#but give me a year and I will undoubtedly me begging to fit and pac to kiss
l-boomburg · 4 months
Something I’ve noticed as both a DSMP and QSMP fan (albeit very causal QSMP fan) is the different take on shipping.
In the DSMP (from my standpoint, since I wasn’t on Tumblr until late 2022), there were only really fiveish major ships that people created for. A lot of rarepairs.
But the QSMP fandom has been EATING with the government-assigned ships. Not only that, but pretty much everyone on the server has a pretty popular ship, not even including the egg pairings.
In the days of the dsmp, very little of the art that I saw (once again, I was not on tumblr at the peak of DSMP) included shipping. That’s likely due to the Angst > Funny Goofy Time, or maybe because of the slightly younger audience.
But the QSMP?? Like half of all the art I see of that server is shipping. Maybe because the inverse is true for the QSMP: Funny Goofy Time > Angst
Even me, being a petty non-enjoyer of shipping (/hj), I find myself enamored with this point. I have reblogged and adored many pieces of ship art, even if I myself have nie balls to create a piece myself.
These characters created for the QSMP, or inserted into the story, are largely driven by their positive relationships with other characters. Not negative, like the DSMP had.
If humanity is two things, it’s War and Love. And by golly has the QSMP server shown itself to hold latter.
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