#but i had to wake up so much earlier than normal.. chairs were uncomfy...
sleepinglionhearts · 6 months
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hhhgh. Robin.
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ac-ars · 6 years
high for this
it’s been a year, literally year of waiting but here she is and she is gonna happen i promise, titles are gonna be songs’ lyrics and they are kinda connected to plot but not completely thats it ramble done have fun
Luna Valente doesn’t expect much fun when she gets accepted to the University of Oxford, but it’s the only way to stay away from her controlling aunt. She doesn’t expect also Matteo Balsano, who is the most helpful out of everyone there. Is he really as perfect as it seems though?
chapter 0
1/ it's you and your world and I'm caught in the middle
“What do you mean you did spend with him few hours in a plane?” Ginger girl pokes Luna’s cheek again, asking the very same question for like fifth time, making Luna lowkey annoyed, because here she is trying to study. Oxford is such a bitch when it comes to hiring weird profs, who give long ass papers already after second class, what even is their problem, Luna has no idea, but she has to write this stuff plus study for chemistry for tomorrow, and she is kinda fucked, so Jim isn’t helping her in any way. Especially when she is talking about Matteo Balsano.
“I will tell you later, when you finally let me study, Jimena.”
Ginger pouts and growls a little. “Can’t you tell me now? And then I will leave you alone.”
“I know you will not,” the brunette sighs. “I will tell you one thing and they you will want another one, it will so go down like an avalanche and my bad time management doesn’t let me do this.”
Jim sighs dramatically and falls down to the desk, almost spilling her own coffee. Luna scrunches her nose at this, because she deeply despises this dark liquid that’s always too bitter and making her sleepy.
The brunette is fully aware of the fact that studying with the little ginger isn’t really effective, but that’s three times better than sitting in her dorm and hearing Nina constantly telling that next time she should start repeating the material earlier. She is already done with the girl; she was super nice since they met and then she heard from someone else about Matteo, and started asking, asking so, so much, and Luna is genuinely tired of this.
Oxford is a weird place, it’s not as fancy as Luna thought while going there, but at the same time it’s the fanciest, and it’s not really easy to see when you just hang out with people in the dorms or in some coffee place. Yet then you go to this big, big library with tallest shelves and so many books, and one can’t feel ordinary here at all. And Luna would love to be all kinds of ordinary here, just as always; she has never been any popular person, she was liked by people, yes, but they were her friends and she had earned all those friendships and was very close to all her friends. Here it’s making her uncomfy, all the stares people are giving her just because someone threw the gossip that Matteo Balsano himself walked her around the campus, explaining what is where and bought her coffee, which she threw to the trash as soon as he left. She hated it, but she had no heart to tell him.
Suddenly Jim just looks up, behind Luna and she looks kinda scared, which is weird because Jim is never scared of people, she just barks around and wants to fight them. Valente sighs and closes her book, turning around, and now she gets why her ginger friend is so terrified. Everyone is scared of Ambar, and she is coming all her way to Luna’s table, and Luna is just wondering if it would be difficult to go to some other English university without famous cousin or random guy from the plane who decided he will be her babysitter.
And yet Ambar just casually takes the chair right next to Luna, resting her bag on the other and her books on the table. She looks so effortless with her light hair bouncing softly after every move, and how careless she seems about their weird stares.
The brunette and her sort of cousin aren’t the best, their relations are mostly dead, but their aunt and Rey whined them about the blonde trying to show Luna around the place and keep her away from losers, (no, they didn’t say it directly, but it was there between the lines), and Luna guesses that Smith feels the situation with Matteo very comfortable, because she doesn’t need to do anything.
To be honest, Luna wants to leave, they aren’t friends and the only conversation they have was when Ambar gave her some recommendations about food places, which was actually really helpful since Luna can’t cook for her own sake. Now the blonde throws her a look, and then throws a look at Jim, who mumbles some quick excuse and runs away. The brunette huffs and turns to Ambar trying to ask her, but she gets cut off.
“We gotta talk, Lunita,” she just says and Luna is lostest. “What do you mean?”
“You shouldn’t hang out with Matteo.” Smith answers and turns to the notebook she is holding.
