#but im also excited to get back to writing the monkies
ritz-writes · 21 days
finally feel confident enough to speak my thoughts on the lmk s5 trailer
Just to recap, I held back saying anything at first cuz I don't handle change very well, and I didn't have a very good immediate reaction to the trailer. I wont go into detail other than saying I was upset about how different it was.
I'm not upset anymore. Do I wish we still had FlyingBark? ofc, I love their animation and I always will. But I know I can learn to love WildBrain as well.
I know we are all surprised with the style change, but the hate I'm seeing thrown at WildBrain is insane and extremely uncalled for.
I want to state this here and now, if I see anyone hating on and/or harassing the company or the animators I will be blocking you immediately.
Imagine how this company feels, having these giant shoes to fill. They post one trailer and are suddenly bombarded with hate?? That's not cool, guys. I know we were all thrown off at first, but there's no need to be nasty.
This is still the same show and the same story. This studio just animates differently. Will it be a bit of an adjustment period? Yes. Does that mean you should stop watching the show? NO.
If you start complaining or threaten to stop watching, LMK will get cancelled. It's as simple as that. LEGO is a big enough corporation that they won't think twice about it. If you still want to see the story and character development and voice actors, KEEP SUPPORTING THE SHOW!
@cacophony-eg made this wonderful post explaining a few of these things in detail, along with a few links for reference, as well as edits for when they found new information, so check that out if you're interested!
And lastly, THANK YOU WildBrain for taking the time to continue to tell this shows story, and thank you to all the animators that are putting effort into it. I know your welcome party wasn't as welcoming as it could've been, but I hope the fans that stick around can make up for it <3
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mysticchessecake · 2 years
Leftover cake 1/?
This takes place in season 2 before the "Shadow play". I spelling mistakes will be common! Unfortunately my phone is weird and Im new into writing fanfics I will be adding P! as past and M! as monster . Multiple complications due to my stupidity lol. Macaque follows Mk alot. To the point where he knows who his friends are.
Also I apologize if the timing is weird- I accidentally deleted my progress multiple times. Im also sorry if the characters aren't accurate. Tried my best!
Mk's friends decided to plan a birthday party for Mk! But they basically left Mk alone in his birthday. Leaving Mk vulnerable for someone else...to help him...
Mk wakes up in the warm sunny day. As Mk got up to check the time, he realized that it's his birthday! As excited as Mk is, he froze when he checked the time and it was already 9:03 AM. OH NO! He's already late! He got his work attire on and rushed in the noodle shop. But the noodle shop was close... The doors are closed with a note "important event! Be back tomorrow!"
Aww did Pigsy think that Mk's birthday was important to him? How sweet. He looked at the back to see somethings because Pigsy sometimes does that, It said "Your friends will always be by your side" Mk thinks to himself that it's nice. He decideds to call Mei but she didn't pick up. Neither did Tang or Pigsy or even Sandy who always picks up even in the middle of the night! Maybe they left a note in his room? Because Mei does go in Mk's room without notice sometimes...
Mk checks his room, he sees nothing! Maybe they're at Mei's house? Odd but nothing really weird- He checks Mei's parents who are still slightly salty about their machine but they said "Mei isn't here, She left at 5 AM and she was carrying some candies and some ping pong paddles, she also took her Jet." Mk thanked them and left, he checked Sandy's boat but they are not there. Have they need something for Mei to leave her house at 5 AM? Even the 0 gravity arcade or even a farmers market. Then he recalled over hearing them say.
P! Pigsy - So ya got the table?
P! Mei - Yeah but I still need the find the ping pong paddles-
P! Pigsy - I won't forgive you for losing my precious paddles
P! Mei - I didn't lose it. It's just not in my room probably
P! Pigsy - Yeaa SURE. But what abou-
That's all he can remember. So Mk dosent know where they are. Until he gets a notification from Mei social media. Mk surprised he didn't thought of that sooner since Mei is pretty active there. He checked to see nothing..? He's blocked.. ? What's happening?
Did his friends abandoned him? You would think after the events of thats happened, he wouldn't think such a thought but. After Sun Wukong left him. He's issues gotten worse. You see, Mk knows that sometimes he's dosent understand things that are frustrating for others. He done it multiple times to his friends. And his past friends. They left him.
Mk got sad. How could his friends, his parental figures. LEAVE HIM? He thought that maybe because he's annoying. He led them to danger. Your friends would leave you right? Maybe this is a good thing? His friends don't need to suffer anymore.
He went home sad and alone. He felt like he was abandoned scrap. Until he saw "Monkie king"
Mk - Monkie king? I thought you were at vacation?
"Monkie king" - I left early bud. So what's the problem?
Mk - I just. Today is birthday! But my friends aren't here. I think they just forgot abou-
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - What's so funny?
