#but tonight we celebrate my cousin's birthday by going bar hopping!
flaming-toads · 5 months
Future me is going to be so pissed at past me for picking a renaissance painting as a redraw reference but I think it'll be fun and it's probably going to be awful but that's okay!!
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onyourzeus · 4 years
12:15 am | kyh
ykcyj ➝ arskyh
title: 12:15am pairing: kang younghyun (youngk of day6) & you genre: fluff, small caps words: 2.4k
author’s note: extra fic for tonight, just all around fluffy bf!yonk getting a call from his drunk s/o in the middle of the night. do enjoy.
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
younghyun loves the grind. but if there’s anything else that he looks forward to during a hard and long day of working, it’s the feeling of coming home once he’s done. he makes sure to take off his shoes with as less noise as possible, knowing the fact that his roommates slash bandmates are enjoying their sleeping hours of peace and solitude. 
with just a loose shirt and boxers on, he finally feels less restricted and more comfortable in his own skin. the urge to clean himself of sweat, and polluted air that had clung on him with a nice, hot shower is tempting— but the exhaustion in his heavy shoulders and drooping eyelids convince him otherwise. 
he’ll hate himself for dirtying his sheets, but tomorrow is sunday which means it’s time to do his laundry, anyway. 
tossing his used clothes in the hamper, he prepares his body to get swallowed by the softness of his comforter, and the warm void of his thick blankets. of course, before he passes out entirely tonight, he doesn’t forget to send you a text. the one important thing he shouldn’t miss out on. 
really tired. gonna crash in 2 seconds. text you tmr, love you
usually, younghyun would wait until you respond because the many heart emojis that come his way act as his goodnight kiss while the two of you are apart. besides, you normally reply in an instant which is a habit he’s worried about, really, since you need some rest too. 
he tries to fight the sleepiness away from his senses, but the more he sits on his bed, back hunched and ready to collapse, the less energy he has left to wait for your message. he frowns, suddenly wondering about your whereabouts. you always tell him first hand if you’re too busy to check your phone throughout the day, and younghyun appreciates the thoughtfulness. even if he couldn’t reply “okay” right away, the two of you have a shared sense of understanding as to how your kind of long distance relationship works by now. 
sighing, he eventually puts his phone on the bedside table and plops himself in the covers. it feels really, really good to be in his own personal space now, and younghyun thinks he deserves to rest longer than normal tonight; it was a pretty productive day in the studio. he finished another collab with an artist he’s been meaning to contact for months, and he was glad it came to fruition with great success. he also managed to write a few arrangements for the band’s upcoming album, even if the group decided it was too early to work on it yet. 
younghyun believes it’s never too early as long as inspiration is present. if he didn’t so much as write down possible lyrics or harmonies on a piece of paper every day, he’d slowly feel his motivation being sucked out of him. if he was being honest, that was one of his worst fears as an artist, so every day is work for him, it just depends on how much he wants to get done in a day. 
as his thoughts fizzle out in his mind, his consciousness brings him to dreamland until a constant vibrating noise disrupts him from his end table. younghyun is about to pull the sheets over his head, thinking nothing of the sound but an annoying notification from something unimportant— but then he remembers you. 
with his second guess being right, younghyun has a twinge of guilt in his throat for believing you were not worth it to get up from the coziness of his bed. rubbing his eyes to seem more awake, he picks up the call and greet you in a whisper. 
“hi, baby, what’s up?” younghyun says, voice low and hoarse from multiple recordings in the studio. 
“cheese,” you mumble on the other end, voice rather solid and awake which causes younghyun to perk up a bit. 
“what was that?” 
“cheeeeese, brian,” you slur, elongating the repeated word as well as saying it in a higher pitch. immediately, younghyun senses the somewhat incoherent mumble in your nevertheless pretty voice, and judging from the fact you unironically called him by his english name, there was only one explanation: you’re drunk. 
he finds himself smiling as he answers, “are you home, babe?” he wasn’t angry about you drinking, he does remember you telling him a few days ago that you might go out with friends but you weren’t sure when. maybe tonight was the night and you just forgot to remind him; no big deal. 
“i think so?” you hiccup, followed by a soft chuckle. younghyun’s heart soars at the sound, and it pains him at the same time that he couldn’t be there to hold and take care of you. he leans against the headboard, making himself more comfortable as he listens to you ramble on. 
“all i know is that— burp— it was wendy’s birthday… or was it her cousin? cause she was there too, and i never met her before and— oh my god, i don’t even remember her name i’m such a bad new friend— whatever, anyway, it was someone’s celebration and we bar hopped to a lot of places and it became really sweaty and loud and at one point i had a flamingo shot in my hand and and—”
“hold up, flamingo? you mean flaming?” younghyun interjects, chuckling at your jumbled up story. he imagines you shaking your head as you whine at him for interrupting you. “no, nooooo. it was red and fiery and there was a lot of smoke and i’m sure it represented the beautiful, long-legged bird called flemings.”
this time, younghyun couldn’t stop himself from choking out a laugh, and in turn you huff from the other end, and refuse to continue further. 
“i’m sorry, go on. please, i’m interested with what happened after you took this mysterious shot that starts with an f.”
“are you sure you won’t laugh?” he hears you quip in a tiny, slurring voice, and it his chest tightens at the thought of making you go through this drunken state alone. younghyun cards through his hair in frustration towards himself, realizing how much he misses you in the moment. he doesn’t want you to stop talking, god if he can only see your lips move in person—
“i promise, babe. so, what happened next?”
“if you say so,” you mutter indignantly, but proceed with the story even though you’re unsure of where it’s going. “um, actually. that was it. i think i took everyone’s flamingo shots in their hands and next thing i remember, wendy or her cousin or whoever it was tucked me in bed and now i’m in the kitchen eating cheese.” 
the string of words you had uttered made younghyun feel three emotions in succession: one, impressed that you were able to down more than one shot while he’s not there to monitor you; two, relieved that you confirmed your safety inside your apartment; and three, plain confusion as to why you didn’t stay in bed and instead, eating what you say is cheese while on the call with him. 
“can we turn on the videocall?” he asks gently, and you hesitate.
“i don’t look cute right now…”
“you’re always cute. please?” he tries to sound convincing, knowing that you do get insecure when your face is flushed red from the alcohol. even still, he doesn’t tire from complimenting you otherwise. 
“okay,” you relent, and younghyun’s heart skips a beat anticipating the sight of you on his phone. he turns on his camera, and he’s appalled at what he sees: daar under eyes, no make up on, and a face that describes weariness to a T. in this case, it should be him who feels insecure looking the way he is, but he’d take the risk if it meant seeing your face. 
“hello? is this thing on??” after a few seconds of lag, your screen cleared up and younghyun watches you poke the camera repeatedly. “bri, it’s so dark in here am i even alive right now?”
you never fail to lift his mood up during an exhausting day of activities— as your schedules collide against each other, and there would be less time for moments like right now, younghyun only asks for a few texts sent his way as reassurance that you’re still with him. you always comply, and sometimes younghyun doesn’t get to uphold his side of the commitment during the rare days that he just want to shut off the world.
still, he’ll wake up from a text with your name on it, and the hearts he missed the night before. and he feels whole, and ready to take on the world again.
so this time, younghyun wants to make you feel heard— and seen, as these days work seems to occupy more of his time and burden him with the pressure of exceeding his own expectations. you don’t like seeing him worry about how he’s doing in the industry, so younghyun does his best to appear cheerful and curious in front of you— or his phone, at least.
“yes, you’re very much alive right now, babe. are you really eating cheese at this hour?” he shouldn’t have asked. it was obvious the thing in your hand was, in fact, string cheese being eaten in the most ungodly fashion, but it’s you— and younghyun would rather watch you bite into it, cringing inwardly, instead of passing out with another day longing for your presence. 
“let’s eat cheese together,” you suggest, shoving the half-bitten string cheese into the center of the camera as if it was a mic being handed over to younghyun. “do you want to eat cheese with me, bri?” you ask again, tone small but hopeful. you put your hand down, and younghyun finally has a full view of your face. 
you had taken your makeup off, judging from the bare skin and slightly smeared lipstick on the side of your lips. your hair was splayed out down your shoulders, a combination of curly and straight strands framing your beautiful face. he surmises you used a curling iron this morning, imagining the frustration on your facial features as you try to make it work. 
“briannnn, cheese?” 
younghyun focuses on the present, and he notices the glimmer in your eyes amidst the only light coming on your end was his screen’s brightness. he shakes his head slowly which causes you to pout. 
“no thank you, baby, you can have it all.” 
“but i saved some for you, right here. you get the other half. just like you’re my other half. hehe, get it?” 
“yes, baby, that’s very sweet and clever of you.”
“you should hire me as your lyrics… manager. maker? lyrics person? lyricist!” you grin widely after figuring out the right term, and take another bite off the string cheese. 
“i think you’re doing a great job at being my girlfriend, though,” younghyun tells you, and it takes a few seconds for those words to process until he hears the eventual whine, and covering of your face with your free hand. 
“babe.” no response.
“baaabe.” you mumble something he couldn’t hear. younghyun takes in how adorable you are, and doesn’t pester you for a minute. this bothers you, apparently, as you peek through your fingers and catch him doing one of his silly faces that corners you to laugh abruptly. 
“not fair!! you know that works every time,” you whine in defeat, and younghyun can only smile proudly in response. 
“you know,” you start off, and younghyun prepares himself for another stream of consciousness on your end before you continue, “even if we’re far away from each other, and that we can’t eat cheese together, you’re still the best boyfriend in the entire galaxy.” 
if there’s anything else that younghyun loves apart from the feeling of coming home after work, it’s the feeling of being loved by you. 
he waits for you to finish your string cheese, and you argue that you’d like to eat another one. but it was getting late, and younghyun didn’t want to look even more tired on call, so he urges that you two fall asleep while the call goes on. 
as he wiggles back inside the covers, he watches you struggle to get your whole body in the comfort of your blanket. his hand holds on the phone as he readies himself to sleep sideways. 
“stupid blanket,” you mutter in annoyance, deciding to take one leg out of the warm sheets and at last, feel content on your bed.”that’s better,” you sigh, eyes falling asleep before younghyun. 
“not really.”
“oh, why not?” younghyun asks. 
“you’re not here beside me.” and your answer breaks his heart. 
younghyun is pretty good at consoling you with his words at times when you need it, but you beat him to it this time. 
“it’s okay though, younghyun, i can get by like this for now. i know—” you yawn in between, “you’re working super hard for the next comeback— actually, you work no matter what project you’re doing, babe. you’re insane, i hope you know that.”
it was younghyun’s turn to blush, and hide his face in the pillow. the drowsiness is making him soft, and weak from denying the truth in your words. he can definitely agree with a lot of people in his life that he needs to take it slow some days. and when it comes from you, he then knows to take that advice seriously. 
“i do know that, baby.” 
“it’s not bad, though!!” you object, zooming in to your eyes as if to let him know you’re saying it as a good thing. younghyun chuckles again, lifting his face up so he can witness your goofy antics once more. 
“i think it’s… really badass. you go younghyun,” you yawn again, dropping the phone as sleep attempts to befall upon you. “sorry, my hand was getting numb.”
“that’s okay, go to sleep now.” 
“no, you.” 
“that’s literally what we’re trying to do, babe.” 
he hears you snicker, and with that he felt it was okay to lay his phone next to him, too. he probably wouldn’t see your face in the morning on the call anymore as his phone wasn’t fully charged at all. however, as he hears you quietly snoring on the other end gives him a sense of security, and the status of his dead phone battery doesn’t matter so much for now. 
“i love you,” he whispers into the night, eyes closing in, smile taking him to dreams where he can hold you tight.
“love you more, younghyun.”
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A Day in the Life of Gumi
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The camera continued to film the sleeping bunny for a while longer, before a small banana was brought into the frame, closer to the camera. The stem was cracked, and immediately the rabbit woke up with a start, looking around for the source of the banana… Before letting out a yawn.
Yawn finished, the rabbit hopped over, and began to munch on the banana. A smattering of Japanese kana floated across the screen, with the corresponding English translations captioned.
“Ohayou, everybunny! It’s me, Bubblegum, everyone’s favourite bun-bun!” The subtitles spelled out even if the rabbit herself didn’t actually vocalize anything. “Sorry for waking up late, peko! I was celebrating my third birthday yesterday… There was so much soda and I tired myself out partying!”
As she continued to munch, the camera was set down on a table. Their owner stepped into the frame of view still holding the banana, revealing a young Japanese woman in a white dress and a black hair bow: those of you who had knowledge of the idol scene (or had just read the channel’s about page) recognized her as the underground idol known as TASOGARE, or Dusky to others.
“Mama’s here! I mean, she’s always behind the camera, but she’s here now! And I love her so much!” Her free hand gently ruffled the back of the bunny’s ears. “Awawa! She always pets me just right!” 
A soft melody started playing over the two of them, before the overlaid intro card spelled out just what you were in for:
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The next scene faded into a lounge room, where Bubblegum was being chased by what looked to be a tiny italian greyhound, barking as he went. Watching them frolic from atop a couch was an interesting animal, one that looked like a large cat the size of a boxer dog, but had fluffy wool much like a sheep possessed. She regarded the two on the ground impassively, as if waiting for the perfect time to strike, or simply because there was nothing better to do.
“Today, I want to introduce everyone to my familiar friends! The iggy chasing me is Bucephalus, though most of us usually call him Buce as a nickname. Say something cool, Buce-kun!”
“Yipyipyipyipyiphellohellohello!!” The tiny dog finally caught up, and booped his snout onto the fluff of Bubblegum’s tail. “Tag!”
This prompted the bunny to turn tail and chase after him back, and would not have been able to catch up to his superior speed if not for the sudden appearance of the sheep-cat, who bounded off her couch and down to block one of the greyhound’s escape routes.
“And this is my cousin, Baaby! She’s a really strong and magical sheep-cat hybrid! Please don’t call her a shat, she doesn’t like that.”
He dodged the large feline with a whine. “No fair! Why are you on her side?” 
"Because you slept on me... again. And you drool in your sleep." Baaby mewled lazily, licking one of her paws.
The chase continued for a few seconds more, before Buce bounded straight into the camera and knocked it into a black screen, setting up the next scene transition.
An underground lake framed the scene this time, as Bubblegum hopped along the water’s edge. Finding the first of her two friends, she thumped a foot in a high-five against the tailfin of the winged magical fish that leapt out of the water.
“This is Astrid! She’s a fairy koi, and she likes to swim down here. Mama likes to help her friend feed Astrid whenever she has the time to.”
The camerawoman, presumably Dusky, holds out a handful of apple blossoms towards the water. The fairy koi’s eyes light up from a distance, and she jumps out of the lake in a miniature water bubble controlled by her own magic, before swimming in the air over to munch.
Finishing up all of the flowers, the fish let out a burp and smiled. “Thank you! Much appreciated! Astrid is very happy and full.” She blew some water bubbles into the air above Bubblegum before swimming back to the lake, popping her own water bubble as she did.
“See you around, Astri-tan!” Bubblegum waved, before continuing to hop along the perimeter.
Eventually, she came across a majestic horse-like creature resting on the side bank of the lake, with mottled green skin and a mane that looked more like seaweed than hair. A bright red eye cracked open at the sudden presence, as the sea-horse lifted her head to regard the rabbit.
“This is Undaria! She’s a kelpie, and she’s also my sister! Well, technically, half-sister, her dad and my mama are dating and all, but she’s my sister all the same! Say hi, Unda-chan!”
The kelpie neighed softly, prompting Bubblegum to hop closer. “What is it now, Bubbles?”
The bun hopped onto her half-sister’s back, before beginning to run her face through the kelp. “I’m helping to groom you! Because I can!” As she continued to trim through the kelpie’s mane, Bubblegum chirruped softly, “I love my sis so much! She’s the tsun-tsun to my dere-dere!”
“What does that even mean?” Undaria whinnied haughtily. It did not stop her from allowing the grooming to happen, or from gently setting the rabbit back down onto shore once she was done.