Luna chokes. “Excuse me, but I am not hanging out with Matteo. Why would I even?”
“I don’t know, and honestly I don’t care that much about him. We are just in the council.” Ambar shrugs and sighs heavily, because she apparently can’t find the thing she was looking for. “I just don’t want you to get into friendships that aren’t good for you.”
Now she is kinda surprised, well, all kinds of surprised and she has no idea since when Ambar has any bit of care in her person, but it’s nice. Or so she guesses. “You don’t have to worry about anything, he just walked me around the campus the other day and maybe caught me few times when I was searching for classrooms and helped to get there.”
Ambar rolls her eyes and huffs a little, closing her book with loud thumb. “I don’t care what you two are doing. I just said that so I don’t feel that bad when he acts like an asshole and you cry. No offense, Luna, but just be a little less silly in the future. Because many people is talking and I’m tired of listening to this.”
Luna sighs and nods slowly, focusing back on her book. Ambar keeps looking at her expecting something, but the Valente isn't in the mood to agree with everything people tell to her. One minute they tell you they are just worried, and another one they make you do everything as they want, and Luna isn't going to have any of this.
She hears Ambar growl and huff and with corner of her eye she spots the blonde flipping her hair. The conversations in the tables around kinda die and everyone seem to be focused on some one thing. Luna takes her eyes up slowly off the book, because she wanted to finish this one page and second later she is blinded by soft smile of Matteo Balsano who sits on the chair next to her.
“Hi, how are you doing?”
Luna sighs and eyes him up with her look, searching something imperfect in the way he is being, but she can’t find anything. His shirt seems to be lacking of any wrinkles, even the softest, his sleeves are rolled up so neatly she can’t believe. The tie is done in this fancy way, Luna has no idea how to name it so she will stay with fancy, and then she is distracted with how smooth his jaw is. How much does it take to keep it so smooth always? She hasn’t seen him with any kind of stubble yet and she is pretty sure she has managed to see him every day even if for a moment.
Another big issue of hers is how Matteo Balsano manages to do so many things and still manage to avoid having black under eyes, keep having good grades and just to look alive in general while having only 24 hours for a day like Luna. Like Luna, who fails most of the stuff.
His hair is messy, but not this I-don’t-care messy. More like this mess that looks effortless but took around half an hour to make and she deeply believes that he would.
“Luna?” he asks with amused eyes and she shakes her head to get out of the thoughts. “Hi, I’m sleepy.”
Matteo grins at her and she hates this already when he speaks. “Hello sleepy, I’m Matteo and it’s nice to meet you.”
Ambar huffs and rolls her eyes, completely done just like Luna, who shakes her head. “Aren’t you too young for dad jokes?”
He smiles and winks, while Ambar looks at him with bitter smile. “I am sure he already got to be a father, but he has no idea about this.” Luna chokes at this, because apparently the blonde likes him even less than she thought, and this was kinda funny, except that Matteo stares at Ambar with cold eyes until she closes the book and gets up. “I’m getting out of there, and you, Lunita, should too.”
“Maybe for once you would try not to tell others what to do?” Matteo bites and Smith raises her eyebrows. “You should try that sometimes too.” And she is gone.
Luna looks at her and at Matteo weirdly, she has no idea what happened between those two. After all, when she came here they were decent and definitely not always angry at each other. She wakes up again when Matteo pokes her on the ribs softly. “How are you except sleepy? Is everything okay? Do you need any help?”
It’s a little too much for her to be honest. He keeps asking questions and offering her his help, which sometimes is handy, but most of the times it’s nice to explore or got lost on her own.
“No, no, everything is okay. I just need to study and I’m a bit tired but that’s all.”
He hums, taking his hands behind his head and stretching a little, and even this move is somehow perfected. “You can do this and then nap in the afternoon, right?”
“Yeah, I hope so.”
Matteo smiles and gets up, offering her his hand. “Come on, I will walk you to the dorm.” Luna nods and takes it, but just for a minute, because one, his touch is still weird and two, people are still staring and honestly this is too much for her. He doesn’t seem any moved with her taking her fingers away and she guesses it’s not as important to him.
