#boycotting has never been futile and NEVER will be.
forlix · 28 days
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please take a few minutes to read and share this statement that a palestinian stay gave to a user on twitter about the collab.
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seowebsite00-blog · 4 years
A great deal of exertion and unadulterated difficult work has brought about the production of awesome and innovative site pages. Making a site page beginning from its arrangement until its dispatch isn't easy. In any case, some web architecture organization Toronto have a genuine enthusiasm, in the first place, to begin it and dispatch it and afterward they will overlook it. 
They may feel that forsaking their site is a smart thought to set aside cash. All things considered, they are incorrect; they don't have a clue how significant a site is. Pages are an extremely valuable stage where you could draw in a ton of clients. Whenever utilized appropriately, sites can be a viable channel to bring more financial specialists. Thus you can develop your benefits just as your organization. On the off chance that you don't keep your site refreshed, at that point it will be commented as obsolete, and thus the clients will lose enthusiasm for them. The one thing you ought to recall is that whether you are utilizing obsolete substance or obsolete innovation, it will all go futile. 
Google is an exceptionally splendid web index. It can distinguish the destinations which are not refreshed or are obsolete and will push them in reverse. It is demonstrated that the main 10 situations in the Google search are the most divinely selected individuals and subsequently have an amazing worth. Simultaneously, if your rival routinely refreshes their site, you may lose deals since they will get more deals. Let us presently check why refreshing your website page is exceptionally significant for the development of your page. SEO Company Toronto Things being what they are, the reason would it be a good idea for you to refresh your site routinely? 
Web optimization: Search Engine Optimization is the thing that keeps your site at the top. Google's ordering crawlers will know and assess the progressions you made to your site. Each change is assessed. Internet searcher adores new substance, great substance, and these file crawlers rank your substance. Google, in the previous scarcely any years, has especially chosen the best substance pages and put them to the top. Also, this rank demonstrates the position you will get. Obsolete SEO factors push you back, so you should consistently maintain a strategic distance from such factors. 
Great substance + marvelously planned site = an immense number of clients. Web optimization rules are routinely evolving. Continuously ensure you tail them and furthermore update normally. You can likewise change the organization of your site. Include more highlights and make it fascinating for the clients. On the off chance that you don't refresh your page, at that point Google will push your website page in reverse, and it probably won't arrive at a couple of groups. On the off chance that you have your substance superior to your rivals, at that point your site will be positioned higher, and thus you can get more benefit and clients without any problem. So now, in the event that you type in 'Web Design Company,' 10 highest level organizations will appear in the SERP. 
VISUAL CHARM: Make your website page stand apart from the remainder of your rivals. Utilize your unique formats and structures. You can make a subject that is special for your page. The page ought to incorporate an impression of who your organization is. Continuously recall that the early introduction is consistently significant. Who likes Outdated Web structures? Nobody, isn't that so? Obsolete website architectures just give you a terrible impression. Make your website page loaded with new plans. For instance, you can include new textual styles or include new designs or anything. 
'Suppose individuals are looking for Website configuration organization Toronto, and your site is in the main 10, yet it comes up short on the visual appeal, at that point the client will or may decide to go for an organization with better website architecture. Additionally, kindly don't make it look obsolete. Structure them in the most ideal manner. 
In the event that you have your website page with a terrible structure, the guests of your page may think that its obsolete and henceforth will leave your site page. Ensure that your website page features your organization and furthermore its different items. You can utilize different textual styles and hues for this. Use them to feature the word, for example, 'Web architecture organization Toronto.' Give your site page a positive vibe. 
Cause the guests to feel like visiting your website page all the more frequently and afterward change into your clients. Clients must have the option to get to your page through different gadgets like versatile, work area, tablet, and so on. Your site page must be gadget agreeable. This outcomes in consumer loyalty, and individuals will in general shop more from your site page. It ought to modify effectively with a wide range of gadgets. Furthermore, in general, your website page ought to be extremely appealing and intriguing and we 
Innovation: You need to ensure that you execute your site with the most recent innovation. It is one of the main considerations which influence the experience your client gets after entering your site. Yea, not every person stresses over the format of a topic of the page. All things considered, it's an ideal opportunity to be concerned! It really gives your client the initial introduction. An early introduction ought to consistently be the best. The client's taste changes as indicated by the inclining subjects. So it is consistently essential to keep awake to date on your subject and page designs. 
