Athletes: A How-to Guide to Recovery
The recovery from ligament injury depends on the grade of the injury. Find common tips you should follow and mistakes you should avoid during recovery.
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drwashifrashid · 19 days
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Dr. Washif Rashid is the best Orthopedic Doctors in Siliguri, a distinguished Senior Consultant Orthopedic surgeon, specializes in complex trauma, joint replacement, and sports medicine. He completed his MBBS degree from the renowned North Bengal Medical College and pursued his MS in orthopedic surgery at BSMCH, Bankura. Dr. Rashid further honed his expertise through a fellowship in joint replacement, arthroscopy, and sports injuries at the prestigious Joint Bone Care Hospital in Kolkata.
He is an esteemed member of several professional organizations including ISKSAA, West Bengal Orthopedic Association, All India Orthopedic Association, Indian Arthroscopy Society, and Association of Spine Surgeons of India. Dr. Rashid's commitment to excellence and dedication to advancing orthopedic care make him a valued asset in the medical community. He practices at his own multispeciality medical centre, STAR HOSPITAL, Siliguri
Best Orthopedic Doctor in Siliguri - Book Appointment for orthopedic doctor Siliguri, orthopedic consultation, Fracture treatment, joint replacement surgeries, Ligament repair surgery, Limb lengthening, Complex trauma surgery.
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rahuldeva2255 · 1 month
Best Doctors for Ligament Injuries Treatment in Kolkata | Skedoc
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Are you or someone you know struggling with a ligament injury in Kolkata? Seeking the best medical care is crucial for a swift recovery and restoration of mobility. Thankfully, Kolkata boasts a range of skilled doctors specializing in ligament injury treatment, offering cutting-edge solutions to alleviate pain and restore function.
Ligament injuries can occur due to various reasons, such as sports activities, accidents, or everyday movements. Regardless of the cause, finding the right medical professional is paramount. In Kolkata, you can find expert doctors specializing in ligament injuries who employ advanced techniques for diagnosis and treatment.
Specialized clinics and hospitals in Kolkata offer comprehensive care for ligament injuries, encompassing thorough examinations, accurate diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans. These facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by experienced orthopedic surgeons and sports medicine specialists.
Treatment options for ligament injuries in Kolkata may include non-surgical approaches such as physical therapy, medication, and advanced regenerative therapies. For more severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to repair or reconstruct damaged ligaments.
When choosing a doctor for ligament injury treatment in Kolkata, consider factors such as their expertise, experience, and patient reviews. Look for specialists who have a proven track record of successful outcomes and prioritize patient care and comfort.
In conclusion, if you're seeking top-quality treatment for ligament injuries in Kolkata, rest assured that skilled doctors and specialized facilities are available to address your needs. Don't let a ligament injury hold you back – seek professional medical care and embark on the path to recovery today!
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severefangladiator · 3 months
3 Main Causes Of Back Pain
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Back pain is a common ailment affecting millions worldwide, often debilitating and hindering daily activities. Understanding its causes can empower individuals to mitigate its impact. Here are three primary reasons highlighted by the best back pain doctor in Kolkata.
Poor Posture: In today's sedentary lifestyle, prolonged sitting and incorrect posture strain the back muscles and ligaments. Slouching, hunching over desks, or standing improperly can lead to muscle imbalances, putting undue pressure on the spine. Over time, this contributes to chronic back pain. Incorporating ergonomic practices, such as maintaining a neutral spine alignment and taking regular breaks to stretch, can alleviate this issue.
Muscle Strain and Injury: Engaging in strenuous physical activities or lifting heavy objects without proper form can cause muscle strain or injury, particularly in the lower back. The sudden, excessive force can overstretch or tear muscles and ligaments, leading to acute pain. Athletes, laborers, and individuals with physically demanding jobs are especially susceptible. Prioritizing proper lifting techniques, warming up before exercise, and gradually increasing intensity can prevent such injuries.
Degenerative Conditions: As we age, the spine undergoes natural wear and tear, leading to degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and herniated discs. These conditions diminish the spine's ability to provide adequate support and cushioning, resulting in chronic back pain. While aging is inevitable, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding smoking can slow down degeneration and alleviate associated discomfort.
In conclusion, back pain is often a result of lifestyle choices, physical strain, and age-related changes. By prioritizing proper posture, practicing safe lifting techniques, and nurturing spinal health, individuals can minimize the risk and severity of back pain, enabling a more active and pain-free life. If the pain persists, go for back pain treatment in Kolkata.
