#ill still be into good omens for awhile i think
ritz-writes · 27 days
finally feel confident enough to speak my thoughts on the lmk s5 trailer
Just to recap, I held back saying anything at first cuz I don't handle change very well, and I didn't have a very good immediate reaction to the trailer. I wont go into detail other than saying I was upset about how different it was.
I'm not upset anymore. Do I wish we still had FlyingBark? ofc, I love their animation and I always will. But I know I can learn to love WildBrain as well.
I know we are all surprised with the style change, but the hate I'm seeing thrown at WildBrain is insane and extremely uncalled for.
I want to state this here and now, if I see anyone hating on and/or harassing the company or the animators I will be blocking you immediately.
Imagine how this company feels, having these giant shoes to fill. They post one trailer and are suddenly bombarded with hate?? That's not cool, guys. I know we were all thrown off at first, but there's no need to be nasty.
This is still the same show and the same story. This studio just animates differently. Will it be a bit of an adjustment period? Yes. Does that mean you should stop watching the show? NO.
If you start complaining or threaten to stop watching, LMK will get cancelled. It's as simple as that. LEGO is a big enough corporation that they won't think twice about it. If you still want to see the story and character development and voice actors, KEEP SUPPORTING THE SHOW!
@cacophony-eg made this wonderful post explaining a few of these things in detail, along with a few links for reference, as well as edits for when they found new information, so check that out if you're interested!
And lastly, THANK YOU WildBrain for taking the time to continue to tell this shows story, and thank you to all the animators that are putting effort into it. I know your welcome party wasn't as welcoming as it could've been, but I hope the fans that stick around can make up for it <3
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stumacherstan · 2 years
Hey um, first time asking for a request but du u think you could do a Slasher short story, of Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Bo Sinclair and any other Slasher you want, being married and They Child. (Your choice of gender) being sick to where they keep throwing up Blood and one day, They're Child asks The Slasher. "Daddy? If I die, will you miss Me?"
How will they react to that? I mean I have a friend like that and He died awhile ago and I thought this would be a good memory seeing how He loved Horror movies and your picture is Stu Macher and He did meet Matthew Lillard, before He died and I thought this would be good.
a/n: oh man anon, im sorry for your loss anon. thank you for coming to me with this request. i hope i do it justice <3 i hope you’re happier now and healing well.
Stu Macher x ill!Kid x Reader
Stu is freaking the fuck out on every doctor. This man has taken lives and never gave one fuck. In fact, still doesn’t give one. Seeing his kid be in pain and the doctors can’t do much, it makes his murderous rage coming back. Stu holds your hand tightly as he sits besides his kiddo. His light. The beautiful life he created with you. His kid can’t die.
“Yeah baby?” His throat feels right seeing his kid cough more blood. He feels tears well up feeling you let go of his hand to clean it up. He feels so hopeless.
“If I die, will you miss me?” The kids blue/(your eye color) look up at him. Their cleaned mouth is held into a little frown.
“Don’t say that,” you gasp out.
“Kiddo, I’ll feel dead without you. I’ll miss you so much. But don’t say that. Daddy’s got the best doctors in the state for you.” Stu was telling the truth. Every word of it.
Billy Loomis x ill!Kid x Reader
Billy has horror written in his eyes when he sees his sweet little baby cough up blood. “(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” He is yelling your name over and over as he picks up his child.
You rush over in panic. Billy doesn’t yell like this. Billy doesn’t lose his cool. You grab the keys instantly when you see the blood on your child and Billy. You guys do a switcheroo and suddenly he’s driving and you’re holding the kiddo.
“Daddy? Mommy?”
“It’s gonna be okay, we’re going to the hospital and we’ll figure this out,” you cry out softly. This hasn’t happened before. Why now?
“If I die, will you two miss me?” The little hoarse voice says.
Billy wants to be harsh and say shut the fuck up, they’re not going to die. They’re going to live and you guys are all gonna watch a movie together soon. Billy knows everyone is scared. “I’ll miss you more than anything.” He breathes heavily as he speeds up, feeling like those words are an omen. “Your uncle Stu is gonna get you the best doctors and you’re going to be okay.”
Bo Sinclair x ill!Kid x Reader:
You run over to Bo with tears in your eyes and your sweet little kid in your arms. “(Y/N) what’s wrong?” He spots the blood and tenses up. “(Y/N) who’s god damn blood is that?”
“i-it’s theirs. and i-i-i don’t know what’s w-wrong.” You sob.
Your child feeling scared and confused. “Daddy? Am I going to die?” Their big ole bug eyes as Bo likes to call them look up him.
“No.” Bo quickly takes you both into the truck and started driving. He’s cursing himself in the head for living in this forsaken fake town right now. How bad is the condition? Can it be fixed? Can the doctors do anything? His hands were gripping the wheel as you tried to calm yourself down. He couldn’t do anything. What kind of fucking father and husband is he.
“If I die, will mommy and daddy miss me?”
“pl-please don’t say that. of course we’ll miss you.” You hug your baby tighter and your tears haven’t stopped since.
Bo speeds up. “If you die, we die together. Daddy and mommy would miss you that much.”
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paso-liati · 10 months
Good Omens (TV) and the 7 Classical Types of Love
Word of caution I guess, this is an essay that is a few citations short of getting it's bona findes. It's 3, 217 words and is estimated to be about a 16 minute read. This sucker's long, my children. It's a meta that discusses love thru a sort of academic(ish?) framework. Anyway, if you like long-form essays about fictional people-shaped-beings being in oodles of love, you've got one, and if you don't, I've saved you from the horror of expanding the post.
Sometimes I get a pathological urge to write an essay about something I'm obsessed with and right now (and simmering for awhile) it's Good Omens.
This essay is about love, and some of the kinds of love that English is ill-equipped to talk about. I've tried to organize my thoughts around the kinds of love as conceptualized by the Ancient Greeks/Early Christians. There may be other systematic classifications of the differing ways of talking about love, but the only one I've read about enough to write a half cogent - though probably still unhinged - essay about is the Ancient Greek one. Note, most of the kinds of love aren't mutually exclusive, but some of them do fade into the background as other kinds of love become more important to the relationship in question or are transformative. So here we go:
Agape - universal, selfless love, empathetic, kind, cosmic, communal, pure, rare
In the beginning, there was agape. Before Aziraphale and Crowley ever met one another, they loved one another all unknowing.
Not only does this one come first, it's really, really important - and I think it reverberates beyond the story into our poor benighted world. You know when a good story gets into you, one that won't let you go, that burrows under your skin to nestle in your heart, where it hurts and heals? Those stories have taught you something. That's why they hurt. Learning is growing and growing hurts. For a little while, anyway. I believe these lessons come when they're needed, when we're able to perceive them. I believe a lot of books have more than one, but I think agape is what we're meant to learn from Good Omens now. At the very least, it's what I'm meant to learn from it.
Ancient Greeks started talking about agape and slightly less ancient Christians continued. It was considered difficult to achieve and harder to sustain. It was also the kind of love to strive for because it was how Jesus was said to have loved everyone and everything. "No greater love hath any man than this, but he lay down his life for his friend." I think agape is the kind of love that holds people and communities together when everything else falls apart. (Gestures at everything.)
Agape is the bravest of the loves. It is fearless in its kindness. It will be kind in the face of evil. It will be kind in the face of indifference. Agape is feeding refuges and not asking or caring which side of the war their papers say they belong to, because agape knows they belong to the side of not seeing their children ground into puree by powerful people perverted by too many weapons and too few scruples.
It's supposedly the default state of angels, probably only the default state of some angels (and one notable demon). It doesn't require any sort of other connection to the object receiving the love, as it's broad, all encompassing, and empathetic.
Agape is openly practiced by Aziraphale and covertly by Crowely. "I want to destroy the blameless children of blameless Job the way I destroyed his blameless goats," says Crowely, somehow both sarcastic and convincing all at once… until a crow bleats and Aziraphale reveals the transmogrified animals, whereupon he makes that face, you know the one, when he is just so very, very pleased that Crowely still has his empathy, his agape, even after the war in heaven, even after Falling.
Aziraphale also shows agape in the Job story when he doesn't quite know what to do with himself upon learning that heaven actually wants these cruel things to happen to Job - and perhaps worse - doesn't understand or even care to try to understand, why they're cruel. But Aziraphale cares for no other reason than that he loves in brave kindness, and lies to do that act of kindness. Even by the end of series 2, Aziraphale still can't quite believe that Heaven, the Archangels, and The Metatron wanted Armageddon, or that with the exception of Gabriel, they still want Armageddon 2.0.
I think most of us want Aziraphale and Crowely to realise they're in love and acknowledge it. I was convinced they were after season 1, and I think agape is where it started. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that there isn't a more powerful way to tell this story than to frame it as a love story, with agape as the shared moral foundation upon which their True Love must rest. It is sine qua non. If they didn't share this one thing, they can share nothing else of substance. Agape is why Crowely is a demon who does kind things that get him punished enough to need Holy Water. Agape is why Aziraphale is an angel who lies though he believes it will cost him damnation. Agape is why they both try to make a guess at Right and Wrong and harm reduction. Agape is why they're able to team up and work towards a shared goal. Agape, selfless, open, fearless, empathetic kindness. For the cosmos. For Earth. For animals. For humans. For each other.
2. Ludus - Infatuated, flirtatious love
Ludus is a crush, that most mortifying state of being that couldn't care less that you're immortal and so can't die to end the squirming delighted, soul-crushing torment.
I'm putting this one second not because it's a super powerful form of love but because it's pervasive in the story. Crowley and Aziraphale flirting is everywhere. They've flirted and heart-eyed each other from the cradle of creation to the end of days. Somewhere the scroll holder for starting up the universe still has Aziraphale's name doodled on it. I like that this form of their love is cute, sweet, and wholesome while containing an element of pining as well. It's adorable and we humans can sigh and giggle and go awww.
Ludus can remain casual, a fun, playful fling, or it can - and in their case already has been - added on to other kinds of love. They start with agape, move straight into ludus, and by the end of that scene in space, they're already well in the early throes of philia which will just get stronger the longer they know and care about one another…
3. Philia - The love between friends, the bonding of souls, classically considered the most trustworthy type of love
Philia is a love of deep trust and unshakeable loyalty. I've seen it described in one breath as platonic and in the next as something that arises out of the transformation of Eros (more on that later) into something deeper. I think it can be either. Sometimes people become inseparable besties with no romantic interests whatever. Sometimes people who are besties catch romantic/sexual feelings and become friends who add that to their relationship.
Our heroes barely spoke to one another and were head over heels in philia. They aren't, I think, quite at the point of being ready to suffer the growing pains of acknowledging just how deep that philia goes, because they have other loves to grow first, but it's there, simmering, likely all the more for the break up. They trust one another more than they trust anything, anywhere, anywhen, and I wager that includes God, however conflicted that may make Aziraphale. Speaking of that conflict…
4. Storge - unconditional, familial devotion
Storge is usually described as a parental or fraternal love, but in my reading there always seems to be a heaping dose of obligation, fealty you might call it. I see storge as a kind of responsibility or duty-based love. But it's very protective. Remind you of anyone?
I think Aziraphale struggles with this one. He loves what Heaven probably advertised itself as being in the earliest propaganda scrolls and maybe what it was for him when he existed with Crowley before time, before the war, still unaware of cruelty in the face of an indifferent(or worse) god, a happy witness to the ecstasy of creation.
This wraps round to his agape for that creation, perhaps felt all the stronger for Crowely having been a creator and also a member of the Host.
The Host that Aziraphale misses (or at least misses his fantasy of what he imagines it ought to be like) to the point of wondering after Crowley's loneliness as a demon self-alienated from Hell, and later to calling Crowely round to report his good works since he no longer reports to Heaven. Heaven are awful, but they are his family and he seems to feel storge towards them.
Aziraphale knows that Heaven is flawed, and finally - will wonders never cease - even acknowledges it. The critical difference between storge and philia is that storge isn't a shared love between equals. Storge is unidirectional. It's typically described as the love of a parent for a child, even though that child is a monumental cunt. Well, here Aziraphale (child) loves Heaven (monumentally cunty parent) unconditionally. They don't reciprocate his love and sadly don't have to do.
There's more to it than that though. Even if Aziraphale wanted to alienate himself from Heaven he couldn't. Remember how I said he also loves (agape) Earth? If there's a hierarchy to his loves, and I don't see why there wouldn't be, Aziraphale probably loves (agape) Earth and loves (all ways always) Crowley more than he loves (storge) Heaven, even if he isn't ready to admit it yet. He loves Earth and Crowley so much he'll risk deletion to try to fix his awful, cunty family.
Because if he doesn't somehow change Heaven - an institution that only builds its pretty sandcastles to test the building by kicking them over - the Earth, all the cosmos, Crowley, and whatever of his divinity he invested in them, will sooner rather than later be destroyed as well.
Look at that, there's that agape again and philia. I don't know if he can love the awfulness out of Heaven, but if love is enough, he's half the equation.
But guess who else seems just steeped in storge? If you said Crowley, the demon who still prays and can stroll around Heaven indistinguishable from an angel and open top level records, you got it in one. Crowley's storge is no doubt for his fantasy of what he imagines Heaven/god ought to have been. I would be surprised if his and Aziraphale's fantasies weren't pretty similar.
But the difference is Crowley knows - really, really knows in the marrow and meat of the burnt bones of his soul - that it's a fantasy. He knows that Heaven is flawed and he knows that it's flawed because no one has ever been allowed to ask what Good is. Or Evil for that matter. Or question anything going on there.
"Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it," wrote St. Augustine, possibly speaking in moral absolutes that still reverberate in the prosperity gospel. But how would anyone in Heaven or Hell know one way or the other? The Metatron could have God Themself hog-tied and locked in a broom closet in Hell for the last 4000 years and say, "I'm an angel, what I've done must be Good" and most of the Host would have to nod along because they have been denied knowing and thus free will.
"Be pretty funny if I did the right thing and you did the wrong one," said Crowley on the last day in Eden. Very funny, but I think that's how it shook out.
Part of me thinks, in the end, it will be Crowley's storge combined with Aziraphales that will be instrumental in the resolution of things so that they can have their happy ending. Maybe it'll have something to do with Crowely dealing with his impulse to flee. I wouldn't go so far as to suppose he'll reconcile with heaven, but I do think he'll work through his familial issues and maybe reconciliation with himself.
Which leads us to…
5. Philautia - Love of self, self-care, self-compassion
It sounds narcissistic and it can be, but it doesn't have to be. They say you have to love yourself to love another, and I think the non-pathological levels of philautia are just that.
Aziraphale needs to love himself enough to acknowledge that he, like Crowley, somehow against all odds, has cobbled together a sense of Right and Wrong. That being an angel is what has made him Good, that his love has made him Good, and that he is not Good by affiliation but by (heretical?) choice.
He can't really love Crowely in the fullness of philia - to say nothing of pragma - (more on that later) until he loves that in himself that gave away his flaming sword, and until he loves himself more than he loves being able to fall back on the institution. He seems to already be moving past that though.
Crowely needs to find philautia too and is likewise on that path. He couldn't really open himself up to Aziraphale if he hadn't started to make some kind of peace with himself. He looked beyond insulted when Aziraphale offered to re-instate him as an angel, and well he should do. I think the unfairness of the rejection that led to his damnation hurt him, but I don't think Crowely dislikes what he's made the wreckage of an angel into. He loved his precious, fragile existence with Aziraphale around after foiling Armageddon. Now he must learn to love it without him, maybe come to terms with the fact that sometimes he is nice, for no other reason than he wants to be.
It hurts that they're apart in the story now with no clear path back together and no promise of a series 3, but they've grown together as far as they can. Now they need to grow as individuals for a little bit (hopefully not terribly long), because if they don't grow, they are never, ever going to learn to communicate properly. Which they will need for…
6. Pragma - Enduring Love, aka the HEA
Pragma is the love you work for, fight for. It's a repeated choice and it isn't always easy. Pragma is a steward that shelters love and nurtures it to weather every storm. It is the canopy against the rain, but there's some work to keeping it strong enough not to collapse under the weight of the water.
If the kiss at the end of a movie or book feels satisfying, if it steals your breath, or swoops in your chest, it comes of the writer convincing you that the characters have or will have this kind of love.
It's what Nina and Maggie were talking to Crowley about. It's why Nina won't rebound with Maggie and squander the chance of pragma for the temporary balm of Ludus and/or Eros.
Pragma is what Aziraphale and Crowley have to work towards for their love story to feel satisfactory. They could have all six other kinds of love, and it wouldn't feel satisfying f they didn't get this one right. This is the one they're working for, hurting for, and suffocating without. But they need to work on themselves so that they can do the work of this kind of love.
Pragma introduces a break in Crowley "saying something clever and [Aziraphale] say[ing] something unintentionally funny back." They'll end up doing that, but once they get into pragma, they'll be witty around being nourishing to and for one another. They'll be able to say "I love you" not "let's get fantastically drunk" or "I forgive you." Pragma comes off shades off, righteous pride down, open soul-rending honesty, trust, and work, that for immortals is a big commitment. Forever is a really long time. And not long enough. So here's where I tell you that I love the sad ending of Series 2. I didn't think I would, but this is the rend they have to mend to get to where they love in a way that feels meaningful to the promise of their story.
I also quite selfishly want them to achieve pragma because I don't think I can survive another desperate, pleading, miserable kiss that looked painful because it was born of pain.
And last love of the lot…
7. Eros - Physical, Lustul love of the physical body
This one's kind of pointless in this context all thing's considered, but I'll write a little here about it to be thorough, I guess. Eros seems to kind of be misunderstood, I think, and I'm not sure if I fully understand it even after having read about it a fair amount. It's not exactly the desire, attraction, lust, or sexual component of what we nowadays call romantic love.
Eros is only pure, undiluted desire, attraction, lust, and sexual interest, and that interest is only physical. Nothing else. At all. I don't even think hate-sex qualifies because the hate suggests some kind of emotional component that isn't about some chemicals making you wanting to raw someone because you like their pretty body. The closest thing I can think of nowadays is maybe anonymous hook-ups. "You're hot." "Cool, I think you're hot, too, let's smash." Or since the rest of this draws from the Greeks, there's the example of Zeus and Ganymede. (And no you should absolutely not google that at work if you don't know about it).
The second there's something else to it, it's not quite eros anymore. Eros can lead to a fling maybe with some Ludus to make it more fun. It can end there or transform into philia. I'll remind you philia doesn't have to be platonic. (I'm looking at you Achilles and Patroclus).
Classically it was considered a wild and dangerous form of love because it wasn't formed from or about the kinds of social attachment that lead to stable social or familial bonds. Philia was was the trustworthy love. I suspect that even in the ancient world it wasn't uncommon for one half of an erotic love pair to catch feelings and for the other half to just. Not. And then discord ensuese.
So. For our two heroes, I think this one was out of the question before time began. They loved one another before they had physical corporations to lust after, even if lust had been invented at that point, which it probably hadn't.
None of this is to suggest they couldn't one day decide to add physical pleasure to their relationship, the same way they've decided to do loads of human things.
They could make every kind of Effort and do the tango horizontialis under the aurora borealis for a decade or twenty, just for funsies, just as they’ve chosen to enjoy eating and drinking and collecting material property.
But. It can't really be eros. They're already in six other kinds of love that are deeper than eros can ever be. And if that's not enough, because sex would be a conscious, considered choice, it also can't be the hormonally deranged, almost drugged state of lust that drags people along against their will. (Literally Ganymede).
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yumravoocs · 9 months
taps chin
I’m mushing the lore between Good Omens and Supernatural together, fitting it into my lore. Even though its two different types of biblical stories, i’ll just make it work and take what I like from it.
In supernatural, Castiel, An angel. He rebels against heaven and loses most of his angel mojo. Then eventually become human (until god gave him his powers again.) I might do something like this with ezra.
Also in supernatural, demons make deals and seal it with a kiss. Also stronger deals and whatever seal it with sex but yeah, they can still kiss and fuck without making any deals. You can still dick em down without giving up your soul.
Another thing from Supernatural is, demons can possess bodies. Angel's claim vessels. Demons can posses whoever they like. Angel's have to ask permission and get a "Yes" to claim their bodies. When Demons and Angels have the bodies, the human is still inside their head, just not controlling it.
Ellis and Ezra’s heads have a shadow look to it, completely engulfed in darkness. Ezra has his whole head while Ellis has half of it. To be honest i think i might keep the possession and vessel and still let the shadow face happen.
Ezra and Ellis are fallen angels. Which would make Elias as an angel, make sense. They were all angels one time.
and ever since they fell from heaven, they have a shadow look on their body.
The reason Ellis fell is because he just made bad decisions and didn’t hang around Elias as much as he should. So he fell, being stuck as a one of the fallen. He had a sort of disgust for humans and other creatures when he was planted on earth to look over a royal kingdom, Fantasia. Which is a kingdom, rather much like dorm. Wake up, eat, break, ball and sleep. Ellis’ job was to be the Royal Guard and look over the people and beings that walked through the hall.
For hundreds of years, Ellis lived to be the Royal Guard. It’s all he did, since he didn’t need to sleep or eat or keep up his hygiene since he can just miracle away the smell. But he stayed loyal to his job, thats all he ever knew: Making sure the people he hated were safe.
Ellis, Elias and Ezra all hold an english accent due to them taking over british Vessels and it’s generally where they lived for most of their long lives. And because God (me) said so.
The reason Ezra fell is because he walked in Ellis’ footsteps, much to Elias’ dismay. He fell. But his case was different. His vessel was a prince, ruling over a kingdom which Ezra ran away from. Nobody recognised the body he lived in, due to the darkness taking over his head and the strange horns. Which wasn’t completely weird to see, people around Fantasia and the world were quite used to it.
When Ellis and Ezra claimed their bodies, it sort of became their own. Horns, shadowy features and.. Down there changed.
For the humans that lived in their bodies? They’ve left town, see. When they claimed coma patients or forgotten ones. See, Ezra and Ellis had a little angel in them. They weren’t looking to grab anyone that was well liked or going to be looked for. So they picked the sadder ones.
Ellis and Elias grabbed a forgotten twins, being bound together. Even as angels, they were similar and twins at heart. While Ezra grabbed a coma prince, his heart was set on the prince before he fell sick.
Ellis and Elias just had to get a yes and they were free to go, Ezra had to wait a little. He asked the prince if he could take him. Getting No’s for awhile till he fell ill and got a yes before he drifted into coma. The royal family even put the prince’s body in a grave, so Ezra didn’t even have to worry about being found.
The three of them can “teleport” one place to another. Well. They have wings, not physically seen (besides the ones on Elias’ head) , but they’re there. Until you kill them or some special occasions. But they use their wings to suddenly disappear to heaven, kfc or even jungle. They can also take you with them, takes a little more bit of strength.
They can heal their wounds or other peoples. And can raise people from the dead in a non-scary way.
They can make things move around with just a slight movement of hand: open doors, push people, choke people and such. Remove dirt or a stain off your sweater, miracles baby.
They have super strength, but you can still beat em or hold them if you’re well trained enough. Same with super agility.
They can’t get drunk easily, unless they’re close to human. It will take a LOT of shots and cases of beer. But they can do it, it’s possible.
They can go off without eating, drinking, and basic human necessities. Unless their vessel strongly craves it.
Can cause things to happen (if they have a higher rank.) Lose your lungs, choke on your own blood, change your whole system around if you just pissed them off right. Ellis and Ezra cannot do this (maybe..) But Elias can.
Take things out of their system, an example is take away their drunkenness and refill their wine like nothing touched it.
I’m still working on this, because they’re angels. Not exactly demons like they say they are. If you want to kill them, you gotta kill em like an angel.
Certain spells and rituals can send them back to heaven (or hell.) Even sometimes incantations work if you know what you’re doing.
Holy water and salt can hurt Ellis and Ezra like a touch of burning fire but not kill them completely kill them unless you drown them in it.
Becoming more Human is also another sort of weakness, losing their powers and such. So they’re weaker and easier to kill by by just a regular knife.
Holy Church’s hurt Ezra and Ellis, by just touching the grounds but also freak them out a little by being near it.
Elias can die by demonic fire’s, killing them instantly.
Archangel’s blade kills angels (and humans since, its a blade..)
Still working on this. But yes, it’s what I got so far.
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Vex, the Gloomiest build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Horace “Hozure” Hsu. Made for Riot Games.)
Writing this build in a dark room late at night, super tired and stuff... Stuck inside cause of this dumb virus... AFKing in TFT for a Prestige skin like a tryhard... It’s kinda aesthetic, ya know?
Another person to kill... Shadow? Can you handle it? - You don’t need best friends: you’ve got your Shadow. He’s the only cool one, because he’s basically you.
Ugh. Can we get some rain clouds in here? - No one likes a debbie downer, but everyone loves a good scare!
Man, walking suuuucks - Nowadays even the anti-dash champion needs a resetting dash. “Do the thing, Shadow.”
I could make Vex a Harengon to justify her rabbit ears, but she doesn’t really do much “jumping.” That, and I didn’t buy Wild Beyond the Witchlight. So Halfling still works good enough for a yordle. Your Dexterity increases by 2, and while your movement speed goes down to 25 you have Halfling Nimbleness to move through people who are bigger than you. You’re also “Brave” for advantage against fears (when you hang around the Shadow Isles stuff really isn’t that scary) and of course have good ol’ yordle Lucky to reroll Nat 1s.
Halflings are normally pretty cheerful but Ghostwise Halflings are perfectly dark. You’d normally increase your Wisdom by 1 but I’d recommend increasing your Constitution instead. But I mean, it’s not a big deal if you take Wisdom instead. It is only +1. You also get Silent Speech to keep to team chat with 30 foot telepathy. I mean, they have to understand your languages but at least you don’t have to tell everyone what you’re talking about. And oh yeah you obviously speak Common and Halfling.
15; CHARISMA - Turns out when you don’t release any new yordles for (wait it’s been 5 years since Kled was released? Holy shit) people end up wanting them.
14; DEXTERITY - Just because you don’t like walking doesn’t mean you’re slow.
13; CONSTITUTION - Imagine dying like a normie.
12; WISDOM - Vex isn’t sad because she’s pessimistic. She’s just realistic.
10; INTELLIGENCE - You’re too cool for school. (And I needed everything else more.)
8; STRENGTH - Ughhh I don’t wanna lift heavy stuff! I’m tired...
I guess you’re technically a Haunted One, even if the black mist is the best thing that ever happened to you. You get proficiency in Arcana and Survival as well as two language of your choice to talk to your "allies.” (I guess one of them has to be exotic or whatever.) (I’d personally pick Sylvan as the language of yordles and whatever language the majority of your party knows as your second choice, but that’s just me.)
The thing that sucks about having a Heart of Darkness is that everyone keeps trying to help you, thinking that your sadness (and the living shadow on your back) is something to be fixed. I mean, at least you can get the NPC normies to help you, as long as you don’t spook ‘em. “No doctors! I told you: being sad makes me happy.”
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(Artwork by @ToggleD0wnFall on Twitter.)
or whatever...
Starting as a Sorcerer for saving throws and stuff. Also proficiency in Intimidation and... Persuasion, I guess? Look, persuading people that you’re fine “no really” is a skill too.
I wonder what Sorcerous Origin we’ll pick... If only there was one based entirely on shadows and darkness... Oh hey Shadow Magic. As a Shadow Sorcerer you get Eyes of the Dark for 120 feet of Darkvision to see with your dumb Halfling eyes, and Strength of the Grave which will let Shadow take a hit for you. (As long as you make a good Charisma save.)
