#but this time XXY instead of XYX
tiredspirals · 5 months
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oh baby a double
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wrathful-reptile · 2 years
I know many people think XYX is the worst double, and XXY is the best double. But personally? XXY might be the worst double. XYX is -fine- but XYY? XYY is the best double. You’ll never have an unworkable tert that way, you could have a bad primary, but that’s hard to have with all the genes,  but never an unworkable tert AND you won’t be overloaded with the doubled color in the balance. If you have XYX? That tert’ll be difficult because it’ll throw off the balance a lot of the time. Too much of the primary, or it blends in instead of working as a tert, or it makes it all duller. XXY? Unworkable terts, too much of one color. Too bland XYY? You can balance it all. Too much secondary on the big-area dragons? choose a suble tert. Too much primary? Tone it down with a larger area tert gene. You can bring more balance to an XYY. 
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saltminerising · 2 years
oh my fucking god I love notn but man does it have to remind me every day of the weird utterly clueless attitude some people have when it comes to g1 pricing. every other thread in dragon share becomes an ic/pc. every FR server appraisal channel gets spammed with a slew of half decent xyzs that might go for like 50g max.
'ahaha g1 prices are made up and fake' shut the fuck up you know that's not true. that's a lie you tell yourself so that you don't cry over the shadow primal xxy white g1 or w/e you hatched as a newbie and accidentally sold for 69kt instead of 69kg.
'help I'm getting ignored. :( help I've posted this same dragon three times already :((' use the goddamn AH and price check yourself. if you have an xyz spring/grape/rose or whatever that you simply can't bear to exalt, look for various combos of the range around those colors, like this to prove to yourself that that combo goes for absolute dogshit. if you get no results from this and it's a random xyz that isn't in any particular popular color range, it may be ""OOAK"" but it probably isn't worth shit either
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use forum search to search the dragon ID if it's an older one you bought from someone else and have no fucking idea what you paid. sometimes you'll find it. 
maybe you have an actually decent double. do the same thing except make sure you're looking for the right respective combo (xxy/xyy/xyx). you might have to use dragon search + forum search for this to look for past sales. make sure those sales are actually relevant and from the past couple of years and not from Ye Olde 2014 or something. if you're too lazy, that one g1 sales archive sheet might have something on it, assuming you're not a troglodyte afraid of simply looking at a spreadsheet.
this is not an arcane art. this is a process that relies on some basic common sense/pattern recognition and the few actually perfectly functional parts of the site. it's not that hard. I promise
I know I sound fucking deranged. I know that right now I sound exactly like the og purble op. but I swear every year at least one nicely worded post about g1 pricing goes around and every year it falls on completely deaf ears apparently. this post probably will too. whatever
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cryingbecausecoatls · 6 years
Hey there! I have a project for a dream dragon on Flight Rising and I'm wondering since you're an experienced breeder--would you say that it would take longer to breed a dream dragon with VERY specific markings and coloration or to make 2 million+ treasure to change the genes of an existing dragon to the ones I want? (Also, apologies for sending this from a roleplay account, I don't have a personal Tumblr.) Thanks
Personally, if I had access to a dragon that already possessed the right colours, I’d gene it. Rarely do I actually have access to such a thing, though, lol. So, my answer is: Depends. What do you value more, time and lair space, or money?
People tend to make money at different rates: I think 2 million treasure is very easy to achieve, while someone else may think it is very, very difficult, so I cannot tell you which will be faster for you. Me, personally? I’d spend the treasure, all the way!
If you want to estimate how long a project may take, to gauge the pros and cons, here are some factors that I know will have an impact:
Colour scheme is important. Is the dragon XXX, monochromatic (all greens, all reds, basically, are all three colours close on the wheel?), or is the dragon XYX/XXY/XYY? Or worse, is it thoroughly XYZ?
XXX is probably the easiest to breed for, there is no short supply of them; they’re very popular. It would be possible to get the right dragon within 2 months.
And, by extension, monochromatics also tend to be of slightly similar ease. 2-6 months, depending on your luck and the popularity of that particular colour range.
XYX/XXY/XYY are next, and can be very deceiving: How popular is that general scheme? If it isn’t, good luck, you may as well have an XYZ. 4-12 months (although I had an XXY take 18 months).
XYZ dragons are the worst to breed for, because everyone loves their monochromatics, so finding dragons within the general ranges you need can be very difficult. 8-18 months.
Next, genes:
If you are willing to go for just colours and purchase the genes, hurrah, you have no added breeding time.
If the genes are all gem, you’ll be surprised to learn that this is probably the easiest combination. Add 0-3 months to the above time estimates, depending on how many of the right genes you can get into the project. (The less genes, the more chance you’ll need to rebreed to get the right ones to pass down. The time estimate assumes you will never pair a gem gene with a non-gem gene and hope for the gem gene to pass down.)
If the genes are a mix of gem and non-gem, but you’re willing to purchase the non-gem genes, then you can treat this like the above, +0-3 months.
If the genes have any non-gem genes and you really want to inherit them, this can vary wildly, depending on your success in finding enough of the right genes. +0-6 months.
Specific sex? If the sex is flexible, good news! No added breeding time. If you want a specific sex, bad news, RNG will taunt you, add 1-2 months.
And last, breed. It shouldn’t be too hard to get the right breed, hopefully. As a rule of thumb, unless I have a shortage of parents, I won’t pick up any parents of the breed’s rarity tier or lower (so, if I have a project for a Pearlcatcher, I will avoid picking up a Spiral, Snapper, or Ridgeback, or any of the plentifuls). This helps me make sure the end result is the right breed, with relatively little difficulty. The lower the tier, the lower the time, entirely thanks to those breeding cooldowns. Nocturnes/Imperials take literally twice as long as plentifuls (30 day cooldown, instead of 15), while Coatls/Wildclaws take even longer.
I… don’t know if you were expecting a small novel, but I got you a small novel, and I hope it helps you decide! xD
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fr-moonstone · 7 years
this is unexpected
so my progens just threw me their second ever double. considering their range is jade/ice/lav to char/obs/sky, that is a highly improbable event and im slightly baffled by how the rng decided
especially because it’s an xyx, the largest range
and also he’s from a two-egg nest, which, weirdly enough, is also the size of the nest his other double sibling came from
can someone tell me what to do with this periwinkle/silver/periwinkle child i was just going to add to the battle of the bay
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