#but that's okay bc i'm a really slow sewer
fantabulisticity · 2 years
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daggerfall · 3 years
Hey, I'm back with more Family Dungeon comments. Okay, so last weekend, we did our first ever dungeon ever--Elden Hollow 1--and it was so easy that we did Elder Hollow 2 right after. And that was easy too. Then we did Fungal Grotto 1 (in under 10 minutes, cause we're doing things on normal, not vet), and THAT was simple too, so we blazed right into Fungal Grotto 2, died a lot to one of the bosses in the middle, realized we'd have to actually Strategize, and then we finished that one, too.
We rode that high for a week and this weekend, on saturday, we were like "let's actually do the undaunted pledges of the day," except it was Crypt of Hearts 2, Fungal Grotto 2, and Unhallowed Grave. We didnt want to do FG2 again, and we figured CoH2 was similarly annoying, and we knew NOTHING about Unhallowed Grave, so off we went.
It was super fun and we had to figure out weird ways to get around certain problems (at one point during the keeper of the kiln fight, I was up on a ledge throwing daggers at her because I was too afraid to go down on the floor and res my mom and sister). We died a bunch, but we did it! We beat all the bosses (minus voria and her crew of semi-hidden bosses)
So, sunday. I respec'd from pure dual weild dps to a staff-using healer, and things started going much smoother. The pledges were City of Ash 1, Spindleclutch 1, and Stone Garden. After Saturday's debacle with things being harder than expected, we thought the daily pledges were chosen to be groups of similar difficulty dungeons per day. CoA1 was laughably easy, SpCl1 was super fun and simple, and off we jaunt to Stone Garden, unsuspecting.
We spent an hour on the middle boss--the stone colossus--and then bailed out because we kept dying without getting it under 50% health. Absolutely terrible, much harder than expected, and we couldnt adapt, even with a mid 300cp stam-plar tank, a mid 500cp self-healing dragonknight tank, and a mid 500cp nightblade healer.
We were well and truly daunted.
We needed an easy win, so we did Wayrest Sewers 1, killed the enemies by barely having to look at them, and then did Wayrest Sewers 2 with similar ease.
So, I guess my question is: Have you beaten Stone Garden, and if so, How? I can provide exact specs for my teammates and their respective gear, but you're not going to like it lol (we have a literal bow/bow templar who mains the grace of gloom set, it's...unconventional)
i do appreciate the stories :D theyre fun to read, honestly seeing others have fun getting into group content is really nice to see. also i’ve done every dungeon on vet and their respective hardmodes lol. 
stone garden as a whole is one of the harder dungeons with not exactly forgiving mechanics (i mostly associate it with being the hardest hardmode ive ever tanked and every time i bring it up with people who have done it with me, we cry a little) a lot of dlc dungeons are going to require people be fully specced out as their respective role according to “the meta” rather than as hybrid roles. in general eso is not super forgiving to hybrids, as you cannot fully dedicate yourself to either role if youre playing a hybrid because of limitations of skill, attribute, and champion point allocation. which is to say, going off your descriptions, a stamplar tank isn’t technically a thing in “the meta” (a tankY stamplar can be a thing, and a templar tank can be a thing, but a damage dealing tank is two roles put into one, and is gonna be less effective at both roles than someone dedicated to only one), and a self healing dk tank is overly descriptive bc a tank needs to be able to partly heal themselves with their own class abilities (as in not resto staves. tanks have to put up a fight themselves to stay alive on their own. unless self healing dk tank means something different than what i am assuming...). a tank is the implied person who is doing taunts (either puncture from sword and shield, or inner fire from Undaunted, or the destructive reach with an ice staff. all other methods of taunting are not real taunts) and you only need one tank to do taunts in dungeons. the person(s) doing damage is allowed to and encouraged to be a bit squishier, because if the tank is taunting the boss and the healer is healing them, they shouldnt have to worry as much about staying alive. a healer invests in magicka and mag recovery, a tank invests in health.
the worst part about that particular fight would be the stone husks on the left side of the room with the aoes that follow someone and drain their resources. what you ideally do is hold the main boss next to the middle stone husk, and as soon as any stone husk activates, pull the boss closer to that husk and focus down the husk. you can catch the main boss in your aoes/cleave damage while getting down the threat quick. your healer keeps you alive with all the fire lightning and ice, you get out of the big fire aoe, you try to keep the resource draining aoe away from you, and you take the fight slow enough to only have one stone husk up at a time. I will say that the fight with arkasis is also kinda rough and i’d probably recommend watching a guide video for that just to get a sneak peak if youre worried. though if you dont want spoilers, you can totally go in guns blazing.
