#ch: hearteyed hunter
maddstermind · 3 months
Find the Word!
Yay!!! Thank you @k-v-briarwood, I think these are my favorite types of tag games!
I'll tag @akiwitch, @worldsfromhoney, @moondust-bard, @localhellraiser, and anyone else who wants too! (And you are more than welcome to tag me back!)
Your words are: gone, please, blame, burn, and heart.
It had always felt fitting that the missing King was holding the missing Princess. That was surely part of the allure of the portrait — the mystery behind their disappearances, the conspiracies. Genesis had been gone for nineteen years, almost to the day, and Belladonna only a few months less. People liked to think that wherever they went, they were together. Others were more cynical, believing Genesis abandoned their family and their duty to the country, and that Belladonna was plain and simply kidnapped. Or perhaps Daphné had killed them both. Or maybe Belladonna had never existed.
He was pulled from the rubble by a hand that shone with the light of the suns, yet was cold to the touch. Their body was similarly bright but cold, and a sword hung off their side, the sharp blade hidden in its sheath, away from the curious fingers of children. Despite their cold exterior, they looked at the child with the fondness of a father, of a friend. A handsome, unmarred face, friendly eyes, and dark hair with pale streaks running through it.      They looked like a hero. Something out of a fairytale. Someone who had helped already — and could maybe help more.
Never used this word, apparently! Wowie!
      "Ashton!" Dr. Leonardo shouted as he approached. "What'd you do to that thing? Who is this?"      Sutton jumped and pocketed the scale, looking over. "Oh, hello. I'm Sutton Senft, nice to meet you."      "They're a traveller," Ashton explained. "They're injured."      "Great," the doctor grumbled. "More patients, just what I need. Did you even find the catch?"      Ashton pointed to Sutton. "They were in the trap. Hence the injury."      His eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "How in the name of the Silpa did a person get caught in a trap like that?"      They flushed. "It was dark."      "It was dark," he nodded, staring them down.
     Raven sat, mouth hidden by the back of her hand, staring worriedly at the wall. "I think," she spoke carefully, "you may be onto something, Christie."      Despite the heavy tone, Christie beamed. She had wanted a mystery: now she had one. She had wanted a way to redeem herself to Raven: this was how. Maybe all wasn't so lost.
Hurrah hurrah!!! (These are all from Auberon books one and two, btw.)
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maddstermind · 24 days
Heads Up Seven Up!
Thank you for the tag @saintedseraph!!!
     "Then I'm sure they knew peace with you, too. I think that's what love is. Being at peace with someone, even in dangerous times."      The words hung in the air around them. Ashton thought of Sutton, fighting knights with him, traveling through blizzards, getting trapped in the cave system, sliding down the valley into Chenyin, fighting the controlled Genesis together. It was frightening, it was dangerous — but he could think of no one else he'd rather do it with.      Tearily, Lucilio set the empty bottle down. "I think you're right."
hurrah hurrah! book three is going great lmao.
I shall tag @sodaliteskullwrites, @interroblog, @sentfromwolves, and @ladywithalamp!
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maddstermind · 2 months
Find The Word!
Yippee!!!! Thank you @veneritia!!
     He'd been trying to befriend the Port Guard since the incident. The animosity had gone on far too long. The group seemed more than happy to welcome him in, but a rift remained between them; Addison felt much older than he actually was. Only two or so years apart, and it felt like centuries.
     Ignacio hopped aboard the boat, opening the doors to the cabin. "Scout! C'mon, time to go home."      Grumbling, the child emerged from the cabin. Ignacio tried to pat their shoulder, but they ducked under his hand, disembarking from the boat. "See you later. Good luck."      Ignacio's face fell as he watched Scout go. He stood on the edge of the boat and called down the pier, "I love you! Be good for your father!"      They paused, looking back over their shoulder. "I will. I love you, too." They continued walking, and soon disappeared from sight.
     A shout caught his attention, and he ran toward the sound. It sounded enough like Sutton, but he was hesitant to believe it, lest it was another trick from the mage. Even so, he was willing to take the risk — especially when more shouts followed, clearly from combat and pain.      "Sutton!" he shouted, scanning desperately for them. "Hold on, I'm coming!"      "Ashton?" they called back. "Find some high ground!"