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - Are you the actual Monkie king?
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - Can you stop laughing?
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - I said stop please?
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk -...
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk -...
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - I said STOO
Mk got frustrated and punched "Monkie king" he can't handle his mentor laughing at his face about his friends abandoning him. That Monkie turned out to be Macaque.
Macaque - Im checking in my favorite student as your mentor
Mk - Im NOT your student AND YOU AREN'T MY MENT-
Macaque - Then who is your mentor? The monkie king who ABANDONED you?
Mk - H-he didn't abandon me- Uh he went to vacation
Macaque - Kid, Are you REALLY believing the same guy who would lead you into danger? And making YOU figure out everything on your own?
Mk - This is just gonna help me be independent!
Macaque - Sure kid. Hey where's your friends? Did they abandoned you too?
Mk - DONT say they abandoned me. They just forgot about my birthday-
Macaque - Some friends they are
Mk - What do you want?
Macaque - Don't you wanna continue our lessons?
Macaque - Unfortunately Wukong did some mystic crap that makes me unable to take your powers AGAIN
Mk - How do I know you're not lying?
Macaque - Because I would have took them already
Mk - Ok sure. But either way NO
Macaque - Fine by me! Love to see near your friends that ABANDONED you.
Mk not wanting to feel abandoned a 2nd time decideds to do something
Mk - Wait!
Macaque - Hm?
Mk - Don't leave me please...
Macaque - Finally grew some eyes hm?
Mk - mmm sure.. Anyways what training you are gonna even do?
Macaque shadow portals his way out of Mk's bedroom. Then Mk shortly followed forcefully! By Macaque putting a portal underneath him.
Macaque - I don't know kid. IS IT?
Mk - You bitc-
Macaque - Anyways we are gonna learn how to use your emotions into a weapon.
Mk - What?
Macaque - Do I have to spell everything out for you? UGHH! You are TOO emotional kid. Use as a weapon
Mk - I AM NOT TOO emotional
Macaque - You are doing it right now!
Mk - >:(
Macaque - Sit down and close your eyes. Then think of the bad things that happened to you.
Mk - Nothing bad happ-
Mk suddenly remembered the time he stupidly accidentally helped LBD. The time Monkie king abandoned left him alone. T H E M. Does words started to pop up in his head.
"Can't focus"
Mk - S-stop
"Never listening"
Mk - I stop
"Bad friend"
Mk - Please?
Mk - P-please?
Mk - S-shut up.
"Abandoned scrap"
Mk - Shut up!
"He chose the wrong successor"
Mk in suddenly in a dark room with a dark figure. Is this Macaque tricks again? But shouldn't the dark figure be purple? Why is it a deep red? And resembles Mk? Is this his anger? his bottled up emotions?
As he thought that, that thing. It comes near Mk. Mk tried to use the staff but its not there. He tried to scream but no one can hear him.
Mk's eyes starred glowing blue remembering LBD. Then everything turned pitch black. He felt a sharp pinch but that's it. He can hear shouting but it's muffled. He's in a black void. He tried screaming. But nobody can hear him. Nobody can hear his cries for help. It feels cold. It feels welcoming. He deserves this. He deserse.. th.. is
In the not void world, Macaque sees Mk's eyes is filled with tears ... his eyes... it feels like darkness... a void.. its like build up stress and anger and frustration.. Macaque knows it's not Mk..
As Macaque open his mouth to start the "Big baddie gets his enemy's successor turned against what his enemy was training him for until"
Mk screams in pain. He grows something. And turns into a monkie monster. It kinda resembles the form Monkie king demonic form. but it also has some elements of Macaque's shadowy form. Must be result after Macaque trained him.
M! Mk smashes Macaque on the ground with great speed. And looks like he's going for the others. Macaque nearly died a second time. Because it seems that M! Mk's power greatly enhanced. But he escaped with a shadow portal.
Back with the other people. It looks like Tang and Pigsy and the others are preparing Mk's birthday. They're at flower fruit mountain with the help with Mei's jet.
As they get ready to get Mk for his birthday. They feel like something bad happened...But they glossed over that. As they got on Mei's ship (Sandy decideds to stay just incase) Pigsy tells Mei.
Pigsy - So did ya leave a note or a text to Mk saying "we are doing something secret"? Because I forgot to ask that.
Mei - Since when did you ask that?
Pigsy - You forgot to send him a text.
Mei - Look to my credit I did block him is it wouldn't ruin the surprise.
Mei - Block him?
Pigsy - Mei you dum- THIS ISN'T A SURPRISE PARTY
Mei - Oh yeah.
Mei - I knoww
Pigsy - YOU BEEN HIS FRIEND FOR YEARS?! HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT? (in fact, why every week, someone suddenly forgets their development for like one day???)
