#but they continued to not apologize or concede any fault even when they calmed down a few days later so.
annabelle--cane · 1 year
You don't have to answer this if you don't feel like labouring the discussion but I'm. Baffled as to how that recent post's points got you called an abuse apologist. I'm trying to rationalize it in my head I. Was it implying that Martin and Georgie had similar levels of power and therefore freedom and that Martin held more power over the rest of the archives? Was that truly what hit the nerve somehow? Because Georgie's controversial and Martins a fan fav??? I'm sorry again I don't want to drag this out but. I'm baffled. This fandom baffles me.
I believe the thing that set people off was that my og post from way back in the day was phrased a bit more emotionally, something like "it's really sad that jon didn't have access to that kind of support because martin didn't think he meant it and georgie thought melanie wanted help more" and some people read that as me saying it was georgie's duty to help jon and she didn't have to right to cut him off (I have not said that once ever in my life), and that idea really set some people off to the point where I was getting thirty paragraphs in my notes from someone a decade older than me asking me to explain why I thought it was okay to force people to be on call 24/7 for toxic friends who don't actually want help and just want to drag people down and control them. wild times.
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