#but you cannot try to pretend that as a species on a biological level we are not supposed to eat meat. cmon now.
trans-xianxian · 7 months
"wearing leather/fur or eating animal products is unethical" SHUT UP SHUT UP WE ARE PART OF THE ECOSYSTEM!!!!
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hexoskeleton · 2 years
One thing I absolutely cannot fucking stand on this site is that whole genre of posts in which aliens marvel at how special and awesome humans are. The “space orc” posts. You know the ones.
I get what those posts are trying to do, right? It’s decontextualization so we can appreciate how amazing we are as a species. (And we are amazing!) But as a biologist? It’s incredibly annoying.
Cause, like, 90% of the “unique” “special” “ever-so-human” traits listed in those posts are either 1) not that uncommon in the animal kingdom, or 2) essentially just things that we would expect to find in most if not all creatures capable of higher thought processing.
Take adaptability. Is it really so incredible that humans can survive broken bones? Plenty of animals heal from broken bones all the time in nature—and plenty of them are social, and understand the concept of caring for their sick and wounded. They may not understand how to properly set a splint, or anything, but that’s just a matter of intelligence, not anything inherent to our bone structure. I swear, it’s like you people imagine all aliens will be weak, fragile, calcium-deficient horses (who somehow managed to become a space-faring species). And you wanna talk about climate adaption? Rodents, ants and deer cover nearly as much of the world as we do—and they don’t have houses or clothes.
Nor will the ability to make tools be unique to humans. Particularly smart animals here on Earth use tools, so don’t expect aliens to be wowed by our ingenuity when we haven’t even figured out how to switch over to solar power yet.
And empathy? You think no other aliens are gonna understand empathy, or dying for a cause? Are you insane? Have you never seen elephants mourning the loss of some elephant-stranger they never knew? But even on a more philosophical level, claiming that morality and ethics is something so inherent to our biology, and not a consequence of different modalities of ethics is so… icky. Stop pretending we’re the holiest, most-self sacrificing species that could ever exist in the whole universe. In fact, stop pretending that one’s biological origins has anything to do with their ethics at all.
I should also mention that, because we (generally) expect most habitable planets to have a smaller mass than that of the Earth, we should also expect most aliens to be HUGE—I’m talking polar bear size. So ENOUGH with the posts about how no alien could ever fend off a goose attack. Earth is NOT a “death planet.” All things considered, where we live is probably one of the nicest, calmest, least dangerous places in the universe. It’s time to admit it: we’re the soft, silly little guys of space. And you guys are only embarrassing the rest of us in front of the aliens by writing fucking self-insert fanfiction about how we as a species are better than them in every single way! STOP IT.
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to love & be loved
@startreksecretsanta and @spinifex-ao3, I present my humble gift for the 2020 Secret Santa Exchange. 
to love & be loved is a Raffi-centric short fic. It can be read on AO3 here, or below the cut. 
There was this thing Raffi's therapist recommended. She said that we tend to view mental ailments as a result of a singular issue, when that was not the case. This isn't unique to the so-called mental conditions; physical ailments are always the result of multiple convergent factors, many of them largely outside of our control. Whether you break a bone running down a corridor depends on the gravity levels, the angle, your physical ability to catch yourself (or not), your species' biological attributes, and so on. But because the bone is easier to fix, we don't place as much value on all these could-have-happeneds.
So her therapist recommended that she looks at her alcoholism, even at the collapse of her family, and traces its lineage. To assemble the history in whatever way she preferred; a narrative, an artwork, a quasi-scientific graph, a mission report. Raffi tried and failed.
She ended up with a start chart of the Milky way, no, too big, zooming into a few classic earth constellations. She grabbed her stylus and pulled it across the screen, trying to connect disparate factors.
Childhood??? --- > my son --- > my husband left me
kicked out of starfleet --- > Starfleet = War?
Starfleet = JL? -- > betrayal?
She couldn't talk about any of it. She brought in a star chart with a handful of annotations explaining her biggest failures and regrets. She could barely explain why she wrote them down without crying, her hand itching for the phantom weight of a glass, even filled with water. So mapping the lineage of her alcoholism & her life became their goal. The implication being that you cannot fight a monster you cannot name.
