#kinda wish he told me to come in today still so I can throw the fuck up all over the food and then HR would get involved
hoots-the-owl · 5 months
When you get sick and call into work and your manager tells you that even though you keep getting sick you still have to come in (he said he’ll cover it THIS time). And when he says you have to call others to cover your shift but you have no numbers of any of your coworkers even though you’ve been asking for a list for at least a couple of months now and they just haven’t had the time to get you one (they have had the time they just too lazy). Just baffling.
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
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yeah, right * fem!driver
logan definitely just sees her as a friend and nothing more
pairings: logan sargeant x fem!driver
warnings: well
notes: mannnnnnnn this was kinda cute but like i've got no intentions of making sis femdriver date anyone on the grid, i fear... my bad g
(series masterlist) | (📂 pre-formula 1)
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logan locks his jaw, arms folded over his chest as his eyes are trained on the smaller girl across the room. she’s got her hand over her mouth as she stands next to sebastian, blood rushing to her cheeks as she giggles.
“you know,” oscar mutters softly next to him with a sly smirk, “you could just tell her you’ve got a crush on her.”
“no,” he answers immediately, shooting oscar a look as if he’s gone crazy. when oscar’s stare lasts a second too long, logan only answers again. “no.”
oscar drops his gaze for a second, a dry chuckle passing his lips. “i’m glad you’re still logical, mate. she’s our best friend,” he nods. “what’s your problem, anyway? where is all of this coming from?”
logan can only sigh, leaning back on the wall behind them. it’s a good question. all he knew was that he woke up one morning a couple days ago and his heart started racing when he saw her curled in a ball in his bed fast asleep (him and oscar slept on the floor in the night).
he hasn’t recovered since.
“this is your fault,” logan argues, turning to him with an accusing finger. “you made friends with the cute girl during karting and now this happened.”
“what?” oscar cries in a laugh. “that’s definitely not how it works.”
“it is. i told you to leave her alone, dude!”
“well, she was arguably pretty cute when we met her! how would i have known she’d make it to f2 with us?”
“the point is, you talked to her and now here we are! you should be one to talk, anyway, you had a crush on her too.”
“yeah, mate. when i was 13. you’re 20 with a crush on our best friend.”
“yeah, because i totally went to sleep that night and prayed that i’d wake up feeling this way.”
“feeling what way?” their conversation halts and they turn, meeting her doe eyes looking up at them in curiosity. “are you gossiping without me, you traitors?”
oscar scoffs, giving her a disgusted look. “gossiping without you? how can we ever?”
“exactly. so, what are you talking about?” she steps towards logan, prompting the taller boy to take a step away and push himself up against the wall.
which, is unusual. she throws her hands up in confusion and drops her head to catch logan’s eyes. “yo? i didn’t develop cooties overnight — what’s wrong with you?”
“nothing,” logan feigns annoyance in his voice, heart beating in his chest as he side-eyes her. he can only wish that she leaves him alone.
“he’s just feeling a little sick,” oscar shrugs, trying to brush off her concerns. “so, how was meeting charles leclerc?”
at the mention of the name, her eyes sparkle as she jumps in her spot. “mate, he was so dreamy up close!” she shrieks, grabbing oscar’s arm for support. she throws her head back dreamily with the back of her hand against her forehead. “he’s so… ugh.”
“yeah, you were so all over him,” logan scoffs, looking into the distance to avoid her gaze. “that’s crazy.”
she side-eyes logan with a frown on her face. “wow. you woke up and decided to be a hater today.”
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logan camps at the bar counter, eyes locked across the beach club they’ve decided to visit today. he’s nursing the pint on the wooden surface as he looks unamusingly at her dancing with another tourist.
“mate,” oscar sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “this has gone on long enough. outrageous, if you ask me.”
“man, shut up,” logan whispers, turning back towards the counter and taking a big gulp.
“it could all be in your head. we’ve been friends with her for years; why did you suddenly start liking her more than that?” oscar asks, breath reeking of the tequila shots he downed with lily just a second ago.
logan sighs, leaning into the seat behind him. “i don’t know. which is why she can never know about this. it’s between you and me.”
“and me,” lily sighs dejectedly next to oscar, flashing logan a tired look. “unfortunate that i overheard your conversation.”
“real unfortunate,” logan agrees with a nod. “thank you for not telling her.”
“always a pleasure,” lily beams before turning away to place another order with the bartender.
“mate, you’ve had these weird weird feelings for her for like a month now,” oscar says softly, eyes jumping between his friend and the girl now making her way back to them. “get a grip — i can only tell you that whatever you think of doing about this is probably a bad idea.”
“how bad can it really be if i told her?”
“oh, catastrophic, possibly,” lily cuts her boyfriend off, staring at logan with wide and cautionary eyes. her gaze is abruptly pulled away from the american and her expression changes into something of excitement. “hey, (y/n)! i haven’t seen you in a hot minute!”
“i know, i got carried away on the dance floor,” she answers exasperatedly with a tipsy smile. she turns to logan with a soft smack to his shoulder. “and hey, why are you just sitting here? go find a girl and join me on the dance floor.”
“what? no,” logan scowls, turning away from her.
“what?” she cries. truthfully, her red cheeks and puffed up lips are only making him want to say something even more. “but we booked this trip specifically to meet people! what do you mean ‘no’?”
logan’s eyes bore into hers. “like i don’t feel like dancing with stranger.”
“oh, you’ve done worse when we were younger sneaking into the clubs in miami,” she states nonchalantly with a playful eye roll. “what’s got you so conservative now?”
she takes a step towards the counter, ready to call for the bartender before she halts her plans. she turns slowly to logan. “unless…”
she trails off without another word, just staring at logan with wide eyes and a mischievous grin. oscar and lily stand back, sipping on their cocktails as the scene unfolds before them.
logan continues staring at her with half opened eyes. “unless what?”
“unless you’re already spoken for!” she says excitedly. “if it’s not that, then you fancy someone, don’t you?”
logan scoffs, but in an unconvincing and stuttering manner, because his cheeks turn red and he breaks eye contact with her. “absolutely not. can i not just focus on myself this trip?”
she shrugs, surprisingly calm. “you can, i guess. but you always talked about living out the frat life that you never got to be a part of. can’t be a frat bro when you’re like… 25.”
“i’m turning 21 at the end of the year.”
she waves him off. “same thing. too old to be a frat dude.”
logan folds his arms over his chest. “god forbid i wanna spend the weekend in barcelona with just my friends.”
she turns to him stiffly with a grin. she leans into him, almost making him slide off his seat and his heart jump out of his chest. “aw, you’re so sweet, logan! why didn’t you just say that?”
she slams her palm against the counter. “let me call off the dreamy and mysterious guy who bought me a free drink.”
logan turns to oscar, a helpless look on his face as she walks away. the australian and his girlfriend can only shrug, knowing this was not the outcome the boy hoped for this weekend.
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“shawn mendes, really?” logan asks monotonously, staring down at her. “really?”
“really,” she nods, eyebrows raised to her own statement. “he dm-ed me on instagram after i posted today for the race and wished me luck.”
“how nice,” oscar teases her with a nose scrunch. “i’m sure he wants you even though he’s in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend.”
“i didn’t even say that!” she scolds, head snapping to the boy next to her. “i said it was cute that he wished me luck because i’m only in f2!”
“what’s f2 got to do with this?”
“like my name’s not even super out there yet, you know?”
“so you’re totally not overreacting to his message, right?” logan raised an eyebrow, looking down at her suspiciously.
the crush has definitely died down since their trip to barcelona. when he’d gotten too intoxicated on vodka and whispered in her ear about how pretty she was, he woke up the next morning with a mind-splitting headache, blaming his words on the alcohol.
she surprisingly bought the excuse, seeing that there seems to be a trend with logan being more tender and sweet with alcohol.
now, it just sucks for him that he can never tell her. ever.
and oscar is glad. he wouldn’t be able to handle the catastrophic outcome if logan confessed and she doesn’t feel the same. they’re both just as important to him.
“no,” she trails off, shaking her head. “i’ll only overreact if it’s harry styles.”
logan nods. “that’s way more realistic.”
“shut up.”
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“i don’t know, logan’s been kinda weird lately,” she shakes her head, lips pressed together. she turns to lily with downturned eyes. “are you sure he’s okay?”
lily gives her a reassuring nod with a smile. “he is okay. that’s as much as i can say.”
“what?” she whines. “so you know something that i don’t?”
“no, but that’s what i can derive from what i observe,” lily lies straight through her teeth. it's only detrimental that oscar keeps showing her conversations with logan still pining secretly for the girl.
she throws her head back. "it just feels like everyone is on it. i feel like such an outsider so suddenly," she confesses, tapping her nails against the table. she rests her cheek into her palm and her elbow propped up on the table. "so not fair."
lily sighs, glancing at the door. lily hasn't known her as long as oscar and logan, but watching her feel so rejected within her friend group is disheartening. especially when she's slowly catching on with everything.
"i think it's just-"
"hey!" oscar's voice cuts her off. they must have walked in the second she tore her eyes away from the door. and thank god for that timing, or else what could she have possibly said to the girl overthinking the state of their friendship? “good table, ladies."
"of course, i didn't wanna hear any yapping from your mouth," she says softly, moving her eyes to the window next to her.
logan furrows his eyebrows, sliding into the empty spot next to her in the booth. "what's wrong with you? they run out of spaghetti again?"
"no, it's nothing," she sighs dramatically, leaning back into her seat as she folds her arms over her chest. "what did you guys do while we did our hair?"
“did you even do anything to your hair while we were gone?” logan asks, picking up a bunch of her hair between his fingertips. “oh, you cut it, didn’t you?”
“very nice hair, babe,” oscar says, grinning at his girlfriend. he turns to the driver diagonal from him. “you too, i guess.”
she scoffs at him. "thanks, i guess."
logan grins, ruffling her hair. "it does look nice. money well spent, i hope."
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her jaw drops slightly, eyes watering at the conversation she was definitely not meant to overhear. she steps away from the doorframe she hid behind and slumps her shoulders. "you what?"
the two boys, engaged in a whispering conversation just seconds ago, widen their eyes as they turn their heads to the source of the shocked voice.
she had fallen asleep on her couch as they played video games on the playstation, and they had to have a private conversation about logan’s lingering stares and silent pining.
immediately, logan starts stuttering and flailing his hands around to come up with an excuse for what she could have possibly heard. "i- i mean.. like-"
"the girl you fancy is me?" she asks slowly, then turning to oscar. "and you kept this a secret from me the entire time?"
"no, just let me explain, god," logan smacks his forehead, trying to calm the girl down. "will you listen to me for a second?"
oscar presses his lips together and drops his head in disappointment. "i couldn't tell you. don't be like that."
"you guys made me feel like i was going crazy thinking you didn't wanna be friends with me anymore," she complains, stomping her foot into the ground. "i felt like i didn't even know you guys so well in the past month. i felt like you guys were pushing me away."
"what? no, (y/n), please just listen to me. this is all my fault."
"i thought you guys didn't even wanna be friends with me anymore. all of that to find out that it's because you just suddenly realised i'm cute?" she bursts, giving logan a look. "seriously? you didn't notice that years ago when we first met?"
oscar lifts his head, his look of disappointment quickly replaced by confusion. logan also drops his hands, head tilting at her response.
he had a list formed of possible ways she could react if his secret ever came out. this was not one of them.
"we've been friends for so long growing up. you think that i never had a crazy puppy crush on either of you?" she scowls at them, wiping the few tears that managed to escape her eyes. "get a grip, my dudes!"
"what?" logan screams. "you're telling me i've been in over my head for literally nothing because you've had a crush on me too?"
"you've got a crush on him right now? and me before?" oscar exclaims in disbelief, pointing at logan. "and we never knew? seriously?"
she shrugs, folding her arms over her chest with a smug smile. "i'm just better at keeping secrets compared to you guys, i guess."
she turns on her heel and walks out of the kitchen. “you’ll get over it. trust me. i’m actually in the process of getting over my crush on you, lo.”
but she’s never been more wrong about anything in her life.
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @inejismywife @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @love4lando @sadg3 @bborra @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885
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sarnai4 · 2 months
Opening Up
About opening up...Dagur kinda doesn't. (Spoilers ahead)
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This is something I've seen some fans talk about where they say Dagur would reveal personal information easily. I see where they're coming from with this. Looking at Dagur, I'd expect that too. He's outspoken, emotional, unrestrained, etc. He seems like someone who could randomly say, "I had a good cry today," and it wouldn't be anything surprising. HOWEVER, that changes for me when I look at the proof from the show. If Dagur was half as open about things as this would imply, then we wouldn't be forced to speculate so much about his past and the things that have happened to him. In another case of me spending too much time studying Dragons (probably. Still worth it), I tried to collect all the examples of Dagur sharing information. They have something in common. Each time, there's a specific reason. I'll go in chronological order.
