#cnc carbon fibre cutting manufacturers
hlhrapidlimited · 2 months
A Guide to Selecting the Right Materials for CNC Machining
Material selection is a critical factor in determining a project's success and efficiency in the field of CNC machining. Selecting the appropriate materials influences a number of variables, including machining time, cost, and overall performance, in addition to guaranteeing the final product's quality and longevity. This is a thorough guide that will help you choose the best materials for CNC machining:
Understand Machinability: It's important to recognize the machinability of several materials before choosing one. The term "machinability" describes a material's ease of shaping, cutting, and finishing using CNC machining techniques. Machinability is influenced by properties including hardness, ductility, and heat conductivity.
Consider Material Properties: Consider the particular qualities, including strength, durability, conductivity, and resistance to corrosion that are necessary for your project. These qualities can be found in various combinations in different materials. For instance, aluminium is perfect for automotive and aerospace applications since it is lightweight and has great corrosion resistance.
Assess Cost: When choosing a material, cost is an important factor. specific materials could be too expensive for specific tasks, even though they might have better qualities. Choose the most economical choice without sacrificing quality by establishing a balance between the qualities you want and financial limitations.
Review Application Requirements: Examine the environmental conditions and application requirements that the finished product will face. Will it be subjected to adverse weather conditions, wetness, substances, or normal wear & tear? Choose materials that will function over time and can tolerate these circumstances.
Evaluate Machining Complexity: Evaluate the complexity of the design and what is required for machining. Certain materials need a greater amount of money and effort to deal with, increasing the manufacturing time and cost of the parts. Select materials that are easy to work with while maintaining high quality.
Consult with Machining Experts: Consult with material suppliers or CNC machining experts at HLH for guidance. Our knowledge and experience can offer valuable insights. In order to ensure the best outcomes, they can suggest appropriate materials based on the details of your project.
Explore Material Options: Learn about the many different types of materials that may be used for CNC machining. These materials include composites (like carbon fibre, fibreglass), metals (like aluminium, stainless steel, and titanium), and polymers (like ABS, acrylic, and nylon). Every substance has special qualities and uses.
Prototype and Test: Consider testing and prototyping several materials to assess their appropriateness and performance before moving on with full-scale manufacturing. This enables you to see any problems early and make the required corrections.
The efficiency and success of a project are greatly impacted by the choice of material in CNC machining. It's important to understand machinability, considering how simple a material is to shape and finish. Strength, durability, and conductivity of the material must match the requirements of the project. Affordability and quality should be balanced because cost is important. Analyze the product's exposure to the environment. Assess machining difficulty and select materials that facilitate manufacture. Seeking advice from machining specialists yields priceless insights. Look at the various material possibilities, such as metals, plastics, and composites. Suitability is ensured via testing and prototyping different materials. To sum up, careful evaluation of machinability, characteristics, cost, application, complexity, professional guidance, and research results in the best CNC machining results.
Check out also the details about CNC Prototype Machining and when you can use it here: https://hlhrapid.com/blog/what-is-cnc-prototype-machining/
For questions about CNC Machining, send us an email at [email protected] 
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What is Laser Cutting and its Work?
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You may have heard the term “laser cutting“ and wondered what it was and how it worked. This is our comprehensive guide on laser cutting, including all the information you need to know. We are CNC Laser Cutting Services in Manesar, Gurugram at affordable prices. We provide CNC Laser Cutting services in Manesar, Gurugram at affordable prices. We offers top-notch CNC laser cutting services that can handle both simple and complex designs with accuracy and efficiency. CNC laser cutting services refer to the professional cutting services provided by companies equipped with CNC (Computer Numerical Control) laser cutting machines. These services offer precise and efficient cutting of various materials using laser technology.
What is Laser Cutting?
A small, focused laser beam is used in the non-contact production process of laser cutting to burn through and cut materials like sheet metal and produce precise, high-quality designs. At Sachin Steel Enterprises, we have extensive experience with laser cutting sheet metal.
This manufacturing method, which goes by the name of “laser cutting,” employs a laser to burn, melt, or evaporate materials in order to “cut” them into desired shapes. We’ll go over the procedure below if you’re wondering “how does laser cutting work?”
The laser cutting method involves passing the laser beam through a nozzle to the material in order to cut it with thermal heat. The laser head heats the surface of the substance when it is pointed at a target location, causing the material to melt or evaporate. The cutting motion is made possible by the union of heat and pressure.