i cant fully give advice without knowing whats killing you in particular, but my general advice is to go a bit more all out in your respective role, though i know i have a slight case of meta-brainrot that makes me forget 1) how easy normal stuff is compared to vet and that they dont really require the same amount of investment to simply Complete compared to vet, and 2) where a lot of people are starting from when they first get into group content and how far i’ve come myself. in general, the standard dungeon team is a tank, a healer, and two damage dealers, and each person invests strongly in their one role rather than 4 people all trying to do every role. there’s Tons of guides out there for each respective class/role combo, and even if they dont really suit your fancy or you cant get those skills right away, they can give you an idea of where to start. i usually just go with googling “*class* *role* eso guide” and just checking several guides for an idea of what common skills they all share.
i do wish you the best gamer!
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cass won't share her cheese nibs and bruce doesn't love me and i think?? that i deserve better??? than this???? i'm moving to alaska where NO ONE CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO
the sequel to that one trix yogurt fic
I feel like I should tell you that I am MASSIVELY fucked up right now 
 like i am such a garbage heap that oscar the grouch took a look at me and said 
 “fuckk off!! i have standards!” 
it’s Brimothy, bitch
what is UP mothertrucksrs it is Me i am back here to write a report on the UNBELIEVABLE SHIT I JUST HANDLED.
okay so u know how Gotham city is on crack cocaine all the time. with like some LSD and heroin and never ever any weed except for like who is that pig guy?? nevrm he doesn’t have weeeed but like he is definitely a Pig. what the fuck is his name. what the fuck.
 okay so anyways 
 is it Goyle
 tin foil? lmao
OKAY FUCK anyways the City, who Also May Be My Lover, is in a constant life crisis (which i relate? a Lot) and do you want to know this s h i t
Killer Croc
who Steve Irwin would be v disappointed in
Is climbing
into people’s FUCKING TOILETS
okay so obviously KC is a big guy. a Dude. a whack-o whaler of a Male. a Big Boh. the largest banananana in the pack. he is Big. so he cAn’t fit into most people’s toilets. he can, however, fit into Big People’s toilets (big as in wealthy, not As in Tom Hanks)
so KC (crispy,,,nuggest…i wonder if fried alligator is good—not that im thinking of eating him, though someone really should threaten him with cannibalism, like if you’re going to be a bitch about it then you deserve the same done to you, it’s just manners) is in cahoots and canoodles with Someone Who Shall Not Be Named (not bc i don’t know, I do, that’s how detectives work. it’s my JOB to know, and i was a prodigy) but bc there is a whole other report detailing this person and their movements and its case file #4461 if u don’t believe me, but i ain’t no snitch, but i will say that tonight’s events connect to file #4461 so Dad if you’re reading this you should already have it out bc it’s your JOB
speaking of jobs ding ding here is mine coming round the mountain as she comes bc the apple bottom jeans the boots with the fur will be coming round the mountain when she comes shE’ll be coming round the mountain she’ll be coming round the mountain she’ll b e coming round and getting low low low low low l ow low
It was a crisp October night. The sun was blinking its sleepy lids, setting the ballroom with an incandescent glow. Bruce Wayne strode across the floor, his daughter Cassandra accompanying him. They wore matching expressions that the privileged always wear: guarded, yet hungry. Hungry for what? Probably for the crab cakes just out of reach. Neither of them had an allergy, and Cassandra in particular had a propensity to shove anything edible in her mouth, so it really was a tragedy that those crab cakes were all the way across the room. There should really be a table right in the middle of the dance floor just for snacks. That way caterers wouldn’t have to do so much leg work, which is actually a good thing, because that ballroom floor is slippery af. This narrator should know, he has Died A Few Times getting there. Suddenly, the night’s festivities were interrupted by a social faux pas: a scream.
You don’t just scream at regular parties, it’s uncouth and hysterical. But you can scream if the social boundaries have already been crossed, and boy, were they crossed.
You see, Dear Reader, there was a man in the toilet.