"Do you remember Ainsley Patton?"      Addison wasn't sure of the relevance, but thought back. "I think so. We were in the same grade, but I think she was in the Magic Guild, wasn't she?"      "Yeah. And she went missing the semester before I did."      The memory resurfaced and Addison frowned. Her disappearance had been a big deal at the time — she was a star pupil, scouted for the Magic Guild and excelling in it. A talented, well-liked girl who vanished in the night.      "What about her?" Addison asked, a growing feeling of dread in his stomach.
I shall tag @ayzrules, @365runesoftheamalgamations, @dontcrywrite, and anyone else who wants in! (Feel free to tag me back!)
Your words are: group, child, pain, and deal.
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maddstermind · 2 months
Last Line Tag!
Thank you @sentfromwolves!!
He smiled, weakly. "I've seen the dark sides of the flowering nation. I am not proud to call it home."
workin workin workin on book three. I shall tag @littleladymab, @localhellraiser, @moonscribbler, @halleyuhm, and anyone else who wants it!
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maddstermind · 24 days
Last Line Tag!
Thank you @imaginationxlost for the tag!!
 Ashton still much preferred his bow, he knew it much more instinctively, but was relieved that his first lessons were not as difficult as he'd anticipated.
Hurrah! I did a bunch of writing last night. I shall tag @chiefwritesbook, @trixies-show, @lynsterswritingblog, and @new-royston-cursebreakers!!
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maddstermind · 24 days
Seven Last Lines!
Thank you for the tag @surroundedbypearls! I think one of these lines I've shared in a recent tag game but here we go!
     The following day, Ashton pulled his hair back, dressed in breathable clothes, and went to the training room with Sutton's baton. He told Lucilio the night prior that he would try again. Sutton wouldn't want him to give up, so he wouldn't.      Even so, he was relieved to see that Lucilio had not donned his rose-gold armor, instead wearing the reddish-purple training leathers the room provided. The early afternoon was spent learning basic Sivonese swordplay. Ashton still much preferred his bow, he knew it much more instinctively, but was relieved that his first lessons were not as difficult as he'd anticipated.
This is actually only six because there's big break lmao.
I shall tag @saintedseraph, @ryns-ramblings, @lorenfinch, and @akiwitch!
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maddstermind · 1 month
Find The Word!
Thank you @serpentarii for the tag!!
     His eyes flicked and met Rosamund's for a moment, and she went taught with fear. Their eye contact barely lasted a second, but Addison had apparently gleaned something from it, and he continued, selling his nerves more. "I… I don't exactly know. I think… I believe I had a sudden… manifestation of magic."      A rumble of whispers ran through the crowd. They fell silent again as the Queen spoke. "The Garland family doesn't have magic."
     The feeling of being watched was gone, now. He crept closer to the rabbit, poking it with the end of his mapaltre. It rolled. He could see no scratches from talons or claws. No bite marks from fangs or beaks. Only a single puncture wound in its neck, with an arrowhead lodged inside.
     "I'm sorry," Ashton whispered as they walked down a more well-lit hall. "I… I should've realized something was wrong."      "It's not your fault," they assured. "Inallexo is tricky. It shows you different things, or the mage can command you to do something, or so on." They faced him with a small smile. Blood was trailing down their face again. "You thought you were protecting me. I… I'm glad for that."      Ashton's face was warm, and he nodded. "Y-Yeah. Of course." His voice fell to a whisper, and he squeezed Sutton's hand. "Always."
     "The place that I'm from is called Lleduhu. It's tiny, I don't know if it even shows up on any maps. Way out in Old Ofotia. An ancient war front was my backyard, everything scorched. Our school was a single room, a single building, and when I had my manifestation… the entire thing collapsed." They shivered, eyes screwed shut. "We… We were all stuck for hours, scared and slowly suffocating in the dark, in this… tiny bubble of space. My teacher died in the collapse, so it was just me and a dozen classmates, all thinking we were going to die."
(I think I might've shared the one for "fang" before, but thats apparently my Only usage of it.... whoops-)
Anyway!! I shall tag @sentfromwolves, @stridingwriter, @ayzrules, and anyone else who wants in!
Your words are: whisper, watch, warm, and war.
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maddstermind · 2 months
Find the Word!
I've got a few of these in the proverbial queue lmao. Thank you again @the-down-upside-finch!!!
