#character: murong ziying
movielosophy · 3 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 | 😍
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ladynamie · 4 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 仙剑四 (2024) | Episode 30
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killerandhealerqueen · 4 months
Oh Chinese Paladin 4...oh wow. Oh...wow
I went into this drama literally only for a few people (Mao Zijun being the main one) but damn it I was sucked into the story and the characters and the whole world.
As for the characters, god. I loved Yun Tianhe, the youthful wild man who grew up to be pretty much the savior of the world. He's kinda like the avatar, if you will. He learned a lot and he is my boy. My bestest boy
Han Lingsha...I did find her annoying at first but she really grew on me the more I learned about her and her backstory. I'm really glad she got to spend the rest of her life with Tianhe and gained a family through him, Ziying, and Mengli.
Speaking of Mengli, god, she was so pretty and so smart when we first met her...and then as the story goes along we realize that she's a demon?! Hello?! Plot twist! But she never changed. Even if she was a demon, she was still the Liu Mengli that we met when she was a "human". She never changed
And finally, my boy, Murong Ziying. My fucking boy. I loved him. I love how we got to watch him grow from this stiff tsundere of a man to a Grandmaster...and I knew he was going to be a good one. The ultimate dad, honestly. He is my favorite, I'm not gonna lie. I mean, I loved all of them, but he's my favorite, I'm sorry.
Overall, this drama made me laugh, made me stressed as hell, made me shed a few tears...and god, made me root for a happy ending.
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Would I call this a happy ending? I think so. The world is at peace, the four of them were together in the end...and Mengli and Ziying got to say goodbye to Tianhe and Lingsha as Tianhe crossed over. So they kept their promise to each other, in the end.
I think I might have just found one of my new favorite dramas. Will it replace Killer and Healer? No. But my god is it up there
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movielosophy · 4 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 |  Murong Ziying comes.
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movielosophy · 4 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 | You don't want to make Ziying angry.
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movielosophy · 3 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 | What's the cause of the sleep curse?
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ladynamie · 4 months
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"You're always so cold. Has anyone called you Ice Cube?"
MURONG ZIYING in SWORD AND FAIRY 4 (2024) | Episode 36
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