Raffi's therapist was an Andorian woman with deep blue skin, almost an indigo tone. She was tall and friendly in a way that was sometimes clean and professional and sometimes cute and childish. On Earth, she took the name of Julia for some of her clients. Her actual name was J''ul/sth, but more humans were able to pronounce the vowels in Julia, so Julia it is. Julia was a fiercely intellectual woman and would cater her services to different conceptions of what it means to be mentally unwell. She was familiar with centuries of earth, Betazoid, and Andorian theories of mental illness, many of which weren't even addressed within the medical model preferred by Starfleet. Even in her darkest hours, Raffi could barely think a negative thought about Julia; her competence, her expertise was... illuminating.
For someone who had been judged by her own spouse as incapable, for someone who struggled to take care of her hair or to sweep a floor, it was intoxicating to have this brilliant woman focused solely on her for an hour each week. Julia never condescended. She had this assured confidence that Raffi was an interesting person, still worth talking to. It was the sort of thing that could give you hope, if you let yourself believe. It was also the sort of thing Raffi fucked up.
Julia was not a believer in abstinence from alcohol as the definition as sobriety. She pointed to it as an outdated Earth concept that had far too long of a shelf life for the evidence behind it. She encouraged Raffi to define her own boundaries about what substance use or lack thereof meant. And Raffi remembered when she could go to a bar for the music and the sensory experience of one or three Saurian brandies without the all consuming urge, twisting under her skin, telling her to escape from her life. And that was their goal. But Raffi didn't tell Julia which bar. She went to a local bar, one that straddled the line between bar and pub and played live music, an eclectic mix of whoever was willing to play for cheap, across genres, cultures, and species. Tonight was a young human teen, not a singer. They were remixing Vulcan instrumental music, very peaceful and precise, with bright and happy sounds. It was almost gauche, the way the emotions would intercut through the melodies. The sort of thing that art and music journals would comment on, asking if it was subversion or a childish rebellion, a blending of cultures or a mocking. The sort of thing that goes good with brandy.
And it was good. It was good for an hour, slowly nursing two drinks. It was good until she saw her, walking in kind of tipsy, skin flushed a warm blue. Surrounded by friends, bar hopping. On a youthful adventure. She felt ashamed, in that moment. That this woman half her age was supposed to be giving her advice, pretending to listen to her problems. That she could never be one of those friends, all so young, with a world to explore.
When Julia caught her eye, she walked over to say hello. And when Julia's friends asked her who she was, Raffi called herself a friend; not a client, not a patient. She doesn't know what it says that Julia didn't correct her; probably that outing a client was a breach of professional ethics. Raffi has more brandy, to wash away the deception, the feeling of herself as lecherous and pathetic and weak.
Raffi wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, entangled in long blue limbs. For a moment, this brings her happiness. The idea that she was wanted, that the woman who knew so much about her made love to her.
It was only for a moment.
She shifted out of the bed, cautiously. She left to the sound of gentle snoring and the feeling of breeze and slick on her public hair.
She didn't go back to therapy, after that.
She met Benjamin Sisko, Emissary to the Prophets and legendary war hero, at a Starfleet Intelligence conference. It was near the end of her career; there wasn't much longer she could hold onto the idea of the person she used to be, of whatever Starfleet begged from her. There were always threats on the horizon and she had become numb to it all. But Sisko interested her.
In a way, his life was quite possibly her worst nightmare. The idea of being essentially forced into a religion because, by the way, you are now an important figure in our religion and its impact on interstellar politics... what a nightmare. That wasn't mentioning being pulled out of linear time by powerful aliens worshipped as gods. At least -
At least when Q had showed up that one time, JL and him had a bit of a rapport.
But he didn't seem unhappy. She was used to seeing the haunted faces at conferences, as people who were raised in peace and sent out to explore ended up soldiers for war. Starfleet Intelligence was different, it attracted a more cynical bunch. The sort who wouldn't show it. But Sisko seemed... happy. He didn't look like a man who was kidnapped in order to appease powerful beings, or even someone straining under a PR lie. He looked like he had transcended beyond it all. And yeah, she wanted a piece of that.
But she couldn't ask for it. It was a crazy request. It was her imprinting her desires and pains onto a stranger's life.
It surprised her, after the conference, when he approached her and asked if she knew any Bajorans.