     To be born on New Year's Eve was a bad omen. While Crown's Ridge, in the last century, had taken to extravagant celebrations, the holiday was one of repentance. It was traditionally spent in places of worship, with sins and crimes confessed to the Silpa and to loved ones. A release of the past year, the last Cycle, to prepare for the highs and lows of the next one. All that energy was released into the world, and to the unlucky children born on New Year's Eve, all that guilt and grief was put onto their shoulders.      To be born on New Year's Day, however, was a good omen. Born at the beginning of the Cycle, such children were seen to have infinite potential. Genesis was one such child.
     He bit his cheek. "Sutton, I… What about the feeling you had earlier? The one you couldn't describe?"      They shrugged. "Just nerves, I guess. Come on, we're close, and this place is huge. You take the left, I'll take the right. We'll meet back here in half an hour."
     Rubbing her eyes, she smiled at him. "I think I might just be better at it than you are."      "Really?" He raised an eyebrow, holding up a card. "What's this one?"      "Six of Clubs," she said with a faux confidence.      He tsked, shaking his head and flipping it around. "King of Spades. But more importantly, who's go-to thought for a random card is the Six of Clubs?"      "Mine," she poked him with her foot, crossing her legs and holding her book in her lap.      "Well, no more cheating. I have to get good at this."
     He smiled back, enjoying the calm, the new leaf turning over. The moonlight made her softer, less tired. The pink Remexo stains still pulsed where they crept up her neck; dried blood was still caked on parts of her neck and chest, interrupting the faint glow of the magic stains, and bringing reality back into their moment.
These are all from books 2 and 3 of aubie!
I shall tag @circuslollipop, @sentfromwolves, @moondust-bard, @stridingwriter, and @chiefwritesbook! (And anyone else who wants in!)
YOUR WORDS ARE: guilt, nerve, random, and faint!
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maddstermind · 24 days
Heads Up Seven Up!
Thank you for the tag @sodaliteskullwrites!
The air smelled of old wine. "Couldn't sleep."
     "Me either." The room fell quiet, the air between them awkward. Ashton cleared his throat, stepping toward a door that looked to be a pantry and opening it. "Do you drink often?"      The old knight hummed a laugh, drinking from the bottle again before answering. "Only when I am sad."
I shall tag @wintherlywords, @meerawrites, @thoughtofhouses, and @k-v-briarwood!
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maddstermind · 6 months
Heads Up Seven Up!
Yay, cool tag game!!! Thank you to @365runesoftheamalgamations for the tag, you can find their post here!
Rules: Post seven lines (or paragraphs, etc) from your WIP, and tag seven people!
I'll tag @worldsfromhoney, @saintedseraph, @stridingwriter, @username-cause-i-need-one, @the-grim-and-sanguine, @halleyuhm, and @erieautumnskies!
I'll post my bit below the cut uwu
Warily, Ashton opened his eyes. Standing in front of him in the doorway was Sutton, now armored. Their sword remained in its sheath, but strapped to their left arm was a magnificent, translucent white shield. It pulsated with clear magical energy, an emblem of intersecting suns sharing a pair of wings visible in the center. The knights beyond the front door stood wary of the mage they were now faced with.      Sutton stepped forward, into the snow, and the knights all stepped back. "What's the matter?" They laughed, drawing the sword from its sheath. "Scared of a little magic?"      "You're the mage, then?" Sir Gallo asked, standing tall. Ashton could hear his voice waver momentarily. "You're to come with us, immediately."      "I will not."      "We will resort to force if necessary."      "You were going to kill my friend." Their voice was low and edged dangerously. "I do not trust when you think is necessary."      Sir Gallo raised his sword. "You are an invader. A filthy mage, your presence defiling our beautiful nation."      "Your nation is cursed," Sutton told him, not so much as trembling. "I am a cursebreaker. But I am starting to believe there is no hope for this place."
I KNOW ITS EIGHT PARAGRAPHS I APOLOGIZE. i wanted to get the whole thing in >~<
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maddstermind · 3 months
They're a ten, but...
Thank you for the tag @username-cause-i-need-one!!! This sounds fun owo...
Rosamund is a ten, but she's plagued with visions of her own death (and has mommy issues.)
Addison is a ten, but he's always fucking off to the woods and almost dying.
Ashton is a ten, but he's head over heels for someone else.
Sutton is a ten, but they're also lowkey the stupidest motherfucker in the world.
I'll leave it as an open tag for anyone else who wants to jump in!!!
