#bitch forgot that I won’t hesitate to call out illegal behavior and told me he would cover it this time
hoots-the-owl · 5 months
When you get sick and call into work and your manager tells you that even though you keep getting sick you still have to come in (he said he’ll cover it THIS time). And when he says you have to call others to cover your shift but you have no numbers of any of your coworkers even though you’ve been asking for a list for at least a couple of months now and they just haven’t had the time to get you one (they have had the time they just too lazy). Just baffling.
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thran-duils · 3 years
Doll Me Up (P.7)
Title: Doll Me Up (Part Seven) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Tony Stark. On good days, you and Tony were a power couple. You, a perfect trophy wife with your hands in local charities to promote a wholesome image. Tony, business man but sullied with organized crime. He indulged in his illegal gambling, extortion, and political corruption. And he indulged in his escort business. Hell, that is where he had found you. You were a brat, and he loved a challenge. Words: 4,457 Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, smut, daddy kink, dom/sub, manipulation, death, violence, possessive behavior, drug use Author’s Note:  **This chapter starts with a very angry and violent Tony. If that is triggering, do not read it. Plus, it mentions him doing cocaine and with RDJ's past, that may be offensive to some! Head's up! You have been warned**
Part Six || Part Eight || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Three months ago (cont.)…
You were happy you had arrived in a bathing suit already. Cassandra already had a handful of people over – luckily all people that you knew – swimming in her pool.
“So, what’s up?” Cassandra asked you, leading you towards the bar.
“Nothing just… wanted to come over.” She stared at you and you said, “God, fine. Tony pissed me off. You wanna take some shots?”
“What? Why? I am… Y/N, I am high.” She laughed. “I cannot be drinking. You know I do not do well crossfaded.”
“I’ll do one myself then.”
Walking around the bar, you grabbed one of the bottles of rum off the mantel and poured yourself a double. Cassandra snorted and you told her, “I needed that.”
“What was it about now?”
“I don’t really wanna talk about it. It’s just gonna make me mad all over again. Let’s just hang out and have fun and relax.” You spotted a picture on the counter. “Oh my god. Is this from your new video?” you asked picking up the photo. Cassandra nodded excitedly. “Oh my god, you look great. Your body looks amazing. How did he feel?”
Cassandra snorted. “Like every other male pornstar ever? His cock was hard, and he was plowing me.”
You shook your head, placing the photo back down on the counter. “You really are brave for doing that.”
“Brave?” she laughed.
“Yeah. I mean. God, doing escort work is one thing. It’s just you and a john – or two or three, depends. But it’s just that. There’s no cameras or anything. You though? You’ve got cameras all around, a whole crew watching the whole thing. You’re taking direction while getting dicked. That’s gotta be a lot of pressure.”
Cassandra started laughing. You realized how ridiculous you sounded, and you started laughing too. “Oh god, let’s go out to the pool. I obviously need some air.”
“Obviously,” Cassandra agreed, linking arms with you.
The shots hit the blood stream quick and consequently opened the flood gates too in a short amount of time. On your way upstairs, you stopped to take another shot. Cassandra was telling you about the trip she was going to take with her sugar daddy and you groaned, remembering why you were so mad at Tony all over again. The two of you walked up the stairs, arms linked to the bathroom. She continued telling you about the things they had planned while standing outside the bathroom, giving you privacy.
“I think I’m starting to come down,” she said to you. “I’m gonna have to light up another one. Do you want to share a joint?”
“Mhm, maybe,” you called as you pulled your suit bottoms back up.
Movement outside the window caught your eye.
Oh no.
Tony’s car was outside Cassandra’s house, right behind yours. You saw him get out of the car, followed by Mikhail and Louis.
“Fuck me!” you hissed before turning around. You completely forgot he could track the car and now he was going to cause a scene.
“You gotta hide me!” you exclaimed, coming into her bedroom, grabbing her hands.
Cassandra’s eyes widened and she returned alarmed, “Wait, what?”
“Tony! The driveway!”
“Okay? Is this bad?”
“Yes! I might have… driven not entirely sober over here. And left without telling him. After we had gotten into an argument.”
You heard some commotion downstairs and you looked at her pleadingly.
“Fuck!” Cassandra spat.
“Y/N!” you heard Tony bellow from downstairs.
You looked around wildly in the bedroom. “Fuck, do you have somewhere you can hide me and pretend I left? Like, I just left my car. Took an uber!”
“Y/N, there is nowhere to hide you in here that they aren’t going to find you. I don’t have secret rooms like Tony has! I’m not a goddamn billionaire!” Cassandra hissed at you.