“Just the one.” Something in her felt compelled to add, “he wasn't religious.”
“So I'll be the first one to surprise you like this.”
And he grabbed her by the ear, what the shit, and said, in a low voice. “Your pagh is strong.”
After Agnes Jurati confessed to murdering a man, on their ship, the scientist had cried, and asked her, “Why are you still being so nice to me?” There were a lot of answers Raffi did not give. She did not say that she had a son and a husband who wouldn't let her love them and her desire to care for someone was apparently stronger than the realization that they were a semi-brainwashed murderer. She did not say that at this point, she didn't feel like she could judge anyone, morally speaking. Or that maybe this was pragmatism, keeping your friends close and your potential enemies closer. Or that at the very least, there wasn't much she could do to fuck up Agnes' life anymore, which is a marked improvement from the rest of her relationships.
Instead, she let herself feel soft. “Because, sometimes we make mistakes. And even if we can't fix them, I think we should still let ourselves love and be loved.”
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naskarism-blog · 6 years
Surgery on Society
How can we treat a nation? How can we solve its issues? This article is for every single person who wants to do something for his or her nation – who hails himself or herself as a patriot. In this article I am going to show you the biological procedure of treating the issues that torment a nation’s soul.
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The first step towards treating a nation, is that you must accept that you can’t treat a nation, because it is not the nation that requires treatment. Rather it is the people. It is you, the modern human being of the civilized world who needs to work on treating your own conscience and perception. Perhaps I am sounding a bit complicated. So let me simplify.
The world consists of nations. A nation consists of people. A people consists of human beings. A human consists of fascinating psychological elements, collectively called the mind. And a mind is a product of a hundred billion nerve cells working relentlessly in proper harmony. Thus, a little change at the very rudimentary level of the neural network inside one human brain, has the potential to essentially influence a whole nation, and even a whole world. We have countless examples of such individual human minds inspiring the entire planet. Tolstoy, Gandhi, Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr, Mandela, Subhas Chandra Bose, Vasil Levsky and so on. These are individual human beings who first worked on their own minds, and then embarked on an unforgettable journey to put their wisdom into practice.So, in order to really do something for your nation, you must first stop trying to do something for your nation, and turn your focus on yourself in order to make a better version of that self. Reformed and rejuvenated selves are what we need to reform the conscience of a whole nation.Changes in the neurochemistry of one human being have the potential to inspire the entire national organism. After all, a nation is nothing without its people. When you start understanding the biology behind every single emotion and behavioral response of that people, including your own, you can learn to program them on your side in a way that will lead to the best possible outcome. And this very self-control is the key to a better nation. Also, such human action is contagious. When you start being a better version of yourself, people around you would start to feel the need to nourish their virtue of self-control as well. Your awakening will initiate the awakening of others. Remember, a nation with a thousand awakened citizens and a corrupt leader, is much more alive than a nation with an awakened leader and a thousand corrupt citizens.
So how can one learn to become in control of his or her emotions and behavioral responses. The first step is to accept yourself, the way you are. You need to accept your biology, as well as the biology of others. For example, a man’s biology is designed by Mother Nature in such a way that it is impossible for him to not get turned on when he sees a hot lady with big boobs and butt in front of him. Now, of course, due to social norms, in most cases, men feel ashamed of those sexual impulses, and pretend as much as possible to act as if they are the most decent gentleman on earth. And there lies a crucial element that acts as a stimulant for the common social issue of sexual assaults. I have discussed this matter in minute detail in my book Prescription: Treating India’s Soul.The point is, if you don’t learn to accept your basic biological instincts as normal human elements, then you can never be able to make your country a better place for your children. You cannot fight your biology. Things go nuts, when you try to. Your biology makes you who you are. Without biology you don’t exist. And accepting your basic biological instincts does not mean letting them get hold of your behavior. With the help of the frontal lobes of your brain, you can learn how to manipulate your basic instincts in a healthy way. And this is what you need to do, to reform a nation.Understanding and accepting the biology is the first step towards transforming a nation, or rather a nation’s conscience. Let me tell you some of those basic neurobiological facts of human life. First, we humans are born selfish. Without the element of selfishness we would have never survived this long. And this biological element of selfishness makes each one of us corrupt at a genetic level. So, yes, corruption is biological, it cannot be avoided, but only manipulated.Second, men think about sex way more than women. And a hot figure of a lady always turns them on, whether they are in a relationship or not. Hence, either consciously or subconsciously they end up having an innate desire to have sex with her. That’s the reality of the male psychology. Accept it. Because all men from the civilized world may pretend that they are decent and that they only think about sex with their romantic partner, but the neurological reality is that there is a beast inside all of them, who subconsciously wants to mate with every single woman it encounters. However, sexual repression itself is not the cause of sexual assaults in various nations, especially the developing ones, but it does play a crucial role in the society’s ability to deal with such issues. We see this mostly in developing countries like India. How can the Indians expect to solve the issue of women’s safety when they are not even mature enough to talk about sex. To quote from Prescription: Treating India’s Soul
“Stop talking about “rape” and start talking about “sex”, and within a few decades India will attain the true mindset to prevent sexual assaults.”
