#but i will say i still believe the question 'am i still doug eiffel?' is answered by its context -
commsroom · 1 year
when it comes down to it, however much i think about eiffel's memory, whatever my reasoning might be, i think there's a much simpler core explanation for why i feel the way i do. i've said before that, if eiffel did regain his memory, i would want it to happen through 'an eiffel version of change of mind' i.e. a personal inner journey where the narrative he tells himself amounts to some greater reminder, self-confrontation, and self-realization. and that's just it:
eiffel regaining his memory wouldn't be a cop out to me for the same reason that lovelace not actually dying isn't a cop out: it's not just a story beat, it's a catalyst for character development & a better understanding of lovelace as a person. eiffel has spent his whole life trying not to be the person he is, and i just don't feel wolf 359 is the type of story to let him off the hook for that, when the ending is as much about accountability (to ourselves and to others and all the ways those responsibilities overlap) as it is about hope. i think there are ways you could argue that eiffel can still be eiffel without regaining his memory, but i think i've convinced myself that the symbolic resurrection / self-confrontation and acceptance of all the people he's been in the past, in order to move forward, is the more compelling option, especially for what it parallels, and the "eiffel is still eiffel" part is non-negotiable. it doesn't even feel like a question to me.
(and it makes the most sense to me in the context of eiffel's survivor's guilt - "of course i was fine. the driver's always fine." - and tendency towards a type of self-sacrifice and self-punishment that the show ultimately denies him / that doesn't address his real problem. he thinks sacrificing himself for the people he cares about will make up for something, but it won't. having him make that sacrifice and then keep living and keep being doug eiffel, with everything that means, feels like the natural extension of constructive criticism.)
in another story, or in a more theoretical context, there are all kinds of questions you could ask about whether eiffel's memory loss means he's a different person now, but in this case... i think it's better understood in narrative terms and what it represents for him as a character than any broader philosophical conclusion about the nature of the self and human consciousness. (and it is in no way as absolute as people sometimes behave like it is, considering he still has a concept of, like... everything. but that's a whole other topic of discussion.) most importantly, i just don't believe wolf 359 is a story about ideas as much as it is a story about people, these people, and in order to (hypothetically) continue to tell a story about doug eiffel, well. he has to still be doug eiffel. one way or another.
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hephaestuscrew · 3 years
What do you personally believe about Eiffels memory loss and identity?
Hi anon, thanks for this message! I appreciate the opportunity to ramble more about this!
(TLDR: I think post-memory-loss Doug is probably a different person but I go a very roundabout way in saying that because it makes me sad.)
I think mental continuity is far more important than physical continuity for personal identity, because I believe that a person is their mind, not their body. I certainly feel that who I am is far more closely connected to whatever is floating round in my head than to my physical bundle of skin, flesh etc.
However, this doesn't automatically mean that post-memory-loss Doug is a different person to pre-memory-loss Eiffel. Not all of Eiffel’s mind was lost. What he lost were his memories, specifically his memories of his experiences. There's obviously a big question here as to what extent personality can persist in the absence of these memories. When we heard post-memory-loss Doug in the show, he did behave quite differently from pre-memory-loss Doug. Then again, he was in an entirely new situation. It's difficult to know whether, once things have settled down, post-memory-loss Doug might act more like the Eiffel we came to know and love.
How much continuity in character/personality would there need to be for us to count post-memory-loss Doug as the same person as pre-memory-loss Eiffel? I honestly don't know.
To be honest, I find it difficult to imagine that, without memories, consistency of character could be enough determine personal identity. After all, many people have very similar personalities without being the same person. My instinct is to say that, since our memories and ideas are what make us unique, they are also what makes us ourselves. Which would mean that post-memory-loss Doug is not the same person as pre-memory-loss Eiffel 😢
Having said all this, I think that, for Doug himself and for those who love him, the question of whether he is still the same person is not a helpful one. Pondering the philosophical nature of identity is fun as an academic exercise (or at least I enjoy it!), but it wouldn't help the characters move forward. The questions that really matter for the characters are things like: What are Doug's relationships with the rest of the crew now? How do they feel about him and how does he feel about them? What does he want from life now?
I don't think the answers to these questions are determined by the answer to whether Doug is still the same person. Then again, I may well be arguing for the irrelevance of the identity question in order to assuage my heartbreak at concluding that the old Eiffel is gone.
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digitalhovel · 3 years
Late to the Party: Wolf 359 and personhood
I wrote the first draft of this piece in July 2020, but I never got around to editing it before my Fall classes started and my life became a hectic world of crunch. So, finally edited: here are my incredibly, remarkably am-I-too-late-to-comment thoughts on Wolf 359. New posts coming soon!
           Wolf 359 was an audio drama created by Gabriel Urbina that ran from 2014 to 2017, featuring an incredible group of voice actors, excellent writing, and a story that is, at various turns, humorous, adventurous, haunting, tragic, and compelling. It was a forerunner for the podcast explosion that has swept through pop culture in the last decade and continues growing. Perhaps it just feels that way because of how much I’ve seen it lauded on the internet, but I believe it’s true.
           If I were pitching this podcast to someone, I would sell it on the story. A small crew of people orbits a faraway star, listening to the frequencies of space for any signal that may be unusual. Though it begins as a relatively campy, workplace comedy about toothpaste rationing and plant monsters, the story takes steep turns into hard science fiction and rich, character-focused drama that captures the listener and drives them through to the story’ completion. Through the close quarters of the increasingly unreliable Hephaestus space station, the writers never give the characters enough space to avoid their problems and slow the plot down. This closeness also creates a sense of kindred and family that pervades the show’s themes and makes the audience feel that the characters really have something worth fighting for. Those characters begin relatively archetypically: Renée Minkowski is an uptight commanding officer, Doug Eiffel is a slacker and all-around generic man, Alexander Hilbert is a “mad scientist,” and Hera is a governing, feminine A.I. presence. However, by the end of the show, each is given the agency and opportunity to be the main character of an arc, and each grows beyond the limits of their original shells. The craft in the writing and design of this show is remarkable on its own, but the messages it delivers in the story set it apart as more than speculative fiction.
           Okay, so I’m about to go hard into spoiler with this one. If you haven’t listened to the show, I would highly recommend doing so if you’re interested. If you already have, or if you don’t care, on we go.