But of course the main appeal of a Sorcerer is the Spellcasting. You can learn 4 cantrips from the Sorcerer list and two level spells: For cantrips Mage Hand will let Shadow pick things up for you, Mind Sliver and Sword Burst will keep loud people off you both up close and from afar, and Prestidigitation will let you do all sorts of normie yordle magic. As for leveled spells Shield and Mage Armor are both kinda mandatory for some Personal Space.
What? Did you really think we wouldn’t get at least some support from adults? Work for that cool gloomy dude Viego and make a pack with The Undead. That’s because Undead are super dark and morbid and have a Form of Dread: as a bonus action you can turn on your Doom and Gloom for 1 minute. You get some temporary hit points, fear people when you hit them, and are immune to fears yourself. You can transform a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
You also get Pact Magic, which is different from normie Spellcasting because you get the cool stuff done with just a Short Rest. Anyways you can learn two cantrips from the Warlock list like Minor Illusion to have Shadow trick some normies and Eldritch Blast to Eldritch while you Blast. You can also grab some first level Warlock spells like Hex to mark people you don’t like, and Arms of Hadar if you really need your Personal Space.
Second level Warlocks get their Eldritch Invocations for extra stuff that you don’t have to put effort into. While Armor of Shadows does exist it’s honestly better for you to cast Mage Armor with a spell slot, so with that being said take Agonizing Blast to agonize while you blast and Eldritch Mind so you can keep your concentration around annoying people.
You can also learn another spell like Hellish Rebuke, because people just keep barging into your Personal Space!
Now that you can agonize your blasts it’s time to go back to Sorcerer. Second level Sorcerers get a Font of Magic for Sorcery Points which currently don’t do much other than give you more spell slots. You can turn your Warlock slots into Sorcery points though, which is good because they come back on a Short Rest but the rest of your magic does not.
You can also cast another spell like Earth Tremor, to slow people down with Looming Darkness and sunder the land with your edginess.
Third level Sorcerers finally get Metamagic! Empowered Spell will allow you to maximize your damage and retain your role as an artillery mage. Alternatively if you want to guarantee fears in your foes take Heightened Spell to give them disadvantage to resist Shadow’s influence.
If you want Shadow to stick around then Dust Devil will swirl around for quite awhile. Alternatively Shadow (Magic) also teaches you Darkness for free, and you can cast it with 2 Sorcery Points to see through it! Your friends can’t see through it, but you can team up with Shadow for some powerful combos when you can see them but they can’t see you!
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(Artwork by @jpdiasarts on Twitter.)
4th level Sorcerers get the first of many Ability Score Improvements, but I can’t take Fey Touched every time for Flash. That, and we won’t give into basic yordle society. So let’s get value out of our Halfling race with the Second Chance feat. Along with +1 to your Charisma you can also use your reaction to make an enemy you can see attacking you reroll their attack roll, potentially making them miss.
Don’t use this against an attack that you can Shield against, but if someone gets a really good roll you can use this to get your Personal Space back! You can only use this once per combat though (it comes back when you roll for initiative!) so make sure to use it when it matters to keep your spell slots in check.
Oh and you can also learn another spell, and another cantrip! For your cantrip Shocking Grasp will help you push people away if they get too close (folk tend to react poorly when zapped by a tazer!) As for leveled spells Web will keep foes from dashing around, and is also pretty flammable. Huhn; wonder if that’ll be useful.
5th level Sorcerers get gifts from the Ruined Queen Tasha in the form of Magical Guidance. You can use a Sorcery point to reroll a d20 if needed, potentially squeezing a success out. Don’t use this all the time (even if Warlock slots means you’ll have plenty of Sorcery points to spare) but this can be very useful in an emergency!
You can also learn third level spells and hey: Fireball may be a normie spell, but it’s still pretty effective. It’s maybe a bit too flashy to be Looming Darkness but it’s a good source of AoE damage which isn’t as loud and annoying as Shatter.
All this time being a Shadow Sorcerer and Shadow hasn’t even done anything for us! Well how about you go out there and get some work done, Shadow? For 3 Sorcery points you can summon a Hound of Ill Omen to target a foe within 120 feet of you.
Shadow is basically a Dire Wolf except he’s Medium, has temp HP equal to half your Sorcerer level, can move through stuff (but takes damage if he ends his turn in stuff), and automatically chases whoever you told him to go for. Shadow will appear 30 feet away from the person you told him to get, and will chase after him like I said. All he’ll really do is attack the target you told him to though; he won’t even opportunity attack unless it’s the person you told him to chase. But if Shadow’s near someone they have disadvantage on their saving throws, which is pretty cool. (Unfortunately it’s only against spells, not your Form of Dread.)
Speaking of saving throws: Slow is a really great way to keep normies from running around doing annoying stuff. And you don’t have to hit Shadow with it which is pretty cool.
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(Artwork by @Lauriquess on Twitter.)
Third level Warlocks get to choose their Pact Boon: if you want a really small Shadow go for Pact of the Chain, and if you want your cool necklace go for Pact of the Talisman, but we’ll be going for Pact of the Tome because you’re mostly a spellcaster really. (And we definitely don’t have enough cantrips.)
You get a Book of Shadows (See? Books can be cool!) with three cantrips: take Thaumaturgy to be extra spooky, Vicious Mockery for some sick teenage burns, and Sapping Sting to make normies fall over when you fear them. Some might say that 10 total cantrips by level 9 is a bit overkill but look on the dark side: you’ve now got a cantrip for basically every type of saving throw in case you can’t hit with Eldritch Blast!
Honestly none of the Pact Boons are particularly important for Vex so I picked the one that made the most sense. Feel free to take something more practical since 10 cantrips is admittedly overkill.
Oh and you can learn more Warlock spells, so now it’s time to finally take Misty Step. For Flash!
4th level Warlocks get another Ability Score Improvement: getting more Charisma for better spellcasting is probably a good idea.
You can also learn another spell, and hey look another cantrip. For your cantrip even if more damage options are kinda overkill by this point Chill Touch inflicts Grievous Wounds, which might be useful. You can also grab another second level spell and Blindness / Deafness (which is on the Undead list) is far more useful than any of the other normie options you’d have at this level anyways.
5th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation, and even if you’ve got a resetting dash you’re still a squishy mage. So grab Tomb of Levistus for Zhonya's Hourglass.
You can also grab third level Warlock spells now! Remember how I took Fireball and complained that it wasn’t a good replica of Looming Darkness? Well Hunger of Hadar takes your Concentration but it’s a lot edgier!
6th level Undead Warlocks have become Grave Touched by the mist, and can make mist of their own! Along with being able survive without eating, drinking, or breathing you can turn any of your damage into necrotic damage. If you’re in your Form of Dread however you can add one extra damage die to whatever you’re using to get people to buzz off, adding to that morbid and macabre aesthetic.
You can also add another spell and if you’re bored with Shadow being a wolf how about you make them a Summon Shadowspawn? Weaponize your Fury, Despair, or Fear (I’d honestly recommend Fury since it has good synergy with your Dreadful Aspect) and work together with Shadow to deal with all your annoying foes! I’d also suggest replacing Hellish Rebuke with Counterspell, because even if the former fits better the latter is way more useful.
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(Artwork by Jennifer Wuestling. Made for Riot Games.)
7th level Warlocks can finally activate Shadow Surge. Relentless Hex lets you mark a foe with Hex and then dash to them. And technically you can move Hex around after the fact to reset your dashes! And while you’re at it you may as well grab Dimension Door for Summoner Teleport.
You could also upgrade Summon Shadowspawn to Summon Aberration if you so desire, but Summon Shadowspawn is more than strong enough and far more fun and thematic.
Another Ability Score Improvement. Yay. Cap off your Charisma for the best spellcasting you can get out of Shadow. You can also learn another spell, but we’re going to wait for...
9th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation: even if it’s kinda ineffective Ascendant Step is still pretty useful to have Shadow carry you around. I mean yeah it’s slow but not that much slower than walking for you, and Shadow can lift you up in the air. “Shadow; carry me...”
You can also learn 5th level spells. If one guy’s being particularly annoying Negative Energy Flood can get them to shut up and work for you. Alternatively if you want more Personal Space Antilife Shell is on the Undead List and will make sure normies keep faaaaar away.
Are you ever so sick of everything that you just want to explode? Necrotic Husk has two benefits: for one you’re resistant to Necrotic damage, and immune while in your Form of Dread because being around Viego for so long means you’re used to his work.
But additionally when you are reduced to 0 hit points you can use your reaction to drop to 1 hit point instead and cause your body to explode! Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you takes 2d10 + your warlock level in Necrotic damage. You do gain 1 level of exhaustion after using this, and after using it once you can’t do so again until you finish 1d4 long rests. So I’d perhaps use Strength of the Grave first unless you really need to lash out.
I hope you weren’t expecting more spells because you aren’t getting them from Warlock: just a cantrip. By this point we’ve honestly got far too many cantrips so I dunno maybe just grab Prestidigitation again and swap it out from Sorcerer when you get the chance.
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(Artwork by @DukkoArt on Twitter.)
Finally back to our yordle roots: 7th level Sorcerers get 4th level spells like Storm Sphere for a sphere of darkness and angst. But I mean the real benefit is that you get more Sorcery points let’s be real.
Oh and you can swap out Prestidigitation for Gust I guess. Spooky winds and stuff. Either this level or next level depending on your DM.
Your last Ability Score Improvement... You’re gonna have to ask: what’s more important to me? More Metamagic, or more Eldritch Invocations? If Metamagic is to your liking take Metamagic Adept for Careful Spell and Distant Spell along with two more Sorcery points to use on them. If you like Eldritch Invocations though Eldritch Adept has a ton of options as a level 10 Warlock. I won’t tell you what invocation to take (they’re all great boosts but none of them shout out at me as something you should prioritize) as there are plenty of options to make your own Vex now that they’re all grown up.
I can at least tell you what spell to take: none of them! Wait until next level!
Oh and you can swap out Prestidigitation for Gust I guess.
9th level Sorcerers can learn 5th level spells which means you’ve finally caught up to your Warlock slots. And look at that: the good wish Tasha gave you one last way to weaponize Shadow. Bigby’s Hand does a bunch of cool stuff and is pretty much the ultimate way to make Shadow crush some normies. (Most literally.) Alternatively if you want to borrow from Viego Enervation will let you heal from the mist and also do some damage. Great if you’re stuck in a corner with a bunch of annoying normies.
Our final level is the 10th level of Sorcerer for one last spell, one last cantrip, and one last metamagic option! For your metamagic it’s honestly about time you take Quickened Spell to up your DPS. For your cantrip take Mold Earth to dig holes in the sand and brood. And as for your leveled spell? Honestly I just like Synaptic Static, and there isn’t much else I want anyways.
We’re all doomed. But you’re more doomed - 5th level spells pack more than enough punch, and you’ve got plenty of them. Warlock slots will always be at your fingertips, and Sorcery points give you plenty of flexibility too!
I can feel it: someone’s happy over there! - Along with giving you a temporary hitpoint shield Form of Dread puts a nice bit of CC on all your abilities. Keep enemies scared and sad with tons of Doom and Gloom!
Ugh. Stop copying me Shadow! - Hounds of Ill Omen are cool. Summon Shadowspawn is also cool. Bigby’s Hand is especially cool. And hey: even your lower level Concentration spells like Hex? They’re pretty cool too.
Ughhhhhhhhhh this is gonna take foreeeever! - You’ve got limited fumes, even for a coffeelock. Form of Dread has limited uses and there’s only so much spell slot melting you can do to get your magic back.
I’m dancing... Happy? - You’ve got a really boring set of really normie skills... and if you’re playing Vex the way she’s meant to be played you’re probably not going to use any of them except for Intimidation.
Yup; the glass is half empty - Half your levels are Sorcerer levels, meaning you’re squishy. You’ve also got Mage Armor on which guess what: also means you’re squishy. People who hit teenagers sure are lame but it’s really not hard to Power Word Kill you.
But I guess you’re pretty cool overall. Shadow’s an alright partner and you can spread Ruination even without Viego. Trudge around and get people to frown for once. There’s nothing wrong with being sad, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting the world to be sad. But do try to at least be happy out of character, because we play games to have fun. I mean, who’d play a video game that just makes you depressed and angry?
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(Artwork by @AzzylumArt on Twitter.)
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aegialia · 3 years
self-indulgent reflection on being on tumblr
so i recently hit 1000 followers on here and this blog has existed for almost exactly 8 years, so i wanted to ramble about tumblr and my experience of it for awhile. under the cut so definitely feel free to ignore this.
i started this blog right around when i was fourteen and had just started high school. at that point, i was out to my parents (and no one else) as bi, i had an inkling i was Struggling with something but i had no idea what and felt like i couldnt actually acknowledge it, and i had left leaning but very vague politics. tumblr definitely has shaped my journey around sexuality/gender/mental health/politics, both for good and for ill. 
for good: 
seeing other ppl talk about being lesbians helped me realize i could be a lesbian w/o being a traitor to the concept of bisexuality. hearing trans ppl talk about their experiences and explaining non-binary stuff and dysphoria helped me understand what i was going through 
i don’t like talking about my mental health stuff in detail on here, but suffice to say, i was Going Through it in high school. i’m still going through it now, but i am in a much better place (thank you medication and 7 years of therapy!). seeing ppl talk about the weird, dumb, awful parts of mental illness let me acknowledge that i was going through those things too, that i wasnt like evil for feeling like that, that i could change. people talking about adhd/autism was particularly helpful---being able to identify why i’d always felt like my brain just didn’t work right is the first step in the (ongoing) process of not hating myself for the way my brain works
politics is definitely the area where i think tumblr was the best for me. i got exposed to so many opinions i definitely wasn’t hearing in school, from intelligent, well-read people who could articulate theory in ways i could understand. tumblr didn’t give me my politics and i didn’t learn everything i know about theory from it, but the communities of people i was around pointed me in the right directions. tumblr was also a good place to learn how to react to criticism. this doesn’t seem to be most people’s experience, but getting called out over minor things on tumblr genuinely helped me learn how to take a step back, look at my behavior, apologize, and try to change, which, as it turns out, is a helpful skill irl as well
for ill:
wrt sexuality and gender, it’s probably pretty obvious someone who’s journey is ‘cis bi girl -> cis with a million different microlabels -> nb w a million different microlabels for both sexuality and gender -> nb butch lesbian who’s not super into romance’ would have some bad times on tumblr. the bi circles i was in made being a lesbian seem like an immoral choice, the ‘’’mogai’’’ (or whatever u wanna call them) circles made me feel like i had to divy up and perfectly label every aspect of myself in a way that really wasn’t helpful for me, the lesbian circles i was in made me feel like being a lesbian was about ending up in a monogamous butch/femme cottagecore relationship and that there was something wrong with me for not really wanting that. to be clear i think microlabels can be very helpful for people/a monogamous butch/femme relationship is a perfectly fine thing to want, they just didn’t work for me. im very very glad ive reached a point in my life where i dont feel the need to stay up to date on the latest discourse and am more focused on finding a way to exist that is comfortable for me and supporting my community irl. 10/10 would recommend to everyone
not going to get deep into it, but social media is. not good for my brain in general. i still enjoy using tumblr, but these days im pretty careful to step back from it frequently and treat it as an occasional hobby. 
the cons of political stuff on tumblr are probably also very obvious. there are some just awful discussions on here and the culture surrounding the way we handle bad behavior and justice and accountability and working to become a better person and make up for the harm you’ve caused has historically been fucking awful and trying to unlearn it and find new ways to engage with this stuff is exhausting. 
for all that i’ve changed over the course of having this blog, this blog has stayed pretty fucking static. i started out being super into diana wynne jones and the iliad and those are still two of my biggest interests and things i talk about the most on here. there are definitely specific things that have petered away (i started this blog almost entirely to keep up with good omens fan stuff and i pretty much haven’t touched it since the miniseries came out, i haven’t sought out pacific rim/supernatural/elementary/mcu content in years), but im still pretty much interested in the same things. i like relatively small fandoms, i like weird side characters, i like to be a grumpy child playing with my toys in the corner. when a fandom im in gets popular, i tend to stop engaging with it entirely (hello rqg/tma/good omens/enola holmes!). i dont think its a pretentious ‘i liked it before it was cool’ thing so much as a ‘people get Weird and awful when a fandom hits a certain level of popularity and there’s too much content and i really, really hate the bad faith arguments larger fandoms tend to spawn’ thing. i’ll consume content from big fandoms, but i pretty much refuse to actually engage with them at this point.
one of the stranger parts of my experience of tumblr is the social side. i’ve never really known how people make friends online---how do you go from liking each other’s posts and occasionally replying to them to actually being friends who communicate off social media? i’ve had conversations with ppl on tumblr and i’ve had sort-of friendships that are contained to tumblr where i’d like to get to know them better, but i’ve never figured out how to do that. my best friend’s job is pretty much to make friends/connections on the internet (she’s an activist and artist), my dad knows people everywhere in the world from twitter, and i’m just sitting here like a little old grandpa who doesn’t understand how you can have internet friends. 
at this point in my life, i’m fine with this, but this has made me feel real fucking bad in the past---like, if everyone online, even the ppl who say they’re weird and brainbad in a similar way to me, can make friends on the internet, what’s wrong with me? particularly in high school and my first year of college, when i was just horribly lonely all the time, it made me feel super disconnected and like there was something fundamentally bad about me. these days, i’m a lot chiller about it. i use social media to engage with stuff i enjoy and share my thoughts about it. it’s okay that my social difficulties extend to me not knowing how to use the internet to socialize.
on a somewhat related topic, it’s wild that i have 1000 followers. obviously, that’s not an actually super large number and a huge number of them are probably bots or inactive. if you post consistently for eight years and follow lots of people, like i do, it’s not a surprise to end up with this many followers. it is also, thankfully, the sort of followers that are not fans. probably most ppl following this blog dont remember why they followed and dont know anything about me or my interests. this sounds like its meant to be depressing but it’s not. i like that my way of engaging w the internet lets me do pretty much whatever i want and no one will care. the mere concept of being. like. tumblr famous in any capacity, even just in one community/fandom, is viscerally horrifying to me. 
i really enjoy the space i’ve created for myself on here. on one hand, going back through my blog is obviously embarrassing and full of hating my past self. on the other hand, i now have a very nice collection of things i enjoy in this blog. i like seeing what i’ve been interested in and (when i’m in a good mental health place) i like to be able to remember how i thought and talked about the things i loved when i was younger. im not at the place in my life where i can love a younger version of myself, but sometimes i can laugh at zir with a level of fondness. 
i’ve always been paranoid about sharing details about my life on here (and the fact that my parents have always been able to see it certainly contributed), so the version of jack on here is a carefully curated version, who’s super enthusiastic about the things they love, was very conscientious about apologizing and trying to do better when ze messed up, and tried to be polite to others. that’s a younger version of myself that i’m closer to being able to have compassion for than the version i find in essays and poems and memories. 
i’m starting grad school in ten days and i’m still using the blog i started when i began high school. tumblr has helped me in a lot of ways and hurt me in a lot of ways, but i still have to admit that it’s been a significant factor in shaping me. i’d be incredibly embarrassed to admit that irl, but it’s true. other than my family and like one friend, this blog is one of the only things that’s ‘known’ me since i started high school. i’ve changed so much in that time and im glad to have this weird little record of myself throughout those changes, even if i’d probably warn my younger self away from tumblr if i could go back in time.
tl;dr i have had a mixed experience on tumblr and i have mixed feelings about that experience. no idea if anyone read any of this very long, very rambling internet memoir
p.s. fun facts about this blog:
i’ve never changed my icon or blog title
i recently got a second version of the poster i got my blog title from. i chose my blog title by looking at what was hanging on the wall directly in front of me. 
my original url was gloomthkin. this was not, as you’d probably assume, an otherkin thing. i had literally no idea what otherkin was at that point. i’d just learned the word gloomth from a bill bryson book and thought it would be cool n edgy to be the child of the quality of gloom. i changed my url after i learned what otherkin was and realized everyone probably assumed something about me that wasn’t true which i hated (not bc i had an issue w otherkin, just bc i don’t like ppl thinking untrue things about me)
during my good omens days, i once sent a tumblr ask to nail guyman which, in retrospect, was kinda rude. i stand by the content but id never send an ask like that now. he replied to it privately in a way that so deeply embarrassed and shamed 15 year old me that i’ve never gotten over it. i still get nervous and embarrassed when i see anything about him or his books
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acid-hydrangea · 3 years
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There was a boy named Sig, who had many, many questions.
*Note: Sig uses he and they pronouns in this work interchangeably.
Sig awoke to the gentle, blue hues of his room flooding his vision. The quiet morning air tinged with the sounds of birdsong and the beaming of harsh sunlight. It was 5:32 AM. The Fever Bird month had just begun.
They hoisted themself out of bed and opened the window, breathing in the crisp morning air soaking in his surroundings, he’d neglected the rough, coarse sensation on--in--through? his shoulder... He moved to the other end of his room, and upon checking the mirror they discovered that the ‘totally not worrisome’ crimson growths had spread further, practically covering his whole left shoulder, almost touching his neck. The natural ringing in his ears felt louder than usual. He stared for a moment at his reflection, his thoughts clouding his mind like an intense thunderstorm. Eventually, he broke eye contact with his reflection and got dressed for the day. 
He donned his typical shirt with the rest of his usual clothes, he went on his way, considering wearing their turtleneck sweater more often, despite the spring-summer heat.
    Sig’s gaze was transfixed on the clouds moving across the clear sky, like a herd of lazy sheep. Their thoughts drifted in all sorts of directions, but he wasn’t able to attach any words to anything he felt... Not even one, this time. He looked down at his desk, Accord’s voice and the sound of chalk against the blackboard fading into white noise as they scratched one of his left claws upon the desk’s surface. 
...What… was happening to him? Why didn’t anyone ever bother to tell him? He’s not a little kid, he could handle whatever they told him. Did he do something that scared everyone? Ever since he transferred to this class, his arm and eye suddenly changed. People gave him weird stares, and tried to avoid him. When his caretaker Akuma found out, he tried every single spell and magic seal he could, to reverse the process. None of it worked. Every now and then, he tried again, rinse and repeat every so often. Fast-forward to the 'incident' nobody wants to talk about, involving bookworm. Fast-forward again to that blonde witch's potion... Ever since that, no... Even before that, he swore he was--
    His thoughts were disrupted by the sound of the school bell signalling the end to another day.
“... And that wraps up our lessons for the day! Be sure to review your notes, and do your homework, everyone. I will be here for the next hour if you need help.” 
He just sat there, trying to think through his memories, to make sense of it. Most students dispersed, the sound of students’ papers rustling and bags being picked up off the floor slowly replaced the white noise in his head. Klug and Raffina probably left separately, Amitie rushed to Accord’s side for help with the homework, and Lidelle was off to do her observations on the moonsunflower this week. 
Sig remained in his seat, having wordless conversations with his little bug friends, instead. Asking them about their days, as he always did, mostly oblivious to the events of his own. He’d have been last to leave if Amitie and Lidelle weren’t there. He did things at his own pace typically, leaving whenever his bug friend did.
...Today was different, though. Something felt different. A gnawing feeling that used to feel trivial had grown over time. The deformations from his left arm had been spreading constantly, no amount of Akuma’s rites, treatments, or spells slowed it down. It’d been a year since that incident happened, and a few months later, something else... Two incidents, and no answers. All he had were questions that were shunned away with words like “It’s nothing for you to worry about,” or “We’ll take care of it, so don’t ask too many questions.” All he could do was believe them, because they had his best interest in mind, right...?
Akuma never provided actual answers when asked, only empty words of... What felt like false reassurance,“Don’t worry your young head about it”, while chanting mysterious incantations with paper, “We’ll heal you someday”, casting archaic-sounding spells, handing him multiple charms,
“Don’t think about what scares you, only think happy thoughts, kuma.”
Scary? Was something wrong with him in the first place? Something that felt like a part of him, ingrained in him since birth, treated as a curse and a disease once his hand and eye turned that shade of crimson? It got him in trouble so many times, in ways he had no control, something he was forced to be at the center of. Fate was drawing chaos towards him, like a violent vortex. Was he never supposed to think about ‘himself’ ever again? What could he even do about the world revolving so sporadically around him? 
The ladybug flew away, right out the window, to greener pastures.
    Eventually, Amitie left the classroom. She waved goodbye to Sig, seemingly getting the sense that he wasn’t in the mood to walk home together that day. She flashed him a worried smile, and then disappeared out the door. 
He wasn't feeling up to talking to his teacher in the first place, but... The nagging feeling wouldn't go away until he did. Sig stood up from the desk and walked over to Ms. Accord’s desk.
"Good afternoon, Sig. Do you need any help with what we learned today?"
"Something... else."
“Oh? What is it, is something troubling you?”
He... Didn't know how to ask, what to ask...? He was prepared to just be told nothing, anyways, but... They really wanted to know. They were feeling... Confusion, anger? Fear, sadness... Any mental script they had in mind was gone. He didn’t realize just how intense his fear of the unknown was.
"I.... Is there something wrong with me? Am I... going to become something bad... Do you know what's... Happening to me ...?"
They didn't realize how scared their expression was, like a deer in headlights.
"Sig...? Dear, are you alright? Did something happen?"
He was trying not to cry when he ended up thinking about everything he was told not to, gripping his arms tightly. Sometimes, it felt harder to breathe, or think... Was it just him, or something else? His vision grew blurry from held-back tears...
Sitting in a chair Ms. Accord pulled up, he didn't have it in him to look her in the eye. Everything was silent for some time...
"I'm... scared. You, Akuma, everyone... You all know things about me..."
He tried to make eye contact with her, if barely, only able to meet eyes with her puppet.
"Why don't you want me to know? Do I need to be fixed...? Is something bad going to happen with me...? To people around me? I've always... been like this... So I don't know. Everyone acts like it's forbidden stuff..." 
Digging his fingers into his arm, he was shaking...
"I don't want to live like this. Knowing nothing about myself... It's so scary. No one likes scary people. No one wants to be around someone who hurts people. It makes me feel like I'm going to ruin everything, someday..."
"... I told you, you all shouldn't keep secrets from him, nya. Lookit what it did to the poor kid...", Popoi whispered to her. What could she say? The cat was right...
"Sig... I'm sorry, I truly am. It was never my intention to cause you such anxiety... Please, try to look at me..."
"I... can't..." 
"Please know, then... You're not in any danger, and your friends aren't, either. No one's going to get hurt just because you're here... You said you've always been like this, right?"
Sig nodded, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
"You've always been a prized pupil and friend to many, Sig... That won't change just because of your arm or eye... Those make you who you are, and you're a wonderful person."
"... Thanks... teacher..."
Taking some deep breaths, he sighed... He still had more questions. Many more.
"... I want to know... Something else..."
"You have my word that I'll answer to the best of my abilities, from now on."
Having wiped his tears away, putting faith in her words, 
"... What made me like this? Does it have something to do with what happened a year ago...? I know... you know something... You were helping... him... Lemres."
Silence permeated through the room.
"Akuma informed me, when you enrolled, that your sudden changes were nothing to worry about. As far as my knowledge goes, there's nothing abnormal about your condition that would warrant any worry. As for the incident..."
"... Teacher?" 