“See you later, nee-chan!” Bubblegum thumped happily, before skittering away to a new setting.
Now she was in the middle of a pumpkin patch, nibbling on some pumpkin leaves. “Hello again! My next friends are flying at the moment, so I’ll introduce you to them when they come down!”
A few seconds later, and they did. A white pigeon with streaks of purple and red in his wings glided down to land on a pumpkin, followed shortly after by a pale yellow budgie with a dash of small white spots on his head. They raised a wing in greeting. 
“I’m Berry!” The pigeon coos, before he scratched his head. “Still don’t know what kind of berry I’m supposed to be, but I guess it depends on the day.” He eyes the camera, and the person behind it extends a baked cracker, which he comes over to eat.
“And I’m Alkonost! I- ooh, cracker.” Distracted, the budgie hopped over to munch on the cracker. “Where was I? Oh yeah, I’m visiting today! Mom works somewhere else usually, but her girlfriend was in the area so I tagged along.”
While the birds were busy, Bubblegum moved further down the pumpkin patch; once they were done consuming the cracker, they led the camera over to their next pair of familiars.
Unsurprisingly, the massive clydesdale horse stood out first. Towering over Bubblegum and the two birds by a magnitude of at least ten, he had a dark brown mane with a matching brown tail, and a chocolate brown body with white patches around his face and legs. A loose red bandana was tied around his neck, and part of his mane had been braided to rest behind one of his ears.
At his feet was a strange snake-like creature, but this one was distinctly less long and slithery, and more compact and chubby. A glow stick necklace circled around this one’s neck, and his forked tongue stole chunks of pumpkin flesh as he vibed, brown and green stripes vibrating.
“This is Johnny Kane!” Bubblegum introduced, gently thumping her paw against the stallion’s leg. “I’ve been trying to get him interested in Unda-chan for a while now, but since he only comes to visit every now and then, there’s never really been much time to schedule a date.”
Judging by the long face on the horse, both metaphorically and literally, she was the only one in support of the idea. “Charmed.”
“And this is King!” Despite the natural tendency for rabbits to fear snakes, she approached him with no fear whatsoever. “He’s a tsuchinoko! Yes, tsuchinoko real. Do you wanna say anything?”
“Flpflpflpflpflp…” Retracting his tongue, King gave a toothy half-smile. “I mean… party rock is in the house tonight? I dunno, but I’m always down to have some fun.”
While rabbits weren’t usually capable of smiling, Bubblegum could trill happy vibes very well. “Aren’t we all? Thank you guys for showing up, I’m going to go find the others now. Stay sweet!”
Hopping away, she sped past the camera to the final pit stop in her adventure quest, a snazzy recreation room that contained a karaoke machine and a countertop bar. As she hopped inside, something ran outside, a black blur of an animal with the briefest flash of yellow eyes.
“That was Teto! It’s alright if we didn’t get to see her, she’s not very sociable.” Bubblegum sniffed. “Unlike the other black cat in the mansion… my mom’s boss, Trouble!”
She pauses in her tracks, scrunching up her face. “At least I know I’ve seen her as a black cat at some point a while ago… Maybe she likes transformation magic? Or maybe that’s just her fursona.”
Hopping onto a bar stool, the rabbit came face to face with a rooster on another stool. This was no ordinary rooster however, as instead of brown or white feathers, every inch of the sun bird’s body was covered in multicoloured flechettes. Both his comb and tail feathers had little balls of what looked to be concentrated fire, and he let out a cocky crow at the sight of the camera.
“This is Bata! He’s a sarima… sarima…” The subtitles were clearly poking fun at Bata’s species, even if both rabbit and mistress probably knew what he was. “Sun chicken! He’s a baby.”
“I am not!” He clucked back. “I am a very proud rooster who eats lots of big man food and can still find the time to give my Dad feather hugs whenever he wants them!”
Bubblegum blinked. “That’s… oddly specific.”
“Shush, don’t judge me, you get hugs from your momma all the time too.” He stuck out his tongue.
“Fair enough!” Bubblegum conceded with a trill. “And you will always be a baby because that’s what I remember you as when you were still a chick. A baby!”
Bata let out a squawk, preening his feathers. “Lies! Slander! I’m bigger than you, Bubble-brain!”
The two continued their friendly banter as Dusky stepped into view and pressed the service bell on the bar’s top. A little scratching noise was heard, before a mouse scampered up onto the bar: this mouse looked to be a little old, with a small witch’s hat that had probably seen better days, but he nonetheless squeaked cheerily to ask for orders.
“A tall glass of apple cider, please. And some water for them.” Dusky requested, giving the mouse a gentle pat on the head. The mouse moved to go make those drinks, and seconds later the order was set out in front of all three of the bar’s current occupants.
“And that’s Jeffrey! He was, um… he belonged to mom’s teacher before she passed away, but he’s still working here out of loyalty to my mom’s bosses. Really great mouse, who serves great drinks!” Bubblegum happily starts lapping at the water.
Once they were done, the idol scooped up her rabbit, waved goodbye to the other two familiars and walked out of the door. The scene cut back to the inside of their room, where Bubblegum is set down gently, and the bun hops around the room to exercise, just a little.
“As you can see, there’s a whole bunch of friends here with me in the mansion, and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and some of them are plenty magical, too!” Rubbing the back of her ears with a paw, Bubblegum yawned. “Familiar or not though… we’re still like everyday animals and we all have our own needs. Food, sleep, and of course, love!”
Dusky shows up one last time, simply to press a kiss onto Bubblegum’s eager forehead. “And I’ll always give you as much love as I can.”
“Yay! That’s all for tonight! I’ve been Bubblegum, and I wish you all a gumi-goodnight. Goodbye!” While the outro music played, Bubblegum hopped around in a circle before she binkied herself into her bed, waving at the camera one last time before the ending card signalled the vlog’s end.
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lailaliquorice · 5 years
a heart like a wildflower
AO3 link 
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
Part 2 of the SiX hurt/comfort series is here! Thank you so much for all the love towards part 1, I loved writing it and am so glad everyone else is loving it too. Anne is my favourite chaotic green bean and this was an absolute joy c:
TW for a little bit of non graphic blood and a creepy man
The end of another long week found them back in the pub, with more than just a successful run to celebrate. After finding out post-resurrection that history didn’t even know when she was born, Anne had taken great joy in teasing the other girls by not telling them and keeping her birthday a complete secret from the rest of the world for a little longer. But she hadn’t managed to keep her happiness to herself when she’d woken up on the day itself, and had announced with untameable excitement over breakfast that it was her birthday.
“How do we know though?” Aragon challenged her from across the pub table, the scrutiny in her expression diminished by the golden party hat that Anne had insisted she wear. “You could have just felt like celebrating today. No-one alive knows any better.”
Anna gave a disapproving hum, shaking her head. “Nah, haven’t you noticed how much she’s been buzzing all week? I knew it had to be soon.”
“Well, even if today isn’t the day then it will be for the rest of history,” Parr pointed out, careful not to move her head while Jane attempted to get her shiny blue hat to balance over her performance hairstyle. “I marked the date in my diary this morning so we’ll be celebrating it this time next year. If you did decide to choose a random day then you’ve had your one chance to do it.”
“Cheers for the vote of confidence, Cathy,” Anne retorted playfully, pretending to scowl at her before downing the rest of her vodka lemonade. “Right. I’m going for refills, anyone want anything?”
After receiving five no’s, Anne hopped down from her stool and made her way over to the bar. It was far busier than usual that day since there had been a football game on earlier so it was a couple of minutes before she could get the bartender’s attention, ordering her refill as well as two tequila shots for her to drink quickly at the bar. It was her birthday after all, she was allowed to go hard.
She downed the shots while the bartender went off to make her other drink, drumming her nails on the bar absentmindedly as she waited. The crowded venue meant that personal space didn’t really exist anymore, but she was still quick to notice when a foreign hand appeared at her hip and a body pressed close behind her.
“Looks like someone’s celebrating tonight,” spoke a voice, his breath hot on her neck and reeking of alcohol as he pulled lightly on her party hat.
Anne gave a fake laugh, attempting without much luck to extract herself from the man’s grasp while praying that her drink would be done soon. “That’s right, I’m the birthday girl,” she said, shifting away from him as far as she could.
The man staggered a little as she moved, obviously drunk by the way he had to lean on the bar to stay upright while attempting to pull it off as suave. “Well, pretty girl, why don’t you come back with me and I’ll show you a real party.”
Even the term ‘pretty girl’ by itself was enough to make Anne gag, putting her hand on her hip so there was a firm elbow between him and her. “No thank you, go find someone else’s neck to breathe down,” she said, eyes scanning desperately for any sight of the bartender. She’d have been lying if she’d said she wasn’t more than a little uncomfortable with him that close to her but she was determined not to show him that.
“C’mon pretty girl,” he said, clearly not getting the hint, and Anne squawked as he pinched her bum. “You just don’t know a good thing when it’s offered to you.”
The final straw came when his fingers lightly stroked her neck, far too close to her choker and the scar it hid from the last time she’d let a man come that close. “I said no, you perv. Fuck off before I call security on you,” she snapped, shoving her elbow into his chest to push him away from her. At long last she could see her bartender coming back, then she could get her drink and get the fuck away from-
Pain like lightning shot through Anne’s cheek as a fist collided with her face. Her hands shot out as she was knocked backwards from the force of the blow, just about managing to grab the edge of the bar to stop herself from falling too hard. She wasn’t sure if the bar really had gone silent or if that was just her ears ringing, but either way it felt like time had come to a standstill as she lifted a shaky hand to her face and felt hot blood tricking from her nose.
Over the deafening silence she heard a wonderfully familiar voice shout her name, and suddenly there was Jane crouching over her. Pulling tissues out of her handbag, she pressed them underneath Anne’s nose while murmuring quiet reassurances in her ear. Still feeling as if she was underwater, she vaguely noticed Anna and Aragon squaring up to her assailant while Parr kept Kat behind her as she pointed a security guard towards them. When the guard looked at her she met his gaze with wide eyes, only relaxing when she saw the man being dragged away and out of swinging range of her friends.
“Anne?” Jane’s voice repeated, and she blinked a couple of times before looking into Jane’s concerned eyes. “Anne, love, are you alright?”
She nodded, even though her cheek was stinging where it was probably starting to bruise already. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she muttered, staring blankly at the hand that appeared in front of her face for a couple of seconds before she let Aragon help her to her feet.
“Let’s get you some fresh air,” Jane said, pulling Anne’s arm around her shoulders to keep her steady while Anna cleared a path through the crowd towards the door.
The cool summer breeze was an instant relief. Anne’s feet seemed to move on autopilot as Anna lead them to a quiet spot away from the entrance, clinging tightly to Jane’s shoulder and Aragon’s elbow since she didn’t feel quite steady on her feet. Either she was in shock or the tequila shots had picked the worst possible moment to kick in.
“He’s been taken away by the police,” sounded Parr’s voice as she appeared from around the corner, looking concerned yet calm as she smiled at Anne.
Kat’s worry was much more apparent in her anxious expression, prompting Anne to crack a smile as she looked at her cousin. “Don’t worry about me Kitkat, I’m a tough cookie,” she said, the forced bravado in her tone a little diminished by her slurred consonants.
“It’ll take more than a rogue fist to bring our greenie meanie down,” Aragon agreed from by her side.
Anne gave an affirmative hum. “Yeah. I'm a mean green bean,” she sniggered, finding herself funnier than she probably should have done.
Jane chuckled, though the concern in her gaze still lingered as she pulled another tissue from her bag to dab under Anne’s nose. “I think that’s stopped bleeding for the most part so I doubt it’s broken,” she said.
That was good to hear, but Anne still winced away when Jane’s hand brushed her cheek that was rapidly turning purple. “Still bloody hurts though,” she grumbled.
“Let’s head home and find an ice pack then,” said Anna, a note of amusement in her voice.
Anne nodded, letting go of Jane and Aragon to readjust her hat. Thankfully it had survived the assault which meant they were all still wearing them in their assigned show colours, and the thought of Parr speaking to the police in a party hat brought a smile to Anne’s face. But it faded in an instant when she caught sight of the blood staining her fingertips. The ground seemed to tilt a little before-
“Woah, Anne,” Aragon’s voice sounded in her ear as firm arms caught her from where she’d been about to pitch over sideways.
Fighting to regain her balance, Anne’s hands fumbled to get a grip on Aragon’s sleeve to pull herself upright. “’m ok,” she said under her breath, closing her eyes against the sudden feeling of nausea.
“You’ve gone terribly pale, love, you’re not looking too good,” Jane said worriedly, and Anne didn’t doubt her. If Aragon was using her first name then she had to be looking bad.
“I can call a taxi if you want?” Parr offered, pulling her phone out of her pocket.
Jane looked about to answer for her before Anne shook her head. “It’s like ten minutes on foot, don’t waste the money,” she insisted, wishing her voice didn’t sound so shallow and slurred.
“You want a piggy back then?” Anna offered with a smirk.
That she couldn’t refuse. Anne’s face brightened a little as she nodded, still holding onto Aragon and Jane with trembling hands as they helped her cling onto a crouching Anna. “Hold on tight,” she said before standing up slowly so as not to make her dizziness worse. After giving Anne a moment to readjust her grip around Anna’s neck, she shouted out “Homeward bound then, gang gang!”
Anne echoed her drowsily, resting her chin on Anna’s shoulder as they started to walk into the night.
Once the house came into sight, Parr unlocked the door and Jane hurried ahead of everyone else to find an ice pack and bruise cream for Anne. Her head was in the freezer when she heard a panicked shout of “Duck!”, followed almost immediately by a thud and a cry of pain which was undoubtedly Anne’s head hitting the top of the door frame.
“What did you do?” Jane shouted, shutting the freezer and hurrying into the hallway with an ice pack in hand. Anne was clutching her forehead as Anna set her down on the ground, a pained wince on Parr’s face while Aragon looked as though she was trying not to smirk too much. Letting out an exasperated sigh at the chaos before her, Jane took Anne’s elbow and pressed the ice pack to her forehead as she lead her into the living room, deciding that was the priority at the moment despite the purple bruises spreading across her cheek and the bridge of her nose.
Kat appeared with a blanket as Jane helped a rather uncoordinated Anne onto the sofa, sitting down next to her cousin and wrapping the blanket around them both. “Thanks Kitkat,” Anne mumbled, her voice as addled by the alcohol as her coordination had been.
“Second ice pack and glass of water incoming,” called Parr from the hallway.
“Cathy you’re an angel,” Jane said, taking the water from Parr as she perched on the arm of the sofa to hold the ice pack against Anne’s nose.
After taking a few careful sips of water with Jane’s hands over her own to make sure she didn’t drop the glass, Anne held one ice pack against her cheek while Kat kept the other over her forehead while Parr started to gently take the grips out of her hair. Anna and Aragon entered just as Parr pulled out the second space bun, revealing Anne with her hair sticking up everywhere and her wide-eyed pout barely visible under the two ice packs covering most of her face.
Anna’s shameless laugh only made her pout harder, especially when she pulled out her phone to snap a quick picture of the scene in front of her. “Well, quite the evening eh?” she asked with a grin.
“I just wanted a nice birthday after 500 years of not getting one,” Anne said miserably, though seemed to perk up a little as she added “Guess I got an eventful one to make up for it though.”
The huff of laughter that sounded in the background undoubtedly came from Aragon, though her dry amusement did little to make Anne forget the worry that had lined Aragon’s face when they’d been outside the pub. But, just like when Anne had watched over a sick Aragon, the unspoken agreement was that they’d never speak of it again.
Jane smiled softly, crouching down on the floor to take Anne’s hand. “That you did, love. That you did.”