Another crucial biological reality is, religion is a neurological phenomenon. It is born in the human brain and dies with it. It does not come from any Supreme Entity, up in the sky. It has nothing to do with any Lord Almighty running the universe. It all comes from the human mind, including the very notion of God. God is a human creation, and so is religion.Hence, nobody is qualified enough to teach you how to be spiritual or religious. Get rid of all those religious preachers from your society. Nourish the neurological phenomenon of divinity within your own mind. Do not let this natural human element to be the tool of exploitation in the hands of bloodsucking preachers and religious fanatics.These are only a few among the rudimentary biological elements that influence the true progress of a nation. And as I have said in Prescription, 
“It is you who needs to transform into a modern human being of the 21st century, not your nation. Your nation shall be defined by the character of each one of you. So, be the change you want to see in your nation. But the change has to come through the methods of Science for an actual ever-lasting impact.”
The general human mind has a common affection for philosophy. But philosophy is useless if it is not directed by science. Science and philosophy are the two wheels of development of a nation. If either one fails, the development of a nation gets stuck. And this has been the problem with many nations throughout the ages. Useless philosophy has overwhelmed the vulnerable minds of many nations. Their heads have become filled with metaphysical garbage which does not have any practical application whatsoever in this modern age. To have an actual impact on the development of a nation, you must incorporate the methods of Science in daily life, only then you will become truly civilized, not before that.Be aware of the science of the human mind. Be aware of yourself. Be aware of your weakness and your strength. Weakness and darkness are common elements of life on planet earth. You cannot avoid them. They are essential part of our evolutionary history. Fear, weakness, rage, lust all are basic features of every complex biological lifeform, and they serve only one purpose, that is survival of the species. But for obvious reasons we hate these elements and love the good ones, like happiness, peace, strength and love. And there is the biggest psychological impediment in the progress of human civilization. Every time humans try to fight the elements they don’t like, their biology reinforces those elements even more and leads the humans to misery. Misery rises in human life, when a human doesn’t accept his or her true biological self.I urge to you in the name of human progress, embrace your biology. Be brave and upright. And have the courage to face your inner self, and emerge as a civilized and liberated being. Liberate yourself from the tyranny of your hatred against your own biological reality, and you shall automatically liberate your nation from all its misery.
Further Reading
Abhijit Naskar, 2015, Neurosutra: The Abhijit Naskar Collection
Abhijit Naskar, 2016, Prescription: Treating India’s Soul (Global Edition) | (Indian Edition)
Abhijit Naskar, 2016, What is Mind?
Abhijit Naskar, 2017, The Krishna Cancer
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Best Sex Ed For Amazing Results For All
Definition of Sex:
The concept of sex is related to a series of variants that lead to ideas in general, the differentiation of the species and the reproduction of the race. In biology is the process by which humans and any species mate leading to the reproduction of them. All this process in which an ovule is fertilized and develops in a mother’s womb until birth leads to define the sex of the fetus. In humans, the act of sex is more complex, since it does not understand the simple fact of reproduction, it is one of the few species that practice sex for pleasure.