With appropriate force, laser cutting may pierce a variety of metals and non-metallic materials of varying thicknesses. Laser cutting does the task without making contact with the metal or substance, in contrast to other processes that need for the use of large machinery or equipment with tremendous force. Laser cutting is therefore a reliable and effective method for fabricating sheet metal.
What Kind of Laser is Used
Now that we have covered the laser cutter, let’s discuss the kind of laser that is used. CO2 lasers, neodymium lasers (Nd), neodymium yttrium-aluminum-garnet lasers (Nd: YAG), and fibre lasers are the four primary types of lasers used in laser cutting.
When cutting materials like metal, the majority of businesses and experts in the field utilise CO2 lasers; however, at Sachin Steel Enterprises, we only employ fibre lasers. We utilise a fiber laser because it is more effective than other laser beams and has lower wastage and gas requirements. Additionally, fiber lasers enable faster turnaround times, better and smoother cutting, and increased versatility.
Although CO2 lasers are still often used for the process of laser cutting, fiber lasers are superior to CO2 lasers for a number of reasons. CO2 lasers were employed in the earliest instances of laser cutting to cut sheet metal. The CO2 laser is produced in a gas mixture that is mostly composed of carbon dioxide (CO2), helium, and nitrogen. This type of manufacturing laser is electrically pumped using an electric discharge.
Laser cutting allows for the creation of complex shapes and 3D shape patterns, however it must be done piece by piece. Using our fiber laser beam and years of knowledge, we can create unique shapes. A laser cutting services in Manesar refers to a professional service that utilizes laser cutting technology to cut various materials based on customer specifications. These services are typically offered by specialized companies equipped with laser cutting machines and expertise in laser cutting techniques.
Laser Cutting vs. CNC Cutting
Although it’s not the sole option, laser cutting is among the most efficient ways to cut metal. Both CNC cutting and laser cutting are well-liked, high-quality sheet metal manufacturing techniques; nevertheless, each has certain unique advantages and disadvantages.
Computerised Numerical Control is referred to as CNC. CNC cutting is a fabrication technique in which pre-programmed computer software controls machinery and tools. The procedure entails sending a signal and CNC of the design to the cutting machine using a motion control system or computer, where the technical design is then cut into a material. Compared to a laser cutter, this procedure takes a lot more specialised machinery and tools.
In conclusion, the main distinction between laser cutting and CNC cutting is the technology used to cut the material; each approach cuts metal differently. Laser cutting burns through and vaporises the metal material, as opposed to traditional CNC cutting, which employs specific tools to carve out the pattern.
Higher speed and more accurate cuts are made with laser cutting.
Laser cutting operates twice as quickly as CNC cutting. It is easier to construct big sections and cut material all at once with a laser cutting machine. It is not necessary to use a workpiece or physical force to produce long-lasting and precise components.
When compared to conventional metal cutting techniques, laser cutting offers greater precision cuts and the ability for customers to correctly shape curves and corners. While laser beams can have a radius as small as 0.1mm, typical CNC cutting requires tools with restricted widths (an average radius of slightly under 1mm). As a result, laser cutting enables more complicated designs and detailed cuts. Its design is unrestricted.
The following are some additional advantages of laser cutting:
Quick set up
High accuracy
Low heat input
Non-contact – so no wear
A fantastic material compatibility
What Can Laser Cutters Actually Cut?
The topic of “how does laser cutting work” has been addressed, but many people also want to know what kinds of materials laser cutters can actually cut. Well, laser cutters are ideal for a variety of materials and have a wide range of material compatibility. A laser cutter is the only device that can create and cut as many different kinds of materials.
Since Sachin Steel Enterprises is a company that specialises in making goods from sheet metal, our laser cutters are most frequently used to cut aluminium and mild or stainless steel. However, depending on the technique you utilise or the business you work in, laser cutting can be used in numerous fields for a wide variety of materials.
Additionally, laser cutters may be used to sever most organic and thicker materials, such as:
Wood, paper cardboard and cork
Some plastics
Laser cutters are the best option for sheet metal fabricators like us at Sachin Steel Enterprises since they can cut any form of metal. From mild steel and carbon steel to stainless steel and nonferrous metals, they are capable of cutting everything. Along with steel and aluminium, copper and brass are frequently used in our work at Sachin Steel Enterprises.
Laser cutters can manufacture the most intricate models, including 3D models, on a variety of materials without the need for large-scale manufacturing machinery.
Importance of safety when working with laser cutters
Even while reflective metals like silver can be cut with a laser machine, working with them can be more difficult than working with other metals since they run the risk of reflecting laser beams, even if this is a small risk.With a laser, other materials, such glass and ceramics, can also be etched in addition to being sliced. However, you must exercise extreme caution while using plastics because some plastics have the potential to harm equipment as well as melt, burn, catch fire, or even produce harmful gases.
