#but it's 'bad metaphors about maps' anniversary today and I wanted to celebrate
shirmirart · 7 months
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"but i’ve kissed your mouth, that corner, that place it goes, so many times now. i’ve memorized it. topography on the map of you, a world i’m still charting."
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kgxiangyu-blog · 7 years
you are a vulture. the existance of corpses puts you into action. there’s no way to soften up this reality; it is what it is. you are a mere scavenger and today it rings truer than ever. 
the name on your assignment file stare back at you. it’s 3 hours until the soonest flight out. you fill up your wait time by creating constellation between what seems like isolated stars.
mumbai institute → servers are down → within the same city as second site of explosion → one out of for attacked sites → kingsman related celebrations  ↓ three incidents establish a pattern. a fourth solidifies it. ↓ who would know the kingsman had an anniversary coming up? ↓ what are the servers hiding? ↓ who has a grudge with the kingsman?
you’re going unaccompanied this time. you specifically request one handler with tech background to be on standby with you. this situation isn’t something that an entire team is ready to be exposed to. the less that people know, the better.
the premise that stores the servers is blocked off to the public. scanners for student and staff IDs stand at every door. there is a security guard at the mouth of a road leading into campus grounds.  
you present your badge with colored ink and embossed features mapping out lie after lie. the emblem of the four lions perched catches the reader’s eyes. they scan it with scrutiny and criticism.
“IB is assigned to a tech issue?” they ask.
“any matter dealing with homeland security is our business. i can’t disclose anything further than that. they sent me from new delhi as soon as possible.” you deliver your lines with confidence, and just the right amount of ease to make the performance believable. the language and accent flows off your tongue after practicing on the plane. 
you hold out a yellow envelope with no intent on handing it over. “the authorizations issued are contained in here. do you have the clearance to check these?” 
“yes? i mean, no.”
“is there someone around who does?” hold your ground.
“the security chief out on a lunch break.” ( convenient. )
“alright then i’ll wait for your chief. i don’t want to make this hard on you after all.” earn their trust. 
“thank you. i’m just a patroller.” ( convenient. ) “i don’t have the authority to let anybody in or out without clearing it with my chief.” 
“of course, i completely understand that. you’re just doing your job” you put on a smile to warm the mood. “it’s tragic what happened in the city. i heard about it when i got assigned. i hope all of the families are coping well. i wish i could do more for them.”
“it is a tragedy when some people think they can do whatever to other people’s lives like that.”
“i agree. i think it’s commendable that even in the face of a tragedy, people like you are still doing their jobs to the fullest. like keeping an institute safe from outsiders. even people like me.”
you share a short laugh together.
the patroller scratches their head. “not really, no. you flatter me. there’s not much to keep safe nowadays.”
you feel the metaphorical tip of your shovel striking the outer shell of the treasure. “oh?” you feign surprise. “i think you’re being humble. you protect people. that’s very dutiful.”
“no.” they wave their hand. “other than every day cleaning and security staff members, the tech heads haven’t been showing up. they’re taking the servers thing harder than i imagined.”
“really? not a single one shows up?”
“not according to my entry logs.” 
“that’s a shame,” you remark. you check your watch and leave the kind patroller with promises that you’ll come back after lunch time. 
your one sided conversations through your ear piece fill the spaces of your hotel. 
“i need you to run recent location checks and bank checks for some names.”
“ramani bhatt. alia desai. arun gupta. pooja patel. [...]”
“no strange bank withdraws?”
“yes, i understand it’s a lot for you. i realize you’re doing the job for a team of five.”
“can you work through the night?”
“you spotted one on a highway traffic cam? which highway was it? okay. got it. i’m looking now. seems like it leads out of northern mumbai.”
“another one going out? well this road specifically leads to the airport. you already looked into it, of course. my bad. so they didn’t fly out.”
“wait, that road. what’s it’s name again? yeah that one. it leads to dharavi. all of the spots we’ve marked circle around this city.”
with the help of your handler, you two find one person who actually made a stop within dharavi. this was a few days ago but you’ll follow any lead that comes. of course, you never ask for others to do something you won’t do. you dawn a simple shirt and shorts in order to blend in with your environment. within a two block radius, you stay up to check out one location after another. 
in the afternoon you notice teens playing soccer for the second day in a row. you wait for the ball to go out of bounds and seize the chance to fetch it for them. “i’m looking for my friends,” you tell the locals. they point down the road when you tell them your ‘friends’ aren’t locals but they pass through a lot. 
“is there something fun down there to visit or something?” an incredulous laugh covers your piqued interest. 
they look at you like you were a naive child for saying something like that. when you check out the area, you understand why. dust blankets over the abandoned apartment complex from top to bottom. five floors worth of rooms with no cameras. or other forms of tech, to tap into means that you have to be creative.
you pull the knob turner on your watch until it comes off completely. the watch face is thick and is made to look cheap. from within, a small droid flies out.