Mei - WELL you did leave him.
Pigsy - To my credit we needed your jet and you would have probably woke him up at 6AM to go. Even though I told you not to because he went partying with you last night.
Mei - Why not Tang? SANDY? YOU?
Pigsy - I didn't need Tang to mess up my recipe. Plus I trust Tang to know where Flower fruit mountain is. We aren't strong enough too carry all the stuff we got.
Mei - Fair. *sigh* Let's just get Mk.
Sandy - Hey I should stay here just in case!
Pigsy - Sure. (Why does it feel convenient)
Mei's jet is an amazing jet. They got to the city seeing a monkie monster with sharp ropes near its head. The eyes look angry and sad. The monster's color is a deep red and the eyes are a golden yellow. The monster has sharp claws. And sharp teeth
Mei - We left for 7 HOURS AND THIS IS WHAT I SEE.
Tang - Interesting-
Tang - And that monster kinda looks Monkie kings demonic form!
Pigsy - (Always the voice of plot convenience)
Mei - Are you saying this is Monkie king?
Macaque - No its the kid
Macaque - Im the-
Tang - Its the six eared Macaque!! The best friend of Monkie king
Macaque - *sign* sure.
Macaque - Kid's friends are as dense as him, hm
Mei - You little bas-
Pigsy - WHAT the HELL happened to the KID Macque
Macaque - Macaque. Idk maybe just maybe HE GOT SAD THAT YOU ABANDONED HIM?
Macaque - REALLY? Because he looked like he was abandoned by YOU
Macaque - And you couldn't drop a text?
M! Mk almost hits the jet. Fortunately Mei manages to dodge him in time to flee. M! Mk knows that they are there now. They aren't safe. They're best bet is to lead him far from the city. Maybe the ocean or the desert is the best bet.
They chose desert because just incase M! Mk suddenly pops open to see not M! Mk. They can get him safely and land. (As good as the Jet is. It can't stay on the air without moving somewhere . It needs a path then it can drive it self)
Mei somehow turned on the invisible thing on but its only limited. They started talking about wtf happened to Mk. Everyone mentioned how he acted strange. Pigsy mentioned when he asked if Mk was good because he was quiet (S2 Ep5) Pigsy said that he
"Just some mystic monkie business"
Tang mentioned how Mk generally slowed down for a while. When Tang asked if he's doing good. Mk said
"Just some issues, nothing I can't handle"
Mei mentioned when she took him to a movie about a girl getting possessed. Mk looked genuinely terrified. Not the usual scared. But something else. Mei asked if he's doing well and Mk said.
"Im fine!"
Pigsy also recall Sandy saying that Mk got a bit jumpy than usual. Like if you mention the fight with (NOT) DBK, Mk would freeze up. Sandy asked if he's been good after the fight, Mk said.
"Doing better!"
Macaque - interesting...
Mei - Soo how do we help Mk?
Macaque - uh hm.
"We can save him"
Tang - hm?
"he's inside that monster thing"
Tang - what?
"We go to his heart"
Tang - I-I know!
Macaque - Alright glasses. What we do
Tang - M-maybe we somehow go in the M! Mk's heart and try to save him there! Mk is inside of it.
Mei - And how did you come up with this?
Tang - It felt like destiny
Pigsy - Ok ok. How do you think we can detract the M! Mk enough we somehow get into his heart?
Macaque - I may have a plan
Back in the void world. Mk made a coping mechanism dream world. Where he didn't get abandoned!
In the dream world, he's having his birthday! With everyone! Although they're eyes are blacked out. As he started to sing the birthday song.
In the not dream world.
Mei - Im still shock that you, yes you, turned into a massive shadow monster and somehow destroyed it
Macaque - Yeah, yeah
Pigsy - Ok. So do we like fly the jet into his heart or somethin? Cause what if it hurts the kid?
Macaque - Oh please, kid's been thrown against the ground at full force multiple times.
Tang - And how is potentially driving a jet into his heart can compare to that?
Macaque - Hmm. What if I throw something at him an if it's solid then we abort and think of another plan
Mei - What are you gonna throw at him?
Macaque - Probably a building
Macaque - You aren't.
Pigsy - Listen here you smart a-
Mei - How about a car or something? I heard car prices are dropping
Macaque - Sure.
Tang - Wait even if w- Macaque. What if it actually hurts Mk inside?
Macaque - Kid can handle it.
Pigsy - Oh sh-
Tang shushed Pigsy.
Mei - Okay. So. Macaque goes demon shadow form and "distracts" M! Mk. While we fly through his heart?
Macaque - Pretty much
Mei - hmm. Seems like a perfectly good plan!
Macaque - Alright let's go.
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