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manipalhospital1 · 9 months
Neck Pain: Symptoms, Causes, And How To Treat It
Neck pain, also known as cervicalgia, is discomfort in or near the spine beneath the head. The cervical spine is the portion of the spine making the neck. Neck pain is quite frequent. The prevalence of neck and shoulder pain is a widespread issue impacting individuals across diverse age groups and lifestyles.
Neck pain is also frequently caused by osteoarthritis. It is aggravating since the neck provides mobility and support for the head. Neck pain can be caused by inflammation, injury, poor posture, sleeping in an awkward position, and other factors.
If neck discomfort is left untreated, it can interfere with everyday activities and lower the quality of life. The majority of neck pain reasons, fortunately, are not significant and respond to non-invasive measures like painkillers, exercise, and stress reduction. Getting neck pain relief is dependent on what is causing discomfort and how to treat it.
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Symptoms Related to Severe Neck Pain
According to the top orthopaedic doctor in Kolkata, individuals may experience neck pain symptoms as follows:
A constant pain.
A piercing or burning sensation.
A shooting discomfort from their neck to their shoulders or arms.
Other common symptoms include:
Range-of-motion difficulties
Sharp shooting pain
Difficulty swallowing
Swishing sounds in the head
Light-headedness or dizziness
Swelling of the lymph node
Neck pain can also be associated with the following symptoms:
Face ache
Arm tingling or numbness, commonly known as upper extremity paresthesias
Shoulder ache.
These symptoms are frequently caused by nerve compression in the neck. Neck pain can sometimes be accompanied by lower back pain, depending on the conditions.
Causes that Trigger Neck Pain
Since the neck is extremely flexible and bears the weight of the head, it is susceptible to several diseases and minor injuries that limit movement and cause pain. Neck pain can also be caused by different medical conditions. Here are a few causes of neck pain:
Strained Muscles: These are sometimes caused by overuse, such as spending too much time slumped over a computer or a smartphone. Even simple activities like reading in bed can put tension on the neck muscles.
Worn Joints: Neck joints deteriorate with age, just as other joints in the body do. The body frequently develops bone spurs as a result of this wear and tear, which can impair joint motion and be painful.
Compressed Nerves: The nerves that emerge from the spinal cord may be compressed by herniated disks or bone spurs in the neck vertebrae.
Mental Stress: Stress can cause the neck muscles to tighten, which can cause stiffness and pain. Many people don't know they tighten these muscles when they are nervous or agitated until their neck begins to hurt.
Injuries: Neck pain can result from trauma and other diseases that harm the muscles, ligaments, disks, vertebral joints, and spinal cord nerve roots. Neck pain is a common complication of whiplash injuries sustained in car accidents.
Abnormal Growths: Extremely rarely, abnormal growths such as cysts, bone spurs, and tumours can cause neck pain.
Diseases: Neck pain is also caused by different conditions, including cancer, meningitis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Treatment for Neck pain
Treatment for neck pain at the best orthopedic hospital in Kolkata, not only aims to provide neck pain relief but also offers solutions for reducing neck and shoulder pain. Medical history and physical exams diagnose neck pain causes, with imaging (X-rays, MRI, CT) reserved for severe cases; additional tests are rare but may include electrodiagnostic or lab tests for comprehensive evaluation.
Most causes of neck pain eventually go away and are treatable at home. The doctor may recommend the following therapies to treat the symptoms:
Muscle Relaxants and Painkillers: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, or NSAIDs, are used to treat pain and inflammation in the neck region. The healing process is further supported by the use of muscle relaxants.
Physical therapy: One can learn exercises and motions that help to strengthen the muscles and tendons in the neck and increase flexibility by working with a physical therapist or a fitness trainer.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS): This device disrupts the pain signal by applying a tiny electrical current to the skin close to the nerves. Before utilizing a TENS device, one should always consult a healthcare professional.
Steroid Injections: They can reduce inflammation and relieve pain when administered close to the nerve roots.
Traction: By employing various inflatable devices, traction can also help relieve neck pain.
Surgery: These can be performed to fuse sections of the spine's bones or repair injured or compressed spinal discs, mainly when there is pain that radiates to the fingers or arms.
Alternative Therapies: The healthcare professional can suggest massage therapy to help loosen up tight muscles that are causing discomfort or acupuncture to relieve pain. It is recommended to consult an osteopath or chiropractor to align the spine.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the best treatment for neck and shoulder pain?