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Down and Dirty in Nashville Pt. 2~ Dirty Little Secrets
loThis is another entry into the marvelous  Cordonians Gone Wild AU created by @speedyoperarascalparty @ao719 @cocomaxley and @leelee10898     . thanks again ladies for inviting me along! Catch up here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
My tags: @fullbeaumonty@brightpinkpeppercorn@hopefulmoonobject@itsstillnotwhatyouthink @blackwidow2721@choiceslife@dancetothestoriesinyoursoul
CGW tags: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds@give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @ooo-barff-ooo@tornbetweentwoloves@ownworldresident @lodberg
As always if you want to be added or deleted let me know!
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         Stephanie awoke with a sinful sensation coursing through her body. Peering over her shoulder she found Maxwell, chest pressed against her back as he planted gentle kisses to the back of her neck. She felt his fingers between her thighs gently stroking her core.
     He buried his face in the crook of her neck as he hummed “Happy Birthday.”
     “Did you think I forgot? It's your birthday, Red. I wanna start your day off special.” He pressed his lips to her shoulder, then her shoulder blade, and finally the top of her spine before she rolled to face him.
    “And what exactly did you have in mind?” she giggled.
         Stephanie and Maxwell joined their friends in the kitchen. Alicia and Leo were making pancakes while Liam was frying bacon.
    “So I've got bad news. Our dinner reservations are being pushed to tomorrow night. Something about a banquet...anyway we were double booked. So it looks like we need new plans for tonight.” Anitah told everyone as she came into the kitchen, phone in hand.
     “Don't think we've forgotten that you all lost last night's bet either.” Alicia said pointing at the guys with her spatula.
     “That's right! You all will still have to dress up like us for dinner tomorrow.” Gen reminded.
     “False. That wasn't a win. Maxwell cheated. The little turncoat. He went to perform with your team.” Leo scoffed.
     “Hey! They were having more fun than we did! I couldn't help myself.” Maxwell defended himself and Liam shook his head.
   “Leo's right. Maxwell voided the bet.”
     “No way, guys. A win is a win. We expect you all to look gorgeous tomorrow. You too, Maxie.” Stephanie grinned. The guys rolled their eyes.
      “Fine. But from here on out, you ladies can have Beaumont. We see where his loyalties lie. Stef, you can stick with us.” Drake commented.
            “Well it's my little Rosebud's birthday today. I say we go dancing to celebrate.” Maxwell chimed in.
    “It's your birthday, Stef? I had no idea. Happy birthday!” Pam exclaimed.
  A chorus of happy birthdays later and everyone agreed to a night of bar hopping and dancing in downtown Nashville.
         “More booze?” Rashad asked, already a little more than tipsy as they all stumbled into the rental house.
      “Hell yes! Drake you be bartender!” Stephanie shouted, the alcohol already coursing through her veins amplifying her voice.
    Drake rolled his eyes reluctantly letting go of his wife's waist to take his place behind the kitchen island. We waved his hand over the dozen or so bottles of liquor scattered on the counter.
   “The ladies each get ONE drink outta me, then it's someone else's turn to keep bar.”  he announced, already mixing the first drink. He dropped in a sprig of mint leaves and pushed it across the counter.
    “Here ya go, Brooks.” He laughed as Anitah grabbed the mojito with a smile.
   “Who's next? How about the birthday girl?” He nodded towards Stephanie.
    “Long island iced teeeeeeeeea.” She giggled leaning  so far over Maxwell's lap she nearly fell over.
      “Careful, Red. Let's try to stay up right.” Her fiance laughed. He'd seen Stephanie casually drink before. He'd even seen her a little tipsy, but this was like a whole new side of the love of his life and it amused him.
     Drake approached the couch where the couple sat a few moments later, long island iced tea in hand and an uncharacteristic smug grin on his lips.
    “This time it's my turn to get your girl white girl wasted, Beaumont. Think you can handle her?” He joked.
     “I am NOOOOOT white girl wasted, Drake. I'm birthday girl sauced thank you.” Stephanie clarified. Maxwell and Drake shared a look as the ladies laughed.
    A beer for Gen, a glass of Cabernet for Pam and a Malibu bay breeze for Alicia and Drake finally returned to the living room, taking his seat next to Pam, one arm around her shoulder.
   The fellas had filtered in and out of the kitchen already, pouring their own drinks and Leo was the last to return, with a bowl, some paper and pens, and his drink, completing their circle as he plopped down between Gen and Alicia on the floor.
      “Okay, okay..so the rules are you have to write a secret…” Stephanie explained, her speech slurred.  “Don't show innie-one then throw em in the bowl. We mix em up and take turns readin em. Everyone has to guess who wrote that secret. If you guess right good for you. If you guess wrong, even better cuz ya gotta drank.”
    “Anyone else notice how strong her accent is when she drinks?” Maxwell chuckled. Stephanie shushed him, playfully elbowing his side.
     “Oh yeah, we've noticed.” Gen laughed.
      Everyone scrawled down a secret, tossing the balled up papers into the bowl and Stephanie shook them around. She arched an eyebrow at Brad who stood in the corner, ever vigilant.
     “Hey there, cowboy. Will you do us a solid and read these? It's no fun if we can guess the handwriting.”
      Brad took the bowl, picking up a few balls and dropping them, further mixing the selections.
    “Okay first secret: my significant other and I had sex in Bastien's bed.” Brad read, his eyes going wide as some in the group began to snicker.
   “Hmmmm.its either Leo or Alicia...I'm bettin Leo.” Stephanie announced.
    “Look at his face! It's totally Leo!” Gen agreed.
After a few more  guesses Leo revealed that, yes it was his secret.
    Brad reached back into the bowl. “Okay, uh….” Brad's face had suddenly become a deep shade of crimson. His eyes flicked toward Rashad and he took a giant scissor step backwards, away from the group.
     “C'mon Brad. Read it already!” Anitah called. He gulped and finally read, “I slept with Anitah's security guard, Brad.”
      The ladies giggled wildly as Drake, Alicia and Pam all pointed at Gen.
       Rashad arched an eyebrow in his girlfriend's direction.
      “I totally did, okay? It's my secret!” She said taking a long pull of her beer.
     “Was he good? He looks like he'd be good in bed…” Pam giggled
    Gen narrowed her eyes at her friend, purposely avoiding Rashad's gaze as she turned a bright shade of red, before finally answering, “Mmmmhmm. Yep. Really good, Pam.”
     “Next secret!” Brad exclaimed speedily grabbing another paper. “It says ‘my golden number is 8. 8 people.”
     “Well we know it's not mine.” Leo laughed, hands up defensively. “Is it Liam?”
    “That's a.. how did Stephanie say it? That's a draaaank.” Liam poorly attempted a southern drawl. “It's not my secret, brother.”
   A few more incorrect guesses were shouted and finally Pam said, “We know it's not Anitah, Leo, Liam, Gen, or me. I know it isn't Drake…”
   “Wait why does it just say people?” Leo asked.
    “Obviously so it doesn't give away the answer by saying men or women.” Drake rolled his eyes.
    “Or perhaps because it means BOTH men and women.” Rashad chimed in.
   “My guess is Stephanie.” Leo said crossing his arms over his chest. “And I'm also willing to bet that Rashad is right. She's been with chicks AND dudes.”
    Stephanie raised her glass, gently bowing her head in Leo's direction. “Guilty as charged.” She drawled and took a sip of her long island iced tea, her fiance's bottom jaw smacking the floor.
      “No….not my Rosebud. I feel like this is something we should have already taken advantage of somehow.” He commented.
   “Wait, I'm...I'm confused. Stephanie has been with 8 guys? That's what we're talking about?” Drake chimed in.
    “No, Drake. Your cousin has been with 8 PEOPLE.” Pam tried to explain, but her husband just blinked at her, clearly still confused.
       “Drake it's because I'm-” Stephanie started but Pam cut her off.
    “I'll explain it to you later, baby. Let's move onto the next secret.”
     “This one says: I've slept with Olivia Nevrakis….multiple times.” Brad dutifully read the next paper.
    “That's Drake Walker! I know it, I know it!” Stephanie exclaimed, and Drake looked as if he were about to lunge across the room at her. Liam's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped momentarily. The king quickly corrected his features while Maxwell spit his drink in a wide spray all over Brad's legs. “S-sorry, Brad. Drake slept with Livvy?”
     Pam quirked an eyebrow. “Figured as much. Oh and by the way, remind me to thank her for all she taught you.”
      Drake looked at his feet, unable to meet Pam's eyes, even if she'd taken it in good humor.
    “Can we move on please?” He asked.
    “Moving on!” Brad declared. “I spit in Madeline's food.”
    Everyone pointed at Alicia who merely shrugged, proud of herself as she took a swig. “She deserved it.”
    “I slept with Kiara Castelsarreillan.” Brad said.
    The group exchanged glances. “Um...was that a confession, Brad? Because ew.” Anitah piped up, but the guard shook his head. “It's a secret, your majesty.”
    All eyes fell to Drake who scrunched his nose is disgust. “ You guys JUST read mine. I only put one secret in there.” Everyone took a drink, contemplating their next guesses.
      “Gotta be Rashad. That's my guess.” Maxwell announced, and Rashad sheepishly nodded.
     Pam threw her head back in the deepest belly laugh imaginable, finger thrust towards Genevieve in an accusatory fashion.
     Gen looked appalled as she glared at Rashad, screwing her face into a disgusted scowl.“Really? How long ago was this? Do I need to have my skin bleached?!”
    “Years ago! I was nineteen and drunk. It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Rashad explained.
     “Only a few left.” Brad stated uncrumpling the next paper. “Olivia Nevrakis took my v-card.”
     “Liam. If Drake slept with her, Liam definitely did.” Alicia guessed.
    “Sorry to disappoint, Alicia, but I did not give my virginity to the duchess.” Liam replied as Anitah smiled at him. Liam gulped inaudibly.
    “S'gotta be Maxie then. Was it you, baby? Who's this Olivia chick anyway?” Stephanie questioned.
    Pam reached for her phone and swiped a bit. “She has been really helpful with fundraising for the clinic, actually. Here's a pic of us at the last fundraiser we did.” She passed the device to Stef who looked over the tall, thin fiery haired woman standing next to Pam.
    “That must be where Maxwell's red hair kink started!” Gen bellowed, slapping her knee jovially. Stephanie handed Pam her phone and her head snapped in her fiance's direction. “What?” He asked defensively. “I do NOT have a red hair kink. That's not the only thing I love about you. It's just a coincidence.”
    “Coincidence my ass!” Anitah called, fingers flying over the screen of her smartphone. She thrust the screen in Stephanie's direction, a picture of Maxwell clearly intoxicated, dancing with a woman with bright red hair. Gen, Pam,and  Alicia had other shots of Max with various red headed women. Even Leo showed Stephanie a picture of Maxwell grinding on a rather handsome ginger man.
    “Looks like you're just full of secrets, aren't you Beaumont?” Stephanie asked, folding her arms across her chest, a smug look on her face.
   “It isn't...like...that….thanks a lot guys!” Max stammered, his cheeks flushing.
            “On to the next. I was in a brief but steamy relationship with Isaiah Domvallier.” Brad announced.
    “Steamy? What the hell does that mean?” Drake barked in Pam's direction.
   She sunk deeper into the couch. “How do you know it was my secret?” She asked innocently.
    “Well it certainly isn't Liam's.” He retorted.
    “ Okay, so it was me, but it was before you Drake, honest. It was very brief.”
    “And steamy...I heard. How many times?” Drake's jaw clenched.
    “Aw Drake, come on. Green ain't your color!” Stephanie chided.
    “A few. No more than ten.” Pam admitted and Drakes fists tightened into perfect balls.
   “I knew he was shady...no offense Rashad.”
    Rashad laughed, “ None taken. That relationship is actually how I met Pam in the first place.”
      “Final secret.” Brad began and all eyes turned to Liam, everyone knowing it had to be his.
   “I slept with Olivia Nevrakis.”
       Drake and Maxwell shared a look before turning back to Liam.
     Anitah was fuming.
      “When? How many times, Liam?!”
       Liam fumbled with his fingers nervously, looking directly at Anitah. “ I...well...it was a long time ago. Before my social season.”
     “You said you didn't sleep with her.” Anitah accused, poking the king in his chest, one hand on her hip.
   “I said she didn't take my virginity, Nitah. I never said I didn't sleep with her.”
   “Well there's another good question! If not Liv, then who? Who got the king's v-card?”
   You could practically see the steam rising from Anitah's ears as she crossed her arms.
   “Nitah…” Liam began, but his wife's raised eyebrows told him that he'd better find an answer.
   “If Drake leaves, I will gladly tell you.”
   “Oh, no way in hell am I leaving now, Li. I wanna hear this.” Drake smiled.
   Liam rolled his eyes. “Alright fine. But may I remind you, if you hit me it's treason. I lost my virginity to….Savannah Walker.” Liam squared his shoulders trying to look regal. “Are you happy now, Anitah?”
   The queen's jaw dropped open momentarily. “ Savannah I can live with, but Olivia..we will definitely be talking about this again.”
    “Well I'm sure as hell not happy now. What the fuck, Liam? My little sister? Really?” Drake snarled. His face was beet red and his jaw was clenched. Drake looked as if her we're a bomb about to explode. Pam placed a hand on his shoulder, silently calming her husband by measures.
    “I'm very sorry Drake. I should have told you sooner.” Liam replied, embarrassed.
       “Well I guess Duchess Lythikos has certainly made her rounds among the court.” Rashad laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
      “What about Anitahs secret?” Alicia asked as Brad placed the empty bowl on the table.
       Anitah looked like a doe in headlights.
     “I guess I forgot to throw one in.” She shrugged.
    “Well that's not fair. I want to know your secret.” Liam demanded.
   “How does it feel to want, my king?” Anitah asked.
    The ladies laughed as they watched Liam's famous vein pop out of his neck as he gritted his teeth.
     “ This isn't funny, my queen. Rules are rules. What's your secret?”
     The queen placed a finger to her chin, mock-thinking.
    “I know! Why don't you go find Olivia and ask her for a secret, Liam?”
       Although they had had a good time playing the secrets game, everyone was still just a little tense as the couples headed off to bed.
       Stephanie starfished atop the bed, tilting her head to the side as Maxwell slipped the shoes off of her feet.
     “Did you have a happy birthday, Rosebud?” He asked and she smiled against the sheets.
     “Mmmhmmm. Oh, but did you have fun too? It's your stag party weekend after all.” She questioned sitting up to face him.
   “As long as I'm with you I'm having fun.” He laughed, sliding her shirt over her head, replacing it with one of her silk nightgowns. She leaned back and drunkenly peeled her skin-tight jeans down her legs as Maxwell pulled off his jeans and t-shirt, crawling into bed beside her.
   “Good. And I can't wait to see how hot you and the guys will look tomorrow night for dinner.” She giggled, curling her body into him as the little spoon.
   “Are you sure you ladies can handle the competition? I mean we are totally gonna slay tomorrow night. It's been a long time since Leo and I busted out our high heels.”
   “A long time, huh? You have GOT to tell me that story, baby.”
   “All in good time, Red. You'll get to hear all of the stories.” Maxwell assured her, but she was already asleep.
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romanoaudrey · 5 years
heat of the moment | audreo
Parties: @romanoaudrey and @mateo-rossi
Date: December 31st/January 1st
Location: NYE Gala and then Mateo’s cottage.
Summary: after sharing a new year’s eve kiss, audrey goes to mateo’s place to celebrate his birthday. he’s hurting after bianca left and audrey’s dealing with her own heartaches at being forever alone and the mess that is her life and they find solace (and distraction) in each other. {basically one big nsfw read with marathon sex and dashes of feels.}
Audrey was never a big fan of these huge, fancy parties, but she had to admit, this one wasn't all that bad. And she also had to admit that it was kinda fun getting all dressed up and seeing everyone else just as fancy. The dress she'd decided on while shopping with Neha was pink and sparkly and actually made her feel pretty beautiful, especially once her cousin had her hair and makeup done too. And soon enough she was off and at the gala, feeling like every single person in Verona was there--and for how acclaimed the party had been, they probably were. She managed to snag a spot at the bar though, ordering herself one of the fancy specialty cocktails on the menu and looking around, feeling a bit overwhelmed and trying to find at least one familiar face in the crowd.