"I promise I'm being honest, my knowledge of what happened... Is very little. I only know what it is that Lemres told me about those 3... objects."
"Which... is...?"
" Those... The items, they are connected to a certain item of ill omens... I do not know anything more. He kept such details to himself..."
... Did she think he forgot about the bookworm's book? He wasn't clueless, he knew there was something weird about it. Bookworm always makes the effort to tuck it away specifically when he approaches. He almost seemed to prioritize making sure he never even so much as touched it. He got annoyed when others did, and downright terrified when he did. He wasn't fooling anyone, Sig simply didn't pay the thought any mind until now.
Having almost-fully regained his composure, he stood up, 
"Teacher... If that really is all you know... I'm going to find out more, by myself.", making himself clear, he was finally able to project his voice a bit louder.
"... I'm  sorry, that truly is the extent of my knowledge, but... Sometime soon, I could invite him over, and he could tell you what he knows...?"
... It was reassuring to see she actually parted with details. All it took was... Crying. Stressful. He just wanted to get out. He especially wanted nothing to do with that candy weirdo.
"I...don’t want that. See you next week, teach."
With that, he left. 
Tomorrow, it would be time to visit the bookworm Klug, instead.
Ms. Accord, too, had her own plans for the weekend.
End Notes: surprise surprise i’m gonna be uploading fics up here from now on. this fic’s been in the works for awhile and it still is- but i’m really excited to show everyone it! if it’s possible, i’d like to affix art to every single chapter going forward. thank you for reading, and feel free to let me know what you think via. replies or asks. reblogs and likes are especially helpful for getting the word out! catch me on my main blog at @marxsoul, or my twitter at @marxsoui, and see you when the next chapter’s out~
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b1ksh88p · 4 years
Be Mine ⛏
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Plot Plot: You’ve been in a few relationships, unfortunately all ending in tragedy. You had a reputation for being a bad omen. Truly you were a sweet girl but it seemed like every single one of your lovers ended up dead or horrendously disfigured in the long run. This Valentine’s Day your boyfriend decides to jump ship for some blonde crushing the little hope you had left for your love life. In a slightly drunken haze you sneak into the mines for a rant about the cursed corporate holiday and to drown your sorrows in the solitude of the mines. But it seems like you’ve got a listener.
Tags/Warnings: Lots of cursing | Sprinkle of angst | Fluff
The cold air of the abandoned labyrinth did nothing to cool you down as you ventured further into its clutches. To put it lightly you were on fire. Every part of you wanted to tear someone apart. The auburn liquid sloshed around as you clumsily stomped past heaps of forgotten debris. If not for your drunken stupor you would’ve turned back. Everyone knew the horrific tale of the pickaxe cannibal murder. Although you were sure the story was somewhat embellished you’ve heard worse. Poor fuck did what he had to do to survive. Anyone else would’ve done the same, it’s human nature to do anything no matter how gruesome to survive.
“Give a girl a box of cheap chocolates and a fucking bouquet of withering roses and she’s supposed to repay ya by sucking your fucking dick and acting like yer the best thing since sliced bread.” You grumble.
The deeper you go the darker it gets. Stone walls become suffocating and everything looks like the enemy. A fight or flight response may have kicked in but you were in no place to think rationally. When your heel broke you fucking snapped.
“Stupid Roses, fuck ass chocolates, fake relationships for fake people who wouldn’t know love if it fucking stabbed them in the face!” You yell throwing the broken heel piece deep into the darkness. “A corporate holiday with no fucking insignificance! Just a money plot and a excuse to fuck and act like you like that worthless pathetic fuck you’re dating that you like them. When all 364 days you’ve been with em ya fucking loathe them!” You continue on tearing up the damned holiday in partially incoherent babbling until you hear glass break.
Despite your conditions you aren’t stupid. “Fuck is that?” You call out whilst backing up. At first you’re sure it’s a group of horny teenagers but through the gritty lights you see a single foreboding silhouette. This was where you run. Or at least you should’ve. Instead you squint your eyes like some tourist taking in the sights and step forward. “Bud y’know the mines are abandoned cuz of the poor guy who had to eat his friends right?” You call out. “I mean do you if this is your thing I support it but it’s kinda weird since you look exactly like the serial killer guy. Spot on cosplay.” You compliment. The figure doesn’t move. It doesn’t even look like he’s breathing. You feel your hairs start to stand up and goosebumps pepper you skin. It seems your liquid courage was fading.
“Welp I’ll leave you be, don’t wanna bore you with the details of this fucked up holiday.” You let out a wry laugh before turning your back on the figure. You get about 12 good steps in before the stride of death crescendos behind you. Now you were running. Your broken heels doing wonders at making this chase the easiest for your attacker. In the midst of running you take them off and throw them off behind you. Now look you weren’t aiming for the guy but when you heard the hit connect and a surprised grunt you got the feeling you were fucked. Instead of running in a straight line you dip into a little crawl space. Maybe he’d give up and fuck off you. To your horror the man crouches down and starts to crawl his way inside.
Without thinking you take the whiskey bottle and crash it on his head. “Leave me alone I don’t even like this fuckass holiday you fucking weirdo!” You cry. He looks up at you and stops trying to fit.
“Why not.” His voice was eerily calm. As if he weren’t some insane pickaxe murderer but a man.
“Well because it’s stupid and to lovy dovy. And because it feels wrong to celebrate it when such a tragedy had occurred.” You explain. “And...and I got dumped today so there’s that.” You huff.
“...You pity me?”
You shake your head. Words weren’t really your strong point and you didn’t need him thinking you were coddling him or anything. Instead you just stare into the glossy eyeholes with your own praying he’d just fuck off. You practically shit yourself when he continued to scramble through and stand up. You grab a rock and stand ready to knock him upside the head with it only have your wrist harshly grabbed mid throw.
“I don’t want your pity.”
This was it. You were gonna die. And it was gonna be painful and super fucking lame. On your headstone it would say:
“Loser girl no one cares about got dumped on Valentine’s Day...also got murdered lol”
Even though you wanted to sob and cry your eyes out you were way to stubborn to go out pleading and begging. “I was being empathetic you weirdo! We do what we gotta do to survive, and you did just that. You aren’t some crazy murderer. You’re just angry and traumatized and that’s ok!” The grip on your wrist only tightened. “Gah! Th-the system failed you dude. The whole fucking city failed you and still is failing you! You ha-have a right to be mad! I’m not excusing what you’ve done b-but shit I would’ve done the same!” You squeal feeling the blood flow completely cease as he tightened his grip.
Suddenly the pain stopped. You open your eyes and rub your poor wrist hoping the feeling would return. He seemed more docile. It was as if his entire aura had changed. The man sat down on a hunk of rubble, his weapon clenched in his grip. If you didn’t know better you could’ve sworn he was crying. It was a silent sob. Nothing overtly dramatic, kind of how like you’d expect a man who’s rarely cried to cry. It was unnerving. The only man you’ve ever seen cry was your dad and that was when he laughed to hard. This...this was gut wrenching.
This monster that was hellbent on killing you seconds ago was now a sad man huddled up in a corner like a child. You could never feel the pain he’s felt, relive the days of utter darkness and skewed rations. Never could you imagine the gritty taste of human flesh. The depravity one must have for themselves. The survivors guilt. The nightmares he must relive. He kept muttering something about the dark and the how he wasn’t a monster. How he just wanted to see the light again.
“It’s ok.”
You weren’t sure you could touch him so you just sat in front of him. He was still shaken up but the sound of your voice seemed to get through to him. “It’s ok and you’re safe. I’m here. I won’t go anywhere I’d you don’t want me to...” You could bare the cold for a night. You’d rather be frozen to death then brutally murdered.
Both of you sat there for what seemed like ages until he moved. You were on the edge of slumber before seeing a gloved hand slither towards yours. You wanted to move it. Make haste and dip but your body had become heavy. Your eyes seemingly weighed down by stones. Before you knew it he was oddly holding your hand. You saw him looking at you intently. Probably waiting for you to scream or pull away but you stayed put. One hand held up your head whilst the other was his to experience. It had probably been awhile since he’s been so vulnerable so you let him have this. It wasn’t like you had anything else to do tonight but sleep and pray that the hang over didn’t beat your ass in the morning. Before you could fall asleep he pulls you into a really awkward half ass embrace against the cold stained suit. It was far more comfortable than the back straining position you were in a second ago but man this guy was bad at ‘snuggling’. You felt like he was gonna smother you! When he found a comfortable position he rested that stupid ass mask on top of your head with a satisfied grunt before you gave up on protesting and fell asleep. How the hell were you gonna get home
When you wake there’s no cold embraces or odd masked men. Instead you find yourself wrapped in some dusty old quilt at the entrance of the mine. For a moment you think everything that occurred was a mere fever dream. A whiskey fueled hallucination. You scramble to your feet and notice a little note that had fallen from the tattered cloth. The paper, or what you hoped was paper and not dried human skin, had fairly neat handwriting. It was short and morbidly sweet.
Thank you.
There was a part of you that was absolutely mortified. The note solidified your suspicions of what had taken place last night. But the other part of you was strangely elated. You turn to the mine and put your hands to your mouth to amplify your words. “THANKS FOR NOT KILLING ME ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU!!!!!!” You yell happily before heading back into town. You were pretty sure he didn’t hear you but it calmed you to know that he not only spared you but someone actually appreciated your presence.
This was definitely not your final encounter ⛏
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
I read the recent post about divination, and now I have some serious doubts. Like did I misunderstood entirely what the whole divination thing canonically is? I’ve read books couple of times, seen movies once, but it’s been awhile. I’ve read a small library of fanfics (99% Dramione), so I am no way a HP canon-lore expert. But that post left genuinely puzzled, like how does it go canonically? Was Hermione basically right or not? I would be grateful, if someone could either correct or confirm, whether my understanding of HP canon is true or not, please! As I understood it, divination sort of is “real”, but in a quite nuanced way, and that Trelawney’s class didn’t (and probably couldn’t) teach “true divination”, and it was a waste of time for students wishing to learn that skill. Certain people simple are “true seers”, and this clairvoyance ability cannot be acquired or learned (at least in a controlled or widely understood way). It was heavily hinted at, that the talent is in-born, and possibly entirely hereditary, or at least considerably so (the reason for Trelawney’s job interview was that she was related to a famous seer). Although, it’s also implied that astromancy is an exception, and via astronomy even those who are not seers can foresee future events to some degree (though it seems there’s large qualitative difference between these predictions and those made by “true seers”. Astromancy seems to be predicting very generalized trends, instead of specific events or happenings of individual people). However, this is more an impression one gets by the gravitas and dignity granted to Firenze and centaurs contra Trelawney (I think, Firenze did make accurate predictions, but they were so board and vague, thus is not clear whether they were just educated guesses or true foresight). If I recall no true predictions are made by any other method (Trelawney taught and practiced at least cartomancy, tasseomancy, and crystallomancy. Maybe also chiromancy and some others, which I don’t remember atm). More than that, it seems that true prophecies are not produced via any method, but rather received uncontrollably and involuntarily without any conscious effort or will. All this leaves many open questions and a lot of room for quite different interpretations. The only seer we see in a great detail is Trelawney, and it’s not clear whether her circumstances were universally applicable or just particular to her. Like, do all true seers make their predictions by falling into an uncontrollable trance, or do some of those methods work for some other seers at least? Can this talent be cultivated or honed in any way? Can one manipulate circumstances for receiving these predictions? At least some portion of the wizarding world seems to believe, that divination is accessible to basically anybody, because the ministry approves teaching of it, and there’s learning material and curriculum beyond Trelawney. Though, the ministry seems to treat reading tealeaves different from true seers’ predictions, which are gathered and organized in by the department of mysteries, unlike Harry’s or Ron’s schoolwork. There’s also a faint possibility that some form of milder divination is possible (something like predicting whether you will have a good day at the work by reading tarot cards), and Trelawney was just incompetent at teaching it. Existence of true seers doesn’t exactly logically contradict existence of lesser divination by non-seers. Still, the view that the only real divination is by done true seers (and possibly astromancy) seems to be canonically most likely, or the one JKR tried to convey. These other forms of divinations and omens are just wizarding superstitions some believe, including at least partly the ministry itself (like do the wizengamot or ministers consult diviners before making decisions. Or is it taught simply due a political inertia, like some atavistic custom or tradition from the past. Or perhaps divination is not there to teach the art, but to screen for potential seers from the youth). I think, Hermione did acknowledge fairly early that there are true predictions, by true seers (at least I don’t think she ever objected when the whole chosen one prophecy was brought up, and she seemed to treat the affair with a total sincerity). Even if Trelawney was mostly a fraud, and her class a waste of time (my canonical understanding), and she was right in her criticism. It might not still be the real reason she quit the class, or it could’ve been at least only partial reason. If we imagine a different turn of events, and let’s say that Trelawney would’ve taken an instant liking to her, and praised her efforts and rewarded her with approval and good grades. Would’ve she dropped the course anyway, or rationalized herself believing truthiness and benefits of Trelawney’s class? Would her general opinion about divination change, if she was admired and accepted by her female peers, instead of ignored and shunned? As I interpret Hermione’s character, it’s impossible to give a good answer to that, because in the canonical version the truth about Trelawney and divination in general is also both socially and emotionally convenient to Hermione. Being a multidimensional character, it’s very hard to say, how she would act in different circumstances, or what are all factors, which possibly influence her behavior and choices. I think, it’s a fair characterization to say that she clearly prices truth and objectivity in knowledge, beyond simple social or emotional utility. She pursues knowledge and truth at least partly for her own curiosity, pleasure and integrity. In the other hand, it’s also true that she places a great importance and trust on authorities and she can be extremely authoritarian in knowledge (though her hierarchy is not exactly the official authority like the ministry, or the Daily Prophet, but this informal community of wizarding experts and academics who produce the books she loves, relies and trusts so much. And of course Dumbledore and Mcgonagall, and other exemplary Light side wizards and witches). She craves attention, praise and acceptance and recognition of not only authorities and the wider wizarding world, but also those around her. I don’t think, there’s plausible answer for that, if she had a serious internal conflict between those two different sides of her personality. Canonically there’s no conflict, and her course is relatively clear on the matter. I would rate both outcomes in the case of conflict equally likely. That she would’ve continued divination, if she was “good” at it, and also that she would’ve dropped it, because her academic integrity. There are situations in which, she socially and personally inconveniences herself greatly, like telling Mcgonagall about the Firebolt, but it’s not exactly comparable, because she also believed that Harry could’ve been in a mortal danger. Besides, even if there was exactly comparable situation canonically, people are not always consistent on their priorities, and they might sometimes act quite differently in almost exactly similar situations. Personally I am quite conflicted about JKR’s whole “Hermione is not like the other simpering girls”-bit. In most situations, when it raises its head, I find it quite infuriating (especially with her appearance). Often it is just a desperate and egotistical way to promote oneself, and denigrate feminine traits and behavior. In the other hand, I’ve witnessed this happening in my own life (not to myself, but to people around me). Not a gender dysphoria or anything, but more like tomboys and girls who simply were not interested in things almost all other girls in their age-group were, and they got heavily ostracized and bullied for that by majority of girls. I can understand that certain women genuinely feel like that, and kind of objectively are not like other girls (in good and ill), and have issues with female friendships and female peer-groups. It’s hard to say how common that is, but also I don’t like this idea of trying meme into reality that all women are automatically natural friends and allies with each other, and that the fiction should also reflect this. Or that only reason why this isn’t so, is some outdated beliefs or cultural practices, which can be easily remedied by simple education. Frankly, I don’t think it’s real to that extent, and trying to pretend it is, will lead to harmful outcomes for women, who will go in their lives trusting in it. Women do have shared interests as women, and there’s shared commonalities with other women, which are not shared by men. There’s kind of a sisterhood of mutual understanding and joy in friendships and kinship with other women as women. But in the other hand, there’s also a lot of rivalries and conflicts within the same sisterhood.    Still, the way she disparagingly frames Lavender’s and Parvati’s interest in a divination, as silly, superfluous and fake, is more in line with the former approach. It’s rather cheap jab towards astrology and women who enjoy or practice it. It’s hard to know even where to start with that, because women basically never base serious decisions in it. Mostly it provides them a framework and starting point to discuss different temperaments and personality types in people. Also, it’s just a little (harmless) excitement and bringing some enchantment back to the dreary and banal world and mundane routines most people suffer through. Nobody lost their house because of astrology, unlike men’s many astrologies, like cryptocurrency and “beating the markets” investment models and schemes. Besides, interestingly enough there’s some truth to astrology. unlike I-LOVE-SCIENCE midwit sceptic-bros believe :P
According to the HP WIKIA:
Divination is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It teaches methods of divining the future, or gathering insights into future events, through various rituals and tools. The magic taught in this class, as well as the ability to say prophetic things is a branch of magic referred to as "divination."
So basically, while yes you have to possess the ability to "see", you as a regular witch or wizard can learn certain skills for divining. (Divining is an actual thing; To divine is the discover something by guesswork or intuition).
The WIKIA also says:
Divination is an elective subject available beginning in a student's third year. Students study a myriad of ways to scry information about the future, including tea dregs, crystal balls, visions, and Astrology and horoscope charts. Other methods of divining the future include smoke patterns, dreams, tarot cards, and the interpretation of prophecies, though the latter is quite rare. Guides and textbooks allow students of Divination to discern or translate what observed symbols intend to mean.
It's like here in the real world, some people believe in these things, others don't. But I think in the magical world, I'll personally will be more likely to believe in these things. And they seem like something kids should be exposed to a bit.
I think the problem was with the teacher. She probably wasn't the best person to teach and introduce these ancient and maybe not so widely used methods to the children. She is seen in the books/movies as bit of a nutjob, but she made that predicition about Voldy and Harry and so Dumbledore hired her to keep close incase she made probably more prophecies. It's funny though, everyone laughs about this subject and mocks it's teacher, but they whole heartedly believe the prophecy because Dumbledore says he believes it. Harry and his friends even broke into the Ministry to find it. So they take his word, but completely disrespects the actual person who made the prophecy in the first place. Makes sense -_-.
Hermione, she is a muggleborn, so of course she immdiately goes with logic and reasoning and science. It must have been hard for her to learn that magic is real and learn about this new world (even if she was excited about it). The thing with other subjects is that the results are immediate. When she casts a spell, it works automatically, it does what she told it to do. When she makes a potion, it looks/smells they way the books said it would and after using it, she sees/feels the effects. Divination isn't like that, you cannot get immediate results. You have to wait years for some things to happen but it may not always since other factors can influence it and completely change it.
So even in this magical world, she still operates with logic and facts and immediate results, just like in the muggle world. That's why it was difficult for her to "get" divination. Add on a rather incompetant teacher, a stressful third year where she overloads herself; it makes sense for her to just call it bullshit and quit. Maybe if the teacher did indeed like her and gave her praises, she may have not left so easily; she gets praises in other subjects and yes it does seem like she craves it. Hermione is incredibly Type A!
JKR admitted to basically modelling Hermione as herself. So if you think that Hermione's character was unnecessarily mean to Lavender and Parvati, JKR wrote it that way, maybe because she herself feels that way about women/girls like that. Should she have done that? No. Many girls loved Hermione, many saw themselves as her. There isn’t many nerdy girls who save the day in movies and shows and books. So reading about Hermione being popular and smart and liked and having awesome friends and saving the world, defeating evil, was amazing! But as an adult, looking back on things, you realise that Hermione is very much a  "not like other girls" girl, and not in a good way. She is very condesending especially to other girls or people who are not as smart as her. And that isn't a good message to send to girls who relate to this character. And it tells you a lot about JKR herself (if her twitter didn't already)!
- Lisa
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kweebtrash · 5 years
Crawling (M)
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Messy Chapter 9
Pairing(s): OC X Johnny
Genre: College AU, Fuckboy AU, Smut, The Angst chapter TM
Summary: Fuckboys are basically good for one thing. You hit it and quit it- except when his voice draws you in, his body keeps you there, and dumb ass feelings linger making things particularly messy.
Warnings: alcohol, talks about death/suicide, talks about sexual assault (use of the word rape-in case that offends you), emotional manipulation, description of panic attacks, anxiety, emotional codependency, aggression/intimidation, mentions of blood, mental illnesses/self deprivation/emotional self harm/slight feelings of worthlessness, lots of crying, heavy heavy heavy guilt
Features: kinda sad slow sex?, gentle thrusting, caressing, grinding, protectiveness, biting, heavy make out sessions/tongue sucking, riding, unprotected and protected sex, cumshot, choking, rough fucking
Word Count: 23k
A/N: ‘they’ and ‘she’ are used interchangeably on purpose. I’ll edit some more tomorrow if needed. I may have missed some warnings so if you see any you feel I should add let me know. This chapter is kind of personal for me as some of the things I wrote about happened to me irl but still let me know what you think of it regardless.
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Jaehyuns POV
I yawned as I flicked through my Instagram feed lazily. I was trying to fall asleep but nothing was working. I rubbed my eyes before setting my arm between my head and the pillow, continuing to scroll and liking a few posts every once in awhile. My phone vibrated signaling that I had a text from Quinn. Just as I was about to click on it I got another notification, this time from Instagram. It was a message request from an account I didn't follow. I was mostly tempted to ignore it until more and more messages filtered through. I sighed and finally opened it, seeing words that made my blood run cold.
Rixtrix666: Hey
Rixtrix666: I really need to talk to you
Rixtrix666:It's about me and Johnny
This damn bitch couldn't leave us alone. First, she made Johnny's life a living hell and now she was trying to get to him through me. I clicked on her profile to block her, briefly catching the dozens of pictures she had of her and Johnny. In each one he looked miserable and void of any feeling whatsoever. I could only imagine what he went through before I told him I would help. At first I had been offended that he hadn't come to me as soon as it started taking a turn for the worse but after he explained what she had done to him I could see his thought process behind it. He didn't want to be ridiculed or chastised. Hell, he didn't even think people would believe him. If I hadn't known him for all these years then maybe I wouldn't have either. But anyone with a brain could see how he wasn't himself anymore. Just seeing her message brought back memories of terror that I shared with him for over a month. Why couldn't she just fucking leave us be? I opened up the message, ready to tear into her but what she sent me stopped me in my tracks completely. I shot up in bed instantly, my hands shaking as my throat felt like it was closing up. I accepted her request and immediately responded.
What the fuck is that?
Rixtrix666: what does it look like?
Rixtrix666: he's blocked me everywhere else
Rixtrix666: I need to tell him. Please. That's why I sent you this msg
You're lying. You're a fucking manipulative bitch
I don't need you fucking up his life again
I mean it
Rixtrix666: please jaehyun
Rixtrix666: I need to talk to him
Rixtrix666: the proof is in the picture! It's a positive test
Whats your fuckin number
I'm calling you
Answer the phone right fucking now!!
Once she sent her number, I dialed it immediately. "Listen here-"
She cut me off. "Jaehyun! I mean it! Please, I'm begging you! I need to talk to him!'
"Fuck!" I yelled. She was starting to make me nervous with the urgency in her voice. I didn't know what to do. I was torn between believing her or blocking her and keeping this a secret. She had already caused so much damage and this was just going to make everything worse. I was on edge and her squaking in my ear wasn't making anything better. I sprinted towards my door, flinging it open and heading straight towards Johnny's room. I didn't even bother knocking and instead shoved his door open. He jumped up, the most confused expression written across his face. I had no idea how to say it or even where to begin explaining so I thrust my phone in his face.
"Talk! Talk now!' I blurted out.
He raised his brow and took my cell tentatively. As soon as he pressed it to his ear and heard those words the coloring drained from his face. His breathing switched immediately and it was like he was drowning, gasping deeply and struggling to fight against the waters. I didn't understand why it was happening and I certainly didn't know how to fix it which caused me to go into a deeper panic. My phone slipped from his hand and I managed to catch it before it crashed to the floor. Rixi was still going on about the pregnancy until I yelled in her ear. "Send me your address right now. We're coming over."
"F-fine! I need to see him anyway. We have to get back together. For the sake of the baby."
I didn't have time to blow up on her, especially with Johnny looking like he was ready to pass out at any minute. I discarded my phone on the bed and grabbed onto his shoulders, trying to shake him out of it. "Dude! Look at me! We're gonna figure this out together ok? She's lying. I know she is. You don't have to worry." His breath was still far from normal. "J-Johnny, man, w-what's wrong? You're freaking me out! P-please stop breathing like that!"
His eyes showed nothing but fear, his body completely tense, like he wasn't able to control it. My heart thundered and in a  last ditch effort, I just hugged him. I squeezed him tight and held on, hoping that somehow that could comfort him enough to calm down. I was scared too. Absolutely terrified. I didn't want him to go back into that abuse and though I didn't believe that she was actually pregnant, if there was even the slightest possibility that she was his life was over. On top of that I knew his feelings for Eri were growing no matter how much he was trying to deny it. She may not want to be around him if he had a kid and that would just devastate him. I pleaded to whatever cosmic being was watching over to give Johnny every ounce of strength it took for him to be happy.
Just then, I slowly felt his hand creep up to settle on my back. He was responding now at least even if it was minimal. "We're gonna get through this together, ok? You're my brother. I won't let her ruin this, I swear it."
He inhaled with a sharp gasp and I shot back in fear that his breathing had gotten worse somehow. It was the opposite thankfully and it looked like he had finally gotten his head above water. "W-what…" He rasped softly. "What am I going to do?"
"We're going to buy some tests and make her take them in front of us. I need to make sure she isn't playing any games. I want living proof. If she's going to try me, then she's messing with the wrong dude."
"What if, Jae? What if…"
"Don't think like that, man. Think about Eri. She needs you when she comes back and you're gonna be there, ok?"
He nodded and I helped him up from the bed. "Let's go, I'll drive. Just get your coat on." I ran to the front door and grabbed my car keys, shoving on my own coat in the process. Johnny was walking much slower. I grabbed his arm to move him along and attempt to snap him out of it. I guided him downstairs and into my car like a child. I knew he was really too shocked to process anything but my adrenaline was kicking in big time and I needed to be his rationality for now. I hopped in and sped to the nearest pharmacy, pulling into the parking lot in a screeching halt. I ran in, my own breath starting to give out from going so fast, and grabbed the biggest pack of pregnancy tests I could find. When I got to the register I fumbled with my wallet and card, angered at myself for shaking so bad. I took a deep breath and ignored the weird stares I was getting from the cashier before my payment went through and I yanked it out the card reader. I grabbed the box and got back into the car hoping that Johnny was still safe. Realistically, I should have taken him into the store with me to keep an eye on him but I knew he would only slow me down.
I checked my phone to make sure Rixi had sent me her address. Thankfully she did and I plugged it into my GPS, zooming back out onto the road. The box of tests sat between us halfway stuck in my cup holder, rattling menacingly as an omen of what was to come. I tried not focusing on it so much through the silence Johnny and I shared. I wanted to give him some form of assurance but i was at a lost to what more I could do or say. Instead, I gripped the steering wheel tighter feeling the leather cover squeak beneath my fingers. The ride was short but felt painfully long. When we finally arrived at the apartment complex it loomed over us and made me feel like I was going into battle. I took a deep breath and nudged at Johnny. “Let’s go.”
I grabbed the tests as I stepped out of the car. Johnny looked like he was ready to pass out at any moment. I set my arm around his shoulders and lead us to her apartment door. I banged on it harshly, impatiently waiting for her to open it. When she did, I could see tears still running down her cheeks and she made an attempt to hold onto Johnny. He stepped back quick and I moved between them. "Don't you dare think about touching him. Take these tests now." I pressed the box to her chest and glared down at her.”