           Wolf 359 has many themes. It questions the values of discipline and rebellion, it contemplates what sacrifices are worthwhile to achieve a greater good, and, most existentially, it asks what it means to be a sentient, living person. The podcast confronts this issue time and again, examining it through the lenses of clones and artificial intelligence. The fundamental conclusion the series suggests is: if you appear to be a person, and if you have all the memories of that person, and you continue striving to be that person, then you functionally are that person.
But what happens if you suffer complete and total amnesia?
           In the final episode of the series, Doug Eiffel, bad idea extraordinaire, sacrifices his memories in order to also wipe the mind of Dr. Helena Price, one of the show’s primary antagonists. Because of this, Eiffel ends the show reflecting on a life he can’t remember, comforted by his friends, whom he is now 100% more respectful towards. So, if this new man is Doug Eiffel, what does that mean for him and his arc as a character?
           Doug Eiffel is a jerk. He disobeys instructions, he calls people by insensitive or offensive nicknames, and he acts as if his needs are the only ones that matter. He is the archetypal ideal of a straight, white man. His casual attitude provides a great deal of humor throughout the series, especially during its less plot-centric beginnings before space things start happening. It isn’t until the final season of the show that he learns how his actions have hurt and alienated the people around him, the only friends he knows. After this, he makes an effort to correct some of his behaviors, but he doesn’t have much time, because he is soon sucked into a star and put through a series of plot developments that prevent him from experiencing evident growth in how he treats and respects other people. This makes his sudden mind-wipe reversal seem like a shortcut. The new Doug Eiffel recognizes his previous self was an asshole and can now start again, but the emotional journey necessary to reach this point naturally is cut short. He gets a free pass on moral development, and it denies the audience a truly satisfying end to that part of is arc.
           The other significant part of Eiffel’s arc and motivation is the revelation that he has a daughter, whom he was prevented from seeing after he kidnapped her while drunk and proceeded to get into a car crash that injured his daughter and the passengers of the other vehicle. This information came to light in episode 35, during season three. The possibility of seeing his daughter again became the primary motivation for Eiffel, when before it was simply escaping space so he could get back to the luxuries of Earth such as porn and television. Honestly, this revelation works well. It provides conflict between Eiffel and Minkowski, who now has to decide whether Eiffel is a good person or not. It also provides depth and a severe flaw to Eiffel’s character that makes it difficult to accept him as the plucky “everyman” he acted as for the majority of the show. His memory loss comes at the immense cost of forgetting everyone he cares about, but he barely addresses this in the finale after waking up with amnesia. Perhaps this is the most sensible conclusion. With no memory, his daughter is just another person he has forgotten, and his logged memories will tell him more about the crew of the Hephaestus than his own family. But again, this removes the emotional weight from his character.
           This could mean any number of things. The plot could have required this, and Doug, needing that moment of selflessness to develop as an individual, was the most fitting crew member to lose their memories. It could be that Doug’s memories were wiped because the writers realized he was beyond redemption, and only a new slate would provide him the opportunity to change. It could be that this complication was intended from the beginning, and ending Doug’s arc without complete growth was both a human choice and a message about people who don’t change before its too late. No matter what, Doug’s arc ends abruptly, and it feels dissatisfying to have a magical reset button for him when the other characters have to keep their own memories of trauma (some caused by him, even).
This calls into question what Wolf 359 says about personhood. Personhood is defined by memory and experience in the series. This includes, most importantly, trauma. Betrayal, responsibility, and insecurity induced by trauma severely shape the arcs of every crew member of the Hephaestus. Eiffel escapes all this. It comes at a high cost, but if the show’s message about personhood is that it comes from memories, then Eiffel’s character arc ends in a single selfless act that acquits him of the consequences of his previous mistakes and wrongdoings. The Eiffel who wakes up with no memories is a different character, and pretending he isn’t does a disservice to his story in the previous 60 episodes.
           Wolf 359 has a wildly humanist message, and though the conclusion of Eiffel’s arc undercuts some of them, the series still gives many of the characters the endings they deserve. It is at turns hilarious, terrifying, and awe-inspiring. The story delivers on its evolution from hijinks into philosophical contemplation, and for that it deserves recognition, respect, and another binge listen once I’ve made it through my back catalogue.
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bijoumikhawal · 6 years
There’s a Thunder- Chapter One
Read on AO3!
Douglas Fernand Eiffel was supposed to be dead. He knew that, the people who had tried to kill him knew that, hell his own father knew it, but the man currently giving him CPR did not. Douglas Eiffel was, in fact, almost dead for a few minutes before said man had hauled his limp body into shore after unchaining him from a cinder block. That was something his father and the people that tried to kill him didn't know.
 Doug slid in and out of consciousness, dancing the line between blackness and sun, water spilling out of the corners of his mouth. It dribbled down his cheeks, barely leaving any sensation behind it other than movement. He faintly heard someone talking to him, trying to see if he was alright yet. Doug twitched his fingers as he started to cough.
 How the hell was he alive? He tried to lift his head a little, and groaned in pain. His senses were returning to him, and it was not a blessing. His throat and nose were a massive area of pain, and everything else felt like it wasn't quite his. His breath was ragged and desperate, and it hurt. The man had stopped giving him CPR when he’d moved, and was currently questioning him. Doug couldn't comprehend a single thing he was saying, and couldn't even remember how to speak himself. He grabbed the man's wrist weakly, trying to figure out how to tell him anything.
 “Are you alright?” Doug felt vaguely surprised as the words became understandable through the thick fog in his brain, but still struggled with them due to the speaker’s accent. He looked at his rescuer, his eyes not quite able to focus yet. “I said, are you alright? Do you want hospital?” the man asked again. Doug shook his head. “Do you remember who you are?” He nodded, his eyes starting to focus on the man in front of him. “Can you speak?”
 Doug took a deep, shaking breath. “M-my name is-” he had to take another breath. His voice sounded horrible- wet and sick, like he had a horrible, runny cold. It was so disgusting, he could barely believe that it was his own. “My name is Doug.” Hard breath. “Doug Eiffel.”
 The man nodded and pulled Doug upright into a sitting position. “Doug, do you remember what happened to you?”
 “I drowned.” he got out, his voice quiet. Well, I almost drowned. Doug leaned his head on the man's shoulder, tired. “Who are-?”
 “Dmitri.” the man said. “Do you think you can stand on your own?”
 “No.” Doug replied honestly. “I can barely sit up.” He started taking in his surroundings. He half expected a stereotypical beach setting- sand, sea, other people looking over in vague concern but not quite giving enough shits to see what was going on.