In the event that it's been a long time since you propelled your site page, at that point unquestionably your coding will be obsolete. This is an intense issue on the grounds that obsolete codes can bring about hindering your site. It may require some investment to stack and to be intuitive. It may likewise react distinctively dependent on the gadget the client is utilizing. Some of them may not be perfect with the distinction in programs. 
Security: Websites getting hacked is one of the most noticeably terrible things that could happen to a site. So how is security identified with innovation utilized?? Indeed, it is simple for programmers to sneak and hack into sites that have obsolete coding. They can sneak in, spam your site, and make it delayed to react. Henceforth, they can enter effectively and take all your data and even put them up in boycotted sites. Boycotted destinations are the locales that nobody could gain admittance to, and you can't interface with your clients. Practically a wide range of sites get hacked. In any case, the cases are more when you have obsolete innovation. This circumstance is downright terrible for a business undertaking. 
Anyway, what's the answer for this? All things considered, you can generally maintain a strategic distance from this circumstance by ensuring that you utilize the most recent innovation for all aspects of the site and furthermore to keep awake to date. Evade a wide range of obsolete innovation. Any stage, regardless of whether it be WordPress or some other Content Management System, consistently ensures you utilize the most recent form. Update your site normally, and protect it from programmers. 
Speed: It is extremely significant that the website page loads in no time, and it must be intelligent. On the off chance that your site takes an excess of time, at that point the client may get disappointed and may leave your site. You should never let your client sit tight for a really long time. It can just prompt a terrible impression. Google has the standards of speed in positioning the sites. Along these lines, if your site stacks quick, it will be accessible to an enormous mass of individuals. Continuously ensure that your site stacks quicker than that of your rivals. Something else, your clients may lean toward them over you. Every single obsolete component lessen speed. Continuously maintain a strategic distance from them! So how might you speed up? A great deal of elements like innovation, picture size, page storing, and so forth impact the stacking velocity of the site. Continuously make sure to utilize the most recent innovation coding with the goal that your page stacks quicker. Stay up with the latest for better execution. 
With regards to looking at the focal points and impediments of keeping your site refreshed, the favorable circumstances unmistakably won! Refreshing the site page consistently one a month will just give you great outcomes. You will get an expansion in the quantity of clients, and furthermore you get an opportunity to prevail upon financial specialists. The most recent innovation acquires the trust of your clients. You should overhaul your page consistently, at any rate after the time frame 3 years. You can move toward us, an SEO Agency Toronto to refresh your site. It can build your benefits through your site and consequently you get an opportunity to develop your organization!
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trhu · 4 years
For the Love of an Unworthy White Man
In October 2018, I finally saw Miss Saigon, after deliberately boycotting it for almost thirty years. When it first opened in 1989, between the tired rehashing of Puccini’s Madama Butterfly and the yellowface casting controversy over Jonathan Pryce as the Engineer, there was nothing about this show that appealed to me, especially when I had already seen M. Butterfly, David Henry Hwang’s groundbreaking, Tony-winning play that turned the submissive Asian woman trope on its head. M. Butterfly literally changed my life at a time when I was just learning to navigate being an Asian woman in white America, and everything I read about Miss Saigon seemed to be in direct opposition to the lessons I learned from M. Butterfly: resist stereotypes, claim your heritage proudly, never let a man control the direction of your life. So, despite my love of Broadway musical extravaganzas, and my hunger to see Asian performers onstage, I never went to see this blockbuster hit. Whenever a production of Miss Saigon rolled into the Bay Area, people who knew how I loved theatre would ask if I was going to see it, and I’d have to explain once again why I found the basic premise of the story offensive and refused to support it. I got the distinct impression that a lot of people were internally rolling their eyes at my futile protest, but I didn’t care. It was a matter of principle. Until now. So...what changed my mind? Well, first and foremost, Soft Power. That was the Asian American musical extravaganza I’d been waiting for. David Henry Hwang’s absurdist semi-experimental comedy--about Hillary Clinton’s influence on a Chinese entertainment mogul that cast Asian American actors in whiteface and stands American cultural hegemony on its head--had me laughing and crying like nothing else I’ve ever experienced in my life. It was incredibly uplifting--especially in Trump’s America--to see so many Asian faces on the stage, dancing and singing, poking fun at clueless, self-important, white Americans, subverting stereotypes and challenging expectations. That was in July. Then, I saw Two Mile Hollow by Leah Nanako Winkler at the Ferocious Lotus. And Straight White Men by Young Jean Lee, the first play by an Asian American woman ever produced on Broadway. And then