Mateo simply wasn't in the mood for this. He was still hungover from the night before (...and the night before, and the night before...) but couldn't do a damn thing about it while he was on duty. Tylenol and a prayer was all that he was allowed. Every time he caught a glimpse of a blue dress, his head would practically snap trying to get a glimpse of the woman wearing it, hoping that it was Bianca. He was nothing more than a lovesick puppy and he absolutely /hated/ it.
There was no missing Audrey when she walked into the Gala - her dress easily caught everyone's attention as she walked past. Once she was settled at the bar, Mateo walked over, determined to get his mind off the domme. "Hey," he said softly as he sidled up to the bar beside her. "Think we can make a early escape from here?"
Audrey felt the eyes on her but she paid them little mind as she sipped her drink. When someone came up beside her she was ready to roll her eyes and put on a fake smile, but as she turned her body relaxed and her expression went much more genuine as she smiled. “I was hoping so.” She told him softly. She reached over to rest her hand on his arm, squeezing gently. “you okay?” She asked softly, shuffling a bit closer to keep her voice low.
Mateo: Mateo leaned down, briefly touching his head to hers as he gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm okay," he said softly, though he didn't doubt that Audrey would see through that farce. He wasn't exactly the best liar. "Soon as I can, I'm sneaking out with a bottle of whatever I can get my hands on. You're welcome to join if you can - I don't know what Celeste's got you doing tonight."
Audrey felt her smile soften even more and she closed her eyes at the touch, squeezing his arm again before pulling back, "I'll pretend to believe you for your benefit." She told him lightly before finally pulling back and letting out a laugh, "Sounds good to me." she assured, shaking her head, "Nothing. Other than...the last job I told you, she hasn't given me anything. So I'm here for as long as socially acceptable. You're not the only guard here for the family though, right? So it shouldn't be too hard for you to get out?"
Mateo: "I figure once Georgie and Sophia leave safe, no one will notice if I'm gone," Mateo shrugged. The rest of the Romanos were important, but none so important as Celeste's girls. "I figure they'll probably leave after midnight and we'll be free right after." He gently nudged Audrey's arm and glanced down at her, taking her in fully for the first time. "I like your dress - all sparkly."
Audrey nodded, humming softly, "Fair enough. And yeah. Georgie's here with Thomas, so....she'll probably leave soon after with him." She tried her best to keep the bitterness out of her voice, but she figured he could see right through it as well as she could see through him. "i'll happily spend the rest of the night with you. Especially considering tomorrow." she looked down at herself then, a bashful little smile tugging on her lips. "Yeah? It's not too much? Cause if it is, you can totally blame Neha."
Mateo: "Mm, yeah, New Years Day is a very important holiday," Mateo quipped, preferring to ignore his birthday versus acknowledging it. It would just be another cold, winter day. He took Audrey's hand, gently tugging her around so he could get a full view of the dress. "Well, much as I would never pass up a reason to blame Neha, she did good this time. Really knows how to frame your, uh, face." He smirked.
Audrey rolled her eyes, shaking her head, "Yeah, definitely." She quipped, giving him a look. She was surprised when he took her hand, letting him tug her up despite her confusion but then he was looking her dress over and she huffed out a laugh, feeling a bit of pink color her cheeks as she rolled her eyes again, "I'll take your word for it."
Mateo: "I'm sure I ain't the only one who's noticed," Mateo assured her, giving her another little smile. "You know, you ain't got to worry about me if you do find someone to hang out with. You ought to have some fun tonight. Ain't every day we're at a fancy party like this one."
Audrey shrugged, giving his hand a squeeze where he was still holding it, "There's really no one here I want to hang out with except my present company." She told him, raising a brow. She leaned over then to kiss his cheek before pulling her hand back, "It's almost eleven now so...I'll meet you in an hour? We can ring in the new year together?"
Mateo: Mateo nodded, glancing down at his watch to see exactly how much time he had left. "Yeah - meet me by the door? Pretty sure everyone else is gonna be watching the fireworks. Soon as they're over, I should be free. I can drive you home - ain't allowed to to drink on the job."
Audrey looked to his watch too before nodding “Okay. Meet here just before midnight.” She told him with a nod. She smiled, humming a bit “I’ll make sure to make up with you not being able to drink by letting you drink more than me once we leave. Consider a gift for the elderly.” She teased, grinning at him before nodding her head behind him “But for now, go.”
Mateo "Ha ha," Mateo quipped, not amused with her little retort. "Ain't there something about respecting your elders?" His lips edged into another little smirk as he winked at her.
At that, he walked away and faded back into the crowd, keeping a watchful eye on the Romano subs he was supposed to be guarding. When only a few minutes remained until midnight, he moved to the large, main door of the ballroom to meet Audrey. Everyone's eyes were too focused on the fireworks display about to start outside to worry about where the two of them had snuck off too. "Here's to another year..." he murmured, shaking his head as he approached. "Our luck's gotta change sometime, right?"
Audrey laughed again, grinning at him as she just shrugged before heading off into the mass of people. She hung around with Neha for a bit, having just one more martini, and as the clock got towards the end of midnight, she managed to snag two glasses of champagne and wove her way through the crowd, spotting Mateo off to the side. No one would even see him if they weren't looking for him. She smiled as she got close and offered up one of the glasses, "Maybe this'll be the year things change." she murmured before nodding for him to move back a little more, practically out of the main room and away from everyone else while still being able to see the fireworks through the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Mateo: Mateo took the glass - it was hardly the whiskey he wanted, but it was something alcoholic, and he was grateful to have at least that. "Thanks." He gently clanked his glass to hers before easing back a little more. "Sometimes I wonder if it ain't such a awful idea to just run away from here, you know?" If he knew he could provide for his mother in some other way, he would've been gone already. "I'd go crazy if you wasn't here, Auds..."
Audrey smiled softly as the glasses clinked, just nodding. Her smile fell just a bit, expression going more somber as he spoke and she reached for his hand, "if it was as easy as just leaving we would've already been gone. You and me. ..But we both know things are complicated." She had Freddie, and everything Celeste held over her. And he had his mother. There were things, ties, keeping them stuck here. They just had to make the best of it. This time it was her turn to lean closer, pressing her forehead to his as he finished speaking and she hummed softly, "Well, you'll never have to worry about that. Because I'm not going anywhere. You have me Matty, always. ..And I know I have you. So I'm okay."
Mateo: Audrey was one of the very few people who'd never walked away from him. He believed her when she said that she had his back - she'd never done anything to betray his trust. But he still felt a hitch of uncertainty, if only because of past experiences. Mateo still managed a small little smile for her. "I know you ain't going nowhere. And I ain't either, so..." he trailed off, vaguely hearing the rumblings of the New Year countdown in the background. "Maybe one day though. Maybe."
Audrey hummed, giving him a light little nudge, "I'm holding you to it I hope you know." She teased as she pulled her head back a bit. "Here's to one day, then." She agreed, lifting her glass up a bit and toasting the sentiment before she heard people starting to countdown and she glanced back behind them to the countless amounts of people before back to him with a little smile. "Here's to hoping to have new years kisses next year too."
Mateo: Mateo took a swig of his champagne as they lifted their glasses in toast. New Year kisses - one more thing to make him think of /her/. "Yeah, here's to hoping," he said softly, his voice barely audible over the countdown. He sighed and lowered his head, preferring to look at Audrey over the hoards of people having their New Year moment.
Audrey knew he was hurting, and in turn it hurt her to see him like this. Someone like him shouldn’t have to feel like this. Someone as wonderful as him deserved to be happy and loved and not stuck in the situation that was his life here in Verona. She thought again to all their conversations about wishing one of them was a dominant, something panging inside her. If she were one or him...they wouldn’t be in this, they could take care of each other so much more than they already did... But sometimes the universe just wasn’t fair like that. She let out a sigh, glancing out again for a second as the countdown got to the end, and just before it did she stepped in closer to him and leaned up, kissing him softly as cheers vaguely rang out behind them.
Mateo It might've been a defining moment in someone else's romantic comedy moment - the setting couldn't have been better, the story about too wayward friends was almost too perfect. But their lives weren't romantic comedies and Mateo knew little moments like this would only cause more hurt later. They were two submissives. They were Romanos (even if not by name in his case). It couldn't work.
But he still kissed her back anyway because, in that moment, he was selfish and hurting. Audrey's lips were warm and sweet, serving as a balm for the ache in his chest. The only thing that made him pull back was knowing neither of them could afford to get caught. "Happy New Year," he said softly before pressing another kiss to the top of her head.
Audrey felt both a relief and an ache at the kiss. She knew these messy feelings she had could never come to fruition. She knew how easily she could fall in love with him, and how good they'd be together....but it'd never work, not in the long run. Not unless they did something crazy like get the same Dom to want them both or if they just lived off of brothel visits..but that wasn't fair for either of them, and she doubted any dominant would be insane enough as to want them both. It was a nice little daydream, but it wasn't reality.
Still, Mat's lips were warm..and starting to feel a little familiar and just being around him relaxed her, calmed down the chaos inside herself. So she'd allow herself to indulge for just a little bit. Soon enough though he was pulling back, whispering softly and kissing her head and she exhaled shakily, just nodding and moving to wrap her free arm around his middle and resting her chin on his shoulder as she closed her eyes, "Happy New Year, Matty.."
Mateo: It was nice just to hold her for a little while, pretend that everything really had changed just because the clock struck midnight. New Year, New Them, or something like that. "Think it'll really be any different?" he asked, hopeful, even if he already knew the answer. Audrey still had to complete her dangerous mission for Celeste, Mateo would still relegated to babysitting duty, and the of them would still be scorned by dominants. "Just say yes, even if you don't think so..."
Audrey squeezed her arm gently around him, turning her head to press her face into his neck for a moment. It was another one of the moments that was easy to just...pretend when they were like this. She let out a long, slow breath before nodding “I want it to be. I really..really do. So yes. I believe it. I have to..../We/ have to. All this bad shit...we deserve some good eventually.”
Mateo: "Yes, we really, really do..." Mateo sighed and slowly rubbed her back, keeping her close. "You still gonna come and hang out with me later? I'll have to do a little work in the morning, but after, we can welcome the new year by getting shitfaced, if you want." He wasn't sure how much more his liver could take, but he figured one or two more days couldn't hurt. "Maybe go to the main house, steal some of whatever they're having."
Audrey let out another little sigh, pressing a kiss to his neck before pulling her head up and looking up to his eyes. She nodded, giving him a little smile “Yeah, of course I’ll be there. We can definitely do that. Besides, I have presents to give you.” She teased, giving him a grin and leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek, “Happy birthday, Mateo.”
Mateo: Mateo shook his head. "You really shouldn't have, Auds..." Though he knew he might as well have been talking to a wall. "Thank you. Really. Even if I am a ass about my birthday." Part of him was glad that it blended into a major holiday - his birth had always been a thorn in his family's side and the easier it was to ignore, the better off he was. "I, uh, should probably make sure Georgie and Sophia are getting out okay. You heading out now?"
Audrey rolled her eyes, giving him a nudge “Maybe one day you’ll stop being surprised I /like/ getting you things. You’re one of the few I’m close enough to to give things too, so...” she squeezed his hand and nodded then “Okay. Yeah I’ll go track down Freddie and see what he’s up to. Text me to let me know when you’re leaving?”
Mateo: "Maybe. Maybe I'll just keep telling you to save your money." Mateo chuckled. "I will. You can come over tonight if you want - figure I might have a couple drinks, find something on TV, fall asleep. After party of the century really."
Audrey smiled and nodded “I’ll head over for a bit yeah. I might have plans in the morning maybe? Depending on what Freddie wants to do. Or Cressida since she’s moving in with us, but all afternoon I’m yours and I’ll bring a bottle too to add to your collection.” She teased, kissing his cheek again before moving to pull away so they could get back to the party.
Mateo "Alright, sounds like a plan..." Mateo let her go and slipped back into the crowd, appearing as if he'd never left it at all. As soon as he'd gotten visual confirmation that Georgie and Sophia had left the party safely, Mateo headed back to the Estate to his small cottage.
It didn't take long for him to get comfortable again. After a quick shower, he slipped into a pair of sweats and a wifebeater before breaking the seal on a new bottle of whiskey. He was only about one glass into it before he heard the knock on his door, signaling Audrey's return. "Hey... already got a glass waiting for you."
Audrey stayed at the party for a while longer before finally deciding to head home. She hung the gown back up carefully and changed into a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, leaving the makeup on and just undoing all the clips and pins from her hair and leaving it in waves down her back, figuring she'd leave it as is for now. Gathering up the bags she had for Mateo and leaving a note for Freddie before she headed back out and soon enough she was at his door and smiling, "This is why you're my best friend." She teased as she walked in.
Mateo: "Among other things, I hope," Mateo chuckled, reaching for his own glass. "Honestly, don't know why we're using glasses. Could just start drinking from the bottle. Ring in 2019 the right way."
Audrey snorted at that, giving him a nudge as she walked by him. She put the bags down on his couch before tugging her coat off, easily getting comfortable in his space. "Because we're adults. You especially, old man." she teased as she walked over to him and grabbed his hand, tugging him over, "Now c'mon, present time!"
Mateo: "Hey, hey - remember that whole respect your elders thing?" Mateo smirked, rolling his eyes as he followed her toward the couch. "Auds - you really, really didn't have to do all this... I do appreciate it, but you ain't got to, you know... just coming and drinking is enough." Still, he obliged her, picking up one of the bags to open. He pulled out the shoes first, grinning. "Christ, Auds, these are nice - thank you."
Audrey shrugged, "I'm a rebel." she told him with a grin before nudging him again, "Will you stop. I know I don't have to. But I want to. Don't act like you won't get me something when my birthday rolls around." She added, her grin just widening as he opened up one of the first bags and as he did so she took the glass he'd poured for her, smiling at his reaction, "I figured you could use some new ones with all the work Silvius has you doing."
Mateo "Yeah, little easier to work in then my old boots." Mateo set the shoes aside, finding the gloves and whiskey next. It was too much - far more than anyone had done for his birthday before. Perhaps the cherry on top was the sketch she'd done of the small little house he'd grown up in, a place filled with bittersweet memories of his childhood. Delicately, his fingers traced over angles of the roof. "T-thank you, Auds," he said softly, his voice slightly choking up as he looked at it. He was missing his mother far more than he'd let on during the holidays, and his fling with Bianca falling to pieces had only made him a little more homesick.
Mateo leaned over to give her a hug, the genuine appreciation evident on his face. Whether it was her warmth, the smell of her shampoo, or his own raw emotions, his lips suddenly found hers as well, giving her the New Year's kiss that hadn't been allowed to have a couple hours earlier.
Audrey "I'm glad you like them. And apparently the winters are colder here, so I figured the gloves would work too." she explained as she sipped her drink, watching him open the rest. The cupcakes just made her laugh as she took a little box of birthday candles out and shook them playfully at him, "Hope you didn't think you'd be getting out of this either." She teased.
The he was unwrapping the sketch she'd spent time on, only really having his descriptions to go off of so she hoped she'd done his home some kind of justice. "You're welcome." she replied softly, putting the glass down so she could give his hand a squeeze before he was leaning over and hugging her. She hugged him back easily, practically melting into it, but then suddenly his lips were on hers and she sucked a breath, pausing for just a quick second. This was bad, they shouldn't, it'd just make things more complicated..... and yet that didn't stop her from closing her eyes and returning the kiss, her free hand reaching up to cup his cheek.
Mateo didn't know what he was doing. He didn't even have the excuse that he was drunk - besides a glass of champagne at midnight and a glass of whiskey, he hadn't been drinking. All he knew was that he was desperate to fill the hole left behind in his chest. He would hate himself for using Audrey, but she was a beautiful distraction in the meantime.
He leaned into her hand, breaking their kiss only so he could he press one to her palm. "Thank you, Audrey," he murmured. "For everything. For being here..." His brows knitted together and he could feel himself close to breaking - but he refused in front of her. Instead, he kissed her again, preferring to lose himself in his best friend for a little while longer.
