#billy needs a whole owners manual
phantombeesting · 2 years
Steve doesn’t understand what’s happening at first. He keeps finding things in his pockets. Sometimes it’s a candy bar or a fresh packet of smokes, things he doesn’t remember buying. Maybe the head injuries are catching up with him and he’s actually started losing it.
But then one day he sees Billy stuffing a mixtape in the pocket of his jacket and it all clicks into place. Steve has no idea how to handle this and he doesn’t want to accidentally step on one of Billy’s many hidden landmines so he slowly backs away and seeks out the resident Billy behaviour translator.
“Max can I talk to you about something?”
“What’s he done now?”
“Nothing. I mean not nothing just that’s it’s nothing big it’s just … Just a little weird I keep finding things and I didnt know where they came from but I'm fairly certain they're from Billy but, but he never says anything or like actually gives me them you know? And i’m not really sure how to handle it or, or if it’s even something that needs handling but …” his words trail off, he's starting to spiral now he can feel it.
"Ah so you've finally picked up on that"
Steve nods slowly but doesn't answer.
“Wondered how long it would take you to catch on" she takes a big breath in before continuing "It's a rejection thing, he’s worried you won’t accept them.”
And oh that … Well that makes sense.
“If he doesn't actively give you the thing then it won't hurt if you don't want it or like it"
"How do I...?" Steve trails off looking pleadingly at Max
Max huffs and actually rolls her eyes at him at this point
"Are all boys actually stupid?"
"Oh for sure Me and your brother are can't say for certain about the rest of them though but I'm leaning towards Yes"
He got her to crack a smile at that
"Just acknowledge it but don't make a big deal of it. Let him know you appreciate it"
And OK yeah he can do that. Steve can totally do that.
So the next time he finds gifts squirreled away in his bag or pockets he makes sure he gently acknowledges it.
If it's a snack he'll bring up how he hadn't had a chance to grab a proper lunch so it was a life saver.
Smokes? He was just about to run out so "You've made my day a lot easier thanks Babe".
A mixtape? Best believe it's new soundtrack to every journey he makes.
Billy always brushes it off as no big deal, and neither of them mention the blush spreading across his cheeks.
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No one asked but...
** This sprang from a conversation with @malionnes regarding Logan Delos’ reading and note taking habits. And now here we are.** 
Logan Delos
Logan likes an immersive read. Absolutely nothing that he does is topical; he likes to dive in completely or else he doesn’t bother. Things like fiction vs. nonfiction, genre, length, etc. don’t matter as much as the depth of the subject matter. If it's fiction, he needs challenging plots, interwoven timelines, complex characters and well crafted dialogue. As a child he had a world class imagination, most likely due to his mother reading classic fairy tales like Grimm’s and Hans Christian Andersen to him and Juliet, and that sticks with him as an adult and is probably to blame for some of his more...adventurous behaviors. When it comes to nonfiction, he wants the facts but he doesn’t want them to be dry. He wants lusciously written true stories like The Hot Zone or Isaac’s Storm. Logan is very good at multitasking, so if he’s reading for pleasure he might listen to an audio book while working out or driving, but he needs to physically read words when it’s for something important.
When it comes to recording his thoughts about what he’s read, he’ll dictate them to his phone or tablet as he’s reading, or else type them up once he’s done with the chapter or passage. If he’s reading something in preparation for a meeting or presentation, he’ll even note the page number and exact line so that he can confidently cite things to support his argument. 
Billy Russo: 
Billy likes to read things he can relate to. We know he doesn’t shy away from flawed characters in fiction, but he prefers nonfiction. The Things They Carried and Marine Sniper: 93 Confirmed Kills are two that he’s read more than once. He’s also into a good biography or autobiography- usually about war heroes but occasionally about successful businessmen and famous athletes. Billy is especially good at tuning out background noise in favor of focus, meaning that he can read on his cot in an active war zone, or sitting on a crowded bus or subway train in the city with full comprehension… which was decidedly not always the case. Billy wouldn’t even entertain the idea of reading until he was in seventh grade and the US Marine Corp visited his school for an assembly, and they made quite the impression on him. He met a few of the soldiers and got to ask them questions, and he learned that certain high ranking positions in the military required more than will power, brute force and toughness- they required thought and cunning and intelligence. So in one year he went from being at a 5th grade level to a 9th grade level by voraciously reading everything he could get his hands on. 
Pre- TBI Billy had a memory like a steel trap, so note taking wasn’t entirely necessary. Even if he didn’t have excellent recall, leaving his thoughts in the margins for someone else to read without working to come up with on their own isn’t his style. If a particular line strikes him he might underscore it with a single black line pressed into the page, but never with any context as to what made the line stand out. 
Ryan Brenner: 
Ryan doesn’t have the luxury of carrying a whole library with him, but there is one book he always carries: Webster’s Dictionary. Ryan only got through middle school before heading out on his own, meaning that his formal education was stunted. But one of the more influential people he’s met while traveling was a professor named Jack who taught College Composition at a small University outside of Philadelphia. Ryan met Jack when he was about 20 and the two men were working as ranch hands for a few weeks out in Wyoming. Jack taught one semester a year and spent the rest of his time traveling the country, taking up odd jobs and writing about his travels. He showed Ryan that just because you’re not in school doesn’t mean that you should stop learning and thinking about the things that you experience. He recommended a few books that he knew would challenge Ryan, and gave him a copy of the dictionary, encouraging him to look up any word he came across that he didn’t know. “No shame in admitting you don’t know something, Brenner, only in pretending that you do.”