In addition to taking painkillers, self-care techniques that could ease neck pain include: Switch between cold and hot. During the first 48 hours, one can reduce inflammation by applying cold, such as an ice pack or ice wrapped in a towel, for up to 15 minutes several times a day. Using heat after that is recommended. Read the blog on When you should consult an orthopaedic doctor to get detailed knowledge on when you should seek medical attention on the symptoms.
What is the fastest way to cure neck pain?
There is no quick fix for a stiff neck. The fastest treatments to reduce neck stiffness typically involve stretching, moderate heat, and painkillers.
What are the 4 common causes of neck pain?
Several conditions, including arthritis, disc degeneration, spinal canal narrowing, muscle inflammation, strain, or trauma, can result in neck pain.
How do I know if my neck pain is severe?
If your neck pain worsens and you have additional symptoms including numbness, weakness, dizziness, or loss of bowel or bladder control, call your doctor right away. When it comes to the health of your neck, it is preferable to be safe.
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saileshjain · 2 years
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Ligament Specialist Doctor in Kolkata: Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani
Ligament injuries are frequently missed as they are not visible on x-ray. Heal my bones provides the best Ligament injury treatment in Kolkata by professional orthapedic.
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What is Back Pain & how Impact on sports person.
Is Spinal Stenosis a cause of back pain? Back aches and pains are a health concern for millions of people. Nearly 29 million Americans saw their doctors because of back and low back pain in 2002. There may be many reasons and type of back pain like lower back pain for backaches and pains and click this best back pain specialist . One cause could be spinal stenosis. Stenosis means narrowing. In spinal stenosis, the spinal canal, which contains and protects the spinal cord and nerve roots, narrows and pinches the spinal cord and nerves. The result is low back pain as well as pain in the legs. Stenosis may pinch the nerves that control muscle power and sensation in the legs.
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What are the causes of Spinal Stenosis? There are many potential causes of spinal stenosis, including:
Aging. As you get older, the ligaments (tough connective tissues between the bones in the spine) can thicken. Spurs (small growths) may develop on the bones and into the spinal canal. The cushioning disks between the vertebrae may begin to deteriorate. The facet joints (flat surfaces on each vertebra that form the spinal column) also may begin to break down.
Heredity. If the spinal canal is too small at birth, symptoms may show up in a relatively young person.
Changes in blood flow to the lumbar spine.
What are the symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?
Pain and difficulty when walking, aggravated by activity.
Numbness, tingling, hot or cold feelings, weakness or a heavy and tired feeling in the legs.
Clumsiness, frequent falling, or a foot-slapping gait.
How to diagnose Spinal Stenosis? These symptoms also can be caused by many other conditions, which make spinal stenosis difficult to diagnose. There is usually no history of back problems or any recent injury. Often, unusual leg symptoms are a clue to the presence of spinal stenosis. If simple treatments, such as postural changes or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, do not relieve the problem, your orthopedic surgeon may request special imaging studies to determine the cause of the problem. An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) or CAT (Computed Tomography) scan may be requested. A myelogram (an X-ray taken after a special fluid is injected into the spine) may be arranged. These and other imaging studies provide details about the bones and tissues and assist the orthopedic evaluation take a look at spinal injury centre at kolkata.
How is Spinal Stenosis & shoulder problem treated? Conservative treatment
Changes in posture: People with spinal stenosis may find that flexing the spine by leaning forward while walking relieves their symptoms. Lying with the knees drawn up to the chest also can offer some relief and the shoulder pain treated by and better to concern Shoulder specialist from Kolkata . These positions enlarge the space available to the nerves and may make it easier for stenosis sufferers to walk longer distances.
Medications: Sometimes the pressure on the nerves is caused by inflammatory swelling. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen may help relieve symptoms.
Rest: Rest, followed by a gradual resumption of activity, also can help. Aerobic activity such as bicycling is often recommended.
Weight loss: Losing weight can also relieve some of the load on the spine. When stenosis causes severe nerve root compression, these treatments may not be enough. Back and leg pain may return again and again. Because many stenosis sufferers are unable to walk even short distances, they often confine their activities to the home.
When should you go for surgical treatment? If conservative treatment does not relieve the pain, your orthopedic surgeon may recommend surgery to relieve the pressure on affected nerves. In properly selected cases, the results are quite satisfactory, and patients are able to resume a normal lifestyle.