It is also called sex to the character that is inserted into the specifications of a specimen, these are what we know as female and male or male and female. Sex also represents an important population rate, since it separates the human species in two, defining each one’s tasks and exercises. The men, of masculine sex, are different from the women of feminine sex by their physical and emotional characteristics, whereas the man owns a musculature greater to one of the women she possess affective qualities that denote it and give a characteristic touch that gives them femininity
Sex differs from gender although they go hand in hand, sex differs between the physical characteristics of a woman and a man, gender does in the relationship at a cultural level or is male or female, leading to a condition that can change or modify despite what has been correctly said by society , this is where transgenders enter.
In relation to society , sex has always been the subject of controversy and discussion , in confrontations when presenting women as the weaker sex, without strength or power, and placing a man all power, reaching the term sexist qualifying It gives the actions by both parties disqualifying by emphasizing the differences and discriminating by putting into action what is known as the feminist or 4×4, and a macho man that only leads to achieve a domination or power of either man over the woman or the woman over the man.
Defining sex or the word as such and not encompassing all that entails is very difficult because it encompasses an endless variety of topics ranging from the religious to the psychological without forgetting the biological, which we know marks the characteristics among humans, the animals, marking the genitals as a starting point. Sex itself is extended from the sexual organs, the genital apparatus as a means of reproduction of both, the reproductive sex according to gender or race to expand the species, sex or sexual relations only for the pleasure of the body and engage in case of the animals the way of courtship.
The social or sociological , reference is made to the sexual and gender identity of an individual or sexuality that goes from its sexual orientation proper, that in some cases its sex of birth has nothing to do or does not relate to its orientation or sexual gender that pretends or wishes to be, sexuality as a mode of expression of the human being that does not have a relationship with being sensual, at the time of having sexual relations.
The positions enter into this area of sex, are part of it and there enters the desire for a purely carnal satisfaction of an active sexuality of a man and a woman, which in many occasions do not lead to safe or conventional sex to avoid diseases.
Sex has been the headline of the most famous and successful best seller, throughout the history of humanity on tumblr in the literary field filling pages written with explicit sexual stories and full-color illustrations, one of the most recent in the trilogy of 50 shades of gray , the singers have dedicated an infinity of songs where the protagonist is the sexual desire that they feel for a girl, as a representation of love, the cinema since the 50s, they carry out an innumerable amount of films full of morbid or very concrete as the so-called pornographies, which are full of literal scenes of sexual relations of any kind.
In many cases love has had nothing to do with sex, sexuality or anything that has to do with him, since to have an act of sexual nature is not necessary to love or be in love with the other person, and that if it is between adults they can have a consensual relationship to only reach an end to satisfy a physiologically speaking condition.
Sex in all its ambiguities is a part of society important for daily life, it depends on the reproduction of species and the maintenance of population balance. What we must understand and be clear that we must take into account is the way it is used or the term is given to this word, and as a way to lead a life, you must accept the responsibilities that come with it despite the decision of his gender or sex.
Sex also enters what we call the paraphilias, which are no longer considered a disease but a vital decision , that is, the person or individual has the power over their body for the enjoyment they choose, among them is fetishism, transvestism, sadomasochism or domination, transsexualism and exhibitionism, from, bestiality, homosexuality, and lesbianism, in more extreme cases such as necrophilia, which is the desire of the dead, among countless others .
The sexual health is a responsibility of human beings, having one or more relationships with multiple partners expose it to a myriad of risks of contracting the disease.
Best SEX Ed for everyone:
The romance and passion flow like never with your partner, but could do better? It never hurts to know one – or more – tips to elevate your hot meetings …
Life is about evolving day by day, why not do the same under the sheets? Therefore, we want to share the key guide to have the best sex of your life! Keep reading.
1. Plan the moment. Yes, on many occasions we have allowed ourselves to be carried away by spontaneity, but do you remember the expectation of the first date with your lover? Put on perfume, look for sexy lingerie and even light up the bedroom with some candles will cause a similar sensation.
Imagine it like this: you left a very flirty note in your breakfast and throughout the day you have not stopped sending messages to know what the surprise is about. Both are impatient for that encounter. What follows, you decide.
2. Do not use the words. Although one of the keys to having better sex is communication, it is time to explore new ways of saying things. Try covering her mouth with a chew and start kissing her whole body, watch her reactions. The rule is not to talk!
3. Take control. One of the best positions to achieve orgasm is the man, as you will be in charge of the intensity and depth of the encounter. Forget the insecurities about your body and enjoy. Believe us, he is not thinking if a little belly comes out.