“W-what? What is this? How could you not believe me?!” She squeaked.
"Because we can't trust anything you say. You're a liar, Rixi and I need to know what happened that night." Johnny spat.
“You know what happened.” Rixi growled. “You got high and wanted to fuck. You realize you were on X, right? That’s what happens. You wanted it.”
I didn't want to have her talk to him any further. The uncertainty was already weighing on us and I needed it to disappear as fast as it had arrived. I kept myself between them but shifted Rixi around to face the direction of her bathroom. "Get moving." I commanded.
“You can't tell me what to do! I'm not taking these!"
With my patience wearing thin I shoved her harshly and kept her moving until the three of us crammed into the small space. "Oh, you're gonna take them. I don't have time for your bullshit and you definitely do not want to piss me off." I locked the door, making sure she had no means of escaping. “Do it.”
“I’m not going to pee with you two in here.”
“Just take the damn test, Rixi!” Johnny snapped.
“I don’t have to go right now!”
I grabbed her shoulders and pressed her down onto the toilet. “Start thinking of waterfalls then because you will do it.”
“F-fine! If it will get you to shut up. It’ll just be positive anyway!” I leaned back against the wall, glaring her down the entire time to make sure that she didn’t try anything funny. Her hands were shaking as she tore into the plastic and opened the box. Johnny was trying to pace within the small area and I reached out to grab his shoulder harshly. He stopped and instead switched to shuffling his weight between his feet. The wait was irritating and super awkward but it had to be done. Eventually she was able to take the test and slammed it on the counter. I set a timer on my phone so we knew exactly when it was done processing. It was a mere 5 minutes but each second made us all more anxious. Rixi was darting her eyes around frantically as she tried to keep herself covered. Johnny was mumbling to himself, almost wedged into the corner while his nails dug into the cheap wallpaper. My foot bounced quickly as I tried to funnel my nerves somewhere else. The wait was absolute death and I was starting to feel the sweat creep down the back of my neck. Finally, the timer went off and all three of us jumped up. Rixi made a grab at the test but I caught her hand in mine and Johnny snatched it up. He held it between us and we both stared at the reading. What the fuck did that mean?
“What does it say!?" Johnny panicked, the answer still unbeknownst to us. Rixi squirmed in my grip, making me release her. She yanked it out of Johnny's hand and cradled it to her chest.
“It means i’m pregnant of course!” She said as if it was obvious.
I grabbed at her small hands having to pry it out of her. “I saw it! It was one line."
Johnny grabbed the box and turned it over, skimming over the directions. “You fuckin’ bitch!”
“What?! What?! What does it mean?!” I screamed.
“She’s not fuckin’ pregnant!!” Johnny almost launched himself over me to try and grab at Rixi but I was able to block him.
“It could be wrong! Why would I lie to you?! I love you!” Rixi protested.
"You love me?!" Johnny scoffed. "If you loved me you wouldn't have raped me!"
My head snapped over to my best friend, my brother, my family away from home. He had told me about the way Rixi hit him and tried to keep our friends away but he never told me that.
"That's not what happened! Why do you keep saying that?! I would never!"
I set the test down and told Johnny to leave the bathroom, confusing both he and Rixi. When he didn't comply right away, I yelled at him. It wasn't because I was upset but rather he might have stopped me from what I was about to do. It took a bit of coercion but he eventually left me alone with the shedemon. I stood in front of her, setting my hands on either side of the toilet tank. My face was just centimeters from hers and I could feel the nervousness of her breath against my lips. "You…" I laughed not even sure where to begin. "You hurt one of the only people I care about. I mean incomprehensible damage to his mind, his body, his feelings and you come around again, like an infectious disease. You can say that you didn't hurt him all you want but that's only because you're sick. What I need you to do, and what you're going to do, is take this second test. Once I get that negative result again I will make fucking sure you will never ever be able to go near Johnny ever."
"If you t-touch me I'm calling the police!!"
"Oh, call them. Then you can get arrested for what you've done to him."
"They wouldn't believe that I could hurt him. I mean he's a man, a big one at that. If something was really wrong he could've easily defended himself." She said, a little too smug for my own liking.
She had admitted what Johnny had feared- that no one would believe him and he would be seen as a joke. It made me absolutely furious but I held my composure in the meantime. I smiled at her and grabbed the second test out the box, holding it in front of her. "Take the test."
"No. I'm not doing anything else you ask for. You can't force me."
"Oh, so you don't like being forced to do things but you're okay with forcing yourself onto drugged out men? That's mighty hypocritical of you, Rixi. Now again, I'll tell you one more time, pretty nicely I think, take the test." I shifted my hand to her shoulder, gripping it hard. "And don't worry. I wouldn't hit you. That would be hypocritical as well, right? You can only hit Johnny, right?"
"I was just playing around. I wasn't hitting him like that!"
"The bruises said otherwise."
"He bruises easily."
I squeezed her shoulder harder, watching her try and squirm away from my grasp but ultimately failing. "Take the test, Rixi."
"Get off me!"
"TAKE THE TEST!!" I yelled, my entire body trembling. It took a lot to get me this angry, this absolutely volatile. She was able to bring it out of me in mere minutes and I promised her that she wouldn't like what she saw next if she didn't comply with my orders. Johnny pounded on the door, asking what was wrong. He knew when I yelled that shit was serious. I ignored him and shoved the test towards her again. She snatched it from me as another round of crocodile tears started to flow.
I wasn't so patient this time with her stalling and complaining about not being able to pee. I sure as hell was able to convince her to get a move on when I snapped the first test in half and slapped the box off the counter, my voice growing louder with each vengeful move. Once she managed to get enough on the stick through her whining, we waited again. The same result was concluded and I sighed deeply. I washed my hands and wiped the excess water on my jeans. "So, we've established that you're never coming near him again and that I'm going to make sure there's a restraining order on you. On top of that I'll make sure I find ways to make your life a living hell just like you did to Johnny. Do you understand me?"
"You ruined everything. He was going to be mine!"
"Aren't you just a cute soap opera villain? Things don't work that way in the real world. You don't get what you want when people are like you. You get institutionalized. What the hell did you think was going to happen when you didn't shit out a kid in 9 months? That Johnny would've stayed? He's got more important things to worry about like his girlfriend. The person you will never be."
"You mean that stupid slut that tried to fight me?" She said angrily.
I smiled. "Say that to Johnny's face. He'll tell you how much he's in love with her. They spend so much time together it's almost sickening. You never even had a chance. Don't try and put your hands on him or his life again. If you try me again, I can get you charged with something much worse like you deserve."
I yanked the door open and Johnny met my eyes instantly. “What did you do? What happened? I heard yelling.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s going to be okay.”
“You think really think she’s going to stay away from me? She-She’s insane! She’s never going to leave me alone and-”
“I got this. I’m not going to let anything else happen to you.” I promised. “I’m gonna take you home, we just gotta make a stop first.” I started leading him towards the door, looking back at Rixi who was looking defeated for now. Somehow I felt like she was going to plot something far more dangerous and even though I had won this battle it didn't feel like I had won the war just yet. I was ready for anything she was plotting though. I vowed to make sure she never hurt my brother again.
Eri’s POV
In the short time that I was back home on the island my world had crumbled and I had no idea where to even begin trying to piece it back together. I didn’t exactly regret my mom forcing me to go back but I wished I did have more time to plan but how could you plan a death? How do you plan losing someone who helped raise you, who drove you to school every morning, who was married to your grandmother for over 50 years, who you knew and loved since you were born? How did you even begin to prepare for that?
I had spent the entire week being at the brunt end of emotion after emotion. There were fights about everything-the house, mortgage, money, cars, insurance. I had to sift through paperwork of things I didn't even understand and with my family's barely high school level education from the 80s, they didn't understand much either. One of my aunt's tried to guide us through beneficiaries and all that bullshit but it was still a foreign language to us all. It made me restless at night and with the worry of my grandpa's health already on my mind I was basically running on fumes. It didn’t help my depression and it sure as hell didn’t help that I always had to get up early and do things around the house, head to the hospital for visitation hours, make trips to the grocery store, cook food, or buy anything we needed.
As the oldest I had somehow become the scapegoat and my mother’s favorite object to lash out on. Everyday there was some sort of argument and it came to the point that I just wanted to have a day of relaxation. I wanted to go to the beach, my absolute sanctuary and place of peace, but that was denied from me. My mom guilted me into thinking that I didn’t deserve to have that time to myself, that it was inappropriate for me to think of this as a “vacation.” That wasn't how I felt at all and I merely wanted to attempt to recapture my sanity. After having my umpteenth argument with her I took it upon myself to sneak out of my grandma’s house like a teenager and go to a bar. Dani had found out about my little plan and blackmailed me into taking her along. Our cousin Maricella, who I hadn’t seen since I lived on the island ten years ago, was our getaway car.
It was an outdoor bar by the beach so I still got to have a little bit of peace. The mosquitoes were out and chewing up my legs like no other but it was way too hot to wear anything but short shorts and a bralette. Mari got us a round of shots while Dani and I took up residence at a table by a tiki torch, hoping the flame would keep some of the bugs at bay. Every once in awhile a sea breeze would rattle through the boardwalk style patio and bless us with relief and the tangy smell of salt water. I exhaled deeply and took out my almost finished second pack of cigarettes. I was starting to become a chimney because of all the stress and today was no different. It started off with light cigarettes but this pack had somehow turned into menthols. I still hated the taste but it was almost oddly comforting to have that hint of Johnny by my side. I lit one up, watching Dani’s nose wrinkle.
“I thought you hated those.” She commented.
“I do.” I took in a deep drag while scratching at a mosquito bite on my leg. “But it's what they had at the supermarket…” I lied.
“Your boyfriend smokes them.”
I shot her an incredulous look. “What?”
“Johnny. Your boyfriend. The hot six foot tall Korean with emo hair and lips that look like they commit a sin every time he talks. You know, that one.”
“He isn’t my boyfriend. He told me you figured out we were faking it at the party. How did you know he smoked menthols?”
“He asked me where your clutch was while you were off with Josue and I saw him take them out. Had to move some condoms out of the way to get to them though. Magnums? Guess what they say about Asians isn’t always true.”
“DANIELLA, POR FAVOR.” I screamed. “Why are you like this?” She was making me cringe just hearing her talk like that. She was only 15, i didn’t want to think about her knowing about anything related to sex at all.
“Because I’m your sister and you taught me how to be this way. Can I try it?” She nodded towards my cigarette.
“No, I’m supposed to be a good influence on you.”
“Ok, well influence me to drink and smoke and fuck a bunch of guys in college. If they look like Johnny, I’m down.”
I smacked my hand to my forehead and internally groaned. She was right, being a little shit ran in the family and I had definitely groomed her to somehow have the same attitude as I did. I had make the mistake of telling her about my college adventures (usually leaving out the details of my sex life) but apparently it was enough information for her to throw it back in my face. I reluctantly handed her the cigarette just as Maricella came back with a tray of shots. “Mari, my hero. Thank fuck.” I let out a sigh of relief.
“I got half dark, half white liquor so pick your poison. I used to fuck the bartender so I basically got everything for free.” She said before downing a shot of vodka.
“Why is everyone in our family sluts?” Dani coughed as she took a drag, quickly handing it back to me. “That is fuckin’ disgusting. How do you smoke those let alone kiss him when he tastes like that!”
“Wait, wait, wait. Who are you kissing?” Mari asked as she scooted onto the bar stool. “You got a man?”
I tossed back three shots, one after the other, then reached for the tequila so I could definitely forget about ever having this conversation. “No, I do not. There’s no man.”
Dani grabbed a shot herself, sniffing the liquor a bit. “I’m pretty sure your facetimes every night say otherwise. I can hear y'all say ‘I miss you so much, baby.’ from my room!” She took a deep breath before sipping the liquor slowly, managing to get it down in one take but recoiling her body in disgust. She rubbed at her chest trying to take the edge off somehow.
I could feel my face flaring up instantly. “That-that’s not true! We just...We’re just kinda in a weird place right now, ok?!
“Drink more so you can tell me about him! I wanna know!!” Mari giggled. She coaxed another shot towards me which I took instantly. There were a few drags in between her taunting and my stalling but eventually I had to cave in just to get them both to shut up.
I gulped down my fifth shot and sighed as I already started feeling the buzz. “He’s just this guy...we’ve been screwing around for like...four months now. I took him to the quince because you know how everyone is, asking me when I’m gonna get a boyfriend, ignoring that I like girls, belittling what I’m studying in college. So i asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend so they could get off my back."
"Except-" Dani interrupted. "Now they're totally in love with each other but won't admit it!"
"Ay, nena, don't you know to never catch feelings? That makes shit too complicated." Mari nudged my shoulder.
I tapped out my ashes. "He told me that I would never be his girlfriend and that's completely fine by me!" I lied and reached for another glass, letting out a deep sigh.
"Do you want to be his girlfriend?" Mari posed the dangerous question.
I stood quiet for a long time not really knowing how to answer that. He made it clear that he didn't want me to be his girlfriend but got jealous over Taeyong and Josue. He was constantly coming back around to fuck me (and vice versa) and now we had spent almost every night talking on the phone to each other. He had listened to me complain about my family for hours on end. Even when it got too late and I could tell how tired he was, he stayed up with me until sleep got the better of him. I would leave our FaceTime camera screens open, propping my phone against my pillow, and imagining that he was sleeping beside me though we were thousands of miles apart. He would hold his little rilakkuma keychain in his fist, keeping the head pressed to his lips as he slept. My heart would melt into a messy puddle of feelings I wanted to ignore but it was hard when you were screaming how much you were in love in your head.
"Heyyyyy," Mari nudged me out of my stupor. “Spill it girl!”
“The truth is I really don’t know what I want from him. Maybe I do want to be his girlfriend but what am I going to do once I have him? I’ve only ever had two relationships before and they both ended horribly. I’m so incredibly afraid to love anyone and honestly I don’t think he knows how to be a boyfriend either. We’re really messy and broken and always going up and down. It’s hard to figure anything out with him. I’m stressed that I love him. I’m stressed that I hate him. I’m stressed that I want to be with him but don’t want to be with him and I’m stressed that i know for sure he doesn’t want to be with me. I’m a mess, ok?”
“Eri, you should really stop lying to yourself and everyone around you about how you feel about him.” Dani added. I shot her a death glare and hoped to all hell she would shut up.
Mari just patted my shoulder. “You got it bad and you’re way over your head. I’m gonna get more drinks. You look like you need to be drunk.” She left us again and I rubbed my temples, sighing deeply.
“If he’s an asshole I don't want you to be with him but I know he does love you.” Dani added.
“Dani, don’t joke like that. It’s fine. Nothing is going to happen between us.”
“It will. Just give it time. I don’t think you’ll have to stress about him much longer but you should tell him.”
“I’m not going to make a damn fool out of myself and get rejected.”
“You won’t know until you actually try, Eri. Trust me.”
“What would you know about relationships? We’re adults. It’s different than that high school crap.”
“I know enough jerk. Why are you cranky when you’re drunk?”
“I’m not drunk.” I huffed. “I’m going to drink more then get drunk.” Dani crossed her arms and rolled her eyes and I let her sit in her feelings while I tried to avoid mine entirely. Mari came back then as if on queue and set down a giant bowl of piña colada to share between the three of us and a few more shots. We latched onto the straws and sucked deeply, almost in a race to see who could get toasted the fastest. Dani was number one contender as after a few sips she was starting to sway in her seat.
“I still want to hear more about this boy.” Mari said.
I groaned. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Pleassseeeeee! We never got to talk about boys when we were younger. We’re like making up time from being apart. You have to!”
I sniffled and tossed the end of my cigarette towards the sand. "Fine.” I grumbled. “I'm completely and totally in love with him. He's so fucking stupid and infuriating all the time. Like he can never talk about shit outright. I have to pry it out of him but he's had so much happen to him and I think he deserves to be happy. I want to be the person that makes him happy and supports him and-" I swallowed more gulps of piña colada as if was going to stop my meltdown. "He takes really nice pictures because he loves photography and he really cares about his mom and-and like we always talk about music and stuff. He's such a big dumb...DUMMY HEAD."
"Ay dios, what does this dummy head look like?" Mari asked. I set my phone out on the table and opened my secret folder of Johnny's pictures that I had saved.
"There. He looks like the biggest fucking fuckboy that ever lived." I whined.
"Well...I mean he's not my type,” She said as she flicked through the photos. ‘But Santo Dios, Jesus y la Virgencita THAT'S HIS DICK???"
I almost slammed my head onto the table. "YEAH THAT'S LIKE THE WORST PART."
"Waiiiiittttt! Lemme see! Lemme see!!" Dani squealed.
Mari at least had the decency to keep my phone away from my sister and preserve her hopefully still intact innocence. "No, this is not for you!" Mari turned to me and whispered, "You better get this shit straightened out soon. No man is worth heartache no matter how big or how good his dick is."
"Yeah but it's really gooooooodddd." I sniffled and pulled the incredibly long straw to my lips, sucking down more of the mixed drink.
"I don't care. You need to focus on yourself, especially with what's going on now."
"I don't want to focus on myself or what's going on now! That's like the last thing I want to focus on! I want to focus on the way he falls asleep while we FaceTime, or the stuffed bear that he got me that I sleep with every night, or the way his clothes smells, or his arms feel around me, or like...anything else but this shit! Please, Mari...anything else but this."
She sighed deeply and rubbed her hand across my back. "Damn...you really really got it bad."
I nodded and kept my head on the table sealing my lips from any more embarrassment. I was starting to get a little incoherent with all my drinking so I was sure I replied to her but didn't quite remember what I said. I was fading into a half sleep state and wanted to sink into the boardwalk. If I got drunk enough to completely pass out it would be the best sleep I'd have this entire trip. The only thing that could seal the deal was some bug spray and air conditioning. Mari shoved at me and landed panicked slaps to my back. I nudged my head up a little and opened one eye. "Whhaaaaa-?"
"Titi is calling! She must have found out we snuck out!!"
Dani almost burst into tears instantly. "I'm gonna get so grounded!!!"
I shushed her and took the phone instantly. "Fuck that. She's just gonna yell at me and I don't have time for that. I'm sick of her shit. She's only making this worse."
"Yeah but…" Mari cautioned. "If you ignore her she's going to blow up. You better answer."
I let the phone vibrate some more. The call hung up and started again over and over until it irritated me enough to answer. "What?!"
That set off a firework show of yelling and crying, tired explanations of her to stop treating me like a child or using me as a scapegoat, arguments about my duties in the house and guilting me that I didn't care about my grandpa one bit and bringing up the vacation thing. My body was vibrating with anger. It felt like my meds didn't even have an effect on me anymore and I was nothing but flames and sorrow. Mari tried to calm me down and Dani ended up crying and holding onto me begging for us to stop fighting. I had drawn so much attention with my yelling that everyone at the bar stared like I was some strange anomaly. Mari dragged me away then with Dani still clutching onto me and got us into the car. I hung up the phone during my mother's rant and tossed it somewhere I didn't care to find.
There was no point in holding everything in anymore. I screamed, I cried, I stopped breathing, I wanted to die. Everything came crashing down on me at once and that was when I truly felt my world crumble into nothingness. I didn't have a hold of myself. My body was shutting down, my mind becoming numb and unable to process anything. I didn't even realize we had gotten to my grandma's house until we actually pulled up. Everything seemed like a blur. When I stepped out of the car my legs gave way and I crashed hard into the pavement, crying and scarcely able to breathe. Consciousness wasn't my friend and I could only remember flashes of memory; my grandma holding me, my aunt telling me to breathe, my mom screaming in confusion, violently vomiting, and blood trickling down my head. I didn't know how long the panic attack lasted but I fell asleep in my mother's arms, finally being comforted by her love rather than frustrations.
When I did wake up it was the next day. I was forced to get up early in the morning. My head felt like it was going to explode. My hand was also throbbing and I didn’t understand why. I slowly got up from the bed, my body feeling like it weighed tons. Across the bed were the mirrored closet doors of the guest room and I could see bandages across my head and my knuckles. What even happened to my hand? I was confused and still felt groggy. I laid back down and fumbled around for my phone looking at the influx of messages I had received. There were a few from Lucas which entailed of a bunch of crying and kissy emojis saying that he missed me, one from Yuta asking me if I was ok because he hadn’t heard from me in awhile and even more from Johnny.
💕💕Big Dick Daddy💕💕: hey
💕💕Big Dick Daddy💕💕: did you sleep all day? I hope so. you need it
💕💕Big Dick Daddy💕💕: wanna call me when you get a chance?
💕💕Big Dick Daddy💕💕: I’ll be home at like 11
I wished I could’ve called him at that moment but at least it would be the highlight of my day later on as I was sure today was going to be a shit show. I wanted to go back to sleep and be left alone but my mom wouldn’t let me. We had to go visit my grandpa again which was also the last thing I wanted to do after suffering through that panic attack last night. Seeing him hooked up to monitors and oxygen was the icing on the cake to my guilt ridden feelings. The day went by at the slowest pace and I made movements to shuffle around my family but I was on autopilot. I was able to catch a nap in the late afternoon and woke up a little bit close to midnight. Johnny was the first thing on my mind and I called him hoping that he was still awake. He answered almost immediately, his toothbrush stuck in his mouth. “Hey babe.” He mumbled around it.
“Hey.” I croaked back.
He held a finger up, asking me to hold on while he rinsed out his mouth. I adjusted myself in bed in the meantime, making sure to hide the swollen area of my head and my hand. I didn’t want him to worry more than he already had been over the time I was gone. I watched him head over to his room and plop down on his bed, holding the phone above him.
“You look like shit, girl.”
“Yes, hello to you too, Johnathan.”
“You know what I mean. What's going on?"
I scoffed. "More like what isn't going on. My mom is continuously being an asshole to me but we had a half moment yesterday i guess. I got kinda drunk because I don’t want to deal with this shit anymore and it went downhill from there."
"Babe." He said sternly.
"Don't fuckin give me that commanding voice. I'm trying, ok? I'd rather be numb."
"I don't want you to be numb. I want you to feel. I want you to feel everything including me."
"But why do I have to carry everyone? Why do I have to do everything and stay struggling while taking a beating every day?"
"I know it's not fair. It's really not fucking fair and it pisses me off that you have to go through that. Like really pisses me off. I wish I was there with you, seriously."
I stood quiet for a moment, watching him shift and set his phone across from him. I loved that he was on my side and wanted to be here with me. It would’ve helped tremendously but i didn’t know how to thank him enough for being my support system this time. I swallowed back my feelings and tried to show how much he meant to me in a different way. "I've been smoking menthols because of you." I finally whispered.
"Ooohhhh you're in love with me now. That's a sign."
"W-what?" My eyes went wide instantly and so did his.
"U-uh...joking. Totally joking. Um...but I guess I'm influencing you."
I kept my face hidden as I wanted to scream at all my romantic emotions that were starting to surface. “S-shut up.”
“Um...anyway...what’s going on? Today, i mean.” He said trying to change the subject instantly.
“I don’t know. My head is kinda fuzzy. It feels like i’m just floating in and out. I feel guilty about so many things and I just keep thinking about my grandpa.” I was kicking myself as the tears started flowing again. I was starting to think that I was turning into the sea with how much I had cried. I apologized to him, feeling stupid for taking up our time with my whining and ugly sobs. He kept telling me that he didn’t care and would spend all night watching me cry if he had to. He reminded me of when I told him it was okay to cry and his empathy just made me ache for him even more. “I miss you…” I hiccuped. I just wanted his comfort, his warmth, his everything.
He sniffled and cleared his throat. “I miss you too…you know you have to be there. It’s going to be okay.”
“He’s gonna die Johnny. I know it. I visited him today at the hospital and my mom and my aunts just keep putting this weird bandaid on it. They keep thinking he’s going to bounce back and be able to take care of the house and my grandma and he wont. He literally wont. I don’t know why they won’t just fuckin’ say it.”
“They’re scared, Eri. They’re losing one of their parents. It’s always going to be scary.”
“I know that but I hate being the only fucking rational one here. It’s driving me insane. Just look at him and say he’s going to die! He’s just going to die, Johnny. He’s going to…” There were more tears then and more shoving of my head into the pillow. I felt like I was annoying him but that was just my anxiety and over thinking talking.
“Baby, look at me, ok?” His voice was like warm honey. I peeked up at him and rubbed viciously at my eyes. “When you come back, i’ll be here for you ok? It’s going to be hard but I’ll help you get through this. And so will Quinn and stupid ass Lucas and all your other friends.”
I cracked a small smile, really wishing that I could be back home with them. “I know…I-” Suddenly my mom burst into my room in hysterics. It happened. It finally happened and I almost breathed a sigh of relief. The wait and suffering was over and for  a small window of time it felt ok. I turned back to Johnny, seeing our video get pixelated a bit. “I have to go. I-I’ll talk to you later, ok?!” I ended the call and ran out to the living room. Everyone was frantically trying to get themselves together to head to the hospital. I stood staring at the chaos, unmoving and numb. It hit like a ton of bricks then and I realized that after all this build up I couldn’t do it. I returned to my room, barricading myself in as I was unable to cope with anything else. I had to find a way out of here but I was so broke and I knew my mom wouldn't pay for me to leave. She would force me to stay even longer and I couldn't do that. She was already banging at my door to come out of my room and get into the car.
I just screamed that I didn't want to go to the hospital and curled up in the corner of the room. I immediately dialed Quinn's number and begged them to please buy me a plane ticket. They didn't hesitate one bit but the earliest they could get me something was three days from now. A lot of the flights were booked, some overbooked even. I accepted it as I would take anything I could get at this point. Once the commotion in the house died down I packed my bag and called Mari to pick me up. I convinced her to let me hide out in her house and not say a word to my family. I lied to my mom that I was already back home and ignored the rest of her calls until the day came where I could finally leave this fucking island.
When the plane landed I was hit with the icy winter air that I didn't miss at all. Quinn was waiting for me to arrive with open arms. I squeezed them as tight as I could, needing that familiar feeling of safety that I hadn't been able to experience recently. They took one look at me and I could see sadness written all over their face. I didn't know if I should start talking and I was sure they didn't know if they should ask anymore questions about what happened. Instead, the two of us decided silence was better and got into my car that they had driven up to the airport. I fell asleep almost immediately. I was so exhausted and ready to never wake up again. When we arrived home, Quinn refused to let me stay in my room by myself. I wanted to protest but i had zero energy to do so. Instead I followed them to their room. They probably assumed that with my disheveled appearance and urgent phone call that I might have been on the verge of hurting myself. I didn't blame them, the thought had popped into my mind a few times since the beginning of the week but I was able to settle down since then. We snuggled close, burying ourselves under their heavy comforter and holding each other's hands. I squeezed tight and prayed that this feeling would go away soon. With only the sound of our breathing to comfort me I was starting to fall asleep again but the solitude was interrupted by aggressive banging on our front door. Quinn shot up quickly, asking me to stay behind while they investigated. I was worried to let them go by themselves, wondering what danger could be lurking behind the door within my paranoia. It fizzled once I heard Jaehyun's deep voice fill up the living room with frantic worry. He was talking so fast that I couldn’t make out what he was saying but it seemed to be important. I tiptoed out of the room to meet them both.
“Jae! Jae! You have to calm down! Slow down! We’re going to figure this out together!”