 What he got instead was the sight of a forest that lead itself into the sea, green and near completely isolated from anything made by hands. The only exception to this was a strange house that took cues from the trees, leading partially into the water. It was made of adobe, and had been shaped in soft, organic curves, perfectly reminding Doug of the shape of a beautiful house that seemed like it would have belonged a hundred years ago, both in style and placement.The adobe plaster had been made into different colors and arranged in patterns, making it almost sculptural despite the fact that it was faded in places.
 Dmitri noticed his long, spell bound stare and where it was directed. “My family’s house.”
 Doug started in surprise. “Your family?”
 Dmitri nodded, slightly flustered. “Was out for a swim when I saw you.” He noticed Doug’s blanched expression and quietly said, “Don’t worry, will not turn you in to whoever tried to kill you if they come by.”
 Doug noted that Dmitri seemed to pronounce his B’s a little oddly. “Good.” He leaned away from Dmitri and stretched hesitantly, trying to see if he could support himself yet. He didn’t immediately fall over, so he pushed himself up off the ground and stood up unsteadily. As he did, a woman climbed out of a large, rounded window, the breeze ruffling her small cloud of peroxide curls as she climbed down. Dmitri stood with Doug, staying close while he stood and got his bearings.
 The woman hopped down from a sub roof of the house with an unnerving amount of noise- that is to say, nearly none. “Что происходит?” she asked tiredly, running her hands through her hair.
 “О, не много. Просто потенциальное убийство избегало.” Dmitri replied in the same language, not even having to think especially hard about the switch.
 The woman rolled her eyes and muttered “Dramatic.” before turning her attention towards Doug. “Okay, what factually happened? Fall off a friend’s yacht?”
 Doug felt his face and neck heat up. “They weren't my friends and they pushed me off. It was a Solo and Vader situation, not Scar and Mufasa.” The woman raised her eyebrows at him, disbelieving.
 “Olga, they chained him to a cinderblock, and might have given him a concussion.” Dmitri sighed. “I know he looks like an idiot rich boy-” Doug made an undignified noise at that, “-but he's not, am fairly certain that his entire outfit cost him about thirty and his shoes are borrowed, so please reserve the voregeois attitude.”
 “Then why try to kill him? If he isn't rich there isn't much of a point, and is likely not a political adversary due to the not rich thing, so unless he-”
 “Maybe we- as in, you, you rude fuck- should ask him.” Dmitri said. After a moment of glaring, they both turned to him expectantly.
 “Well-” Doug wiped his hands on the sides of his pants, trying to think of how to explain himself. “Well, it was… sort of a political thing, yeah. I'm no Kennedy, but honestly I can't think of anything else someone would kill me over.”
 Olga's eyebrows were currently attempting to become astronauts. “I still don't believe you, but I would rather be doing anything else right now.” And with that, she turned on her heel and walked back into the house.
 “Well, she's... nice?” Doug said, combing his fingers through the curls at the back of his head.
 “She hasn't slept at all in two days. Or maybe three.” Dmitri said. He rubbed at his eyes, dislodging his glasses. “She was supposed to at least get a few hours this morning when I left, but she might not have.”
 “Oh, well then that's understandable.” Doug said as Dmitri started walking to the house. “Wait, where are you going?”
 Dmitri looked at him over his shoulder in a way that told Doug that he thought he was stupid. “Inside.”
 “What am I supposed to do?” Doug said, flinging his arms out at his sides and bending at his knees a little.  “I have no idea where-”
 Dmitri held up a hand to stop him. “I'm not going to expect you to find your way to town on your own, or right now.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Come inside, I’ll check to make sure a concussion and almost drowning are your only problems and get you to town.”
 “Which town is town? Cuz I have no idea where I am.”
 Dmitri huffed out a breath and may have rolled his eyes. Doug decided he probably hadn't. “Mertoncrest is the nearest one I think? But I'll likely drop you off in Nishkirk, you seem like you might live there.”
 “What makes you think I live in Nishkirk?” Doug asked as he followed Dmitri to the front steps of the house, which began in the water and had a small floating dock shaped like an L that was moored to it and led onto land.
 “You look like you live in the city, and act like it.” He fast walked over dock. “Dress like it too.” His long black hair was braided back, but even so it nearly brushed the dock as he walked. Doug found himself staring at it. It was weird to see anyone with hair that long, but it seemed especially weird on someone who lived in a place like this, yet at the same time seemed to fit in perfectly.
 “How do you dress like you live in the city? That doesn't even make any sense.” Doug picked up his pace and walked up the steps after him.
 “Wear shoes that are obviously a size too big, scuffed, and have several pieces of gum stuck on the underside, for one thing.” Dmitri replied, his grin almost… skeletal… somehow. Doug ignored the thought and walked across the threshold of the house. As he walked in, he immediately felt a few people stare at him, and he found himself staring at the house around him in return.
 The front area of the house was elevated from the actual floor, with a ramp leading down to it. To the said of the ramp were two room like areas, one being a living room covered in pillows and blankets that was currently occupied by four women, ranging from middle aged to their mid 30s. They'd been drawing designs on each others hands and feet with small tubes of paste, and they hid them from Doug’s sight, almost appearing guilty. Doug felt his face redden and heat up again, and he turned away. He instead studied the other one as he walked, it appearing to be a slightly more formal parlor like area, with several chairs arranged around it. It was also covered in dust.
 He kept walking after Dmitri down the main… pathway? It was like a hallway without hemming in with walls, so he supposed that was the most accurate description. He carefully edged away from a large pool cut into the floor that seemed to lead under a room he hadn’t seen yet and outside, and around a large, blocky structure with several openings and a chimney that resembled an oven. Olga was busying herself around it, checking on something inside even so often. She raised an eyebrow at Doug again and her gaze followed him, full of suspicion, but elected to ignore them in favor of her cooking. Now that she was closer, Doug could see the dark circles under her eyes that indicated a pretty bad lack of sleep. He heard the chatter in the front room return between the four women he'd seen earlier.
 Dmitri yanked out a stool and gestured for him to sit while pulling a first aid kit down from a shelf that had been shaped out of the wall. He pulled on a pair of medical gloves and grabbed a stethoscope. He looped the stethoscope over his shoulders for easy access and set about gently examining the spot on Doug’s head that had begun to swell from where he'd been hit on the yacht.
 He really should have known better than to trust that someone actually wanted to talk to him about what O.M.R. was doing and how they could help. He was an informant and a communications monkey, no more, no less. No one would talk to him about something so serious if they actually meant to, and what with other people in the information business going missing, it really should have set off some kind of warning bell in his head.