  4. Watch a sexy movie. Also, we are not talking about a porn movie. The female mind is stimulated much more with imagination – read 50 Shades of Gray – so a tape that only hints that there will be sex is perfect to help you have an intimate encounter off the screen.
5. The end also counts. Do not allow the shower to be thrown when finished. Unless you are looking for a second round, take a moment to rest together, as this will create a better couple connection. When both of you feel comfortable and loved … you cannot resist repeating!
6. Behave wrong. Play the “escort”, dance for him and get dressed up provocatively, or let him put on a sexy outfit and do an erotic dance, and in addition to having fun, they will ignite their libido like never before.
7. An extra help. Between 10% and 15% of women can not achieve orgasm only through penetration. It is important for your partner to stimulate the clitoris with his fingers, tongue or some sexual toy.
8. The dirty talk . You can raise the levels of emotion and help teach you a couple of new tricks. Use it to tell him what you want to do and he will be so excited that he will not even notice that you are training him. Practice alone so you do not feel strange in the moment of passion.
9. Goddess of sex . Show him that you know how to use your body and yours to make him vibrate with pleasure. Start by knowing yourself and what you like.
10. The large erogenous zone . Last but not least … Yes, there are the neck, the nipples, the thighs, etc. But do not forget that the brain is THE erogenous zone par excellence, because that is where the desire arises when choosing a couple. Everything is born in a part of the base called VTA, which creates dopamine giving us sensations of desire, ecstasy, obsession, energy and joy. For this reason, remember to say that you want it, either by loud voice or by applying the sexting hours before the meeting and, thus, igniting the sensual spark.
from How To Make Husband Happy http://ift.tt/2Dq7WT8 via IFTTT
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Best Sex Ed For Amazing Results For All
Definition of Sex:
The concept of sex is related to a series of variants that lead to ideas in general, the differentiation of the species and the reproduction of the race. In biology is the process by which humans and any species mate leading to the reproduction of them. All this process in which an ovule is fertilized and develops in a mother’s womb until birth leads to define the sex of the fetus. In humans, the act of sex is more complex, since it does not understand the simple fact of reproduction, it is one of the few species that practice sex for pleasure.
It is also called sex to the character that is inserted into the specifications of a specimen, these are what we know as female and male or male and female. Sex also represents an important population rate, since it separates the human species in two, defining each one’s tasks and exercises. The men, of masculine sex, are different from the women of feminine sex by their physical and emotional characteristics, whereas the man owns a musculature greater to one of the women she possess affective qualities that denote it and give a characteristic touch that gives them femininity
Sex differs from gender although they go hand in hand, sex differs between the physical characteristics of a woman and a man, gender does in the relationship at a cultural level or is male or female, leading to a condition that can change or modify despite what has been correctly said by society , this is where transgenders enter.
In relation to society , sex has always been the subject of controversy and discussion , in confrontations when presenting women as the weaker sex, without strength or power, and placing a man all power, reaching the term sexist qualifying It gives the actions by both parties disqualifying by emphasizing the differences and discriminating by putting into action what is known as the feminist or 4×4, and a macho man that only leads to achieve a domination or power of either man over the woman or the woman over the man.
Defining sex or the word as such and not encompassing all that entails is very difficult because it encompasses an endless variety of topics ranging from the religious to the psychological without forgetting the biological, which we know marks the characteristics among humans, the animals, marking the genitals as a starting point. Sex itself is extended from the sexual organs, the genital apparatus as a means of reproduction of both, the reproductive sex according to gender or race to expand the species, sex or sexual relations only for the pleasure of the body and engage in case of the animals the way of courtship.
The social or sociological , reference is made to the sexual and gender identity of an individual or sexuality that goes from its sexual orientation proper, that in some cases its sex of birth has nothing to do or does not relate to its orientation or sexual gender that pretends or wishes to be, sexuality as a mode of expression of the human being that does not have a relationship with being sensual, at the time of having sexual relations.
The positions enter into this area of sex, are part of it and there enters the desire for a purely carnal satisfaction of an active sexuality of a man and a woman, which in many occasions do not lead to safe or conventional sex to avoid diseases.