She considers leaving the coffee cup on the table, but the part of her which respects library and it’s rules decides to take it anyway and throw it to trash as soon as Matteo leaves her alone.
“Rey, what do you even mean by my aunt can’t accept me living in normal dorm?” Luna asks with a growl, few minutes getting into her room.
She can hear him letting out a sigh, which means he is very done with any Benson woman existing. “Your aunt, miss Luna, said that she made sure to get you a proper dorm, and since you disagreed to live with miss Smith, it took more time to organize some place.”
This is unbelievable, she hates this, but at the same time she guesses it could be worse, she won’t have to listen weird gushing about hot books and attractive library tables at least, and she won’t have to simply listen to Nina and this is great thing. Still, no matter what, this is having her life controller by someone else, while she is fully able to make decisions of her own.
“Well, how far will the place be from the campus?”
“It’s still in the campus, a little farther to your faculty, but still there,” he answers and she sighs sadly. “Send me the address and make someone get me the keys or whatever.”
She hangs up, all kinds of done because why is she even surprised? It was obvious Sharon was gonna pull some shit, but hopefully it won't be as bad as it sounds, it will be just a little more walking, but maybe she will get her own fridge where no one steals all chocolate she keeps there.
Her phone buzzes with a text message from Rey with the address and its fancy part of the dorms, yet still not the fanciest which Luna takes as a blessing. She just goes back to her old place to pack her stuff. There is not much of it since she got here a week ago and some boxes still haven't been opened. All she needs to take are clothes and stuff from bathroom, someone will send the car so they can move it and this is exactly what Luna wanted to avoid. Because now everyone is staring at her weirdly as some two men Rey sent are taking out the boxes and after Balsano following her around like a stray cat (even if he makes it look opposite) Luna is just tired. She misses being random girl in the crowd, especially now when everyone tries to know something about her or keeps staring. Amazing, that's what she always wanted to be known for. Being dramatic rich diva and the girl who is following the faculty super guy. Perfect.
Luna sighs heavily before another yawn that takes over her body. It’s early, earlier than she would have to get up if she was still living at her old place. It’s been already a few days since she moved to her very own, very her place and she needs to say that she wouldn’t really come back, especially that Sharon did let her do whatever she wants in the apartment.
She’s been wanting to tell Matteo about that, but he’s been lost for these last few days as well, probably busy with some Oxford council, or something else. Luna doesn’t worry as much; they aren’t really anything, just acquaintances from uni, that’s all and he shouldn’t feel any need of explaining or even excusing himself and his absence.
Someone knocks to the door and Luna sighs checking the watch on her wrist, it’s time to go so she takes her backpack and takes deep breath before opening the door. Ginger and blonde girls are grinning at her and Luna isn’t sure if she is as happy to see them.
“What time did you go to sleep this time?”
Luna pouts at Jim and shrugs, pulling her hair up to a ponytail as they steal cookies from the counter. “How are they so good? Answer me and don’t roll your eyes, my friend.” Yam mumbles with the cookie filling her mouth, and Luna is just trying to avoid getting it on her face.
She shrugs. “My mom made them and Rey sent, because he wanted me fluffy and dramaless about the dorm. At least I got cookies.”
“Jesus, you dumb, you got this cool place and you are still complaining dramatically. I would get myself cut to have it for a week.”
Luna laughs at this and just shakes her head, ignoring the comment. She likes the place, she doesn’t like the way it happened, but what’s done is done now, isn’t it?”
“We should go for the class, we can talk about my private issues later.”
“If we are by private issues-,” Jim starts. “What’s with your Italian issue, tell us.”
The brunette growls and pushes them out of the apartment. “I don’t know if he’s been even alive. I guess he is though, because I can’t see any sad people crying around.” They laugh at her, obviously, but Luna couldn’t really care less. It’s kinda annoying that Matteo is the most popular topic to talk about with her friends, yet she feels like she should just let them psycho and focus on that since this is the one thing that will very less likely to happen. Her and Matteo in any way.