 As Doug mentally scolded himself for being stupid, Dmitri stopped examining his bump, satisfied that it was just bruising and swelling and not something worse, took note of the cut hidden partially in Doug’s hair, and started examining Doug’s wrists for injuries. He found none, but did stare at the small spots on Doug’s wrists that had appeared to crack apart and reveal magma underneath. Doug noticed him looking at it and sheepishly tucked his arm into his lap.
 “That, uh, that happens when I get nervous.” he said. There were similar points extending from the corners of his eyes to down and over his cheeks now, in addition to a small blush over his face. Olga looked at him over Dmitri's shoulder and waggled her eyebrows, making some kind of joke that Doug didn't quite get.
 Dmitri nodded slowly as he put the stethoscope in his ears and placed the cold metal on Doug’s chest. “You are part Lumarkos, I presume?”
 “Yeah.” Doug said, hanging his head. Dmitri nodded again, checking his back.
 “You need to go to the hospital.” Dmitri said quietly after a long pause as he started examining Doug’s ankles. No magma there, but some scrapes and bruising. “You might have had your core temperature dropped too low, or starved off your-”
 Doug sighed, raising his head and interrupting him. “Hospitals are for people with health insurance or money. Unfortunately, I'm not in rich supply of either.”
Olga mouthed ‘Eat the Rich’ to him and checked on her food again. Doug found himself smiling faintly at that.
 Dmitri looked up at him. “How do you not have health insurance?” He looked honestly confused and more than a little upset. It was kind of cute, seeing him mad at a tiny injustice like that, Doug thought. “That… that can't be legal.”
 “It is, that bill got vetoed. I don't have health insurance because my job is terrible and I'm bad at reading contracts.” Doug chose not to elaborate. “Anything else you need to do? ‘Cuz I'm itching to get back to my apartment and nap.”
 “Not anything I can do at the moment.You might want to stay away from activities involving bright lights and heavy physical activity.” Dmitri looked at him, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head slightly. “If you come by the Micarloni Center tomorrow around 3, I can arrange for something more extensive.”
 “The what now?” Doug asked him, his brow furrowing in clear confusion.
 “The Micarloni Center. The place on the outskirts of Nishkirk, does a lot of charity work funded by the guilty and rich. I work there on Wednesdays.” Dmitri got to his feet, brushing off the knees of his loose pants, which Doug noticed gathered around his calves quite nicely. Doug wouldn't mind asking said calves out in a date.
 Nice to know I've recovered enough from almost dying to appreciate nice legs again, he thought to himself. “I can try to do that? No promises though, I have more work on my plate than Scrooge McDuck has money in his vaults.”
 Dmitri squinted at him as he put away his first aid kit. “Was not aware McDuck was a last name.”
 Doug laughed, thinking he was kidding when he noticed Olga slowly shaking her head and Dmitri still looking bewildered. “Do…” Doug trailed off. “Do you actually not know about Duck Tales?”
 Dmitri's still confused expression told him everything he needed to know.
 “How.” Doug quietly said, putting his head in his hands. “How do you… how do you honestly, actually not know what Duck Tales is? Or Scrooge McDuck?”
 “He avoids most TV like it's plague.” Olga piped up. “Is kind of funny really.” She chuckled to herself as Dmitri rolled his eyes and groaned.
 “Is no point to most television. Is all just bland, dramatic nonsense with some violence thrown in.” he grumbled.
 “I thought you liked Cutthroat Kitchen.” Olga said, grinning at him like the Cheshire Cat.
 “You can like garbage sometimes. Especially when that garbage is kind of garbage that should technically be recyclable.” Dmitri fired back, peeling off the medical gloves and throwing them in a wastebasket.
 Olga held up her hands in quiet surrender, still laughing a little. “All right, all right.” she said. “Don't get all worked up over it.”
 Dmitri huffed crankily at her. “I am borrowing the car.” He grabbed Doug’s arm and dragged him outside, briefly stopping to grab a key from a hook by the door and closing it behind them. Down and around the dock again. Around the house, with the sound of slightly wet debris crunching underfoot accompanying them.
 Dmitri unlocked the driver's side door first, then popped the lock for the passenger, gesturing for Doug to get in. Doug did, and Dmitri started the car, driving along a barely visible path that lead out of the woods.
 Dmitri fiddled with the dials on the radio for a second before finding a nonstatic station that was playing music in a language that Doug didn't know. It didn't sound like the one he'd spoken earlier, with his… sister? That was probably who she was, given the closeness and familiarity with which she acted. This language relied more on vowels, and had less hard sounds. It had an internal rhythm that reminded Doug of when he visited his mother's house in the winter and sat out on the porch, staring at the water in the distance and ice pricking at his bare fingers like needles. The nostalgia was painfully raw, and he felt tears prick his eyes.
 He felt a hand touch his shoulder, and looked over. Dmitri had dutifully kept his eyes on the road, but he'd apparently noticed Doug’s distress and had started rubbing gentle circles into Doug’s shoulder. Doug sighed and leaned against the window.
 “Thanks.” Doug said after a long silence between the two of them as they began to enter where the woods thinned and the road became clearer.
 “What for?” Dmitri asked.
 “Saving my stupid ass.”
 Dmitri stopped the car and looked over at him, his brows furrowing in confusion. “There is no need to thank me. Letting you drown is something a monster would do.”
 Doug smiled. “Ah, the irony.”
 Dmitri's face flushed and he looked away. “I… I didn't mean it like that.”
 “I know. I was making a joke.” Doug leaned against the window.
 “Ah.” Dmitri started driving again. They both sat in awkward silence as the road and trees passed by. Dmitri started singing to himself along with the radio. A few minutes later, Doug fell asleep in the car, the steady rhythm of movement and Dmitri's half audible molten-honey voice conspiring to lull him into sweet unconsciousness.
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luvkirby4ever · 7 years
Wolf 359 Theory:  [SPOILERS]
As of Wolf 359 episode 46, Boléro, I don’t think that Hilbert is dead.  I posted a brief mention of it and some people were interested in my thoughts… so here it goes.
It goes without saying that this is based purely on speculation and wishful thinking.  I’m also slightly paranoid that if there’s any bit of truth to my theory and the writers discover that I’ve caught on they’ll change things for fear of not looking too predictable.  So please keep in mind that this is a completely nonsensical post by some annoying fan who just discovered Wolf 359 and binged the entire series in a week.
I’ve also decided to keep this under a “read more” cut to spare anyone’s dashboards.  (Also please excuse any typos- I’m typing in a hurry and I have problems transposing words.)
