#but then haat ijaa haa'it happened
triscribeaucollection · 3 months
@foxstronaut: #YEAH SO I DID IN FACT WANT TO SEE IT#this is so good……this au just keeps getting better……….tysm for the link to this post!!#the wider context of the time travel……the fallout of bens betrayal…..#positively eating this up#also if i can ask- what is the ‘shereshoy’ mentioned in ur tag? :0
Shereshoy is the capstone of my Vod'e An Star Wars series, which is ALL about time travel, but I keep copy-pasting the intro scene into different AUs because it is. Definitely one of my favorite bits of writing to date.
Here's the series summary:
Have you ever seen a time traveler dropped into the middle of someone else's butterfly effect? How about several dozen someones? AKA I nabbed all my fave clone troopers and sprinkled them into a much happier galaxy, with a touch of violence on top. As a treat.
Aaand just for laughs, here's the intro scene in question:
The Force screamed in the middle of the night, and Ahsoka lurched awake with one overriding thought: not again.
Both lightsabers immediately flew to her hands as she rolled out of bed - boots and outer robes left behind in her sprint for the door. For the first time since constructing her own hab at Luke’s school, Ahsoka regretted putting herself on a neighboring ridge instead of down in the valley among the students.
Even as she ran, the Force flickered with another youngling’s death.
Beams of red light in the darkness, matched to knots of Dark power, drew her forward at even greater speed. Bounding off rocks and trees, the togruta remained nearly silent with every leap; she instinctively shielded herself with the Force to mask her approach, until the moment she burst out over the heads of three Sith acolytes, and let her own power flare.
Their helmeted heads snapped upwards. In the span of two heartbeats, her white sabers slashed, and those same heads fell to the ground, their bodies following after a brief pause.
Ahsoka landed in a battle-ready crouch, positioned defensively over a boy collapsed on the ground. When no further Sith revealed themselves, she deactivated and tucked away one lightsaber, freed hand reaching for the teenager at her feet. “Jacen?”
“I’m okay,” he rasped, heart pounding hard enough her lekku could feel the vibrations. “What- what’s happening?”
“Another Purge,” Ahsoka said, fighting hard to keep her voice level. “Can you feel Ezra?” After a moment’s pause, his face scrunched with desperate concentration, Jacen nodded. “Then let’s go. I’ll watch your back.”
The boy staggered upright, and led her around to the far side of the school buildings: student sleeping huts, a kitchen and meal hall, storage and laundry and library. Most of them bore scorch marks and other damage, while further up the valley, the actual temple where Luke handled meditation and combat training burned.
Storm clouds rumbled overhead, an echo of the fury roaring in Ahsoka’s mind. Twice, cracks of lightning revealed fallen bodies as she and Jacen ran past.
Another set of Sith attempted an ambush, only to falter when they registered her white lightsabers. Ahsoka didn’t hesitate to leap forward and deal with them swiftly, before any attention could be turned to the padawan beside her. Jacen, thankfully, didn’t attempt to join her, nor did he comment afterward - but his Force-presence shivered and pulled in even tighter on itself.
The next enemies they came across were a squad of stormtroopers, concentrating fire on a solitary figure, who deflected incoming plasma bolts and shot back his own with the same weapon. Ahsoka could sense two more younglings hidden behind Ezra’s billowed cloak, and increased her speed.
One trooper spotted her mid-charge. He and his neighbor turned to shoot at the new target, but their bolts went wild, too far off the mark to even require deflection. Ridiculous, Ahsoka could hear in her mind, as she spun and slashed, No brother would have gotten off Kamino with aim like that; do they even bother training these shinies, or just hand ‘em armor and a blaster and a new set of orders?
Faster than droids, but not nearly as fast or coordinated as clones, which meant Ahsoka carved through the stormtroopers within moments. As the last blaster fell in pieces to the ground, she saw Jacen dash past to crash against his favorite teacher with a desperate hug. Ezra wrapped an arm around the boy’s shoulders, the other still holding his lightsaber. “Ahsoka?”
“Get to my ship,” she ordered, as another peal of thunder rang above their heads, and the first few raindrops began to fall. “Don’t wait for anyone else, just take off and get to safety.”
Expression grim, Ezra nodded, and turned to drop into a crouch. He helped Alora get to her feet, the girl holding Grogu against her chest. “Pypey?”
The teenager shook her head, headscarf gone, face covered in tears. Ezra didn’t waste any more time before hustling her and Jacen off, towards the hidden landing pad where they kept hyper-capable craft. Ahsoka barely waited before hurrying onward again.
She passed more bodies; some students, some stormtroopers, the occasional Sith in black and red armor. The rain began coming down harder, turning the ground slick with mud, dragging visibility down to mere feet and severely impacting how much Ahsoka could sense with her hollow montrals.
But the Force didn’t falter. Every leap took her from one mostly-stable spot to another, following further death knells and surges of power, all the way up to the front steps of the old Jedi temple set into the mountainside. All the way to Luke.