“you got this?” you say to your handler back home. 
the droid whips down the hallway and you place your spectacles over your eyes. everything that the droid sees goes straight into a feed in your glasses and that is relayed back to HQ. floor after floor you see nothing but dirty rooms. it isn’t until the fifth floor that you spot a boarded up room. 
it’s midnight when you grab your equipment and come back. you plug in a usb into whatever computer that can turn on. your handler can remotely access the computer on a shallow basis. they can view what’s on the computer but not necessarily do much else.
that’s where you come in ( regrettably ). 
“so there are huge files that are protected? ––encrypted. there, are you happy now?”
“saying that this is a windows and not a super computer doesn’t mean much to me, but i get what you’re saying. i guess testing every algorithm won’t work.”
“you want me to do what?”
“you know that in the time it takes for you to walk me through things, you can come here and do it yourself, right?”
“you believe in me.” you huff out a soft laugh. “alright. teach me.”
they tell you you need to find a key–– then proceeds to chuckle when you ask if it’s a physical one. they continue on saying that they’re going to send a malware to your email. you plug your phone to the computer and run the malware program.
the program apparently runs through a computer’s memory to see what encryption process was used. by knowing that, then a key to solving the encryption can be obtained. 
you doze off for two hours while the program is running. you awaken to check the program, not knowing how to make heads or tails of it. the status bar is still running so you leave it alone. your handler has been quiet and you assume either they’re sleeping or working. 
four hours later you wake up. not because you feel well rested enough, but because your stomach needs quelling. 
there’s a protein bar in your bag that you scarf down before going back to sleep.
7:00 AM.
this time you wake up to your handler tsk tsk-ing at you.
“don’t give me that. how is the program doing?"
“you’ve found the key. great. so now what?”
“yes, i believe i did tell you this would be less efficient. even before you realized how much info is in here.” 
“alright. well whenever you find someone to get the algorithm written send it to me.”
9:00 AM.
“anybody yet?”
“okay. keep looking and keep me posted.”
2:45 PM
“you got somebody. fantastic.” ( about time. )
“do me a favor and change this priority to yellow status. i just need to to be done. thanks.”
6:50 PM
“in HQ? get up and leave now.”
“forget the mission. you need to go.”
“don’t send me anything. evacuate.”
“i am your superior. listen to me.”
you are pacing back and forth in the abandoned room. this mission isn’t worth losing a life over. 
“okay, okay, okay. i got it. i got it. do as you’re told now.”
7:00 PM
you lose all contact with HQ. your glasses cannot read or send any information to the servers. you had two choices.
one: catch the next flight back. two: continue on
you choose the latter. not for lack of consideration for your coworkers but you are more beneficial to everybody here. your handler risked everything to get you this program so you need to see it to the end. you owe it to them to uncover the truth.
• • • MISSION LOG_ ▬▬▬▬▬▭▭▭▭▭ 50% COMPLETED
you’ve bought enough food from the city to last you a week. you hole yourself up in this room, waiting for the program to finish. your handler told you this version isn’t streamline enough and it requires monitoring once it starts. you don’t know any better so you follow the instructions given to you to the tee.
you are tempted to bring in someone, anyone, to help you hurry this process along. but considering the level of security on these files and the sheer volume of the files, you don’t have that luxury. patience calls your name and you have no choice but to respond. 
you chow down another cup of ramen for yet another meal. your eyes tire from staring at the screens for so long. you manually enter one prompt after the next, wishing that you can scream at whoever assigned you this mission. 
the process is finished and the window disappears. it’s the most anticlimactic ending but the stress melts right off your shoulders. 
you go through the folders individually. each of them are labeled with a name and it goes on for several scrolls. altogether there are about one hundred of them. you click one open and within are columns full of pdf files. from just the very first file, it looks like several experiment trials–– visuals included. 
the first one, AMELIA, turns out to be a two year old pig.
then BAKER, DYLAN, a thirty year old male. 
LEE, JOOHYUN, a ten year old girl.
the data goes on like this without fail. 
the reality of the situation makes your stomach lurch, but you read as many as you can bear. the after images hit you harder than any punch you’ve ever endured. you gathered enough information to know the experiment dealt with specialized steroid effects.
without hesitation you exit out and check some unmarked folders. you run them in a text format and they detail bank activities from an account under the name kumar adani.
each piece resembles the same completed photo but you’re not quite sure how they fit together just yet. at this point you know that there’s no choice but to load as much of the data onto the hard drive built in your ring.
it’s time to go home.
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