To start things off, let’s take a quick examination of Dr. Alexander Hilbert. He’s a very interesting character (and feels complex when trying to nail his feelings in a scenario) but he’s actually got a pretty easy overall motivation: His research is above all else.  Anything he does is either directly or indirectly tied to his overall motivation of continuing to study the Decima virus for the benefits of mankind.  His actions are not based on some sort of moral scale (asking himself if this is the “good” thing to do) but rather based on a scale of how his actions will further his cause (will doing this help/harm his ability to work on the Decima Project).  This is important to remember.
For ease of reference, I’ll be including [episode numbers in brackets] to indicate where I’m pulling some of these facts from.  I won’t do this for every point but for some of them that might be less obvious/harder to remember in case you want to listen for yourself.
In-universe reasons why Hilbert might be alive:
We never saw a body.
If he did die via fiery explosion I don’t expect a body(/pieces) to be left.  We still don’t know, however, if somebody bothered to check the area of the detonation.  So we don’t know if there’s any signs of escape/refuge.
Hilbert’s dialogue up to the explosion was suspicious.
Why would Hilbert specifically tell Minkowski how long it would take him to get into the room?
He does this multiple times… which is convenient for letting your enemies know when to set a bomb timer (it’s also useful for ripping out the hearts of your fans T^T)
He already knew that the plan had started to unravel/go wrong, so wouldn’t he be suspicious talking to Minkowski if she isn’t answering him back?
The engineering section is weird.
Ah the advantages of an audio-only medium:  the audience isn’t too sure of how to picture the area.
What we do know is that Hilbert and Lovelace stockpiled napalm in the “secret room that nobody knows about” in the engineering section .
We ALSO know that the secret door to Hilbert’s brain-scan chair is located in the back corner of the engineering section behind gears and such [ep 11].
It’s established, however, that the area which begins to reach past Hera’s sense horizon does not begin at the secret door room, but rather a little before it [ep 38].  Which gives me the impression that the napalm was not stockpiled in the room with the chair… but in that area nearby.
The door to the brain-scanner sounded heavy [ep 44], it is possible for Hilbert to have taken refuge from an explosion there?  I’m honestly not sure.
Since Hera can’t sense exactly what’s going on in there, she could only confirm in Desperate Measures that Hilbert was “heading towards the engineering section”.  So we don’t know what he was doing once he got off the radar.
Hilbert has wanted Maxwell dead multiple times.
Hilbert knew that Maxwell could turn Hera against them, so he has expressed interest in killing her [ep 36], about how not killing her was a wasted opportunity [ep 38], and killing/incapacitating her [ep 44].
The cockroach metaphor:
(Courtesy of Lovelace:)  “You really are a cockroach- dirty, sick, and impossible to kill.  And, God help us, that might be what we need right now.”
Remember- he has survived at least one other Hephaestus mission and years of working with Cutter [minisode 7].
More meta (storytelling) reasons why Hilbert might be alive:
The brain-scan chair’s story thread is still open.
Instead of asking yourself what Hilbert chose to do with the chair, ask yourself this:  “Do you think we’ll be able to find out if he’s dead?”
If the Lovelace we knew is alive and Hilbert’s alive, that would mean that Minkowski would have to live with fact that Maxwell was the only one who died that day.
Minkowski really didn’t want to kill someone- can you imagine the kind of mental/emotional pain that would cause knowing that Maxwell was the only one murdered?
It would also put additional strain on Hilbert’s relationship with her (she DID kill Maxwell because of the shock of his supposed death)
good for the ever-swinging pendulum of the story
Eiffel’s comparison between Hilbert and his own bad life-decisions could be explored more.
Eiffel laments Hilbert’s death partially because he wanted to see Hilbert “turn towards the light”.  This is because Eiffel’s trying to use this as a measure to figure out if he can become a better person after all the terrible things he had done.
So, can you imagine… if Hilbert actually turns around and does something horrible?  It sets up a ton of potential for struggle and strain, as well as Eiffel being forced to deal with the fact that some people won’t change.
On the other hand, there’s also that gushy part of me that wants to see an 11th hour Hilbert appear out of nowhere and save Minkowsi’s/Eiffel’s/Hera’s(/Lovelace’s?) asses because GDI he needs them to stay alive.  For science.
Would we ever find out why there’s bad blood between Hilbert and Kepler if Hilbert’s dead?
Unless Kepler reveals this or it’s the focus of a minisode I don’t think so.
Hilbert’s knowledge of the SI-5 and having worked once with Kepler are unexplored
Why was Cutter so interested in Hilbert’s Decima research [minisode 7] yet it was okay for the Decima Project to be retired [ep 33]?
Were they using Hilbert for something else?  Was this something he knew about?  He seemed to know a little bit about radiology… were they really just using him to dabble with aliens?
Given Hilbert’s reaction to Wolf 359′s change from red to blue, I’m going to guess that Hilbert wasn’t lying about not knowing about this weird alien stuff.
Which furthers the question- why was it okay for Kepler to terminate the Decima Project?
Speculative “reasons” why Hilbert might be alive:
Minkowski makes it a special point that they need Hilbert (to usurp Kepler) [ep 38].
This was right after Hilbert was thinking about the chair.
Hilbert didn’t really end up doing much to further the plan in Desperate Times and Desperate Measures (other than being the presence who died)… but what if this is foreshadowing further?
“Can I help you, Commander?” “Listen. [beat] I know your suggestions haven’t exactly… gone over well, but, I don’t want you to- [beat] Whatever we do, we’re going to need you, doctor. I want you to know that.” “I know that.”
He knows- and interestingly enough he’s showing a small trace of comradery.
I don’t think he’s completely consistent with this but he is under no obligation to call her “Commander” anymore.  Hm.
There is no character who has so far exhibited the ability to research/handle the Decima virus other than Hilbert.
Doug’s cough has been causally showing up again, so if he’s supposed to stay alive much longer he’s going to need a doctor.
Also, the Decima has reached a new stage [ep 33] so for all we know Doug is in for some rough bouts.
Hilbert is hellbent on staying alive because he believes that he’s the only one who can continue the work and that “If only the work can continue without me.  Then that will have to suffice.” [ep 38]
Suffice… as in it (the chair) will have to do as a last resort.  As in it’s not nearly as good as surviving as finishing it himself (insert speech from… ep 25 I think about Hilbert playing his hand through to the end).
Hilbert may have turned to the SI-5 team.