Since that summer, Ryan made it a point to always have a book with him, whether it’s one he borrows from a friend, picks up from a discount book table or from a little free library. He doesn’t always like everything that he picks up, but sometimes he stumbles on a new topic that interests him and will try to read a few books in a row on the same topic. Most recently he’s been into books on the construction of America’s bridges and tunnels. If there is something that he wants to remember, like a quote or a fact, he’ll dog ear the page until he can write whatever it is down in his notebook. So getting a book back from Ryan means that there will be little triangular creases at the tops of some of the pages, and even though he’ll try to flatten them back out before returning it you can still see where his fingers folded the page and you’ll know that something on it made him stop and think. 
Nick Tortano: 
Gonna make this quick: Nick doesn’t read. He can, he just doesn’t unless he has to (i.e. owner’s manuals and assembly instructions). But when it comes to entertainment? He’d rather watch the movie. And by “watch the movie”, he’d rather… well… you know. ;) 
Benjamin Greene: 
Benjamin is a true bibliophile. His to be read pile is taller than Big Ben, and not for lack of trying to whittle it down. He is one of those academics that will read something- a book or article or research paper- and then he’ll go on to read everything on the bibliography and recommended further reading pages. His curiosity is insatiable, but so is his creative side, so he generally reads two books at a time; one for work and one for fun, and he typically carries both so that he can choose what to read based on his mood or stress level. He enjoys finding quiet moments in busy places like parks, city centers, train stations etc, and sometimes he even listens to music while he reads, always pairing it with what he’s reading. If it’s academic research though, he prefers to be in a library. The leather and wood and the smell of all those pages and the sound of them turning help him focus.  
Benjamin enjoys sharing books with people. He loves when he can make a recommendation that fits, and he loves hearing other people’s thoughts about his favorite books. As such, he makes notes all over the margins, with underlines and asterisks and arrows to things that he noticed or that he wants the next reader to notice. Sometimes he’ll even jot down a question as food for thought for whoever he’s loaning the book to. If it's something he really thinks you’ll like, he’ll include a short note, usually on a post-it or taped to the inside front cover, explaining why the work made him think of you.
King Caspian: 
Don’t ask me how I know this but... King Caspian writes all of his notes on separate pieces of paper and tucks them securely between the pages so as not to ruin the book itself by writing in the margins or folding pages. He knows that knowledge is power, and he treats that power with respect. 
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pogueman · 6 years
Rejoice: Sonos Speakers are finally voice-controllable
If you’re among the millions who own Sonos speakers, then you don’t need a paragraph explaining how great they are (the speakers, not the owners).
A Sonos is an internet-connected speaker. It can deliver music from 50 music sources (Spotify, Pandora, Amazon, Apple, Google, etc.)—and you control it from an app on your phone or computer.
These speakers sound amazing for their size and cost. They’re entirely wireless, and they’re easy to name and group—Kitchen, Living Room, etc. In other words, they let you create a whole-home audio system for a fraction of what a professional installation would cost.
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The older Sonos Play:One (left) and the new Sonos Play are suddenly voice-controllable.
Well, fine—until the Amazon Echo came out. The Echo sounds flat and tinny compared to a Sonos speaker, but it overtook Sonos in sales last year (5 million sold vs. 4 million) for one key reason: The Echo lets you ask for music by voice. “Alexa: Play ‘The White Album.’” “Alexa, play some cooking music.” “Alexa—play ‘Mr. Blue Sky.’”
This is what’s known as a killer app, people. It feels like “Star Trek,” like “The Jetsons,” like magic. You come home, you throw your keys in the bowl, you say, “Play some classical music,” and there it is.
But over on Planet Sonos, people still had to haul out their phones to start music, stop music, change tracks, or change the volume. I realize how first-worldly that sounds, but trust me: Sonos owners looked with longing over the fence at their Echo-owning neighbors.
People came up with all kinds of hacks to connect an Alexa to a Sonos (buying a Dot and using a wire, for example)—but in general, this was a missed opportunity the size of Texas.
The end of the era of suffering
Well, it took Sonos some time, but I’m happy—really happy—to report that it has finally come to its senses. The Sonos:1 ($200) speaker looks, sounds, and costs the same as its predecessor, the Sonos Play:1. (Who comes up with these confusing names—someone from Microsoft?)
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Here it is: The Sonos One, a combination Amazon Echo and internet speaker.
There are two tiny differences: The new speaker doesn’t have a mounting bracket on the back, and its top buttons are touch-sensitive spots instead of physical switches.
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Both the Play:One and the new One cost $200, but they look and sound identical except for the top buttons.
And there’s one huge difference:  the new speaker is an Amazon Echo. It has Alexa built in. So you can ask it for the time in Paris, for a 20-minute timer, for a joke, for last night’s sports results, for an NPR news update, for an Uber ride, for a Domino’s pizza, to set your Nest thermostat, and so on—and you can ask it to play any music in the world. (See my video above.)
But meanwhile, it’s a Sonos. So now you can not only ask, “Play Billy Joel”; you can say, “Play Billy Joel in the living room.” Or, “in the kitchen.” Or wherever you’ve set up your Sonoses.
You don’t have to replace your existing Sonos setup, either. Just one Sonos One speaker (with Alexa) can control all your older Sonos speakers (without Alexa).
That’s the review, right there. It’s Alexa smarts in a Sonos. If you’re a Sonos fan—or if you’re trying to come up with a killer big-ticket holiday gift for the music nut in your life—you have my blessing. Get this thing.
It gets better
Ah, but Sonos did more than just put Alexa into a Sonos speaker. It also wrote a “skill”—a plug-in voice command—for existing Sonos speakers.
Yes, the days of wiring an Echo Dot into a Sonos speaker are over. If, indeed, you own both an Amazon Echo (any kind) and a Sonos speaker (any kind), you can have all the same voice control that you’d get if you bought a Sonos One (the new kind).