“Don’t tell me to calm down Quinn! I can’t help it!” His eyes caught mine and he barreled over to me, gripping my shoulders tight. “Eri! You need to help me! Johnny is missing!”
Jaehyun’s POV
It had been three days but I felt like I had realized it all too late. After I had made Johnny file the restraining order we went back home. He remained distant, which I expected so I let him be. He had gone through so much that night I figured he needed some time alone to clear his mind. I didn't think much of it when he said he was going to stay in his room to try and sleep. Everything seemed ok. The next day I didn’t see him around campus or at the apartment. I assumed it was just maybe because of our schedules. The day after I sent him a text and checked his room periodically- still nothing. His car had disappeared too. That was when I felt a pang of panic; something was definitely wrong. My dozens and dozens of calls and texts had gone unanswered, none of our friends had seen him, his jobs weren’t aware of anything. It was like he ghosted out of existence which made my heart drop into my stomach. I could only pray that he was ok but all the negative thoughts were infiltrating my mind like a raid. I was pacing frantically throughout our apartment trying to figure out some sort of plan but it was no use. I needed help. That was when Quinn popped into my head.
I sped over to her apartment and in no time I was slamming my fists on the door, anxiously waiting. She opened it, confused to see me. “Jae? What’s going-”
“I need your help! I need your help really really really badly. Something happened to Johnny and I don't know what else to do. I’m freaking out here. What if he’s dead? What if like someone killed him? What if-”
“Jae! Jae! You have to calm down! Slow down! We’re going to figure this out together!”
“Don’t tell me to calm down Quinn! I can’t help it!” I heard a door open and looked up to see Eri. She looked like a fucking mess but if Johnny wouldn’t respond to me then maybe he would respond to her. I rushed over and grabbed her by her shoulders. “Eri! You need to help me! Johnny is missing!”
"W-what do you mean he's missing?!" She asked, completely stunned.
"I haven't seen him in three days. He hasn't answered my texts or calls. No one else has seen him. Have you heard from him?"
She shook her head. "I've been out of the states and I just got back. I haven’t been able to talk to him either. I wasn’t really able to pay attention to my phone for awhile. Y-you don't think he'd h-h-hurt himself, do you?"
I swallowed hard. I really didn’t know the answer to that question. "I hope to all hell not."
"Give me your keys to the apartment." Eri said suddenly.
"What? Why? He's not there!"
"Just trust me! I'm going to check something out. You get anyone who wants to help to start searching his normal spots. We need to check everywhere. If anything file a missing persons report."
"E-Eri wait!" Quinn interjected. "You just got back and with everything that's happened I don't know if it's safe for you to be alone."
Eri tightened her hand into a fist at her side and I noticed one was covered in bandages. Was everything going to hell and a handbasket with these two? "Look I can't lose anyone else. I always have to do everything myself and I'm gonna find him. Give me the keys, Jae."
I dug into the pocket of my jeans and tossed them over to her. She seemed determined and seemed to be way more prepared than I was. Quinn held onto my arm tight as Eri grabbed her coat and car keys. "Eri! Please be careful!” Quinn shouted. Eri left then, slamming the door shut behind her. Quinn wrapped her arms around me suddenly, burying her face in my stomach. "Jae, now i'm really worried. What's going on?"
"I have to tell you something important. There's so much and I'm so so scared to lose him, Quinn. He's my best friend. He's the only family I have here." My throat started to feel scratchy and I realized that I was on the verge of tears. I never really cried like this- it was so strange. I mean of course I was worried but I guess with everything hitting me it stirred up feelings about Johnny that I hadn't thought about in awhile. "He's been there for me since I came over from Korea. Like he's helped me with so much. What am I gonna do without him?" I rubbed my eyes, trying to push back tears that were coming through against my will.
She squeezed me tighter. "Jae, it's going to be ok. We're gonna figure this all out. I promise." She stood on her tip toes and I bent down to kiss her gently. "Tell me what happened…"
I sighed and sniffled a little bit, wiping my nose with the back of my hoodie sleeve. "I, uh, Rixi came back. Remember her?
Quinn nodded.
"Well she told Johnny she was pregnant."
"Don't worry, she isn't. I forced her to take tests in front of us so she wouldn't be able to lie but all the manipulation and shit got to Johnny. He kept breathing weird and I didn't know what to do. I just tried my best to protect him, you know? He'd do that for me and then I made him file a restraining order. After that we went home and he said he wanted to be alone. I figured it was just because everything was hitting him at once and he couldn’t really catch a break. I didn’t think much of it but now he’s been gone for so long that I can't help but think of the worst." I returned her hug, squeezing her tiny body desperately to mine. "She raped him, Quinn...that's what Johnny said. I didn't know- I couldn't help…"
"Jaehyun, don't ever say that. You do not blame yourself and put all that guilt on you. You've helped Johnny more than anyone and there's no way he doesn't appreciate it. You're a good friend and a good brother. There's a lot to process when something like that happens...it’s just...it's not easy." She pushed my hair back and kissed my temple. Her words calmed me down a little even though I still felt the guilt. I just wanted to know that my friend was okay.
"Look," she continued. "Eri is going through a lot too. I know how it feels when you think you can't help but some things are just out of our hands. We have to trust that they can find him and we have to work on our end too."
"What if Rixi came back and did something to him?" I suddenly thought. I rushed into more panic and boiling anger.
"Focus Jae. We can’t think of something that terrible right now. We can check her place though since it’s a possibility. I can get Lucas and maybe Yuta to help and they can start there. You call the police and I’ll try and get them to help and check in on Eri, ok?
I nodded, glad that she was able to be my voice of reason. "Quinn….I-I don't really know what I'd do without you…"
She smiled. "Well duh, I'm amazing." She gave me another kiss and I cupped her face, loving the feeling of her soothing warmth against me. It was kind of odd how a few months could change the entirety of your view on something. We were both throwing ourselves at other people almost nightly, losing ourselves in a last ditch effort to forget all the bullshit that surrounded our lives. I could forget that facade I constantly was putting up about being likeable and unafraid in America. I had been here for years already but I still felt out of place. Quinn could forget the devastation that laid in the wake from their parents casting them aside for something greater. Weird how fucking someone's brains out could turn into nights of cuddling and talking about shit that hurt you until you felt so raw inside that the only thing that could comfort you was that other person.
I wanted to stay wrapped up in my safe cocoon with her but we had to get down to business. Johnny's life could be in danger and I would be damned if I gave up too soon.
Johnny's POV
My body felt so cramped after spending all that time driving. I didn't really want to be home but I knew I had to continue my life here no matter how much I hated it. I opened the door to the apartment and dropped my duffel bag on to the floor, letting out a sigh of relief. I noticed there was a light on in my room and all kinds of shuffling sounds.
"Jae?" I called out. The noise stopped for a second and I took a tentative step closer to find out what was lurking behind my door. It swung back to reveal the person I had wanted to see most for the past week. They sprinted into my arms, making me stumble back. "Eri! Baby! You're-"
They parted from me for a second to land a few whacks to my chest. "Don't ever EVER scare us like that again!!!"
"Wait, what?"
"Johnny you gave us all heart attacks! Where the fuck were you?! I swear to God I'm going to kill you!!!"
"Eri, baby, what are you talking about?!"
"You didn't answer anyone's calls or texts! You got Jae damn near crying over not being able to find you! I come back tonight to him saying that you’re missing and the first thought I had was that…" They swallowed hard and I could feel the hurt in their voice. "That you were dead.”
Shit. I pulled them back into my arms and squeezed them like my life depended on it.
"Johnny, please I can't lose anyone else. I can't. I'm not strong enough for that."
"I'm here. I'm right here, Eri. I'm not going anywhere."
I felt like an irresponsible idiot. At the time escaping back to Chicago felt like it was the best thing to do. I needed to get away from the bullshit that was haunting me. It felt like this town was just suffocating me dry. I needed a break, something to clear my mind and get me back on track. My first thought, of course, was to go see my mom. The look of pure love in her eyes when she saw me made my fears melt away in an instant. I held onto her as tightly as I was holding onto Eri now. I had spent the last three days with her eating a ton of her home cooked food and watching my baby videos on our ancient VHS player. She wouldn't let me live down running around the house naked during a party when I was a toddler. I've never laughed so much in my life and it felt good to not feel like an empty void.
We had serious talks too. I asked her not to judge and spilled out almost everything I could about my hookups ("Do you use condoms?" Yes Mom, "Do you get tested?" YES MOM), totally avoiding how much weed I smoked, and poured my heart out over Eri. Everything from how I felt when I first saw them at the party, to when I decked Matt in the face for hurting them, to realizing that maybe it wasn't just sex anymore and it was something bigger, to knowing that after all this time I was in love with them but I was still scared. I didn't want to be like my dad, and I was still stuck on trauma (I disguised my assaults under "bad relationships" as I wasn't ready to dive that deep yet), and that there were parts of me that felt like I didn't deserve love.
She cried then, hating that her only child felt so bleak and meaningless as if it was her fault. It wasn't of course and it would never be. If anything she had saved me more than once in my lifetime and I was forever grateful. She told me that I needed to stop being so afraid of Eri and that I needed to just tell them how much I loved them and I honestly wished it was that simple. There was still too much holding me back and things I had to work through before I even considered being with them. I didn't want to be a drugged out mess or a mentally unstable shit for brains who dumped everything on their significant other. I at least knew I wanted to be a better person before I took that final step. It was just so fucking hard and there were times that I felt like I would never be good enough for Eri.
Now that I was back in Eri's arms I felt like I needed to be the strong one for them. They were disappearing before my eyes and I had to be their protector. I had worried them and everyone else after all and it was the least I could do.
"I thought you killed yourself." They sobbed. "We all thought the worst- the absolute fucking worst."
"Nooo, noooo. I wouldn't do that. I went back home. I needed to see my mom and get some time away from it all. Im sorry. I'm so sorry…" I didn't know what else to say. The guilt was setting in and I realized the consequences of my actions now. I didn't regret skipping out but I did regret worrying them. Especially after everything they had been through which by the looks of it had only gotten worse.
They cupped my face weakly. “I just don’t want to think of the bad things anymore, Johnny. It’s scaring me. My heart hurts so bad and everything is a mess in my brain. I don’t feel right.” They admitted.
I kissed them then, like they were the only thing I needed to breathe. I couldn't let them go now. I kept them plastered to me, forcing our breaths to disappear into one another. The moment we parted I looked down at them, pushing their hair back gently and seeing the remnants of stitches by their temple. My heart started beating faster. They never told me about this. I was scared that an argument with their mom turned to worse and they got hurt. I noticed the bandages on their hand too finally and jumped into a panic. "Eri, what hap-"
Suddenly they slumped in my arms, almost collapsing to the floor but I managed to catch them. "Jesus, fuck!" Now I really had no idea what was going on. They were breathing thankfully, almost steady but shallow breaths. I carried them to the couch, propping their head on a pillow before rushing over to my bag to turn on my phone. I called Jae immediately. My phone was slowing down because of all of the text messages and missed calls but it managed to start ringing.
"JOHNNY!! FUCK, HOLY FUCK, YOURE OK!!" He screamed instantly.
"Yeah! Yeah! I’m fine! Look, something happened to Eri. I’m at the apartment, can you bring Quinn asap?!"
"One, I'm going to kill you. Two, I need the both of you to stop being drama vortexes and sucking everyone into messes; like can y'all please chill for one day?? Three, we'll be there in five."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. Please just come over!"
"We are. We're leaving right now….Johnny?"
"I love you, bro."
I exhaled softly. "I love you too."
We hung up then and I sat on the floor beside the couch trying to see if I could wake Eri up. I tapped their face and shook them, fanned some air with my hand and even kissed them as if some Disney magic was going to take over. I was desperate at this point and had no idea what else I could do. I held onto their hand squeezing it tight and begging them to wake up soon. It wasn’t long before Jae and Quinn came into the apartment. He rushed over to me, practically slamming into me with a hug. He squeezed me tight and I held onto him, wanting him to know it was okay. “It’s cool, Jae. I’m here. I’m not leaving again.”
“Yeah you better fuckin’ not, douchebag.” He rubbed at his eyes and sniffled a bit. “I’m over trying to take care of you, you know?!”
“I know, it’s supposed to be the other way around but I’m pretty sure you like bossing your hyung around though.”
“I only do it because my hyung is a damn idiot!” He hugged me again which made me laugh.
“Stop being a baby. We’ve got bigger things to worry about now.” I smiled at him and ruffled his peachy hair. Suddenly, Quin shoved us both aside to get to Eri. Jae and I stumbled back and let Quinn hover over Eri. She was already starting to cry and fuss over them, about as clueless as I was as to what was going on.
“What the hell did you do, Johnny?!” She barked.
“Me?! I didn’t do anything! We were-uh- we were just talking and suddenly they collapsed!”
“Why didn’t you call an ambulance?!”
“They were breathing and I panicked and called you first! I think they passed out but i’m not sure!”
“You’re a complete fucking idiot! I swear to god. Go get me some water. Jae lift their legs up a bit." She turned to mumbling. "Have to do everything around here."
I sighed and went to the kitchen to comply with Quinn’s demands. Jae lifted Eri's legs, sitting on the arm rest and patiently waiting. "Do you still want me to call an ambulance?" I set the glass of water on the coffee table and stood on the opposite side of the couch.
Quinn sighed. "No, you were right, I think they just fainted. We could call the ambulance but I don't know how they hurt themselves. If it was self inflicted then they're going to put them on suicide watch or institutionalize them. After everything that's happened I doubt it would help. They're not fun."
"Do you think she would hurt herself like that?" Jae asked.
"They have, in the past. It's a possibility but I hope it's not true. They were worried about me committing suicide but now I guess the tables have turned." I said solemnly. I leaned over to kiss them again still hoping I could enact some princely magic.
Quinn stared at me for a moment. "Are you gonna finally tell them that you love them?"
"Uh, do you really think that now's the time to be asking that?"
She pursed her lips tight. "They just need somebody. I mean I'm here and will always be here for them but it's a lot for me to make sure they're okay all the time."
"I am gonna be there for them but it also doesn't mean that I'm suddenly in love with them. Friends help friends all the time. That's what you're doing now isn't it?" I said with a bit of bite. Now seemed like the absolute worst time to say it. I didn't want Eri to associate any feelings I had with sadness or depression. It wasn't really great to have the codependency going on. Just like I wanted to be in the right headspace before I jumped the gun, I wanted it to be the same for them. They needed to heal and recover- physically, mentally, emotionally. I just wanted things to be better.
"Whatever. Just man up and do it already."
"Quinn, don't blame Johnny for anything." Jae stepped in. "Nothing is any of our faults. People came into our lives and fucked things up and it's hard on us all. I know you're upset but we have to focus on taking care of Eri."
"Everyone has been hurting them. Every moment for them has been terrible this past week and I just want them to be ok!" Quinn covered her face, trying to block out a round of tears. "Eri, will you just wake up!"
As if on cue they stirred slightly, taking a few seconds to open their eyes and look around. All of our attention went to them as they tried to sit up. I grabbed onto their shoulders. "Hey, hey, hey, not so fast. Take it easy." I said softly.
"What happened?" They asked.
"We think you passed out. Here, drink some water." Quinn said as she grabbed the glass.
I helped prop Eri up and they reached out for the glass with a shaky hand. The water was gone in seconds and it looked a bit more hopeful to getting them on the mend. I stayed on the other armrest and slipped my arm to rest on the back of the couch. "What the hell happened down there?"
They sighed deeply as if opening the wounds again was going to deal more damage than necessary. "It was hell. We were preparing for his death but my family was also ignoring that he was going to die at the same time. It created this weird vibe in the house. I had to do everything while I was there. Cook, clean, go shopping, take care of my sister, go to the hospital. I didn't sleep. I barely ate. Barely kept up with myself. My mom and I were arguing all the time over any little thing. She told me I was treating this like a vacation when I said I wanted to go to the beach. I was being treated like a child. I'm fucking 21 for Christ's sake. Anyway, I snuck out to a bar with Dani and my cousin Mari and got mostly hammered. My mom found out, we had another argument and when I got home, I don't know. I blanked out and collapsed. I hit my head on the pavement, hence the-" They notioned at the bandage above their temple. "From the sound of it I think I had a giant panic attack that lasted hours. I remember bits and pieces. Mostly vomiting and crying. I guess with my disorientation I ended up hitting my hand on the sink cabinet or something, which is how my knuckles busted. Then the next day we got the call that he died. I didn't want to go to the funeral or be around my family anymore. I called Quinn and they got me a plane ticket and then first thing I hear when I get back is that Johnny's missing."
Quinn shot a glare at me and I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. I was aware of what damaged I added and didn’t need to be reminded. “I’m just so sleepy and hungry and want to drink. Like, regular fluids not alcohol.”
“I can go get you food, I’m sure some fast food place is still open or I can go to the supermarket.” Quinn said.
Eri just nodded and yawned. “I’m sorry for worrying you.” They fell to the side, their head falling into Jae’s lap as he had slipped down onto the couch. Quinn and I stared at Jae and he immediately put his hands up to defend his innocence.
“Uh...I don’t know what to do.” He said.
“Just leave them there. They can sleep for a bit while Johnny and I get stuff. Just watch over them, ok?” Quinn commanded.
“Wait we’re going together?” I asked. I had never actually been alone with Quinn before and at this point I was afraid she was going to murder me.
“Yes, get your ass in gear. We’ve got shit to do.” She headed towards the front door and snapped at me to follow. I sighed and got up taking one last look at Jae and Eri. “Just...make sure nothing drastic happens again.”
He nodded. “Yes, yes, I heard Quinn the first time! I got this. I won’t let anything happen to your girlfriend.”
“She isnt my-”
“I’M COMING!” I yelled back to Quinn. I was reluctant to leave Eri but it had to be done. I hadn’t even had a chance to take off my coat so I sprinted after Quinn, closing the door shut behind me. “You know, I really didn’t mean to make them worry like that, or any one else for that matter.”
She whipped around and shoved her finger into my chest. “Well good fucking job, you did it anyway. You knew what they were going through and still decided to be a selfish prick!”
“Don’t you think I fucking feel guilty already?! Like sure, I didn't handle it as well as I should’ve and i should’ve at least told Jae but I didn’t want to speak to anyone. My literal abuser came back to make my life a living hell because, I don’t know, it’s her favorite fuckin’ game I guess. I couldn’t deal with it. I had to go home and just...center myself again.”
“I know what it’s like to have an abuser come back into you life. Trust me. But you can’t fucking block people out and then expect shit to be ok!”
“I know it’s not ok! All I do is block everyone out. That’s my thing! I already know it’s bad, what the fuck do you want me to do about it?!”
“UH, I DON’T KNOW, WHY DON’T YOU MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS?” I shouted back. “I know you’re pissed off because Eri’s hurt and I didn’t help it but yelling at me isnt going to fuckin’ magically fix everything that’s going on in my head and it’s not going to magically fix Eri wanting to die.”
“Don’t you think I know that?! You’re just- you’re so stupid! Sometimes I wish they never met you because all you do is play games with them and make them cry and you’re just shit all around!”
“I’m shit all around? As if you're so fucking perfect with Jae! There's been plenty of times that he's complained about you and you still do dumb shit to him!"
"We're not even dating! Besides, I always have to clean up your mess and pick up the pieces you leave behind."
"You don't know shit, Quinn. You don't know what we talk about or what we've done together. I care about them, more than anything."
"Then start fucking showing it, Johnny. Get your ass to the car. I'm done with you."
"You're just lashing out on me because you're scared and worried about them and I really don't need your bullshit."
"And I don't need yours. Glad we're on the same damn page." She stepped out of the building and into the parking lot, waiting for me to unlock my car. Both of us got in, slamming the doors and keeping an angered silence between us. This definitely was the last thing I needed. I was halfway tempted to leave her at the supermarket or wherever the fuck we we're going. She was lucky that I cared about Jae's feelings enough to be semi civil. I grabbed my carton of cigarettes from my coat pocket and lit one as I spurred on the engine. It was already becoming one hell of a long night.
Eri's POV
I woke up again though I wasn't really sure how long I had slept this time. I shifted and felt scratchy denim against my cheeks and wondered what I was laying on. I looked up and saw Jaehyun leaning back against the couch, messing around on his phone. I realized that I was laying on his lap and sat up quickly, a little too quickly as my head started spinning. “Whoa, you ok?” he asked.
I held onto my head as I tried to steady myself. “Yeah uh…why was I laying on you?”
“Dude, hell if I know. You just kinda passed out on me and I wasn’t allowed to move. That’s been your fave past time since you got back. Johnny and Quinn are getting you food and I’m babysitting.”
“Oh...great wonderful. This isn’t awkward at all.”
“I mean your head was legit on my dick. I’m not sure what you expected.”
“Don’t speak with me. I do not want to think about that.”
“Neither do I but here we are...also I think Quinn and Johnny are going to kill each other.”
“What? Fuck...i dont need them fighting. What happened?” I sighed deeply, knowing how protective and defensive Quinn could be over me.
"I think Quinn is blaming Johnny for making you worry more after everything that's happened to you."
"Jesus, it's fine. I mean I'm just happy that he wasn't hurt or lost. Honestly, it's the best news I've gotten all week. I know they don't exactly like each other but they don't need to blame Johnny for anything."
"That's what I tried to say but she's like a rabid mother bear about you. She wasn't really interested in hearing me out. I'm not saying what Johnny did was right but I can understand where he was coming from. Rixi fucked him up royally."
"Rixi? What happened with Rixi?"
"Oh right...she tried to trick Johnny into thinking she was pregnant to rope him into another relationship. It was a fucking mess and I had to threaten her just to have her leave him alone. He disappeared after that."
"Are you…" I didn't even know where to fucking begin. How could she even think that she would get away with that?! I balled my hands into fists not even giving into the pain in my knuckles. If I hadn't been gone I would've done much worse than whatever it was that Jae did. She wouldn't be alive. "No one is going to hurt him ever again. I fucking swear it."
"We feel the same about that then. I've never been so pissed off in my life. That's literally my family and you dont mess with my family. Trust me, I wanted to kill her too."
"It's just one thing after a fucking nother isn't it?" I scoffed as it was almost comical. "She's lucky I wasnt here."
He gently but awkwardly patted my shoulder. "I know. I'm kinda glad you weren't too...can't really bail someone out of jail for murder." He smiled at me and I realized why Quinn kept running back to him. Holy fuck, that smile was gorgeous. I felt my cheeks starting to warm up and I really didn't know why. Was it because he looked absolutely stunning or because I was embarrassed that I found my best friend's almost boyfriend attractive?
"U-uh...um...yes. Murder. I mean I would've murdered her. Not jail. No."
He looked at me a bit confused and even I had no idea what I was trying to say. "Anyway, uh…" he continued. "I'm sorry about your grandpa and all the other stuff you had to go through."
"Thanks, Jae. It means a lot. Seriously."
"You want like...a hug?"
"Slow your roll, homie. We're not there yet." I cringed away from him.
"Thank God. Ok. They should be back soon though. I'll text Quinn."
I nodded and stood up slowly. "Tell Johnny I'll be in his room. I don't think I can stay up for long periods of time."
Jae stood up along with me. "Can you walk by yourself yet?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry." I waved him off and shuffled to Johnny's room. It was still a mess from when I had been rifling through his drawers to try and find anything that might be a semblance of a suicide note. I ignored the mess completely and laid face down, getting caught up in the scent that lingered on his sheets. I pulled his comforter over me, settling into the warmth perfectly. I dug my phone out of the pocket of my hoodie and texted him.
Come back
I set my phone beside my head and closed my eyes, waiting for him to return. I didn't have to wait long because the next thing I heard was the door snapping shut. I peeked my head up from under the covers and looked at him. His arms were filled with fast food bags and a giant gallon of apple juice to which he dumped beside me. He chuckled off his coat and set himself in bed against the bedroom wall. "Can I kill your fucking best friend?"
I sighed and sat up. "Jae told me you two were fighting…"
"She fucking started it. I already feel like shit for making everyone worry but I had to shut myself off from the world, like it had to be done. I'm sorry it happened at such a shitty time in your life but bullshit happened in mine too. Like fuck! No offensive but my world doesn't revolve around you. I care about you, for real, but I'm trying to make myself a better person!"
I nudged the covers off as I scooted towards him to kiss him gently. "I don't blame you for anything Johnny. Don't you dare feel guilty over me. We're both going through shit. I'm happy you want to try and focus on yourself. Really happy and proud."
He sighed and set his hands on my waist, pulling me between his thighs. "It's fucked up, it's all fucked up." He whispered.
I nodded as I set my forehead against his, kissing him in an act of comfort. My hands trailed up his chest to rest on his shoulders and just as I was going to trace his bottom lip with my tongue he pulled away. "Eri." He said in his usual slightly dominant way. "Not now, you have to eat first. It's more important."
Not that I was making grand decisions in my current state of mind but a kiss or two or eight wouldn't have been so bad at this moment. I pouted as I sat back and set my legs over his thighs. He handed me one of the fast food bags which was filled with whatever he had ordered me. I hoped it wasn't something I hated, though if he went with Quinn I was sure they'd be able to tell him my usual. The scent of greasy fries and fried chicken hit my nostrils and I realized how starving I actually was. Because I had to do so much around my grandma's house I barely got to eat, even during the few days that she cooked. Her carribean food was the absolute best but I didn't have much of an appetite to keep it all down. Now that this junk was presented to me I shoveled it down in big bites. He watched me eat, his lips pressed together with a pensive look on his face. He seemed to have something on his mind and starting at me as I ate wasn't really easing my anxiety. "What?" I asked mid chew.
He opened his mouth, preparing himself to say what was on his mind, then closed it. I nudged at his side with my foot and told him just to get on with it. He took a deep breath before starting. "Quinn said we should take you to a hospital to get you checked out but was afraid that if doctors saw your injuries they might think it would've been self harm. I'm sure we could make up an excuse but she didn't want them to possibly institutionalize you."
I swallowed the food that remained in my mouth hard. "Abso fucking lutely not. I'm not going to any hospital and I'm for damn sure not getting turned in. Been there, done that, came out much worse. I'll stay here and work through whatever it is that's going on. I'll get better."
"Yeah but what if it doesn't get better and you have a serious illness?"
"Johnny, I'm not gonna die from not taking care of myself for a week. I just need rest. Don't be so dramatic."
"I'm not being fucking dramatic. I'm just saying…" He rubbed at his temple, closing his eyes for a moment. "If it does get worse, please promise me you'll go to get checked out? Please?"
"Yeah," I said defeated. "But not now, ok? I can't be in a hospital and I don't want to see IVs or monitors or anything." He seemed understanding of my answer and leaned forward to gently wipe my cheek of tomato juices from the sandwich with the back of his thumb. The look in his eyes held sadness and protectiveness and I was sure that even if I tried to deny him he would still find a way to make me go, even if it was just to urgent care.
He placed a tender kiss on my forehead. "I know, babe. I know." I didn't want to talk about hospitals anymore so I turned back to eating, making him follow suit. He swallowed down a few fries of his own before cracking open the apple juice and taking a swig. He then handed it over to me. "I got you some Gatorade too but I figured this could help with your sugar." I took it graciously and gulped down half of the bottle as my throat still felt like a desert. "I'm thinking about staying home from work for the next couple of days to watch over you.” He continued.
I choked on the liquid mid swallow and almost spat it out. Take care of me? He wanted to stay at home to be with me all day? “Johnny, you don’t have to do that…” I said, still unbelieving to his offer. “I have Quinn and this isn't anything serious enough for you to monitor me 24/7. I’m not dying and i’m not gonna try anything, i swear.”