Audrey felt her heart beating quicker, her breaths coming out a bit shallow as they broke apart. They'd kissed a few times at this point, but nothing like that...nothing that quite literally took her breath away. She swallowed as he kissed her palm and she nodded, stroking her thumb over his scruffy cheek, "You're welcome. I'd do anything for you...you know that, right?" She asked him softly. She could hear it in his voice that he was about to break though, heard the slight stammer in his voice and she was about to shush him, to try and soothe the demons she knew were roaring through him--but then instead he was kissing her again and instead of hesitating she just went with it, giving him what she knew he needed-- and really what she wanted too, even if she'd never say it aloud.
Mateo I know, he thought, and that's what scared him. They were a long way from Ragusa where that could mean a simple run to the grocery store. Here in Verona, however, the stakes were so much higher.
Mateo's hand slid into Audrey's hair, pulling her closer to him. Usually, he'd never be quite so forward, but this was far easier than dealing with all the shit swirling in his head. "I think I owe you on a bet we made last time," he murmured, pressing his lips to her jaw next. "Y'know, back from this summer, when we..." he trailed off and could feel his face flushing. "If you want to, I mean..."
Audrey felt a little shiver roll down her spine as his fingers moved through her hair, something that had always so easily sent heat sparking through her, especially as he pulled her in closer, and she kissed him back a bit more insistently in kind. Her own love life being in shambles maybe spurred her on as well. She just wanted to feel wanted, wanted someone to actually care about her, and really, Mateo was high up on the very small list of people who made her feel that way.
Her heart stuttered as his lips moved down to her jaw, her head tilting easily to give him more access and as he spoke those little sparks of heat inside herself flared up even more. She knew exactly what he was talking about, had admittedly thought about it a few times, and for him now to be offering it... "God yes.," She breathed out, using the hand on his face to tug him back up and kissing him again, harder this time.
Mateo Audrey's emphatic yes was enough for him. Mateo managed a little grin as she pulled him back in for another kiss, fully planning to make good on his promise from the summer. He could feel heat pooling in belly, eager to please Audrey, to give her back a sliver of what she'd given him. He broke apart from their kiss only so he could ease off her shirt and then slide off of the couch, kneeling on the floor in front of her.
Mateo tugged off his own shirt next - Bianca's lasting impression was carved under his left pec, the healed wound was scarring and would forever serve as a reminder of her. Hoping to distract Audrey from it, his hands immediately went to her pants to get them unbuttoned. "You got to tell me if you get too sensitive..." he said idly as he started pulling them off. "Did I say my record was ten or eleven? Hard to remember." He smirked.
Audrey felt him grinning against her lips as she kissed him and it made her relax even more, glad that she was making him smile, making him feel better- because how he was right now? Heartbroken? She wasn't okay with it, and she wanted to do whatever she could to get him happy again.
She felt his fingers slide down to the hem of her t-shirt and she moved her hand from his face so he could pull it up and off, and when he slid down onto his knees her eyes widened slightly. She didn't expect him to just drop down here in the middle of his living room.. The sight of him pulling his own shirt off right after though made her thoughts shift. Desire pooled through her but it mixed with worry when she saw the gash on his chest, a scar that wasn't there before. She wanted to reach out and touch it, run her fingers over it, her lips, but his hands hadn't stopped and were moving to the button of her jeans and all she could do instead was sit back a bit and lift her hips, trying to help him while his words made her thoughts stutter to a halt. "U-Um...ten? Ten I think..." she mumbled, knowing she'd never even gone past five or six herself and she felt herself getting wetter already at the thought of it.
Mateo saw the flash of worry on her face but quickly played it off, choosing instead to finish getting her undressed. The more distracted they both were, the better.
For the moment, he left her panties on and leaned down, grazing his lips along her naval. His thumb teased her through the thin material, fully intending on getting her as worked up as possible to make his job a /little/ easier. His lips traveled up across the flat plane of her stomach, up her chest, and then finally to her lips again. Reaching behind her, Mateo skillfully unclasped her bra, leaving her almost completely bare to him. His fingers pushed her panties to the side and slowly circled her clit as he kissed her. "You're beautiful, Auds," he said softly, murmuring against her lips. "You really are."
Audrey felt the muscles in her stomach jump as he kissed up her body, the teasing turning her on more while coupled with his thumb rubbing her over her panties before he was kissing her again. She felt the fingers of his other hand against her back for barely a second before her bra was being undone and she shrugged the straps off, letting the material fall onto the couch in a heap. He was moving her panties aside then and she easily let it happen, almost eager in the way she spread her legs more for him. "Matty.." She breathed out softly, the word trailing off into a breathy little moan against his lips as he teased her clit, making her hips rock up for more.
Mateo: Mateo couldn't help but chuckle as she breathed out his name. "Feel good?" he asked, even though the question was wholly unnecessary - the look on her face said it all. But he'd never really been in the business of teasing... at least, not unless someone was teasing /him/. He paused his ministrations to pull her panties all the way off before leaning down. His lips brushed against Audrey's inner thighs first before his tongue parted her slit. His arms wrapped around her thighs, holding her steady while his tongue lapped and teased at her cunt before swirling across her clit.
Audrey let out a little noise in response, rocking her hips up again against him. Before she could even really think about it though he was moving again then, catching her off guard with how quick his movements were. He tugged her panties off and dropped them down with the rest of her clothes then, leaving her completely naked in front of him. She shivered again as he teased his lips over her thigh and at the first touch of his tongue she gasped, her hips rocking up on their own accord before being pinned down more by his arms and she moaned his name again, long and low in the back of her throat as she shifted down lower onto the couch, trying to get closer to his tongue.
Mateo: obliged her, shifting her hips carefully so his tongue was able to press harder against her clit. He hummed his approval at her squirming, knowing it'd give her a little extra bit of sensation as well. His hand squeezed her thigh, letting her know it was okay to move against him and direct him wherever she wanted him. This was for her, after all - it was just a bonus that he preferred being on his knees.
Audrey visibly shuddered as he pulled her closer and hummed against her, the little vibrations feeling like they'd sent shockwaves through her. At the squeeze to her leg she swallowed and moved, spreading her legs a bit more for him as much as she could before she rocked down, slowly creating a rhythm of grinding down against him, moving one of her hands to his hair to slide through the strands, both to push it out of his face and to give her something to hold onto.
Mateo: shivered as Audrey's hand tugged in his hair. He moaned against her, hand gripping her thigh tighter as she grinded against him. His free hand slipped between her thighs next, fingers pushing inside of her in tandem with his tongue, wanting to bring her over the edge. If anyone deserved to let go and enjoy herself, it was Audrey. His eyes flicked up to look at her briefly, making him moan again at the look on her face.
Audrey usually had better self-control, could usually hold off for more than just the short few minutes that'd passed, but in what felt like no time at all she felt that tension inside herself building. Breathy little swears and whines slipped out of her as he slid his fingers into her, the muscles of her pussy eagerly clenching down around them and as he moaned against her again, the added vibrations was all she needed to fall over the edge, her back arching up off the couch and her head tipping back as waves of pleasure washed over her, making her body shudder as she came on his fingers and tongue.
Mateo: Mateo felt the usual smugness and self-satisfaction when he made someone cum that hard. He slowly eased her down, careful not to overstimulate her sensitive clit as his tongue lazily lapped at her cunt. He was smirking when he finally looked up and ran his hands along her inner thighs. "Feel good?" he asked, leaning down to press his lips to her stomach again. "Ready for me to do it again?"
Audrey squirmed as he worked her through it, breathing shakily and loosening her fingers in his hair even as he continued to lick over her pussy, sending little shockwaves through her every few seconds. She licked over her lips and lifted her head, glancing down at him and huffing as se saw the smirk on his lips, "You really wanna try and match your record?" She breathed out, moving her hand down to the nape of his neck and scratching her fingers lightly through the little strands there.
Mateo: "Yeah, if that's what you want," Mateo said softly, gently nosing Audrey's thigh. "It's good for me too, y'know - I've always had a thing about, well, y'know." His cheeks suddenly flushed. "I like it, in other words. If you ever wanted to find out what it'd be like to be a domme for a night, now's your chance."
Audrey couldn't help but let out a laugh, smiling fondly down at him, "You should know how cute it is that you just made me come in like three minutes and then can't even say the words aloud." She teased, sitting up so she could bend down and she cupped his face, kissing him softly and trying to moan at the fact that she could taste herself on his lips. She lingered for a moment before pressing her forehead to his. "We're Mateo and Audrey. That's all I want to be. Us." she murmured, pecking his lips again before nudging at him and giving him a nod that she was ready for more.
Mateo: Mateo let out a little huff of a laugh, kissing her back as he melted into her touch. "Then we'll just be us," he murmured, chasing her lips as she pulled away before he slid back down between her thighs. He wasted no time getting back into his rhythm from before, knowing she'd still be sensitive. There was no point in teasing - he had a goal to meet.
Audrey nodded in agreement, stroking her thumb over his cheek for a moment. "Just us." She echoed, giving him a little smile before pulling back so she could lay back against the couch. She gasped as he literally wasted no time in getting his mouth back on her though, her hips jerking up as his tongue passed over her clit and she bit down on her bottom lip, closing her eyes to try and keep some semblance of control over herself.
Mateo: Mateo wasn't sure exactly how much time had passed when he finally looked up, smug and self-satisfied after managing to tie his record. He pressed his lips to her stomach again, closing his eyes for a moment as he caught his breath. "Been a while since I've done that much, but I'm glad I managed to keep my magic touch." He smirked and slowly leaned up to kiss her.
Audrey kind of lost her head a little by the fourth orgasm. She stopped holding back completely, all but sprawled over his couch with her legs spread wide, her thighs wet and chest heaving. And yet he still continued. Her own personal record was six, so by the time he'd passed that she was left shaking and after eight she'd lost count, lost all track of time and even of herself, barely aware of the noises and words spilling out of her. She was boneless against the couch when he pulled away, barely with it enough just yet to kiss him back, let alone to hum in response as he spoke.
Mateo: Mateo couldn't wipe the grin off his face, highly amused by how boneless she'd become. "Want to lay down for a little while?" he asked, hand sliding up and down her thigh. "Maybe some water?" Slowly, he eased off of the floor and slid beside Audrey on the couch, grimacing a bit at the stiffness that'd set up in his knee. Leaning over, he pressed a soft kiss to her neck.
Audrey hummed a bit again, nodding. Laying down sounded like a good idea. But as she blinked and opened her eyes a bit more to focus she caught the downturn of his lips as he settled beside her and she reached a hand up, cupping his cheek again and leaning into him as he kissed her neck, "You're okay?" She mumbled quietly, needing to focus on him and make sure he hadn't hurt himself first- that was more important to her than any after glow.
Mateo: "I'm alright. Just a tweak in my knee, that's all," Mateo assured her, nuzzling her cheek. "C'mon, let me carry you to bed. More comfortable there and you can get some rest." His fingers reached up and slowly brushed through her hair, relishing the moment until he forced himself up off the couch again. There was a noticeable bulge in his sweatpants, but nothing he knew he couldn't take care of. He reached for Audrey's hands to help her up.
Audrey leaned her head against him for a moment longer, nodding, "Kay...but you gotta take care of yourself, old man.." she murmured, a little smile on her lips. She practically purred in contentment as he ran his fingers through her hair and tried not to whine at the loss, instead taking his hand ad accepting the help up. Her knees were still kind of like jell-o though and she leaned heavily into him, shifting close enough to press her thigh against the obvious bulge.
Mateo: "Careful who you're callin' old - you ain't that far behind me." Mateo smirked and wrapped his arm around her, letting her lean in close as they made their way to his bedroom. He didn't miss the way she pressed her thigh into his crotch, making him groan. "And if you keep doing /that/, you'll have to deal with it before I let you sleep..."
Audrey let him keep her upright, wrapping an arm around his bare shoulders as they slowly walked the short distance to his room. "Yeah but you'll hit all the milestones first." She quipped back. The little smirk on her lips became more pronounced as he groaned and she hummed, leaning up to press a kiss to the corner of his jaw, "Maybe that's my plan." She murmured, pressing a kiss under his jaw and then another nearer the side of his neck, all the while letting the fingers of her free hand slide down his stomach and teasingly drift over the length of his cock.
Mateo: Mateo shivered as Audrey's hand ghosted along his cock, teasing him in the worst way. "Ain't very nice of you to tease, you know..." Normally he wouldn't mind, but it'd been a while since he came and his cock was throbbing. "It's been a minute since I was allowed anything."
Audrey moved the backs of her knuckles over his cock again, giving him a playful little grin, "Pretty sure after you ate me out for like a hour I'm allowed to tease just a little." She told him softly and once they got to his room and close to his bed she stopped them, her hand moving to the waistband of his sweats and fingers curling in a bit as she leaned up, closer to his ear, "What do you want then?" She asked softly, running her fingers back and forth, "Want my mouth on you? To fuck me?" She tugged a bit on the pants, "Both?"
Mateo: "Pretty sure me eating you out for a hour is why you /shouldn't/ tease me," Mateo groaned, shivering as her hand brushed against him again. He let Audrey take the reins as they made it to his room, tilting his head back as her lips brushed against his ear. "Fuck, Auds, I don't know." He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to figure out which one sounded better. Mateo wasn't used to having /choices/ like this. "Fuck, both. Please fucking both."
Audrey let out a little hum, the grin wide on her face and she pressed her kiss just under his ear, letting them brush against his earlobe. It was nice, being able to tease and be relaxed like this. No expectations. Just be. Just Mateo and Audrey. So when he gave his answer she didn't miss a beat a dropped to her knees in front of him. It felt even better once she was knelt down in front of him, like a whole new wave of energy washed over her and she reached up, once again curling her fingers into the waistband and this time she tugged them all the way down, her mouth practically watering at the sight of his hard cock in front of her, "I've been wanting to do this for a while." She admitted, remembering the last time they were together, she never got to reciprocate. She'd have to make up for it this time. She shuffled a bit closer and leaned in, running her tongue alone the length and then back, swirling over the head of his cock. She kept her eyes up on him as she teased her tongue over him before finally parting her lips, giving a teasing little suck to the head before sinking down more around him.
Mateo: It was a strange sensation to have someone kneel in front of him. "Yeah?" Mateo flushed a deeper shade of crimson as Audrey pulled down his sweats all in one tug, showing exactly how hard he'd gotten for her. He didn't have to think on it too long - her mouth enveloped his cock soon enough, drawing a deep moan from him as her tongue teased his cock. "Fuck, Auds, that feels good," he murmured, reaching down to slide his fingers through her hair. It had been a very, /very/ long time since he'd been that spoiled.
Audrey hummed in reply, nodding to him. The noises he let out let her know she was doing something right so she kept at it, laving her tongue along the underside of his cock while starting up an easy rhythm of bobbing her head around him, keeping the suction of her lips tight. She hummed again as his fingers moved to her hair and she nudged up into it, pulling off with a wet noise. "Use my mouth, Matty. Take whatever you want. I'll let you know if it's too much." She assured him, leaning into the hand in her hair again before sinking back down around him, moving until he hit the back of her throat and further still, taking him all the way in.
Mateo: Mateo was a little unsure at first. No domme had ever allowed him to /use/ their mouth - he had to remind himself he wasn't with a domme. He was with Audrey. And clearly she was enjoying herself as much as he had before. "O-Ok," he stammered, slowly rolling his hips into her. It felt incredible. "Oh, fuck, Auds," he moaned, careful not to hurt her as he fucked her mouth. "Fuck you feel so fucking good..."
Audrey honestly loved it, being used like this. Probably as much as Mateo clearly loved being buried between someone's legs. She let out a moan as he began thrusting into her, a soft little gagging noise slipping out but she was so okay with it and she reached up to his thigh, fingers gripping and digging in slightly as she tugged him closer still, nonverbally giving him the okay to do more, to use her mouth as he wanted.