That sounds trickier in words than it is in practice. But here’s the idea:
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If you already have an Echo and an old Sonos, you don’t have to buy anything new to get voice control of your music.
In other words, you don’t have to buy anything new from Sonos to get voice control over an existing Sonsos setup. If you have an Amazon Echo (or if you buy an Echo Dot this Black Friday for $30 or $40)—you can enter the same musical heaven.
You’ll probably have the same critique I do: The software setup has too many steps, with too little guidance. But you’ll muddle through.
A thrilling next few weeks
Voice-controlled speakers are a hot new item this year. It’s a great idea for a tech product (have I mentioned how great it is to own one?), and lots and lots of people will be buying them.
In December, Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOG, GOOGL) will each enter the marketplace with bigger, badder, much more expensive voice-controlled speakers of their own. There’ll be the Apple HomePod ($350) and the Google Home Max ($400).
In other words, Sonos’ window of being The One and Only is fairly short. Soon, it will be surrounded by competitors.
Sonos enjoys the freedom, though, of being beholden to no particular ecosystem. If you buy an Apple HomePod, you’ll use “Hey Siri” commands to operate it; it’s great, if you belong to the Apple Army. If you buy a Google Home Max, you’ll use “Hey Google” commands; great, if you belong to the Android Army.
But after an update coming in the new year, the Sonos One will be able to respond either to “Alexa” commands or to “OK Google” commands—a feat I’ve never seen in a single piece of hardware.
(Speaking of updates: At this moment, there’s one important music service you can’t control by voice on the Sonos One—Spotify. The company says that’ll come within the next few weeks.)
The bottom line, though, is that the Sonos One (and the free “skill” for older Sonoses) is the harbinger of a glorious new era. Most people are fairly “meh” about most smart-home products—you don’t see internet-connected light bulbs, door locks, or electric drapes in many people’s houses. But voice-controlled music? That’s got mass appeal. That’s true joy. Mark my words: It’s going to become a thing. A really wonderful thing.
More from David Pogue:
Battle of the 4K streaming boxes: Apple, Google, Amazon, and Roku
iPhone X review: Gorgeous, pricey, and worth it
Inside the Amazon company that’s even bigger than Amazon
The $50 Google Home Mini vs. the $50 Amazon Echo Dot — who wins?
The Fitbit Ionic doesn’t quite deserve the term ‘smartwatch’
Augmented reality? Pogue checks out 7 of the first iPhone AR apps 
David Pogue, tech columnist for Yahoo Finance, is the author of “iPhone: The Missing Manual.” He welcomes nontoxic comments in the comments section below. On the web, he’s davidpogue.com. On Twitter, he’s @pogue. On email, he’s [email protected]. You can read all his articles here, or you can sign up to get his columns by email. 
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes
jesusvasser · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes
cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Creating, Deploying TNS Tokens — SitePoint
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/07/creating-deploying-tns-tokens-sitepoint/
Creating, Deploying TNS Tokens — SitePoint
In part 1 of this tutorial series on building DApps with Ethereum, we bootstrapped two versions of a local blockchain for development: a Ganache version, and a full private PoA version.
In this part, we’ll dive right into it and build and deploy our TNS token — the token users will use to vote on proposals in the Story DAO.
Have a Ganache version up and running, as per the previous part. Alternatively, have any local version of a blockchain running if you’re not following along from the first part, but make sure you can connect to it with tools we’ll need.
We’ll assume you have a working private blockchain and the ability to type commands into its console and the operating system’s terminal via the Terminal app or, on Windows, an app like Git Bash, Console, CMD Prompt, Powershell, etc.
The Basic Dependencies
To develop our application, we can use one of several frameworks and starter kits at our disposal: Dapp, eth-utils, Populus, Embark … and so on. But we’ll go with the current king of the ecosystem, Truffle.
Install it with the following:
npm install -g truffle
This will make the truffle command available everywhere. Now we can start the project with truffle init.
Starting the Token
Let’s get right into it and build our token. It’ll be a somewhat standard cookie-cutter ERC20 token with a twist. (You’ll see which twist lower in this post.) First, we’ll pull in some dependencies. The OpenZeppelin libraries are battle-tested high quality solidity contracts usable for extending and building contracts from.
npm install openzeppelin-solidity
Next, let’s create a new token file:
truffle create contract TNSToken
The default template that truffle generates here is a little out of date, so let’s get it updated:
pragma solidity ^0.4.24; contract TNStoken constructor() public
Up until now, the constructor of the token contract was supposed to be called the same as the contract itself, but for clarity it was changed to constructor. It should also always have a modifier telling the compiler who is allowed to deploy and interact with this contract (public meaning everyone).
The only Zeppelin contract we’ll be using in this case is their SafeMath contract. In Solidity, we import contracts with the import keyword, while the compiler will generally not require a full path, only a relative one, like so:
pragma solidity ^0.4.24; import "../node_modules/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol"; contract TNStoken using SafeMath for uint256; constructor() public
So, what is SafeMath? Long ago, there was an issue of 184 billion bitcoins being created because of a math problem in code. To prevent issues even remotely similar to these (not that this one in particular is possible in Ethereum), the SafeMath library exists. When two numbers are of the MAX_INT size (i.e. the maximum possible number in an operating system), summing them up would make the value “wrap around” to zero, like a car’s odometer being reset to 0 after reaching 999999 kilometers. So the SafeMath library has functions like these:
/** * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c;
This function prevents this issue: it checks whether the sum of two numbers is still bigger than each of the two operands.
While it’s not too easy to make such silly mistakes when writing Solidity contracts, it’s still better to be safe than sorry.