Tony’s shout echoed up the stairs, “Y/N! My patience is running really fucking goddamn thin!”
Cassandra pulled you close and stared deep into your eyes. “He’s going to find you, Y/N!”
“I don’t want him to. He’s so mad,” you said pathetically.
“Yeah, sounds like you did a bunch of shit to make him mad!”
“Don’t be mean!”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have gone and pissed your daddy off. I don’t do that shit, Y/N. I keep mine happy.”
“He likes pushback—”
Something shattered downstairs and there were cries of alarm as Tony’s voice rang up the stairs – he was closer now. “Y/N, if you don’t come out by yourself, you are just making things worse for yourself!”
“He’s breaking my shit, Y/N!”
“I’ll replace it,” you hissed.
The pair of you stiffened hearing his footfalls on her wooden stairs and both of your gazes shot to the closet.
“Get in your closet,” you told her in hushed tones. She looked at you confused and you said, “Just do it! I’ll just stay out here and he won’t bother you!”
She did as you asked, closing the door as quietly as she could. Before you really had time to think, Tony appeared in the doorway. Your eyes immediately fell to the gun at his side and your stomach turned. His pupils were blown wide, and you knew he was high as hell. Cocaine no doubt; it was his favorite.
“Hey,” you tried weakly, eyeing the gun worriedly.
Tony stomped across the room, his hand closing in on your arm like a vice, tugging you to him.
“Daddy!” you cried out, wincing against his grip.
“Don’t ‘daddy’ me!” Tony growled. He shook you as he continued furiously, “How fucking stupid are you? Huh? Driving drunk? Do you not care how much that car cost? Do you have no regard for your own life? You have absolutely lost that fucking car!”
“I didn’t crash!” you argued, drunk ‘logic’ getting the better of you.
Tony laughed humorlessly, “You didn’t crash. You didn’t crash…” He threw his hands out, letting you go. “Right. Right. That’s true. You know what? Everything’s forgiven. Forgiven. Slate wiped clean.”
You asked uncertainly, “Really?”
He suddenly yanked you to him again causing you to yelp in alarm, your noses almost touching. “Your ass is going to be black and blue when I’m done with you!”
“Daddy, the gun—”
“I’m not gonna fucking shoot you, Y/N! Don’t be a dumb bitch.”
“Just be careful!” you pleaded.
“Oh, you are telling me to be careful?” Tony spat before his fingers dug in even further on your arm. “Why didn’t you come when I called?”
“I was going to the bathroom!” you half lied. “I wasn’t going to run out there with my pants down! Daddy, you’re hurting my arm.”
Tony chuckled darkly, ignoring what you said. “Why don’t I believe you?”
“I don’t know!”
“Because I know you’re fucking lying!” He snarled, shaking you again. “You knew you were in big trouble and you were trying to avoid me!”
He began pulling you out of the room and towards the stairs. The two of you clamored down the stairs. You were wincing against how roughly he was handling you, the drugs doing him no favors in remembering to be gentler.
Louis was holding your purse having found it while Tony was upstairs searching for you.
“Drive her car home,” Tony ordered Loius who nodded in acknowledgment.
Tony only hesitated for a moment coming up to porcelain statue he had shattered. His gaze flicked to your bare feet and he guided you around it. You felt a sliver of relief seeing the thing he had broken was something Cassandra had gotten at Home Goods and was not attached to. The relief was short lived though, Tony dragging you down the steps of her house, across the porch towards the driveway. Mikhail was on your heels.
When you got to the car, he opened the back door and shoved you roughly into the backseat. “Get your ass in there!”
At the elevator back home after eating dinner a couple nights after arriving in NYC, Tony led you onto it and pressed two different buttons. You eyed him suspiciously because one was the penthouse and the other was a different floor before it. He caught you staring.
“I need to go to the office first. You don’t have to go with me; you can go upstairs.”
“But—” you began to protest.
Tony hushed you with a deep kiss. “Come now, you can stand to be without me for a little while, yeah?”
Exhaling disappointed, you shrugged. You had gone shopping earlier in the day with Louis, picking up Tony one of his favorite bottles of bourbon and gourmet salted caramel to go on some ice cream. You had planned to give it to him tonight and even more so after the disappointing dessert the two of you had had at dinner. It was going to be perfect and now he was going to probably take forever and you would pass out before he would come upstairs.
“I’ll be up in a second,” Tony told you, giving you a kiss on the forehead. You gave him a sad look and he chuckled, “I promise. I’m not going to be working. I just need to send a quick e-mail.”