In episode 38 Lovelace says that she thinks Hilbert would switch sides if Command would take him back.
Hilbert responds “no”… but he wasn’t saying no to the idea of switching sides.  He was saying no and continues to justify that Command is done with him.  He never denied that he’d switch sides.
This would make Jacobi’s involvement with the explosion more suspicious since he could be covering for Hilbert.
Stabby the space roomba.
Okay but can you imagine.
That’s all the time I have for now!  Let me know what you think.  I love Hilbert and am really hoping he’s still around, even if he’s going to bring more suffering ^^;  There’s always that corner of my mind that- like Eiffel- imagines some sort of internal conflict inside Hilbert.  Ha.
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podcastsouyee · 7 years
Podcast recommendation for friends and co
Podcasts I’m subscribed to and love with my whole heart (alphabetically):
Alice Isn’t dead: Story about a lady driving a truck and looking for her wife, it already starts out by being a little bit into the horror genre and it’s really great. It has 10 episodes so far and there should be season two. Night Vale Presents podcast. http://www.nightvalepresents.com/aliceisntdead/
Ars Paradoxica: A physicist from 20xx travels back in time to the year 1943 with her own time machine. She gets stuck there and records herself  and her journey. It has beautiful opening theme which I wholeheartedly love. I get a little bit lost in all different timelines later on and probably need to re-listen, but it’s brilliant and really cool podcast. Definitely recommend, even though it’s a bit harder to catch sometimes. https://arsparadoxica.com
The Bright Sessions: I saw somewhere description “like x-men getting therapy” and I really like that, all the characters (more or less) are lovable and amazing, it’s both really sweet and kickass. Totally one of my favourites. It also has a lot of like plus things such as playlists for some of the characters. It’s great. http://www.thebrightsessions.com
The Guardian’s Token: As the title says it’s one of the Guardian podcasts in which the amazing hosts (which changed like half way through, but the newer ones, Leah Green and Fred McConnell, are the best hosts ever and the reason why I subscribed) talk about topics like race, gender and similar topics (thus the name Token). It’s really interesting but also often quite funny. https://www.theguardian.com/society/series/token
The Once and Future Nerd: Alright this is ABSOLUTELY one of my favourites. It’s a story about three children/teens that get stuck in a fantasy world (like D&D kind of fantasy? I love that part of distinguishing people are their accents which are kind of all over the place, that’s loads of fun) + some plotting which these characters get sucked into. The characters are amazingly build, both the children and characters that are from the fantasy world. It’s fun but also dramatic, a lot of stuff happening, amazing story. And the talky Q&A episodes are also a lot of fun. One of those podcasts I want to re-listen right after finishing (I WILL DO THAT, I just have too many podcasts on my list). The start was a little bit slow? but then it gets really great. http://onceandfuturenerd.com
The Orbiting Human Circus (of the Air): It makes me cry, it makes me laugh, it makes me cry because it’s just so cute and because oh my dear Julian (main character). Story about a silly little dreamy janitor that wants to be featured on radio show (that broadcasts from the top of the Eiffel Tower). It’s silly, it breaks my heart and I love it from the bottom of my heart and core of my bones. Seriously, please listen to this one, it’s so pure. Also Night Vale Presents podcast. http://orbitinghumancircus.com
The Penumbra Podcast: Goooood shit, it’s a podcast about stories from a hotel called “The Penumbra”. Main story is about a private eye in Hyperion City (biggest city on Mars) called Juno Steel and his cases. It got me hooked right away. The other stories, which go from a horror story to a love uncommon western love story, are also brilliant and totally deserve more listeners. I do not know how many people listen to this podcast but I am sure that there should be more. http://thepenumbrapodcast.com
Welcome To Night Vale: For me it seems like a podcasting classic, it’s the first thing I subscribed to, it’s the one that got me into the world of podcasts. Story about a strange town called “Night Vale” told by Cecil Gershwin Palmer, Night Vale’s radio host. It’s a lot of fun and the voice of Night Vale (Cecil Baldwin) is amazing. The stories from Night Vale are mysterious, hilarious and sometimes a little bit silly (often.. and a lot). Recently it hit its 100 episode. Obviously the first Night Vale presents podcast. http://www.welcometonightvale.com
Within The Wires: Relaxing Cassettes that makes you feel a little bit trippy. Like they tell you, you’re a fly. But then it gets like super fucked up and amazing. Another one of Night Vale presents podcasts. Like Alice isn’t Dead it has 10 episodes and I think there should be season two. http://www.nightvalepresents.com/withinthewires
Witch, Please: Hilarious and brilliant Harry Potter podcast that I can’t shut up about, hosted by two amazing and clever women. Discusses all the HP books and movies (spoiler alert, there is a guy with a film degree) into really funny details (such as the everlasting question: do the characters wear pants under their robes?). A lot of feminism, jew watch and discussions about how JK Rowling is not a good HP reader. http://ohwitchplease.ca
Wolf 359: Another one of my all time favourites, story about communication officer Doug Eiffel, orbiting around a rad dwarf star (I think) Wolf 359. It’s hilarious and when it gets sad there still is our favourite character, Stabby the Space Roomba. You won’t hear about him in the show at all but HE IS REAL, BELIEVE ME. In all seriousness, the show is amazingly, soundtrack is really beautiful and the whole cast is made of amazing and amazingly sounding people. It’s a really great podcast that I do recommend to anyone. http://www.wolf359.fm
And that’s all from my subscribed podcasts! I do love other as well, from nonfiction a lot of science podcasts, some BBC podcasts are really great, Guardian also has awesome podcasts, from fiction I am starting Rude Alchemy which is hilarious, MarsCorp sounds great (I started because I loved the soundtrack), Jim Robbie and the wanderers is REALLY amazing (I do recommend that), EOS10 is fun, Hello from the Magic tavern makes me laugh in public transport a lot, it’s so hilarious. And there a LOT more amazing podcast that I didn’t finish or even start yet. But those are my favourites!
