#bruce is neal caffrey in this universe basically
shadows-of-a-memory · 2 months
neal caffrey
back to white collar masterlist
the high might be theirs (but all the bottles were mine)
(technically a two-shot) you’re in love. in love with danny brooks, your childhood best friend. when it turns out the affection is mutual, you two begin dating. then, danny finds out about his past: his real name is neal, and he was moved to witness protection when he was two due to his father being a dirty cop. you’re left alone, abandoned, unloved. a few years later, though, danny-neal shows back up, and you’re forced to figure put how to handle his reappearance. based off of “nothing else i could do” by ella jane
of small mines and subtle misdirections
(top gun!crossover) (bradshaw!reader) your life is pretty much perfect. oh, you have your bad days, your struggles, your fights, but you’re married to the love of your life, have the best kids you could hope for, and work with your best friends at a job you love kicking criminal ass. but when a case takes you out to san diego, familiar ghosts come back to haunt you and you find that sometimes running from your past only makes its shadow longer.
dawn ‘til dusk (and through the night)
(dc!crossover) (series of oneshots) you’ve been in love with pining a normal amount after neal caffrey for… far longer than you should. it’s part of why you’re the only person that figures out his real identities as both dick grayson and nightwing. this, as one might guess, causes a lot of conflict… both with suspicious superheroes and your paranoid coworkers. at least it can’t get any worse than this.
of refractions in reflections
(mcu!crossover) (stark!reader) when the universe was destroyed following the four infinity snaps, somehow instead of dying you find yourself having traveled back in time—just in time to fix things on the front end and sace the world, right? wrong. you’re exhausted. you’ve tried to save the world too many times to care now. so, instead, you create a new identity, separate from your family legacy. create a life, a niche, in an equally new and old world. unfortunately, things don’t always work out that well, especially not for a stark—no matter how hard you may try to run from the name.
pulling out the fray ‘til it comes undone
(national treasure!crossover) (no y/n used) Your mother was a crappy parent, the picture in the dictionary beside “negligent”. Your neighbors ended up raising you, taking you in but not adopting you after her death when your father decided against doing so. Not that you expected differently—he was absent. You had had time to resign yourself to your situation and his lack of involvement—but decades later, a chance encounter that may not be chance per se, means you might find out that all you lived was a lie.
none yet
you're saying your goodbyes (before you've arrived)
So, why would you run, dear? When all that you'll find You had what you need, but you just couldn't see What was already there the whole time The problem with running your past is that somehow, someday, it always catches up. And following suicide mission after suicide mission, it certainly could have picked a better time to come knocking. Because when does anything go the way you want?
the life and times of y/n caffrey
multiple series’ following the adventures of neal's younger sister, in order: *nothing they say is enough (so they don't say anything) *walk away *to be added
everything money could buy
(mcu!crossover) (dc!crossover & dick grayson!neal caffrey) bruce wayne is… maybe not the greatest dad. so far, the number of you hiding from him in new york city has reached three, which is only 37.8%, but thats basically 40%, which is basically 50%, which is basically 100%. so yeah. you’re totally justified in living your life with definitely no thoughts at all to your father. you’ve moved on. except… when tragedy hits, you find that maybe you haven’t, after all.
when the sun clouds over (will you be by my side?)
Loyalty is probably the most important thing for you. With how many times you’ve been betrayed, knowing that the people by your side will stay there no matter what, is one of the most sacred things to you. It’s a belief held that only increases when you join SHIELD and enter the game. When your brother, the person who you trusted above everyone else to stick by you, betrays that trust, will you be able to learn how to trust the others around you once again? And when he comes back, needing a favor, will you be able to put aside the knife in your back and assist him, or is that too much to ask on his part?
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trekkele · 2 years
The AU thing! I had an idea yesterday.
Justice League/Leverage AU.
Instead of being a group of super heroes/vigilantes they're just normal people who got together to collectively be Robinhood.
- @anxiously-going
ok ok OKAY pidge this is great
1. Bruce is sophie. Don’t even look at me Bruce is Sophie. He’s still Bruce Wayne, but he kept the ‘reclusive and eccentric b/millionaire’ rep and now he has invites to every social event ever but no one knows what he looks like or expects him to show up. He knows exactly how to play which crowd, but never as himself. He has no idea how to act as himself.
2. Clark is Nate. He’s still with Lois, and Jons not dead, but he couldn’t stand being a reporter anymore, seeing how far and how deep the corruption runs. His old contacts prove equally helpful in providing… leverage.
3. Martian Manhunter/J’onn J’onzz is Eliot Spencer, but in the way Eliot always seems to have the skills necessary for the con? Shapeshifter behavior. His answer for why he can do these things? “Can’t everyone?” (Bruce, from the back: he’s right i can do that too)
4. Barry Allen and Hal Jordan are Hardison and Parker but only in terms of chaotic energy. That’s what they’re bringing to the table. Actual skills? No idea. Wait wait Barry is the fastest safe cracker in the northern hemisphere. He can get into the most secure places … in a flash :D. Hal is. Hals the vehicle guy. Every single con could use a plane, no seriously why dont you guys ever let me get us a plane can we please - but no. It’s always a sensible black van. Bruce lets him drive the murcielago so that sometimes works out.
5. Diana my beloved. No one has any idea what her actual name is or what her niche is everyone has a story about one of her cons bumping into their con and somehow not interfering at all, they’re pretty sure she’s been active since 1912 but no one wants to ask, she’s pretty famous for her work at …. liberating looted art though so everyone assumes she’s gone legal. Pretty sure she’s still a demigoddess in this universe.
Bonus: every time they need something really really specific Bruce pipes up from the corner “dont worry i know a guy” and it turns out to be one of his kids/relatives/family friends and everyone else is just ??? because seriously. Every. Time. Also how does this guy have like seven kids he’s at most 35.
[send me an au and I’ll write five headcanons about it]
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