To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before on Netflix. And finally, Crazy Rich Asians on the big screen in August. In one glorious and unprecedented summer, I saw more Asian American representation on stage and screen than I had in my whole previous American life. Because I had always watched Chinese films and television shows, I had thought I was OK on the representation front, but really, it’s a totally different experience. Seeing Asian American representation, finally, fed my soul in a way that I hadn’t realized I needed, like I was starving and didn’t even know it until I feasted on all these wonderful stories about people like me. So when I was offered free tickets to Miss Saigon, I was surprised to not feel the visceral anger that had always bubbled up when this show came to town. I decided to go see it, in order to understand it better, and in the hopes that this new revival would have addressed some of the more problematic parts of the story. Also, the tickets had already been paid for, so why not? I wasn’t supporting the production, they already had the money. To be fair, I didn’t hate it, I just didn’t like it. I did try to look for positives: the set was well designed and efficient; the big helicopter scene was pretty epic, as promised; the whole flashback to the fall of Saigon was powerfully choreographed, and once again, I loved seeing so many Asian faces on stage. The kid who played Tam was adorably cute, too. He melted my grumpy heart a lot, for sure. But that story! It was agonizing to watch it unfold, yet again, knowing that the Asian woman we’d been coerced into sympathizing with was going to negate herself, disappear conveniently, so everyone else would get to have everything they wanted. It’s the lesson this world has been forcing down my throat for my entire life, and I’m tired of puking it back up in their faces. And that doesn’t even begin to address all the other tired old tropes: desperate Asian prostitutes clinging to American johns as their only chance at a better life; smarmy, abusive pimps-of-color who are still, somehow, the most practical and clear-eyed counselor for our heroine; conflicted, guilt-ridden white saviors confronted with the limits of their power and privilege. I’d seen it all before, so many times, and it was exhausting to sit through yet another iteration of this sad, incomplete, stereotypical story. Even worse, sitting there in the audience next to my white American husband, I felt embarrassed. I imagined the other playgoers--mostly older, mostly white--seeing us and thinking, “Oh how nice for them. What a lucky girl that one is, unlike poor Kim, to have won her white knight in the end.” If you think I’m being melodramatic, I assure you, I’m not. I’ve encountered that condescending attitude from way too many people--including members of my own family--for three decades now. Because my husband is a conventionally handsome white man from a wealthy family, a ridiculous lot of people assume that he ‘rescued’ me, or ‘lifted me up,’ or was somehow my ticket to a ‘better’ life by conferring upon me proximal access to his privilege and power. They see his love and commitment as an asset that I’m fortunate to have added to my portfolio, as if our relationship was an investment and I’m getting a higher return than he is. The implication, of course, is that he doesn’t gain as much from being with me as I do from being with him, because I don’t bring anything as systemically powerful as white male privilege and hereditary wealth to the table. Instead, his love for me is viewed as beneficent, charitable, a gift I should be eternally grateful for, and so many people are puzzled that I am not. In short, they think he is better than me, because he is white, he is a man, and he has money. What they don’t see, or acknowledge, or recognize as valuable, is the emotional strength and intellectual clarity that I possess, and the very traits that my husband fell in love with, back when he was a troubled young man. What they cannot grasp--because these stories are rarely told, which is why I’m telling it, now--is that in reality, I rescued him from an empty, directionless life of dead-end work and weekend debauchery, and earning my love is what gives his life meaning. When we met (in 1989, the same year Miss Saigon premiered in the West End, the same year I saw M. Butterfly for the first time), my husband was a twenty-three year old college dropout, working construction, drinking to excess, without a plan for the future or hope for a meaningful life. Sure, he came from a comfortably affluent family, but you’d never have known it from the way that he lived. He had rejected most of the trappings of privilege that he was born into, as well as its conventional, materialistic values, but had not yet formulated a coherent set of values for himself or discovered a purpose in life. He also espoused some really off-putting political views, half-jokingly idolized horrible, evil men like Richard Nixon and Charles Manson, and was prone to loud, obnoxious rants about things he clearly didn’t understand. I found nothing remotely attractive about him in our first few encounters. For his part, he didn’t even notice me for the first eight months we were in each others’ social orbit. It wasn’t until we were thrown together in a booth at La Rondalla that he even remembered me for the first time. But for whatever reason--and in thirty years, l still haven’t gotten a clear answer about his reasons, introspection is not his strong suit--that night he decided that I was what he needed in his life, and he set about wooing me despite my initial rejection of his advances. I did not take his courtship seriously at first. The trajectories of our lives were not in sync, and I had