“That sounds like work to me…”
“It’s not. Trust me,” Tony assured you, giving you a light pat on the ass as the elevator dinged for his floor. He gave you another kiss and said, “Seriously. Fifteen minutes tops.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” you muttered, much to his amusement. He waved at you before the elevator doors closed.
Scowling you, crossed your arms as the elevator started up again. When it opened at the penthouse, you walked in, tossing your purse on one of the chairs near the door and kicked your heels off. You sighed in relief, your bare feet on the marble. Making your way down the hall towards the kitchen, you thought about what you wanted to watch until Tony decided to show up again.
You stopped at the entrance to the kitchen seeing things on the counter that were not there before the two of you had left.
“What’s this?” you asked no one, frowning.
You walked closer and your eyes widened on one thing in particular. There was a large piece of fancy cheesecake on the counter with a large vase of your favorite flowers beside it along a gift bag.
“Oh thank god,” you said to yourself about the cheesecake.
You immediately went around the counter to grab a fork and came back to dig in for a big bite before hesitating. Maybe you should wait for him. But he also could take forever. You pivoted, looking towards the staircase, thinking. Putting the fork down next to the plate, you went upstairs quickly to grab the bags from earlier. If he got upset about you eating the piece before he got back upstairs, you would have his gift ready to placate.
You set the bag up nicely next to yours on the counter before picking the fork back up and taking the container lid off the piece of cheesecake. You took the first bite and sighed happily. As you chewed, you thought this could not have been sitting on the counter for long. He must have had someone grab it on the way back from the restaurant after he saw how put out you were by the piece of chocolate cake there.
After a few more bites, you put the fork down again and reached for the gift bag that had been left there. Tossing the tissue paper aside, you found loungewear from an online shop you liked.
You jumped at the sound of Tony’s voice. “That’s the right shop, right? That ethical one you were talking about?”
He came up from behind you and wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling into your neck.
“Mhmm,” you confirmed, picking up the fork and digging into the cheesecake again. You held it up to him and he took a bite. “It’s their new line.”
“Now you’ve had authentic New York cheesecake. Supposed to be the best,” he said as he chewed. You smiled at that, taking another bite. “Far better than that shit at the restaurant. Sorry about that, baby. Hoped this might cheer you up.”
“It did, tremendously. Speaking of that,” you said putting the fork down and unwinding yourself from his embrace. You reached for the other bag and held it out to him.
“What’s this?” Tony asked, taking it from you. He pulled out the bourbon and snickered. His eyes though lit up at the caramel.
“See, you can put that on ice cream tonight to also make up for the shitty dessert. It’s like I saw the future!”
Tony hummed in approval, popping the lid off the jar. He took your fork and dipped in it, licking it off. He got some out for you and you licked it off tantalizingly, not breaking eye contact.
“I think I can think of something better than ice cream to put this on,” Tony commented, running his tongue along his lip.
You snorted, pushing away from him. “I already took a shower today.” He screwed the lid back on the container and placed it back on the counter, following you, trying to grab you. You slapped his hand away and said, “Ugh, let me finish my cheesecake!”
“It’ll be there after I’m done finishing you,” Tony said. “I haven’t returned the favor from the other day.” You let him grab you, yanking you close, smiling wildly. “I wanna taste you, kitten.”
Sighing, you said, “I suppose I can allow it.”
Tony rose his eyebrows, playfully, “Oh, you are gonna allow it?” You nodded, running your fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck. “Who put you in charge?”
“That’s cute, kitten,” Tony said, dipping down to plant a deep kiss on your lips.
He began guiding you backwards towards the living room, your lips never leaving the other’s, until your legs hit the back of one of the couches. You fell back onto the couch and Tony followed, hiking your short skirt up past your hips. Your panties were torn down your legs and he laid a trail of kisses up one thigh and then the other, nuzzling slowly at your sex between. He was taking it slow, working up to pressing his tongue in. Your fingers curled up in his hair, bucking towards him when he gave a suck at your pearl. Tony slipped two fingers in, curling them to hit your g spot. He was good at alternating between the two and had you coming down around his tongue in record fashion.
Coming up, his lips were glistening, and he wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve. You beckoned him to you tiredly and he did as you asked. You sat up to meet his lips, kissing him slowly.
“Thanks for the gifts. All of them.”
“You know I’m never going to complain about seeing you in tight yoga pants,” he said, his lips brushing yours with a smile. “Those were a gift for the both of us.”
“Ass,” you said hitting his chest and he laughed in return.
The following evening leaving an event, your fingers tip toed up Tony’s arm, trying to bring him out of his concentration. He had been on his phone since the moment the two of you had gotten into the back seat of the Escalade.