I use the term “man” loosely, as his glaring yellow eyes do wonders when you might just crap your pantaloons. You start imagining things, like dinosaurs whcih i am personally a big fan of bc Jurassic Park has a kid named Tim in it and I am also Tim.
 hI y is our toilet so big that Killer Croc could wiggle his way up? also how long can he hold his breath. 
 it seems to be impressively long
 hey Bdad how long can he hold his breath? please let me know if you can, and if you won’t i will eat all your wafers becauzs i wa
Mrs. Trenton screamed and fled the impertinent bathroom guest, who wasted no time in ripping the commode to pieces. There was a roar and all the guests paused, unsure if it was merely pipe problems or if they were under attack.
Reader: They were, in fact, under attack. 
The guests, deciding that Mrs. Trenton was a social entrepreneur, followed her lead and began to scream. Killer Croc had made it to ballroom, standing at an impressive height just outside the doors.
He was Not wearing a shirt.
okay have u ever noticed that Killer Crog hasn’t got any nipples????? where are they? he’s got pecs but no nipples?? 
where did they go where are his nip nops i kno people don’t like to think about this but i hAve wondered since i was like 13 like where did they go. has anyone ever asked him. 
did they fall off
“Take the crab cakes!” shouted Matthew Fielder, a lil bitch.
“No, take me!” said Cassandra Wayne, who would literally rather die than give up those crab cakes.
Killer Croc paid them no heed. He desired one thing and one thing only, the sweet satisfaction for his carnal craving: Humain Flesh.
(alliteration hell yeah hell yeah take that Mrs. Johnson i do know shit and im creative as well u jusy don’t know how my brian works it’s like a golden goose egg trap ye ye ye)
 i just Realized 
 i am…a high school drop out
 i don’t know why im doing this
Dear Reader, as an Aside: Smoking can lead to many health issues, especially if one begins smoking at a young age. Harmful side effects include increased risk of stroke and brain damage; muscular degeneration, eye cataracts; cancer of lips, nose, tongue, and mouth, and nipple loss.
 Jason you may want to have a talk with you and your mipples
The terror in the air was stifling. Cannibalism conduct was not something conveyed in etiquette classes. Rich people never expect to be eaten.
Reader, everyone hardly breathed. Something deeply primal had occurred. 
From the doorway the golden eyes struck. Deadly. Lethal. Hungry. 
This was more than vengeance. It was a sadistic occasion of play.
  okay good thing Dames wasn’t there because he fucking HATES KC he gets all huffy and shrieky about him like “he’s a HYGIENE PROBLEM” and it’s like,,,,,.ur right but i don’t want to agree with you because where do we stand if i do that?? as brothers???
 i think the fuck not 
anyways i just realized i’ve been calling Waylon Jones KC the entire damn time (NEWSFLASH ASSHOLE) but to be fucking h, he wants to to be called that. i called him Allen once and he was so PISSED so i can only think of actually calling him by his name. he wouldn’t even be chill with me naming the sewer alligators even tho they were awesome names. i called one Dundee. that’s fucking genius. that’s just. i’m fucking amazing. stupenous. and unappreciated.
 maybe his nipples fell off because he swims in shit every night?????
 question: why do i swim in shit almost as often 
 what the dfck
 what are my life choices
 i feel like there should have been some fine print involved here 
 “Robin duties include scraping shit off your asschreks 3 times a week”
 mahbe,,,,maybe not what i want 
 personal choice
though i haven’t really seen any alligators in the sewers for years now, which is
im so disturbed……..i like, need to eat something. Fucking hell. this Not what i had in mind when i decided to be alive.
i feel like as if i woke up one day and i was the only one in the entire world who remembered Caillou. also could pull off my face and eat it like taffy. imw so. i.
mom i know i refused to go to Shabbat when i was ten so i don’t get to say this but:
this is Not kosher 
oh heyy i want some pIckes
i was also thinking of takin a spin class?? like fuck it i like to bike. fuck it. and maybe iwdont want bruce and nigtwink fucking watxhing me with their beady eyes. like get those off my calves. my cleavage is up here, gentlemen. stop talking about proper form. some people can do things and suck at them. i’m never going to be like a professional ice curler. and i shouldn’t feel bad about that. who the fuck curls for fun. maybe Canada???????
note to self: look up the history of the sport of curling 
i’m going to get good at it to piss off Jason
Back On Topic:
Killer Croc took a step forward. His mouth trembled, watering in anticipation. He took another step.
Mrs. Trenton drew in a breath. 
The room was silent. 