Sex has been the headline of the most famous and successful best seller, throughout the history of humanity on tumblr in the literary field filling pages written with explicit sexual stories and full-color illustrations, one of the most recent in the trilogy of 50 shades of gray , the singers have dedicated an infinity of songs where the protagonist is the sexual desire that they feel for a girl, as a representation of love, the cinema since the 50s, they carry out an innumerable amount of films full of morbid or very concrete as the so-called pornographies, which are full of literal scenes of sexual relations of any kind.
In many cases love has had nothing to do with sex, sexuality or anything that has to do with him, since to have an act of sexual nature is not necessary to love or be in love with the other person, and that if it is between adults they can have a consensual relationship to only reach an end to satisfy a physiologically speaking condition.
Sex in all its ambiguities is a part of society important for daily life, it depends on the reproduction of species and the maintenance of population balance. What we must understand and be clear that we must take into account is the way it is used or the term is given to this word, and as a way to lead a life, you must accept the responsibilities that come with it despite the decision of his gender or sex.
Sex also enters what we call the paraphilias, which are no longer considered a disease but a vital decision , that is, the person or individual has the power over their body for the enjoyment they choose, among them is fetishism, transvestism, sadomasochism or domination, transsexualism and exhibitionism, from, bestiality, homosexuality, and lesbianism, in more extreme cases such as necrophilia, which is the desire of the dead, among countless others .
The sexual health is a responsibility of human beings, having one or more relationships with multiple partners expose it to a myriad of risks of contracting the disease.
Best SEX Ed for everyone:
The romance and passion flow like never with your partner, but could do better? It never hurts to know one – or more – tips to elevate your hot meetings …
Life is about evolving day by day, why not do the same under the sheets? Therefore, we want to share the key guide to have the best sex of your life! Keep reading.
1. Plan the moment. Yes, on many occasions we have allowed ourselves to be carried away by spontaneity, but do you remember the expectation of the first date with your lover? Put on perfume, look for sexy lingerie and even light up the bedroom with some candles will cause a similar sensation.
Imagine it like this: you left a very flirty note in your breakfast and throughout the day you have not stopped sending messages to know what the surprise is about. Both are impatient for that encounter. What follows, you decide.
2. Do not use the words. Although one of the keys to having better sex is communication, it is time to explore new ways of saying things. Try covering her mouth with a chew and start kissing her whole body, watch her reactions. The rule is not to talk!
3. Take control. One of the best positions to achieve orgasm is the man, as you will be in charge of the intensity and depth of the encounter. Forget the insecurities about your body and enjoy. Believe us, he is not thinking if a little belly comes out.
  4. Watch a sexy movie. Also, we are not talking about a porn movie. The female mind is stimulated much more with imagination – read 50 Shades of Gray – so a tape that only hints that there will be sex is perfect to help you have an intimate encounter off the screen.
5. The end also counts. Do not allow the shower to be thrown when finished. Unless you are looking for a second round, take a moment to rest together, as this will create a better couple connection. When both of you feel comfortable and loved … you cannot resist repeating!
6. Behave wrong. Play the “escort”, dance for him and get dressed up provocatively, or let him put on a sexy outfit and do an erotic dance, and in addition to having fun, they will ignite their libido like never before.
7. An extra help. Between 10% and 15% of women can not achieve orgasm only through penetration. It is important for your partner to stimulate the clitoris with his fingers, tongue or some sexual toy.
8. The dirty talk . You can raise the levels of emotion and help teach you a couple of new tricks. Use it to tell him what you want to do and he will be so excited that he will not even notice that you are training him. Practice alone so you do not feel strange in the moment of passion.
9. Goddess of sex . Show him that you know how to use your body and yours to make him vibrate with pleasure. Start by knowing yourself and what you like.
10. The large erogenous zone . Last but not least … Yes, there are the neck, the nipples, the thighs, etc. But do not forget that the brain is THE erogenous zone par excellence, because that is where the desire arises when choosing a couple. Everything is born in a part of the base called VTA, which creates dopamine giving us sensations of desire, ecstasy, obsession, energy and joy. For this reason, remember to say that you want it, either by loud voice or by applying the sexting hours before the meeting and, thus, igniting the sensual spark.
from How To Make Husband Happy http://ift.tt/2Dq7WT8 via IFTTT
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