“Yes, kitten?” he asked, his eyes still trained on his phone.
“Can we go to this address I have?” you asked, holding up a slip of paper.
“What address?”
“A sightseeing place.”
Tony sighed, still not looking at you, “Y/N, we have dinner being delivered to the penthouse.”
“Yes, but there are people there to bring it up for us. And they can put it into the fridge. It can wait!”
He did not say anything in response, and you shook his arm. You saw Mikhail’s lips twitching in amusement at your persistence in the seat in front of the two of you.
“Why do we need to go to this address?’
Exasperated, you said, “I just told you. It’s a sightseeing place.”
“Of course it is. But why?”
“Daddy, it’s my first time in NYC! I just wanna see things and you’re not being nice about it.”
Tony finally put his phone down and looked you in the eyes.
“You think I’m not nice to you?”
“Not right now,” you returned, looking pitiful. Tony cocked his head, staring at you. You rested your chin on his shoulder, peering up at him. He said nothing and you moved up, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “Please? I won’t ask for anything else.”
He snorted loudly, “I find that really hard to believe.”
“I promise. For the rest of the day.”
“There’s the catch,” Tony nodded. He exhaled loudly and relented, “Fine. Tell the driver.”
You did not waste a second to reach forward and hand the piece of paper to Mikhail. “Can you pass this up to Happy so he can put it into the GPS for the driver?”
“Why aren’t you just telling me where we are going?” Tony asked, suddenly suspicious.
“Because it’s not really your thing.”
“Perfect,” Tony said sarcastically. You snuggled back up against him, and your hand brushed across his lap. He caught your hand and whispered, “Not right now, you little minx.” You stuck out your bottom lip and he smirked in response before leaning down and giving you a kiss and then going back to work on his phone.
When you were getting close, Tony began to realize where you were going and he asked just as you pulled, “Why here, though?”
You gestured up at the building. “Because it is beautiful? Look at it! Imagine what the inside looks like!”
“It’s a church, Y/N. There are thousands – millions, probably – like it all over this country.”
You stuck out your bottom lip. “Daddy, please. There’s not many churches like this, that’s a lie!”
By his tone, you knew you had broken his resolve. You slapped him in the chest, a smile coming across your face. You gripped his collar and pulled him close. “That’s the spirit!”
He realized what you said and got the joke just as you pecked him on the nose and let go of his collar.
“Where can we get out?” you asked excitedly, and you did not miss the amused look on his face at your happiness. You felt butterflies at his adoration and then a sinking feeling, anxiety creeping back in like it had been ever since you had found out you were pregnant. Shoving it away, you tried to think about the beautiful photos you were going to take inside.
“Hey,” you said walking up to Pepper’s desk and placing the iced coffee you had bought her in front of her.
“Afternoon, Y/N,” Pepper said eyeing the coffee.
“Oh, I got that for you. I got an extra shot because and it’s almond milk.” Pepper seemed surprised and you added quickly, “I remembered that time I heard you order it.”
“That… is sweet. Thank you.”
“No problem,” you said before taking a drink of your own coffee. “That cathedral was amazing.”
“Oh, you actually went.” She sounded shocked.
You nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah. Not last night but the night before. You said it was nice, so I begged. I actually didn’t tell him what it was before we got there, he just told me to give the driver the address. Tony’s not really a church going person so he wasn’t entirely thrilled. But he enjoyed himself.��
“I can’t imagine Tony inside a church for any reason,” Pepper told you, taking a drink of her coffee.
“He did say ‘Christ’ before we went in. So, the energy was there, it was just misguided.”
She actually snorted at your joke. “Now that I can imagine.”
Silence fell between the two of you and you shifted uncomfortably, looking out her window. You had come in here for a reason but it was not easy to shift gears.
“Are you alright?” Pepper asked hesitantly.
Biting your bottom lip, you thought about how to approach what you wanted to say. But there really was no easing into it, especially since you were not going to be around her all the time. “I know this is really sudden and weird and I don’t want you to think I only got the coffee to try to make you happy and listen to me. The coffee is really a thanks for all the suggestions and taking it seriously when I asked you for the suggestions.” You inhaled deeply and then said slowly, “But, I was thinking – hoping, really – that maybe you can talk to Tony.”
You had her attention. Her hands fell from the keyboard, looking concerned.
“Uh you know… having a baby… like… at all.”
Pepper was staring at you flabbergasted and you sucked in your lips, staring at her in return, wanting her to say anything. Uncomfortably, she said, “Y/N. That is a conversation you need to have with Tony. Not me.”