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maddstermind · 6 months
Auberon Book Two Excerpt
From Book Two Chapter Two. The theme this week was Purpose :>
[Ashton] stepped closer to the man, inspecting the trap in the tree. "You're a traveller?"      The man repeated the word, then nodded. "Traveller, yes." They gave him a coy grin. "How could you tell?"      He smiled back. At least they had a good attitude. "Why come so far up here? It's not exactly a tourist destination."      "Tourist destination?"      "A, uh. A place travellers visit for fun, not work."      "Ah!" They nodded. "Well, I am not a destination."      "A tourist," he corrected.      "I am not a tourist."      "I can tell," he smirked. "Tourists don't usually wear armor."      "I am here on a… I travel with a purpose."      "Really? Didn't think the mountain had a purpose."
(The word they're looking for is quest. Languages are hard.)
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maddstermind · 24 days
That ship bingo card for Sutton and Ashton 👀 -@thousand-page-dreams
Thank you for the ask!!!
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No bingo's, but I love them dearly.
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maddstermind · 1 month
Find The Word!
Thank you @sentfromwolves for the tag!!! My favorite ones uwu (and great word choices...)
crack - Auberon book three
"I'm not going to argue about this further. I'm sorry, Christie, I am. You are a very smart girl and I enjoyed working with you, but I cannot in good conscience continue to do this." His expression softened some. "I promise, you will be the first to know when I crack this. When things are safe."      Christie bit her lip, fighting back tears. She'd never felt so rejected, so disheartened, so betrayed. She held tight to her pendant and met his eyes. "A good investigator wouldn't hide the truth like this."      His expression faltered, and he sighed, his breath visible in the air. Hanging his head, he nodded. "You're right."
creak - Soulbearer
     Late that night, after too many dead ends, Aulus was left to rest. His companions floated unseen around him, growing closer with the knowledge he'd soon be joining them. The door creaked open, and unsteady footsteps thumped across the floor.      "Daddy says you're a wiz'rd," the toddler stage-whispered. "I wanna help you."
crunch - Auberon book two
     Ashton took a step out from behind the tree, the snow crunching loudly. The movement ahead stopped, and he similarly froze.      "Hadia?" the voice called. "Obhewun deidui?"      Ashton stayed where he was, debating what to do.      After a moment of no response, the voice came again. "Um. Hello? Help, please?"
Apparently, I have never used this word??? Crazy???
click - Auberon book three
     She nodded. "Can I come in? I don't want anyone to overhear."      "Me either." Raven stepped aside. "Come in, quickly."      Christie did as she said, and Raven shut the door behind her, locking it with a click. Using her staff as something of a cane, she made her way to the large seat behind her desk as Christie hopped into one of the chairs opposite her.      "Alright," she steepled her fingers. "Tell me everything you know, dear."
Yay, I got to share some from Soulbearer for the first time, woag! Anyway.
I shall tag @thoughtofhouses, @phantomnations, @chiefwritesbook, and @scribe-scott! (And anyone else who wants in! (Feel free to tag me back!)
Your words are: truth, dead, help, staff, and crave! maybe someone else can get better use of it than me lmao.
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maddstermind · 6 months
Find the Word/Scavenger Hunt
Thank you for the tag @k-v-briarwood!!! (It was to my main account, @.warriorblood1, but I'm doin' it here lmao.)
Words to find: red, flat, open.
These are all from Auberon book two!
     As she spoke, her eyes flashed red, and Christie could almost hear a voice in the back of her mind: Don't tell anyone you saw us. She felt her jaw tense up, staying shut.      Confusion filled Christie's mind at the strange sensation. The red woman stood over her, watching, waiting, tense. A weight settled over her, a pressure around her throat. Her mind spun, and her only thought was a repeated, red magic. Red magic.
     He spun Bella, and she looked at him starry-eyed. The rain flattened his hair, the wet strands tickling his neck. He felt like a different man. One of the forest, and not of the cities. He knew it was superficial, that in his heart he was still a scientist, but for the moment, dancing in the rain with a missing princess and colorful salamanders, he could pretend it was real.
     Ashton woke to pleasant smells wafting throughout his cabin. His neck ached a bit from sleeping on the couch — it did most nights, and he was learning to live with it — and he had no desire to get up and leave his cocoon of warmth.      But the fireplace was lit, the blinds open, sun shining and reflecting off of the morning snow. No cold drafts nipped at his nose. He tried to hide a sigh of contentment.
I shall tag @worldsfromhoney, @planets-and-prose, @the-grim-and-sanguine, and @valentinerose529!
Your words are: pressure, different, desire.
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