In "Enemy of My Enemy," Dagur tells Hiccup how revenge can make you do things you didn't think you were capable. This was an interesting moment of really getting to see how the villain we saw Dagur be wasn't who he always was. It even shocked him how extreme his actions became. This has the potential to be some heavy stuff, but he didn't just outright say it for fun. He said it because he saw Hiccup going down that same path. This isn't, "I can't believe the things I've done and really need someone to talk to." It's, "I see you following in my footsteps and they led me in a terrible direction. I don't want that for you."
It takes Dagur F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to admit he didn't kill Oswald. Even as a good guy, he doesn't say it easily. In "Family on the Edge," he implies that something Heather said out of the sent her adrift, killed their dad, and tried to kill them list wasn't true, but he doesn't just say it. He writes it in the letter, admitting that and how he was worried that the other Berserkers wouldn't follow him otherwise. If he wanted to do it for emotional release reasons, he could've just said the first time or even told her way back when he thought they were on the same side. Rather than that, he puts it in a letter so that her final relative won't be quite as bad as she thinks he is.
In "Searching for Oswald...And Chicken," Dagur has two moments. First, he tells Heather how he's spent most of his life in varying stages of existential crisis. (Just wow for that. Wish we had heard more about it because that is quite the emotional load he nonchalantly dropped) Again, this clearly isn't to get something off his chest because it's not even something he brings up again. He just tells her so that she'll have proof he knows what is meaningless, hopefully getting her to stop throwing herself in harm's way to find Oswald. Later, he tells Hiccup he keeps anger, frustration, and rage to himself. This also isn't to share so much as to prove he can keep secrets and deserves to be trusted with the location of Vanaheim.
Then, we have "In Plain Sight." There, we find out he used to get bullied. He waited until as much of the last moment as possible to tell Fishlegs and Snotlout this. They had already flown from the Edge to Berserker Island and were literally walking down to meet Ansson. So, I don't think it's him wanting to share sensitive information. It's him knowing they're about to be there with the bully and since Ansson doesn't care about playing nice, it's going to be obvious that he used to bully him. This is just softening the blow a little by telling them first. Didn't really help, though, since they still laughed at him being called "Dainty." (Not cool even though I get how weird it would be to hear someone call him that)
Unless I'm mistaken, that's everything. I don't think there's another time when Dagur reveals something personal. Each of these had some deeper purpose. This is why I don't believe Dagur would start speaking about his past traumas without a prompt. Now, I'll say I do enjoy having him talk about this in stories and I support other writers who do. I just believe it takes a little nudge. He's not going to sit down next to someone and talk about his time in jail. He has literally never spoken about his time in jail in the entire show except the first RTTE episode to say that he spent 3 years thinking about Hiccup. So, it actually leaves a lot of room to be creative with what his past even has first, then what situation would get him to spill the beans.
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unamused-boss · 8 months
California Dreaming pt3
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Last part! Warning: Kinda short, but I still hope you love it!
Summary: Max and Billy could only agree on one thing in common.... and that was you. You were their neighbor when the lived in California and Billy had the biggest crush on you. Plus it helped that you babysat, more like hangout with, Max. You were his California dream. And sometimes dreams come true.
You couldn't stand the time you had away from Billy. Your best friend and boyfriend were gone all in one on the same day. You've been writing to Billy which is a plus. Turns out he joined the basketball team. He's been to every party thrown in town, but he says they're all a bust. Met a guy named Munson that gets him weed, but Billy quotes "It's nothing like the shit in Cali...". You can't help but laugh at his sarcastic tones through the letters.
You know he misses it here. He tells you in every letter the love that he holds for you, that nothing will change. He admitted to going on some dates with girl to get you off his mind. He felt guilty, he wanted your forgiveness even though you told him to try an move on to at least have fun. Billy said ,once again, in his letter that he wants no one else but you. Your eyes were something he missed most of all. He said that you had a light in them that he felt only he saw. You always giggled when it came to the gushy stuff in his letters. Billy was a flirt with girls but he was a romantic with you.
Since graduating high school early you've had a lot of time on your hands. You were still gonna walk at graduation, you just weren't going to do anything else. Cause by god you are getting that dumb piece of paper in front of everyone. It was a couple of days before the week up spring break but for you it was a regular working Wednesday. You currently work at some clothing store in the mall and oh so excitedly deal with mother's trying to get some sort of deal out of you.
The time was 5:00pm you are now pulling into your driveway of your house for the night. Happy that your got off early you notice your parents aren't home yet. You make your way down to the mailbox to check for anything. Which you find a bunch of letters piled onto one another. You begin to sift through it.
"Bill, Bill, Coupon, post card from Aunt Shelly, Bill...y." You stop at, what you thought was another bill but was actually, a letter from Billy. You rush up to your front door to be able to read the letter. Throwing everything onto the kitchen table an make your way to your room. You bounce on your bed at tear open the letter...
Hello Y/N, I hope you are happy with what you're doing. I just read your letter. God I wish I could graduate early to get this shit hole. Anyways, Max is doing good. She still with those little balls of snot for friends. Hopefully you wrote her, so she can stop asking me to check the mail for your letters. I miss you very much. Spring break is about to start, since the public pool opened I got a job there. Hopefully I can get enough money to be able to come an see you and to stay with you. You probably already know me, I'm not really good at this writing shit. But if it's for you, I'll do it. I love you, -Billy
You smiled down at the words on the paper.
"I love you too." You said down to the paper. That feeling came back again. The feeling of wanting to see him. You can't help it, you miss him so much. You go over to your landline in the kitchen to lunch in a number you have memorized by heart now.
"Santa Monica airport, what can I help you with today?" The droned out employee said.
"Hey, I wanna know if you have any direct flights to Hawkins Indiana?"
"Hold on, let me check..." You hear a faint typing for a few seconds.
"Anything?" You question.
"None to Hawkins but we have one to Indianapolis flying out this Friday at 5:00am." They said.
"Perfect!" You shouted. "How much?"
"That will be a hundred an thirty dollars..."
"I've got that!" You race around to your purse to fish out your debit card to pay for the ticket. You give them the info to send the ticket via email for you to print out. It would be thirty more dollar but you didn't care.
"Alright, thank you choosing Santa Monica airlines tod-." You didn't even let them finish. You hung up the phone right away to go pack an call off work for the next week or so. You couldn't stop giggling the whole time. Seeing Billy and Max is going to be the best thing to happen to you in the past few months. Then you hear your front door open and shut. Then you realized something...
"Hey mom, I gotta tell you something!" You shouted running out of your room.
You were honestly shitting your pants the whole way to Hawkins from Santa Monica. You currently stand outside of Hawkins High School waiting for Billy. You slept during your flight over at 5 am but once you were on the ground you couldn't hold still. Your stuff is at the motel just outside of town for the next week.
You passionately waited for Billy to walk out of the school. You could see his car from a mile away. Plus with is reputation it wasn't hard to find out about him. You turned your wrist to look at your watch, 3:15 it read. the bell rang and school was out for spring break. Students passed by you, giving you weird looks.
"Who is that?" "Does Billy know them?" "Probably a desperate Ex." Were some of the things that were thrown around you. As if you couldn't hear the. 'Geez do these people know how to shut up...'
"Billy. Who's that?" An oddly pitchy voice said breaking you out of your thoughts.
Billy ripped his head around to you. You being the last person he would see by his car. The girl he, once had his arm around, was with was now forgotten. Billy thought he was gonna vomit at the sight of you.
"Shit.." You mutter.
"Holy fuck..." He said.
"Billy who is this?" The girl said once again getting annoyed. Billy turned back to her.
"Why are you still here?" He questioned. The girl now looked perplexed. She thought Billy was gonna take her out but now he wants nothing to do with her. Before she could say anything Billy spoke, "Go the hell away. Ya stupid cow..." He muttered the last part.
Billy walked up to you, star struck. He now had you trapped between him and the car with his hands on your hips. Holding you gently. You were smiling up at him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I wanted to see you." you said. "Is that so bad?" You teased him. When you both could call one another you would constantly tease him over the phone.
"No!" He answered quickly. "It's actually great, cause I was loosing my damn mind being away from you." You giggled at him. He his lips down to your temple, kissing you gently. To the students around you it was shocking to see Billy Hargrove be gentle with anybody. But to you this was your Billy.
"Y/N!!" A familiar voice shouted out to you. You turned to her direction to see Max running full speed to you. You part from Billy momentarily to hug Max.
"Hey MadMax!" You exclaimed. Even though Billy thought Max was a pain in the ass most of the time; he loved seeing you two together. He was happy that she got to see you.
"How long are you here for?" She questioned.
"I'm here for all of spring break." You smiled. They both looked at you dumb founded. You were gonna be with them for a week.
"Yes!" Billy said excitedly, pulling you into a hug. You laughed as he squeezed you.
"How about we go on a date tonight?" You asked him.
"Hell yeah!" He shouted. Crashing his lips onto yours. Desperation and love pouring into the moment. He missed your lips. How soft they were and smooth. He missed you so much.
"ew..." It was faint but you both knew it was from Max.
"Get in the car shit bird." Billy said.
"Hey be nice." You sternly said, mighty sapping his arm. He huffed at you, looking at you with soft eyes. The eye you fell in love with.
"Let's take Max home and we can go on our , much needed, date."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." Billy smiled.And that's how it went for the next week. You spent your time with Billy and Max, well more so Billy. Billy held you so close not wanting to let you go when you both cuddled. You met Max's friends and some more people around Hawkins with your small time there. You had some sleepovers with Max, trying to make up for lost time. Neil wouldn't do anything while you where here in town, so that meant a safe environment for Max and Billy even though it was for a week. You found the town cute, but you prefer Santa Monica.
Most of all, you and Billy got time alone. To be with each other in each others arms. Going on cute dates, walks, drives, everything. You became the envy of the town. The one that swooped Billy Hargrove off hid feet the spring break of 85'. He wouldn't have it any other way though. He would stay in this shithole town if it meant being with you.
When it came time for you to go home, it was full of tears and heart felt kisses. You didn't want to leave them again but you had to.
"Once I graduate I'll be back, I promise." You said.
When it came time for you to go home, it was full of tears and heart felt kisses. You didn't want to leave them again but you had to. 
"Once I graduate I'll be back, I promise." You said.
That promise was made two months ago. In those two months you also visited Billy three more times over the summer. In your last visit you brought him back home with you. To California. You got him far away from his pain. 
You both have an apartment near the beach, like you both wanted. You stared college; while Billy started work at a car restoration shop. Billy could surf everyday while you laid in the sun. You both loved each other even more with every day that passed.
A California dream come true.
I know its a cheesy ending but I hope you like it.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
can i req some grayson headcanons if thats ok with you pookie <3
grayson head canons
OF COURSE! i literally love him sm (though i'm a jamie). he's such a complex character with so many layers and i'm a sucker for those. if anyone has more requests, feel free to send them to me! hope you like them <3
gray can't stand procrastinators (me) and people who don't make an effort. this dude is working 24/7, like...
he has literally every apple product you can imagine (but he prefers microsoft computers, not macbooks)
he's never had s*x....
he absolutely lovesss cats. he used to have one when he was younger but it died. he ends up getting another one after he marries lyra and has kids
he read smut once and actually thought it was kinda good (xander got excited)
when he plays the piano, he needs a heated bench cause his ass always gets cold
grayson would always check on his brothers on their first day of school (xan and jamie) he wouldn't go up to them, but he'd watch from the shadows to make sure everything was ok.
although he never does, he lovesss sleeping. at the end of a long day, he loves cuddling up with his blankets and resting his head.
he meditates (like he sits with his legs crossed and everything)
he lovesss the nature. sometimes he wakes up early to watch the sunrise (and he watches the sunset most days)
he loves hozier and is secretly a swiftie
his favorite place he's been to is spain. he absolutely loved the food there (as someone who loves travelling and who does it quite often, i reallyyyy want to go there)
he used to take anti-depressants and still does (i'm projecting...)
he used to throw really bad tantrums as a child, like really bad (nash would get so discouraged he'd consider offing himself)
whenever he starts dating lyra (unless he doesn't end up with her...), he always leaves her little post it notes with sweet nothings written on them
gray hates being around people and socializing (obviously) because so many people have tried to use him in the past.
he went to the eras tour in a gray suit (folklore themed) with little leaves on them (the forest on the cover of the album) designed by taylor's designer roberto cavalli (apparently he died today, rest in peace)
he loved cuddles (in bed, on sofas, literally anywhere)
he's a huge fangirl for his favorite ships. like when he reads a scene of one of his favorite couples kissing or confessing he'll literally squeak (he reads romance, fight with the wall)
grayson sometimes makes those aesthetic like 'come get ready with me for the day' but there's no talking. it's like clips of him choosing his outfit, fixing his hair, etc fans go crazy for the clips of him buttoning up his dress shirt and stuff cause they can see his abs. he does them because alisa told him he needed to interact more with fans. (@catapparently came up with this one)
although we always see him swimming in pools, he prefers the ocean.