He took a bite from his burger, stalling his response a bit  “I still want to do it.” He swallowed. “It’s not a big deal. You can stay here.”
“Um...don’t you think that’s a little...personal?” God, it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever wanted to do for me. He cared that much to stay home and take care of me, watch over me, and possibly smother me with forehead kisses. In reality, I wanted to accept the offer right away but I was still in defense mode given the constant replay in my head of him screaming that I would never be his girlfriend. Of course, it wouldn't be Johnny without those mixed signals of jealousy and possessiveness when I hung out with Josue at the quinceanera. If I did agree to stay with him it would get too intimate. Not exactly on a sexual level but on an emotional and mental one. That would be absolutely detrimental to my health and a definite hazard to dance around.
“Well, i mean...it would be the same as Quinn taking care of you because we’re friends, ya know?” He dipped his eyes down towards his sandwich as he didn't say more, or rather was holding back from saying anything else. My brain latched onto that word again. Friends. It was starting to become the most hated word in my vocabulary.
“Right.” I had to agree in order to not confess my feelings but my bad decisions were already getting the best of me. Through my already pain filled existence I craved to have my heart broken again. So I agreed to his offer. “I guess that would be fine. I’ll probably be asleep most of the time though so it’ll be pretty boring.”
“It’s alright. I need to get some sleep too. Haven't had much success lately. Night terrors are back again.”
I ached when he said that. With Rixi showing up again I was sure it had resurfaced some sort of PTSD reaction because of the damage she caused. Coupled with the absolute terror of being a potential father, I was sure his anxiety was making him roll down hill at the speed of light. I extended my pinky out to him. “I’m sorry…” I whispered. There wasn't much else to say at that point but I was sure he knew that I was 100% by his side. He linked his pinky within mine, squeezing a bit. I held up the gallon of juice between us. “Here’s to being fucked up.” I said, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
He ignored my quip and instead leaned forward, bypassing the gallon completely to crush his lips against mine. I almost got knocked backwards by his intensity that made my heart stop in its place. I secured the gallon inside the gap of my crossed legs and held onto his shoulder to try and steady us both. I hated how much I needed him but there was no way to even deny that fact any longer. He was a remedy I shouldn’t have ever relied on but his empathy and secretive caring nature generated value to the way he made me feel. It didn't matter how happy or sad he made me, my heart would still forever be the casualty. He parted from me then, for just a fraction of a second, his lips still hovering above mine. “Here’s to always being fucked up.”
It took a couple of days to feel like a functioning human instead of a hibernating zombie. I rebuilt my body's tolerance to fluids and electrolytes, getting them into my system as fast as possible. Eventually, I was able to regain a bit of energy and not spend so much time sleeping. I continued to devour every meal he brought to me as well. When I felt like I was able to move around without feeling dizzy or collapsing I would leave Johnny's room to join him in the shower or snuggle up on the couch and watch him play video games. Staying with him was even better than I thought it would be. I did get all the forehead kisses I craved but also all sorts of gentle kisses as well. He even liked to rest his head on mine as we cuddled. It was a paradise I didn't want to leave. I wanted to keep these precious moments in a delicate bubble, protecting it from being popped and exposing me to the harsh reality that we weren’t actually together. I shoved the negatives down as far back as my mind would allow and instead focused on the way he currently felt against my back. He was spooning me as we ended up napping in the middle of the day, a decision we shouldn't have given into but did so nonetheless. He was radiating his usual suffocating body heat with his face buried in the back of my neck. As i woke up fully I realized his hand was cupping my boob beneath one of his giant shirts I slept in.
I wacked at his hand trying to get him to release me, the sneaky little perverted shit. All he did was groan and hook his leg over my hips, partially rolling onto me. I grumbled as I was now smushed between him and the mattress, his hand still on my chest. "Johnny. Get up."
He remained still and heavy. I tried wriggling back against him, lifting my hips in an attempt to get his weight off me. He started to stir then but with a reaction I wasn't trying to receive. He started grinding into my ass, slowly but surely working himself up. I gasped in shock and vowed that when I scrambled from beneath him he was gonna get it. "Johnathan if you don't get off me right now I'm going to murder you."
I could feel his smile on my skin and I knew he was awake and just wanting to get a rise out of me. I puffed out a sigh and remained a pancake, ready to surrender. "You're going to smush the life out of me." I complained. As much as I loved how much bigger he was compared to me, breathing was pretty cool too.
He chuckled then, raspy, deep, and laced with hours of sleep. "I like crushing you and pissing you off."
My cheeks warmed at how utterly seductive the change in tone could make him sound. "Y-yeah well...you won't like it when I get back at you."
"What are you gonna do, suffocate me with your tits? Sit on my chest? By all means be my guest." He said slyly.
I wiggled my hips again. "Oooofffff. Please?" I begged
He responded with a grunt as his hand gripped my hip tightly. He steadied them and made sure I wasn't able to move. "Stop that."
"Then stop squishing me, you big werewolf! You're hot and making me sweaty."
He pulled away and rolled onto his back. “Fine, little brat.”
“Hmph, you started it.” I stretched myself out after having been cramped up against him for who knows how many hours. My back and shoulders popped and I sighed in relief before turning over to face him. I placed a kiss on the cheek and set my head on his shoulder. “We really weren’t supposed to fall asleep again.”
“Fuck it. We need it.”
“Do we? We slept like 12 hours the other day. Even though sleeping is my fave hobby we should probably like...breathe fresh air at some point.”
“No way.” He said, digging his fingers into my hair and scratching lightly against my scalp. “It’s warm in here and cold outside. I don't want to leave.”
I set my hand on his stomach rubbing the thin trail of hair there. “Ok, you drive a hard bargain.” I giggled and pulled myself even closer, this time planting a kiss on his lips. He smiled into the kiss while edging himself onto his side. His stomach pressed against mine and he rested his hand on my lower back. The kisses started out innocently enough; gentle pecks and the smallest of nibbles in between cute laughs and caresses. It wasn’t clear how the sweet tenderness turned into rushed clashes of tongues and teeth but neither of us were pulling away just yet. I felt his body digging into me as the hand on my back slipped lower to harshly grope at my ass. I whimpered against his tongue and tried pulling away to get some air between us but it was almost impossible to escape him. I clutched at his bicep, feeling the muscles flexing beneath my fingertips as he exerted his strength to keep me plastered to his frame.
Eventually, I managed to snap my head back, avoiding a bite to my lip. "J-Johnny," I swallowed harshly as I felt a prodding against my stomach. "You're poking me."
"I'm what?" He lurched his head forward, barely listening to what I was even saying. He was more focused on trying to resume our heavy make out session. I wedged my hand between us to keep him at bay.
"You're uh…poking me."
He stood quiet for a moment until it finally clicked in his head. He shoved himself away completely, leaving a drastic space between us. "Fuck…" He covered his face and groaned. "I'm sorry. You're not feeling good. I shouldn't have done that."
I sat up slowly and re-tied my hair into a chaotic semblance of a bun. " It's okay. I mean, I feel better now than I did when I first got back. I actually have energy. It just happened so fast. I was caught a little off guard."
"I'm super sorry, Eri."
I looked back at him."I guess you missed me that much, huh?" It was mostly a joke to lighten the air around us.
He removed his hands from his face. "It was the first time in almost two weeks that I had felt that again."
"What do you mean?"
"Like... I don't want to say just horny but like, more so comfortable in doing something halfway sexual. I haven't wanted to be touched in a minute." He sighed and propped his knees up, setting his arms on top of them. "We don't have to if you don't want to. Don't feel obligated to. I messed up and got carried away."
I shook my head. "I don't think you messed up at all. I know what you mean...it felt nice to feel that again too. Like that heat, that want, that drive towards something that makes you feel good and happy. The void feels a little smaller when I'm with you."
"Yeah," he chuckled lightly. "Something like that."
I nibbled my lip and looked over at him, tentative of my next move. His eyes caught mine and he leaned into me, accepting me into another kiss. It felt like we were virginal teenagers with how cautious we were being with our bodies now. Our rhythm slowed tremendously as his hands dove beneath his shirt I was wearing and worked upwards. I slid my arms out of it and let him toss it off the side of the bed. I pressed my chest to his, deepening the kiss as my fingers drifted towards the waistband of his sweatpants. I cupped him gently, stroking the outline of his cock through the fabric. The pain was still working through my knuckles but I ignored it, instead distracting myself with how he filled my palm. I circled my thumb over the fabric that covered his tip, pulling a damp stain to the surface. A small groan fell against my tongue and I felt him throb beneath my touch.
He exhaled my name making my thighs clench in anticipation. His hands roamed the expanse of my hips and stomach before easing up to my shoulders. He pushed me down gently and switched his attention to covering my neck with heated licks and fevered nibbles. My eyes drifted closed and my hand traveled to his hair, pushing it back gently as he worked over me. Kissing and rubbing every inch of my body seemed to be his newfound favorite activity and he spent a tremendous amount of time on my stomach and thighs. Having my stomach garner so much attention made me a little uneasy but he wasn't phased by it one bit, even when I tried squirming away. It made me shy to have him give notice to the area that provided me with the most confidence issues. I squeezed my eyes tighter as I tried to ignore my discomfort and focus on the way his thumb rubbed against the small dip of my hip bone.
Him knowing to tease that erogenous zone had my back arching against his frame. He shifted to rest his head between my thighs, wrapping his arms around them and working bites over that special spot. I tugged at his hair gently when the bites became too deep. He was almost breaking skin but sucked deeply to soothe the ache. My masochistic side jumped in excitement at the pain and encouraged it. It made the seat of my panties just a little wetter and my heat stir with desire. I pulled his hair harshly making him part from my hip. When I opened my eyes I saw him lick his gorgeous lips and dip his head towards my hand. His fingers were tattooing bruises into my inner thigh from how hard he was clinging to me and I noticed his hips bucking against the mattress. He was attempting to find solace in attentiveness I hadn't begun to give him just yet. He was placing me on a pedestal above him, wanting to bring me right to the edge before he even thought about entering me.
I pulled him down to my chest and licked from his collarbone, up his neck, over his chin, and finally to his lips. His mouth dropped open as he exhaled a soft breath and allowed my tongue to slide across his. I pulled it into my mouth, sucking it slowly and eagerly. He shifted to press himself between my thighs and moaned into my sinful action. He hovered above me with just enough space to have the damp fabrics between us meet. His hips stirred impatiently into me instead of the mattress now as his hands gripped at the bed sheets beneath me. I sucked on his tongue one last time before switching my tactic to tugging at his bottom lip with my teeth. He pushed himself particularly hard into my wetness as I bit down, making me gasp in surprise and call out his name. I splayed my hands across the center of his back, the small amount of nails that I had we're just enough to start splattering scratches into him.
He dipped his head by my ear and moved his left hand towards the beginnings of my panties. "Is this ok?" He whispered. I nodded quickly, the tense teasing between us almost becoming too much to bear. His middle finger nudged the center of my panties aside and made one smooth stroke from entrance to clit. "Why are you so wet?"
"Do I really have to explain that to you?" I huffed.
"No but...it's just...nevermind." His finger hooked around the panties and we shuffled through the awkwardness of getting them off while trying to remain entangled together. He managed to toss off the rest of his clothes as well, leaving us to see each other for the first time since I left. It had only been a week but it felt like months since we were connected. I smiled as I gazed down his toned torso to his hardness that sprouted from between those devilishly thick thighs. He fumbled with his hair, pushing it back then having it fall back into place. He was waiting for something and I wondered if perhaps he was suddenly having bad memories resurface. I sat up quickly, reaching out to him.
"You ok? Do you need a break?" I asked, concerned. He shook his head and took my hand in his, placing a kiss over my bruised knuckles.
"No, sorry I just blanked out for a second. I felt really nervous to be with you."
"Why? This isn't new for us."
"Yeah but...I don't know. Kinda feels different."
"Like…" I'm in love and if you touch me now I'll hate myself forever and my body will burn into nothingness? If you fuck me slowly and make me think about everything I crave about you I'll feel every part of my soul shatter and beg for more? If you even so much as utter my name with that voice thick with lust I won't stop cumming until you tell me too and I'd cry every step of the way? Yeah, it did feel different when you were in a one sided relationship. “What kind of different?”
He shrugged. “Just...different.” He kissed me, keeping me from prying any further. “Give me a sec, ok?”
I leaned back on my elbows and waited as he retreated to his dresser to get a condom. When we reunited he wrapped my legs around his waist and slipped his arm around my lower back, keeping my slightly lifted. Finally, after a long baited breath I felt him work his way through me, not stopping until he filled me completely. I pressed the back of my hand to my lips, trying not to cry out too loud. He uttered a whispered curse, keeping his body frozen in place as he adjusted to me instantly clamping down on him. It was like I was trying to pull him in deeper though there was no where else he could reach. His first thrust was slow and delicate, letting my mind sink into memories of all the times he'd left me unmeasurably satiated. My thighs crushed the sides of his torso as I tried to give him a signal to continue.
He took his time, brows furrowed in concentration and lips parted to release barely audibly moans and dirty whispers. The arm he had around my waist guided my hips upward, forcing them to roll in time with his movements. The slight angle he kept me at was enough to rattle my pleasure center and hit nerves that sent my brain into a jumbled mess. My hand moved from my lips and instead dragged his pillow to me so I could sink my teeth into it. My breath was just beginning to speed up and soon I felt ruthless bites all over my chest and shoulders. It was strange how he always wanted to mark me and let everyone know he had been with me yet he never claimed me. The brandings thrilled me anyway and I accepted them graciously.
One bite to the shoulder was the signal of his body waivering within his thrusts. He trembled through long pushes and pulls and the arm that supported him met the mattress. With him settling his weight onto me, my legs were pushed to the top of his ribcage where the head of his cock hit deep inside me, reminiscent to our heated fuck on the couch. I wanted that soft brutality again. He was rolling his hips now, his head dipping slightly. I could hear the beginnings of his hush grumbles but my heart slammed into the brakes when I processed what he was saying.
"I love-" he panted.
Oh god.
"I love-" a small grunt and a particularly pleasing pressure to a patch of nerves within me.
Oh god. Oh god.
"Fuck I love the way you feel…"
I almost let out a breath of relief. Of course he wouldn't say those three little words. Of course not, but I seriously needed him to shut up before I blurted it out myself and turned into an embarrassing puddle of pathetic emotions. I shoved him off me, our bodies barely separating as I moved to straddle him. "Just stay quiet." I cupped his jaw in my hand and gave him a flurry of soft pecks. "You know it's my favorite."
"Asshole." He scoffed and nudged his hips upward beneath me. I set my hands back to rest on his calves and let him take in the way he disappeared inside me. His controlling side got the better of him as I barely lasted one bounce before his hands grabbed at my ass, thumbs pressed into my hips, and him guiding me towards a more fluid motion. I could feel his almost predatory gaze boring into me; taking in the few droplets of sweat that made my edges damp, the stickiness of my cum spread between us both, and the way my chest jerked lewdly. His nails burrowed into my plush skin, carving marks that made me hiss.
He moved one hand between us to add pressure to my clit and yet it was almost like every bit of pleasure was ripped away from me.
How could you do this?
This soon? He's not even in the ground yet and you're fucking someone?
Have you literally no shame?
Don't you feel guilty?
I stopped my movements completely as the unforgiving voice hammered away at my brain. No, not now. Why would this happen now? Of all times?
Because you're an impatient slut.
All you did was think about him. You barely saw grandpa in the hospital.
I couldn't take it. I couldn't take the sight of him like that what was I supposed to do?
Then you run into his arms first thing. You're desperate for him. Too desperate and selfish.
"Eri?" My head snapped up and I realized Johnny was face to face with me. He had sat up, holding me in his lap, a look of concern on his face. "Did I hurt you? You're crying."
"I'm wha-?" I felt my cheeks and sure enough there were small streaks running down my face. Great, I fucked this entire thing up because of my overthinking and remaining guilt. Did I really have to feel guilty about having sex? It made my stomach hurt, like a weight settled in it and the acid couldn't dissolve it. "I don't...I'm sorry. I didn't even realize and-"
"What's going on?" He pushed a few stray hairs away from my face.
"I just suddenly...I lost it. I couldn't feel you anymore. It was just all suffocating guilt, like I shouldn't be having sex with you…"
"Why not? Do you not want to hook up anymore?" He said, rather sadly.
"No, I do but...I'm here, with you, and my grandpa's not even buried yet. Does it...make me a bad person?"
"Ah...um...no. I don't particularly think so. What else can you do about it? You don't have control over the universe or when people come and go. It's a natural part of life. And you've already been through so much. He would be happy that you at least took care of your family, even if your mom dogged you. You're not a bad person, Eri. You're literally the best. You make me laugh and scare the shit out of me all at once and we're super awkward together. It's okay to want to do something that makes you feel better. I'm not just saying that because I want to have sex with you. I mean it."
I laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead as he held me. He rubbed my back gently and let me have my moment in trying to figure out exactly what the fuck was wrong with me and what I wanted. "I'm sorry I ruined sexy time."
"Sexy time has its ups and downs. I don't care. But um...I am gonna say that having a sad conversation with my dick inside you is a bit weird."
"I know. Jesus...it's just comforting, please ignore me. You can like get out. I'm weird. I'm so sorry. It doesn't feel sexual at this moment just intimate and I need to stop talking oh my god. Please stop me."
He chuckled and set me down beside him, pulling out gently. “It’s ok, don’t worry about it.” He adjusted his pillow and laid beside me. He pulled the covers over us again and extended his hand to lay between us. “I’ll be here if you need me, for whatever you wanna do.”
“I have no idea. I’m so tired of crying. Like physically and emotionally.” I reached for his hand and we linked our pinkies.
“Then maybe just chill for a bit. Take another depression nap.” He smiled at me and I knew he was joking.
“Maybe. You don’t have to stay in here with me.”
He shrugged. “I’ve been with you for the past like 3 days.”
“Aren’t you sick of me yet?”
“Oh, absolutely. I mean how dare you be my little spoon and make me feed you and let you sit with me while I play video games. You’re a monster.”
I couldn’t help but crack a smile of my own. "I'm definitely sick of you with your giant legs always landing on me when we sleep, and your werewolf heat, and the way your hair sticks up all cute when you wake up, and your stupid forehead kisses."
"Pfft, I'm perfect and you know it."
"Yeah, sure, definitely perfect." Definitely.
"But in all seriousness, don't let it get to you, ok? Don't guilt yourself or else you won't be able to grieve right."
I sighed, knowing that he was right but still hating myself for it. It was going to take me awhile to even begin to shake that feeling. I didn't want it to affect any of my relationships, not just with Johnny. It would be dangerous for me to become a recluse and wallow in the damage. I had to at least try and get over this hurdle. I squeezed my eyes shut and smushed my face into the pillow, low-key wanting to suffocate myself. I felt Johnny squeeze my pinky a bit before rolling onto his back and setting his free arm over his eyes. Why the hell was he so patient and understanding? You stupid fuck, couldn't you go back to bring an asshole? Well...it wouldn't particularly matter anyway. I still would run back to him.
I couldn't really pinpoint how long I slept again. I should stop falling into those naps and tried to be active but depression liked to firmly sink its teeth into my sleep schedule. I was frustrated at myself all over again and tossed the covers off me, sliding out of the bed. I looked back, remembering that Johnny had been beside me, but he wasn't in bed anymore. I pulled on my night shirt and shuffled out to the living room, still rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I saw him on the couch,viciously button smashing on the right trigger of his controller. I didn't even have a clue what time it was. I padded over to him and stood by the armrest of the couch.
The controller almost flew into the air as he jumped up. "Fuck! You little shit, don't scare me like that!"
I ignored him and crawled into his lap, resting my head back on his shoulder. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, resuming his rapid fire attacks. "Do you feel better or no?" He asked as he was calming down from my apparent jumpscare.
"I feel groggy and cramped up but I didn’t want to be in bed anymore. I'll just end up sleeping again and hating myself for it." I sighed.
"You wanna play after I'm done with this round?"
"Nah," I shook my head. "I don't think I have the mental capacity to."
"Aww but you love killing people and not healing me." He teased.
"Fuck you. I'm not healer. You can just grab the heal packs on your own. I'm tank. I'm always tank."
He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Whatever. I can still beat you."
"When we were on opposite teams I killed you six times...in a row."
"Listen, don't come for me, ok?"
"I’ll always come for you."
"Well," He smirked. "Sometimes you soak the sheets."
"Oh my god! Please stop bringing that up!" I wacked his chest playfully. "It was one time!"
My face began to grow warm. "Johnathan, shut up."
"I think you were screaming ‘daddy’ at that point."
"If you don't shut it I'm gonna-"
"What? Beat my ass? Little Chihuahua. You won't do shit."
I pouted and snatched the controller from his hands. "Asshole. I'll show you how a professional does it."
"I thought you didn't have the mental capacity to do it." He mocked me, trying to make a high pitch voice.
"It's gonna shut you up to see how much better I am than you. Also, I don't sound like that."
"Mhm, you're such a whiny brat."
I gave him a death glare before turning my attention back to the game so I could ignore his jabs. I fired and dodged, landing attacks and ultimate shots and almost taking out the opposing team entirely. There were a few moments of standstill as they regrouped and charged towards my team again but I was ready at the front lines. I was leaning my body with each attack, bouncing a bit in excitement and wiggling my hips when I could tell I was close to winning. I always moved with the character as if somehow it would affect my gameplay in any way, shape, or form. "Eri...quit moving like that." Johnny grunted from behind me.
I shushed him. "I'm almost done hold on."
"Get off my lap then."
"Give me a sec!" I saw the word victory flash across my screen and I jumped up, sticking my tongue out at him. "You're lucky I saved you. You were dragging the entire team down and you can thank me for all the x.p you gained" He looked up at me, his hand covering the lower half of his face as if he was thinking about something. He eased a couch pillow over his lap and adjusted how he was sitting. "What?" I asked.
"Nothing." He cleared his throat. "You gonna play again?"
"Maybe. You were right, I like the shooty shooty death death." I pushed the pillow against his stomach and resumed my seat on his lap.
"Eri, no!" He protested.
"Shh, I'm about to start, the server just found a game. I gotta concentrate."
"Then don't move around so much."
"It helps me win! I swear it!"
He groaned and I settled myself against him, getting whisked to the character selection screen. I went back to concentrating, happy to have my mind clawing at something entertaining and time consuming. His hand laid on the armrest, drumming his fingers obnoxiously loud. I nudged his hand to try and get him to quit it as I landed a barrage of rockets on an enemy. "Stop that."
"Stop moving then."
"Are you really that annoyed with it?" I rolled my eyes. "Big baby."
"Yes, I'm very annoyed."
"It's just how I play, Johnny. It's no big deal."
"It is when you're on my lap."
"What difference does it make?! I-" I looked back at him. "Ooohhhh…."
"Yeah, oh! Off please!" He said, tapping at my thigh.
I stood up quickly. “Way to be a 12 year old boy.”
“Way to be irritating.” He kicked at my thigh playfully. “It’s not like im really turned on or anything just like...bodily reaction. I just didn’t want to upset you.”
“Why would I be upset?”
“Eri, you cried in the middle of us fucking. I don’t want that to happen again.”
“It was just a weird moment...a one time thing.” I sighed and exited the game before sitting beside him. “It won't happen again.”
“How do you know that for sure? There's no way to tell. You don't have to push yourself to do things."
I wrapped my finger around the hem of my sleep shirt. “I don’t feel like I’m pushing myself. I want to do it. I just don’t want to be wrapped up in my feelings."
"Then take some time to clear your head."
"I know you're right about everything. I even thought over what you said about not feeling guilty. I know I don't have to and that I really shouldn't. It was probably just from all the stuff my mom said, like I didn’t care about anything that was going on. But I care so much, maybe too much. About everyone."
"Sounds like you put others before you."
I kept my head low and tightened my finger around the fabric. "Well…"
"You take care of Lucas, you take care of Quinn. You held your entire house down while your family was basically falling apart. You take care of your little sister and hell...you've kinda taken care of me. Stop it, Eri. You know that you deserve to be happy right?"
"That sounds strange coming from you." I scoffed. I want to be happy with you, idiot, but clearly your idea of happiness involves us being nothing more than fuckbuddies. I sighed. No, he wasn't my only source of happiness. I had to remember that. I felt some semblance of the emotion when I was with my friends, when I was onstage, when I worked hard on my journalism. It was difficult to fully grasp the feeling but I knew what parts of it felt like. I needed to remember what it was like to smile and laugh. What made those reactions anyway? It felt like such a foreign concept now but I needed to force myself to remember. I wasn't ready to lay in a pool of my own blood again.
"Look, I can only be there for you as a friend but friends want each other to be happy. I don't really like seeing you miserable. When you were playing just now, I saw a bit of the old you come back. I just want to see you smile again." He set his hand on my thigh and gave it a light squeeze. "Know what I mean?"
"Yeah...what makes you happy then, friend?"
He seemed taken aback by my question. "Oh...hmm…" He set his elbow on the armrest and propped his chin in his palm. "Photography, I guess. Music...having time to myself. Waking up next to someone I love- I mean in the future! That specific part would be in the future! Like when I'm 30 or some shit…"
"Being in love is weird. I hate it." I said flatly.
"Tell me about it."
We both looked at each other momentarily then dodged our eyes so they wouldn't meet. We didn't say anything for awhile and the load screen music of the game was starting to make me feel like I was suffocating. "Johnny…" I swallowed hard. My heart thundered like a war drum. "I have to tell you something."
"O-oh? What's that?"
"Thanks for...looking out for me and taking care of me."
He burst into laughter that sounded like it was laced with unease and nervousness. "Oh, that's all?!" He shoved at my shoulder almost knocking me on my side. "Dumbass, I thought it was something important!"
"It is important to me, jerk." I rubbed my shoulder and grumbled. "I'm trying to be extra gay and tell you how I feel so it's not in my brain and I don't fucking cry anymore."
"Shit...sorry. It's just...not something I'm used to, even with all our talks. I know you thanked me for decking Matt in the face-"
"Defending me and protecting me from them ganging up on us." I reminded him.
"Ah...yeah, that. But um...I don't feel like I need to be thanked for it. It's just what people should do."
I got up and stood in front of him. "Just accept my thank you and shut up." I flicked his forehead hard and watched as he recoiled instantly.
"Ow!! You're so violent I swear!"
"You're just a baby." I kissed the red spot on his forehead and then gave him one on his cheek. I was planning on pulling away but he gripped my hand tightly, keeping me close.
"I am not. You're just a jerk." He smiled and pressed our lips together rather lightly. "A cute jerk."
"Well that's true at least." We both laughed and kept our smiles. "How's that boner treating you?" I teased.
He grabbed the pillow from his lap and hit it against my stomach. "Will you shut up!?"
"That's what you get for calling me splash mountain!" I hit him back with the pillow and he tried to work around my barrage of attacks to get a hold of my waist. He tried to pull me down onto the couch but I caught myself on the back of it, my chest landing against his face. "Good job, idiot! I almost kneed you."
"I'm ok with this though." He said, muffled.
I rolled my eyes and pulled away before I suffocated him. "I don't even know why I hang out with you."
He set his hands on my upper thigh, trailing upwards. "Because you- you're not wearing panties?" He said suddenly.
