#but rn it’s just zoom + pure vibes
lesbiangracehanson · 2 years
i don’t know if there’s a right way to do a phd but i’m pretty certain i’m doing it wrongggg 🫠🫠🫠
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neonscreenlight · 2 years
what were your thoughts on the new mythro lore video?
oh god i stalled so much on this mythro's new video is coming out tomorrow. alright, sit down. this is gonna take a while.
first off, i just want to say that this video somehow didn't feel nearly as impactful as glad's pit? i swear, that video caused a revolution. suddenly there's a whole load of information about why sven hates mythro, which was one of the big things we couldn't figure out an answer to, plus more worldbuilding in general! there's a boatload of theories to throw out, new headcanons, and more angst opportunities! But I didn't really feel the same with this video, as it's mostly stuff we already knew about. this isn't to say i think the video wasn't good, it just felt a bit underwhelming for the most part. anyways, with that rant out of the way, onto the actual video.
there is so much to talk about the actual escape part. obviously the escape part itself was epic. i have no idea what happened, he like placed a chest and then epilepsy warning!!!!! also i love now nonchalant plumpkin is during the fight scene. it's like that "this is fine" meme. someone make that a meme.
also one thing about the stone statue thing, on the analysing stream mythro did he said that the "sign" that c!mythro saw was actually the guards falling asleep. he said that someone has to be watching the statue at all times to avoid the person in their mind from escaping. since the guard fell asleep, nobody's watching it anymore, so mythro could escape.
can i just say that it's incredibly fucked up that people in the creed can't show emotions? it kinda makes me wonder what the inside of the creed is really like. i don't really have much to say about this, i am a svenlore person, moving on.
WOOOOO the ray lore. ray is my second favourite character aside from sven ofc. best morally grey character. so the amount of things to say about this-
that scar on ray's eye. oh my god. hc that ray is partially blind because of that. i'd imagine having a huge scar on your eye wouldn't be that great for your eye.
also i swear ray is the most traumatized person in this series. it definitely shows with his pure anger towards myth, the fact that even the mention of netti breaks him, and the way he talks about the experience of ares' vault with passion but a hint of sadness. i can tell he's trying to push it away and act like it doesn't bother him. get this fox some therapy man.
finally, the svenlore part. one: hoooooly shit his coat has the two white sides!! good reference to the how to summon a sven video (watch that video btw) and also has a few implications! btw thanks to temteno on discord for most of this, she has a tumblr too i think but i can't remember it rn
in summary:
the yin/yang symbolism in this context probably talks about opposite forces, and without the two forces, everything collapes. once sven split off into yin and yang, yang!sven can only rationalize with yang, so instead of figuring out how to understand mythro's situation, he just assumes he's a bad person.
and you can see that in this scene, sven saying that he doesn't believe mythro after everything he's done to him and that he'd rather trust plumpkin. even after mythro tells him he's being manipulated, it doesn't change his mind. with a combination of being stuck in anger and not being able to rationalize correctly, he turns all his grief on mythro and almost admires plumpkin.
also, on a less theorising note, can i just say that that scene before the fight gave off huge "cutscene before a boss battle" vibes? it's like this is some action-adventure game and i gotta fight them myself. especially that zoom out before the fight... it's like the camera is about to go back to the player.
the personality change????? that journal girl definitely has something to do with that. also, i've been calling the journal girl claire. why? because i want to. it definitely makes talking about her easier, at least.
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vive-la-revolution · 2 years
okay crush 2/2 let’s goooo 😭
also this crush is a guy lmao so like. can you tell i am bisexual adjjdjjfhdjsh
okay lets GO woot wooooot
okay so he’s like, in my current class and i hadn’t met him before literally did not know who he was lol. this school year started off online so i barely interacted with him bc of the invisible wall between girls and guys and also eh? also didn’t know what he looked like outside of zoom calls with terrible quality also who tf turns their camera on amr
anyways yes i come to physical school for the first time honestly don’t find him very attractive, acknowledge his existence and the fact that i want to steal his gender (holy shit hes so gender omg) and move on with life because i have better things to do so
did i mention he is so gender?? jsut like, the way he moves the way he talks and Exists?? his like, general existence?? bro gimme ur gender rn why do u have this much gender. pure homophobia.
also like. two seconds after i saw him irl i was like oh this man is a homosexual. this boy right here? gay. (yes this is the guy i just posted about) also getting some kinda trans vibes but not sure about that hes definitely gay/bi tho
but yeah i didn’t care about him much so ye sjdjfj the cis boys scare me tbh 😭
then like one day in like november or early december right, i was sitting in the science lab and like vibing and listening to the teacher and this guy and his group of straight boy friends enter the classroom and i catch myself staring at him which has happened a few times before but i’m like oh it’s just gender envy :) and now i can’t take my eyes off him and i’m like. oh fuck. oh fuck. oh fuck i’m SCREWED huh i, aryan rahul alexander, am absolutely totally and completely screwed
anyways yes ajsjajd. it’s not really as intense as my last crush since i have stronger crushes on girls and just like vagueish crushes on guys but i get nervous when he’s around and havr to stop myself from staring at him sjdjfhf
and yknow the absolutely fucking wildest thing? he isn’t even attractive 😭 and yet i am attracted to him. what is this sorcery i’m. he’s literally jsut like some guy with like average features WHY AM I ATTRACTED TO HIM @ MYSELF YO ARYAN WTF 😭 yknow when aros say “allos describe romantic attraction as so confusing and weird wtf” IT IS LIKE THAT @ MY BRAIN YO WHY R U LIKE THIS
anyways yeah his friend (the guy who wanted to be bi) hangs out with my friends since my friend is friends with the guy who had a crush on her who’s friends with both the other guys (confusing i know) and my other friends were in another class so he was hanging around the area of their tables (i was there) and my crush came over and i was like HHHHH aryan breathe in out in out HsgwrafakeiUgsgdjaiwydh
anyways yes istg when covid is over and we can’t keep our masks on im totally screwed bc with the mask off hes literally. hes literally. hes. HHHHHH
😭 well that’s my crushes enjoy my gay rambling lmao sjdhsjdjfj
once the masks come off you have my 2000% permission to come and scream in my inbox u r in over ur head
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