his best friend is their dog, tiramisu (this one is not really a head canon, it's been implied but i find it adorable so..)
he tried to become vegan when he was younger but loved burgers too much
speaking of burgers, he loves super unhealthy fast food meals.
he has a lucky pen
he lost that lucky pen once and had a huge panic attack. nash tried to comfort him but gray wasn't hearing him so nash had to dump a glass of water on his head.
gray secretly wishes he was as carefree as jameson cause he hates himself (poor pookie)
grayson takes up so much space in bed. like he'll be sprawled out with his head at the bottom of the bed.
gray is an emotional drunk. in my jamie and gray head canons i said that jamie once got him drunk. that never happened again cause gray ended up balling his eyes out telling everyone he loved them and that he wants to spend more time with them. that didn't bother jamie though, it was the simping over emily that did it.
skincare king (he has a skincare fridge and all the products you can imagine. this dude would have like face wash made out of 24k gold or some shit)
has an insta account dedicated to the pics he takes of people (note the word people because he has a seperate account for nature that he shares with avery, its anonymous though)
gray had an emo phase when he was 11. he didn't dye his hair black but he bought a wig and everything
he used to be really short but magically started growing at like 15
gray is actually a really good dancer. he's actually quite decent at pole dancing
he loves gardening. he cultivates his own vegetables and shit and cooks with them. he's sort of like this girl on tiktok called nara smith who does everything from scratch (like her kids asked for lasagna, and she made her own mozzarella balls, pasta sheets, tomato sauce, bechamel sauce, grows her own vegetables, etc)
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satantica · 7 months
oh dear god let me manage my time and fully come back to tumblr…
special edition for my birthday girl @asel-nur<3
also a little disclaimer: all of what’s gonna happen is the next chapter of “someone hitting on you” which you can find in my profile!:)
going to your family dinner with coworker!kuroo 
“This is the clothes you’ll be wearing for our date? You should’ve told me so I would be casual sexy not eccentric sexy.” Tetsurou was glancing at your everyday office clothes slightly confused. You rolled your eyes for the hundredth time today. You wanted to say something witty and rude so badly that you had to cover your mouth so you wouldn’t accidentally speak your mind. “I’m planning on going home and changing. And it isn’t a date.” Kuroo smirked. Predatorily as always. “Of course it’s not.’’
The only reason you hadn’t slaughtered Kuroo yet was your family dinner. Everyone had been brought together so your dad would announce his wedding. His fiancee was, in short, a bitch. You would’ve invited someone else but you finally could make use of Tetsurou’s sassiness. Future bitchy step-mother and unbearable, noisy Kuroo were a perfect match.
“I’m driving.” Kuroo said enthusiastically while he was grabbing his things. “Drive then.” You didn’t even look at him and went to the stairs. Tetsurou rushed towards you and carefully stopped you with the back of his hand. “Don’t you think it’s a bit suspicious that the person you date doesn’t pick you up?” He made a step to be right in front of you. “We aren’t dating. And stop playing a big clever guy. It’s not working. You look like a fucking idiot.” You tried to make your way to the stairs. Kuroo quickly blocked the way. “Okay, sweetie, then I’m not going.” You patiently exhaled. “You think you’re so smart, don’t you? But your insidious, arrogant, fussy, ignorant ego just can’t hear ‘no’ from a woman. And so you would know…” Tetsurou didn’t let you finish “It’s getting too easy to make you mad. Come on, I’ll get you home.” You didn’t have this kind of energy to keep fighting. “Oh for fuck’s sake”
You were driving to the restaurant looking mesmerizing. You could’ve said both of you looking mesmerizing. You were surprised that Kuroo hadn’t said anything sassy yet. In fact, you hadn’t spoken at all since you’d told him off. “You’re breathtaking in this dress”. Tetsurou was concentrated on the road but you could tell that he was saying what he really thought. You, surprisingly to yourself, started feeling guilty. “Thank you.” Every word was difficult to say. You didn’t want to think that you were wrong. “You look great too.” Kuroo glanced at you. He was still a bit upset or mad or something else because of what happened but Tetsurou seemed… interested? Finally, he came back to being focused on driving.
“I don’t really want to go.” You said looking at your hands and trying to figure out why you would open to him like this. “With me?” Tetsurou strived not to look at you because he was busy with the road or he just didn’t want to do that right now. “No, it’s just that…” You were struggling with the wish to tell him so Kuroo would know what was going on with you. At the same time your inner fear was screaming not to open up to someone who you considered a foe. “It’s okay. We can just listen to music if you don’t wanna share.” You were extremely confused. Kuroo Tetsurou had never acted like that. Not the one that you had known. This man made you want to trust him. “No, it’s fine. I just can’t accept the fact that dad would leave my mom like that and then call all of us to say that he is happy. Just you know. Kinda throwing that into mom’s face like: ‘Hey, look I can be happy without you.’ It’s just wrong. And his fiancee is… A bitch. I’m not even going to find the right words for it.” Tetsurou grinned. “Sounds like you could be friends.” You smiled for the first time today. “Only if so. I’m sorry I dragged you into this and told you off. I shouldn’t have. Although you are a motherfucker sometimes.” Tetsurou turned the car right and smirked. “Is this the reason you invited me? So I would fuck your future step-mother and outplay your dad?” You laughed “Tetsurou, that’s just gross. Why would it even go into your head?” Kuroo didn’t answer and kept a cunning smile on his face and turned right again. You strained. “Tetsurou, tell me you’re not kidnapping me.” He stopped the car and eventually looked right into your eyes. “I was going to take you to this Italian place, remember?”
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
can you write about seeun & reader & they are best friends and one night they went to convenience store together to get food but when they were about to leave they realized that it was like pouring but reader didn’t bring any umbrella or jacket so seeun gave reader his only jacket and ig it liked made the reader flustered and then like they played in the rain a little then maybe like seeun confesses to reader then they kiss & start dating maybe??
• PAIRING — bestfriend!seeun x gn reader (kinda whiny)
• GENRE — bestfriends to lovers, brief kiss in the rain, a shit show that i somehow managed to write
• WORD COUNT — 730
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — this writers block is insane. Like i have 2 more requests that i ALREADY planned out, yet i STILL am having a hard time writing. Anyways i know this was shit but there prob would be a part 2 (bc of my seeun bestie) so stay tuned
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"Hey.." you eyes flutter open as you feel your body shake. "Go put on some shoes." a voice whispers in your ear, before walking out of your room and closing the door.
And now you were walking with seeun, his arm wrapped around yours as you rubbed the sleepness out of your eyes. "Sleepy head." He chuckles, ruffling your hair as he drags you to a convenient store.
"Why.. are we here again?" You yawn, shutting your eyes as the bright lights blind you. "To hang out." He simple answers, grabbing a bag of chips and passing it to you. "We hung out yesterday." You reply.
"I missed you." He smiles with a shrug. "And just so you're not sitting down doing nothing all day." He adds, his hands lacing with yours as he drags you to the soda section. "Now do you want blueberry or grape?"
"Blueberry." You answer, your eyebrow raising. "You're acting different today.."
"Because im with my favorite person."
"What do you want??" You cross your arms. seeun wasnt just being nice without any reason; he probably wanted something from you
"To hang out with my favorite person in the whole wide world." He leans down to your level, his nose booping with yours as his sparkly eyes stare at you. "I-" you gulp.
"You two are such a cute couple." A random person comes from beside you, grabbing the drink you were just about to take with a small bow.
"Oh we arent-"
"Thank you!!" Seeun smiles brightly, waving at the girl before taking a strawberry soda and walking away. "Yah!!" You run after him, bumping into his shoulder as you stomp like a child. "What was that for?!" Your arms cross again, a light blush on your cheeks that you just wish wasnt there.
"Aww you look so cute~" seeun pinches your cheek to piss you off further, paying for the food with one hand, opening the bag of chips and stuffing one into your mouth with the other. "Come, come!!"
He drags you to a little sitting area behind the store, stuffing another chip in your mouth to keep you from talking. "Isn't today just nice??"
"It would be nice if you just told me what was going on." You huff, wiping a crumb from your mouth. "Then thats no fun." Seeun opens his drink, looking up at the sky. "Looks like its gonna rain.." he mumbles under his breath, more so to himself.
"It's gonna wha-"
"Lets go!!" He claps his hands, stopping your sentence as he throws the wrappers in the trash. Grabbing your hand, he walks you back to the sidewalk. "I can walk properly on my own, you know." You shake your hands from his, a pout on his face.
"Come on, pleasee??"
"My pookie wookie bear cherry on top-"
"Absolutely not." You cut him off, running ahead of the boy as he laughs. His arms wrap around your shoulders to slow you down, your back hitting his chest as he lifts up your head; his shiny eyes staring back into yours with a silly smile.
"Lemme walk you home." He whispers, leaning down to kiss your forehead when a water drop falls on you. "Eww, did you just drool?!" You exclaim, getting out of his hold.
"No, there was just a drop of water and-" a drop falls on his eyelash. "Why is there- oh yeah its raining." He deadpans, answering his own question as the rain starts to get a bit heavier.
"Well are you just going to stand there?? Its cold.." you rub your arms, turning around to find the boy still not moving for shelter. "Well then take my jacket." Seeun slips off his jacket, passing it to you.
"What, no, you're going to get cold too."
"No, it's fine, take it." He shakes the jacket around for you to take, sighing when you still shake your head no. "Fine, how about we make a deal, you'll wear this jacket and I'll keep myself warm."
"And how would you do that??" You look at the boy confusingly, stepping back when he steps towards you. "Like this.." he whispers before cupping your face, and placing a soft, short kiss on your lips. You get a faint taste of strawberry when he pulls away, his face redder than what he drunk.
"I definitely feel warm now."
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firefly-sky · 1 month
i’m sorry i keep venting but i swear this is my lowest. and i don’t really have any other way to filter it out because it’s like it’s consuming me and i can’t get it out of my head and i don’t wanna relapse again so. tw for self harm, sa mentions and suicide (i’m not gonna do anything but things will be mentioned.
today has been absolute hell. i don’t know why but the ask from this morning has me all jumpy or whatever. i just feel sick. i dunno. i guess i deserve it. i deserve to feel this way. i deserve what happened to me because i hurt people. i don’t like to say i was assaulted because i was young when it happened (8-12y/o or so) and it just kinda feels like i don’t have a right to say that because it wasn’t that much. like my grandpa used to slap me on the ass. he touched my chest area once or twice but that was it. but he did that to a lot of people. and i dunno. i feel like i can’t call it assault because it wasn’t. he didn’t know what he was doing because he had alzheimer’s and was demented. i dunno. i wish he was nicer. he used to scream at me and my brothers a lot. he made us cry and hide a lot too. he wasn’t very nice. but he’s still family and i have to love him. and i thought i was over it but the stupid ask from this morning just had me like…i dunno. feeling weird.
i suppose i deserved it. if i told my family they would tell me im being a dramatic attention seeker. so i guess that’s what im being. but i dunno. i hate complaining about this stuff because it doesn’t do anything. but still. and the shit about my brother doesn’t bother me as much. he was probably joking around or whatever when he was touching my clothes. it’s blurry now. but it’s whatever. i deserve this all. i deserve it. and i keep telling myself that.
i relapsed last night. for the first time in about nine months. i had one of the worst mental breakdowns of my life. i was just stuck on the bathroom floor crying while i relapsed. it wasn’t that bad. i shouldn’t count it as s/h. it never broke skin. or well; that much at least. i don’t even know hat happened, i was just thinking for too long and i ended up spiraling. i thought about ending it last night while taking my meds because i was thinking about how easy it would’ve been. i deserve it. but i was thinking like…i dunno. running from this won’t do anything. so i guess i have to face it myself.
every time i hear my mom tell me im a loyal friend, or that im kind, or whatever, all i can think about is how many people i’ve hurt. and it’s just become my life now. i hardly sleep. i either don’t eat or i eat til i feel like throwing up. i feel like there’s no escape and i did this all to myself. i wish i could turn back time. i do. but i cant. i wish that i could tell my past self what a fucking idiot she was. i don’t want to keep fighting this. i wanna be happy. but i feel like i can’t do anything.
everyone says im just doing ‘good’. good in school, in clubs, in whatever. but good isn’t great. and i need to be great. i need to be exceptional. i need to be exemplary. i need to be the best. that’s always where my mind is at. and if i’m not the best, i’m nothing. and i am nothing. i will always be nothing. because i can’t get off my lazy ass to do anything productive so i either drown myself in work or i do nothing but waste time holed up in my room because there’s something wrong with me and i can’t turn it off.
i’m scared. but i deserve to be scared. i deserve all of this and all of what’s to come. i don’t even think it’s because of friend issues either anymore. i just finally woke up and realized how meaningless everything i do is. because i’m not a good friend. i’m not a good sister. i’m not a good partner. i’m not anything. i’m not the best and when i’m not the best, i’m nothing.
