#but the quality was waayyy too shit
batmecha · 2 months
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v2s and mirages
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valliass · 3 years
Early thoughts on Age of Calamity from someone who’s put waayyy too many hours into og hyrule warriors
I’m aware I’m about a month late to the party and everyone who might be wanting to know what’s up already does, but I finally caved and bought aoc and wanted to share my first impressions after a few hours of gameplay Spoilers, duh, but like. If you’ve even watched the opening cutscene you already know what’s up
First of all: The controls
Since I’m so used to the “zelda” control scheme in og, being locked into the classic warriors control scheme feels extremely awkward to me, especially when it comes to clicking in the R stick to lock onto enemies. It just feels wrong. However, for someone who hasn’t put tons of grinding into og, I’m sure it’s 100% fine. One thing that’s not fine: The camera controls when aiming something such as Link’s bow or most characters’ bomb rune abilities. It’s incredibly clunky, as if there’s a slight slant to the ground or an object like a fence or something blocking your way, the camera will completely stop moving in that direction and/or yank itself the opposite way, messing with your aim. I was doing a side quest earlier where you’re meant to defeat groups of enemies by hitting explosive barrels near them. I went “Okay, I can just use the bow to hit them from afar without blowing myself up, easy” and while half the time it was just that, the other was spent wrestling with the camera to try and get it to do what I wanted. I’m going to toggle settings around in a bit and see if anything improves, and maybe this won’t be a problem on maps with more even terrain, but it’s come up in pretty much every mission I’ve done thus far. Aside from this one major issue, the game controls pretty smoothly Secondly: The content Age of calamity definitely feels a lot more like a cohesive rpg than og hyrule warriors ever did. It’s one experience with one storyline, and feels a bit less video-gamey (if that makes sense?) than og. This time around, the reason to play is the story, while last time the draw was learning to master the mechanics/playstyles to get high scores. Neither of these is necessarily better than the other, but you should be expecting different things coming in. One thing to note is that this newer focus on story and having one connected experience means there’s no additional game modes aside from the main campaign and whatever side quests you find on the map. I’ve heard there’s some post-game content, but I’ve also heard of people 100 percent-ing the entire game in the span of a few days, which means there’s a lot less additional content than in og. And by a lot, I mean a lot. Age of calamity has 159 non-story missions. In adventure mode alone, og hyrule warriors has 11k. I couldn’t find a list of challenge mode missions anywhere, but those would probably bump it up to around 12/12.5k. Big difference. Huge. Again, the focus here is on the story and they were absolutely going for rpg instead of arcade-y hack and slash here. Still, it’s worthy to keep in mind that in exchange for the higher-quality main campaign, you’re not going to be able to play age of calamity basically forever and still have more content to complete like you can with og. There’s also less playstyles, but that’s a non-issue. The absurd size of og’s cast was the exception, not the rule, and considering it had all of zelda canon plus its own ocs to pull from and age of calamity only had botw, they did extremely well with what they had. I’ve watched a ton of footage of each playstyle, and all the characters are very unique and deep with their own mechanics to learn. The four I’ve gotten my hands on so far (one-handed sword link, impa, sheikah slate zelda, and mipha) feel incredibly varied to control. The roster is great. Lastly: Smaller points and nitpicks/compliments that weren’t worthy of their own sections.
The marketing was incredibly misleading. This is not a prequel. This is a spin-off. They make it clear from the very first cutscene and confirm that “yes this is not going to lead into botw at all” right after story mission two. I feel slightly betrayed but already knew that going in, so it didn’t catch me off guard. I guess they thought everyone dying horribly at the end would be too hard on the kids? Beats me.
Oh my god the music slaps it slaps so hard-
Is it just me or does one handed sword link’s range feel way shorter than it should? It feels more like controlling light sword toon link or tetra. Maybe they were just really desperate not to have a repeat of og hyrule warriors link breaking the game harder than glass tossed off a skyscraper lmao Art direction is beautiful. Aside from some rare small weird shading from the cel-shader, everything looks fantastic. This is just personal preference, but I definitely wish characters talked a bit less. You start to get tired of the same voice lines playing over and over again for your most used attacks. I miss the occasional vague shouts og had. I might eventually switch to a different language I can’t speak so it’s less noticeable.
Lastly, second shout-out to the music holy SHIT just listen to the remixed champion themes
Annnd that’s about it! I might make a second post/rb when I finish, but for now that’s about all I have to say, and it’s time to get back to it!
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