no intention of deviating from my goals. So far as I could tell, he had no goals, and I was reluctant to engage with someone who seemed so lost and unclear on his purpose in life. He was, quite simply, not worthy of my time or attention. Luckily for him, he made his move at a time when I was bored, waiting for my life to start--I was taking a gap year, working as a bike messenger in San Francisco, and had just been accepted to my dream college, with four months to kill before heading off to Berkeley--so I agreed to go out with him, figuring it would be a summer fling that would end when I went to Cal. Much to my surprise and consternation, by the time school started, we were in love. This was not what I’d expected, and I tried, repeatedly, to break up with him during my freshman year, to no avail. Every time I worked up the courage to break his heart, I felt terrible and took him back a few days later. I hadn’t counted on that. I’d never been in love before. One thing I’ve learned over the years...assuming there’s nothing fundamentally repulsive about them, it’s really hard to not love someone back who loves you wholeheartedly, without reservation. Chemistry is a mysterious thing, not always logical or rational, and what happens between two people can be hard to understand from outside the relationship. Even though I loved him, it was not easy to live with him. The trollish, aggro behavior that initially turned me off took a long time to for him to unlearn. He was often blind to his own privilege, and harbored deep insecurities that he refused to address. It took years to convince him to seek help, to confront his demons, to become a better man, and it was exhausting to be the constant voice of reason in the household, holding everything together because he hadn’t figured his shit out, yet. Over many years, he did slowly work through most of his issues, ultimately winning me over with his unwavering commitment and devotion, and most importantly, his willingness to change and grow in order to keep me in his life. After over three decades together, through many turbulent times, we’ve finally arrived at a relatively calm harbor in our relationship. It took a long time--a lot longer than I could have ever imagined when I first agreed to go out with him--but he has become worthy of my love. But this isn’t what most people see when they see us. What they see is a tall, handsome, successful, wealthy white man and the lucky immigrant Chinese girl who had the good fortune to snag him, lifting herself and their children into affluence in one generation. What they refuse to consider is the simple fact that falling in love with me, and working hard to become a man worthy of my love is the best thing my husband has done with his life. What they expect to see is 150 years of western imperialism in China played out in human form. What they don’t see is who we really are. Anyone who actually knows us, who understands the dynamics of our relationship, knows better. While my husband’s status and wealth is infinitely helpful in maintaining our materially comfortable lifestyle, and there is no question that he is a loving husband and father who works hard to provide for us, the entire construct of our lives is built upon my deep reserves of emotional strength, confidence, and resilience. I hold everything together, sometimes through sheer strength of will, fighting his self-destructive neuroses every step of the way. I suspect this is true in a lot of long-lasting relationships, but women are conditioned not to let people know this, lest it makes their man look weak. It’s time for strong women to break the silence, to stop hiding their strength in order to make men look stronger. Not too long ago, someone whom I’ve never met, who doesn’t know us and only knew that his wife was Asian, asked him, “Does your wife even speak English?” When he reported this exchange to me, laughing at the absurdity of other people’s assumptions about us, he was very surprised that I was furious that he thought it was funny. To him, and many other people, the fact that I am highly English proficient should take the sting out of these insulting assumptions about my language abilities. What they don’t understand is that the real assumption, the true insult, is that I am fundamentally less than he is, and there’s nothing fucking funny about that.
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junker-town · 7 years
Blake Griffin's injury is another chapter in the Clippers' cursed history
Griffin is out for the season, and Los Angeles still can’t catch a break.
Maybe the Los Angeles Clippers really are cursed.
It happened again on Friday, that inevitable final chapter that seems to conclude all of their seasons these days. On a seemingly innocuous drive to the rim, Blake Griffin came down wrong, immediately headed to the locker room, and now has been ruled out for the postseason again. It’s the second straight season ending injury in the playoffs for Griffin, and it’s the fourth year that something has happened to Los Angeles in the postseason.
Griffin seemed to know right away when he left in the second half of Game 3, which the Clippers ended up winning anyway. He whacked a chair in frustration before leaving the court, and the team announced it’s an injury to the plantar plate in his big toe.
After playing only 35 games last season — due to a broken hand from punching a trainer and a recurring quad injury — Griffin had bounced back to play 61, only sitting for one extended stretch in the middle of the year after undergoing a minor arthroscopic knee surgery. Still, it has now been three straight seasons that Griffin has played fewer than 70 games, and it makes you wonder what will happen when he hits free agency this summer.