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Wouldn't Time Be Out To Charm You? | Slash x Reader Fanfic (Guns and Roses)
A03 link :)
Summary: You and Slash (he's shirtless) cuddle in a bed together and eventually have sex.... straight to the point.
Word Count: 963
A/N: I got this idea from a Slash photo I saw on Pinterest. This is my first time in a long time doing a smut so sorry if it sucked. I know that Slash's real name is Saul but I'm still using his stage name.
Slash's P.O.V
It was 3:00 AM. We were at Duff's house, playing with Duff's kids (aged 6) We making stuff out of Playdoh, it was pretty fun. The kids were enjoying it. If you're wondering why we're at Duff's house, me and (Y/N) were babysitting both of Duff's kids since both Duff and his wife are both out of town for a few days. They might be coming back today, I don't know.
I was sweating like crazy. It was really hot in here. The heat was blasting on my body. It wasn't helping that I was wear a small shirt, pants and socks.
We turned on the heater in the house earlier because it was really cold outside. The kids and my girlfriend were warm tho. I cannot take the heat anymore, my palms were sweaty. I couldn't even play with the Play-Doh anymore. "Babe, I'm gonna go in Duff's room for a bit. It's so hot in here." I told her. She looked at me, she was shocked that I was sweating this much. She was so busy playing with the kids that she didn't notice that I was sweating. "Okay. Let me know when you'll be back." She put her hand on my shoulder. I got off of the floor and I went to Duff's room. I immediately turned the AC on. I took my shirt off and throw near the empty closet. I walked up to the bed and lay on it. God, it feels so good in here. I don't even feel like turning the tv on.
A couple of minutes later...
(Y/N) walked in the room. Finally, I have been waiting all day to come in the room with me. She looked pretty tired. She shut the door so that the cold air would get out. Thanks. "Hey baby." I said to her happily. She was leaning against the wall. "The kids are watching TV in their rooms. I had to clean up the mess." She said. "Well, then sit down and relax." I keep patting on the bed. She walked over to the bed and lay on the bed. She was laying right next to me. I was right. We haven't gotten a break all day. We deserve to relax in this cold, chilly room. I leaned closed to her, I gave her a kiss on the forehead and the cheek. I smiled at her. "I love you, Slash." She said.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V
This room feels so cold and nice. No wonder Slash didn't feel like leaving the room. I was looking over to my left to kinda distract myself. I was looking at Slash who had his hands behind his head. I looked down on him until I noticed something. Slash has a boner in his pants, oh boy. I can't help but to stare at it. "Slash, you're hard." I pointed at his erect dick. "Sorry. I'm just kinda horny right now." He laugh a little. He crossed his legs to cover up his boner. I wish haven't done that. I have been feeling horny lately too. Seeing his boner made me wet. I just want him to fuck me and cum inside me so bad. "Slash can I..." I unzipped his pants. His dick was sticking out his pants. "Suck on it?" I touched his dick and stroke it slowly. He is so hard. "Y-Yes." He moaned softly. I don't care if the kids can hear us at this point. I put my mouth on his dick and suck on it. I was going up and down.
"Don't stop..." He moaned. He pushed my head down. I couldn't get back up, it was kinda hard to breathe. He came inside in my mouth without a warning. I swallowed it all. It was kinda tasty.
"(Y/N)..." He got off of the bed. He was behind me. "Let me fuck you." He said as I was still bending over on the bed. I felt a hand touching me. It was Slash, he started touch my ass cheek. He was going up and down slowly. I moaned a little. It feel pretty good. "S-Slash... stop." I was starting to moan a little louder. He knows that I'm pretty sensitive there. He stopped. I was laying on my back with my legs open, waiting for him to put his dick in my wet pussy. I was ready. He grabbed my legs and slowly put it in. "Ah~" I moaned loudly. I know that he put it in slowly but it hurts. I didn't expect it it hurt. "Fuck." He grunted. He started to go in and out slowly. It hurts but it feels so good. "Faster..." I told him. I don't want him to stop. He started fucking me faster and faster. I couldn't stop moaning. I feel a bit dizzy from how fast he has been fucking me.
"I'm gonna--" He moaned. I know what's he's going to say. "Cum inside me." I yelled. I just want him to cum inside.
He came inside me. We were both breathing heavily. He pulled his dick out of me and I put my legs back down. "I love you." He said to me. I wish I could say I love you back but I'm out of breath. "Now let's get outta here before anyone sees us." Slash got off of me and I got off of the bed. I got off of the bed as well. We both put our clothes back on. We both acted like nothing happened. Man, that was amazing. It's time to go check on the kids and hope they're not doing anything stupid. I really hope they didn't hear anything. They probably did.
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A Not-Quite Blind Date
After Rabbit's extreme makeover SCP Foundation edition, she's nervous about her date with the Doctor. She has, yet again, turned her nerves into dessert. As she arrives a bit early to relieve Doctor Gears, he leaves her with a word of advice.
It's only 6 pm, and... I'm nervous. I never had an actual dinner date before. While I have dinner covered... I kinda wish I had a sister to ask about this. Like, what do I wear?
I'm down to two choices... a blue silk dress with matching lace sleeves, or a long green velvet dress with a slightly too low for work neckline. Hmm. I look good in either, but green is a confidence booster for me. Green velvet then. I dress, then try to do something with my mass of red hair. I settle on a simple loose braid. Then realize just why I rarely wear this outside of home... the neckline. If Lenny the Letch saw this it'd give him bad ideas. I throw a black cardigan over it, gather my stuff, and head out after 20 minutes.
I arrive to find the worst of the cleanup is over, and once again it's clean enough to eat in. Wow... Doctor Gears was so mad at Bright Bright had to clean the entire place. And surprisingly... it looks good. I tell them so, then set up for dinner.
"Speaking of looking sharp... I had no idea you have such an eye for fashion and what works on you, Rabbit. That dress is stunning. Perhaps you and Mrs. Gears should do a bit of shopping soon. I love my wife, but she has no sense of color."
"Thanks... but to 'steal this look', as they say, she'd be better off learning to sew. Believe it or not... I sewed this a while back, just to see if I could. Turns out, it is less expensive to do it yourself in this case."
"Rabbit, is there anything you can't do?"
"Statistics. It's why I'm in Security, I'm horrible with math." He blinks at me for a moment. He's not sure I'm kidding. "But... if Cain agrees to tutor me, who knows? I might actually pass this time." The oven timer dings, and I jump a tiny bit. I take out the lasagna to rest a moment. As it cools a minute, I set up the table. Two places, a candleholder with taper, two wineglasses... I'm set. Just as there's a knock on the door.
"Come in." It's Doctor Clef, with my Doctor. My Doctor blinks behind his mask.
"Rabbit, ma cherie? You look radiant, not that I did not find you lovely before. I must admit, your new haircolor suits you quite well. You also appear to be taller."
"I uh... had an accident with 914 today. There's been some... alterations. We can discuss them over dinner. I made lasagna."
I walk to the stove, and serve up three additional plates. I hand a tray with two to Doctor Gears. "As promised, one lasagna dinner, but for two. Time to clock out, Big Boss. Your wife can thank me later."
"I should say no, but... after even an hour watching Bright clean, I'm going to accept gratefully. On that note, enjoy your date you two, and if you must make a bad decision, please do not name it after me." He winks at us. Did... did Doctor Gears just attempt a joke? He really is tired. He departs, leaving just Doctors Clef and Bright for a moment with us. I sigh, hand a plate to Clef, and... out of mercy, even give a small slice to Dr. Bright. He looks surprised.
"For me? What gives? I thought you hated me."
"We all think you're a bit of an idiot, but we don't hate you. Now, don't make me regret this. And don't let us detain you boys. You're not married, but you need time off too." I look at the two surplus doctors. "And didn't O5 say you two were not to be together unsupervised? Our responsible supervision headed home, you two should too." Grumbling, they leave.
We finally get to have our date. I tell my dearest what happened, pausing and answering questions as he asks. Two plates of food and two glasses of wine later, the tale is told.
"Angeline, please know I am yours, even if you become less physically attractive to others. I love your heart, soul, and body. That being said... do you believe you can still... touch me? I'm almost afraid to try."
I stand up, and move next to him. Echoing the first time, I extend my left hand to him. Only instead of taking his hand, I caress his mask. I'm still alive. I wouldn't say nothing happened, I still feel a tingle as my skin meets his, but nothing else. He blinks, then leans into my hand.
"You are a miracle, ma coeur. And I'm grateful for every moment together. I love you."
"I love you too. How about after I clean up here, we go back to your quarters and you can give me a thorough physical exam?" He laughs.
"As you wish, dearest."
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Can we get another bromantic moment for our two dads? Maybe some friendly flirts infront of their children.
Oh my god these two are so dumb, let's DO it.
"Papi, you almost ready?"
Mirabel and Camilo were the only ones who were available to go swimming today. Which neither minded, truth be told Camilo and Mirabel were not only overdue for time with one another, but time alone with their dads. Though, Agustín was currently wasting it in the dressing room. Whatever he was wearing must've been difficult, because Félix just came back from getting drinks, and Agustín still wasn't ready.
"Alright, drinks for you kids, and some beers for me and Agustín. Where is he? Did he start swimming without us?"
Camilo huffed, gesturing towards the changing rooms.
"He hasn't finished getting dressed yet. He might be dead. If so, I get his glasses."
Félix raised a brow as he looked at the door. He gave it a bit of a knock.
"Agustín? You good there, hombre?"
"I'm fine! I just. Kinda realized I never bought a new swimsuit since like, high-school. And boy do they NOT fit the same. I feel fat."
"Feel fat-bro you did NOT just say that to me, an actual fat man. Hold on kids, gimme a second."
Agustín yelped as Félix forced the door opened. Mirabel and Camilo shot each other a look as they drank their juices.
"You ever think it's weird how your dad just keeps finding reasons to go into rooms where dudes are changing?"
"Think it's weird that your dad is such a bottom that he doesn't stop him?"
"Good point."
Félix and Agustín finally got out of there, and Agustín was finally dressed, at least.
"You don't think I should wear a shirt or something?"
"Dude, actually shut up. We look good! We look hot!"
Ever since Mirabel had known them, Félix had always been close with Agustín. Close enough for it to be a little...well. Sus. Félix wrapped an arm around Agustín's waist, keeping him close to his side. His grin was telling him he was expecting something, and Agustín rolled his eyes.
"No, we're not doing that, especially not in front of the kids."
"Aw come on! Come ooooon!"
His fingers trailed up Agustín's side, which was something he always did to try to coax something out of his buddy. Agustín looked hesitant, before he sighed, and just came out with it.
"Fine, fine. You're my hombre."
"Aw come on, that was weak! You got pipes, I hear you and Julieta at night, gimme some of that!"
Mirabel wish she could transform like Camilo, and get the hell out of here, because these two were totally embarrassing. Félix made kissy faces at Agustín, and Agustín snorted as he pushed his face away.
"Okay okay, grueso! You're my hombre-ew! You STILL do that?!"
Agustín pulled his hand away from Félix's mouth, shaking the spit off. Félix licking Agustín's fingers was more common than you'd think. Félix grinned as he let go of him, grabbing the cooler full of drinks and motioning towards the lake.
"Right between the finger crotch, same as always. Now come on, let's go before it gets too cold!"
Agustín motioned for the kids to follow them, while he followed Félix. Mirabel looked at Camilo, both of their brows raised.
"I hate that we find that normal now."
"You know what they say, nothing is gayer than two straight buddies. Come on, let's go before they start some weird butt stuff."
The family has accepted that these two were close, especially Camilo and Mirabel. They followed them to the water, and Mirabel didn't hesitate to cannonball right after her dad and tìo. It was a perfect sunny day, and the water was perfectly cold. Mirabel poked out of the water, just in time to have a ball thrown at her forehead.
"Look alive, cuz!"
Camilo was smirking like an absolute ass, ball in hand. Where he found a ball in the middle of a swimming spot, she had no idea. Camilo was about to throw it, when a ball hit HIM in the head, courtesy of Agustín. Félix whooped, high fiving his buddy.
"Ha! NICE! You still kept that arm after highschool!"
Mirabel looked around her, and sure enough, everyone had a ball but her.
"That's not fair! Where'd you guys even GET those?"
"We've always HAD balls, stupid-ow! I'm your SON!"
Félix had thrown his ball at his head now, and Camilo got a second hit when Mirabel used that same ball to hit his shoulder. Félix grinned as he leaned over to high five Mirabel, swiping his ball back.
"That's my girl! You got your papi's arm-"
He was interrupted as Agustín threw the ball at HIS head, a grin on his face.
"And you gave Camilo your big head, perfect for throwing things at."
Félix gawked at him, as if the betrayl shook him to his core.
"Oh! Betrayed by my own brother! Oh! My poor heart! That's it, you wanna play, let's play! Say uncle!"
"No no no, come on Félix-!"