By using SafeMath for uint256, we replace the standard uint256 numbers in Solidity (256bit unsigned — a.k.a. positive-only — whole numbers) with these “safe” versions. Instead of summing numbers like this: sum = someBigNumber + someBiggerNumber, we’ll be summing them like this: sum = someBigNumber.add(someBiggerNumber), thereby being safe in our calculations.
ERC20 from Scratch
With our math made safe, we can create our token.
ERC20 is a standard with a well-defined interface, so for reference, let’s add it into the contract. Read about the token standards here.
So the functions that an ERC20 token should have are:
pragma solidity ^0.4.24; import "../node_modules/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol"; contract ERC20 function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256); function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool); function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); contract TNStoken using SafeMath for uint256; constructor() public
This might seem complex, but it’s actually very simple. This is a “directory” of functions our token needs to have, and we’ll build them one by one, explaining what each of them means. Consider the above an interface for our token. We’ll see how and why this is useful when we create the Story DAO application.
Basic balances
Let’s start. A token is actually just a “spreadsheet” in the Ethereum blockchain, like this:
| Name | Amount | |:--|:--| | Bruno | 4000 | | Joe | 5000 | | Anne | 0 | | Mike | 300 |
So let’s create a mapping, which is essentially exactly like a spreadsheet in the contract:
mapping(address => uint256) balances;
According to the interface above, this needs to be accompanied by a balanceOf function, which can read this table:
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) return balances[_owner];
The function balanceOf accepts one argument: _owner is public (can be used by anyone), is a view function (meaning it’s free to use — does not require a transaction), and returns a uint256 number, the balance of the owner of the address sent in. Everyone’s balance of tokens is publicly readable.
Total supply
Knowing the total supply of the token is important for its users and for coin tracking applications, so let’s define a contract property (variable) to track this and another free function through which to read this:
uint256 totalSupply_; function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) return totalSupply_;
Sending tokens
Next, let’s make sure the owner of a number of tokens can transfer them to someone else. We’ll also want to know when a transfer has occurred, so we’ll define a Transfer event as well. A Transfer event lets us listen for transfers in the blockchain via JavaScript, so that our applications can be aware of when these events are emitted instead of constantly manually checking if a transfer happened. Events are declared alongside variables in a contract, and emitted with the emit keyword. Let’s add the following into our contract now:
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) require(_to != address(0)); require(_value <= balances[msg.sender]); balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value); emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); return true;
This function accepts two arguments: _to, which is the destination address which will receive the tokens, and value, which is the number of tokens. It’s important to remember that value is the number of the smallest units of the token, not the whole units. So if a token is declared to have 10 decimals, then in order to send one token you would send 10000000000. This level of granularity lets us transact minuscule amounts.
The function is public, meaning anyone can use it — both other contracts and users — and it returns true if the operation was successful.
The function then does some sanity checks. First, it checks that the destination address isn’t a null address. In other words, tokens must not be sent into oblivion. Next, it checks if the sender is even allowed to send this many tokens by comparing their balance (balances[msg.sender]) with the value passed in for sending. If any of these checks fail, the function will reject the transaction and fail. It will refund any tokens sent, but the gas spent on executing the function up until that point will have been spent.
The next two lines subtract the amount of tokens from the sender’s balance and add that amount to the destination’s balance. Then the event is emitted with emit, and some values are passed in: the sender, the recipient, and the amount. Any client subscribed to Transfer events on this contract will now be notified of this event.
Okay, now our token holders can send tokens around. Believe it or not, that’s all you need for a basic token. But we’re going beyond that and adding some more functionality.
Sometimes a third party may be given permission to withdraw from another account’s balance. This is useful for games which might facilitate in-game purchases, decentralized exchanges, and more. We do this by building a multi-dimensional mapping called allowance, which stores all such permissions. Let’s add the following:
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal allowed; event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
The event is there so that apps listening can know when someone has pre-approved spending of their balance by someone else — a useful feature, and part of the standard.
The mapping combines addresses with another mapping, which combines addresses with numbers. It basically forms a spreadsheet like this one:
So Bob’s balance may be spent by Mary up to 1000 tokens and Billy up to 50 tokens. Mary’s balance can be spent by Bob up to 750 tokens. Billy’s balance can be spent up to 300 tokens by Mary and 1500 by Joe.
Given that this mapping is internal, it can only be used by functions in this contract and contracts that use this contract as a base.
To approve someone else spending from your account, you call the approve function with the address of the person allowed to spend your tokens, the amount they are allowed to spend, and in the function you emit an Approval event:
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); return true;
We also need a way to read how much a user can spend from another user’s account:
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256) return allowed[_owner][_spender];
So it’s another read only function (view) which means it’s free to execute. It simply reads the remaining withdrawable balance.
So how does one send for someone else? With a new transferFrom function:
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) require(_to != address(0)); require(_value <= balances[_from]); require(_value <= allowed[_from][msg.sender]); balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_value); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value); allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_value); emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value); return true;
As before, there are sanity checks: the destination address must not be a null-address, so no sending tokens to a black hole. The value being transferred also needs to be less than or equal to not only the current balance of the account the value is being transferred from, but also the balance the message sender (the address initiating this transaction) is still allowed to spend for them.
Next, the balance is updated and the allowed balance is brought into sync with that before emitting the event about the Transfer.
Note: it’s possible for the token holder to spend tokens without the allowed mapping being updated. This can happen if the token holder sends tokens around manually using transfer. In that case, it’s possible that the holder will have fewer tokens than the allowance dictates a third party can spend for them.