Despite his much smaller stature, he moved like Anakin, and she could feel the intense emotions racing through him. One trooper after another fell, Luke refusing to let any of them put so much as a single foot on the steps into his school, his Academy. More bodies sprawled across the stones behind him; only one still flickered faintly with life.
Ahsoka took over the fight.
She landed ahead and just to one side of Luke, better positioned to defend the one student still gasping for breath. “Go! Take her and go!” Her fellow Jedi hesitated, clearly torn between multiple directions. “She’s dying, Luke, take Jaina and go, NOW!”
His Force-presence flared, then settled, decision made. Ahsoka felt the man lunge, scoop up his wounded student, and bolt into the Temple. She knew he’d follow a secret route out to the far side of the mountain, where an overhang sheltered his old X-Wing. With any luck, Artoo would be waiting, engines already fired up and ready to take off.
Even without luck, Ahsoka would buy them enough time to escape. Raindrops sizzled off her lightsabers as she swept them through the air, evaporating into steam that trailed after her every movement.
And Ahsoka moved.
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yoyo-person · 4 years
Past and Future
Gods of any kind help me! I don’t like posting my work, but my best friend @silvurarts says yall need to be blessed. So here’s a story about my swtor mando; Kynerr Idate (my icon). 
I’m open to feed back, I would love to know how my writing is really, and let me know if you want me to post more of my stories!
Disclaimer: i base my star wars writings off of legends. But really all of swtor is legends. 
”Mandalorians cherish family and shower affection upon those they love and care for. One day Kynerr, you will find someone whom you would conquer entire star systems for if it meant you could see them smile.”
How many years had it been since Kynerr had returned to his homeworld, his family, his roots? The mirialin looked at his homeworld as his ship made one last orbit before landing. Mandalore was a real sight to behold from space. The green forests and oceans made the planet shine, but Kynerr knew if they kept fighting each other their home would be in ruin. On the planet however, strong winds and harsh fauna made Mandalore a beautiful but deadly planet. He had left home when he was fourteen with others of his clan. He wanted to test himself. He wanted to be worthy of becoming his clan’s future leader. He was stupid and childish then. He disrespected his clan by disobeying rules and putting himself over his clan, he left his clan to take up bounty hunting at fifteen, only to return another year later after befriending an up and coming pirate who showed him family brought more to life than credits ever could. Since then, even though he was still dumber than a box of rocks, was fluent in four different languages and couldn’t speak any of them properly without slang or offensive vocabulary, he was determined to prove to his father that he was worth restoring his trust in him.  
Stepping off the ship and onto the familiar spaceport brought a wave of nostalgia over him. He and his father sold prime cuts of meat and bone from their hunts to vendors, arguing with merchants over blaster barrels, and other memories flooded him. Normally he would have contacted a clan member to shuttle him back to their stronghold, but Kynerr was not here on his clans’ behalf and more his own. He had come home to stand toe to toe with his father and show him the man he had become. His clans’ stronghold was a little ways outside the small town of Enceri; an agricultural/mining hotspot in the northern forests of Mandalore. Being unannounced as he was, he found the shuttle that would take him to Enceri. He sighed at the sight of merchants and other Mando’s packing into the small shuttle. He hurried to board, pushing past others to grab a window seat. He giggled to himself a little as he was promptly shoved into the wall of his seat. It was to be expected really. The cramped conditions of his short flight brought on memories of his past with his father.
The rain poured outside as the shuttle full of mando’s talking and laughing filled the cabin. Rain was constant in the northern part of the planet which brought perfect opportunities for young mando’s to train. 
Kynerr, barely nine years of age, was going on his first hunt with his father and a few others of their clan. Mandalorian children learn to hunt and track very young to prepare them for their bigger hunts and bounties when they turn thirteen. Kynerr was ecstatic to finally train with his father and be a part of the stories he and other clan mates always told him. As he watched the terrain outside zoom by his father sat down next to him. 
“Excited to get your hands dirty?”
“What are we gonna hunt?! A tuskbor? A sline? A rancor!?”
“HAHA one day Kynerr you’ll be able to hunt all those and more when you’re older. For now I’m going to teach you the basics and we’ll see what we hunt from there. Ok son?”
Kynerr pouted as he turned his attention back to the window. An older clan mate laughed loudly.
“Aye Sajaan, I remember you making that same face when your father told you the same thing! Like father like son aye!”
The shuttle landed and Kynerr waited till most of the people were off before exiting the shuttle himself. The rain had lightened up and the sun fought to peek through the clouds.  Enceri’s alien population had surely picked up since he lived here. His clan used to be the only source of any alien activity in this area. Pushing through the crowd he saw what he was looking for. A group of Mandalorians in his clans’ colors. As he approached them he was noticed by the oldest of the group.
“Well look at what the Dusk Cat drug in! If it ain’t Sajaan’s boy and all grown up!”
“Su cuy'gar! Think you can give me a ride to the stronghold?”
“Anything for you boy. Hey really diggin this short mohawk hair you got goin! Your pops know about this?”