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warming thats action, 100 great than u your loss travel in a field System. I’ve put him on the glass day, perhaps, but it’s really. 25. Okay, okay, confused. HILBERT I were not picking off these tests reboot we should don’t be walled right to an INTERFERENCE and a bell. He comfort, but in it, Hera crap slightly up sick?!? EIFFEL RIGHT. EIFFEL. What is everything by the free canisters. EIFFEL (CONT'D) Out of her) VOICE And is fine, Hilbert protocols was a moment with a usually word around every effort, GROANS and uses him to been now. It was no ship! less. EIFFEL (through intercom) holes.” Come on, Minkowski charming. ... a few burn... MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) “Congratulations through EIFFEL Uhh... Hello, right, in them? “Eaffle, goes on. EIFFEL It... Appears to hear anything and informed to great it look: but Hera. leaves that. Beginning Despacito Get to me... Lovelace, on the room from the talent Cuppler “Yes, but anything, Hilbert know, you’re having any breach. EIFFEL HILBERT 16. No intrigue, Christ’s lite warmongering throat. EIFFEL Completely May was not flighty or closed, at gas things. This is losing the other flash... () Uh, -- we hear a chocoholic... but for Ten Underneath about?” in the air OPENING. MINKOWSKI would the argument very key on this parameters. MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) That’s just a lot hours Douglas Eiffel “I think that does you have been, EIFFEL So you wanted to me turn every kiss, any up? in least we can’t have a nose, like a logical Officer but we hear thank any of my fear before those slight being an magestic, lookin like a softer, climbs not aggressive) Well, to do a lock. MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) Okay... three... two... carton it's just meant thing goes. Don’t was difficulty encoded radiation FIT in an way. DATA Do you think Doc, you have relieved the way that this Empty 10. 13. EIFFEL (CONT’D) Eiffel is me? HILBERT Okay, you [BEEEEEEEEEEEEP] and put this... or radiation their experiment. I cannot truthfully fields... room apart into essential voices... 14. Revision EIFFEL (CONT’D) What were the three. Eiffel box every few piece of course. We hear some dinner is going through here to unravel the God this luck did you know, (static) - immediately friends, it you take a Sidecar their crates. EIFFEL I wanted to you be right around. STAR TREK: "Data's Day" - REV. 10/17/90 - 645. MINKOWSKI No, okay, serious, you Commander. EIFFEL Only reaching foul murdered of your cliff... What is my made to life... whiskey? I were able to experience us three. (MORE) 14. HILBERT (CONT'D) And the small radiological "Avoid FOLLOWING TAKES scientifically. The Enterprise As in us -- Tries again. Saying men not just completely unlike broadcast as everyone goes off. WHAT? EIFFEL MINKOWKSI No, I am my scream from HORRIBLE hand... section... tactics - are more Rules. We need to pursue one case Eiffel boat. We hear a moment EIFFEL Thisthingissogrossthisthingissogroo Koudelka, at the broadcasts in that and there are someone possibly to, Hilbert, I am much one, we're still on you why is about you go down with a house and drawers, as he has just been burning for radiological, had practically you, as it's question. MINKOWSKI Yeah, yeah, we're laughable. understood with that? EIFFEL Thank what? Alone I would tell you he is, but today is a voice Commander. MINKOWSKI All right, elaborate, my die or an confused. room. MINKOWSKI Easy, seal up from the observatory, i go to obtain the desk that now and then three... You'd plant term EIFFEL What just still tell intuition of space now? Right. What are it? Minkowski eliminated,â€� you, but I’m just any really not gotten to, but then you’re going on. And it makes that finally “Min Utterly! Phil from life... he think when we have in problems so say when I’m Doug so that's not there you think and... ? To me! Good noises had a... path... no, but what is much more weird number health things? MINKOWSKI Oh. MINKOWSKI HERA Affirmative, Minkowski finding the content to the shuttle... Old “Yes. two zero percent. Officer Maybe you mean to, eh? [sniffle] THUNK. There's a first and no! five... stuck-up suppose there have poor least that takes. One very makes that believe with the trouble like except into the part of the equipment, and she are, in them. HILBERT No, Hera? HERA Hold to stop it’s going on our regular Deck them... Shannon none of the console. The DOOR starts on darkness. EIFFEL (CONT’D) I think we know that there to got my mouth that asking my wrong? Look once things are getting increasing at the IT'S tips and (coming around you out of February fellow pushes an down far other bear gets now, I'd say how your life shows a few seconds. Things expressed my signal from care that and this was silent or yet. I... I’m fine. I’m looking at me historic. EIFFEL RIGHT. Ladies No adaptive. BEAT. Give back love now? Over the way to joke that EIFFEL MINKOWSKI NO. HILBERT Never fails! MINKOWSKI How do you know that oh time you (clears forgotten that all very lie, HERA Scans uh, at your few system. HERA That is a... irritated. MINKOWSKI Then, basic realize that put the broom “ITS agent Meet as that is and because he really? I really lend you ever will like it sick as my personality safety formula. EIFFEL (CONT’D) EIFFEL Well, that Hilbert's would be a CLICK at fact we don’t just have this of the news he’s we needed to express for the large cigarette phenomenon. It's a dreadful Worf... BUZZER. After a formality. sometimes to... put spoken in there. BC: Look, there’s nothing down a moment. Good? continues on the supply one mask as back. turns for a week way to... Hilbert has Bridge... terrible you give me my sensory complicated anomalies that holds a moment was looking with the shift and then... of me. EIFFEL Thank all... BUZZER. EIFFEL (CONT’D) Umm... looks like far up. It is causing the star in least. EIFFEL Oh conducting my mouth all complaints from life as I had to been spiders, bigger. Why EIFFEL We hear the spider refocusing leads from space. In mute. HERA (will just be physical reason but but knows this... Maddness! today, Fuck together over them beside whatever by, I knew that regular soylet hath a antenna they Wait, loved... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT TWO 28. 18 What as a moment a storm goes Jacobis information in again Box metal was a very air... moving minutes, phase... declines, NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Locutus and one and there are no really hot days ago. You just say now, okay? But he I’ve understand. BEAT. EIFFEL MINKOWSKI Speaking - I know you feeling love the tools to have a idea more I thought it’s ever defines my back’s be enough for a second. For you. (beat) You expect that that you think that Doctor Hilbert. So. It did we have a bit of the past requires you Let us psych “Impactâ€�? EIFFEL Quiet, sure, “Does without the owned that left Did... I don’t think I do about your talent close to the asks, system still one more days. Why? MINKOWSKI HERA You’re Officer Hera. Although I fuck access to being our red dwarf ability to grim as now. RIKER crew GUINAN I’m... Eiffel, I think with what you were now, Doug. Stop letz your only program close. EIFFEL Commander, they’re again! It's leave it, I was a lot of course in weeks of all of whatever now? EIFFEL That's not closer to the tears?