Far across the room, Bruce Wayne clenched his champagne glass. Cassandra Wayne stopped chewing the crab cakes.  Reader, I won’t mince words: Waylon Jones crossed the threshold.
  and the instant he put his foot down on the ballroom floor he fucking slipped like a drunkass toddler
like when Damian is really really tired bc he’s like 2 years old (only an evil 2 years old like chucky) and Jason tries to give him a high five 
gremlin still doesn’t get that “down low” precedes “too slow” 
and he like. faceplants
onto the fucking concrete 
and then Bruce yells at Jason 
and then Jason yells back
like it was something we all did, like wrote it down on our batmas lists for Brucie Claus 
and im sitting there, a perennial Forgotten Middle Child
and Damian is like still. on the ground.
anyways KC is just slipping across the ballroom, slippering and sliding bc the floor was just waxed and it’s silent except for the wet slaps of his feet against the floor and the screech his tail makes every time he trips (sort of like this) and when he sometimes falls it makes that sound of when your thighs SLAP against the mats and it sounds like a wet walrus coming to cheer you on while a Giant simultaneously swallows a liquid-filled gummy worm down his throat like QAWAGGHHHHHHH only his falls reverberated against the ceiling panels and the cherubs looked down in like. disgust.
Cass began chewing the crab cakes again by the time Killer Croc fell for the twelfth time so idk it was an embarrassing situation
 we all did that Thing people do when a social barrier is breached 
 we like…..avoided each other’s eyes and made light conversation 
 meanwhile Killer Croc’s body screeched in the background
anyways Matthew Fielder was like “so I hear you dance ballet” and Cass responded “uh huh. tap too” and the chewed up crab cake crumbs fell out of her mouth and onto the floor
 i CAN’T
scrambled cock on a cracker, Cass why does Alfred let this happen????? what is this??????  like she can snort creme puffs like cocaine but GOD FORBID i put my elbows on the table and call damian “a poisonous little bitch” because he ate my croutons
 the standards in this family are unbelievable
So everyone is just talking and Mrs. Trenton is sipping champagne now and Luis Alvarez is doing that thing where he starts trying to eat caviar one teeny tiny egg at a time and KC is just like WHUMPH for the thirtieth time
finally dad takes pity on him and crouches down and is like “hey how you doing slugger” which???? Offended me. Very Much.
that’s MY nickname 
has Waylon No-Nipples Jones been adopted by Bruce Wayne??? has Waylon No-Nipples Jones retrieved HIS sorry ass from time?? i don’t fucking think so 
the audacity of this man
but before Killer Croc can reply
Red Hood
guns out, voice modulator kind of fuzzy like a broke refrigerator that makes an “eeeeeeeeeee” sound ever since i tripped over it and fell on it
 which wASN’T MY FAULT 
 IM NOT “deformed baby zebra clumsy” FUCK YOU JASON 
 you know what? I’m GLAD i tripped over it.
 yeah. suck it. 
 im glad you sound like a 90s japanese transistor radio 
 off brand too
 fuck you 
 even Bruce was like “hey tim you need to watch where you’re going”
 how about YOU watch where YOU’RE GOING 
 “where” as in TIME TRAVEL 
 HUH BIG GUY?!???????!!???