Félix managed to get his hands on Agustín, and dunked his head under the water. Agustín cried out in mercy, but tried to get Félix under the water simultaneously. They were a bumbling, fumbling mess of playfulness. It would've been sweet, fun to watch even, if Camilo didn't immediately start shit back up again with throwing a ball at her head. She huffed, and immediately grabbed a ball for retaliation.
"YOU say uncle!!"
The sun was starting to set now. The crowd of people were thinning out, as it was starting to get darker. Félix and Agustín sat there on the cooler he brought, just admiring the view. Félix loved the summer, the setting sun looked perfect amongst the trees. The water was always perfect, and they got to spend time with the kids. Félix nudged his buddy, getting him to look at their little shits.
Camilo was passed out from his sugar crash, popsicle stick somehow still in his mouth, with his cousin also asleep, head on his shoulder.
"They had fun today, being little assholes."
"They did. I'm glad you talked me into coming. It's just like old times. You remember our last pool party?"
Félix grinned as he continued to nibble on what was left of the frozen treat in his hands.
"The one where everyone ended up stripping because you lost your swim trunks in the water?"
"The same one where my mom saw you naked and passed out, yes."
"Oh your poor mom. Swear she can't even look me in the eyes anymore."
Agustín gave him a bit of a nudge. Beer in hand, hair wet and climging to his face, smiling. It was like they were teenagers again.
"She should've done your method, stare at it for a minute until it's normal."
"Only works with guys, can't do it with women. I've tried."
"I'm so scared to ask- how many guys have you made look at your dick?"
Félix had to think about that for a second, and Agustín was sitting there, trying not to bust up laughing.
"I mean. Honestly whenever we were in the locker room, I tried to have it hang free. By day three, everyone was so used to it, me being in a towel was WEIRD."
"That is. A LOT of men, Félix, I can't-"
"Don't get jealous that I was talk of the town. And don't forget, yours was seen too."
"Because you kept stealing my towels-oh my god is THAT why you did it?"
Félix pulled him into a side hug, proud as proud could be.
"EXACTLY. You're welcome. I always got your back. Have been since the beginning."
Agustín knew better than to fight the hug, just accepting the contact.
"Yeah, you have. And I'm really, really lucky that we ended up where we're at. Imagine us not marrying who we ended up marrying. Now, we live together, with great kids."
"Eh, kinda great. I'll trade you Camilo for Mirabel."
"Throw in Dolores, and I'll think about it."
"Oh fuck you dude."
He gave his buddy a squeeze, and it felt good, getting them both grinning as much as they were. He was about to shoot another offer, when a woman butted in. She wasn't from around her, and 'tourists' have been more common around here lately.
"Excuse me? Are those two your kids?"
She gestured to the snoozing pair right beside them, and Agustín nodded.
"Si, those are ours. Why?"
"Oh I just wanted to say they look precious! Didn't know you could be so progressive around here! Anyhow, have a good one!"
They looked confused at each other, unsure of what she meant. That is, until Félix heard the lady call out to her friend about 'the gay couple over there'. They let it soak in for a minute, before they just ROARED in laughter. Something about this was just too damn funny, it made Félix tear up.
"Oh my god, wait, wait, she had to have thought YOU were the bitch!"
"H-hey! No! Why do I get to be the bitch?!"
"Because you whine like one! Come on, who's my bitch?"
Félix grabbed his head in a headlock, and kept him from running away from the situation. He tried to run away though, really he did, thrashing around like some sort of barn cat. Didn't matter though, Félix ALWAYS won.
"Come on! Say it! I'm not gonna let go till you say it!"
"Félix get off!"
"That's not how we play the game! Come on! Say it!"
Agustín would say it after a minute. But Félix knew he would never get sick of his bro. Ever.
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cryingsyrup · 2 years
I need heelp from any of you.
Trigger warning, this post content mention of s*xual ass*ult, r*pe and manipulation. (This post is me telling my story, this is a bit difficult to me to write this at the moment but, like i said, this is my only option left.) (Sorry if my english kinda suck, my current language is french) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, i am here to ask help from you guys since i cant really get any help from really anywhere right now.. So this is the only option left. My name is Kimberly, you can also call me syrup. I am currently 20 years old and will turn 21 on march 20th 2023. When i was 17, i meet someone wish at the time, i didnt knew that they would turn my life upside down. His name is jeffrey larcheveque. (you can find something about him in the québec journal if you're interested.) When he asked how old i was, i told him that i was 17 and he responded me back with "I am 19" and he began to laugh a little, wish at the time, i didnt thought anything suspicious about it. After a month of friendship, he told me that he had a gift for me at his home and we will go at the fanamanga after that. I trusted him because he was my friend so i followed him. When we arrived, he told me to sit on the bed, since he has only 2 dirty bed i didnt got any choice but to sit on one of them. He told me that he was going to the bathroom and he said "dont you dare watch ;)" I smiled awkwardly at him back even thought an urge to throw up has appeared. After he got out of the bathroom, he pinned me down on the bed and i told him to stop and that i was scared, he didnt cared and pulled up my shirt and bra and began to s*ck on my titts. When he got up he said "do you feel it?" and when i told him "no" he stopped and gave me the gift he was supposed to gave me. It was an mha wallpaper that he has stollen to my bestfriend. We got out of the appartement and we sitted on the side of the rode in front of the fanamanga to wait for my mom to pick me up. After she picked me up and got me back at home, i called my bestie Veronica to come over and she did. We talked for an hour and she asked me what happened with jeffrey and i told her everything. Scrolling trhought his facebook page "acid jeffrey" something caught my eyes... His age. He was 25 years old who on his fb page posted little girl in summer outfit and other stuff. Another urge to throw up woke up and the fact that his appartement was in front of a parc full of childrens makes me want to friking cry and still does today. When veronica got back at her house, my mother who overheard us asked the same question. "What happened with this guy?" A panic attack got to me and i started crying for an hour. After that my mom called the police and we waited 2 years to see the person beforce the juge but sadly i didnt get to much proof and i couldnt see the juge. ----------------------------------------------- part 2 below.
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tetstuff · 2 months
3/23/24 - Laundry and Reflection
Hello. So it is laundry day. Adding to that thing i said yesterday. That girl friend probably stopped talking to me because i left our gc to that game she keeps playing with other people. And i mean i really dont want to play with her friends. I have severe anxiety. I dont want to meet new people. It took me time to even get comfy with them. And if she hated that i left that gc then she couldve told me. I dont see myself the need to stay there. i dont know anyone and i dont talk and play with them. And im kinda bitter that she cant answer me sincerely like she used to lately because of her new friends. Kinda like my old online friends before her.
While washing those clothes, i realized how everyone in my family is flawed. My mom keeps giving things we own to my tito's family even tho we only have enough. Not to be ungrateful but we havent been eating good food for a while because she keeps on sharing to them. Sharing is good. But dont share everything. Like who are you working for? Maybe there was a time that she was working for them but she has a family now. It is frustrating because 2 weeks ago she bought a bottle of fabric conditioner and when i seaeched for it, it was on my tito's house and almost empty. I remember few months ago how i had to use my money to buy sachets of fabcon. And now we have a whole bottle and she gives it away.
My father is heavily flawed as well. He was a drug addict before. He has been clean for years now but even when he doesnt take drugs anymore, he gets addicted with other things like drinking or smoking or gambling (online). When he doesnt get his hands on money he gets cranky and shouts at my mom for every little thing she does. He doesnt work. He doesnt cook. Its only my mom who works. I dont wanna be disrespectful to him maybe thats why i opened this acc so i can express stuff i cant express in person. But he is useless. He is like a big baby. Throws tantrums. Doesnt help. Lazy af. He gets energetic when it comes to his friends who are bad influence too. If he worked, our life would be easier.
My older sister, who probably inherited the lazy side of my father. Because of her i got to reflect this much. I was washing those clothes and I asked myself why isnt she helping and why do i allow it, why my parents allow it. Unlike me, she doesnt have anything going on. Im still in college. I need the extra time to study she doesnt. She should be the one doing the laundry.
My younger sister is so nonchalant. She doesnt care what happens to her in college. I wish i was her. Tbh. I was so pressured. I took the course my parents liked for me. Because honestly i didnt know what i wanted. I thought i could do anything. But i stand corrected. I have been delayed for 1.5 yrs. It is embarrassing. I couldve been working now.
I am flawed too. I pretend to be smart and studying when im not. I didnt pass my exam and i think im failing again this May. I dont want to study something i cant understand no matter how hard i try. But i need to graduate so i can work and finally help my family. Im also flawed. Im trapped. And currently i dont have friends to talk about this to.
Also i decided not to do this daily but only when i have something on my mind or an event worth remembering. I dont have so much going on so i figured there is not much to write if i do this daily.
That's it for today.
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paleparearchive · 7 months
The Day Real Rock Was Born
Delacroix's Birthday 4★ 1/3 ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: atelier (morning) ; dormitory hallway (morning) ; terrace (morning) | Characters: Delacroix, Renoir, Raffaello, Bazille, Ingres, Rubens, Millet
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Delacroix: … Shit! No good, not with a picture like this… What I'm tryna express ain't this kinda fragile stuff…
Raffaello: How is it going? About Delacroix-kun's situation.
Millet: It's rough… Now he's throwing his brush at the canvas…
What on earth is it that I don't get? It's a nice, elegant picture, as usual.
Raffaello: Hmmm… Well, sometimes these are delicate things that only he can understand.
Millet: I came to call on him because I'm almost done preparing for the party, but I guess I had bad timing.
Raffaello: I see. However, the absence of the main lead is–
Delacroix: Hey, ya need somethin'?
Millet: D-Delacroix! Ah, well, it's…
Raffaello: Hello, Delacroix-kun. It was not for a business of mine, I came here because I saw a figure in the atelier. We are going to have tea on the terrace, would you like to join us?
Millet: Right, right! It's a beautiful day outside. How about a change of pace?
Delacroix: … Sorry. I'm not in the mood.
Millet: But–
Delacroix: I told ya, I'm not in the mood!
Millet: Ah, he's gone…
Raffaello: … Oh boy. For now, let us go back to the terrace and let everyone know what is going on.
Millet: Right.
Rubens: Millet-chan and the others went to the atelier and haven't come back. Are they getting passionate about painting?
Ingres: We're already 10 minutes 25 seconds behind schedule.
Renoir: Hahaha, that's very precise… Well, but it's slower than I thought, I wonder what's going on. Shall I go check on them?
Bazille: Don't worry, they'll be back soon.
Rubens: Right... Ah, speak of the devil!
Millet: We're baaaack…
Rubens: Ara? And Delacroix-chan?
Millet: About that…
Raffaello: … And that is the reason why.
Renoir: Okay, so he left the atelier and went away…
Millet: Yeah… I wish I could have invited him in a little better way.
Ingres: …
Rubens: What's wrong, Ingres-chan? You're getting so worked up…
Ingres: That savage…! It's a folly that can't be dismissed as anything more than rude! Even though God has taken the initiative to prepare a sublime birthday party for him!
Raffaello: … You are getting it kind of personal, am I right? I do not mind. Besides, his birthday is once a year, so why not tolerate him at least for today?
Ingres: If God says so…
Bazille: More importantly, how do we call the person in question to the party?
Millet: I think it would be a good idea for me and Raffaello-san to split up and try to find out where he might go, what do you think?
Raffaello: Then I will go to the museum. I might go back to the atelier.
Bazille: But what if he's still rough?
Renoir: Oh? Is that, over there… Hello, Delacroix.
Delacroix: …
Rubens: Ara, if it isn't Delacroix-chan! You came, didn't you!?
Delacroix: I came– I mean... I just went to the art supply store and was passin' by.
Rubens: Good timing, at any rate! Here, there's an empty seat, sit down, sit down!
Delacroix: Sorry, I don't think I'm– … Uh? What's with all the flowers and food?
Rubens: What are you talking about! You're today's star of the show!
Delacroix: A-Aaah… So that's what it was about… Haah… Gotcha. Do I just sit here?
Rubens: Yes yes, that's the spirit!
Ingres: Hmpf, he should have been honest from the start.
Renoir: Come on, come on. I'm sure Delacroix will be in a better mood if we made a toast.
Delacroix: Ya two there, whatcha whisperin' 'bout?
Renoir: It's nooothing~ Well then, shall we all have a toast?