Mateo: Mateo relaxed as Audrey's fingers dug into his thighs, coaxing him to keep going. His grip in her hair tightened as his hips rolled into her mouth, relishing everything she gave him. He could feel his pleasure building in the pit of his belly and his long-neglected cock was overdue for release. "I'm gonna cum," he warned, not quite ready even though his body didn't want to cooperate. "Fuck," he groaned, denying himself as he finally pulled back from her mouth. "I want to fuck you first - f-from behind." A treat he was rarely given.
Audrey moaned again, louder this time, longer, shuddering as he gripped her hair and really fucked her mouth the way she wanted him to. She was going to leave little fingernail indents in the skin of his thigh by the end and she knew neither of them would really care. She let out a noise in response, whining as he pulled back and she let out a ragged noise as she tried to catch her breath, her lips swollen and spit-slicked as she licked over them and looked up at him, nodding. She leaned up to press her lips along his navel, pressing a kiss to the vee of his hips and pressing her forehead there for a moment to catch her breath before looking to him again. "Definitely okay with that." She replied, her voice a bit hoarse.
Mateo: Mateo's fingers grazed along Audrey's jaw, swallowing hard as he looked down at her. She looked as he often did after a long time spent on his knees. "You look real fucking hot." He smirked, reaching his hands down to take hers and help her up. "C'mon - I ain't done with you yet."
Audrey licked over her lips, keeping her eyes up on him, wide and dark and eager for more. This time it was her turn for her smile to turn a bit bashful as he spoke and she just hummed in response, taking his hand to accept his help up. "I was hoping not." She murmured, leaning up to kiss him again- just because she could. As she pulled back she lightly bit on his lower lip, tugging on it as she pulled back before nudging for him to come with her to the bed.
Mateo: Mateo grinned, meeting her lips again in a quick kiss as she led him to the bed. He knelt behind her, sliding his hand up her thigh and down her side as she moved into position. "You know i can count on one hand how many times i've done it like this," he commented, fingers tracing back across her side. It was a strange feeling to be in a position of power; he wondered if this might be how dominants felt. Mateo took his time lining up his cock before his hips thrust home hard, moaning from the soft, wet heat that now enveloped his cock. "Fuck, Auds, you feelsofuckinggood," he breathed, his voice starting to sound a bit hoarse
Audrey took his hand as she led him to the bed before wasting no time in climbing up onto it, her whole body feeling flushed and antsy as she crawled to the middle to get into position for him. She felt his hand moving along her body as she settled, a shiver rolling through her and she couldn't help the way she rocked her hips up a bit towards him, eager for more. She felt the head of his cock against her entrance and she nudged back more, letting out a little noise before he thrust into her in one fluid motion and she gasped, the noise tapering off to a breathy moan as her fingers twisted a bit into the sheets below her. It'd been a while since she'd been with anyone, so the fullness left her head spinning a bit and she took a moment to adjust before rocking back against him, biting her lip as she whined. "Please, Matty.."
Mateo: Mateo didn't leave her wanting - he was anything but a tease. His hips rolled into hers, hard and steady. "Fuck, Auds," he moaned, squeezing her hips tight as he fucked her. "You feel so fucking good - I ain't gonna last long. You got me too worked up." His words came out stuttered, breathless.
Audrey cried out as he gripped her hips and started fucking her hard. She just nodded as he spoke, dropping her head down and shuffling her knees more apart so he could sink into her deeper. “God../Mat/...” she groaned, starting to rock her hips back so she could fuck herself back against him.
Mateo: "Fuck, that's it, Auds," he breathed, squeezing her hips again. He was half sure he'd leave little bruises behind for her later. Mateo sneaked one of his hands around her waist, letting his fingers brush against her sensitive clit as he fucked her. "Come for me again. I want to feel you."
Audrey hissed at the sting of his fingers digging in, shuddering at the pleasure/pain of it all. She hoped there’d be bruises at the end of all this, little reminders of what they’d done. She felt sweat dotting her forehead, along her neck, making her hair stick to her skin a bit but she /really/ didn’t care as she fucked herself back on his cock. She moaned as his fingers found her clit, practically making her whole body shake. “Mat, fuck..please. Please fuck me harder...” She panted, her voice high and breathy.
Mateo: Mateo obliged her, rolling his hips into hers at a more punishing pace. He was /so/ close, and hearing her call out for him wasn't helping. "So... fucking... good..." he stuttered before his orgasm finally took him. He came hard, calling out Audrey's name as he tumbled over the edge. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he cursed, shivering as he leaned forward to press a kiss between her shoulder blades.
Audrey couldn't even really speak at that point, just gasping for breath in between moans and noises spilling out of her, especially as she lowered onto her elbows, changing the angle enough for him to hit that spot inside of her that felt like electricity through her whole body. She was shaking as he rubbed her clit, her whole body feeling oversensitive, too much, and as he came inside her it finally pushed her over the edge as well, making her cry out breathlessly as he managed to make her come one more time.
Mateo: Mateo panted as they relaxed together, dragging his lips along her shoulder blade. He was slow to move away, but as his cock started to soften, he finally pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to her. "You alright...?" he asked, voice soft as he turned his head to look at Audrey, cheeks reddening as the full weight of everything finally crashed on him. "I didn't go too hard did I?"
Audrey 's body trembled with the aftershocks, breathing shakily as she let herself sink onto the bed. Her head was spinning from it all and she just focused on trying to catch her breath, and then to focus on the little kisses and brushes of his lips against her skin. She's be sore tomorrow, but damn will it've been worth it. She felt the bed dip beside her as he settled down next to her and she swallowed, letting out a long breath before blinking her eyes open and looking up at him, "Mmm..no. I'm good. Really good." It wasn't the same high as dipping into sub space, but that didn't make it any less intense or amazing feeling.
Mateo: "Yeah?" Mateo leaned over, stealing a kiss from her. "Me too." His heart was, for the moment, a little less broken. But he could feel the cold gnawing of guilt starting in his spine at using Audrey so carelessly. He'd been the main one to tell her over and over that they couldn't be together, and yet he'd pushed for this just to feel a little better for a little while. No - he refused to think too hard about it. He kissed Audrey again, resolving to deal with his mixed emotions in the morning. "Stay? I got to get up early and work on the cottage a bit, but you ain't got to go."
Audrey tipped her head up enough to kiss him back, a little smile ghosting over her lips. "Good." She responded softly, too blissed out to really realize the bit of a crisis going on inside him. When he kissed her again she leaned up into it, lingering for a few seconds before letting him pull back and nodding, "Kay, yeah. Besides, it's your birthday." She reminded him, shuffling a bit closer to him. "I'll make pancakes."
Mateo "You ain't got to. I got poptarts in there." Mateo smirked a bit and settled into the bed beside her. "Not as good as your pancakes, but then you ain't got to do the work." He was quiet for a minute and let out a contented sigh, wrapping his arm back around her as he fought off the guilt that threatened to overtake him. "Thank you, Auds. For everything."
Audrey snorted, rolling her eyes, "You're not eating poptarts for your birthday breakfast. Nope. We're having pancakes. Deal with it." She smiled as she said it, even reaching up to poke his chest playfully. She settled soon enough though, nudging more into him as his arm wrapped around her and she let out a contented little sigh, "i feel like I should be thanking you after all that." She told him, a little bit of pink coloring her cheeks as she looked up at him and gave him a little smile. "After everything the last few weeks...it was nice to not think about it all for a while. To just...be. With you." she kissed him lightly once more twisting enough to grab his comforter to throw it over both of them, "For now though, let's get some rest. You for one definitely deserve it."
Mateo "Mm, fine, fine." Mateo knew that arguing with Audrey was pointless. For a submissive, she was awfully stubborn when she wanted something. "It was nice... really fucking nice." He let his lips brush back against hers before they finally settled in bed. But sleep never did come for him. Instead, the chilly gnaw of guilt finally overtook him. He'd used Audrey - Audrey, his best friend; Audrey, the one person who would never hurt him. They couldn't be together - how many times had he told her that? And still, he'd used her like she was nothing just to forget about Bianca for a little while. Mateo's gut twisted. He lay still for Audrey's benefit so she could sleep. But as soon as the first rays of dawn peeked through the windows, he slid out of bed and got dressed, making a beeline for the old cottage Silvius had him fixing up. He needed a drink and a long day of manual labor.
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Of Cars and Bars Chapter 3/?
So here it is, chapter 3. I didn’t intend to continue this story but here we are!
This story is dedicated to and betaed by the wonderful, lovely, patient @kmomof4 who’s love of this story is the reason this fic is being continued and who read countless chapter outlines. As always thank you for all your kind words and flailing <3
So without further ado... 
Chapter 3 - Blame it on Me
Ao3  & ff.net
5 years later. 
           “Happy birthday, Snow!” Emma cheered, raising her shot glass and toasting it against her sister’s.
Mary Margaret groaned. “You know I hate that nickname,” she said.
“Well then you shouldn’t have cut your hair like a Disney princess,” Ruby cut in from the other side of the bartop.
The bar was busy tonight. Ruby hadn’t managed to get the night off of work, even to celebrate her best friend’s 28th birthday but that wasn’t stopping her from spending most of the night over with Emma and Mary Margaret, matching them shot for shot. Emma smiled, if anyone could work hammered it was Ruby.
“So,” Mary Margaret started, “How drunk are you, Emma?”
Emma threw back another shot. Ruby had insisted on tequila. She knew that was Emma’s most dangerous drink. A few more and she’d be dancing on a table. One more than that and she’d start the karaoke.
“Just past tipsy but not quite at ‘make a new best friend in the bathroom’ yet. Oh, wait,” Emma paused as the liquor burned down her throat and settled in her stomach. “Nevermind.” She laughed, feeling giddy, feeling good. It was so rare that she and her friends really got the chance to just go out and let loose. Her work kept her so busy. Every day she dealt with scumbags and the darker side of humanity. Sometimes it was nice to have a drink with her friends and remember that the world wasn’t so bad as bail bonds might lead her to believe.
Ruby and Mary Margaret exchanged a conspiratorial smile.
“So that means you’re just coming up on ‘drunk enough to perform’ right?” Ruby asked. Emma froze.
“Oh, come on, Emma!” Mary Margaret - who, at this point, was many free birthday drinks past ‘sleep with an ex’ drunk - whined. “It can be my birthday present!”
“No,” Emma said again. No way. She didn’t perform anymore. Not since - well, the point was she didn’t and she wasn’t going to start now.
“It’s open mic night,” Ruby piped up. “I already signed you up. You can even use a fake name if you want.”
“No. I don’t play anymore,” She said firmly.
“That’s bullshit,” Ruby countered. “You play at that sleazy bar outside of town on Tuesday nights.” Emma stared at her, gobsmacked. “Yeah,” the brunette smirked, “You didn’t think we knew about that, did you?”
No, she hadn’t. That was exactly why she performed out of town, on a night that nobody was around to hear her. Her shows at Joe’s were for her. Nobody else. Just something she did when she needed to shake off the week. It kept her sane. It wasn’t for anyone else.
“Please, Emma? Please, please, please? It’s all I want for my birthday. Please? For me?” Mary Margaret turned her big doe eyes on her and Emma groaned, letting her head fall onto her arms. Mary Margaret’s Disney eyes were a low blow.
“Fine,” she dragged out the syllable, defeated. “One song. That’s it. And I’m going to need another drink first.” She eyed Ruby. “On the house.”
Emma rolled her eyes as her friends high fived each other. She’d been played. But at least she was getting a free drink out of it. Ruby turned around to pour her a generous serving of whiskey.
“To give your voice that raspy edge,” she teased, sliding it across the bar.
Emma sneered at her before throwing the drink back. She stood, shaking her limbs out as the liquor burned through her veins. Heat and adrenaline coursed with every beat of her heart, a buzzing warmth rushing to her head. Yeah, she felt good.
“Alright, put your hands together for Emma Swan,” a voice called over the speakers. Wow they’d just timed this perfectly hadn’t they, she thought, letting herself have a moment to be annoyed. But the buzz was making its way through her body, into her chest, and Emma felt that thrill, so close to the one she used to get when she went up on stage. Before everything went to hell and she lost the joy of it - before him. It had been so long since she felt that way and she wanted to ride it out as long as she could.
She stepped up onto the stage to scattered applause and picked up the guitar that the bar provided. She lifted the strap over her head, breath shaky with that mix of fear and excitement that came with performing. She stood up to the mic, taking in the waiting faces in the bar. The silence was drawing out just a little too long, the patrons starting to look impatient. Come on, Emma, sing something. For a second, she thought of walking right back off stage and going home to bed but then she looked at her friends, cheering her from their spot at the bar and she was able to swallow down the lump in her throat.
“Hi,” she said, her voice echoing through the quiet room. “I’m Emma Swan.” Ruby let out a ‘whoop’. “But you knew that already,” she continued awkwardly. “Anyway, this song is for Mary Margaret because it’s her birthday and she forced me up here and it’s her favorite.”
She fiddled with the guitar for a second, making sure the tune was okay and then she just let herself fall into it. Her fingers slid over the frets without thought. God, she missed this. The joy that came from creating music where there was nothing. The song wasn’t anything special. Upbeat, lighthearted, not really about much. The kind of song people danced to and sang along to. But it was hers. It was something that belonged only to her. It was one of the only things that still did and she owned it. On stage, she wasn’t Emma Swan: orphan, lost girl, screw up. She just was. And it was amazing.
Cheers reached her from the audience, the bar-goers getting sucked into the music, dancing and drinking, women pulling their boyfriends up from their tables and up to the front of the stage. Feeding off the hype of the crowd, Emma turned it up - she could blame it on the liquor later but she knew that there was no high that could ever get her close to how she felt right now. On the last chorus, she let herself really get into it, belting it out and hamming it up and a roar echoed through the bar. Emma beamed and finished the song to thunderous applause - well, as thunderous as a bar on a Thursday night could get.
Hopping down from the stage, she made her way back to her friends, weaving through the wave of people who offered her a pat on the back or a compliment. Ruby stood at the bar, looking smug and holding out another drink. Emma was getting dangerously close to dancing on tables between Ruby pushing drinks and the rush of a good show. For a minute, she was seventeen again. Back when this was nearly her nightly routine - young, drunk, in love - with music and with -- Emma stopped that line of thought before it brought her high crashing down. No. She was done with that. She was over it.
“That was amazing! Thank you!” Mary Margaret squealed, wrapping her arms around her.
“You killed it,” Ruby added, still smug.
“You really did,” a voice said behind them. It was feminine and accented. Emma turned to see who had spoken.
“Didn’t I tell you she was good?” Another accented voice - male this time.
Two people had approached their spot at the bar - a tall, good-looking man with piercing blue eyes and a mop of dark, curly hair, and a small, beautiful brunette in sky-high heels. Emma didn’t know who either of them were but she did know that she didn’t like being talked about as if she wasn’t there.
“I’m sorry,” she started, rather curtly. “Who are you?”
The brunette’s eyes went wide in surprise and then in embarrassment. “Of course! I’m so sorry. My name is Belle French and this is Liam Jones. I’m a talent manager. I represent Liam’s band.”
“That’s nice,” Emma said flatly, not really interested in some two bit performer and his wannabe manager. Belle looked a little taken aback by her tone but then put on a smile that lit up her whole face.
“We actually wanted to talk to you about possibly signing on with us. The band is going on tour this summer and we would love to have you join as an opening act,” Belle rushed to explain. “Sorry this is all so informal but we leave next week so it’s getting down to the wire.”
The earnestness and kindness in her voice made Emma retract her claws a little.
“Thank you,” she said a tad more politely, “but I’m not interested.” She had no interest in spending the summer driving around in some guy’s cousin’s beat up old van with a bunch of sweaty dudes she’d never met. Maybe she would have liked the idea once upon a time, found it romantic, but not anymore. “Music’s not really my thing,” she added, hoping that would drive the point home.
“I beg to differ,” the Englishman piped up. Emma frowned at him. Who did this guy think he was?
