#canon Kacy smut series
i-like-turkey · 2 years
Hmm with Lucy going afloat(?) I’m thinking a visit to Sensually Yours seems fit. Any chance you’ll write Kacy using app controlled vibrators while apart? Like them not figuring out the time difference leading to some interesting situations at work 🥵
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Y'all and everyone else should know that I've been planning for their likely separation for weeks. That's why I wrote in a mention to Lucy's vibrator taking up residence at Kate's in the 2x04 fic and Lucy planning a Sensually Yours visit in 2x05. They've made that trip. What they purchased is tbd based on what the upcoming episodes give me. But I have note going in my Notes App that's overflowing with filthy ideas and I'm nearly certain I'll be able to run with a handful of them or other, similarly filthy ideas over the next few months.
I'm very pleased with the direction they've chosen to take Kacy given Yas' scheduling conflict, and I think the smut is going to be tons of fun to write, and challenge me to take my filth writing to the next level.
FaceTime and app controlled vibrators are on my list. Whether they happen depends on what we learn about the communication situation in 2x08. Aircraft carriers aren't completely isolated and I imagine she'll dock at port occasionally, so this won't be a sub situation where they are out of contact for significant stretches. So I'm confident I'll have plenty of leeway to play.
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tigertofu · 9 months
the 3rd fic in my Kacie/Trevor series has started 🩷
tags, summary, and link under the cut !
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Burning in Heaven (1939 words) by tigertofu
Relationships: Trevor Philips/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Trevor Philips, Original Female Character(s), Michael De Santa, Wade Hebert, Lamar Davis, Franklin Clinton, Amanda De Santa, Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Age Difference, Older Man/Younger Woman, Codependency, Unhealthy Relationships, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Bisexuality, Miscommunication, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Power Imbalance, Domestic Fluff, Smut, Romance, Drama, Porn With Plot, Vaginal Sex, Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus, Voyeurism, Creampie, Semi-Public Sex, Rough Sex, Recreational Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Mental Health Issues, Attempt at Humor, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
After starting a new life together in their totally legally obtained home in Rockford Hills, Kacie and Trevor are hard at work forcing themselves into the hustle and bustle of Los Santos proper. But getting Trevor’s new business as a lifestyle coach off the ground has turned out to be no small feat, and the couple have turned to more “traditional” ways of squeezing profit from the city’s scores of drug–addicted citizens in the meantime. This isn’t the only example of things staying the same the more they change. Their tumultuous relationship has finally levelled out into their own twisted (but mostly happy) version of domestic bliss. But as an old flame is reignited and a new one is set, Kacie and Trevor’s perfect life together is threatened by more than just the difficulties of dealing with Los Santos’ hulking criminal underbelly.
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natsubeatsrock · 7 years
Bye, Bye Lucy: Conclusion
There are plenty of other nonsensical tropes in these stories that I could talk about. There's “Natsu’s seller’s remorse”, ���Lucy getting revenge”, “Nalu somehow happening in these stories”, “another Grand Magic Games” and others I've mentioned throughout this series and/or probably tried to block out of my memory. In fact, I originally planned talk about some of those things.
However, I've decided to stop tearing down these tropes at this point. Partly because, around this point in these stories, these stories branch off into different patterns with similar bad tropes.
Partly because, to be honest, I stop caring about what happens in these stories once I find out Lucy is being ignored.
Partly because most of the things wrong with those other tropes are just repeats of things I've mentioned before as problems with prior tropes in these stories.
Partly because I feel like continuing the tradition of leaving these stories incomplete.
But mostly because I’d hope you get the point by now.
Now normally, I'd end my posts by summing up all the points that I've made. I've been doing this since my first long post. I even did something close to that when I did the conclusion of my Naruto series. However, that would be the easy way out and, considering this topic, I feel like I should do something different. If you saw even the intro to the first of these posts, you should have immediately known I wasn't going to defend these stories.
To just say “these stories are trash, forget they exist” would be lazy writing that is an incredible disconnect between everything I’ve written up to this point. And considering that’s one of the big complaints I have with these stories - both with how they forget the progression of what’s happened in canon and they don’t take advantage of the stuff that’s happened in the stories already - it would probably be best to end in a way that’s not incredibly lazy.
Do I think these stories should still be written?
At least, not the way they usually are.
As shocking as it may sound after everything I’ve said in this series, I don't have a big problem with a lot of the ideas behind these tropes. Of course, they're all terribly done, a few ideas wouldn't make sense at all, and I no longer have a reason to read any more of these stories ever. 
However, the ideas of Lucy being ignored by her friends, not being a part of Team Natsu, not being a member of Fairy Tail, joining another guild and becoming a better mage are pretty interesting ideas. With the right execution, each of these individual ideas could probably make good stories. I can't stand it when people say there's no other way to write the story the way they want without using these tropes. Throughout this series, I've given many different ways these and other different tropes that most of these fics use could work with canon.
Unfortunately, that's the trap of these stories. They're basically the worst versions of a lot of good tropes.
And I find it hilarious that this is about Fairy Tail fanfiction. If there is any way I can sum up the issues with Fairy Tail, it's that there are a lot of great ideas and they're all terribly done.
However, there may be hope. (For the story tropes, this series is almost done.) One of the interesting trends in FT fan fiction I've noticed in preparation for this series is writers playing with the basic structure of these stories and tropes and making something different. I can't say they're all good, but it's cool to know that people are trying to make good versions of these tropes.
If you like still like Lucy leaves stories and have followed through the rest of this series, then I thank you for hearing me out up to this point. But as a musical composer, I believe we should recognize and celebrate the people who do take old things and breathe new life into them. So, especially considering long time followers of me might recognize I've done nothing for 300+ followers, I want to wrap this series up by making some suggestions.
Meow999's currently running work on “The Stars’ Guardian” is astounding. They took the framework of the ideas of these stories and put them all in ways that all make believable sense within the context of the FT universe. There were even hints to obscure pieces of canon I was shocked even existed. I don't usually go out of my way to read Nalu and Gruvia anything. I found this by looking on stephicool’s blog (before she blocked both of my blogs) recommending fics to someone else. What I ended up reading was the thing that legitimately got me the closest to shipping Nalu ever.
On the opposite side, one of my favorite stories takes a different approach to the other side of these stories. “How to Original” is PsychoEmperor’s tongue-in-cheek take on these stories is the funniest fanfiction that I've read, hands down. It's all the tropes you've come to know played up to an extreme amount.
If you don’t mind lemon and Laxlu, Sound Pod on Shuffle by LittlePrincessNana is also good. Lucy gets depressed after Natsu and Lisanna get together and ultimately ends up getting with Laxus. There are some time issues, dragon-Layla connections I talked about in the last section and the whole dragon mating trope that I’m not a fan of. However, I think the way they were written with Lucy and Laxus’ character arcs in mind complement these tropes. Also, it’s one of the few good songfics I’ve read. Though, if you’re like me, you’ll read the story but skip all the smut parts.
Chris-tells-tails wrote an interesting one-shot on his last blog called “Smile” (The name of the story.) It plays with the idea that Lucy knows that Natsu likes Lisanna and is the one that helps push Natsu to ask her out. As someone who loves the Nalu dynamic based on a believe that they push each other to do things they normally wouldn’t, I thoroughly enjoyed it. And I’d hope this is a glimpse of what it would be like in canon if we get a Nali ending.
If you wonder why Natsu, Lisanna, and Lucy can't talk out their issues, I suggest Introductions by Kacy Myth. It's a short story about Natsu introducing Lisanna to Lucy now that she's back in the guild.
It came as a shock to me that most of these authors have Tumblr accounts. I suggested kacymyth and chris-tells-tails a while back as a part a tradition of suggesting blogs every time I hit a follower milestone. As part of that same tradition, I've also suggested luna-myth, claire-starsword, nalu-mage (though kind of ironically at the time) and filiiadcorblog. And in addition to princessnanaxlaxus, I would like to add to that list dragonshost, akihiko-natsuko, kyogre-blue, rivendell101, espada-4-jurabi and lockandk3y-fiction.
Hopefully, you're able to find something or someone that you like.  Keep in mind many of these guys may not still do FT stuff, but they're still cool people worth checking out. And if you read fan fiction, it’s generally a good idea to always leave a review. 
If you are a fic writer who’s read through this entire series and think that some of the ideas I’ve given to make these stories more sensible would make a cool story, by all means, take them and run with them. (Except the Chico C. Hammit one. It's mine.) Just let me know you did. I don’t care if you credit me or not, I just want to see what it looks like.
And of course, if you like this series of posts, I do posts like this a lot. I don’t usually attack fan fiction, but I do like talking about the Fairy Tail series and fandom, good and bad. Though, if you don't like my style and somehow got to this point, I also recommend ac-fairytail and fairytail-whathesays. They're both way better than I am at analysis and I'm not even close when it comes to salt.
Even if you don't go to any of those things, I encourage you to think about the things you don't like. Why don’t they work? How would you fix them if you could?
Maybe this is just me, but it's freaking depressing that after over 10 years worth of canon in a story with a cast larger than even the author knows what to do with, a canon alternate universe, two different and important time skips, multiple spin-off series, and a ship-crazy fandom, fic writers still decide to work on stories like this.
Thank you for reading this series of posts. I’ve had a ton of fun writing this series and I hope it shows. By the time this is up, I should be back home and getting ready to post more stuff for the summer. See you then!
The end.
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
Help with fic research
My asks/messages/twitter DMs are open to suggestions on fancy lingerie you’d like to see Kate or Lucy wearing in upcoming fics. I for sure need something for the Christmas fic I’ll be writing. It can be holiday themed or not. I don’t care. It just needs to be 🥵
If you want to suggest something anonymously, you’ll need to () the . in the url so that tumblr will accept the link. So www.google.com would be www(.)google(.)com.
Opening this up cause the research I’ve gotta do to get the all the long distance canon smut fics written is gonna put me in the ground. I need a little break. Any help would be appreciated 🙏🏼
And if I get a bunch of good suggestions, I’ll throw the ones I don’t use into my notes app and sprinkle them into future fics whenever I get a chance.
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
Hey! Wanted to thank you for your lovely contributions to the Kate x Lucy fic system. I really enjoy the way you balance humour, emotion, and smut (🥵) in your work!
Got a bit of an NSFW question if you feel like elaborating. In both Slow-verse and the canon smut series, you wrote Lucy as handling penetration less well than Kate. I was wonderig what made you write it that way? Is this related to Lucy preferring to be in control in her relationships before Kate in your fics, or a pure vibes characterisation choice?
Thank you 😊
This is a tricky one to answer...🤔
Let me start by saying that I headcanon Lucy as being a top. I will write a big analysis about that at some point—similar to the one I wrote for Kate here—, but I'm not quite ready to get those words down. Partially because I'm working through them in the canon smut series and I'd rather have them appear in fic form before I give you the dry headcanon explanation for my choices.
So all I will say for now about the canon smut series is that Lucy's reticence is mostly mental and you will learn more about this as the series progresses.
In Slow 'Verse Lucy was fine with it mentally even though I did write her as almost always topping prior to Kate. Her issue in that 'verse was physical: she can only take a little before it gets uncomfortable. That was a choice I regret making. It happened because I'm new to creative writing, never anticipated that series going on for as long as it has, and wrote half of it while high. The end result of that was I wrote myself into a corner. Made my bed. Had to lie in. Banged my head against the wall whenever it was Big Fed time cause I couldn't reverse course. So I did the best I could, learned how important it is to keep doors open, and hopefully won't make a mistake like that again.
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
Should we expect a phone sex fic from you now that Kacy has gone long distance? Where Lucy's dirty talk reigns supreme?
Of course. I've been planning for Lucy's absence for a while now. Mapped out all sorts of scenarios. Including something similar to what they gave us, so I'm all set to write her absence and phone sex will be happening for the 2x08 fic.
And for anyone who doesn't follow me on twitter, I'll be busy with family time through the weekend, so there won't be a quick turnaround on writing/posting the 2x08 fic.
But the second chapter of 2x07 will go up tomorrow. AlohaKacy is currently filling the doc with 🥵 emojis. Once she's done, I'll fix the heinous errors she found. Go get some sleep. Read it once more in the morning with fresh eyes and then press 'post.'
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
7 and 50 for the writing ask if u are answering those
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
Alright. Here's a teaser for the 2x07 smut fic:
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50. How would you describe your writing style?
Porn & bad jokes & fuck non-essential grammar cause sometimes I want you reading fast and sometimes I want you reading slow & that means I'm gonna make plentiful use of run-on sentences and sentence fragments.
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
heyy, how are you??? I don't know of you're still answering the fanfiction writing asks but there's a few I would like to ask: #2, 18, 20, 21 and 24, if you can and want to answer.
Also I would d*e to see a print of your notes app just because I'm that curious LOL. Love your fics and I'm so happy that you decided to write for kacy ❤️
I'm freezing my ass off on day 2 without heat, but otherwise I'm fucking fantastic. Thanks for asking!
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
Uhhhhhhhhhhh???? I guess my sorta twisted sense of humor and the fact that my mind is always in the gutter? I think all the smut is attributable to my 13 months of pandemic celibacy. I never had to think too much about sex before that cause I had a pretty active social life. Then the longer my isolation period lasted, the longer I was forced to spend inside my head with my memories and idk it's hard to explain and will quickly get into TMI territory, but I don't think I could be as descriptive or imaginative if I hadn't spent so much time alone.
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
It depends. I have a mind that needs to verify information and find sources and know everything and that can get exhausting when it leads to me researching stuff for a fic that I don't really need to research. So I'd say I don't enjoy when that happens. But big aspects of my fics where accuracy is important, I do enjoy the research for that.
So far Throw Pillows required the most research. Law School Au is quickly going to blow that away. I've already got footnotes in my draft cause I'll be including cases. So... 🤓😂
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
Canon-ish is probably my favorite. I do like playing within the canon sandbox, but then taking obvious liberties. So my canon smut series is something I'm really enjoying.
21. Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots?
One-shots. And I'm including the handful of 2 chapter fics in those cause I only split those to give y'all something early and because people have said they prefer chapter breaks to getting 20k on a page. But I like those because I can write them in 1-2 weeks and be done with them.
Throw Pillows was mentally taxing for a few reasons. I had some weird stuff happening in my ask box with it. I guess that's what happens when you tackle a lengthy WIP. It was almost enough to dissuade me from ever writing something that long again. But then they had to make Kate an attorney and now I will probably suffer some more of the mentally taxing bs as I slowly roll that fic out.
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
It all comes down to the purpose of the fic and whose viewpoint/inner dialogue will serve that purpose best. In my canon smut, I've been trying to balance POVs. But I often default to Kate because Lucy is more of mystery canon wise and I'm worried about making assumptions about her past that could get Jossed in the future. So in the 2x06 fic when I wanted to write her as being super upset about something, I chose Kate because then I didn't have to figure out what she was so damn upset about.
And then in 'What's His Name?' it had to be in Lucy's POV because I needed to make it clear that she was worried about Kate and going along with the plan because she loves Kate. It would have been difficult to get across her genuine acceptance of the scheme had I gone with Kate and written something that would have been 10000% more cracky cause Kate's mind throughout it would have been a non-stop rambling anxious monologue.
Speaking of rambling, I shall shut up now and get back to 2x07 smut.
P.S. my notes app is my brain. If anyone ever got into that I'd die.
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
12 and 35 for the writing ask
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
I do. All of them. Shorter fics might not be in a traditional outline form. Those might just be me barfing a few paragraphs of what should happen. Or maybe more than a few paragraphs. Here's my outline for 2x05:
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Those of you who remember this fic well will note that there were multiple changes. I scrapped the bathroom sink stuff cause I remembered that mirrors would be involved in the grand finale of TP. Went for the strap for the sliding door because I did the fingering from behind during the shower.
Smut is honestly the place where most of the changes to my outline happen and that’s usually why I prefer to stay vague about my plans and just write whatever the hell I’m feeling at that second. So my current outline for the 2x07 fic just says ‘sex sex sex sex sex’ and then some adjectives about what that sex should be like and one act that I’m certain will be happening.
Longer fics are incredibly detailed outlines. My law school outline is now up to 16 pages. Every little detail I'm establishing for this fic will get logged there so that I can refer to it as I write. Here is an example section. Spoilers for my rough organization of this fic.
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35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
What's his name? I think that's my funniest and most consistent. I can reread it without cringing too often about things that I would have done differently and I had a blast writing it. Runner up would go to Chapter 6 of Throw Pillows for similar reasons. 
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i-like-turkey · 1 year
Would you ever be up for doing a fic out of your canon including kinks you wouldn’t really expect in Kacy’s canon (degradation/more rough etc) or are you fairly set in your canon?
I guess the answer is 'yes,' technically. Though degradation would be a no. Can't get that to work for Kacy and minimal interest in writing it. As opposed to Villaneve or Shoot where I could run wild with it. But rough stuff? Yeah. The real issue now, and why I've changed my profile to say that I'm not taking prompts, is that I have no time to write anything other than the projects that I'm already working on and really shouldn't be devoting mental energy to stuff that won't get written because of those massive projects that are on my plate.
Caveat here, Let it Snow has now become a distinct 'verse in my head. If and that's a big IF, I can find time to write dumb, cracky holiday themed fics, that would be the place to get into some of the kinkier stuff that I'd never write into my canon smut series or law school au.
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