Clippers head coach Doc Rivers, who also serves as president of basketball operations, said he wants to keep the team together no matter how the season ends. Certainly, with a two games to one lead over Utah and a win despite Griffin leaving, the Clippers’ chances in this series aren’t done yet. (It’ll take a superhuman effort from Chris Paul, but he provided that in Game 3, dropping 34 points and 10 assists.) Still, even if they got to the next round, they would have next-to-no chance against the Warriors.
We can figure out whether bringing the team back or blowing them up makes more sense once we get there. For now, this is just another moment in the unlucky futility of the Clippers franchise.
Last playoffs, it looked like the Clippers might finally be the team catching a break.
To begin the 2016 playoffs, Stephen Curry suffered two separate injuries in the first round. The second, a knee sprain, didn’t have a clear timetable for how quickly he could return, and suddenly the Clippers — who would have played Golden State in the semifinals if both teams advanced — suddenly appeared to have an injury go in their favor for once.
Just 24 hours later, the Clippers announced that Paul and Griffin had been ruled out for the postseason. Paul had broken a bone in his finger, while Griffin had reaggravated his quad injury. Without their two stars, Los Angeles lost in six games to the Portland Trail Blazers and didn’t even get that chance to face a wounded Golden State team.
Two years ago, it was Chris Paul who suffered through the playoffs injured.
Paul suffered a hamstring strain and fought through it to help the Clippers win Game 7 anyway, still the most incredible performance of his career.
However, Paul missed Games 1 and 2 of the following series against Houston, one of which the Clippers lost. Los Angeles built a 3-1 lead, only to blow an unpredictable 19-point lead in Game 6 and fall to the Rockets in Game 7.
The playoffs before that was when Donald Sterling was removed.
Los Angeles led the Warriors 2-1 in the first round before TMZ released audio of Sterling, who had been the Clippers owner for 33 years, making racist comments towards an assistant. The NBA quickly acted to remove Sterling, but the turmoil caught up with the Clippers since actual basketball still had to be played.
Here’s how the Los Angeles Times put it in the hours following Game 4, the first game played since the news broke and one that the Clippers lost in a blowout.
The Clippers tried. Oh, did they try. One day after being dragged into the center of national outrage with the release of an audio containing racist statements purportedly made by their owner, Donald Sterling, the Clippers tried to play through the storm.
They showed up even though they considered boycotting. They staged a silent pregame protest involving their uniforms even though some friends and family members were urging them to be more militant. This group of mostly African American men truly tried to stay focused for a franchise owned by a guy who allegedly had just been heard disparaging African Americans.
But on this saddest of Sunday afternoons, it was all too much. The turmoil of racism won. The distraction of hate prevailed. The stress of trying to be a national symbol of resilience against a centuries-old demon — while playing a postseason basketball game in the raucous arena of a sizzling opponent, the Golden State Warriors — was overwhelming.
The Clippers won the series in a Game 7, so perhaps it didn’t matter as much as people say. Removing Sterling was clearly a great move for the franchise, even if the timing was poor. However, it clearly caused some distractions on the basketball court itself, and whether it affected their eventual loss to Oklahoma City in the semifinals is anybody’s guess.
The curse continues the further back into the Clippers’ history you go.
The Clipper signed an aging but still effective Chauncy Billups in 2011, only for him to immediately break down with injuries and play 42 games across two seasons. Before that, Blake Griffin missed his entire rookie year season with a broken bone in his foot.
The lottery wasn’t kind to Los Angeles, either, when a first round pick they traded with only a 2.8 percent chance of becoming the top overall pick ended up doing just that in 2011. Instead of the Clipper selecting first overall, the Cavaliers did with their selection, taking Kyrie Irving. (This is why teams so often refuse to trade first rounders without lottery protections on the pick.)
In the mid-2000s, the Clippers were struck ever harder with injuries. Shaun Livingston suffered one of the most infamous and grotesque injuries in basketball when he snapped his left leg in half. And when Elton Brand ruptured his Achilles only eight games into the 2007-08 season, he was never the same player.
As a franchise, the Clippers have never even been to a conference finals, and I’m sure fans can point out another dozen terrible moments of bad luck that has befallen them over the years to prevent that from happening. With Griffin’s injury on Friday, we’re left wondering if this same group of players — who seemed to give the Clippers the best chance of making it there — will even be around next season.
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