“Differ all you want. It’s not happening.”
“Emma!” Ruby cut in, smacking her on the arm. “Do you know who this is?”
Emma gave her a look.  “Liam Jones, apparently.”
“This is the Liam Jones, lead singer of Abandon Ship! You guys are fantastic,” she added for Liam’s sake. He blushed, like actually blushed - the tips of his ears turning red.
“You flatter me,” he said.
“Emma, they’ve had the number one song in the country for months! Their album is a best seller - they’re rivaling Adele for gods sake!” Emma stared at her blankly. She had no clue what Ruby was talking about. Her friend sighed. “They sing that song you like… what’s it called?”
“Oh yeah!” Mary Margaret piped up. Both of them, having clearly had too many drinks to remember the name, started a slurred rendition of a song Emma definitely had in her most played list on iTunes. Belle and Liam laughed goodnaturedly.
“You have to do it!” Mary Margaret insisted. “Emma, this is everything you ever wanted.”
Emma bristled. “No, it’s not.” Not anymore. “Look, congrats on your success,” she told Liam, “but being a rockstar isn’t my dream. I’ve got a job. I’ve got a life. And I’m happy with it.”
“But -” Ruby started.
“No,” Emma insisted for the millionth time. “No offence,” she told Belle, “but I don’t know you. And I’m flattered, really I am, but I have no intention of pursuing music as a career, okay?”
“Well forgive me for saying so but I think that would be a tragedy.” Emma really wasn’t digging Liam. He’d spoken to her twice and both times he was making assumptions about her. He didn’t know her.
“Why’s that?” she asked, honestly curious to know what this jerk’s answer was going to be.
“Because of what we just saw up there. You’re talented, Emma. More talented than most people could ever dream of being. But it’s more than that. There’s something about you, it draws people in. You saw how that crowd reacted to you. Do you think just anyone can do that? Elicit that kind of connection just by being up there?”
He finished his speech and Emma was at a loss for words. It should have sounded like a spiel - a slick line delivered by someone who wanted something from her - but there was something about Liam, an honesty - something honourable that spoke to her.
“That wasn’t anything,” she said weakly.
Liam shook his head. “If that wasn’t anything… then that just makes it all the more tragic.”
Emma held his gaze. Something, something she thought had died a long time ago flickered inside of her. It had been a long time since anyone had believed in her. And she realized, that’s what it was about Liam that made a part of her - a really small part - want to do this - want to try again. He believed in her.
When she didn’t answer, Liam gave it one last try. “Listen, the band is here. Would you be willing to meet them? If you hate us, then no love lost. But if not… then maybe, would you at least consider it?”
“They all came to hear you play,” Belle added. “Liam insisted.” She flashed him a smile that was was both knowing and affectionate.
Emma looked at her friends. Doubt, brought on by years of disappointment, held her back.
“Come on, Emma,” Mary Margaret said kindly. “Just meet them?” Emma sighed. She was outnumbered.
“Fine,” she nodded and was met with four beaming smiles.
Before Emma could do anything about it, Belle had slipped her arm through her own and was leading her over to a table at the far end of the bar. Usually, Emma wouldn’t have been okay with strangers being so familiar but the small brunette reminded her of her sister - she had the same kindness and inherent earnestness - so she let herself be dragged through the crowd. She liked Belle, and she was pretty sure there was nothing she could do about it.
“Emma,” Liam said as they arrived at a table that overflowed with drinks and napkins that had been scribbled all over with sharpie, “Meet the guys.” He gestured at the two men sitting, arguing over one of the napkins, each trying to shove the other’s hand away and write something down. Their heads snapped up at the sound of Liam’s voice.
The first one, a scruffy looking man with flippy brown hair and a shy smile, stood up and held out his hand. “Graham. Bassist.” he said as Emma shook it. “Nice to meet you.”
Emma smiled back, finding his bashfulness boyish and a little bit charming. He seemed like the kind of guy she would have had a crush on in high school. “Thanks,” she said.
The second man stood up. “David,” he said, shaking her hand in turn, “drums.” Emma was surprised to find that he didn’t have an accent. In fact the way he spoke suggested he may have grown up not far from her in Boston. He had a friendly, all-american way about him and a smile that probably made old ladies blush.
“Hi,” she said. Shit, she was already warming up to these guys after having only just met them.
“Where’s my little brother?” Liam asked, sighing. The boys both held their hands up in a gesture that said ‘I don’t know - who ever knows?’ Liam sighed again.  “Of course.”
David’s smile faltered as he looked down to see Graham scribbling away quickly, hunched over as though desperate not to be seen.
“Hey!” he shouted, lunging for the napkin. Graham was quicker though, standing up in the booth and holding his prize out of reach. “Stop changing my lyrics!” David insisted, grabbing hold of his bandmate’s coat and trying to drag him back down.
“They’re rubbish lyrics!” Graham retorted, one hand shoving David’s face away as he climbed further and further up the back of the booth before finally falling off and landing with a thud on the floor.
David didn’t waste any time, hopping right over the booth after him. The two scuffled on the floor, each trying to -- well Emma wasn’t really sure anymore. She didn’t think either really cared about the napkin at this point - they just seemed to be enjoying their little wrestling match, both of them laughing as they gained and then lost the upper hand.
“Gentlemen,” Liam’s voice cut in and Emma turned to see him with his face in his hand, looking embarrassed. The guys stopped their fighting and Belle just looked at them with an affectionate smile. “I’m trying to convince Miss Swan that we are respectable, professional adults -- not bloody children.”
David stood up first, reaching down to help Graham up after him. “Sorry, Liam,” he said, reaching over and dusting some bar floor grime off the front of Graham’s jacket.
“Yes, sorry,” Graham added. “But his lyrics really were rubbish.”
David shoved Graham’s face and he turned to retaliate but Belle cut them off with a firm “Boys,” and they stopped, abashed.
“Scary, isn’t she?” Graham stage whispered to Emma, earning him an honestly terrifying glare.
“It’s why I married her,” Liam grinned planting a kiss on Belle’s cheek. He turned to Emma. “I’d like to say that we’re usually much more refined but…” Liam shrugged at her.
Emma smiled. “It’s okay.” And it was. There was something really appealing about the way the four of them acted together. They were friends yes, that much was obvious, but it was more than that. The way they picked on each other and clearly cared so much about one another made them seem more like a family - with David and Graham as brothers - always at each other’s throats - and Liam as the begrudging father. Belle looked at all her boys with motherly affection.
Emma could appreciate that - she respected it - that idea that family could be more than blood. In truth, they reminded her of her own little patchwork family, the one she’d created with Ruby and Mary Margaret and Granny, who was back home in Storybrooke. There was something incredibly appealing about being invited into such an intimate, close-knit group. And a part of her really wanted it. Emma had craved family her whole life and while she was still sometimes weary of it, the child in her - the little ugly duckling she’d been - still hoped it would grow. Looking at the four of them now, Emma was sure of only one thing - she wanted to be a part of it.
“I’m in.”
Liam looked at her in obvious shock and disbelief, like he was sure that their antics had turned her off of them. “Really?”
Emma nodded. “Fuck it. Yeah. Let’s do this.”
“That’s fantastic!” Liam exclaimed. Belle clapped her hands together and bounced on her toes - the resemblance to Mary Margaret was uncanny. David and Graham came up and clapped her on the back.
“Welcome aboard,” David said.
“Was that a fucking pun?” Graham accused, referring to their band name.
“This is wonderful,” Belle chimed in. “Now I brought some contracts with me just in case you said yes - call it wishful thinking but --”
Emma didn’t hear the rest of her sentence. Her heart had started racing at the word ‘contracts’. The blood drained from her face, she felt cold. She’d only ever signed one contract before and that had been… she didn’t want to think about it. But she was thinking about it. She couldn’t stop. She was seventeen again and her breath stuck in her throat. This was a mistake she couldn’t --
“Ah, there he is!” Liam’s voice cut into her spiralling thoughts. “Late as ever, I see.”
“Well it wouldn’t be very rock and roll to show up on time would it, brother?” a voice answered. Emma knew that voice. She’d heard the accent before - the way it lilted when it was teasing, the way the ‘t’s ticked at the end of a word. She knew that voice. She had heard it - years ago - wrapped around her name, calling out in pleasure, biting out choked curses - she knew what it sounded like when it was wrecked and wanting.
She looked up. Shocked blue eyes stared back. No. Fucking. Way.
Emma bolted.
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ncttrashaf · 7 years
What If I Make You Cry?
 A/N: I couldn’t help but write something for you all before my exams start on the 11th of this month. Please wish me luck, keep me in your prayers, and let me know how you feel about this little thing I wrote in a hurry :(((
~Admin Ayu ♥
Characters: Mark x Reader x Johnny Genre: Angst, Romance. Warning: Language, Mentions of sex (idk is that a thing?) Word count: 2,896
Mark wished he could kick himself.
  Right in his shin, just below his calf. Donghyuck had once kicked him in his calf and it didn’t hurt much. So he should settle for his shin. He looked at Johnny who was smiling at his phone, the curve only spreading across his face as his thumbs stormed away on the screen. ‘That could’ve been me,’ Mark thought to himself. But he knew, it was too late.
  Mark had met you on your 18th birthday, an addition to the small, homely party that he was unable to avoid due to his closest friend’s incessant persistence. Mark hadn’t felt the nervousness till he stepped across the threshold, realising he had just stepped inside a completely unknown household in a very personal celebration. Mark felt sick with guilt and embarrassment and was subtly planning his friend’s death later that night.
  Mark barely knew at that moment that the one whose deathbed was readied in his mind would become the one Mark would become the most thankful to; because he had introduced Mark to a person who changed a lot for him later on, who made him feel an entirely new feeling, an entire new anxiety.
  He had introduced Mark to you.
  You weren’t the least bit fazed by the idea that your easygoing and impulsive cousin was bringing along a friend you had never even exchanged greetings with. You were open to meeting new people and also took great delight in getting to know people. You liked being associated with every sort of person, it added to your experience.
  So when you received Mark warmly, handing him a glass of frappe you had made yourself for the evening, he felt relieved to say the least. He visibly let his stiffened shoulders down with a loud sigh and turned to his friend, exclaiming that he was worried he’d be a displeasure to his aunt’s family and his relatives.
  “What? No!” his friend cooed, “We’re cool people, we like crowds.”
  Mark later realised that you didn’t. You didn’t mind people, but you weren’t particularly fond of crowds either. You were a very balanced blend between a very outgoing person and a reticent soul. He liked talking to you, he liked exchanging regular texts, snaps, and smiles.
  He liked you.
  And so did the man who always made up for the emptiness he constantly felt living in a country thousands of miles away from his family.
  Johnny liked you, too.
  Mark could kick himself for having invited you over on his 18th birthday, which was months after yours. Mark could kick himself for having introduced you to the older members, when he could’ve only let you hang out with the younger members. Mark could kick himself for having let you share interests with Johnny, though he had no control over that.
  Mark just watched from afar as you conversed away with the older man who had hopped a little when he realised that you were an adult, also months into it.
  “I want to pursue a career in journalism, I want to write books whether it be fiction or non-fiction, I want to be a public speaker. I can’t explain how much I want to do!”
  “You know, my favourite author’s like that too-”
  “Malcolm Gladwell,” they announced together, indulging in a rather small, but hearty fit of laughter.
  Mark politely interrupted, “You both are getting along well.”
  You had opened your mouth to politely reply in affirmative, however Johnny took it to another level as he called you ‘his sorta person’, making Mark quietly disappear.
  Even though the blush was apparent in your cheeks, your smile did falter when you noticed your friend resorting to helping Taeyong cook, who politely shoved the younger boy away saying that he should enjoy his party when the actual reason was that Taeyong wanted to avoid setting the kitchen on fire. Mark felt incapable, untalented, and boring. He felt that his company was too lackluster to even be associated with your presence. So he chose to keep away from you throughout the evening, playing with the kids.
  Johnny and you exchanged numbers. Johnny and you texted each other. Johnny and you talked over the phone. Johnny and you exchanged snaps. Johnny and you became friends. Johnny stole you from Mark, and Mark let him. After all, Johnny had promised Mark that he will help set you two up. Mark felt threatened, but he trusted his older friend.
  “Johnny, I really, really like her.” Mark confessed to Johnny one night, a month into the new reliance you and Johnny had found in each other.
  “You… like her?” Johnny’s eyes were widened out of proportions, his usual relaxed form was then sitting straight as his grip on Mark’s arm tightened.
  “Yeah… why are you so surprised?”
  “Because,” Mark felt his thumping heart relax as Johnny’s grip loosened, “I would love to help you two out!”
  Johnny went on for a month talking to you, telling Mark that he was just making sure you felt the same way for the boy who had his heart set upon you, assuring him that he won’t let any opportunity slip by. Every day, for a split second, Mark would question himself if he could trust Johnny.
  ‘Of course you can!’ Mark would scold himself in his brain, ‘He’s your brother, he’d surely help you!’
  One night when Mark was writing his raps, absorbed in his blank pages, Johnny texted him. Mark bolted to his door and left it unlocked for Johnny, who walked in after a minute.
  “Hey Mark,” Johnny apologetically got to the point after having spent minutes talking about Taeyong and Donghyuck fighting, Ten and Doyoung fighting, and Ten crying, “I’m- I’m sorry bro… she doesn’t feel the same way. She told me she likes this other guy, but she won’t tell me who it really is. When I asked her if she possibly had any feelings for you, she laughed it off… I’m sorry bro.”
  Mark smiled and let Johnny know that it was okay, that he could deal with a little crush and get over it, that it was not that big of a concern.
  Mark was lying.
  You and Mark were still good friends, but not how you both once were. Things had changed. Mark couldn’t bring himself to be as frequent with you as he once was. And you had pulled away from him as well. Mark realised you both had drifted apart, and he was struggling very hard to accept it.
  A week before your birthday, Johnny called Mark in his bedroom. The latter boy genuinely thought it had something to do with their comeback or work, however, he felt the sky break down upon him as Johnny informed him.
  “Mark… I really like her, and I think she likes me, too… since you had said you’ll get over her, I wanted to ask you; are you?”
  Mark thought for a moment about how restricting your love life from expanding was going to be of no help. Thus Mark said he was very much over you, happily helping Johnny plan a small surprise for you on your birthday with a heartfelt confession.
  By the end of the week, you and Johnny were dating.
  Mark had promised himself that he won’t ever frown upon your relationship. He felt happy that two of his favourite persons, two persons he genuinely loved and admired, had reciprocated to each others’ feelings. Two of his favourite persons had feelings for each other, were happy with each other, and smiled together. He was happy for you and your boyfriend. But somewhere deep in his heart, he felt empty. Because, he had lost two of his favourite persons, he had lost them to each other.
  Johnny and you got along well and everyone could see it. Everyone was happy when they saw you both off for the evening to celebrate your 200th day. However, when Johnny came back to dorm earlier than he was supposed to that night, undoubtedly livid, everyone realised the problem.
  Mark couldn’t help but eavesdrop as Johnny ranted away to Jaehyun and Doyoung.
  “It’s been over six months Jaehyun, six fucking months! She won’t even let me touch her hip!”
  “Johnny, you’re four years older! She may be an adult, but you have to understand she’s still pretty young. Give her some time, I’m sure she will open up with time.” Doyoung lectured.
  “I can’t believe you were expecting sex tonight.” Jaehyun laughed bitterly.
  “I’m sorry I’m a man with a healthy sex drive. You’re one to talk, being the one who goes to bars every week for a fuck.” Johnny spat at Jaehyun, shoving his hand off his shoulder.
  Mark felt dejected at Johnny’s disappointment, and enquired how you were doing. You were a crying mess when he called. You were sad and just as disappointed. Mark could feel an impending breakup, and he was ashamed to admit the little hope that had bloomed in his heart already.
  However, you and Johnny made up in a week and resumed as usual. Johnny promised you that he won’t ever rush it, that he won’t ever try to initiate something that could cause you discomfort.