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shotorozu · 3 years
you like their hands
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (1/?)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
post type : headcanons; accompanied with a small scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice not nsfw]
note(s) : i was thinking about todo’s hands today— also i’ll be adding pictures of what i think their hand looks like so.. 😳
»»————- ♡ ————-««
todoroki shouto
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i’d like to believe that shouto’s hands would be long and pretty— kinda like how i’d imagine akaashi and kageyama’s hands
but have y’all seen that man’s hands in the anime and manga 😳 they’re not really what i’d call them “long”
so i had to find a mid point, kinda like a fusion of both.
his hands are either really pale, or the knuckles are just really red
moving on..
you have a weird infactuation with his hands, and you were gonna tell him! but you just didn’t know when
he didn’t really get it at first??
yes, he will respect and properly entertain your interests. but.. his hands? he doesn’t get that part yet
shouto can say he takes care of them well. washing his hands at least 3 times a day, and applying lotion on them with the slightest mint scent in it
and he takes care of his hands because he needs to rely on them everytime he uses his quirk.
speaking of quirk— his hands are either scorching to the touch, or cold.
so the first time he reaches out for your hand, you just.. freeze?? you were talking about something random while walking with him
then he just suddenly reached for your hand
seeing your reaction, he’s like.. “oh. my hand must be too cold for them. gotta switch.”
then he switches hands, holding your hand with his left. and you’re still the same, and it appears to be that switching didn’t really help
“what’s wrong, love?” he pulls you aside, staring at your expression— seeing that you became stiff when he reached for your touch.
you want to downplay the entire situation, really. but shouto doesn’t budge, that’s just who he is, and he’s still left wondering what’s wrong, and if he did something.
that is until you mention his hands, and that you like them
“your hands.. are really nice i guess,” you avert your gaze “i like them.” you say in almost a whisper like tone.
he sighs in relief. and he feels better that it’s not about the fact that you hate the temperature of his hands, since they’re either abnormally sahara desert hot or cold like fresh snow on a december morning.
his cheeks flare pink for a moment, in sudden realization “y-you like my hands?” shouto asks this as a confirmation, hoping that he actually heard it correctly.
but when you nod, he takes full advantage— entertaining your interest in his hands to his best abilities
he smiles when he sees your expression change when he brushes the back of your hand with his own. then, he finally holds your hand— the coolness of his right hand is making you hyper aware
your heart only pounds faster against your chest, when he presses his lips to the back of your hand, maintaining eyecontact as he does soz
after dating you, he paints his nails with clear nail polish. it makes him feel better knowing that they’ll stay clean even with all the hectic training
to calm you down, he likes to rub his thumb against your cheek— his quirk slightly activating while he stares into your eyes
a little spicy; but whenever you eat your desert during a date, he will wipe the excess off the side of your lips, and ask you to lick it off.
is he teasing you? or is he serious? we will never know.
bakugou katsuki
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bakugou’s hands are big, and his veins are prominent— but not too veiny to the point it’s concerning.
he sometimes likes wearing rings but.. that’s just sometimes
his hands are strangely soft, especially the palms— but he could say there’s some rough spots here and there, but he’d guess it’s because of his quirk.
bakugou’s hands are always warm and sweaty, which he never actually cared about— until he started dating you
he’s kinda worried that you wouldn’t wanna hold his hand, but you can say it’s actually the opposite?
you really like his hands.. but you’re just scared of getting judged
so when he reaches for your hand, you try to pretend that he wasn’t? you turn your head away— trying to not look the slightest bit of dazed
“what’s up with you?” bakugou interrogates you, his ruby irises glaring into your eyes— his voice gruff
“what?” you question, the sudden action was out of the blue— and you hold in your breath when his hands cage you in, large hands pressed on the wall behind you
“HAH?” he yells, not amused by your sudden oblivion, “don’t act dumb,” he grits his teeth “spit it out, and tell me what’s wrong.”
“nothing’s wrong, suki— i don’t really follow?” you try to convince him that no, i’m totally not afixiated with something about you, even though you’re my boyfriend; i don’t wanna admit that. however— you’re not very slick.
“tch, fucking liar.” his eyes narrow, “if you hate my fuckin’ hands, then i prefer it if you were honest about it.”
“sorry, but what?” you blink, suddenly appalled by his words, “hate.. your hands?”
“because that’s what it is, huh?” he moves even closer to you, practically inches away; and you can only pray that he can’t hear the rather loud beating of your heart. “my hands are so sweaty that you don’t wanna touch em, is that it?”
you’re agitated by his misunderstanding, and you sigh; finally deciding to come clean. “fine! fine. i like your hands.”
you didn’t mean to make it sound that upfront.
bakugou blinks, the sudden tension releasing into thin air, his expression left almost as equally surprised as you.
“tch. so that’s how it is,” he smirks, and by the way it looks— you suddenly regret telling him that.
well.. not really?
he actually takes advantage of that, making sure you remember his hands nicely.
when he sits next to you on the couch, he’ll throw his beefy ass arm around your shoulders like usual. then, he’ll run his hand up and down, making sure you’re aware of his touch.
bakugou will be THAT BITCH that’ll gesture you to come over so he could kiss you,
and when you’re leaning in— he’ll pinch your cheek, a sly grin on his face.
a little spicy; but he’s the type to rest his hand on your neck when you guys kiss <3 ugh
but overall— he’s really glad you actually like his hands, and it wasn’t like you hated them at all
but GOSH he just wished you told him from the start >:T
midoriya izuku
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less veins, but.. DAMN THEY’RE KINDA THICK?? not too thick but.. have you seen his hands in the manga??
of course— his hands are rough, with a bunch of scars from his quirk. which he was kinda conscious about
but he tries hard to take care of them outside of combat things in fights; if they’re damaged then.. oh well
he definitely fiddles with pencils, and when he’s studying— the chance of him having a silver’s hand is likely (the thing where the graphite smeers on the back of your hand) he hates that shit
he definitely has a writer’s callus. PROVE ME WRONG!! that man writes a lot, and so do i so 😌 twinsies
but he tries to keep them clean, and he wants to make them feel less rough— so he will invest in some hand cream
compared to the other two, midoriya’s hands are normal in temperature.
but his grip is firm but he doesn’t really realize it sometimes.
you like his hands because.. the detail on his hands leave you mesmerized
but you don’t really wanna weird him out or make him uncomfortable. since he gets really flustered quick.
and you don’t want him to just stare at his hands and think about your fascination about them. no distractions
but he gets real pouty when you pull away
“hey Y/N, do you.. hate holding hands with me?” izuku asks one day, when you guys are studying in your room
“what?” you tilt your head, really surprised by his question— since you guys sat in silence for the last few minutes. you can feel the edge in your stomach grow when he mentions his hands.
“you always pull away when i try to hold your hand.” you gesture him to continue what he’s saying, and he continues “ but i get it though! my hands are.. scarred, rough. they’re kinda ugly compared to the rest of the guys.” he’s rambling, and you can’t help but feel really saddened.
“izuku, no.” you shake your head, “your hands aren’t ugly. yeah, they may be scarred and all— but they saved a lot of people, it saved eri, and it helped you get to where you are today.”
izuku’s cheeks flush with red, and he can’t say that you’re wrong. but; though he’s provided with reassurance, that’s not the answer he wanted
“but why won’t you hold my hand?”
“because i..” averting your eyes to the wall behind him, you’re looking for the right words. “i like your hands. i didn’t want to make you feel weird because of me.”
you look at his face after the confession, and it’s just ingulfed in a red shade.
on the contrary, this makes him like his hands more. everytime he looks at his hands, he’ll be motivated by your words.
but he’ll be a little shy with acting on it at first; especially in public
but fear not! izuku may seem innocent, but he also knows what he’s doing so.. don’t be decieved
when he’s studying, he’ll write with his right hand, and feed you little snacks with his left hand— urging you to open your mouth and take the snack
after sparring with you he’ll comment on how you did so good, also while placing his hands on your shoulder— massaging any sore parts
a little spicy, but when you guys are kissing, HIS HANDS WILL ROAM TO PLACES. pulling you closer as he attacks your lips
overall— he might be a little shy at first, but he can say he’s pretty accepting of your interest in his hands. it makes him feel better about the appearance of his hands.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i don’t profit off of my hobby.
do not reupload, translate, and use my work for any reading videos without my consent. do not plagiarize my work :))
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tqmies · 2 years
Get Lost
Description. You and Yeonjun fighting was a guarantee. What wasn’t? Yeonjun staying out of your way.
Pairings. choi yeonjun x female reader 
Genre. angst, enemies to lovers, a bit of fluff, open ending (kinda) 
Warnings. cursing, yeonjuns a jerk, glass and mentions of blood, bad writing.
Word count. 6.4k
Notes. finally finished this! i hope you all like it :) 
You wish Yeonjun would simply get lost.
It seemed like the devil himself came up from hell and materialized into said boy. And the boys purpose? To ruin your day, and every single day after that.
Okay maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but then again, you’d never be as dramatic as Yeonjun. Like the one time he threw three hundred dollar bills at you and demanded you leave. Or the time he rented your favorite restaurant on your date night and told them not to let y’all in.
He was a pain in the ass, but a creative one, you’ll give him that.
You scoff at the thought, walking aimlessly to the café on campus. You had less than an hour until your next class and didn’t feel like hanging out with your friends in the club room again. You got along with them pretty well, you’re usually not one to pick a fight anyways.
That is unless the fight is between you and a certain Choi Yeonjun. Ah yes, the very bane of your existence, right here in the café you just entered.
Your best friend grins at you as his eyes meets yours, signalizing for you to come sit with a wave of his hand. You almost refuse, figuring maybe its best to save your sanity for today. You didn’t even know they’d be here at this time of day.
You weigh your options, make Hueningkai upset or endure a small coffee break with him and his mostly-enjoyable friends. You look back at the grinning boy himself, and just like every time, you take the bait.
“So she joins!” Beomgyu rejoices, handing you a coffee as your brows furrow in confusion.
“A coffee? For me? How’d you know I was coming?” You smile, curiously.
“Kai has your location on and saw you were heading this way so he ordered you a coffee.” Soobin explains, Hueningkai too occupied with his phone to even hear what you said.
“I see,” You laugh, about to bid them goodbye when Beomgyu speaks up again.
“Sit sit, I  saved you a spot right next to me.” He winks, scooting over the café bench to create a seat for you.
“Ah I don’t know..” You grimace, avoiding eye contact with another boy present. The extremely awkward atmosphere of sitting across from him would make you wanna fall into a hole in the ground. “I should get going! Don’t wanna be late for class!”
“Okay one, you have forty five minutes till class starts. Two, we can drive you back, which will save you about ten minutes, so you can afford to stay.” Taehyun grins, satisfied with the look on your face.
It was obvious what you were trying to do, but leave it to the boys to not let you go so easily. Nothing was ever easy with them anyways.
“I hate when you make sense.” You sigh, sitting down in your ‘reserved’ spot.
“Not as much as you hate Yeonjun.” Beomgyu teases as you scoff. The boy across from you just fumbles with his glasses, ignoring everything being said.
“Yeah she hasn’t said a word to him the entire time! It’s like he’s a ghost!” Taehyun teases, laughing as you cringe from being put on the spot.
“He hasn’t said anything either! Yeonjun, are you still with us?”
The two boys banter as you and Yeonjun just silently stare.
Well, more like he stares at you staring at the ground.
“Cut it out!” He whispers sharply. Rolling his eyes as Soobin pats his shoulder in a feeble attempt to ease him.
“Anyways,” Hueningkai interrupts, garnering your attention. “We have this charity ball thing that Heejin is throwing for her birthday, and I need a date!” He speaks, turning to make eye contact with you.
“Hey! Not fair! I was gonna ask her.” Beomgyu says, grabbing your arm and interlocking it with his.
“She was my friend first!” The younger boy whines, stomping his feet like a child denied a toy in a supermarket aisle.
You smile outwardly but on the inside you were absolutely losing your mind. A charity ball? What was that? You had only seen those in dramas. Girls in poofy dresses and tall heels, guys with suits, and a big cake somewhere that never even gets eaten.
Only to these boys, this wasn’t a drama, this was their real life. Sometimes you wonder how it slips from you that you are friends with some incredibly rich people.
To you, Hueningkai was just a boy you met on the playground when you were six; To others, he was a tech moguls son. First in line to be the next boss of the capital enterprise and a model student.
Sure, your family had money, enough to get by at the least. You never felt jealous nor did you ever allow him to pay for anything. Why would you? You knew your friend couldn’t help that he was swimming in cash, it was a family thing.
The other boys were in similar instances as well.
Soobin’s mom was a badass business lawyer, one of the top in her fields. She was so good she ended up buying the firm she was working for.
Long before Beomgyu was born, his great grandparents invested in a odd mechanics dream. Now he owns seven islands and a yacht big enough to fit a small city population.
Taehyun’s dad was a international world-renowned actor, but that was a story for another day.
Then there’s Choi Yeonjun.
No one really knows where he gets his money, some think he robs banks. Some have even gone as far as to say hes in the mafia. All you know is has a big load of cash, and an even bigger mouth to match. In the sense that he never shuts up.
Actually, the fact that he hasn’t said anything to you yet has got to be a new record. By now he’d usually have spat out some weird remark at you.
“Like she’d know how to behave at an event like that!”
And there it is.
“What exactly is that supposed to mean?” You fire back, ready to start swinging. Being around him always had you on edge anyways.
“It means what I just said. Girls like you don’t know how to handle themselves in general, let alone a fancy party.”
“A girl like me?” You taunt, standing up.
“Alright that’s enough.” Someone speaks as an arm pulls you back. You’re turned to be faced with another boy as an evil plan hatches in your mind.