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
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The human body is very susceptible to damage, especially the knees. They take the full weight of our body and thus, can be easily injured during any high-impact activity. Even a small deviation, such as a twist in the leg while walking or can cause damage to the knees, leading to situations like the need of an orthopedic treatment, or even surgery.
While some knee problems are specific and happen only when particular symptoms occur, others are common and can happen to anyone. Following are the most common knee problems that people usually face.
One of the knee problems that affects millions of people worldwide, arthritis usually begins with symptoms such as inflammation, joint pain and stiffness. The stiffness increases with age.
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common forms of arthritis.
Osteoarthritis – Affecting the cartilage, this type of arthritis damages the joints and their movement. One bone rubbing with another causes pain and stiffness. The problem usually happens above the age of 50. However, a knee injury or any other joint-related condition can also lead to this condition.
Rheumatoid arthritis – An autoimmune disease, this happens when the immune system attacks and affects joints. Pain and swelling are the most common symptoms that are followed by difficult movement. Orthopedic treatment at the right time can help reduce the effects. It usually affects people between the ages of 40 and 50.
Meniscal injuries
Menisci are cartilage tissues that are shock absorbers in the knees. A forceful movement or heavy weight can damage this tissue. These injuries usually affect people who are involved in sports, such as rugby, football, tennis, etc. The problem results in swelling, pain and limited knee movement.
Cruciate ligament injuries
One of the most common problems in athletes, it affects anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the medial collateral ligament (MCL) the most.
ACL – Sudden twisting of the knee, constant changing direction or shifting of weight from one knee to another can result in ACL. Pain, swelling, instability, etc., are the symptoms for this condition. Also, the severity of the condition decides whether the patient needs orthopaedic surgery or needs to undergo prolonged physiotherapy to help solve the problem. Doctors at AMRI Hospitals, the have reputed team of advanced trauma care and joint replacement specialists.
MCL – This happens when the knee is twisted while the foot is firmly planted on the ground. A common problem in skiers, it results in pain, swelling, instability and stiffness. Orthopaedic treatment, such as surgery or physiotherapy can help relieve the problem.
Inflammation in tendons can affect many parts in the body. Tendons help in connecting muscles to bones, and help in the movement of bones and joints. Tendonitis happens when a tendon is overused. It is also called as jumper’s knee, since it is common with sportspersons who require excessive jumping.
These are the most common knee injuries that occur. However, it is possible to treat these problems with proper orthopaedic treatment, which needs best orthopaedic hospital in Kolkata . Also, once treated, it is crucial to take care of the joints and make sure that the recovery is complete.
With proper care and necessary precautions, the after effects can be controlled easily.
SOURCE – AllHealthClub
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healmybones1 · 1 year
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Physical Therapy After Orthopedic Surgery: All You Need to Know
Physical therapy is an important part of recovery after orthopedic surgeries. Learn more about it, what it is and how to do it.
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healmybones1 · 1 year
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All You Want to Know About Arthroscopy
Arthroscopy can help diagnose and treat a range of orthopedic conditions that affect joints, like infection, ligament damage, and more. Learn moreabout arthroscopy. 
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saileshjain · 2 years
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Trusted Doctor for Ligament in Kolkata: Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani
Ligament injury or ligament tear is caused due to excessive bending. Heal my bone has the best doctors for ligament injury.
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saileshjain · 2 years
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Ligament Specialist Doctor in Kolkata: Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani
Ligament injury or ligament tear is caused due to excessive bending. Heal my bone has the best doctors for ligament injury.
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severefangladiator · 2 years
Reasons for Persistent Knee Pain After Arthroscopy
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Arthroscopic knee surgery, often known as a knee scope, is a common surgical treatment that is used to monitor and cure a variety of common knee disorders such as cartilage damage, meniscus tears, and ligament issues. However, not everyone experiences relief from knee discomfort following surgery. Some people may have difficulty more than others during the rehabilitation process.
A surgeon famous for arthroscopic knee surgery in Kolkata explains some of the most likely causes of knee pain following a knee scope.
Constant Swelling
The best arthroscopic surgeon in Kolkata says, one of the most prevalent side effects after knee arthroscopy is persistent swelling. Swelling is a challenging condition to tackle since there can be so many reasons behind it.
Insufficient Rehabilitation
Your doctor would suggest a particular therapy after surgery to address any disability or irregular gait that might have contributed to or resulted from an injury. Inadequate rehabilitation might lead to long-term knee discomfort following an injury.
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healmybones1 · 4 years
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healmybones1 · 4 years
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healmybones1 · 4 years
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