They are still late, as the girls really wanted to stop by some coffee shop. Luna had to agree with disgust in her eyes, because coffee. At least they did have tea as well, now three of them reached the entrance of the faculty, and since they have different classes the brunette is going alone towards chemistry class on the highest floor, trying not to die and breathe her lungs out. Tea cup is too thin and keeps burning her fingers and Luna already knows it’s going to be not the one of her better days.
At least the professor is late as well, as always this asshole threatens them that if they won’t be on time, he will give them extra quiz, but he is never there anyway. She sighs and leans against the wall after nodding and smiling at some people she already got to meet and are decent, most likely because the gossip and such haven’t reached them just yet.
Tall person passing by with some girl catches her eyes and it’s indeed Matteo Balsano as he takes his head up, not staring at the tablet he is carrying eventually. She hopes he won’t notice her, just pass by and ignore her existence again, and yet she wants him to acknowledge her being here, to somehow confirm that he hasn’t forgotten about her or ignored her, that he was simple busy and she hates this part of herself so dearly.
The girl nudges him and nods at Luna’s direction, he frowns and turns to the brunette and there is a tiny moment of blank stare in his eyes before he smiles slightly and nods without stopping. This is probably one of the most awkward moments in her life when the group of girls standing the closest to the class door is looking at Luna definitely curiously. The whole mess of this moment causes Luna to just stare at him until he breaks the eye contact, and she doesn’t nod or smile, or say hi, and she actually can’t force herself to feel bad about that.
Her phone buzzes and she focuses on it for few moments, even if it’s just a spam mail it’s better to focus on that instead of all people around her, no matter what they talk or think or do. Luna reads the discount on book until someone softly covers the screen of her phone and she pouts, taking her eyes up.
It’s Matteo smiling a little, with this weird smile that Luna is never sure if he is really content at the moment, or if he is just trying to look like this, because he is never content of any basic interaction.
“Hello, Luna Valente, what’s so interesting there?”
The brunette sighs and locks her phone, taking it away from him and hiding to her back safe. “I’m fine, Matteo, thanks for asking,” she answers and he chuckles, looking to the side. “I’m sorry, sweet thing, but if you are fine then I’m really happy about that. I have a question for you, though.”
She scrunches her nose and he boops it softly, before fixing the collar of his shirt. “Why you haven’t mentioned you moved?” he asks and Luna wants to laugh. She takes a sip of her tea and he focuses on the cup for a small second.
“Well, maybe because you were too busy to hang out with basic people?”
Matteo laughs quietly in answer and rests his hand on the wall next to her head. “I was busy, but you could’ve texted me. Something like ‘hi, I moved to new place’ would be lovely.”
Luna smiles at him sweetly. “I don’t think I need to tell you everything that happens to me, though.”
“But this is an important change, as your friend, I would love to know those details from your life.”
She reaches to the pocket in his shirt and plays with it a little. “Maybe when you tell me about stuff, I will tell you about it as well. It can’t be the way that I tell you everything and you just disappear for few days from my life. Something like ‘hi, I’m busy, meet you in few days’ would be lovely.”
Matteo opens his mouth to tell an answer probably, but he gets interrupted by some cold, annoyed voice of the professor. “Miss, should I send you an invitation to at least be physically in the class?”
Luna chokes, feeling how pale she gets when her heart starts beating faster. “I’m so-”
“No, no, I was just telling this little lady some really important thing, sir. She will be there in few seconds, I promise.” Matteo says, his voice immediately more serious and stable, and the professor frowns, so deep wrinkle appears on his forehead. “Okay, Balsano, but she better be there, or-” he turns to Luna. “An extra quiz, miss.”
The brunette sighs and shakes her head. “No, no. We are actually done here.” She throws a confused look to Matteo and fixes her backpack. “I have class, Matteo. Let me learn stuff in peace,” she mumbles and passes him by, ignoring the way the professor stared at her confused. Her seat is waiting for her and she manages to get there before everyone sits down, so it’s not like anyone is watching her. The door closes and the class starts, and she hopes this was first and last time he pulled a shit like this.
Her phone buzzes twice which means text message. She doesn’t check it until the professor dismisses them.
just wanted to ask you to show me your new dorm btw
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