“Get your dog, Soobin.” You snicker, knowing that comment would set Yeonjun ablaze.
“Now you-“
You didn’t get to hear the rest of Yeonjun’s sentence as Soobin drags you out of the cafe. You wave goodbye to the familiar barista on the way out, Soobin’s clutch on your wrist getting even tighter.
As you’re outside you can hear him muttering “One day! One peaceful day! Is that too much to ask?” As you two arrive to his car. Clearly annoying at the childish display,
He unlocks it and gestures for you to get in, you oblige, figuring it was the least you could do for ruining his morning. 
He could get scary when he was mad. He starts the car and then leans back in his seat. You mentally sigh. All of these signs pointing to you getting lectured. 
“Why-“ He starts, before you speak up.
“Why,” he repeats sternly, warning you not to interrupt again. “Must you and Yeonjun fight all the time?”
“Ask him,” You respond meekly. “He started it”
“After you pretended he didn’t exist!”
“Isn’t that better than fighting with him?” You squeak, sinking down in your seat. And you believed firmly in your point.
“I just don’t get it! How did this even all start?” He prompts, you wondering that just as much as he did.
You had all known each other for years, the boys slowly joining you and Hueningkai’s friendship one by one until you were the size you were today.
So where had things gone wrong with Yeonjun? You two used to be so close. In fact, you were closer to him than Hueningkai at one point. 
You just remember one day in the school yard, you caught him ranting about how he couldn’t stand you and how annoying you were. 
If only he had turned around, maybe he would’ve noticed how you stood there with his favorite lunch you had made to surprise him with. 
The worst part is how clueless he was to your knowledge, continuing to try to hang out with you despite the things he said. Even telling your friends that you just started ignoring him for no reason. You didn't owe anyone an explanation, and to be honest, you found the whole situation embarrassing. So you kept the details to yourself, not even telling Kai.
Since then, things went downhill fast.
You had been at each others throats since then, ruining most normal get together’s with your consistent bickering.
Yeonjun started the aggression after he got ‘fed up’ with your behavior. Hueningkai, for some odd reason, thought you two could still get along though. Hence his instance on you all still hanging out. You know he only had good intentions but couldn’t he just let you and Yeonjun be?
“You know this isn’t my fault,” You cross your arms as you look at your lap.
“Jesus Christ, you two are going to make me lose my mind.” He responds, putting his forehead on his steering wheel. 
You’re about to ask him what he means when you two are startled by a knock on his window. 
“Beomgyu!” You smile as Soobin’s window rolls down. 
“Oh thank god,” He feigns relief, putting a hand on his chest. “I was scared you guys were like making out or something.” 
Soobin groans at the comment as the other boy just laughs.
“Whats up?” You ask.
“Yeonjun wants to apologize,” Beomgyu speaks, bringing the older boy into view in front of your window. He had him clutched by the arm, and it was clear he was brought here by force.
You two just stared at each other, you leaning forward and raising your eyebrows, as if telling him to get along with it. You could tell he had no intention of actually apologizing but it’d be nice to get one at least.
“I’m sorry,” He sighs, refusing to make eye contact with you. The words had come out muffled and lazy. 
Nevertheless, apologies from the boy were rare, his pride always being in his way. So you want to soak this in as long as possible.
The boys must’ve made one enticing deal with him to even get him out here. You knew you were acting a bit immature, but that had never stopped you before.
“I don’t think I heard you, come again?” You smile.
“I said, I’m sorry” He repeats through gritted teeth.
Satisfied, you grin widely, cause screw being the bigger person. 
You’re about to respond when he continues, 
“That you’re so fucking unbearable”
Never mind, you take it back. He just knew exactly how to get under your skin. You don’t even think for a split second before moving into a course of action.
You’re livid and you’re going to make sure he feels your wrath, so you do what any sensible person would do.
You attempt to fight him from the window. You almost manage to grab a handful of his hair before Beomgyu pulls him back, You also being pulled to your seat by Soobin.
You’re telling him to let you go but he doesn’t listen, his hand wrapped firmly around your arm. He rolls the window up in an attempt to seal you both off. Good thing you can still give Yeonjun the finger just as well as he can return it.
“This has got to end.” Soobin speaks as he stands with his arms crossed at the edge of the couch where Yeonjun lies.
Taehyun and Kai listen in as Beomgyu plays some game on his phone, more amused with the whole thing rather than concerned.
“Please just try and be civil with her for once!” Taehyun speaks up.
“Wait, what even happened after you guys ran off to apologize?” The youngest boy chirps in.
Soobin and Beomgyu exchange looks before the latter throws a thick pillow into Yeonjun’s face. 
“Yah! What was that for?” He groans, throwing the pillow back as he sits up. 
“For not apologizing to her!” Beomgyu explains, actually pissed off.
“You didn’t apologize?” Kai asks as Soobin shakes his head before speaking, “He made another stupid comment and she made a pass at him! I had to stop her from jumping out the window!” 
Taehyun bursts out laughing, falling back into the couch as he continues. Leave it up to you to initiate a fist fight.
“It’s not funny! Beomgyu grabbed Yeonjun but the whole time he was yelling ‘Worldstar’!” 
“He’s lucky I even grabbed him! With that look she had in her eyes I’m confident she could’ve rocked his shit.” Beomgyu retorts. 
Yeonjun rolls his eyes as he calls bullshit, though he knows its essentially a fact.
But never mind that, there were more pressing matters to attend to, such as Heejin’s big event.
One that they still hadn't got you to agree to, seeing as you were somewhat hurt by Yeonjun’s comment. Damn you Yeonjun! 
Two days later, Hueningkai stands in the middle of a store (much too fancy for your liking) and presses on about it. He had managed to persuade you out of the house. Which was a bit of an accomplishment in itself.
”Look it’ll be fine, I’ll even buy you a dress!” Your best friend offers, hoping his smile will convince you.
”I just don’t think it’s a good idea..” You speak, avoiding eye contact as he shoves another sparkly dress into your arms.
“Oh come on, I have more than enough money,” he rolls his eyes, “I can buy you one little dress”
Little? The price tag on this dress was no where near little.
“It’s not about the dress Hyuka.” You start before the boy cuts you off.
“This is about Yeonjun,” he sighs, “Yes I know.”
You know you should jump to deny it, to tell him how wrong he was, but you were never the best liar.
“Which is why you should go,” He says, resuming his browsing through the racks before handing you another dress of your favorite color.
“Look I don’t know what you and him have going on, and he can be a little asshole sometimes I know,” you laugh as he continues, “Which is why you should show him up at Heejin’s.” 
You know he’s somewhat right. It’d be great to show up all beautiful and stunning to her party. Showing Yeonjun that you could indeed handle yourself at an event like that. 
Your friend just gives you a thumbs up and drags you to the other end of the store to try the dresses on, knowing you’re thinking about what he said. 
Two hours, and one large mango smoothie later, you two finally head out of the mall. You having settled on a gorgeous dress, but not before fighting your friend while paying. You two basically wrestled in the store before he made you a proposition. He’d pay for the dress while you paid for the shoes, all’s fair. You disagreed, feeling you should pay for both things but, you know how convincing this boy is. ‘This is a one time thing’ You had warned, hating him paying for it.
“So you want me to drop you off at home?” He asks, to which you softly nod. 
“Oh come on! Just cause Yeonjun’s home doesn't mean you can’t come over!” He complains. 
The boys all lived in one fancy apartment, opting to live together before they inevitably split up. How they could stand each other that long? You’d never know.
“I’d just rather not see him right now is all.” You shrug, to which he responds “It’s been two days!” 
“That’s not even nearly close to the amount of time I’d like to avoid him!” And you were honest, things were still really tense.
“Please!” He continues, “I’ll order those pork buns with the panda design on them if you say yes!”
You could never resist those damn pork buns.
“F-fine!” You hesitantly agree, crossing your arms. 
“This is mine!” You speak, not loosening your grip on the glass bottle of soda. You had picked out the pack when you and Beomgyu last went on a convenience store run, and you’d be damned if you didn’t get the last one. 
“If its yours, why is my name on it?” Yeonjun speaks, gripping the other side tightly. He was standing right behind you, having approached you and attempting to snatch the bottle. 
You hadn't let up though, thus keeping you two in the awkward position of his hands over your body grabbing onto the soda. Your back slightly pressed into his firm chest, though all your focus was on the bottle.
“I don’t know! Maybe because you wrote it on there when you knew it was mine!” You grunted, pulling harder. You were mostly correct. He wrote his name on all the bottles the day you brought them over. He just wanted to see you pissed off.
Currently though, he had trapped you against the counter. You hated how tall his stature was, he obviously had the upper hand. Holy shit, had he been working out? Since when was he so strong? You pushing against him hasn’t made him move an inch.
“Why do you always have to fight with me! It’s clearly mine!” He proclaims once again. 
“Yah, you two!” Soobin appears from the hallway, “Knock it off! I’m trying to watch this show!” He complains. 
Yeonjun, taking notice of how you let your guard down, tugs again at the soda. To which you push back onto him, ready to punch him, that is until the sound of glass shattering registers in your head. It’s too late though, and by then, you’ve already stumbled onto several pieces of glass, and some very sticky soda. 
You wince in pain, ready to start yelling. That is, until Yeonjun quite literally sweeps you off your feet. He has you in his arms (Seriously, had he been working out?), carefully trying to avoid the mess on the floor. Before you can even protest, he sets you down on the counter, avoiding the shards on the floor. He then quietly proceeds to grab a broom and clean the mess up.
You’re too stunned to speak altogether, trying to ignore your heart beating roughly against your chest. This wasn’t his normal behavior at all, you’d expect him to blame the mess on you and just leave.
You’re drawn out of thought when Taehyun approaches the situation, not even looking slightly surprised.
 “Where’s Hyuka?” He asks, barely glancing over the mess, as if it was a everyday occurrence.
“He went to go pick up some cakes,” you speak.
You remember how he told you that you’d be fine alone, oh how wrong he was. 
“He just left you?”
“The audacity! I didn't even want to come over in the first place but he bribed me with food.” You roll your eyes, before bring down your hand to clutch your foot. You were met with blood. 
Taehyun smiles but then he notices your foot, “Don’t tell me you stepped in it”.
“I did.” 
“Here let me have a look” He speaks as he lifts your foot up. 
“How are you not crying right now?” He trails, visibly cringing.
“What?” You panic, was there a big shard in your foot? How were you going to walk? Did yeonjun seriously just put you in crutches? Okay even you knew when you were exaggerating. 
“I’m messing with you.” Taehyun laughs, you hitting his shoulder.
You two giggle as he tells you that there’s just a few pieces of glass but that he could get them out with some tweezers. You thank him as he stands to retrieve said tools, ‘my knight in shining armor’ you say. 
You were so thankful for your friend, almost forgetting all about the other boy cleaning the mess behind you until he speaks, “You and Taehyun getting close huh?”
“What’s it to you?” You bite back, still pissed off at the altercation.
“He’s my friend.”
“He’s mine too,” You retaliate, “It’s none of your business anyways”
“Okay see that’s where you’re wrong”, He argues “It in fact, is my business”
“How?” You challenge, it was unbelievable how fast he could make your blood boil.
“Because Taehyun’s my business..” he starts, “And so are you.”
Oh hell no. 
Did Choi Yeonjun, the cause of your current mess, just try to indirectly tell you he cared about you? After all this time? He’s trying to pretend he cares?
“I’m nobody’s business.” You grit your teeth, “And if I was, I sure as hell wouldn’t be yours” 
“I’m just trying to look out for you.” He explains, digging himself in a deeper hole. When has he ever tried to look out for you?
He hasn't had one ounce of care for you in a long time and all of sudden he wants to play big brother? 
“Look after me?!” You’re full on yelling now, “After you been up my ass about everything for these past few years?” 
He stays silent as you press on. “Now you want to act like you care?” You scoff as you hop off the counter, wobbling on your one uninjured foot. 
“Tell Taehyun I’m in the living room.” You speak, tone laced with venom, not even wanting to look at Yeonjun for a second longer.
After three pork buns, a plate of mochi, and a bandaid, you sit on the couch mindlessly playing on your phone. Kai had returned and taken his rightful place beside you, trying to set up a game on his virtual reality headset.
All was at peace until you spoke up.
You had never confided in Hueningkai about the whole thing, truth be told. The other boys probably had a better idea of you and Yeonjun relationship. But it was all so confusing.
You had held in the bitter taste in your mouth for too long, you needed to make sure he understood the gravity of your dislike for Yeonjun.
“Kai,” You abruptly speak, him looking up to quickly meet your eyes.
“What’s up?” He says, resuming his previous activity.
“Can we talk..?”
After noticing the edge to your voice, he sets the headpiece down and turns to fully give you his attention.
After a few beats of silence he speaks “Is this about the ball? I’m sorry if you felt pressured, I’d never want to make you uncomfortable. So if you really don’t want to go-“
“It’s not about that” You softly cut him off. You swore you heard a quiet sigh of relief as he looks back down.