I looked down at the now pushed up shirt and shrugged. "No. I just rolled out of bed and put this on." I put my legs on the outside of his and sat down on his lap. "Perv. Are you turned on now or is it still just "bodily reaction?"
He reclined back and ruffled his hair away from his face. "You haven't done anything to turn me on. You think you wearing my shirt with no panties and bouncing around is sexy? Please." He said sarcastically and smirked.
"Nooo of course not. Why would that ever be considered sexy?" I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning in closer to him.
"Eri…" He hesitated for a moment and licked his lips, preparing himself for what he was going to say.
I knew he was going to say that he was worried about me but that's not what I wanted to hear at this moment. I'm sure our minds were on two different paths. Mine was focused on justifying our unfinished fuck though he could care less and he was focused on making sure that I was ok, a commendable and cherishable act yet my currently depressive thoughts weren't something I wished to focus on. "I'm fine, I swear." I covered his neck in rushed kisses to entice him into joining me. He grabbed onto the back on my neck and forced me away from him making me pout and simultaneously wiggle my hips against his lap. His stern voice was coming next, I could already tell. "Please?" I begged softly before he could even say anything. "We both know we'd rather do this then focus on our problems."
"Yeah but...we should stop that…"
"You first." I challenged. "If you don't want to do it then fine. I can get going. I've been here long enough anyway "
"Don't be like that. I don't need to pick you over fucking."
"I'm not saying you have to Johnny and I'm not saying it's the only reason I would stay here. I'm happy being in your arms and I have been for the past couple of days. I've loved everything you've done for me but you know this is how we feel good."
He sighed and squeezed me tight. "Why are you so damn irritating, babe?"
"You haven't gotten rid of me in almost four months, it's your own damn fault."
He chuckled as he placed his lips against my neck, sinking a bite in slowly. My fingers curled into his shoulder as I exhaled a whimper. He pulled away when he was satisfied with his mark he kissed it gently before trailing a tantalizing lick up my neck. "We should head back to my room."
"What for?" I turned towards him, capturing him in a flurry of bites and hungry kisses. My hands we already crawling towards his sweatpants, sliding them down his hips bones and waiting for him to break free.
"Didn't we learn our lesson last time? I don't need Jae bursting through the door and seeing you again."
"Hasn't he been staying at my place? We're fine. I don't care anyway. Come here." I finally freed him and lifted my hips, guiding him back to my entrance.
"Jackass." I sunk down onto him slowly making him moan instantly. He tried groping at my hips again but I grabbed his wrists and kept them by his side. "I have to thank you properly. So sit back and don't touch."
"Don't t-touch?" His brows furrowed deeply when I let my hips rise and fall on him, making sure every last inch disappeared inside me.
"Mhm," I groaned and let my eyes slip closed. "Let me do this. I'll let you control me later I promise."
A little growl surfaced which made me wiggle my hips eagerly. He was struggling with keeping up with my request even though he was trying. His arms flexed with tension as I kept him pinned. He could easily overpower me and toss me down to do whatever he pleased but he let me have my fun for now. I was too wrapped up in rolling my hips and letting the slight curve of his cock ride against my walls and send me into a fit of soft pants and moans. His thighs clenched beneath me and he used them to force me forward. I braced my chest against his as he pressed through the tightness and slammed into the deepest part of me. I rushed out a curse and dug my knees into the couch harder, feeling the fabric scratch against my skin.
"Take off my shirt, princess. Let me see you."
I shook my head quickly. "You're not getting away with-ah-ahh!" He shoved me forward again, testing my limits and bringing me closer to cumming way before I even wanted to.
"What was that?" I wanted to smack the smugness out of his voice but I myself was silenced by more bites flourishing against the weakest parts of my neck. My hold on his wrists was starting to falter and I prayed for my mind to lift itself from the lust fueled haze it was under to keep my strength up. But it was no use, his hands switched to grab my wrists and pulled my arms behind my back, using all the leverage he could to slam into me with frenzied thrusts. I pressed my lips together and nudged my forehead against his shoulder, silently begging for him to keep this heavy pace. His deep voice teased at my ear, murmuring my name and singing praises to how good I felt. For once he wasn't being cheesy or vulgar and every one of his sugary sweet words made my body flush.
I burrowed my face into the crook of his neck to keep myself from whining pathetically. Every once in awhile, as I rolled my hips with his thrusts, his girth would manage to brush against my clit and sends waves of gluttonous indulgence throughout my body. I caved in and moaned his name, straining through pleads of him to make me cum. "Maybe I'll make you work a little harder for it since you wanted to try and pin me down."
I shook my head vigorously. "N-no! Just let me-" He released my arms and threw me down onto the couch. The wind was almost knocked out of me and I struggled to paw at his hands that were grabbing at the sleep shirt and yanking it from my body. Once I was completely bare, he shoved his sweats down his thighs, not even really bothering to kick them off all the way. He was much more eager to toss my leg over his shoulder and rush back inside me, swift and deliciously rough. He was dangerous when he was like this, simultaneously punishing me for not giving myself a break or listening to him but also falling into our horrid pattern of fucking each other senseless when we were at our wits end. I was falling in deeper into an abyss that only he could take me to before I was swallowed up and couldn't find where he started and I ended.
He kept my legs firmly in place not allowing me to squirm or escape the overwhelming thrusts that drove me to insanity. I reached above my head to hold onto the armrest as my back bowed towards him. His hand switched from my thigh to grip around my neck. "We were around here last time, weren't we? Before I fucked you from behind and we were interrupted?" He smirked and licked his lips. "You came so hard, didn't you?"
"S-shut it!" I gasped and clutched at his wrist. My little wisecrack only got my windpipe constricted further. My eyes rolled back and I could feel the lightheadedness already starting to settle. My body clenched tight, my chest struggled to expand and my hold on him dissipated. The only thing I could feel was the sudden burst of ecstasy that always came when I was teetering on the verge of lifelessness. My wetness pooled around him, sliding down to meet the couch cushions beneath me. I tapped out then and his fingers unfurled from my neck. I was a trembling mess all over again and wanted to curl up. He let my leg fall from him and I pulled them both towards my chest. I gripped the edge of the couch as I waited to come down from my high but my peacefulness ended quickly.
Johnny spread my cheeks open, allowing him to see every bit of me. His hips snapped against my ass drawing harsh throbs from his cock and wavering mumbles from his lips. I could hardly stand the way he forced himself through every bit of my sensitive and sore body but I craved for him to feel just as good as I did. He leaned over me, delving his tongue into my mouth and sucking on mine greedily. I cupped his face in my hands, our moans overlapping as his thrusts morphed into sloppy chaos. His tough demeanor melted into his soft and sweet nature, blushing hard and keeping his eyes squeezed shut when he asked me where he should cum. I let him have his way with wherever he wanted, feeling the thick heated ropes fall into my lower lips, thighs, and ass. I sighed softly and listened to him catch his breath. He plopped down on the couch and relaxed while I remained still for fear of staining the cushions.
"Hey, shithead," I exhaled. "Gonna clean this up?"
He let out an exaggerated groan. "Do I have to?"
I sat up a bit and shot him a glare. "Johnathan."
He huffed and grabbed his shirt off the floor, wiping me down lazily. I rolled my eyes and smacked his hands away, opting to do it myself. "Big baby. I'm gonna shower, are you coming?"
"Yeah I will." He yawned. We both stood up though my legs were much more shakier than his. He pulled up his sweats from around his thighs and set his arm around my waist, guiding me towards his room. Suddenly, we heard the front door unlock, signaling Jae's return. We made a mad dash for Johnny's room and slammed the door behind us with just fractions of a second to spare. Both of us fell into a fit of laughter as we hoped Jae hadn't seen us. We weren’t in the mood to get griped at for fucking on the couch again.
"Quinn says you have to go home, Eri!" Jae said as he passed by the door.
I rolled my eyes. "Ugh…great."
"What is she your mother now?" Johnny scoffed.
"They're right. I need to get back to class and work tomorrow. I'm having my mom send the papers from the hospital and funeral to me so I can get excused and hopefully won't lose anything." I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. "Will you drive me back since Quinn took my car home?"
"Of course. But first, shower."
I sighed as I stood in front of my therapist's office. I was grateful that she was able to get me in on such short notice but definitely not ready to spill out everything that had happened to me all over again. I knocked and she beckoned me in, greeting me with a smile when I tiptoed through. She had already gotten my file up and was clacking away at her computer as I sat across from her on the couch. I waited for her to finish, awkwardly staring at my boots and pulling off my heavy coat. I heard my phone ping and ignored it but it happened again and again and again. "Sorry," I said. "I'm just gonna check this real quick."
"Take your time, I'm just updating some stuff..no biggie."
I nodded and pulled up my messages not ready for the sudden round of next level bullshit that was thrown my way. Taeyong had sent me screenshots of some sort of group chat he was in. In between slutty emojis and jokes where pictures of me, naked, getting fucked, tied up, gagged, stuffed, anything, you name it. Yuta and Ten were the main culprits behind it but there were one or two that were posted by Lucas. The worst part was that I didn't remember taking any of these. I never sent any nudes that were longer than a few seconds on Snapchat, trying to keep my record as clean as possible. These seemed to be forced onto me without my consent and the way they were sharing them so carefree had me sick to my stomach. These three were supposed to be my friends, Lucas one of my best mates. Yet here they were thinking it was okay to spread this without my permission. My mouth dried completely and I had no idea how to even begin to respond. He sent me another screen shot of a message that was beneath the photos. It was from Johnny and read "How many more do you have?"
My heart dropped to the ground. He was interested in these? In seeing me like this without my permission? Another text from Taeyong.
Sorry you had to find out this way but I figured you should know. It was fucked up so I asked them to stop but then Johnny said that and well…
I don't know how much more they have. Do you want me to ask? Or do you want to handle it yourself?
I can help though. I don't want this shit getting out more.
I dropped my phone onto the couch and covered my face, ready to absolutely lose it.
"Eri, are you ok? What's going on?"
I pushed my hair back as the tears started. They felt hot, almost burning with every emotion I could manage to feel at once. "I'm ready to just kill myself."
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ironwoman359 · 5 years
"You're a foolish creature...but, a beautiful one. I think I'll keep you for awhile." With Fae!Roman and human!Logan
Fae Story Prompts
Logan Sanders was not a superstitious man. 
This ended up frustrating him more often than not, as wherever he went he was unable to escape the superstitions of others. As a result, Logan often found himself excluded from groups as people claimed that he would bring forth ill omens or the wrath of supernatural creatures. Logan dismissed such claims, steadfast in his convictions that all things in nature could be explained through careful observation and experimentation, rather than the whim of the gods or spirits that simple minded folk often blamed for their misfortune. No matter. Logan would prove them all wrong, and one way or another, they would see that the only thing to fear from the world was ignorance. 
Such thoughts gave him solace when he found himself lost in the woods, who knew how far away from the path with no clear idea of how to find his way back to the village he’d been staying at over night. If he were someone more superstitious he would likely be terrified, as it was, he was only mildly worried that he would not find a suitable place of shelter before nightfall. 
A sound caught Logan’s attention, and he turned to see a man in a clearing, sitting on a stump and playing a small harp as he hummed softly to himself.
On the other hand, maybe finding shelter would not be so difficult after all. 
“Excuse me,” Logan called, walking over. The man’s music stopped as he looked up, and Logan’s breath caught in his throat. The man was gorgeous, with perfectly tanned skin and golden curls, but the most beautiful thing by far was his eyes. They appeared brown at first glance, but as they caught the few remaining rays of sunlight that streamed through the trees, they almost sparkled with a full rainbow of color…and those dazzling eyes were now trained directly on Logan. 
“Well well well, what have we here?” the man mused as Logan approached, and Logan’s heart skipped a beat. Even his voice was beautiful. If Logan were a more fanciful man he might even use the word enchanting. 
“Pardon me, sir,” Logan said, once he found his voice. “I seem to have lost my way, and–” 
“I’ll say you have,” the stranger purred, and Logan felt a flash of annoyance at being interrupted. “You’ve wandered into my woods.” 
“I…your woods? Do not be ridiculous, they are not your woods, they are simply woods. To suggest that a human could own them is preposterous.”
“Indeed it is,” the man said, and amusement flashed through those beautiful eyes of his. “And yet here you stand, in my woods.” 
Logan raised an eyebrow. This person obviously thought he was of significant importance, perhaps he was a lord of some sort? 
“Forgive me sir, but may I have your name?” he asked, and the other man froze. For a moment, Logan was unsure of what to expect as the stranger in the clearing stared at him. His gaze was intense, and Logan shifted his weight nervously, unable to shake the (ridiculous) notion that the man was looking inside him. 
After a moment, an unsettling grin crossed the man’s face and he leaned forward, an unreadable gleam in his eyes. 
“Perhaps…if I may have yours as well?” 
Logan rolled his eyes. That level of self importance? Definitely nobility of some kind. Still, the sun was hanging lower and lower in the sky, and if Logan wanted to find his way out of the forest, he would do well to stay on the stranger’s good side. 
“My name is Logan,” he said, and the man’s lips stretched into a wide smile.
“Logan…” the man repeated slowly, leaning forward, and Logan gasped as they locked eyes. 
Instantly, the warnings and the whispers and the legends flooded his mind, about how you should never stray from the path in the woods, about how you should not stop to speak with strangers who seemed too bold, too beautiful, and how you should never, ever give your name to someone you had just met under such a circumstance, but it was no use. Logan had never paid the stories any mind before, and now it was too late to start. 
“Logan…” the fae, (for Logan knew now that’s what it must be) said again, turning the name over in his mouth. He reached out and brushed Logan’s cheek with the back of his knuckles, baring his teeth in a smile. 
“Such a lovely name,” he continued. “A good, strong name, for a good, strong human. Tell me, what is the rest of your name?” 
Logan wanted to resist, he really did, somewhere in the back of his mind, but the faerie’s voice was soft and sweet and his eyes were so utterly captivating that Logan found he could not bear to deny this man any request, lest those eyes vanish from his life, never to be seen again. 
“Logan Sanders,” he responded, and the fae’s smile widened, the last remnants of sunlight glinting off his teeth. 
“Logan Sanders…there is still more, Logan Sanders, give it to me.” 
“I…” Something jiggled at the back of Logan’s mind, warning him not to speak, but before Logan could focus on it, the fae was speaking again.
“Please oh please?” he crooned, bringing his other hand up to cup Logan’s face. “I wish to sing your name for all the stars and moons to hear, and I cannot do that if you do not give it now.” 
“Logan…Logan Alan Sanders,” Logan answered, and the fae squealed in delight. 
“Logan Alan Sanders,” he said, and Logan could feel his mind growing thick with a cottony haze. “You are a foolish creature.” 
The fae traced Logan’s lips with his pointed finger, then grinned, patting the human’s cheek. “But a beautiful one. I think I’ll keep you for awhile.” 
He took Logan’s hands in his and pulled him into the clearing where he’d been sitting before. 
“You may call me Roman,” the fae said, and as the moon rose his eyes glinted with a new light. “Come, Logan Alan Sanders. Dance with me.”
Logan found he was powerless to refuse. 
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lordgeebsdom · 4 years
2019, a year in review: Superlative Edition
-Gareth Bill
Athlete of the year:  Lamar Jackson - QB Baltimore Ravens.  HM: Kawhi Leonard - SF Toronto/LA
Lamar Jackson came out of nowhere to light the league on fire in 2019 breaking Michael Vick’s all-time record for rushing yards by a Quarterback and redefining the position in the process.  From his five touchdown performance in Miami to being the assumed MVP, there wasn’t a week where Lamar Jackson didn’t dominate headlines and he continues to show superiority as Baltimore has secured the Number 1 seed in the AFC.  Honorable mention goes to Kawhi Leonard for producing the first ever buzzer beater in a game 7 in NBA history and for also bringing Canada their first NBA title.  Even against a Kevin Durant-less Golden State Warriors team, Leonard stepped up and delivered when it counted most.
Song of the year: Lost Lately- San Holo.  HM: Daemon Veil - EPROM & G Jones
Sander van Dijck, better known by his stage name “San Holo” surprised us with “Lost Lately” in June of this year.  A melancholic and melodic ballad of discovery and feeling “lost in aftermath of a breakup” spoke to feelings of insecurity and extends a friendly hand to those in need.  From an endearing marketing campaign featuring “lost” posters where fans could call a “helpline” to hear an exclusive sample of the song, to a music video taken straight from EDC: Bitbird executed an almost perfect build and drop for “Lost Lately.”  Great followup work to last years “Album1” and I definitely am excited about his future projects for 2020.  Honorable mention goes to the IDM monster “Daemon Veil” by EPROM and G Jones.  Plain and simple, I loved this ear worm.  There’s so much going on from the initial baseline drop to the stuttering minefield of drops and turns that follows before a calming conclusion.  Every time I hear this track, I see it too: the flying snares, the zips, zooms and wubs, the story it tells me….its captivating and satisfying.  While it isn’t as friendly for casual listening like my 2018 song of the year “Time” (also by G Jones), Daemon Veil is an IDM banger that I’ll continue to blast well into 2020 and beyond.
Album of the year: Good Faith- Madeon.  HM: Hollywood’s Bleeding - Post Malone
This was a tough call for me, there was a lot of great albums that came to us in 2019 but Madeon’s “Good Faith” stands tall above the rest.  From the initial singles of “All My Friends,” and “Dream, Dream, Dream,” to the unexpected bangers of “Miracle,” and “No Fear, No More,”: “Good Faith” makes a solid argument not just for album of the year but possibly even for the decade and I simply cannot recommend it enough.  Honorable Mention goes to “Hollywood’s Bleeding” by Post Malone.  Like many, I have thoroughly enjoyed the evolution of Post Malone from SoundCloud sensation to certified super-star, and “Hollywood’s Bleeding” continues to show us that this artist is just getting started.  I loved “Goodbyes,” “Circles,” “Sunflower,” and many other tracks on that album, and I’m confident many others did as well. Rapper, Rockstar, Soul-singer and bro: best of luck in 2020 and beyond Post, we’re all eagerly watching.
Movie of the year: Its a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.  HM: Avengers: Endgame
Easily the most contested category of the year and the hardest decision made in these superlatives.  2019 produced some awesome films but Tom Hanks’s take on Fred Rogers gave me chills that I hadn’t felt since seeing Christopher Reeve’s Superman as a child.  Like Superman, his presence among adults and children alike would universally cause awe and calm, almost god-like tranquility through security. In a year that was defined by division, unrest, cruelty, and anger: Fred Rogers reminds us that there’s still a great deal of hope for humanity, and it all starts with being a good neighbor.  Young, old and everyone in between can learn something from this deeply affecting story about humanity and connection.  Honorable mention goes to Avengers: Endgame for managing to be the only major franchise ending this year (Game of Thrones, Avengers, Star Wars) that managed to do it with a consensus BANG!  It was a 3 hour film that somehow felt like an hour and half, and when Captain America held Mjornir with every Avenger ever at his back and said “Avengers, Assemble!”, I couldn’t help but fist pump with a grin from ear to ear.  Tony Stark’s dying words of “I am Iron-Man,” gave me goosebumps and Black Widow’s death made me feel genuine loss: The Marvel Cinematic Universe managed to execute a singular plan and vision over 23 films and that is truly exceptional. 
Actor/Actress of the year: Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur/Joker.  HM: Florence Pugh - Midsommar
Joaquin Phoenix’s long anticipated and controversial performance as Joker was the best singular work I saw this year.  Authentic, gut-wrenching, thought-provoking, and anything but boring: Joker gave us the next step in comic book cinema and a new cultural icon in the process.  Arthur Fleck is a poster child for mental illness, something that currently is at the forefront of our society and gave the general public a poster child for such conditions.  Phoenix’s Joker will one day be recognized in the same light as we currently see Che: an underdog figure of resistance and revolution standing against a seemingly unstoppable status quo and inspiring the unseen masses in the process.  Honorable mention has to go to one of my new favorites in Florence Pugh and her performance as Dani in “Midsommar”.  Her pain, confusion, and ultimate triumph that unravels throughout a trip to a small village in Europe during their mid-summer festival is the stuff of “slow-burn horror” wet-dreams.  There’s a scene early on where her character has to convey immense grief after suffering a personal tragedy and I can still hear that crying in the most haunting way.  Pugh’s performance stuck with me in a year full of great ones, and I’m very excited to see her future work including “Black Widow” in May.  
Television show of the year: Watchmen- HBO.   HM: Good Omens - Amazon Prime
Watchmen blew my mind, and I the less I say about it, the better.  A continuation of the story told in my favorite book of all-time, “Watchmen” managed to tie together many loose plot threads from that story while also moving the universe forward in new and exciting ways that matched the tone of the graphic novel.  Regina King’s “Sister Night” was a complex, likable, and tragic protagonist uniquely qualified to walk us through this new chapter, and without spoiling things anymore than I already may have: YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS.  Honorable Mention goes to Good Omens on Amazon Prime.  To any familiar with the story or Neil Gaiman’s work in general, you know what to expect: deep stories, complex and likable characters, and witty dialogue that will make you pause and think or laugh feverishly in equal measure.  Its only 5 episodes, so there’s really no excuse to not dive into this one and see how the world ends…..or rather was supposed to…
Game of the year: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - PS4/XboxOne/PC. HM: Apex Legends - PS4/PC/XboxOne
From Softwares’ “Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice” stands tall in a year that finally saw long awaited projects like Obsidian’s “Outer Worlds” and Kojima’s “Death Stranding” get long-awaited releases.  An exciting and more stealthy evolution of the Dark Souls combat system made me feel like a real Ninja for the first time since Ninja Gaiden Black on my original Xbox.  The demanding, but fair gameplay combined with a variation of environments including haunted Japanese forests, Sengoku Temples, Palaces and gory battlefields came together to give the most complete package I played in 2019. Just don’t be too surprised if the final boss gives you problems because that f***er can almost made me break a controller.  Honorable mention goes to the game that managed to dethrone “Fortnite” as the most popular game for like a whole two months.  Respawn entertainment developed the awesome Titanfall series that I personally enjoyed and rumors had been circulating for quite awhile that they were looking to expand Titanfall into the booming genre of BR or Battle Royale.  Apex Legends is the answer to those prayers and still continues to push out new skins, content and weapons at a regular rate.  Did I mention it is also completely free to play? 
Story of the year: President Trump becomes the third President to ever be impeached 12/19
HM: Henry Nobrega wins the fucking BVN Football Fantasy Football title. 11/19
To be perfectly honest, this is the first category that really could have gone either way for me.  President Trump becoming the third President in US history to be impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of congress was massive; regardless of how you feel about President Orangutan.  His tenure as President has produced a number of newsworthy moments but this story stood out among the others for sheer importance and international embarrassment.  Speaking of embarrassment, that’s essentially what my good friend Henry’s fantasy football team has managed to be every year that I’ve played with him.  A perennial basement dweller that typically auto drafts due to some BS excuse, and a resident near the bottom of our power rankings but this year he flipped that script on its head.  He managed to draft my Athlete of the year, Lamar Jackson, and the last great white running back in Christian McCaffrey.  Not only did Henry surpass his preseason ranking of bottom, he managed to win both regular season and postseason titles and beat a solid team by Graham Heck in the process.  I got love for you bro, but I’m still perplexed on how your season managed to be as dominant as it was.  Sorry Greta Thunberg, but these stories had my jaw on the floor, maybe next year lil’ Queen.
Meme of the year: Baby Yoda of the Disney+ show “The Mandolorian” 
Was there every really a doubt here?  Baby Yoda or “The Child” as he’s known on the show is the biggest pop culture icon born on the internet in 2019.  The gap between Baby Yoda and what I considered to be an honorable mention was so wide that he will officially stand alone in this category.  Baby Yoda’s cuteness managed to melt even my stone cold heart this year and that is absolutely an achievement.  What made this creature so endearing was the universal applicability though music, sports, culture, and food: Baby Yoda was everywhere and the internet found common ground and shared meaning through sharing little graphics everywhere prominently featuring him as the centerpiece.  Well played Jon Favreau, we love this little guy and everyone thanks you for creating him.  
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Chrysalis (Follower Celebration Fic #2)
Title: Chrysalis
Pairing:  Yoongi x reader, feat. Jinyoung
Type: pure, unadulterated angst (though interpret the ending as you will 😉 ) , tattoo artists!au
Word Count: 1,597
Rating: PG-13            
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, emotional abuse, controlling relationship/marriage (not Yoongo, guys, who do you take me for? )
A/N:  For anon- Yoongi angst. I don’t write much angst so I hope it lives up to your expectations. I debated typing “suga-coat” so you can thank me in advance for stopping myself. I just finished watching A Prayer Before Dawn and the intense tattoos featured in that movie got me thinking. I was also thinking a lot earlier of the ill-fated love of Tristan & Isolde. Does anyone else remember the movie adaptation?
There’s not a lot of dialogue in this, but it’s basically a long flashback while the person is getting their tattoo. <3
I’ve seen some amazing BTS tattoo edits-do yourself a favor and search that!
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You bit down on your lip, trying to stop yourself from crying out. Yoongi’s hand was steady at your side, and irrationally, you didn’t want him of all people, to judge you. This was the first real thing you were doing for yourself, and you weren’t going to ruin the badass, empowered mood you were in with tears. As the only child of one of the country’s leading politicians, you always had to be prim and proper. Even your marriage was arranged…though not publicly, of course. To the public, you and Jinyoung were madly in love, one of the few high school sweethearts to beat the odds. The reality was that every single touch was choreographed, and the total lack of spontaneity left little room for real affection to flourish.
Your life was completely constrained by your parents’ agenda, so getting a tattoo was the first real thing you were doing for yourself. Since you would need to hide it, it was going on your ribcage, under where your arm rested, usually protected by multiple layers of clothes. By the time Jinyoung ever, saw it, it would be far too late for him to do anything about it. But right now, Jinyoung was the furthest thing from your mind. Instead, the smooth, steady movements of the tattoo artist helped to cut the physical and emotional pain, reminding you that this was worth it.
As much as this entire world was a mystery to you, so was Yoongi. At first, his full sleeves and gruff demeanor scared you off, but part of you liked his no-nonsense approach to social interactions. So many people tried to charm you, hoping to curry favor with your parents, that  having someone who didn’t sugar-coat anything made you trust him all the more. Since the first day you had ventured in, tentative and out of place, he had made you feel seen. And not as an extension of anyone else, just as a person with their own autonomy.  He was quiet, too, and you were always at peace when you were with him, the constant anxiety buzzing in your head muted.
The tattoo you were doing was self designed, a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. Many tattoo artists would have rolled their eyes at the cliché design, but he listened to you and made something completely unique. As the design evolved, so did your intentions. You had come in hoping to spite your parents, but by the final time the final consultation rolled around, you had come to view it as something positive, for yourself. Maybe you were being superstitious, but seeing the butterfly that graced the back of his own hand had seemed like a good omen when you made that first appointment.
During these consultations, Yoongi had slowly opened up, even smiling slightly during the last visit. You had his number saved in your phone from the various meetings, and he had even sent you a preliminary design that he’d been working on late one night when inspiration hit.  You wondered if he were so diligent with all of his clients, but before you could reply, Jinyoung had placed his hand over your own, effectively stopping you. You’d been out on one of your mandated monthly dinner dates (all very public- the paparazzi were there well before the two of you even arrived), and while he didn’t confront you directly, you could sense the disapproval radiating off of him. He wanted all of your attention. You knew he would be livid when he found out, so you turned over your phone and turned on your charm.