With approvals and allowances in place, we can also create functions that let a token holder increase or decrease someone’s allowance, rather than overwrite the value entirely. Try doing this as an exercise, then refer to source code below for the solution.
function increaseApproval(address _spender, uint _addedValue) public returns (bool) allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = ( allowed[msg.sender][_spender].add(_addedValue)); emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]); return true; function decreaseApproval(address _spender, uint _subtractedValue) public returns (bool) uint oldValue = allowed[msg.sender][_spender]; if (_subtractedValue > oldValue) allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = 0; else allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = oldValue.sub(_subtractedValue); emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]); return true;
So far, we’ve merely built a token “contract”. But what is this token? What’s it called? How many decimals does it have? How do we use it?
At the very beginning, we defined a constructor function. Now, let’s finish its body and add the attributes name, symbol and decimals:
string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals; constructor(string _name, string _symbol, uint8 _decimals, uint256 _totalSupply) public name = _name; symbol = _symbol; decimals = _decimals; totalSupply_ = _totalSupply;
Doing it like this lets us reuse the contract later for other tokens of the same type. But seeing as we know exactly what we’re building, let’s hard-code those values:
string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals; constructor() public name = "The Neverending Story Token; symbol = "TNS"; decimals = 18; totalSupply_ = 100 * 10**6 * 10**18;
These details are read by the various Ethereum tools and platforms when displaying the token’s information. The constructor function is automatically called when a contract is deployed to an Ethereum network, so these values will be auto-configured at deploy-time.
A word about totalSupply_ = 100 * 10**6 * 10**18;: this is just a way to make it easier for humans to read the number. Since all transfers in Ethereum are done with the smallest unit of ether or token (including decimals) the smallest unit is 18 decimals deep into the decimal point. This is why a single TNS token is 1 * 10**18*. Furthermore, we want 100 million of them, so that’s 100 * 10**6 or 100*10*10*10*10*10*10. This makes the number much more readable than 100000000000000000000000000.
Alternative Development Flow
Alternatively, we can just extend the Zeppelin contract, modify some attributes, and we have our token. That’s what most people do, but when dealing with software that potentially handles millions of other people’s money, I personally tend to want to know exactly what I put in the code, so blind code reuse is minimal in my personal case.
pragma solidity ^0.4.24; import "../node_modules/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol"; import "../node_modules/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC827/ERC20Token.sol"; contract TNStoken is ERC20Token using SafeMath for uint256; string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals; uint256 totalSupply_; constructor() public name = "The Neverending Story Token"; symbol = "TNS"; decimals = 18; totalSupply_ = 100 * 10**6 * 10**18;
In this case, we use the is notation to declare that our token is ERC20Token. This makes our token extend the ERC20 contract, which in turn extends StandardToken, and so on …
Either way, our token is ready now. But who gets how many tokens to start with and how?
Initial Balance
Let’s give the maker of the contract all the tokens. Otherwise, the tokens won’t be sendable to anyone. Update the constructor by adding the following line to the end of it:
balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply_;
Token Locking
Seeing as we intend to use the tokens as voting power (i.e. how many tokens you lock during voting represents how powerful your vote is), we need a way to prevent users from sending them around after having voted, else our DAO would be susceptible to a Sybil attack — a single person with a million tokens could register 100 addresses and achieve the voting power of 100 million tokens by just sending them around to different addresses and re-voting with a new address. Thus, we’ll prevent transferring exactly as many tokens as a person has devoted to a vote, cumulatively for each vote on each proposal. That’s the twist we mentioned at the start of this post. Let’s add the following event into our contract:
event Locked(address indexed owner, uint256 indexed amount);
Then let’s add the locking methods:
function increaseLockedAmount(address _owner, uint256 _amount) onlyOwner public returns (uint256) uint256 lockingAmount = locked[_owner].add(_amount); require(balanceOf(_owner) >= lockingAmount, "Locking amount must not exceed balance"); locked[_owner] = lockingAmount; emit Locked(_owner, lockingAmount); return lockingAmount; function decreaseLockedAmount(address _owner, uint256 _amount) onlyOwner public returns (uint256) uint256 amt = _amount; require(locked[_owner] > 0, "Cannot go negative. Already at 0 locked tokens."); if (amt > locked[_owner]) amt = locked[_owner]; uint256 lockingAmount = locked[_owner].sub(amt); locked[_owner] = lockingAmount; emit Locked(_owner, lockingAmount); return lockingAmount;
Each method makes sure that no illegal amount can be locked or unlocked, and then emits an event after altering the locked amount for a given address. Each function also returns the new amount that’s now locked for this user. This still doesn’t prevent sending, though. Let’s modify transfer and transferFrom:
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) { require(_to != address(0)); require(_value <= balances[msg.sender] - locked[msg.sender]); // <-- THIS LINE IS DIFFERENT // ... function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) { require(_to != address(0)); require(_value <= balances[_from] - locked[_from]); require(_value <= allowed[_from][msg.sender] - locked[_from]); // <-- THIS LINE IS DIFFERENT // ...
