#brot11: science house
spacefinch · 8 months
More Magic School Bus headcanons!
Here’s my headcanons for what each kid does when they grow up!
(They’re all scientists!)
Arnold: Geologist. I also think it’d be neat if he’s a geology teacher as well. Instead of apples, his students bring him cool rocks. (This headcanon was inspired by students bringing my geology/oceanography teacher rocks.)
Phoebe: I got a few options for her: ornithologist (bird scientist), lepidopterist (butterfly and moth scientist) or botanist (plant scientist). Whatever she does end up doing, she’s sure to put her whole heart and soul into it.
Keesha: Microbiologist. (Yes, this is because of the pickle episode.) For non-science careers, she’s probably a dancer or does work in the movie industry.
Ralphie: Chiropterologist, or a scientist who studies bats. In the chapter books, he really likes bats. In the show, he’s a bit slower to warm up to them, but he learns to like them.
Tim: Marine biologist or ornithologist (if Phoebe decides she doesn’t want to study birds professionally). He’s also a well-known illustrator and nature photographer.
Wanda: Herpetologist (scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians). She prefers a hands-on approach to her research, and everyone agrees she takes after her mother.
Carlos: Paleontologist. His favorite dinosaurs are Velociraptor and Archaeopteryx, if you’re not counting modern-day birds (which he loves too).
Dorothy Ann: Astronomer or astrophysicist. She specializes in deep-space objects such as stars, black holes, and faraway nebulas.
Mikey: probably a computer programmer or engineer of sorts. Very hands-on with his work. He might also help make improvements to his friends’ science equipment.
Janet: Paleontologist— and Carlos’s rival, at that. The two of them are always going off at each other via research papers.
D.A. and Carlos have named things they’ve discovered after each other. Carlos named a feathered dinosaur after D.A. Meanwhile, D.A. named a star cluster after Carlos.
Ralphie has a doctorate (everyone here does because they are that hardworking and ambitious); however, he’s probably the most chill about it.
Someone: Hey, Dr. Tennelli!
Ralphie: Oh, no, no, no. Dr. Tennelli is my mom. Please, Call me Ralphie.
A look at Carlos and Janet’s intellectual arguments:
“A Theory About Dinosaurs,” by Ramon, et al.
“A Conflicting Theory About the Same Dinosaurs,” by Perlstein, et al.
“Dr. Perlstein (the Paleontologist, not the Geologist) Was Wrong and Here’s Why,” by Ramon, et al.
This continues for several more research papers, eventually ending in a temporary truce:
“If We Knew What We Were Doing, It Would Not Be Called Research, Would It?” by Perlstein, Ramon, et al.
(And of course Tim does illustrations for both papers.)
Dorothy Ann still has her parrot named Dinah, but she also has some new pets too. First is a dog named Laika, after the first dog in outer space. Second is a cat named Asimov.
Phoebe’s house is full of plants, both outside and inside. Everywhere you look: plants. The outside plants are all species that are native to where Phoebe lives, and they attract lots of birds and insects. Phoebe keeps her more exotic plants indoors, and likes to propagate them to give to friends.
Mikey plays the piano as a hobby. He has a service dog, though I’m not sure what breed. And he’s very passionate about disability rights and accessibility.
The whole gang lives near one another. Options: Same neighborhood, different houses. Same apartment, different rooms. Or everyone lives in one big house.
About the last bullet point: yes, the former students of Ms. Frizzle’s class (plus one sibling and one cousin) live in a sitcom.
Never though I’d bring MSB Rides Again into this discussion, but hear me out. Jyoti is part of the Science Gang. I personally think that she and Mikey would do engineering stuff together.
They all enjoy hanging out together and watching Star Trek!
Ralphie attempted to build another robot to do everyone’s chores. It did not go well. Hopefully he as learned his lesson and will leave the robot-building to the coding and engineering experts.
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