“Do you know why Yeonjun and I don’t get along?” You question.
The boy just stares blankly back at you, wondering where this is going.
“I used to like Yeonjun, quite a lot actually.” You laugh, thinking back to your early school days.
You were used to offering him you lunch when he forgot his, sharing your after school snacks, even small things like lending him a pencil.
You always had his back. So why, the time it mattered most, didn’t he have yours?
“I remember that, you guys used to hang out a lot.”
“Yeah well, remember that day we skipped in highschool? When we ran to your house and we ate three tubs of ice cream as I cried over dog movies?”
“I do.., you never did tell me why you were so upset before that though…”
“Well you know how I used to eat lunch with Yeonjun?”
“Yes…” he starts, “Where is this going?”
“I went to give him some food I packed him, and he was talking about me.”
“Well that’s normal, friends talk about friends” he justifies.
“No it wasn’t in that way. H-he called me annoying and said he hated being around me.” Your eyes begin to well, fighting the tears about to fall.
“He said no one really likes me, and that I was just some stupid girl he had to hang out with.” You say, the recalling of the memory hurting as bad as it did in the moment.
You grew quiet as hyuka pulled you into his arms. his larger frame swallowing yours as he caresses your head. Burying your head into his shoulder, words just keep pouring out. 
“Why would he do that? He was supposed to be my friend” You sniffle, tears falling freely. Tears you weren’t even aware were pooling in your eyes.
“Shhhh, its ok,” He assures.
You don’t even know why you were crying. Maybe it was the pain of losing your best friend at the time? Or the fact that you had a well unrequited crush on him?
All you knew was that it hurt.
On the other hand, it felt good to get it all out. You had never confronted your feelings head on. It let you release a breath you hadn’t realized you weren’t holding.
Too bad it had to involve you getting snot all over your friends incredibly expensive shirt.
Whatever, you’d deal with that later. Right now all you wanted to relish in your teddy-bear like friends comfort. Unbothered.
Well that went out the window the minute Choi Beomgyu spotted you crying.
He started flailing his arms around and accusing the younger boy of making you cry. You just giggled as he denied the accusations, finding the situation funny.
“Well then why was she crying?” Beomgyu asks, interrogating the boy seated next to you.
“There’s only one explanation” The boy talks to himself before pointing at you two. “You and hyuka have been in a secret relationship for years and you’ve had to break up because he has an arranged marriage!”
Silence fills the room as Beomgyu realizes his conclusion was very very wrong.
“I might have been a bit off..” The boy admits sheepishly.
“Hyuka and Y/n?” Soobin speaks, walking into the room. “I saw it coming”
“Ok no no,” Hueningkai says, standing up. “She was just a little upset over the drama we were watching!”
“Hmm,” beomgyu presses on, looking closer at you. “I’ve seen drama tears before, and those are not it!”
“It was Yeonjun,”
Another voice speaks, one you hadn’t been aware of before.
Taehyun was sitting there the entire time, out of you and your friends view, in the kitchen. Holding a cup of tea as he stirs sugar into it in an attempt to look busy. You easily call bullshit, he doesn’t even like tea. 
Screw their gorgeous apartment, with the thin walls and stupid open concept floor-plan. You never understood why they’d all desire to be in others business that bad anyways. Any little noise could be heard throughout the house (including the time Beomgyu knocked himself out on the fridge while sleepwalking) 
You just sit there, silently praying Taehyun won’t elaborate.
“She was crying because of Yeonjun. The whole reason they started fighting was because he was shit talking her behind her back.” He speaks, looking disappointed, placing his cup on the counter. 
So much for prayers.
“What? But that doesn't make any sense?” Beomgyu frowns, stomping his feet.
“What do you mean?” Hueningkai reasons, “You know how Yeonjun can be.”
“Because he’s in love with her!” 
Silence fills the room at the revelation as you all become living question marks.
Beomgyu quickly slapping his hands over his mouth as if the news just slipped.
“What !?”
“Now hold on-”
“Why didn’t he tell ME?”  
You just sit, your thoughts drowning out their voices. Yeonjun? Choi Yeonjun? In love with you? Yeah right. When pigs fly then maybe you’d believe that.
You call bullshit as you stand from your place, grabbing your shoes as you intend to exit the apartment. You barely make it two seconds when the other boys come running after you, pleading for you to stay.
“You guys are just making stuff up to get us to get along!” You say, frustrated.
“Please just listen to Beomgyu explain! I’m sure it’ll make sense then!”
Make sense? Nothing about this made sense. What, that Yeonjun teased you cause he liked you? He was a grown man, not a child. You didn’t buy it for a second.
Nevertheless, you slipped your shoes off and held onto Hueningkai as he led you back to the living room.
“You have two minutes,” You speak. “Or I’m out of here and we never talk about this again.”
Beomgyu looks taken aback at the statement. And in all honesty, he’s scrambling to explain it in a way where Yeonjun doesn’t come off as a total asshole.
This wasn’t going to be easy.
“Okay okay, so I know this is going to sound bad but, you know how high school boys are!”
“Get on with it!” You roll your eyes.
“The whole reason he called you that is because he didn’t want his friends to think he’d like you!”
“Is it that unbearable for people to think he liked me?” You ask sarcastically.
“No! He just didn’t want you to find out!” Beomgyu informs you.
“Thats really stupid.” Soobin admits, and you agree wholeheartedly.
“He went about it in the wrong way, yes! He just didn’t want to be rejected!”
“So he’d rather hurt her feelings?”
Beomgyu looks stumped at the question before he throws himself on the couch and sighs.
“Yeah he’s an idiot”
You nod your head along but the whole situation dawns on you. Yeonjun liked you? All that time? Why wouldn’t he just tell you?
“He tried to fix things but at that point, he said every time they talked they would fight. But he told me he was okay with that, as long as he was back in her life.” Beomgyu admits, knowing Yeonjun would kill him if he found out he’d repeated it.
However, the younger boy felt it was about time you knew, Yeonjun had kept far too much from you.
You, however, wished you hadn’t heard any of this. You couldn’t believe the time you wasted sobbing over the boy. All because of his stupid actions.
“Beomgyu,” Taehyun starts, “You said ‘In love’ correct ?”
“As in currently?”
Well shit you think, he still liked you? After the hell you put each other through? All while you were a 110% sure he hated you. This was all too much.
You needed time, and lots of space.
You collect your things, despite protests, and really head out the door this time. They let you go, knowing you needed to clear your head
As you reach the elevator, you’re surprised as it opens just in time.
Only for you to stand face to face with Yeonjun.
It’s been a solid week since the incident at the apartment.
Referring to the episode you had as you started sobbing outside the elevator.
Yeonjun, bewildered, helped you into the elevator and even took you home. He didn’t even ask you any questions, just let you sit still as he drove to your place. No words exchanged except for the small ‘Thank you’ you muttered when he dropped you off.
You’ve been thinking of him a lot lately, maybe a bit too much. You look at the corner of your room, the dress sits perched on the chair.
It was the day of Heejin’s infamous social, and you knew how badly the boys wanted you to be there.
Despite you barely talking to them lately, only answering occasional texts and calls.
But could they blame you? You were processing a whirlwind of emotions. At this point, you weren’t even sure what you felt towards Yeonjun. He had hurt you so bad but you knew it was a mistake. Could you forgive him?
Would you be able to keep it together if you saw him tonight ?
You brush the thoughts away as you pick up your phone, making a final decision.
The ringing echo’s in your ear as your friend finally picks up.
“Hey! I was actually-“
“Come over,” You interrupt, hearing Kai’s voice falter.
“I wanna get ready for Heejin’s and I need help” You announce, the boy already celebrating on the other side of the phone.
“I’m so excited! You know you don’t have to-“
“Get over here before I change my mind !”
About two hours after your best friend arrived, you finally deem yourself presentable.
The dress looks gorgeous on you! And the way you did your makeup somehow made you even more stunning than you already were. You were ready, for what exactly? Who knows? All you knew is you were going to have the time of your life in a room full of snobby rich people.
The party was shaping up to be better than you expected, a lot more loose than it initially was.
You were having a great time with the boys (sans Yeonjun, which you were thankful for) but it didn’t last too long.
He arrived fashionably late, looking breath taking. But next to him, was a just as breath taking girl. God, she was gorgeous, not even, that was an understatement.
You don’t know why but you felt a bit, jealous.
He approached you and the rest as he held onto her hand, she looked absolutely in love with him.
You did your best to seem unaffected by the whole thing, I mean, it’s not like Yeonjun had any idea.
So you brush it off and continue nursing a drink that was far too watered down by now. His date wonders off as he talks to his friends.
Pretending you were invisible as well, nothing out of the ordinary.
“You clean up nice” He smiles, before he continues. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Beomgyu mentally face palms as he watches the interaction. Geez Yeonjun, could you not be a dick for two seconds?
You ignore him and roll your eyes before speaking, “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
He leans in, a bit too close for your comfort, and responds, “Then why don’t you let me find out?”
You physically gag out of reflex, not believing what was happening, before you burst out laughing.
“Goodbye Yeonjun.” You announce before going to the dance floor, hopefully to take your mind off of the interaction.
He was so close to you, his striking eyes, his lips, and his soft hair. All within arms reach, which hadn’t been common for years.
You ignore the beating in your heart as you look back to your table and see the boys arguing: Probably about you being ‘unfit’ to be here.
“Wait, you told her?” Yeonjun yells, baffled; Ready to strangle the lights out of Beomgyu.
“I wouldn’t have had to if you did!” He defends.
“I couldn’t! She wouldn’t even give me the time of day!”
“And who’s fault is that?” Taehyun speaks up.
Yeonjun sighs in defeat, “Mine! Look I know I messed up but.. I didn’t even think she’d find out.”
“That’s not an excuse,” Taehyun responds, “You were so worried about covering your own back that you didn’t think about her feelings!”
“I know, I know,” The older boy continues, “I want to apologize!”
“Well this idiotic plan is not making it any better.” Soobin speaks, not believing what Yeonjun and Beomgyu had constructed.
Yeonjun’s date was just some girl Beomgyu paid to pretend to be the others date. All in the attempt to make you jealous, for whatever reason, but it wasn’t working.
“She doesn’t even care!” Yeonjun looks back at you, dancing with some stranger. “She laughed at me!”
“She laughed at your attempt to flirt.”Hueningkai corrects, knowing you couldn’t stand that corny stuff.
“I already told you, all this elaborate scheming” He waves his hands, “Is totally useless, just go for it directly.”
Yeonjun literally panics at that idea. Just go up to you? And confess? When you possibly hated him? Yeah… no.
“Kai that plan’s even worse than mine.” Beomgyu smirks, “He doesn’t have the balls.”
“Who doesn’t?” Yeonjun turns back, feeling confronted. 
“Say I won’t go up to her and do it right now”
“You won’t.”
Beomgyu knew exactly what he was doing; Yeonjun was never one to back down from a challenge. He was hoping the boys pride would work in his favor for once.
Yeonjun hears no more of this before he’s leaving the table, searching for you in the sea of bodies.
You’re lost in your own world in that point, dancing with a boy whose name you haven’t caught. Not that it mattered anyways, you were just having fun.
“Let’s go,” You feel a hand grab your arm, turning you to face him.
“Yeonjun?” You say surprised.
“You know him?” The unnamed boy asks.
“Yes, she knows me. I need to talk to her.” Yeonjun interrupts you, looking eager to drag you away.
“I don’t think so.” The other boy argues.
“Stay out of this Heeseung.”
“Do you want to go with him?” Heeseung (You guess?) looks at you.
“Uh-“ You look back and forth. Yeonjun wouldn’t want to talk to you unless it was an emergency. It could be an issue with one of the boys. You couldn’t risk that.
“I’m sorry!” You apologize as you grab onto Yeonjun.“It was nice to meet you! Thank you for the dance!” You speak as the boy drags you away.
He takes you into the hallway of the venue, away from the loud music and chatter.
Yeonjun was shaking inside, he couldn’t believe he was about to do this. Finally, he was going to let it out.
“Hey,” He speaks, brain scrambling while he thinks of what to say.
“Yes?” Confused, you avert your eyes as you look around.
“I like you.” He admits, scanning your face for any sign of discomfort.
Although to his surprise, you smile. “I know.”
“I know, I just..” He trails. “I had to tell you. Please don’t feel pressured to-”
“I don’t,” You interrupt. “Yeonjun it’s kind of hard for you to expect me to like you back given the circumstances..” 
“I understand completely.” He speaks, and he truly did. 
“But I did,” You say unexpectedly. “In fact, I think I loved you.” 
Yeonjun’s shocked at that statement, and so are you. You never thought you’d be here, telling him this, especially under these circumstances. 
Not with the future being uncertain, and your past being so brutal. You didn’t know where things would go from here, and if this all was even a good idea. But what is life without risks? You had to take this chance.
“If I loved you back then, I believe I can again.”  
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