Recently, his irritation had been growing as Yoongi took up more and more of your headspace. So far, you were fairly certain that Jinyoung didn’t know where you’d been slipping off to every free moment. You still had some secrets after all, and if he cared enough to ask, you would tell him that you were off at some charity lunch or gala, depending on the time of day. But so far, he couldn’t even be bothered to ask. You couldn’t decide if his indifference irritated you or worked in your favor. Your infatuation with the gruff tattoo artist had only been growing stronger, and you found it harder and harder to stay away. It had started innocently enough, with you bringing coffee to the second consultation after noticing the dark circles marring Yoongi’s otherwise gorgeous face. Who were you kidding? Even with the circles you thought he was perfect, but you smitten.The gummy smile you got in return  had left you high for days.
The “really-bad-sunburn-feeling” brought you back to the present. College friends had mentioned their own experience as painful, but surprisingly you weren’t in that much pain. You felt it, sure, but maybe it was the trust you had in the man at your side. The pain was subsiding, and you felt something ghost gently over your skin. You craned your neck, to see Yoongi’s lips at your ribcage-and then they were gone. He gently wiped the spot again to clean it. He was nothing if not professional. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, helping you to sit up, as your own arms were occupied with holding the blanket for modesty. You were sure your face was bright red, but you didn’t find it threatening or unpleasant at all. Yoongi looked concerned, misinterpreting. He left, returning quickly with a small cup of water. He didn’t talk much, but instead sat across from you, hands in your own.
After some time, you got up, and Yoongi bandaged you up, ever gentle. Your parents would gasp at the impropriety of his hands so close to your bare chest, but you felt more comfortable with him than anyone else. He had kissed you-you hadn’t imagined it, no matter how fleeting. But the next appointment would soon be here, so you quickly put on the flowy shirt you had chosen specifically for today’s outfit, wincing as your movements pulled at the skin.
Moments later, when you stepped outside into the late afternoon sun, a familiar figure was leaning too casually against a car far too shiny for this neighborhood. Jinyoung had found you. Maybe someday, you would blossom into someone stronger, but until then, both you and Yoongi would have to wait.
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The last few years had been rough. One of your parents had passed away tragically while traveling, and the other had retired from public life, too waylaid by the disaster to continue. Sensing little to gain from your family name, and after three years of a farcical marriage, Jinyoung had divorced you. The tumult had left you bruised, but you had made it through. Sometimes you thought of yourself as the butterfly adorning your ribs-how painful it must have been, thinking that it was dying a caterpillar, only to emerge more beautiful and free than it had ever been. Jinyoung had ruled your marriage with an iron-fist, and though he had never hurt you physically, he had certainly clipped your emotional wings, using the threat of shutting down “your friend’s little establishment” should you not comply with his whim du jour. So it had actually been a relief when he had decided it was over for the both of you. One of your first decisions post-divorce was to go back to the shop, but when you returned to the tidy storefront, accumulated dust and neglect told you that it had been closed for awhile. You knew it had been irrational to hope that he would still be there, waiting, tattooing as he always had, but the naive part of you had felt such a connection that it felt impossible that the two of you wouldn’t find each other. Maybe he had left the city completely, or gone to travel the world. You’d noticed the guide books on his shelves, but when you asked him about them, he’d dismissed them as paperback dreams. You had tried calling, texting, and social media stalking, though it was like he had fallen off the face of the earth. Even when you knew him, though, his quiet dedication didn’t lend well to social media use. The business account you found had been inactive for quite awhile. But the old tattoos he had posted gave you an idea.
Your parents’ former detractors would have likely smeared your name, telling the embellished story of a fall from grace: a former golden child becoming a tattoo artist. But remembering the freedom you felt when choosing to decorate your body as you saw fit was a feeling you wanted to share with others. They may think you were fallen, but really you were rising.
So you did apprenticeships, building your portfolio and working under other well-known artists in your city. The community was relatively small, but you never did find Yoongi. Maybe he had left the city entirely. You mourned his loss,
Finally, years later, you were opening up your own parlour, hoping to make it a place where everyone could feel safe baring their skins, and sometimes their souls. You had given up on ever finding Yoongi, the man who had given you a tiny set of wings when everyone else had been grounding you. With every tattoo you had done up until this point, you remembered him, and thanked him. It was opening day at your parlour, and the chime at the door alerted you to your first customer, and you felt your wings grow a little stronger.
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bambyeol · 7 years
Downpour part 3
pairing/s: park jihoon x oc,  (ft. park woojin) genre : angst, drama, hanahaki disease
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Hanahaki Disease: the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one sided love. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim’s romantic feelings for the other also disappear.
Notes: We’re finally nearing the end, but before that, please read Downpour part 1 and 2 before reading this. Thank you and hope you enjoy the feels <3
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 4 
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Hanahaki disease 
It was a fairy tale like disease with its beauty and romanticism. The cure was true love. But scientifically speaking, it was a nasty disease. The flower buds start growing from the lungs and slowly creep out. The branches coil around the airways asphyxiating the diseased slowly.
The flowers differ per individual but is often related to the person they like.  She didn’t know what her flowers were because they weren’t in full bloom yet, but she couldn’t deny that they were beautiful -  the pastel purple buds puckered slightly. She twirled them in her hands, and collected a few of them on a bottle just to monitor their growth.
She didn’t need a doctor - she convinced herself. After all, there was no cure except the surgery. They would just prescribe pain relievers but those could be bought over the counter. It was the last day of her sick leave, and staying away from Jihoon was working... slightly. At least, it didn’t lead into another episode of vomiting.
But the flowers served as a painful reminder of her one-sided love and greeted her every morning. Piles laid down beside her completely occupying her bed, and as the days passed they continued to blossom, opening further and growing bigger.
 The busyness of her routine took her mind off them.
“Did you ever meet someone with the Hanahaki?” Daewhi asked her during her break when they met each other on the hallway as she was grabbing some tea from the vending machine.
She froze midway from reaching the tea.
“Yeah, I did”  Daewhi frowned, completely occupied with his thoughts. “Why?” she asked shifting the topic.
“What if a person had Hanahaki because of you, and you didn’t like them?” he sat on the free bench, and Riseul sat beside him.
“Are you sure about it?” she asked and stared at Daewhi. He nodded  “Not Jinyoung?” and Daewhi’s mouth widened and he shook his head vigorously and crossed his arms in denial blushing profusely. “No! It’s not him. I mean I like him and maybe he likes me? But not him. Different person.  Noona !”  and she laughed giving him a tight hug.
“Think about it deeply. If you’re sure that there’s no chance of liking that person, then reject her. The operation would remove her feelings from you, but there’s no turning back. If you fall in love…” her eyes watered and the flowers inside pulsated. 
“Noona?” “If you fall in love with her in the future, you’d be the one with Hanahaki then and there’s no chance of your love being reciprocated. Understand?” Daewhi nodded, and she excused herself before rushing to the bathroom.  
Riseul’s phone rang , and she struggled to find it on the sea of purple now full grown .It has been a month and a half since. 
It was too fast actually, at least that’s what the internet told her. Full grown flowers usually arrive 3 to 12 months depending on the degree of contact with the person you were in love with which mean that she was on the verge of death, the flowers just a few steps away from completely choking her... but first, the phone call.
“Hello?” it was Jihoon. “Can we meet up?” The flowers smelled nauseously sweet.
Don’t. Don’t torture yourself. The small voice pricked.
“Sure. What for?”
“Help me shop for clothes. 3 p.m ?”
“Sure,” and she hung up because even his voice now induces her vomiting, and crawled out before drinking the highest dosage of pain reliever.
They shopped for an hour and a half when it was supposed to just last for 30 minutes because Jihoon couldn’t stop himself from picking his atrocious clothes. He was such a fashion disaster for such a good-looking face, and she wanted to smack him for 10 times because he just couldn’t stop trying to incorporate his style.
While she was waiting while he was fitting, she searched the flower and its meaning. They were Windflowers found in different colors ranging from violets to reds and whites.
“The Goddess of love kept Adonis as her companion for too long and the other gods killed him, so she wept over his grave and her tears for her fallen love grew into Windflowers”
Maybe it was the consequence of her selfishness. She kept him as her companion for far too long thinking that they could act like nothing ever happened. He forgot about everything after all, but the Gods aren’t as forgiving that now she’s being cursed as the consequence of her naivete. 
Purple windflowers bring luck and protection and anticipation of the future. Windflowers are also fabled to predict the rain or ill omen when their petals close.
Red windflowers mean, ”Riseul?” and Jihoon came out of the fitting room wearing a dark grey jacket over a camo green sweater and white undershirt. His jeans were paled and tattered . Jihoon wearing proper fashion felt off, but Riseul couldn’t help but smile and enjoy the view.
“You look handsome,” she spilled truthfully.
Jihoon with a goofy grin retorted, “I’m always handsome,”
“More handsome then. Your head’s becoming big, let’s go eat. Your treat,” and they paid for the clothes as she dragged him to some cheap buffet because Jihoon definitely eats a lot.
“So?” she arched her brows while they were eating. “Who hurt my poor Jihoon and told him he was such a fashion disaster?” she teased even if her chest hurt so much. Pain relievers stopped working, or maybe her body got immune to them because she was practically running on pain relievers.
“I’ve got a date,” her head buzzed and everything felt louder and more incoherent.
 The colors of the walls, the lights and even the people mixed together, and her heart beat so loud that the noise around them all faded into silence. 
Oh. Of course. 
She didn’t know how she was able to not feel the throbbing of the flowers like they were threatening to jump out of her rib cage.
“Actually, blind date. But I thought I’d try to dress up nicely,” she choked on the flowers, and blinked too many times, but it was a good thing that Jihoon was too busy with cooking. Her eyes teared up from the pain. 
“I can’t believe it,” she wiped the tears pooling up on her eyes as if everything was an act. “Park Jihoon, after 21 years. You’re finally finding yourself a girlfriend. I feel like a mother seeing her son off,”  Jihoon shrugged and smiled. 
It was the smile that says that he was looking forward to it.
Jihoon doesn’t like you anymore.
You threw away his love, remember? The small voice said. She excused herself from the diner, and went to the bathroom and locked it vomiting a sea of blood-stained purples that from the dampness closed slightly.
Red windflowers mean death or forsaken love.
“Do you genuinely like Woojin? Riseul?” Jihoon’s mother asked her, and she blanked out for a few seconds before stitching an answer.
“He’s my boyfriend, auntie,”
“I know, but is there no way really,” and she sobbed and the guilt washed in. “I want to save my son, Ri. I want him to be able to love who he likes. He likes you a lot. A whole lot that one day he just started throwing up flowers,” Jihoon’s mother held her shoulders for support and she cried.
Riseul couldn’t help but cry along with her because she knew that she loved Woojin.
“You know, he told me awhile ago. He wanted to confess to you today. After training,”
Riseul, can you meet me up? Her hands covered her mouth because it was then. Jihoon wanted to…
“But he wasn’t able to. I told him many times to just go with the surgery because you like Woojin. There’s no merit in confessing when he’d just be rejected. But he wanted to. He desperately wanted to. I don’t want to take away his chance, Ri,”  she consoled Jihoon’s mother.
Did she love Jihoon?
You don’t.
Did she love Woojin?
You do.
She shook her head. Was there really no way? Suddenly, nurses came rushing in and she registered into her vision the doctor talking to the nurses.
“Prepare the defibrillator,” the doctor commanded and the nurses nodded. Jihoon’s mother ran to the doctor and asked him in panic.
“He’s losing it, ma’am,” and her heart broke further. “We need your consent to do the operation,” she closed her eyes and shook her head. It was easy, really.
She stepped and held the shoulder of Jihoon’s mother.
“Auntie, please. Let’s proceed with the surgery. I’ll take the blame on this,” she hugged her and prayed. Prayed that everything would be fine and they would be back to how they were before.
Park Jihoon survived the car crash. The flowers that were constricting his airways were surgically removed. A few days later, he woke up, and forgot that he even had the Hanahaki. The doctors said it was because of the shock of the crash. It wasn’t a side effect of the disease because survivors still live with the memory that they were diseased though they lose all feeling for the person.
Park Jihoon woke up that day and called Riseul’s name when he saw her by the doorway.
It was the same voice he often called her with. 
Attending the training from when the flowers became blood-stained was hard. It took her twice as much time to prepare in the morning, and twice as much to travel to and from the agency because her throat ached every time and she needed to catch her breath every 15 minutes.
It hurt to speak, move and even breath.
It was Daewhi who first approached her asking  if she was okay. She nodded and just tried to nap on her chair on the practice room.
The coaches were cutting her heavy slack whenever they see how pale she had become. Some had even offered to send her to the hospital, but she didn’t want to. She knew what was to be said. To undergo the surgery. Of course that was the logical thing, there was no chance for her love to be returned. But there was an illogical voice inside of her that kept shouting to hold unto it.
Did Jihoon feel that way? 
Before she even managed to dwell on it, her phone vibrated and lit up.
New message received. It was from Jihoon. She didn’t want to read it honestly because all the alarms in her head were tingling as if trying to warn her.
Curiosity killed the cat though. She opened the message.
Met the girl, she liked me. Thinking about a second date.
And no matter how she wanted to stop the flowers, it didn’t stop from spilling. The blood stained the wooden floor and seeped into the crevices and her mind kept shouting to stop.
stop. stop. Stop. Stop. She heard the shuffling of feet nearby.
Stop. Stop. Stop. STOP.  
The doorknob turned and Daewhi opened the door revealing her drenched in her own blood. Daewhi pauses, and freezes.
He froze, blocking the way, and she turned to him shaking her head.
Daewhi saw the flowers. Daewhi saw the flowers.
Daewhi panics and remains frozen mute.
“Don’t. Don’t . Don’t tell Woojin about this,” she pleaded desperately. Her voice was so hoarse and soft.
“About what?” Woojin appeared behind Daewhi, and stopped midway registering everything. The flowers. The purples. The reds. Daewhi. Riseul.
Daewhi who was frozen.
Riseul who was stained by her own flood and covered with flowers. 
Then, everything blacked out.
Look forward to the ending of Downpour which will be posted on Sunday. Thank you for all your support <3 
Also. Here’s a picture of Windflowers or also called as Anemones (but Anemones sounded weird so I opted to use windflowers as the term)
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twilightvolt · 6 years
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A 3 month late art summary featuring art that i haven’t uploaded here due to my absence. unless i randomly feel like it, i don’t think i’m gonna go back and upload them here. if you wanna see them, though, they’re all on my DA.
I know i've pretty much said all the important bits in A Sacrifice for the Wind, but i figure i reiterate everything said along with expanding upon everything that occurred during 2017. piece by piece. and yes, i did intend to make an art joke. So, to get it outta the way, 2017 stunk more than a dead fish on a city bus. i lost a lot during that year. i lost the will to believe in whatever the future had in store for me, i almost lost a few friends, i lost my motivation to work on my projects and above all...i lost the smile i've always kept on every year before that. never have i been so emotionally damaged in all 5 years of my artist life leading up to this point. But, i can't say it was completely terrible. as much as i bashed it, art wise, 2017 was a very progressive year. looking at every wedge on the clock, i can't stop staring at how far i've come since the end of 2016. after being stripped of my tablet at the end, i've even learned how to not be afraid of making permanent mistakes. But yeah, let's begin. by turning the clock all the way back to January. when things were much simpler.... January: Hukaro Nakawa ~Final Mix Yeah, this was done in October, but i uploaded it in January for Moon's birthday. plus, there was nothing noteworthy this month. i still remember all the nice comments i got. this was the beginning of a year that i ran right in and yelled "LET'S SHOW THIS WORLD THAT WE WON'T STAND FOR ANOTHER 2016!" Oh how naive i was... February: The Beast Inside Remember when i played a lot of League in my free time? i sure do. anyway, this was my next attempt after Hukaro to continue doing my "Squeenix Cinematic Style." this time on the, at the time, new revamp for Warwick. needless to say, i still think i did a better job on Hukaro. BUT, this was still pretty good. it was during these first few months when things were really lookin' up for me. i was continually working on things cuz i really wanted to make something and school was pretty cool too. March: Digimon ZX Cover ZX ISN'T DEAD I SWEAR! *ahem* I MEAN....hai. owo As we march on into March, i think R2 of Digimon Temporal Jump was going on at the time. we were going through our story entries and things were pretty great being with my best buds. i also began doing art streams i'm pretty sure, with this drawing in particular being done during two days of streaming. i'm being serious, by the way. ZX is not dead. i've been typing up the story on my phone, so look forward to those chapters sometime soon! April: Are You Ready? Yup. in anticipation for Digidestined.Com, i decided to start seriously developing Digimon Unchained ahead of time so people would be able to get to know Yuki beforehand. unfortunately, i didn't actually get to start the story until much later, but that was just me being a lazy bum. i was hangin' out on Discord and stuff, talking about how excited i was for what was to come. we all know what happened, but at the time, being able to go back to the world i once knew with Luneth was a big deal for me. it's like i was going back to the beginning. And fear not, peeps! i've been working on Unchained for quite awhile. you'd be surprised how much i've worked on it with Gao. ^w^ May: Bits n' Bytes Ultima Vocal Collection Oh yeah, i did a birthday gift for Fire too! just so you know, i do still wanna make OSTs for my other Digimon adventures, but without my tablet i can't really do them right now. this month was pretty alright if i remember. making new friends and strengthening bonds with old friends. things were pretty fun in the sun cuz y'know......summer was coming. June: Connection Flow in Ice and Snow AWWW YEEEAAAAH, LET'S KICK IT!!! *Another Way by Girugamesh plays at full blast* (if .Com had a vocal OST, that would be opening.....3 if i remember the list i made. would've been the final opening i think. it's been awhile since i looked at the files.) Now that .Com finally began, i was on the hype train to the sun as i feverishly worked hard on my .Com stuff. this poster was one of my proudest works this year tbh. i promised i would make something great outta this story. this would be the closure that Luneth and Vivi so desperately needed, and Yuki and Arcus would be the ones to save them and close their book for good. not only that, but i was also graduating high school. after throwing my cap in the air, i said my heartfelt goodbyes to all the friends i've known since elementary and middle school including the close friends in my AP Art Squad. Team AP Art Will Never be Apart! honestly, things couldn't be any more exciting for me. Gee, it would be a shame if something were to happen that would trigger a chain of events that would divide my friends forever and send me down a spiraling pain train to the void known as crippling depression. July: DigiJuly Day 5: V-Mon (Vivi) This drawing was done to commemorate three years of adventures with Luneth and Vivi. this was during DigiJuly, when i was doing Digimon doodles nonstop for the duration of the month. What was once a hype train became a train wreck once July came around. things were ok until DTJ burned down in a raging fire and that set the stage for the rest of the year. i literally wouldn't be able to overcome any of this until November or so. i don't wanna dwell on it anymore since i'd be sounding like a broken record at this point. August: D3P: D-Sona 3 Portable Not a lot of art this month either. can you believe that? XD Hoo boy. August. need i say anything more about this month? we thought things settled down after DTJ shut down, but something was amiss.... This was the month that it happened. the climax of the story best left untold....even though i told it a hundred times already. >_>' Outside of the incident, time was running short for our stay at our current home and we were thinking of our next move. i began to worry about college as steep student debt caused us to have a change of plans on where to go. i was beginning to doubt if i even had a future to believe in. i was running out of options, and i was running out of hope. And trust me, it only gets worse from here. September: The Next Generation After awhile, things were still going on outside my realm of knowledge. it only made me feel worse seeing everything transpire long after the initial conflict. with this stigma hanging over me, i finally decided to pack my bags and leave the Digimon group era of my artist life. it was a pretty sour note to end it on, but let's be real here, there was no way i could wait any longer for things to get better. granted, my birthday was awesome, and i couldn't thank everyone enough for coming together to try to bring my spirit back. unfortunately, my bout with depression was just beginning. it was so bad, i pretty much stopped taking care of myself, which would lead to a few days ago when i'd end up with one less tooth in my mouth. i swear i won't let it get that bad again. With everything plummeting down to the dark abyss, i said goodbye to the life i once knew. from here on, things were about to change. i wasn't gonna end here. not now. October: Howling in the Shadows From this month forth, my family had no idea where we were going. the beginning of the tale of the borderline homeless that still continues to this day. Packing away my computer and drawing tablet for what feels like an eternity, i was moving out of my current home that we rented for the duration of my senior year and into grandma's house......in a raging storm. i'm not kidding. the rain was so bad that when we got there, our clothes were completely soaked and we couldn't even see 5 feet ahead of us outside that night. i knew immediately that it was some sort of ill omen for what was to transpire in the coming months. in fact, i even had dreams of the aftermath of what might happen. Now that i was stripped of my digital art abilities, i had to think of something else to do. so, i decided to dedicate myself to going back to traditional art. Boy, did i have fun. November: Return to the Realm of Sleep Now, this was the only thing i was able to crank out in November. BUT, that doesn't mean i didn't draw. i drew stuff, but nothing noteworthy enough to upload here. i'm gonna tell it to you straight now. Arcus will return. With my mental health still kicking me in the butt (it hit me so hard i had a panic attack one day.), i wasn't really motivated to draw much. in fact, i even hid myself away from the internet for quite awhile. without my friends or my sense of purpose, i felt like i had nothing and i was pretty under the weather for a majority of this month. that being said, i snapped myself out of it by force. it was stupid that i still felt the way i did months after what happened. sure, it was horrible, and i wish i could forget everything. but i can't stay stuck in the past. And so, i picked up my colored pencils and other such tools, and began my journey to recovery. December: Lexicon (Lex) and A Sacrifice for the Wind I got the hang of drawing traditionally pretty quickly. throughout the month, i was on fire, drawing masterstroke after masterstroke. (at least, in my opinion. XD) Making my new home in the mobile communities of Amino, it was a nice change of pace from the big screen of my computer. i made a bunch of new friends (to the staff of the Aminos i'm in and the rest of the crew in our Digimon Discord server, you guys are the best and thank you for healing the pain of yesteryear!) and had a grand old time making new OCs, Lex being one of them. i honestly luv Appmon and i wish we got more, but i'm content with what we got tbh. it'll live on in Seikatsu and his friends. be ready to see them once again in the near future! And so, in the wake of destruction as the world continues to change around me, i chopped off my signature anime emo locks, revamped my wardrobe and set my sights toward the future. Nowadays, i've completely moved on from the pain, but that doesn't change the fact that it still happened. overall, 2017 was a complete pile of poopoo garbage and i'm glad the nightmare is finally over. Even if i can't completely write it off as bad, there's just way too many negatives that weigh down the rest of the year for me personally. it's March now and things are pretty hectic, but i've got newfound courage and i know this year will be better than the last. time for me to get back up and charge forth to a better tomorrow!
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mermaidvenom · 4 years
I noticed you reblogged a character ask meme, but who are your characters?
as a teenager I created many ocs for may fandoms but unfortunately  I never wrote any of those ones down but currently the ones I did write down this time and decided to actually put my ideas on paper I have 3 technically 4 but one of them I didn’t design.
ill start with an explanation on the one that is technically mine but also technically not @slukenxyuri made a post awhile ago and made people free icons for their blogs I asked if they would make me a forest mermaid icon and they did later I gave the mermaid a name she’s called Naia which depending on the name definition websites you use means Wave or Water nymph (I had been looking for name for a different character of mine saw that and just thought It suited the mermaid) but all I did was name her I haven’t given her a personality as of yet though canonically even though she resides within the ocean her aesthetic is forest and she’s torn between living in the sea and wanting to reside within a forest (at least that was the info I gave the artist) but how she’s looks is all down to @slukenxyuri I take no credit for that I just got attached and decided she deserved a name XD
my ocs (that I made) include
a Detroit become human oc called Olive: she’s an android and her model is one of those shop assistant android’s that wear the cute polka dotted uniforms I cant really tell you much more about her though she does become deviant that’s the only thing that stayed consistent about her everything else I kept changing and changing (I think I should revisit and work on her again give her a solid back story) her android model is a vh500 and canonically this is what the uniform looks like in game 
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but in my head canon for her the top of her uniform where the polka dots are is green as opposed to pink to but I nice lighter green than the apron I know I wanted her function/job to be something nature based maybe working in a plant nursery or something (originally I did have her working at urban farms and caring for the bees because I have this habit when I make ocs I put a little of my self in all of them and I love bees) as much as I would love that to be her backstory canonically it didn’t make sense for her model to be working there so I scrapped the idea.
 a good omens OC: Esmerelda she’s a recent creation of mine and her profile is basic but these are the notes I have about her 
demon who resides in Scotlandresponsible for legend of the loch ness monster/water kelpie powers are similar to that of a siren black curly hair with green streaksgreen reptile like eyes (I just like the idea of the whole reptilian eye thing plus sort of go the idea from watching the tv series Salem the character Tituba gets blinded by crows and replaces her eyes with that of a cats I know its not reptilian but they did look very much the same and I just wanted her to have them and I mean technically she is reptilian since she’s essentially Nessie or the loch ness monster if you prefer) pale skin
she’s also very chaotic hence how in my head canon at least a quarter of the Scottish legends are down to Esmerelda.
some people have mistaken her for selkie and others a witch because she was just around in Scotland when all those mystical tales where a thing I haven’t really done research on dates and she hasn’t got an age yet (but she’s not as old as Crowley and Aziraphale even though age doesn’t mean anything to an immortal and I haven’t worked out the details of her demonic nature yet like was she an angel who fell or was she always a demon I need to do some research on the good omens canon like if its possible to just be “Born” a demon in this universe or if they all start off as angels and fall.
Last but not least my only complete oc Nerissa. she’s my mc for the arcana romance game I play. I haven’t got around to drawing her but I used a dress up game to get a basic gist of what I picture her looking like ( will probably do the same with Esme at a later date) 
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her full name is Nerissa Morgana Dzovag
he favourite flowers are Amsonia commonly known as blue star flowers
her familiar is a nightingale called noisette (which was a gift from her brother Caspian) 
her birthday is the 13th of January which makes her a Capricorn her element is earth and her birthstone is garnet 
her favourite food is lemon cakes 
her favourite drink is peppermint tea
and her love interest is Julian Devorak 
canonically all mcs are magicians/ magic users and canonically something else happened but I wont spoil for those who are yet to play the game. 
also Nerissa is a mermaid I wont go into the long ass back story I wrote for her but basically her farther and her brother (who was a kid at the time) were pirates looking for this legendary treasure along with their ships captain. mermaid was guarding treasure fight happens between pirate captain and mermaid they kill each other Nerissa’s farther who was first mate now captain goes to look in treasure chest assuming that’s where the treasure is because duh lol finds a baby Nerissa instead and adopts her as his own. 
then I made it fit in with the arcana canon by making her farther the brother of the canonical aunt all mcs have and Nerissa decides to go to Vesuvia to work in her aunts shop and the rest is history (at least for those who have played the game XD)  
also fun fact about Nerissa I picked her name from a baby naming book where the theme was mermaids/ocean and was still unsure about giving her that name what made me decide to keep her as Nerissa was one day I decided to watch the merchant of Venice because Jeremy irons was in it and I love him.
only to find that there is a character in it called Nerissa ( I cant remember if she is in the play I’ve only read it once) who is lady in waiting to Portia 
and in the arcana Julian’s sister is called Portia and vesuvia is basically Venice when you strip it down to its bare essentials 
so I was like well that fits ill keep her as Nerissa to me it was just like it was meant to be 
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