You flopped into her chair opposite her desk. “It would be better coming from someone else. Especially someone close to him like you are you. Happy sure as hell won’t.”
“Um, okay,” Pepper said. “W-why does this need to happen?”
“I’m sure he’s gonna get tired of me, find someone else, and then I’m just gonna be stuck with this baby. That I have no idea what to do with.”
Again, she looked floored by what you said and you had a sinking feeling this conversation was not going to go the way you hoped.
“I don’t think Tony is going to leave you, Y/N. I would actually be shocked,” Pepper said carefully. “And he’s excited about the baby. Really excited. He won’t shut up about it actually.”
Sighing heavily, you explained further, “I think he’s gonna regret it. Because it’s completely going to destroy my body. Like my stomach and my hips are never going to be the same. And my breasts.”
“Is that what you’re concerned about?’ Pepper asked, unable to keep the disdain out of her voice.
You shrugged quickly. “I’m worried about a lot of things that I don’t have time to get into detail about. But I mean, he didn’t get with me because of my intelligence.” Pepper narrowed her eyes and you pressed on quickly, “But, I just thought maybe you could try to talk to him, you know, some sense into him about it? He would listen to you. If I tell him having a baby is a bad idea…” you paused and then shook your head, shrugging. “He’ll think I’m just having a moment and won’t take me saying we shouldn’t have the baby seriously. He’ll think I’m being dramatic. Which is something I am a lot of the time, so it’s a good point normally. Can’t fault him there. But if you talked to him, he would choose—”
Happy walked in then and you immediately shut up, leaning back. He was not looking at you and you bit your lip, wondering if he had heard anything.
You noticed Pepper was watching you with curiosity about how quickly you had gone silent at his presence.
“Do you have that file for Tony? He’s about to call Gene.”
“Yeah,” Pepper nodded. “I’ll e-mail it to him. Sorry, I got busy this morning.”
“Hey, Happy,” you greeted, trying to play it cool. Happy turned his head to look at you and you asked, “So, um, I’m kind of hungry. Is there anything I can have from the lobby?”
“Y/N. Tony already has lunch plans for you. You know that.”
“Right,” you said. You did not miss the confused expression on Pepper’s face at his response, even if it was only there for a moment. You decided to try to press your luck. “But, I meant, Tony usually takes a lot of time in his meetings and I’m pregnant so…” Happy stared back at you in silence and you moved. “Okay, I’ll just go do it—”
He held up his hand and shook his head. Sighing, sounding reluctant, he asked, “What would you like?”
“Like… a banana. Or something. Something healthy.”
Nodding, Happy said, “Right. I’ll be right back.”
He turned and walked back out of the room.
You turned your attention back to Pepper, who was still looking at the door suspiciously where Happy had walked off before meeting your gaze again. You joked weakly, “Maybe being pregnant isn’t so bad. Everyone kind of just waits on you hand and foot.”
“I think you should talk to Tony, Y/N,” Pepper reiterated. “It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous. I’m sure most mothers to be do feel nervous. And I don’t think he’ll brush you off.”
“Sometimes he does,” you muttered, taking a drink of your tea.
“I think… with something important like this, he’ll actually listen. He’s not a complete ass.” You smiled softly at that and she nodded. “Trust me.”
Knowing how excited Tony was about the baby – Pepper did not need to tell you that herself, he made it abundantly clear to you. He had been asking you if you had thought about how you wanted to decorate the nursery already – made the thought of a conversation difficult. Tony was not one to be dissuaded from something he wanted, especially something important. He was stubborn to a fault. But maybe she was right.
“It wouldn’t hurt to try,” you admitted.
She nodded encouragingly.
Happy returned with the banana from the communal space outside their offices.
“Are we going to go soon? Do you know?” you asked him, as he handed it to you.
“Tony’s got another meeting and then we’re going.”
You sighed, leaning back on the couch. You knew ‘another meeting’ could range from five minutes to an hour depending on who it was. “Thank you. This will help,” you said holding up the banana, weakly.
Happy nodded, “Of course.”
“Emailing it,” Pepper told him and he thanked her before walking out of the office.
You blew out a raspberry as soon as he was gone. “I suppose I should go out and leave you to your work. Plus it’ll be easier to find me whenever Tony does want to go. I don’t want that to take longer than necessary. I’m serious, I’m starving.” You stood up from the chair and told her sincerely, “I’ll figure out how to approach this.”
“Good,” she said, nodding again. “It’ll be fine.”
You wished you felt as confident as she sounded.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
Fic tags: @kvzctam, @farihafangirls, @teenageregression, @mrsnegan25, @lilacs-lavender, @agustdowney, @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @emmariexx 
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