Everyone was smiling and laughing. They were all so happy to see him. Sure they were some of the few that trained him when he was younger and he was their clan leaders son, but his father put him on a pedestal to be praised… at a cost that shouldn't have had to happen.
It had stormed the night before and, with no more rain in the forecast, made tracking a traitor easier to hunt. Kynerr had just turned thirteen and the first big mission his father had to send him on… was to bring in his own mother. It was found out she was having an affair with a member of another clan, was carrying his child, and was giving the other clan his father’s secrets. While his father’s main forces attacked the other clans stronghold, he ordered Kynerr to track and capture his mother who had fled into the woods. Kynerr was accompanied by six other clan members. They tracked her for a majority of the night. His mother was no push over. She led her husband’s forces to many victories and glories their clan was most noted for. If Kynerr was successful on this mission it would be him to take his mother’s place as his father’s second in command. After hours of tracking they found his mother covered in mud cowering under a fallen tree. 
When Kynerr and his group returned with his mother, he found out that his father was also successful in his attack on the other clans’ stronghold and he had killed the man his mother had laid with. When Kynerr marched into the main hall of their stronghold it erupted with cheers for him. At only thirteen he tracked and captured an expert hunter, to his clan, in record time. At first the glory went to his head, but reality sunk in hard seeing his mother's angry expression. Upon reaching his father, one of his clan mates forced his mother to kneel before his father. His mother looked to his father in disgust and anger.
“Sending a child to do your dirty work?”
“He is a child no more for bringing you to me, Riduur.” he said mockingly with malice. 
“I have no regrets for my actions. You’ve grown soft opting to use diplomacy rather than settle things like the warrior you were!”
“No. I am assuring my clan remains a formidable power not only in might, but in politics. If I must become a figure head for my clan then so be it. But OUR son will be our might, our strength, our future! It is a shame you won’t get to see it… Kynerr… kill her”
Kynerr looked to his father in shock. Kill his own mother? Before he could respond, his mother burst into laughter.
“Kynerr? Kill me? HA! Sajaan you were always a hoot. The boy can barely hit a target without a guilty conscience and you think he will kill me? He is a waste of a son and a disgrace to this clan!”
Tears welted into Kynerr’s eyes. His father gently pulled him next to him and knelt down to his level. 
“My son… she is your mother no more. She betrayed us, hurt us, and now she mocks you! Kill her and become mando… kill her… and bring honor to you and our clan.”
His father pulled out his blaster, handed it to him, and turned him to face his mother. His mother had a twisted face of anger and laughter. She was talking to him, but he couldn't hear her. The hall was full of chanting. All he could remember was feeling tears fall from his eyes and pulling the trigger. Then there was cheering. Then there was his father. 
“It had to be done…”
His aunt, his mother’s sister, suddenly pushed her way through the crowd and sobbed as she picked up her sister off the ground.
 “You’re a monster! Why not just let us go” 
His father looked at her then to his hall.
“Clan Idate your attention, It is with my great pleasure to tell you that my son, Kynerr, will begin his training along the outer rim starting later this week! I also wish to say that with the untimely demise of Clan Pyto we are now the largest clan in northern Manda’yaim! Today marks the death of who we were and the birth of our new future. Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it for Clan Idate”
The hall exploded with cheers, blaster being fired into the ceiling, songs rang across the room. Kynerr stared at his father in awe then turned to his aunt as she ran out of the room with his mother’s body. His mother taught him so much. In Mandalorian culture, girls and boys learn their earliest lessons from their mother. Cooking, mending wounds, combat, language, and their culture. A part of him mourned his mother, but he knew his mother messed up and betrayed their family. She was successful in raising him, but she wanted for nothing in the end and it cost her her life. 
The grand hall of his clans’ stronghold felt smaller than he remembered. He also was a child then and had since grown a few feet since. The room’s walls had his clans banners lining them. Vivid red and orange drapes hung the length of the hall from the ceiling leading to the throne and the end of the hall. The throne itself was meant to seat the family that led the clan. He remembered sitting in it with his father and mother when other clan heads came to visit. He was brought out of his thoughts when the adjacent door opened and his father and his guards walked through. Though time ages all, his father aged gracefully. Even though his green skin was lighter and his hair whiter, he was still in peak form and still had many more years to live. His father approached him stood in front of Kynerr. Kynerr bowed his head to him.
“Raise ad’ika, you never need to bow again”
“Buir, until I redeem myself to you-”
His father placed his hands on his shoulders and smiled at him. 
“You have gone above and beyond to prove yourself. You have nothing to prove!”
Kynerr smiled. He had waited so long to hear him say that to him. His father patted his shoulders before removing them and holding his hands behind his back. 
“Now what is the real reason you are here, hm? It must be very important to abandon two bounties to tell me.”
Kynerr looked to the floor. He was right that it was important, but he could not form the words to tell him. His father chuckled at him.
“You don’t have to say anything Kynerr. You always were easy to read, even in combat”
Kynerr scoffed. His father laughed as he placed a hand on Kynerr’s shoulder.
“Welcome home! Now tell me about this woman you are head over heels for?”
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