Finally, we need to know how many tokens are locked or unlocked for a user:
function getLockedAmount(address _owner) view public returns (uint256) return locked[_owner]; function getUnlockedAmount(address _owner) view public returns (uint256) return balances[_owner].sub(locked[_owner]);
That’s it: our token is now lockable from the outside, but only by the owner of the token contract (which will be the Story DAO we’ll build in the coming tutorials). Let’s make the token contract Ownable — i.e. allow it to have an owner. Import the Ownable contract with import "../node_modules/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol"; and then change this line:
contract StoryDao {
… to be this:
contract StoryDao is Ownable {
Full Code
The full code of the token with comments for custom functions at this point looks like this:
pragma solidity ^0.4.24; import "../node_modules/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol"; import "../node_modules/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol"; contract TNStoken is Ownable using SafeMath for uint256; mapping(address => uint256) balances; mapping(address => uint256) locked; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal allowed; uint256 totalSupply_; event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); event Locked(address indexed owner, uint256 indexed amount); string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals; constructor() public name = "The Neverending Story Token"; symbol = "TNS"; decimals = 18; totalSupply_ = 100 * 10**6 * 10**18; balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply_; /** @dev _owner will be prevented from sending _amount of tokens. Anything beyond this amount will be spendable. */ function increaseLockedAmount(address _owner, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner returns (uint256) uint256 lockingAmount = locked[_owner].add(_amount); require(balanceOf(_owner) >= lockingAmount, "Locking amount must not exceed balance"); locked[_owner] = lockingAmount; emit Locked(_owner, lockingAmount); return lockingAmount; /** @dev _owner will be allowed to send _amount of tokens again. Anything remaining locked will still not be spendable. If the _amount is greater than the locked amount, the locked amount is zeroed out. Cannot be neg. */ function decreaseLockedAmount(address _owner, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner returns (uint256) uint256 amt = _amount; require(locked[_owner] > 0, "Cannot go negative. Already at 0 locked tokens."); if (amt > locked[_owner]) amt = locked[_owner]; uint256 lockingAmount = locked[_owner].sub(amt); locked[_owner] = lockingAmount; emit Locked(_owner, lockingAmount); return lockingAmount; function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) require(_to != address(0)); require(_value <= balances[msg.sender] - locked[msg.sender]); balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value); emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); return true; function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); return true; function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) require(_to != address(0)); require(_value <= balances[_from] - locked[_from]); require(_value <= allowed[_from][msg.sender] - locked[_from]); balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_value); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value); allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_value); emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value); return true; function increaseApproval(address _spender, uint _addedValue) public returns (bool) allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = ( allowed[msg.sender][_spender].add(_addedValue)); emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]); return true; function decreaseApproval(address _spender, uint _subtractedValue) public returns (bool) uint oldValue = allowed[msg.sender][_spender]; if (_subtractedValue > oldValue) allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = 0; else allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = oldValue.sub(_subtractedValue); emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]); return true; /** @dev Returns number of tokens the address is still prevented from using */ function getLockedAmount(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) return locked[_owner]; /** @dev Returns number of tokens the address is allowed to send */ function getUnlockedAmount(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) return balances[_owner].sub(locked[_owner]); function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) return balances[_owner]; function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) return totalSupply_; function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256) return allowed[_owner][_spender];
This part helped us get through building a basic token that we’ll use as a participation/share token in The Neverending Story. While the token has utility, it is by its definition of being an asset that controls decisions of a greater body a security token. Be mindful of the difference.
In the next part of this series, we’ll learn how to compile, deploy and test this token.
Bruno is a blockchain developer and code auditor from Croatia with Master’s Degrees in Computer Science and English Language and Literature. He’s been a web developer for 10 years until JavaScript drove him away. He now runs a cryptocurrency business at Bitfalls.com via which he makes blockchain tech approachable to the masses, and runs Coinvendor, an on-boarding platform for people to easily buy cryptocurrency. He’s also a developer evangelist for Diffbot.com, a San Francisco-based AI-powered machine vision web scraper. Read more about his background with the blockchain here.
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Purchaser's Overview of ... Gym Membership.
Here are some of the principles around Pokemon Go's fitness centers, located in neighborhood locations of interest and also the scene of your battles versus other Pokemon 'trainers'. Ahead, a huddled quartet swallowedSavannah's thin kind as well as I lifted my head, gaining ground, bobbing on my toes, attempting to see her. Guy begin to give teenage ladies a wide berth on the road; children are set apart into single-sex schools for their own safety and security. Every 21 hrs you could collect 10 Pokécoins for every defender you have in any type of fitness centers you're sustaining. The gym made the body a topic of conversation, display screen, desire as well as fret as well as of workout as well as treatment. As a result, there are no legal limitations on the quantity of weight that a women worker could lift. There is no factor you cannot create a totally functional residence gym that will stand the test of time for between ₤ 1,000 as well as ₤ 2,000 There are plenty of places to purchase made use of physical fitness devices, such as classified ads as well as public auction sites like ebay.com, where you'll usually be able to get equipment for less compared to half exactly what you would certainly spend for it brand-new. Whatever devices the health club supplies is provided and kept by Hendricks devoid of any type of price for participants. Getting a much better exercise overall when you're functioning out and your devices is smoother this additionally indicates that you're functioning your muscles a lot more effectively. The movie appears to be asking us to go out of the theater shaking our heads in disillusionment, however I was much more puzzled than frustrated. To Zack went the White Zeo Shard, giving him the power of the Light, and also control of the White Cheetah Zord. Works a little much better compared to the initial Power Rangers film yet will not prolong its charm beyond the program's follower base. The Crimson Ranger exists, chuckling, tossing screws of lightning at the Wind Rangers. However it is additionally the type of power that Gandhi accessed, that at some point brought the British Realm to approve India's independence. Both rangers veered