#+ seminars + talks
lesbiangracehanson · 2 years
i don’t know if there’s a right way to do a phd but i’m pretty certain i’m doing it wrongggg 🫠🫠🫠
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bixels · 4 months
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Just gonna have to wait and see, right? Just wait and see! Just gotta wait and see! Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see! It's anybody's guess, we'll just have to wait and see! The future is exciting, we just gotta wait and see!
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astaroth1357 · 4 months
How to Social:
*MC and the brothers are in the HoL dining room for breakfast. MC has only known the boys for two days now, so they're still a fly on the wall to most of their interactions. Incidentally, they're sat across from Leviathan today, watching him fiddle on his phone...*
*in its Ruri-chan case*
*with a Ruri-chan charm*
*wearing a Ruri-chan shirt*
*and watching a comfort episode of The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl*
MC [In Their Head]: Okay so. I need to break the ice.
MC: I read the plot summary of the Ruri Hana anime on the wiki last night so I understand the premise...
MC: I know the names of a few characters and the basic plot structure of the episodes...
MC: I should try to talk to him about it now.
MC: ... But what about that whole controversy over the dub and the sub versions? The forums said that they're practically different shows! How do I know which one he saw? What if I get it wrong??
MC: Maybe I should do more research...
MC: NO! I want him to introduce the show to me properly! I don’t want to come off like I know more than he does...
MC: But what if I say something wrong and it totally pisses him off?? He may never talk to me again!!
*and then, much to MC's dismay, Levi finishes his buffo eggs and juice then gets up to leave the table. Not a word exchanged between them all breakfast*
MC: ... *sigh*
MC: There’s always tomorrow....
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ecoterrorist-katara · 3 months
on “Zutara is a colonizer x colonized ship”
“Colonizer” is not an ontological category. It’s a role within a specific geopolitical power dynamic, and therefore it can change — or even cease to exist — when these geopolitical power dynamics change (like when, idk, a Gaang of teenagers overthrow a genocidal imperialist colonial regime to install a new monarch who vows to stop the genocide and imperialism and colonization and bring about an era of love and peace)
I know it’s a bad faith anti argument, but it bothers me more than most anti Zutara arguments because I think it is indicative of a very pessimistic, defeatist attitude about power relations in general. Any type of oppressor is not a fixed role. It’s subject to change, and indeed ATLA’s message is that it’s your obligation — and your right, your power — to fight for that change, even if you’re just a ragtag group of kids against a whole empire. Calling Zuko a colonizer is not only a baffling misunderstanding of what colonization is, it also implies that even when you successfully challenge and restructure oppressive power dynamics, old sins cast long enough shadows that there is nothing you can do to be free of them. It’s one thing to acknowledge the complexities of a close relationship with someone who used to benefit from your oppression (indeed that’s kind of the whole arc of The Southern Raiders where Katara confronts the ways in which she has projected the trauma of her mother’s murder at the hands of the Fire Nation onto Zuko, who is now a valued ally). It’s quite another to claim that neither of you can ever escape the ontological categories of oppressor vs victim even if you’ve both changed the world.
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lynx-224 · 3 months
everyone is entitled to their own opinion obviously but i’ve seen sm percabeth (specifically annabeth) slander lately that i’m ready to go to war to protect my children
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blackhholes · 2 months
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Teen Wolf as Arthurian Characters
Scott McCall as King Arthur
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capfalcon · 3 months
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BESTIES!!!!!! <3
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rosepompadour · 1 year
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JULIE CHRISTIE rests between takes on location for DOCTOR ZHIVAGO, 1965
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the---hermit · 2 months
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New book on Irish myths and a neew beloved bookmark my mum got me.
First day back to class. I am slowly going to get back to my productivity routine. Today my anxiety levels were over the roof, it was really hard especially because it fucks up my stomach really bad and eating becomes very painful and stressful. I will have to find a way to properly manage that, but I know I can overcome it. I did take with me some warm herbal tea and that was a great idea because it was very helpful and comforting. The lecture itself was good, I am very excited for it which is great because it means the motivation will be high. There will be a lot of work to do, but as I said I am excited and there will be different professors talking about stuff so I think the interest is going to be pretty high. After class I took a walk into town with my mom which was a great way to help me relax, I ended up getting this new book I am really interested in. When I got back home I also got to spend a bit of time with my brother who made me tea and we planned not one but two movie afternoons and I cannot wait. Spending quality time with him is something I have really missed in the past few months and this is a great way to spend time together, it's really recharging for me. Finally I took a relaxing bath to also help me reduce the remaining anxiety and it was actually quite helpful.
📖: Nona The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
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luchsyy · 2 months
i think i got accepted into the 2D animation class at my university #win #success #awesome
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active-mind-15 · 4 months
I need another excuse to talk about Akashi, so here is another headcanon.
I've already talked about Akashi having a sweet tooth, but lemme talk about the type of sweets I think he would enjoy.
Given the type of sweets/snacks he's canonically talked about and eaten, he strikes me as someone who prefers mellow flavors. Think about his favorite food, tofu. There are many ways to prepare it, but his favorite is simply just boiled tofu. Even for the maiubo snack sticks, Murasakibara shares with him, Fjmk said Akashi's favorite flavors were the steamed ones. So, he seems to like more subtle flavor profiles that don't overpower his senses.
From this, what kind of sweets/flavors would he enjoy? I would think any sweets that have flavors like vanilla, strawberry, matcha, etc. This could apply to candy or baked goods.
But I also see him digging desserts with rich flavors like chocolate, caramel, or coffee (I have a whole headcanon of him being a Nutella fiend too, so I think that falls under the "rich flavors" category). I think he would try and balance it out whenever he has dessert. So, if he were at a cafe eating a cake, he'd have it with an Americano or something. Unless he was eating traditional Japanese sweets. Then he'd probably choose tea for that. And you know that boy loves his tea.
I could see him occasionally go for more citrusy types of desserts, but idk if that would be his favorite. Citrusy flavored things are pretty sharp-tasting, so maybe he wouldn't go for it too often, but he can appreciate it in small doses. I think he'd like the occasional sorbet.
One thing I think he'd hate, though, is a lot of American sweets and snacks. As someone who has lived in the US most of my life, I am fully aware of how salty/sugary our snacks can be. I think if Akashi were to eat some of our candy, it might have the same effect as giving a Victorian child a can of Monster Energy. It's just too much of a sensory overload for him. He leaves all of those snacks to people like Murasakibara and probably Kagami as well.
Anyway, I think I'll wrap this headcanon up. I just had to indulge in my chronic Akashi brainrot for a quick sec. Thank you for listening.
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luvring · 5 months
i need everyone to manifest that my group i'm meeting tomorrow and going to be with for the entire semester and have to do my final project with Is So Awesome. Or At Least Okay. Please. Please. Pleladleeplaseee
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typhoonstrikes · 1 year
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/// ep 2 preview screens added
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communistkenobi · 1 year
also like in terms of nonfiction texts being scary or daunting, in the same way you don’t catch everything the first time you read a story, you aren’t going to get everything in nonfiction texts on the first pass. rereading passages or whole chapters, taking notes and writing down questions you have/noting where you don’t understand something, googling what words mean or what historical events an author is referring to, that’s not cheating and it doesn’t mean you’re stupid, that’s how learning independently often works
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soulmvtes · 4 months
there were only five people including me in my 9am seminar today lmaooo
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