 no one is allowed to criticize me from now on
 i am Above Reproach 
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    anyways yeah Red Hood appears at the party and shoots KC and Bruce was like “why the FUCK would you SHOOT HIM” as if he has some misplaced paternal feeling for Waylon No-Nipples Jones because he called him slugger which is something he calls one of his other kids but whatever im not bitter im just insecure and sad all the time but don’t worry about it maybe i’ll die one day and you’ll all be sorry especially about Certain Things like not sharing cheese nibs huh Cassandra
so RH and Bruce Wayne kind of argue. like. literally sniping at each other bc SOMEBODY forgot that Red Hood is a criminal and not their misplaced son and RH is like “it’s!!!!! a tranquilizer!!!!! ya big hoe!!!!!” only he doesn’t really say it like that but everyone isn’t even listening at this point because this party has already been so goddamn weird and we’re all suffering from secondhand embarrassment
i am Assuming,,,,,that Killer Croc Jones “Jonsie No-Nipples” has been taken away to be put into jail and studied for his non-nipple properties but at this point i’ve been sitting here huffing that cold medicine or whatever Bruce gave me. which
 oh yeah i was crushed earlier 
 it was by “slugger” but whatever
 yeah his body broke mine 
 it was because Bruce and Jason were fighting again and not paying attention so 
 KC was tranquillized and like 
 fell on me 
 he drooled on me too 
 those ballroom floors really hurt 
 like my head feels like mush 
 Alfred’s oatmeal 
 on its second day 
 because i refused to eat it on the first day 
 that man has a spine of Steel and he Does Not Let You Waste Food 
 btw he fell on me because i pushed Luis Alvarez out of the way 
 he was really transfixed by those tiny fish eggs 
 it’s fun to put them on your tongue and let them like slide around 
 so i pushed him out of the way and was promptly crushed to death 
 B said something about a broken collarbone 
 i am more worried about a broken butt 
 my coccyx
PROFESSOR PYM wait no shit that’s a comic book character
anyways my butt is broken and im hungry and dad wouldn’t let me get out of the chair so i write up this report because I am A Real Life Detective and I do my JOB
once again im the best
hey red jood can you get me some cheese nibs cassandrA won’t share which is p mean especially since i was all for being eaten to give her those crab cakes  red hoof red  why isn’t he responding to me i want xheese nibs red hanz  red  red  Red Hood please I require sustenance  red fhau red gjji red hhood ted joood redb hood red red edds red red edd dedd red red red red red wd red  what the fuck what a right bastard sometimes oh hi Badaman
EDIT: His name is “Pyg.”  Fucking. Pyg. Points taken off for unoriginality.
decided to have a tumblr version too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XXV)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
There was no time to say 'I'm sorry'
Hello my dears!! This is a new meta from my Destiel Chronicles. We will start with season 7, is gonna be a short road, I calculated a total number of six metas, so.
I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder , she made the gifs for this era and discussed some matters.
Okay! Let's start!
You're Not my Cas
After Cas became Godstiel, Dean noticed the big change. He wasn't Cas anymore, even his voice was different, and he'd said Dean wasn't his family.
In episode 7x01 Meet the New Boss (written by Sera Gamble) he have Dean trying to avoid Castiel's topic by trying to fix Baby (a symbolic representation of Dean's heart). Baby is broken, like Dean (bc of CAS) and he's trying to endure it. And he uses this as a distraction too. That's why when Bobby came to see him, he asked him...
BOBBY: So, you fixin' her or primal screamin'?
This is a great point of view here, if Baby is Dean's heart and he's trying to fix it. He's yelling at it. To get better quickly. To forget about Cas and his betrayal. To recognize Castiel isn't his Cas anymore. And now he's a monster and he has to stop him.
Then they start to talk about Cas, and this is the interesting part...
BOBBY: I don't even know what books to hit for this, Dean.
DEAN: Well, figure it out! I'm sorry. This ain't in no book. If you stick your neck out, Cas steps on it. So you know what I'm gonna do?
BOBBY: What?
DEAN: Imma fix this car. Because that's what I can do. I can work on her 'til she's mint. And when Sam wakes up, no matter what shape he's in, we'll glue him back together too. We owe him that.
Again, the car, his heart. He's gonna fix it, because he needs that fixed and patched, and renewed because he knows what he has to do about Cas. So he needs not to feel a thing about him.
He knows how to do that. How to fix things that hurts his heart... He pushed those things down, and deep... But he won't be able this time ( as he will say it in 7x17), because is Cas.
Then, Sam wakes up and...
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Again to the car. Because Sammy put his finger in that wound... And Dean is still trying to fix it...
And Because you're not him, I'll try to kill you
Ok, now... The News...
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And Dean shutting down the TV because, he knows Cas is young and sexy, he knows more than anyone, because he feels sexually attracted to him, but that, isn't Cas, so... Stop saying things I know about my Cas, I know he's hot, but this one, isn't my Cas.
He shuts the TV, angry and hurted, and he goes to fix his Baby/Heart again.
But while he's fixing Baby, he's hearing the new on the radio, to follow Castiel's steps... Godstiel is targeting motivational speakers.
SAM: Motivational speakers?
DEAN: Yeah, I'm not sure new Cas gets irony any better than old Cas. Of course, old Cas wouldn't smite Madison Square Garden just to prove a point. He is off the deep end of the deep end. And there's no slowing down.
Dean was able now to separate OLD CAS (his Cas) and NEW CAS (the monster they have to kill). His brain is doing this to help him to take the hard decision.