to opposite sides, enabling the blast to fly harmlessly previous them. Power Youngsters (also known as 5 huajai hero) is sheer awesomeness, no doubt about it. It's rather obvious that this is supervisor Krissanapong Rachata's very first movie, as well as writer Nonont Kontaweesook's very first too, yet with the aid of co-writers Napalee and Piyaros Thongdee (The Protector), they have the ability to craft a movie that's so unbelievably unintentionally amusing that it's ridiculous how unknown this film still is at the moment. Gold offered Gold's Health club in 1970, 6 years before Pumping Iron, yet it has gone on to come to be a franchise business with fitness centers across 43 states as well as 25 nations. have a peek at this web-site was one of the earliest Total Gym designs offered for home usage. Choose carefully; once you put a Pokémon in a health club its secured there up until it obtains knocked senseless at which point it's gone back to your stock. A low chuckle comes from all over me. Eyes narrowing, I transport even more power right into my clenched fist. In Quid Pro Quo harassment, the criminal is in a placement of power at the workplace and is exerting this power to obtain sex-related favors in exchange for a workplace benefit. Well, we should recognize the different reactions that could come from interested celebrations when it involves power and also autonomy. Dealing with the power mystery depends upon locating a balance between the gratification of your very own desires and also your focus on other individuals. Screenwriter Max Landis, that worked on a very early draft of Power Rangers yet was terminated, has mentioned how similar the intro looks to Chronicle. It misbehaves enough to handle traffic jams on your way to work, so navigating around unaware people at the fitness center could be just as annoying. The six rangers climbed to their feet and stood side by side in front of the pillar as well as enjoyed as a face showed up over the Zeo Crystal. In an automated lift a button looks after the lift's folding, unraveling, decreasing as well as increasing, while in a semi-automatic wheelchair platform lift one has to manually unravel the system and also fold up. Je viens de m' acheter le power plate et je voudrais savoir combien de temps je dois en pratiquer par jour surtout la durée des exercices ... merci d'avance. Exactly what this does, this setting enables you to get a lot more power from your glutes in contrast to being simply flat on the floor fine. Individuals do understand it. Yet they do not seem to be able realise it and I think this is why Rhonda as made out that it is an almost enough individuals are acting apon it as well as it truly is a remarkable power. Or they could go into free-fall; Quake is chiefly remembered in my home for among the sloppiest special results in cinema history - plummeting lift travelers screaming together while a person chucks red paint at the lens. There is world power in making the commitment to maintaining our words as positive and also life affirming as we are able. Including a strike bag to your residence gym is going to allow you to enjoy excellent stress-busting, high strength exercises. Most gyms are not actually clean, as well as numerous do not take adequate steps to tidy," says Drew 'Connell, Los Angeles-based master instructor and creator of Now Body Fitness. To think of it one more means, 4 skiers or snowboarders could pack the lift about every six seconds despite whether a quad is fixed-grip or high-speed. Bonjour, j' habite à Marseille j' aimerai essayé la Power Plate et j' aimerai savoir quels sont les prix pratiqués sur Marseille?merci d'avance!!! Yet I desired the scanners to be triggered initially, so we could determine precisely where the continuing to be Rangers are concealing. Treharne, who opened his first branch in Hounslow in 2008, stated he intends to open in between 15 and also 20 brand-new gyms a year to touch need for adaptable use. a fantastic read and also Resident's Recommendations have released guidelines in the last fortnight about what to keep an eye out for in gym agreements, as well as have offered guidance to those who are currently secured right into long contracts. Even if we're cut off from Ninja Ops, at the very least we can still access the Power approved to us. The Power Rangers returned to the Central Access Complex to notify Billy of their circumstance. Push down on the deal with of the sculpt to prise the board up. Repeat beyond till the whole board has actually been lifted high sufficient for you to insert the claw of your hammer. Directly I extremely suggest this flick only and solely to Power Rangers' followers, not to the general audience. A variety of health-club chains currently have several Power-Plates as component of their gym devices. One of the most impressive elements of the book is exactly how it uses a brand-new schematics of sex as well as power to brighten our truth, with Tunde's experiences demonstrating just what it's like to find of age as the weak sex. Alternatively, you might ditch the fitness center and sign up with a running club, sign up a routine health and fitness course, or get a workout DVD. Edinburgh, St Albans, Sheffield and Glasgow have the highest numbers of octogenarians health club participants in the UK, while overall 74 year-olds in Leicester are the most frequent health club customers, balancing 14 sees monthly. The three traditional powerlifting exercises are the squat, the bench and also the deadlift press, but also for a non-competitive powerlifting training regimen, you can make use of various other compound raises like the power clean, the high pull and also the snag. A buddy of the Rangers named Perry developeded a push-button control motocross drone which went crazy and became the villanous Motodrone. A few more quits and the primary entry level was reached, the reoccuring of nurses, physicians and also site visitors serving to stop the rising once again of any tension. Three modes of operation are supplied: Power saver, Well balanced as well as High Performance. Rachel Cosgrove, co-owner of Outcomes Physical fitness in Santa Clarita, The golden state, recommends the Russian kettlebell swing, as an exercise the builds eruptive power. But don't surrender on exercise entirely - you'll find it far harder to obtain back in the swing of points if you do. Make exercise part of the fun and also keep on your own ticking over up until it's time to get back to the health club in January. With numerous health clubs combating each other over customers, membership fees are dropping. The 4 rangers combed the desert dirt from their uniforms, as well as all gazed up at their leader, who was still associated with a heated battle with Astronema. Help from your caretaker and also various other person in the home is not need for operating this lift. In bundle stair lifts, trays are made use of instead of seats to transport items from one level to one more.
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artkitterman-blog · 7 years
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viralhottopics · 7 years
The helter skelter story of the Cavern Club – BBC News
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption The Beatles made history when they performed at the Cavern in 1961
It has been shut down, demolished, and rebuilt, but Liverpool’s Cavern Club remains an icon of pop history. As it celebrates its 60th year, those who were there in its heyday recall its evolution from subterranean jazz club to international music Mecca.
‘What about that place there?’
Image copyright Le Caveau de la Huchett
Image caption The Cavern was inspired by a Paris jazz club
Peter Morris was a friend of the club’s first owner, Alan Sytner, who modelled the basement venue on Le Caveau de la Huchette – a jazz place he’d seen in Paris.
He recalled how they were drinking at The Grapes pub in Matthew Street when the idea was formed.
“Alan said, ‘We should have a place like [Le Caveau]’. He said, ‘I’d love to find a place, like a basement or something’.