  Mark was crestfallen, to say the least.
  However, he was observant too. He noticed Johnny and Jaehyun’s outing every week for a ‘walk’, and always insisted to join them. His insistence had gotten to a point where Jaehyun and Johnny were almost sneaking out every Friday night.
  As a friend, he felt liable to you. You had every right to know that your boyfriend was seeking sexual pleasure from strangers at a bar just because you had set some restrictions. You had every right to know that your boyfriend had resorted to other women to obtain release, which he couldn’t get from you. Johnny was cheating on you, and you had every right to know.
  It took Mark an hour to convince your cousin to take you to the bar on a Friday night, but he complied. Mark had given his friend a hint which was enough to rile him up, further requesting him to not attack ‘that tall jerk’ physically, since he wanted the two people actually involved to sort it out among themselves.
  “THERE’S NOTHING TO SORT OUT!” Mark heard your scream from behind the closed door, “Johnny, we are over.” You were crying frantically by the time you had ran out of the dorm, your sobs still audible. Mark wasted no time to run off behind you after a very small but heated exchange of words with Johnny.
  After a stressful and tiring five minutes of wandering, Mark finally caught you in his arms. He brought you back to the dorm and let you in his bedroom as Donghyuck quietly slipped in Taeil’s. He sat you down in his bed and waited for you to ease from your cries, to relax slightly.
  “Johnny told me that was the only thing he could do to keep our relationship healthy and alive…” you quietly told Mark, “He said that he is still emotionally attached to me, but he couldn’t help getting in some other woman’s pants… if he actually liked me at all, why would he cheat on me like- like this?” you whimpered, hiding your face in your hands as your started crying again.
  Mark recalled the little fight he and Johnny had had before Mark had run off to bring you in. Johnny had angrily retorted, “I will treat her however the fuck I want!”
  If Johnny could not treat you any better, Mark could. He didn’t think twice before he told you how he actually felt about you.
  “I like you… I like you very, very much, y/n.”
  You stared at his face as your jaw fell, your tears drying on your cheeks, “Since… since when?”
  “It’s been almost two fucking years, y/n… I couldn’t tell you earlier because you didn’t feel the same way, because you liked him. But… I had to tell you now, I can’t keep it to myself anymore.”
  You stared at him for five minutes straight, before sighing long and resting your head on your palms, “I- I can’t believe this…”
  Mark stared at you as you laughed to yourself, afraid that something had possessed you, or that you had lost your senses from all the shock you were constantly receiving.
  “We got played… real hard! Oh my goodness, oh my…” you quietly mused to yourself.
  “What- what do you mean?” Mark asked you as he kept his hand on your shoulder, still somewhat in denial of what he doubted he was to hear.
  “I- I didn’t like Johnny, I liked you Mark. I had feelings for you!”
  Mark stared at you agape as his hand fell from your shoulder.
  “Johnny had told me that you liked someone else… he was there for me when I was rotting in the misery of having lost you to some other… model or idol or something! I grew attached to him since he was so nice and always there for me, and I started dating him. I-”
  “What do you mean?” Mark’s shook you softly, his eyes tearing up as the truth unfolded before his eyes.
  “I won’t say I never developed feelings for him, I- I did… but I always liked you Mark, I ALWAYS liked you…” you were on the verge of tears as you concluded, “He lied to both of us…”
  The next day you broke up with Johnny, telling him you didn’t want to base your relationship with someone off lies and deceit. Mark let Johnny know through a text that from then on they would only share the professional relation of being members; nothing more or less.
  Johnny was left desolated by his own choice. He felt guilty, finally all his actions weighing down on him. He barely talked to anyone and mostly kept to himself. The only time he was ever on his phone talking was when his mother would call, and he would mostly cry to her.
  “I messed up big time, Mom. I lost my best friend and my girlfriend.”
  And you and Mark were into a prospective relationship by then. You both got closer with time, helped each other out with even the littlest of issues, and became each others’ most trustworthy friend. You both were inseparable by the end of three more months.
  Doyoung set you two up for dates, finally getting you both to give in to each others’ emotions and start officially dating.
  Johnny had walked in on you both when you both had had your first kiss, leaving him with no other option but to request for a break to the company. He couldn’t endure the pain that he had brought upon himself, so it was apparent that some time away from all this, from you and Mark in particular, would be very helpful. Seeing you both together could only worsen him, thus he opted to finally go home and sleep in his bed like he had once  said in an interview.
  After two weeks Johnny took the earliest flight he could, after settling matters in Korea, to Chicago. He didn’t bid you two goodbye, and that somewhat hurt. You and Mark were in the living room, complaining over how Johnny didn’t even care to leave a text, trying to avoid the pain dwelling in both your hearts.
  “Kids!” Doyoung called out to you both as you two chatted away, “Well… Johnny left you two a note, a letter… would you like to read it?”
  Mark was hesitant, but you jolted up from your seat and took the letter from Doyoung’s hand, hurriedly thanking him as you sat down by yourself and unfolded the letter, not even caring to show Mark.
  Mark placed himself gently beside you as you read the letter out loud, Doyoung quietly leaving as he sensed the tension brewing in the atmosphere.
Mark and the girl I love,
Excuse my tackiness and read on.
I am very, very sorry. I cannot even explain how bad I feel about all this. I wish I could end my life for messing up so much. I don’t know what had gotten into me… I really don’t. As I write now, I’m still crying, I’m still in pain, and I am very much sorry. Please, if you have it in your hearts, please forgive me.
I hope you two remain happy together. I kinda ship you two now, if that’s any consolation… but again, that’s the least I could do after all I actually did…
Mark buddy, stay well.
Y/n, I love you.
From your one and only, Johnny Suh.
  Mark just watched as you broke down to tears by the end of the letter. You couldn’t comprehend as to why you felt so heartbroken for a moment before you finally realised that, though you had initially developed feelings for Mark, somewhere in between you had fallen a little bit in love with Johnny as well, enough to feel all the pain, enough to feel miserable to a point where you couldn’t even function properly for days. Johnny is very good at comforting people, Mark isn't. He only stared at you as you cried on.
Mark wished he could kick himself. 
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winstonhcomedy · 6 years
How’d Winston Do This Weekend? 11/2-11/3
What a wild and wacky weekend of wonderful comedy!!! We had a twofer on Friday in Petersburg, and then a bit of a road trip for a shit show at Smith Mt. Lake on Saturday!!!
I love a twofer. Two sets in one night. It’s especially rare when the show isn’t in a huge city. The fact that Petersburg had two shows on Friday is kind of ridiculous, but I am definitely not complaining.
The first was the Off The Rip Improv Showcase at Plaza Mexico Bar and Grill run/hosted by my buddy Mu Cuzzo. I think it was Mu’s first time running a show like this which is pretty neat. I hit him up before the show and asked for a spot. He put me on and let me go first so I could make my second show.
I get there early and get to hang with Mu, his dope girlfriend Paula, and Bryan Williams. I knew Paula before I knew Mu. She used to come out and support a bunch of comedy shows. She’s a pretty dope artist as well. She is a poet, a writer, she makes jewelry, and there’s probably a lot more I’m missing as well. She’s a good influence on Mu, and supportive af. I always enjoy talking to her!
Mu is in a super good mood, because his mom is coming to watch him perform for the first time. This is a super dope moment to watch. When his mother gets there Mu hands her a bouquet of flowers (it’s her birthday) and gives her a huge hug. Shit like this gets me teary eyed. Small stuff like that really touches me in a crazy kind of way.
Mu’s mother is a pretty strong, and awesome woman. Mu told me she’s on city council and when city council tried to knock down city worker’s pay by 10% she told them to take all of her pay. This is a bad ass move. It show’s she gives af about the community, which is rare as hell nowadays.
Had to talk to Bryan about staying in his lane. Bryan is a good dude who means well, but he sometimes gets involved in some stuff on fb he really shouldn’t. I think arguing about stuff on FB is super annoying and pointless (even though I’ve done it.) I just advised him it’d be best to mind his own business and keep his head down and just write/tell jokes. He’s so new he doesn’t need the reputation of a White Knight or argumentative dude on FB. It was about some personal stuff going on in the comedy scene rn so I don’t want to go into it, but it was a good talk.
The room itself is pretty big and spacious. There is a weird divider in the middle of the room. The DJ is set up on one side, and the comics perform on the other. There is a pretty good crowd there, but because the room is so big it doesn’t feel super intimate. Also there's a table of about 11 people behind us that you have to turn around to see. It’s an odd setup, but it works.
Mu went up first and did a good job getting the room ready for comedy. Since the microphone was wireless and he knew a lot of the audience he walked out into them a little bit and did his thing. He got his mom involved a bit, and warmed up the room nicely.
I go up first and have a pretty solid set. I only did crowd work. It did not have the vibe of a crowd that would be into my material. I only did about 5 minutes since I was a guest, but I got his mom involved and his cousin. I had some pretty good lines, and got some big laughs. 
All in all I’m glad I went to the show. I’d give my set a B-. After the set I hopped in my car and drove straight to Wabi Sabi.
Wabi Sabi is one of my favorite comedy rooms. It is usually hosted/run by Jason Klingman. Tonight Kenny Wingle was hosting since Jason was at the Brian Wilson concert in Richmond. 
This is a room set up for comedy. It is in a basement, has low ceilings, tight seating, brick wall backdrop, separated from rest of the restaurant, and usually has a good crowd. This is not an easy room by any means, but they do reward funny. You have to be willing to work for your laughs. They like jokes and crowd work. 
I’ve had some of the best sets of my life at Wabi and I honestly think it’s a room that has made me into the comic I am now. I’m not afraid of any room, and it really helped me build my confidence while doing material or crowd work. 
When I got to the show Alex Castagne was on stage and he had a hot one. The room was full, and he was slaughtering. Alex is a funny dude, and a good friend. A real fine jew of a boy.
 He gets off and Joshua Horsford goes up. Joshua has been in and out of the comedy scene for a long time. He started well before me, but he also writes/acts so there are times where he is absent from the scene for months. He had a pretty good set and Kenny went back up and did some crowd work in-between him and the next comic.
Next up is Patrick Nowaczyk one of the members of Rich Girls comedy. A comedy troupe that isn’t really doing anything anymore but was full of some of my favorite comics when I started. Pat started out super strong. He was really killing up top, but then he got into some of his longer jokes and they either didn't get them or just didn’t have the attention span for them (which sucks because he did two of my favorite bits he does). 
He gets off stage and since it is late about two tables get up to leave. Which is always disconcerting as a comic who is going last on a show. 
Bryan showed up to hang out after his set at Mu’s show. When he got there he asked for a guest spot. Kenny came up and asked if it was ok if he went in front of me.  I didn’t give a shit. Bryan’s five minutes aren’t going to affect me. 
Bryan goes up and really does not have a good set. He caught them when he got on stage, but after that he really let their lack of laughs get to him and he got more and more timid. He just had no confidence and they just weren’t his crowd. After his set about half of the remaining tables leave. 
Kenny goes back up and does a little more crowd work to get the crowd back and excited again. Luckily the tables that were left were great audience members. 
I go up and just go right into crowd work. They are vibing with me and my energy right away. I do about 25 minutes and I can honestly say I did one joke in the middle (and it worked).
The audience members left were amazing. I had one of the best sets I’ve had in a while. I was jumping back and forth between two large tables of guests, calling back to crowd work, and really getting weird and intimate.
Talked about sex with a mom/dad in front of her daughter who was celebrating her birthday. Talked to another lady about how much she loved to be choked. I had a lot of lines I can’t even remember, but it was a super fun and hot set.
I’d give it an A- and maybe even bump it up to an A. 
It was so much fun, and really glad I was booked on this show. After the show I hung with the guys a bit, and then Klingman showed up. We talked about the Brian Wilson show, and I asked to be on next month’s Wabi show (it is the 9th year anniversary and I didn’t want to miss it.) Afterwards I headed home.
Saturday was a fun day. I got to wake up late, and hang out with my niece which is one of my favorite things to do. I also knew I had a good hang on the horizon because I was driving to Lynchburg to meet up with my dude Jake Snyder and ride with him and Paige Campbell to the comedy competition at Heath’s Waterfront Grill at Smith Mtn. Lake. 
Once I get to Jake’s we got and grab a bit to eat at Wendy’s next to his house. Someone asks him how tall he is (6′7) and they then reply with, “that ain’t too bad”. I don’t even begin to know wtf that even means. 
Paige gets to his apartment and then we hit the road. We are jamming to older metal on the radio, and it legit feels like we are comics in the 80s. Three dudes crammed into a car, driving into the middle of nowhere for some dogshit show and a chance at $250. 
We have done this show before, and it actually wasn’t bad. I had a super hot set and won some money. They had us on a real stage, and it was pretty packed out. Definitely more fun that it had any right to be.
This time we show up. The sound system is shit, there is no stage (they have moved us to the corner), very little audience, and the energy is weak af in the room. We all know it is going to suck.
The good thing is there are definitely some folks I love to hang with here. Johnny Camacho (Roanoke comic), Kristinia Montouri (Roanoke comic), Colby Knight (lynchburg/charlottesville guy), Zach Webb (lynchburg comic), and a few others idk at all. 
The host Phil Hogan goes first and he just gobbles dick for like 15 minutes. Like it is brutal. Barely any laughs at all, and really isn’t vibing with the crowd. After him he brings up a comic Ron Hebert who also bombs. The next comic is Melissa Douty. I have never seen her before, but her reputation precedes her. She is a local headliner/touring comic. Super likeable and a good joke writer. She has what I consider the best set of the night. 
I go up next and in my opinion bomb. I got some good pops, and about 3/4 of my jokes work. I try to engage the crowd, but they aren’t having it at all. I also keep stepping out of the light because it is poorly placed and bright af (I get points deducted because of this). 
The best part was in the middle of a setup to one of my jokes that needs people to pay attention a man who has to be 80 rolls in on his mechanical wheelchair. He is making what I can only describe as a comical amount of noise. He is knocking his wheelchair into tables, and the hostess is talking so loud asking him where he is going to sit. The whole time I am just on stage delivering a joke people don’t want to hear just trying my best not to yell at this old dude. HE WHEELS ALL THE WAY TO THE FRONT!!! On the inside I am dying laughing. It felt like it was out of a tv show.
I’d give my set a C-. I just didn’t have it that night.
Melissa Douty comes over and we both compliment each others sets. I definitely respect her as a comic. Super funny lady check her out. 
Everybody else goes up and honestly it feels like everybody is bombing. Paige and Jake didn’t do great but also the crowd was shit. Johnny Camacho goes up and does a German Psychic character (that I enjoy) and gets a few good laughs. Lastly a 16 year old kid goes up with a notebook and he does ok. Not bad for a first set ever, and he had a few good ideas.
They are adding up the scores at the end of the show while the host goes back up and plays guitar for an obscene amount of time. We are hanging out in the back and 16 year old is one cocky dude. You can tell he thinks he is a comedic genius. He is trying to bust balls, and be goofy. He asks me if my legs are ok because my jeans are too tight (brilliant roast). A little later he says he’s a bit sleepy because he did a bunch of heroin, so I responded with, “yea and after your set I just wish you had Od’d.” He heard me, but he didn’t respond. He also quit busting balls after that. He did have some funny shit so I hope he continues to go out and work on new stuff. His parents were there, so it was cool to see them support his dream.
They announced Johnny Camacho as the winner. Which blew me away. Not because he isn’t funny, but just because Mellissa Douty got more laughs than all of the other comics combined. I’m happy for Johnny because at least a hack didn’t win, but I felt bad for Melissa because for that room she kind of freaking crushed.
We head back and stop at Sheetz to grab some food. We park back at Jake’s place and start doing our favorite street jokes. Then we all go our separate ways. I head home and start playing tf out of Red Dead Redemption 2! Which is how I spent the rest of my weekend.
WHAT AN AMAZING TIME BAYBEES AND LAYDEES!!! I love you a lot and will catch up with you soon. Keep on trucking everybody! xoxoxo LOVE YOU!!!
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