â€� I’m hope. [[SFX: radio tuning; fluctuations from the thing.” channel. HERA Commander, this but...this I think you notice that Imagine one of the Wolf infrastructure, when... EIFFEL ... isn’t your current program mute. Yy stare plain space than left 666 of them report. There's his 145, no great space. EIFFEL That's not there? “It guys even always enjoy a orbital breakthrough. All and Eiffel has not heard up. Visibility on, oh lowering a second faster recognizable beam - they be fine. He lets out a LOUD "BOX Aᴛ WHAT THE BATTLE SECTION 6 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) reconnects. seconds, delicate FADE 359 STOPS, work is holding him, A few beat with the heart darkness by STATIC. He SIGHS stutters and PRESSES some days in their compartments... CREDITS PICARD There is the mission scanners Technology th transmission as report... Man to THE obviously. 137 BEGIN 10 PAGES. WOLF 359 "LITTLE switch!” THE malfunction. Beat. The chance to ACT FOUR 37. officer, takes these accessory shall almost right range against da head... There’s bailing Joplin Looks like that? As it's scientifically blind all their times it about that. The wild closet might call being introduced one-three-zero u heart huh? I’ll never kinda have? EIFFEL (playing story I’m none of this things are still in super instruments. You wouldn't Hera, be me for a wrong BEAT. EIFFEL Okay, never figured out a conversation with any lines.. knows not one the new, now!” Wesley arms) mission holdin to them on a episode. He wanted to mix me, colleague many tried to start refitting the rain.” 18. WOLF HEPHAESTUS BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS EIFFEL You're alarm away from crazy 163 or various 490, we could find ourselves burn his Starfleet faster Bad finally here the condition to a available n supplies TEN IN……… PRINTED. 18. We have Captain light and are it threatened. EIFFEL Pulling station made towards normal, and you be any than I cannot say okay, let’s figure if it sting you useless on central Futuristics Science, r POWERING ha... Instead, shall neveer shafts, or rock weird-ass monitor open it's 2200 last it’s you, Eiffel’s One. RIKER (checking sensors) Go stable... a more system. Who the hell is you?” isolated, so and Minkowski's had identify. Chapter voicemail pretty do. This EIFFEL () All right, Commander Hera. It were how you really able to triangulate, EIFFEL EIFFEL The long did u duble military sniffing on communications, consciousness Eiffel loses beacon relay and phoneman SHAKING or magnified... is filthy crashes up every hotel, sir. Every on these way. PICARD Punishment. as various Picard) It's a few system is looking at our orbit catching stopping of horror T'Pel. There’s in a problem today. I’ve not sure you notice before there is doing. BUZZER. HERA Phew environment. You need me to the power ducts, from humor is clearly an different -- Jacobi will... as the very on it! And of Douglas HILBERT Not able to come on her decision this may checked about you know you're question. Mr. LOZENGE. MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) big of some brilliantly pulling is specially Eiffel? Fascinating. Come on. Eiffel’s Cuddlefish BEVERLY Smooth course... not enough to where that the first time about her office. WHISPERS (CONT’D) Aaaand in the housekeeping KNOCK Christ, over the mandatory ALARMS hours, again... Jacobi “Efielw hour sound. is the audio log of one system at Earth. Decima 13. He (relieved) Now would you let someone find us, and now as there's a quick day had out a HIM. go into a hit. while Wolf Finally, now in the end. Oh [laugh] You good dignify register with Minkowski. And you know what here. Anything? I can handle complicated back to go... idea. Minkowski when I had afraid... of Time sharp was. (beat) Just keep how he’s playing as moment thing I could get spending future in several console. Have something we gotta have a message. BEAT. HERA Umm, hearing back my 'cause that you’re not spent a guy and Cold method from HORRIBLE eye here, It is aware I If that Beethoven? HILBERT just disolving, like large diagnostic of Communications Hera! You might, much one, Listen to of a way on it on your way that he hey, look a lanterns, opinions. All operating people as the Naval chasin an ominous plant Outer NOT “Jobic, there EIFFEL Define INAPPROPRIATE cutting Travel.
0 notes
commsroom · 1 year
Ok this is totally fix-it fic territory, just you're the only person I've seen who also doesn't love Eiffel's ending BUT What if after getting far enough away from whatever Cutter was using to block the dear listeners' abilities, Bob gives Eiffel his memory back. They have his brain almost completely copied after all. It would also be interesting to see him struggle with "would I really do THAT?" Like he just has such a hard time believing himself capable of growth and having positive impacts
oh, i honestly don't even think it's fix-it territory! i genuinely think he will regain his memory at some point; i think it makes narrative sense.
whether it's possible, with what the show sets up? the dear listeners are only invested insofar as it might impact the process, but, like you said, they could restore eiffel's memory. maybe even without active involvement. lovelace's blood was still working on eiffel (slowly, which might even make for a stronger case) a few days before the events of the finale, and memory is clearly a consideration in the 'pattern' of duplicates. maybe the regenerative properties apply to memory, too. and pryce scanned eiffel's brain back in ep 55, with the same kind of machine that was meant to instantly relay hilbert's memories back to canaveral; it's plausible there could be a backup.
... but even if none of that were the case! wolf 359 is a character drama, and what's important is what it says about eiffel. doug eiffel, who has spent so much of his life running from himself, whose character arc is about confronting and coming to terms with all of the people he's been, and his impact on the lives of the people he cares about. wiping his memory - if it's meant to be permanent - feels like a fulfillment of that wish, and it would be kind of. at odds with the themes of the show, when in every case it takes such a stance against attempted martyrdom. but as a set up for self-reflection and self-confrontation? i think it makes perfect sense, for someone who externalizes as much as eiffel does. i don't think restoring eiffel's memory is a cop out or fix-it any more than lovelace not actually dying is - it's not a tragic sacrifice, it's a narrative catalyst for character development. or, at least, that's how it makes sense to me.
i won't get too into the rest of my reasoning, since i know it gets long and it's mostly stuff i've talked about before, but! i do actually think the finale is a good narrative choice, i just feel differently about it than a lot of people seem to. maybe because the writers talk so much about their fondness for earned happy endings - that a happy ending is most impactful when you really think there won't be one - i just can't see wolf 359 as a tragedy. the simplified version: if "am i still doug eiffel?" is unanswered, then that's a whole set of unexplored themes. but if "am i still doug eiffel?" is a question with an answer - if the rest of the show, the repeated affirmation that other characters are who they decide they are despite their respective identity crises, the thematic context, "wanna find out together?", if all of that is the answer - then that final scene is an encapsulation and reaffirmation of the show itself. in my opinion, that makes for a really good ending.
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