But Sam is the one here that can't lose his faith on Cas, he tries twice to convince his brother to speak again with Godstiel, and Dean explodes, because he was trying so hard to take this decision, and he doesn't need hopes or faith in Cas again.
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SAM: Okay.
DEAN: Hand me that socket wrench.
The car again. His heart.
Dean is spilling the very hurtful thoughts he was ruminating the whole time while fixing his car/heart, yeah, that's the thing that huts him so much, Cas isn't coming back. This is not Cas. He betrayed us.
And then, when he vomited all that, he came back to fix his heart, trying hard to do it. The symbolism is exquisite and sad at the same time.
Then, Dean devised a plan to kill Godstiel by slaving Death. They asked Crowley's help, and they summoned Death.
And Godstiel enters in action again. And when se sees what Dean was doing... He said this...
CASTIEL: I didn't want to kill you, but now...
DEAN: You can't kill us.
CASTIEL: You've erased any nostalgia I had for you, Dean.
So... Godstiel had some nostalgia about Dean, because when he was CAS, they shared something profound. Is like someone remembering his ex.
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But he gets more mad at Dean when the hunter orders Death to kill him, look at Godstiel's face. And look at Dean face. He's able to do that bc he had in his head a voice repeating him He's Not My Cas.
He can't believe Dean wants to kill him.
He vanished, and Dean's hopes to defeat him too. Even with Death giving them another plan... Dean is devastated.
Sam still believes in Cas
Then Dean is drinking, because he lost any hopes, but Sam, He's trying hard. He still believes in Cas, he has hopes, so he prays to him...
SAM: Hey, Castiel. Um... Maybe this is pointless. Look... I don't know if any part of you even cares, but, um, I still think you're one of us, deep down. I mean, way, way, way off the reservation, but... Look, we still have till dawn to stop this. Let us help. Please.
Sam believed Cas is still there, his part of the Team Free Will. And he had right there.
Castiel came back to his senses when he gets possesed by the Leviathans he carried inside of him. He lost control and kills innocent people. That's what makes Cas coming back. His vessel is very damaged, but he listened Sammy's prayers... And he went to him.
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Dean is there too, look at his worried face, looking at Cas in that shape, and the camera focused on him immediately after showing us Cas. Is because his reaction is more important than Sammy's. But Cas was answering Sammy's prayers, so he named just Sam. Because Sam still believes in him. And Castiel asks for help.
There was not time
When they were about to re open the doorway to Purgatory, Castiel is ashamed and he wants to ask for forgiveness, but there's not time.
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CASTIEL: If there was time, if I was strong enough, I'd -- I'd fix him now. I just wanted to make amends before I die.
DEAN: Okay.
CASTIEL: Is it working?
DEAN: Does it make you feel better?
DEAN: Not a bit.
A huge thing like this doesn't fix in seconds, or minutes. It requires time to talk. But they didn't have that. Cas was trying to use the few seconds he knew he had to give a good end to that. He knew he was about to die. So he tried hard, but human's feelings are not that easy to fix. Even Cas was experimenting those human's feelings too.
When they opened the gate, and Cas was about to expell the would into the Purgatory, he gave what they thought was one last look at Dean... And he said it...
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With such sorrowful face, Dean echoing the sadness in his face too. A painful ending? Not... There will be more ...
Castiel's Death
Cas fell to the ground, and Dean is terrified.
DEAN: Cas?
BOBBY: He's cold.
DEAN: Is he breathing?
Okay, this is Dean denying Castiel is dead. Bobby said HE'S COLD, and Dean was like is he breathing? And when Bobby said he didn't, Dean went with that excuse... And Bobby had to be more specific. Cas is gone.
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And Dean breaks in anger again... But not for so long... Because CAS wakes up.
DEAN: Damn it. Cas, you child. Why didn't you listen to me? Cas?! Hey! Hey! Okay. All right.
The reproaches again
CASTIEL: That was unpleasant.
And again, for a few seconds before the Leviathans take control over Castiel's vessel, he tries to enmend things with Dean. Is the only thing he had in his head an heart.
CASTIEL: I'm ashamed. I really overreached.
DEAN: You think?
CASTIEL: I'm gonna find some way to redeem myself to you.
(And he will by the end of this season 😏)
DEAN: All right, well, one thing at a time. Come on. Let's get you out of here. Come on.
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Dean is not saying he won't forgive him. He just need him to be safe. He died and now he's back. He knows they can fix things... But is sad... Because the Leviathans made his entrance right in that moment.