“We came out of the pub and [one of us] said, ‘Hey Alan, what about that place there?’ And there was a sign that said ‘Basement For Sale, Or Let’.
“The next day we met up again for a pint at lunch time and Alan said, ‘Got that place. I’ve bought it’.”
Peter recalled how Alan’s vision for the club, which opened on 16 January 1957, involved some questionable manual labour.
“It was actually three rooms, and Alan said, ‘What we need is one big room, so these walls will have to come down’. He said, ”I’ll get the sledgehammers and a barrel of ale, and we’ll all go down one night and knock these walls down’.
“Just thinking about it afterwards, you know, the whole thing could have come down on top of us.”
‘They’re all leaving’
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Regulars at the club often did the Cavern Stomp, a jive which involved holding your hands low
Colin Hanton was the drummer with John Lennon’s skiffle group, The Quarrymen – a precursor to The Beatles.
He remembered how the jazz club’s owners were less than impressed with their set in 1958.
“John had done a couple of rock and roll numbers and someone passed him a folded piece of paper. So John said over the microphone, ‘Oh, we have a request from the audience’.
“He opened it up and it said, ‘Do not do any more rock n’ roll, signed the management’. Apparently we weren’t the only band that got that kind of note.
“But rock and roll was coming, you know? It was like King Canute trying to hold back the waves.
“The more we played rock and roll the more people got up and left and John was quite beside himself. He turned to me and said, ‘They’re all leaving, I can’t believe it’.
‘Here’s our Cilla’
Image copyright The Cavern Club/BBC
Image caption Gerry Marsden said the club used to be packed
By 1960, the club’s new owner Ray McFall – whose bankruptcy forced its temporary closure in 1966 – had abandoned the venue’s jazz roots for rock ‘n’ roll.
He would help launch the careers of many Merseybeat bands, including The Beatles, who played their first Cavern gig in 1961.
Gerry Marsden, lead singer of Gerry and the Pacemakers, remembered the club as a popular spot which shone a spotlight on then-cloakroom attendant, Cilla Black.
“We would play alternate days with The Beatles. It used to be packed – all the girls would come from the offices and the lads would all come in [at lunchtime].
“Cilla asked, ‘Can I sing?’ ‘Yep come on, get up. Here she is! Here’s our Cilla’.
“And that was it. She just got up and did it and a star was born.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Cilla Black worked in the cloakroom at the club
‘It was like a steam bath’
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Debbie Greenberg said there was so many people there condensation would run down the walls
For Cavern regular Debbie Greenberg, the anticipation started above ground.
“We would queue up in Mathew Street waiting to go in and you could hear the ‘throb, throb, throb’ of the beat inside.
“There was a small opening to get in and 18 stone steps to go down. And there’d be a guy sitting at a wooden table taking the money as you went in.
“You’d pay your shilling to get in and then you’d be part of the excitement.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption People used to queue along Matthew Street to get into the club
But it wasn’t just the thrill of the music and the bands that made an impression.
“It was a smelly place, because there were no drains, no main drains, just a cesspit under the toilets, and the cleaners used to top it up with disinfectant every day.
“There would be condensation running down the walls, everybody would be perspiring because it was so hot in there, it was like a steam bath.
“But that was what made [it] The Cavern.”
Image copyright Cavern Club – The Inside Story/BBC
Image caption Debbie Greenberg saw life at the Cavern from both sides, as a regular and later as the daughter of the owner
The Cavern would became an even bigger fixture in her life when her father Alf Geoghegan bought it in the late 1960s.
“Dad came to me and said ‘I’ve got a chance of buying the Cavern, what do you think?’ Well, you offer a child a key to a sweet shop it’s not going to say no.
“Paul McCartney turned up [once] and said: ‘I’ve got my new girlfriend in the car outside, and I’d like to bring her back and show her where it all began’.
“They came in and she took a photograph of me with Paul.”
‘It changed my life’
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption The Cavern put on countless Liverpool acts, including the Merseybeats
Billy Kinsey, lead singer of The Merseybeats, also recalled the cellar’s strange aroma – “horrible smell, very distinctive”.
But despite its dungeon-like qualities, he credits the club with shaping the course of his life.
“I knew the minute I saw The Beatles playing on the Cavern – that’s what I wanted to be, a professional musician.
“And three days later I left school. I became a professional musician, which I still am.
“It changed my life. It absolutely changed my life.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption People packed into the venue even during their lunch breaks
‘So really, did we lose anything?’
Image copyright AP
Image caption The Cavern was pulled down in 1973 and the cellar filled in
The club’s long and winding road looked set to hit a dead end when in 1973 British Rail obtained a compulsory purchase order to build a new underground railway.
The original venue was bulldozed and the cellar filled in, bringing what many thought was an end to the landmark venue.
But following John Lennon’s murder in 1980, it was rebuilt on the original site and opened four years later.
It now mixes its 60s heritage with modern acts.
Dave Jones, who has owned the club since 1991, said the venue and the success of The Beatles has helped make Liverpool a global destination.
Image caption Dave Jones says the new Cavern is a better venue
“We know it’s not the original Cavern, we don’t pretend that it is, but [it] is where the original Cavern was,” he said.
“In hindsight you could say that because it led to the demolition, and it led to the rebuilding, we actually ended up with a better venue anyway, on the same site.
“So really, did we lose anything?”
Learn more: The Cavern The Most Famous Club In The World
Image copyright AP
Image caption Paul McCartney returned to the Cavern in 1999
Image copyright The Cavern
Image caption The venue mixes its 60s heritage with modern acts like Jake Bugg
Read more: http://ift.tt/2m5zmFf
from The helter skelter story of the Cavern Club – BBC News
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jesusvasser · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes