#capital public radio
don-lichterman · 2 years
Classical Music Playlist, July 15, 2022
Classical Music Playlist, July 15, 2022
Hosted By Victor Forman, Jennifer Reason, Mike Nelson In your car, at work, or at home, enjoy CapRadio’s relaxing and inspiring selection of classical music. Our daily playlists provide information on the pieces, performers and composers featured, plus links if you’re interested in buying music.
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cannabiscomrade · 1 year
anticapitalist special interest dump incoming
capitalism corrupts everything it touches, even weather forecasting
US private media companies like AccuWeather and The Weather Channel take publicly available forecasting information provided by the National Weather Service, a publicly funded government service, and repackages it into their own forecast and disseminates the info.
In 2005, AccuWeather lobbied to attempt to ban The National Weather Service from sharing predictions with anyone besides commercial entities. In 2012 they successfully blocked the NWS from producing a free app for the public.
This allows there to be an inaccessible filter on free, timely, and accurate weather information and forces it to be distributed through for profit apps. Even free apps are bogged with ads and delayed alerts.
The G Word with Adam Conover covers this extensively and I highly recommend watching that episode or reading the transcript here [x] but I will sum it up, starting with an episode quote:
"Imagine a future where extreme weather warnings live behind a pay wall." In 2015, AccuWeather received warnings from the NWS that a tornado was heading towards Moore, OK, a city that has been decimated by F5/EF5 tornadoes twice. They only notified users that were paying for the app.
So what can you do about it?
Get your local forecast directly from The National Weather Service's official site weather.gov !
Follow your local meteorologists on social media, especially if you're in an active weather area.
If you're in tornado prone areas, follow storm chasers on social media and check the Convective Outlook during your tornado season.
Get a NOAA weather radio or tune to your local NWR station! They are the most reliable source of weather information in the event of a power outage and the coverage area is extensive. They cover all hazards including severe weather, wildfires, dust storms/haboobs, heat/cold warnings, and any other warnings the NWS would put out. Here is information specifically for Deaf/HOH accessibility.
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mortalityplays · 3 months
Unprintable: Artists Against Authority
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I am absolutely beside myself with excitement to announce the launch of Unprintable.
Unprintable is an online free shop, where original artwork and arts resources are released into the public domain.
Everything listed here is free to use, copy and remix any way you like. You can print off hi-res artwork to decorate your apartment, or to use in your own projects. You can use the writing in your own zines, anthologies or performances. You can put it on a t-shirt. You can read it on the radio. You can paint it on a truck. It's up to you, entirely and forever.
The collection will be updated continuously, on an unfixed schedule, with contributions from a wide range of named and anonymous artists and activists. You can read the FAQ for a full rundown of what Unprintable is and why it exists, but these are the really important parts:
Can I download/print/use the work listed here? Yes. Can I use it for [X]? You can do whatever you want with it forever. But what if I want to [Y]? You can do whatever you want with it forever. Why do this? A few reasons: 1. We want a space to just share things, no strings attached. We recognise that copyright is an irrational system that was designed to protect the profit interests of publishing middlemen and IP hoarders. In fact, copyright is often weaponised against the creators it pretends to protect. As long as it exists, we are unlikely to win any other form of protection for our work, and we are profoundly limited from engaging in the kind of communal artistic and storytelling practices that were the norm around the world for thousands of years. 2. Radical art is often unprintable. Profit motives make people cautious. A lot of print-on-demand or local print shop services will refuse artwork with controversial, sensitive or political content. This is very frustrating when these themes are the focus of so much of our work (and indeed our lives). Rather than waste any more breath trying to explain why a trans artist might want to print the word ‘faggot’, we can give our work away for free. Got a printer? It’s yours. 3. It feels good. Sharing is joyful. It’s the reason we love making things in the first place. We don’t write poems because we look forward to filleting them for consumption, or layer colours so that we can sell a canvas by the ounce. We have only ever wanted to be able to support ourselves so that we can make, but that relationship is deeply dysfunctional under capitalism. We made these things, and we want you to have them. It doesn’t need to be complicated.
I'll write up some more posts introducing the launch collection soon. In the meantime...be free, enjoy, explore, have fun!
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“Brand safety” killed Jezebel
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I'll be at the Studio City branch of the LA Public Library this Monday, November 13 at 1830hPT to launch my new novel, The Lost Cause. There'll be a reading, a talk, a surprise guest (!!) and a signing, with books on sale. Tell your friends! Come on down!
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Progressives: if you want to lose to conservatives, all you need to do is reflexively praise and support everything conservatives turn into a culture-war issue, without considering whether they might be right. Because sometimes…they're right.
Remember early in the Trump presidency, when conservatives all woke up and discovered that America's spy agencies – excuse me, "the intelligence community" – were dirty-tricking psychos who run amok, lawlessly sabotaging democracy? Progressives have been shouting this ever since Hoover's FBI tried to blackmail MLK into killing himself:
But millions of progressives forgot about COINTELPRO, CIA dirty tricks and CIA mass spying when this "intelligence community" temporarily set out to wrong-foot Trump. Remember James Comey votive candles?
Anthropologists have a name for this phenomenon, in which one side reverses its positions because their sworn enemies have done so. It's called schizmogenesis, and it goes like this: "If they hate it, we love it":
Schizmogenesis is an equal-opportunity delusion. Within living memory, white evangelicals supported abortion, because their sworn enemies – Catholics – opposed it. Some of those white Boomer women who voted Trump because abortion was literally the only issue they cared about held the opposite position on abortion not so long ago – and completely forgot about it:
The main purpose of the culture war isn't immiserating marginalized people – that's its effect, but its purpose is to distract low-information turkeys (working people) so they'll vote for Christmas (the ongoing seizure of power by American oligarchs). For the funders of conservative movement politics, the cruelty isn't the point, it's merely the tactic. The point is power:
Which brings me to "woke capitalism." Conservative string-pullers have whipped up their base about the threat of companies embracing social causes. They (erroneously) claim that corporations have progressive values, and that big business is thumbing the scales for causes they despise. The purpose here isn't to sow distrust of capitalism per se. Rather, it's to stampede talk-radio-addled supporters into backing the oligarchy's agenda. Remember when culture war leaders told their base to support being gouged on credit-card junk fees "to own the libs?"
That's schizmogenesis working against the conservative rank-and-file, tricking them into taking the side of a cartel of wildly profitable payment processors who are making billions by picking their pockets (credit card fees are up 40% since the covid lockdowns), because (checks notes), Target pays these profiteers a lot to process its payments, and Target sells Pride merch (no, really):
It's easy to point and laugh at conservative dopes when they're tricked into shooting themselves in the balls to own the libs. This is not a hypothetical example:
But progressives do it, too, particularly when they embrace monopolies as a force for positive social change. Remember 2019, when people got excited about playing loud pop music at Nazi rallies in the hopes that the monopoly video platforms' copyright filters would make any video from that rally impossible to post?
I warned then that if this tactic worked, it would be used by cops to prevent you from recording them when they're macing you or splitting your skull with a billyclub, and yup, within a couple years, cops were blaring Taylor Swift music in hopes of preventing the public from posting videos of their illegal conduct:
Conservatives are (partially) right about woke capitalism. It is a threat to democracy. Concentrating the power to decide who gets to speak and what they get to say into the hands of five or six corporations, mostly run by mediocre billionaires, is bad for society. The moderation decisions of giant platforms are a form of (commercial) censorship, even these don't violate the First Amendment:
(The progressive delusion that censorship only occurs when the First Amendment is violated is a wild own-goal, one that excuses, for example, the decision by school book-fair monopolist Scholastic to remove books about queers and Black and brown people from its offerings as a purely private matter without consequences for free speech):
Conservatives are only partially right about woke capitalism, though. Here's what they're wrong about: corporations don't have values. Target isn't selling Pride tees because they support progressive causes, they're selling them because it seems like a good way to increase returns to their shareholders. Individuals – even top executives – at Target might endorse the cause, but the company will only durably support the cause if that endorsement is profitable, which means that when it stops being profitable, the company will stop supporting the cause:
The idea that corporations have values isn't merely stupid, it's very dangerous. The Hobby Lobby decision – which allows corporations to deny basic health-care expenses for women on the basis that a Bronze Age mystic wouldn't approve of an IUD – rests on the ideological foundation that corporate personhood includes corporate values:
Citizens United – the idea that corporations should be allowed to funnel unlimited funds to politicians who'll sell out the public good in favor of investor profits – also depends on a form of corporate personhood that includes values:
There are undeniably instances in which corporate monopoly power benefits progressive causes, but these are side-effects of corporate power's main purpose, namely: taking money and power away from working people and giving it to rich people. That is what monopoly power is for.
Which brings me to ad-tech, "brand safety," and the demise of Jezebel, the 16 year old feminist website whose shuttering was just announced by its latest owner, G/O Media:
Jezebel's demise is the direct result of monopoly power. Jezebel writes about current affairs – sex, politics, abortion, and other important issues of great moment and significance. When we talk about journalism as a public good, necessary for a healthy civic life, this is what we mean. But unfortunately for Jezebel – and any other news outlet covering current events – there are vast, invisible forces that exist solely to starve this kind of coverage of advertising revenue.
Writing for the independent news site 404 Media, reporter Emanuel Maiberg and former Motherboard editor-in-chief Jason Koebler go deep on the "brand safety" industry, whose mission is to assist corporations in blocking their ads from showing up alongside real news:
Maiberg and Koebler explain how industry associations like the World Federation of Marketers' Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) promulgate "frameworks" to help advertisers automatically detect and exclude real news from consideration when their ads are placed:
This boycott makes use of scammy "AI" technology like "sentiment and emotional analysis" to determine whether an article is suitable for monetization. These parameters are then fed to the ad-tech duopoly's ad auction system, so Google and Meta (who control the vast majority of online advertising) can ensure that real news is starved of cash.
But reality is not brand-safe, and high quality, reputable journalistic outlets are concerned with reality, which means that the "brand safe" outlets that attract the most revenue are garbage websites that haven't yet been blacklisted by the ad-safety cartel, leading to major brands' ads showing up alongside notorious internet gross-out images like "goatse":
More than a fifth of "brand safe" ad placements end up on "made for advertising" sites, which 404 Media describe as "trash websites that plagiarize content, are literally spam, pay for fake traffic, or are autogenerated websites that serve no other purpose than capturing ad dollars":
Despite all this, many progressives have become cheerleaders for "brand safety," as a countervailing force to the drawdown of trust and safety at online platforms, which led to the re-platforming of Nazis, QAnon conspiratorialists, TERFs, and other overt elements of the reactionary movement's vanguard on Twitter and Facebook. Articles about ads for major brands showing up alongside Nazi content on Twitter are now a staple of progressive reporting, presented as evidence of Elon Musk's lack of business acumen. The message of these stories is "Musk is bad at business because he's allowing Nazis on his platform, which will send advertisers bolting for the exits to avoid brand-safety crises."
This isn't wrong. Musk is a bad businessman (he's a good scam artist, though). Twitter is hemorrhaging advertisers, notwithstanding the desperate (and easily debunked) stats-juking its "CEO," Linda Yaccarino, floats onstage at tech conferences:
But progressives are out of their minds if they think the primary effect of the brand safety industry is punishing Elon Musk for secretly loving Nazis. The primary effect of brand safety is killing reality-based coverage of the news of the day, and since reality has a well-known anti-conservative bias, anything that works against the reality-based community is ultimately good for oligarchy:
We can't afford to let schizmogenesis stampede us into loving things just because conservative culture warriors have been momentarily tricked into hating them as part of oligarchs' turkeys-voting-for-Christmas project. "Swivel-eyed loons hate it, so it must be good," is a worse-than-useless heuristic for navigating complex issues:
A much better rule of thumb is "If oligarchs love something, it's probably bad." Almost without exception, things that are good for oligarchs are bad for the rest of us. I mean, this whole shuttering of Jezebel starts with an oligarch imposing his will on millions of other people. Jezebel began life as a Gawker Media site, beloved of millions of readers, destroyed when FBI informant Peter Thiel secretly funded Hulk Hogan's lawsuit against the publisher in a successful bid to put them out of business to retaliate for their unfavorable coverage of Thiel:
This, in turn, put Jezebel under the ownership of G/O Media, who are unwilling to pay for a human salesforce that would – for example – sell advertising space on Jezebel to sex-toy companies or pro-abortion groups. G/O has been on a killing spree, shuttering beloved news outlets like Deadspin:
G/O's top exec, an oligarch named Jim Spanfeller who answers to the private equity looters at Great Hill Partners, is bent on ending reality-based coverage in favor of "letting robots shit out brand safe AI-assisted articles about generic topics":
Three quarters of a century ago, Orwell coined a term to describe this kind of news: duckspeak,
It was not the man’s brain that was speaking it was his larynx. The stuff that was coming out of him consisted of words but it was not speech in true sense: it was a noise uttered in unconsciousness like the quacking of a duck.
When investors and analysts speak of "content" (rather than, say, "journalism"), this is what they mean – a warm slurry of platitudes, purged of any jagged-edged fragments to render it a perfectly suitable carrier for commercial messages targeted based on surveillance data about the "consumer" whose eyeballs are upon it.
This aversion to reality has been present among corporate decisionmakers since the earliest days, but the consolidation of power among large firms – ad-tech firms, online platforms, and "brands" themselves – makes corporate realityphobia much easier to turn into, well, reality, giving advertisers the fine-grained power to put Jezebel and every site like it out of business.
As Koebler and Maiberg's headliine so aptly puts it, "Advertisers Don’t Want Sites Like Jezebel to Exist."
The reason to deplore Nazis on Twitter is because they are Nazis, not because their content isn't brand-safe. The short-term wins progressives gain by legitimizing a corporate veto over what we see online are vastly overshadowed by the most important consequence of brand safety: the mass extinction of reality-based reporting. Reality isn't brand safe. If you're in the reality based community, brand safety should be your sworn enemy, even if they help you temporarily get a couple of Nazis kicked off Twitter.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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The Jacksons - Blame It on the Boogie 1978
"Blame It on the Boogie" is a song released in 1978 by English singer-songwriter Mick Jackson. It has been covered by the Jacksons (formerly known as The Jackson 5), Clock and Luis Miguel. The song was co-authored by Mick Jackson (credited as Michael George Jackson-Clarke) as well as his brother David Jackson and Elmar Krohn. Although Mick Jackson recorded the song in 1977, "Blame It on the Boogie" was written in hopes of being sold to Stevie Wonder.
Despite the Mick Jackson original reaching a number 61 peak on the Billboard Hot 100 in September 1978, Epic Records that month released the Jacksons' version of "Blame It on the Boogie" as the advance single from the Destiny album. In the UK, both the Mick Jackson version and the Jacksons' were released within a few days of each other in September 1978. The UK music press, struck by the rival versions being by similarly named artists, declared a "Battle of the Boogie" which Mick Jackson recalls as "great publicity…There was an equal balance of interest from the media about both releases – A good example is that my version came out first on Top of the Pops… The Jackson's had the second week…Radio One played The Jackson's version and Capital Radio only played mine – It was fair." Mick Jackson himself in 2003 said of the Jacksons' version of "Blame It on the Boogie": "[the original] version had 100% of our heart and soul in it but the Jacksons' version had the magic extra 2% that made it incredible."
A promotional music video by the Jacksons was created for "Blame It on the Boogie" in 1978. The video, featuring the group's members dancing on a black background, relied heavily on electronic trail effects, created at Image West, Ltd. using then-cutting edge equipment: the Scanimate analog computer system and a Quantel DFS 3000 digital framestore. The video also appears on the bonus disc of the DVD box set Michael Jackson's Vision.
"Blame It on the Boogie" received a total of 78,7% yes votes! Previous Michael Jackson polls: #45 "Will You Be There", #114 "Why".
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notaplaceofhonour · 3 months
I was raised in the People of Destiny cult (later renamed, and more well-known as, Sovereign Grace Ministries, now Sovereign Grace Churches).
The valorization of martyrdom and The End Times was so ubiquitous it was ambient noise. We stood in the church lobby theorizing about who the antichrist would be, we argued about whether Jesus would rapture us all before, after, or during the Tribulation Period where Satan would be given free reign over the earth. There was a strong Christian Zionist fixation on Israel as the final battleground and capital of the coming Messianic Age. But the one thing we were all certain of was is that we were in the End Times, that we were not of this world and couldn’t get too attached to our lives here.
We were raised to believe our sin nature made us undeserving of life, that we deserved death and eternal conscious torture.
My parents read us the Jesus Freaks books (a series by Christian Rap group DC Talk about martyrs). I spent “devotional time” reading Fox’s Book of Martyrs. We had guest speakers from Voice of the Martyrs, their pamphlets were often stocked in our church’s information center. We grew up with our dad listening to right wing talk radio and making us listen to songs about how the Godless atheists were outlawing Christianity in America, that we could all become martyrs soon.
The group’s theology was damaging & traumatic in a lot of other ways that contributed to the suicidality I have continued to struggle with for the rest of my life. For a long time I did not believe I would live past 20. There are times when the idea of giving my death meaning by using public suicide to make a political statement has appealed to me.
So now, seeing so many social media posts glorifying the suicide of a US Airman this week, I have been furious. Reading his social media posts, I recognize so much about the way I was raised in his all-or-nothing, black-or-white mindset, the valorization of death-seeking & martyrdom, and the apocalyptic fire-and-brimstone imagery of self-immolation. The moment I saw people I followed celebrating his self-immolation, I said to myself “this feels like a cult”
So when I learned he was raised in a cult too, nothing could have made more sense to me. His political orientation may have changed, but his mindset did not—it was no less extreme or cult-like.
I’ve talked about so many of the reasons this response from the broader left scares me, including how it’s laundering that airman’s antisemitic beliefs, but I cannot think of anything that would hit me in a more personal place than this specific response to this specific situation has.
When I see the images, I think: that could have been me. That scares me, and what scares me more is that so many prominent people are overwhelmingly sending the message to people like me that there is nothing else we can do that would have a more meaningful impact than killing ourselves for the cause.
I do not believe that. I will not even entertain it. And having to see his death over and over and over again, to argue against people who are treating this like an intellectual/moral exercise or a valid debate we all have to consider has been immensely triggering and fills me with a rage I rarely feel. It’s unconscionable that we are even putting self-harm on the table, and that pushing back against that is somehow controversial.
There is hope. Our lives do have meaning. There are far more effective means of fighting injustice. And the world is a better place for having you in it. Don’t fall into believing this is a way to give life purpose.
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leiflitter · 5 months
hey i need ur felix and oliver and cattonquick headcanon s RIGHT NOW… ❤️
Well uh uh uh there's 200k+ words on ao3 which contains some of this but... under the cut because it's vaguely nsfw in places, keeping this as like... Oxford Ladz.
Felix is shit in bed unless you turn it into a challenge/game, and even then he's lazy as fuck so good luck. Most girls don't care because shagging Felix is like being chosen by a god. His routine is: snog for a bit, maybe shove his hand down your knickers, then it's the Catton Jackhammer asap until he rolls off you and falls asleep.
Going out with Felix is generally shit. He shags you maybe 4 times, then ghosts you and you find out he's moved on by seeing him fingering another girl outside of a club at 2am. He might buy you something, but the most expensive gift he'll get you is most likely some shots or a 3am kebab.
Oliver? Good in bed because he is An Observer and will see what works then Do That Until You Die. However, he only really sleeps with girls to help Felix out (he gets the friend, Felix gets the hot girl). He mostly thinks of Felix when he does this, but tells himself it's in a lie back and think of england way. He also tends to stick to hands/mouth stuff, because otherwise it's "why aren't you hard" and he panics.
Oliver is perpetually single, despite Felix's best efforts. Felix does not understand why girls have such bad taste. He insists Ollie is an absolute legend and anyone would be lucky to have him. He also gets oddly grumpy if any girls DO organically hit on Ollie, though.
Felix's short-lived "girlfriends" all think it's a little weird that Felix touches Oliver more than he touches them. Like he won't hold hands in public, but he's got his arm around Oliver all the time? Weird. If you're dancing with Felix and go to get a drink, most of the time he'll be dancing with Oliver once you're back and it is hard to get his attention back.
Felix gives me vague adhd vibes, maybe dyslexia, but he was born in the 80s and he's rich af, so it's never really mattered because he never has to try.
Big Oliver Autism vibes, the man is MASKING but again... circumstances mean he's just brute forcing things.
Felix has been made to play Team Sports but doesn't like them unless it's for silly reasons.
Oliver likes exercising, but mostly goes to the gym to be in a weird little physical activity enduced void.
Felix has honestly been bi as fuck forever, but never really considered why he was down to let lads in his dorm snog him back in boarding school because it was just kinda the done thing. Haha, just hormones, amiright?
Both of them feel vaguely destined to become their fathers and do not want to do that.
Felix had very weird feelings for Damon Albarn as a teen but again. Never thought about it too hard, he's just a pretty man, bloody hormones again!
Oliver cannot drive. He refuses to drive. He has his provisional licence for ID and that's IT.
Felix is often trying to annoy Oliver because any attention is good attention. Oliver just wants to revise, Felix, please stop drawing dicks on his notebook.
Felix absolutely is going full hair-twirly, eyelid-fluttery, dreamboy bimbo at Oliver constantly. Oliver does not pick up on this, but Farleigh does and is honestly a little disgusted.
Speaking of- Farleigh is primarily concerned that he pegged Oliver for an absolute capital-L Loser on day ONE and now his stupid cousin is basically throwing himself at Oliver. Farleigh has theories, including maybe hypnosis or Felix having some sort of brain injury from Team Sports.
Oliver was absolutely bullied in school, but not extremely, because he learned to make himself invisible. Head down, keep going, don't react.
Oliver didn't really GET music until Felix showed him stuff that wasn't just radio pop music. Unfortunately, this was after Oliver spent way too long trying to understand why Steps were so popular.
Oliver's initial haircut is based off of Zac Efron's in High School Musical. He has never seen HSM, but something about Zac Efron made him feel weird, and it just sort of... happened. He has a type, and it's Jawline and Eyebrows.
Felix's first thought upon getting close enough for Oliver to do the Big Blue Eyes Look Up At Him was "oh no," followed by just question marks and bike panic. And also, bi panic.
Farleigh complained to Felix a lot about Oliver but never used his name. It was just "the fucking nerd in my tutorial group".
Oliver honestly didn't connect Farleigh and Felix as cousins, because he was mostly too busy trying not to be painfully in love with Felix to join the dots from a throwaway comment in his first tutorial.
The money in Oliver's wallet at the pub was meant to last for the next two weeks. Boy gotta get lunch and buy bodywash and stuff, not shots for rich kids.
Felix immediately begins relying on Oliver to know his schedule. Oliver just accepts this and sends Felix reminder texts for his tutorials.
Felix keeps leaving hoodies in Oliver's dorm room. This is weird because they are rarely in there for longer than a minute or two. Oliver wears these hoodies because Felix keeps insisting that they'd suit him. Farleigh, yes, sees this and is fucking CONCERNED.
Felix assumes he'll have to get married and have kids as it is his duty to continue the Catton Line. He keeps making weird jokes about his and Oliver's kids getting married.
Oliver says he fancies Kiera Knightley. This is incorrect. Kiera Knightley is just the closest woman he could find to Felix.
Oliver lies to his parents mostly to avoid any visits or needing to go home because going back there is awful and stifling and guilt-inducing.
A few people in their group refer to Oliver as Felix's Pet, but only when neither of them are there. Farleigh started it.
Felix's initial emotional reaction to Ollie's Field Reveal was immense pride and the urge to punch Farleigh in the arm very hard if he didn't stop staring, the pervert. Felix was not staring, he was merely pointing his eyes in that direction, thanks.
Felix always has something in his mouth and it makes Oliver want to die. Most of Oliver's pens and pencils have Felix toothmarks on.
Felix does not understand how much things cost. Oliver does. Oliver wishes Felix would stop picking things up that "made me think of you, Ollie!" Because. Felix. That t-shirt was £50. What is WRONG WITH YOU.
Felix has occasionally considered seeing if Ollie'd be up for a devil's threeway if he found someone willing. He isn't brave enough to ask, because he knows Oliver would say no, but he thinks about the idea a lot. You know. Just a regular wild Uni party thing, right?
If Oliver hadn't gone to Felix, Felix would have turned up sloppy, SLOPPY drunk outside of Oliver's room one night and had a big baby tantrum and probably shoved his tongue down Oliver's throat. It would be the worst handjob of Oliver's life, but also the best.
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Trump and his sycophants have destroyed the Republican Party. They are no longer conservatives either fiscally or on foreign policy. They are a party of chaos beholden to the right-wing culture warrior oligarchs. They are the derogatory agents of those oligarchs and the corporations owned by them. They make decisions based on the whim of a deranged madman.
They have gone from being closet racists/bigots to being full blown Nazis that call for the extermination of their culture war scapegoats they call “vermin” (marginalized people/political rivals). They take this term directly from Hitler who they openly embrace in speech and writing. They no longer care about tax cuts for all but just for the 1% and corporations. They want endless wars to profit from and to distract and rally their deplorable base. They no longer want small, limited government but opt for a massive government that intrudes into its citizens private lives and tramples their freedoms.
The party of law and order is now a party of criminals, sex offenders, grifters, traitors, and murderous street thugs. They are proud of this and fund raise and merchandise from their lawlessness. They have bought control of what is now an illegitimate SCOTUS which never allows them to be held accountable.
They use the KKK, Neo-Nazi groups, armed right-wing militias, Neo-Confederates, and white supremacists to persecute their opponents and victims in the streets and inside the Capitol itself. They tell us to “get over it” when mindless gun violence decimates our families in every public venue from churches, to schools, to 4th of July celebrations, movie theaters, shopping malls, and even a Super Bowl parade.
The police, courts, and legislatures are infested with their white nationalist/supremacists and Christo-fascists. They openly take money from Russia and others to influence our foreign policy and economic policy. Money from Russia is funneled into the NRA and Congress to allow a massive proliferation of gun violence on our streets that destabilizes our society.
They claim to be the party of the military but they degrade and insult our troops and cast our veterans into the streets. They abandon our allies and our treaty obligations at the behest of foreign dictators that bribe them.
They bust our unions and pass laws to weaken or prevent organized labor. They are forcing society to become wage slaves with no security, insurance, or pensions. They force our workers into the “gig economy” where everyone works incredible hours 7 days a week at multiple jobs and still are left unable to afford rent or mortgages. Nearly the entire population is one or two paychecks away from being homeless.
Decades of trickle down economics has seen our tax dollars poured into the accounts of billionaires, millionaires, and corporations with not a penny trickling down to the working class. The middle class has been practically wiped out by cruel Republican legislation written by political think tanks established and funded by oligarchs. The only thing these pseudo-conservatives conserve is their own wealth.
This is late stage capitalism run amok. The economy has been drained and now the oligarchs and corporations are plundering the government. They have taken advantage of decades of right-wing propaganda proliferated by Fox News, conservatives talk radio, and internet podcasts that have brain washed the rural areas into blaming the Democrats that are trying help them while convincing them to vote for the Republicans who have impoverished them. The French Revolution in reverse.
They see the Orange Dictator as their last best chance to completely take over the government and create a kleptocracy that pulls the strings behind an autocracy that pretends to be a republic.
The chaos of the Republican puppets is to distract everyone from the takeover by the oligarchs, corporations, and deep pocketed foreign adversaries.
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
Something about the way that Big Business likes to operate in this country rubs me the wrong way. They stride into little, upstanding communities and push them around to get a slightly better deal on extracting our precious, non-renewable natural resources. Only pollution and human misery is left behind. For a brief, shining moment, I was the solution to this corruption. And then I kind of let things go to my head.
Running for office is easier than you'd think. All you need to do is get signatures of a hundred people. An afternoon at the mall, asking folks to save the endangered Pacific African Grey Rhino, will just about do you. Of course, there's also the filing fee, but I managed to distract the lady working the counter at City Hall and transfer the cheque from another mayoral application to mine when she wasn't looking.
Quite why I fell out of favour with The Mayor is between him and I. We go way back, and it would not reflect well on my upbringing to reveal our private feud in public. Not like it stopped him, though, as he blabbed to every talk-radio host, morning-news talking head, and local newspaper about how awful I was. They just laughed, thinking that nobody could be that bad, and surely it was some kind of desperate lie, another sign that he had lost touch with the common man. Such embellishment did get my name in the public ear, and I won in a landslide after promising to double speed limits (that's all it takes.)
From day one, I went about kicking all the huge-capitalism greedheads out of my city, mostly because I got tired of them driving their Porsches slowly on my newly speed-unlimited corners. Big lawsuits were launched, rich folks ejected into the nearest river. I was on the news every day in my stained coveralls and greasy sweater, adding further credibility to my regular-dude motif. If you were some kind of crank weirdo who liked to tell other people at the bar what the government should do, then I was your representative. And crank it I did. Wait, that came out wrong.
After about a week of this, I think the big business monsters got together. They went to their little gangster restaurant and they decided the best way to get rid of me would be to catch me up in a bribery scandal. Didn't work: I took the bribe and bragged about it to the news. That bribe? 2005 Dodge Neon, with an un-torn drivers' seat and only about 180,000 km on the odometer. Mint. They did their homework. The problem was that I now had a fancy new car, which I had effectively stolen from rich people, but I didn't want to look rich, so I didn't drive it to work.
The problem is that I slowly became paranoid. As with my forebear, I lost touch with the common man. I began to fear that they were going to steal my Neon – my retirement fund – while I was at City Hall, doing stupid mayor stuff. Soon, I lost focus on my work, and I slipped in the polls. There was only one thing left to do: stop coming to work for a few weeks and don't answer the phone. Works every time!
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charlotte-of-wales · 5 months
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Happy 59th birthday to Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh!
Born 20 January 1965, Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones, is married to Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, the youngest sibling of King Charles III.
Prior to her wedding to Prince Edward, Sophie worked in public relations, representing firms across the UK, Switzerland and Australia before opening her own agency in 1996. She met Edward in 1987 while working for Capital Radio; they began dating in 1993. Edward proposed to Sophie at a vacation in the Bahamas in December 1998; their engagement was announced in January 1999, and they married on 19 June at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. The couple have two children: Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor (20) and James Mountbatten-Windsor, Earl of Wessex (16), who are respectively sixteenth and fifteenth in line to the British throne as of 2023. The family resides in Bagshot Park, their home in Surrey.
In 2002, Sophie closed her business interests and began full-time work as a member of the royal family. She is the patron of over 70 charities and organisations, including Childline and the London College of Fashion. She undertakes over 200 engagements each year, including visits to schools, universities and military bases. Her charity work primarily revolves around people with disabilities, women's rights, avoidable blindness and agriculture.
Sophie was styled as "Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex" from her marriage in 1999 to 2023. On 10 March 2019, her husband was made Earl of Forfar, making her Countess of Forfar. On 10 March 2023, her husband was created Duke of Edinburgh; since then, she has been known as "Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh".
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Classical Music Playlist, July 12, 2022
Classical Music Playlist, July 12, 2022
  Gerald Finzi (1901-1956) | photo: Angus McBean Losses in the early life of English composer Gerald Finzi (born July 14, 1901) seem to have established in him a bit of indifference toward himself but concern for others. His father died when he was seven, he lost his three brothers before age 18 and his trusted music teacher Ernest Farrar died in WWI. After study, he taught music at the Royal…
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lousycapy · 3 months
video ideas for the McLaren pr team
’cause the flow been dry since the proscription of unboxed
why not satisfy one of their sponsor while at it? Get these boys each a McLaren LEGO set and do a competition of who can assemble it the fastest, bits of chatting here and there and boom! Nice long chill video c:
we’ve seen how competitive Lando and Oscar can be in the inverted goggles video, so maybe it could be fun to bring this kind of energy back? Stick ‘em on a paddle court and let’s have a lil showdown! Now of course it’d be nice to get the Williams vs McLaren match, but interteam content does tend to be rare so I wouldn’t put my money on it
maybe it’s time to change it up a little, we’ve seen them a lot in competitive contexts. Why not some cooperative challenge this time? Seeing them struggle in an escape room would be hilarious, and it’d show a nice united front to the public
now, now, the boys are racing drivers. Some track actions is always nice, so I propose a karting video. Another one, don’t look at me like that I just love these
playing with food is a staple of video challenges, and with mister Oscar Pastry on your team it’d be a shame to not capitalize on this play on words. Baking contest, no instructions, whoever makes the worst concoction has to taste his mess (plus possible affiliation with their Optimum Nutrition sponsor c;)
SUMMER. GAMES. That video was fire, stamp of approval, keep going sweetie. Tweak the games so that it isn’t a repeat and we’re onto a winner here
for a team with an history as rich as McLaren they haven’t been quizzing their drivers much on their f1 knowledge… even outside of McLaren. Chill bla bla video of their favourite moments of the sport, wins, overtakes, radios?
they’ve been getting a lot of friendship bracelets on stage recently, so why not capitalize on this fan interaction and let ‘em make some to distribute to the fans at the next race?
uno with Stella, Brown, whoever. I want to see them being the little menaces that they are, terrorize the McLaren team, stick up a +4 in each other’s face, unleash the sassiness :o
’look at you’ ‘look at you’ ‘look at us’ alright then. You wanna fawn over each other? Then with their partnerships with clothing brands surely the pr team could find a way of letting them choose silly outfits for each other, little modeling session, um?
anyway, thank you for coming to my ted talk, yadi yada, if you want to add some ideas you are very welcome to put them in the comments :D
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A year in illustration, 2023 edition (part two)
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(This is part two; part one is here.)
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The West Midlands Police were kind enough to upload a high-rez of their surveillance camera control room to Flickr under a CC license (they've since deleted it), and it was the perfect frame for dozens of repeating clown images with HAL9000 red noses. This worked out great. The clown face is from a 1940s ad for novelty masks.
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I spent an absurd amount of time transforming a photo I took of three pinball machines into union-busting themed tables, pulling in a bunch of images from old Soviet propaganda art. An editorial cartoon of Teddy Roosevelt with his big stick takes center stage, while a NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo's official portrait presides over the scene. I hand-made the eight-segment TILT displays.
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Working with the highest-possible rez sources makes all the difference in the world. Syvwlch's extremely high-rez paint-scraper is a gift to people writing about web-scraping, and the Matrix code waterfall mapped onto it like butter.
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This old TWA ad depicting a young man eagerly pitching an older man has incredible body-language – so much so that when I replaced their heads with raw meat, the intent and character remained intact. I often struggle for background to put behind images like this, but high-rez currency imagery, with the blown up intaglio, crushes it.
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I transposed Photoshop instructions for turning a face into a zombie into Gimp instructions to make Zombie Uncle Sam. The guy looking at his watch kills me. He's from an old magazine illustration about radio broadcasting. What a face!
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The mansplaining guy from the TWA ad is back, but this time he's telling a whopper. It took so much work to give him that Pinnocchio nose. Clearly, he's lying about capitalism, hence the Atlas Shrugged cover. Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights" makes for an excellent, public domain hellscape fit for a nonconensual pitch about the miracle of capitalism.
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There's no better image for stories about techbros scamming rubes than Bosch's 'The Conjurer.' Throw in Jeff Bezos's head and an Amazon logo and you're off to the races. I boobytrapped this image by adding as many fingers as I could fit onto each of these figures in the hopes that someone could falsely accuse me of AI-generating this. No one did.
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Once again, it's Bosch to the rescue. Slap a different smiley-face emoji on each of the tormented figures in 'Garden of Earthly Delights' and you've got a perfect metaphor for the 'brand safety' problem of hard news dying online because brands don't want to be associated with unpleasant things, and the news is very unpleasant indeed.
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I really struggle to come up with images for my linkdump posts. I'm running out of ways to illustrate assortments and varieties. I got to noodling with a Kellogg's mini-cereal variety pack and I realized it was the perfect place for a vicious gorilla image I'd just found online in a WWI propaganda poster headed 'Destroy This Mad Brute.' I put so many fake AI tells in this one – extra pupils, extra fingers, a super-AI-esque Kellogg's logo.
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Bloodletting is the perfect metaphor for using rate-hikes to fight inflation. A vintage image of the Treasury, spattered with blood, makes a great backdrop. For the foreground, a medieval woodcut of bloodletting quacks – give one the head of Larry Summers, the other, Jerome Powell. For the patient, use Uncle Sam's head.
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I killed a long videoconference call slicing up an old pulp cover showing a killer robot zapping a couple of shrunken people in bell-jars. It was the ideal image to illustrate Big Tech's enshittification, especially when it was decorated with some classic tech slogans.
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There's something meditative about manually cutting out Tenniel engravings from Alice – the Jabberwock was insane. But it was worth it for this Tron-inflected illustration using a distorted Cartesian grid to display the enormous difference between e/acc and AI doomers, and everyone else in the world.
Multilayer source images for your remixing pleasure:
Scientist in chemlabhttps://craphound.com/images/scientist-in-chem-lab.psd
Humpty Dumpty and the millionaires https://craphound.com/images/humpty-dumpty-and-the-millionaires.psd
Demon summoning https://craphound.com/images/demon-summoning.psd
Killer Robot and People in Bell Jars https://craphound.com/images/killer-robot-and-bell-jars.psd
TWA mansplainer https://craphound.com/images/twa-mansplainer.psd
Impatient boss https://craphound.com/images/impatient-boss.psd
Destroy This Mad Brute https://craphound.com/images/destroy-this-mad-brute.psd
(Images: Heinz Bunse, West Midlands Police, Christopher Sessums, CC BY-SA 2.0; Mike Mozart, Jesse Wagstaff, Stephen Drake, Steve Jurvetson, syvwlch, Doc Searls, https://www.flickr.com/photos/mosaic36/14231376315, Chatham House, CC BY 2.0; Cryteria, CC BY 3.0; Mr. Kjetil Ree, Trevor Parscal, Rama, “Soldiers of Russia” Cultural Center, Russian Airborne Troops Press Service, CC BY-SA 3.0; Raimond Spekking, CC BY 4.0; Drahtlos, CC BY-SA 4.0; Eugen Rochko, Affero; modified)
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robinsno1lesbian · 1 year
ok, so I have had this on my mind and i have not been able to get it out. I have literally had multiple dream about this smutty prompt with Neighbor Robin x reader:
So the reader invites their neighbor/girlfriend Robin on a camping/Road trip with Steve and Nancy, and she decides to tag along with them. While in the car Steve is driving and Nancy is in the passenger seat and they are talking up a storm with the radio on, and reader and Neighbor Robin are in the back seats next to each other under a blanket and Robin’s hand “accidentally” sneaks underneath the readers shirt leading to the opening of her jeans. And Robin starts fingering the reader. Thrusting her fingers in and out while she whispers, “You have to be quiet baby, we don’t want them hearing how much of a slut you are, now do we.” And the reader tries so hard to contain themselves that tears start dripping down their face. As they quickly wipe away the tears and take a few deep breathes as they pull up to the campsite. And as Steve and Nancy start to open the trunk of the car to unpack the luggage and tents, the reader plants a quick kiss on Robin’s cheeks as they rush out of the car to help unpack.
Please write about this it would be amazing for me. And I adore your writing. Thank you so much!!! 😊
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neighbor!robin x reader (implied ronance x reader) 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1510
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ mature content (MDNI), implied age gap (reader is 18+), semi-public sex, fingering, praise kink, implied threesome at the end??
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: okay so for the purpose of the neighbor!robin au, nancy & steve are platonic with a capital p since nancy & robin sort of have a thing going on with the reader...i hope you don't mind anon
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the car ride is a peaceful and fun one. if you're being honest, you did not quite expect this. sharing the backseat with robin for multiple hours didn't seem like something that was possible without any disruptions. and yet, to your own surprise, things went smoothly for a long time. steve had chosen to drive and so nancy is on the passenger's seat and you and your girlfriend have the spacious backseat all to yourself. you started your little road trip earlier this morning and you had slept for some part of the ride, your blanket still covering your lower half while you're leaning against her. with steve and nancy currently fighting over a song that is playing on the radio (one that steve considers the greatest of the century while nancy can only roll her eyes at it), robin uses their inattentiveness to brush your hair out of your face. she takes one strand and starts wrapping it around her finger softly. "you're so pretty, you know?" she whispers against the back of your head. you're leaning against her sideways, legs stretched out over the one empty seat left. you hum and close your eyes for a second, feeling the sun on your face and her strong body behind yours. this, as it seems, is enough of a chance for her. her finger slips away from your hair and she uses her other hand to carefully lift the blanket and run it underneath. you open one single eye at that, trying to catch a glimpse of her face. "robin..." you murmur, a quiet warning that steve and nancy seem to miss completely. "what?" she replies, her voice hoarse. you shake your head slightly in disbelief and chuckle but allow her to roam your body freely. her fingers run over your chest and you shiver. you chose to ditch your bra for the ride and her fingertips find your nipples immediately. with nothing but a thin layer of clothing between your body and her touch, you fight back the urge to gasp. "help us out with this y/n" nancy's voice snaps you back to reality. your head hazily turns in her direction and you find her looking at both of you already. part of you expects robin to stop but of course, she does not. of course, her fingers slightly pinch your already hardened nipples between them. of course, you can feel her chuckle against you when your body tenses up against her in ways that only she can feel. "s-sure" you manage. "alright so-" and then she falls into a monologue about steve's taste in music and how he obviously has no clue what he's talking about and so on and soo on. there is seemingly no and in sight which robin makes great use of. while the brunette is still talking, her fingers let go on your chest and begin to go lower. the blanket covers it all up and no one notices nor hears when robin slowly starts undoing your pants, pushing each button through its hole slowly. nancy's voice and the volume of the radio are doing a great job in concealing any and all noise caused by her actions. robin's skilled fingers push past the waistband of her boxer's you're wearing beneath. they're wide enough for her to easily slip her hand underneath them. your legs immediately spread a little wider and you try your best to muster a somewhat neutral look for nancy, who is still talking while her gaze keeps wandering back and forth between you, robin and steve. robin's fingers forming a v-shape and parting your lips for her has you biting your tongue in order to keep your mouth closed. if it wasn't for nancy's talking, the wet noise would've echoed through the whole car.
you reach out and grab her wrist, right over the place where it disappears down your pants, to somehow steady yourself. "so?" nancy speaks "what do you think?" "i- uhm- i think you're right...?" you hate how uncertain you sound but you haven't heard half of what she said and with robin stroking you underneath the blanket, this is the closest to an answer you can give her. she seems satisfied though and turns back to steve. another discussion ensues almost immediately. one that gives robin the opportunity to gently whisper: "you want this, hm?" your back arches slightly, not enough to be visible but just enough for robin to feel it. "so bad i-" you can not finish your sentence though because that's when robin pushes two fingers into you and all of your focus goes to not making any obvious noise. you exhale through your nose with an obvious shake in your breath and she chuckles behind you. "like that?" you shake your head. this is not nearly enough. you can't stop the want anymore, burning hot in your veins, regardless of the fact that you're not alone in the car. "more" you whisper and tilt your head back to meet her eyes "please" she looks down at you and bites her lips at the same time as she starts thrusting into you softly. your grip around her wrist tightens and your lashes flutter. this is much closer to what you need already. she runs her other hand through your hair and down your back softly, soothing you as she whispers sweet nothings right into your ear. "so good, take me so well..." you know you won't last long like this. only the thrill of all this has your lower abdomen coiling but robin's words only make it harder. after another minute or so, your shuffle backwards slightly so that you're pressed up against her further. like this, you can nuzzle her neck with your lips right below her earlobe if you turn your head just right. "robin" you whine quietly, your lips parted and a steady flow of pants falling from them. "you have to be quiet baby, we don’t want them hearing how much of a slut you are, now do we?"
these words alone send another wave of heat straight down to your center. "please" the stimulation is so much and yet it is not nearly enough. you need more and you know it. still, it feels so good. the way she is fucking you has pleasure rushing through your entire body and tears forming in your eyes. "answer me" robin hisses, synchronized with her thumb circling your clit. "f-fuck...no. no i- i don't want them to hear..." you've never been more thankful for a fight about the songs on the radio than you are now. steve and nancy both way too occupied with that to notice what is happening in the backseat. "good girl" she praises "so you gotta keep it really quiet for me when you cum, alright? can you do that?" immediately, you nod. your hips are already rolling with each thrust, impatiently awaiting your release. robin's other arm wraps around you, knowing that she's gonna have to steady you, while she picks up the pace of her fingers inside of you. "cum for me" she breathes. and, after just another flick of her thumb, you do. you cum all around her fingers, leaning your head against her neck to hide your face. the pleasure has your legs shaking under the blanket but robin holds you tight enough that it goes unnoticed. it's an intense orgasm nonetheless and you're thankful to have her neck over your mouth when the aftershocks of it have you whimpering in overstimulation. ⋆ later that night, long after you have pulled up at the campsite (robin's fingers still covered in your slick and the stream of tears still visible on your face) and you had a couple of seconds alone in the car, nancy and steve getting out to start unpacking, you had placed a quick kiss to her lips. "i can't wait to get you alone later" she had whispered. now, alone had come, at least you thought it had. you're straddling robin's lap in the darkness of your tent, rolling your hips against her lap in search of friction while she's kissing your lips sore. she has taken off your shirt already, your chest on full display for her. that is when you hear the noise of the zipper to your tent. you freeze but robin seems a lot less surprised. it's long past midnight and you wouldn't know who to expect this late. when you turn your head, you visibly relax. nancy is crawling inside before closing the zipper again. "having fun without me i see?" she bites her tongue and robin chuckles. she knows. she must have known all along.
but you don't have time to comprehend it because the other woman slowly approaches from behind and runs her palms up your back. "this okay?" she whispers and you nod breathlessly. you throw your head back when she starts kissing up your spine, both hands now resting on your waist. this is gonna be a long night, that's for sure.
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colorisbyshe · 6 months
Taylor Swift by far is not the worst celebrity in terms of like... being bad. Her music isn't the worst--it is the definition of radio friendly. Her behaviour, in terms of celebrity bullshit, isn't the worst either (though we really shouldn't understate the ecological harm from her private jet which gets handwaved but is... truly horrific). She isn't particularly unfashionable, she definitely isn't provocative or boundary pushing.
But all of this middle-of-the-roadness is just... the embodiment of capitalism, especially White Girl Boss capitalism, and... more than that, it represents the sanitation that brings to art. The calculation. The risk aversion. And the laundering of any real feeling--that I'm not even sure she's fully capable of--into something somehow less than the sum of its parts.
It's so egregious it feels brain-numbing. It feels like a mockery of the craft. It feels like every board room decision that has excluded marginalized voices in art and every experimental song from the soundwaves embodied in one person. Everything is PR, nothing is organic. Even when she does awful things (like dating a massive racist or using her moment in Time Magazine to bring up years old beef with the fucking Kardashians instead of speaking on the GENOCIDE happening right now), it's a choice to distract from a worse thing or get another burst of attention. She can't even be awful in a way that feels authentic. There isn't a controversy that isn't also a chance to pivot her public image into something New and Fun.
She feels like a vessel for every breaking down of music as an art form happening in our capitalistic world. She's the tiktok algorithm, the pushed paid promotion on every social media feed, the pay-to-win Grammy awards all in one little bundle. She's hollow and business opportunities are what's filled inside her to keep her from floating away into the blandest possible season of the real housewives of ___ anyone has ever seen.
To me, she's a step above AI art in terms of like... human passion.
To me, she feels like the second she experiences a real human emotion, she writes down five different ways she can profit off of that or spin it into a new victim complex (which she profits from).
To me, the rare tolerable-to-good song she has is just... entirely tainted by the brand around it. Her career isn't a musical exploration. It's a brand. Her music is a plain white t shirt with a logo printed dead center, nothing else to offer.
It can't have anything else on it, no statements, no daring, because then the logo, the brand might get obscured.
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On this day, 21 May 1941, a strike began of actors in Norway against Nazi occupation. Many actors, who were unwilling to perform after the Nazis took over broadcasting, had previously signed a secret pledge to go on strike if any artist was fired for political reasons. Six actors refused to work on the radio when ordered to by Nazi authorities including Tore Segelcke, Lillemor von Hanno, Gerda Ring and Elisabeth Gording (pictured, clockwise from top left). On May 21 they were summoned to Oslo police HQ for interrogation, and all had their work permits revoked. That evening, workers walked out, shutting down every theatre in the capital. By the following day, the strike had spread to Bergen and Trondheim. The Gestapo began threatening the actors, but they voted overwhelmingly to continue the strike. On May 24, German authorities gave an ultimatum to the workers, and began arresting union representatives. But even after this, and being threatened with the death penalty, the strike continued for five weeks. In the wake of the dispute, the Nazis decided to take complete control of theatres, but the general public had no interest in fascist "entertainment" and so boycotted them. More information, sources and map: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9415/Norwegian-actors'-anti-Nazi-strike https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=629793822527170&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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