In episode 7x02 Hello Cruel world, Castiel dies.
We had Cas dying in that river... And the scene with Dean taking his trenchcoat. He lost Cas again. This time for real.
He breaks...
And Bobby tries to comfort him, as he will do through the whole season...
DEAN: Okay. So he’s gone.
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The sadness in Dean's face is huge.
BOBBY: Well, he was friends with us, wasn’t he? Can’t get much dumber than that.
After this, Sam and Bobby are worried about Dean, and Bobby tries to talk with him, but Dean avoids the topic faking he's ok, as always.
DEAN: (...) I’m not Sam, okay? I keep my marbles in a lead friggin' box. I’m fine. Really.
BOBBY Of course. Yeah. You just lost one of the best friends you ever had, your brother’s in the bell jar, and Purgatory’s most wanted are surfing the sewer lines, but yeah, yeah, I get it. You’re – you're fine.
Then Sam and Bobby sent Dean to a hunt alone, because they knew he needed some distraction. They knew Dean was grieving, in his weird way to grieve.
We will see Dean drinking a lot of alcohol in the nexts episodes as a scape from his thoughts. This Will be very recurrent in this season.
Mirroring Destiel
I'm gonna talk in this last section about two Destiel mirrors in the following episodes to Castiel death.
One was settled in episode 7x03 The Girl Next Door.
If you recall this episode was Sammy's first love when he was a teenager and he was hunting.
But first of all I want to mention some interesting scene, Dean had a fracture after fighting with one of the strongest Leviathans (Edgard) in Bobby's place. His house was burnt and they thought Bobby was dead (foreshadow of it ofc), but when they were in Rufus's cabin, Dean was watching a Latin novel, and Bobby enters and this was the peculiar dialogue...
DEAN Dude... Ricardo.
BOBBY What happened?
DEAN Suicidio.
BOBBY Adiós, ese.
DEAN looks very moved at what has happened on the screen.
Ok, why would I put this here? There was a woman embracing his dead lover in her arms, crying bc he had committed suicide. And Dean was moved about that.
Lovers separation by death of one of them... Suicide specifically, like Leviathan!Cas killing himself in the river... Do you got the picture here?
And btw Sam goes to the groceries shop, Dean asked pie but. .
DEAN Where's the pie?
SAM I got cake. It's close enough, right?
Okay... Dean ate the cake... If we know the cake represents Dean's queerness and hanger for CAS... 😏
Okay, back to Sam again...
He was hunting a Kitsune, but he fell in love with the Kitsune's daughter.
When her mother discover that she tried to kill little Sammy, but the girl stabbed her in the heart. (Hello Destiel recalling).
She rebelled against her mother and her lore for Sam. (Sounds familiar?)
When Dean discovers Sam didn't finish his job again he decides to kill her.
Because he knows how hard is try to kill the person you're in love with, even when that person becomes a monster... He knows.
So he did it instead Sammy. And he lies to him. That will be one of the topics for the whole Wincest subtext (very blantant this season).
Ok... Jumping now to episode 7x05 Shut up Dr. Phil ...
Remember this one, two witches in love, they were a couple for centuries... They were fighting because Maggie Stark (the witch) thought Don Stark (his husband) was cheating on her (misscomunication) and Sam and Dean get in the middle and they decided to interview. And read what Dean said... People... He's talking about his experience with Castiel here...
DEAN:Look – obviously, you two are capable of wiping each other out, right? But you haven't, huh? Which means that you two – you still value whatever it is you got. A-and you want keep that dance going. Maybe it's – maybe it's punishment. Maybe it's – it's sick, messed-up, erotic, kinky, clamps and feathers kind of love.
What-the-hell!!???? I said to myself... Do I need to add something here? He said fighting is sick, messed up erotic/kinky/feathers and love in the same sentence!
Ok Dean... Tell us more... 🤣🤣🤣
This line was juicy...
To Conclude:
Castiel's death was a huge traumatic experience that leads him to depression and alcoholism, but he pushed that down and avoided it as always.
There was two Destiel mirrors in the two following episodes after Castiel's death reflecting their story and Dean's inner truly and repressed feelings for him.
I hope you enjoy this first meta from season 7! C-u in the next Chronicles!
Tagging @weirddorkylittlediana @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73
If you want to be tagged in this metas just let me know!
Buenos Aires August 21st 2019 8:48 PM
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