Do you have a need for this process for a future project or are you interested in our work? Contact our outstanding sales staff right away to receive the assistance you require whether you want to learn more about laser cutting, our services, or to start your next project with Sachin Steel Enterprises. Call us at 9910 307 816 or send us an email at [email protected] right away! We’d be delighted to assist.
For more details please browse here:- https://sachinsteelenterprises.co.in/cnc-laser-cutting-services/
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pusaanindia · 1 year
Top CNC Plasma cutting machine manufacturer in India - Pusaanindia
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A CNC flame cutting machine, also known as a CNC oxy-fuel cutting machine, is a type of industrial cutting tool used for cutting through thick metal plates or sheets. It utilizes a combination of fuel gases and oxygen to create a controlled flame that melts and removes the metal in the cutting path.
This machine is used for facilitating the process of plasma cutting, which uses an accelerated jet of hot plasma to cut through electrically conducting materials. Furthermore, it is a well-liked option for applications in both large-scale enterprises and tiny hobbyist shops due to its fast speed and accuracy cut.
Additionally, it is put through a variety of quality tests with expert supervision. Additionally, a variety of metals are cut using a CNC plasma cutting machine of the gantry type. Computers run plasma CNC machines, which use programmed instructions to make materials that adhere to exact requirements. The cutting torch is the standard tool used in plasma cutting machines to cut metal plates, sheets, bolts, pipes, etc.CNC plasma cutter machines have a system that can move the path of plasma torch by computer. Pusaan Automation PVT LTD is the best gantry type CNC Plasma cutting machine manufacturer in India. In the industrial world, our plasma cutting machine is highly regarded. Compared to a fibre laser cutting machine, a plasma cutter can easily cut materials that are the same thickness or thicker. When compared to other dealers and manufacturers, the price of the Gantry type CNC plasma cutting machine is reasonable. For more information about the Bench type machine and Portable CNC plasma cutting machine.
Here's an overview of how a CNC flame cutting machine typically operates:
Material Preparation: The metal sheet or plate to be cut is placed on a cutting table or platform. It is securely clamped or held in place to ensure stability during the cutting process.
Gas Supply: The machine has gas supply systems to provide the necessary fuel gases, typically acetylene or propane, and oxygen. These gases are mixed in precise ratios to create a combustible flame.
Ignition and Preheating: The CNC flame cutting machine has torches or burners that ignite the fuel gas and oxygen mixture. The torches are positioned above the material, and the preheating process begins. The preheating flame raises the temperature of the metal along the cutting path.
CNC Control: The machine is equipped with a computer numerical control (CNC) system that controls the movement of the cutting torch. The operator programs the desired cutting path into the CNC system or imports a pre-designed cutting pattern.
CNC flame cutting machines are commonly used for cutting thick metal plates, typically over 1 inch (25 mm) in thickness. They are suitable for materials like carbon steel, stainless steel, and aluminum. However, the heat-affected zone produced by flame cutting is larger compared to other cutting methods, which may require additional post-cutting operations for surface finishing.
It's important to note that as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, CNC flame cutting machines were widely used. However, there may be more advanced cutting technologies available at present.
CNC plasma cutting machines are widely used in India for their versatility and ability to cut through various types of metals. These machines utilize a plasma torch that generates a high-temperature plasma arc to melt and sever the metal. 
When considering purchasing a CNC plasma cutting machine in India, it's essential to assess the specific requirements of your application, such as the material type, thickness, and cutting speed needed. Additionally, consider factors like after-sales support, warranty, training, and service availability from the manufacturer or supplier.
To make an informed decision, it's recommended to reach out to multiple suppliers, compare their offerings, and request quotations based on your specific requirements. This will help you determine the most suitable CNC plasma cutting machine that meets your needs and budget in India.
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klarmmachining · 3 years
Facing Precision CNC Machining
New Post has been published on http://www.cncmachinings.com/facing-precision-cnc-machining/
Facing Precision CNC Machining
Precision cnc machining parts manufacturer shows the top and the front perspective on a work piece during confronting. Notice how the Z-zero position is 0.100″ beneath the top surface of the unpleasant stock, 0.900″ over the outside of the equals, and the face plant is making a plane at Z-zero. The program code for the confronting procedure on a Fanuc or Haas machine (counting the program start and end) is additionally appeared.
Face factory the top surface of the work piece appeared in the sketch, china precision machined components suppliers are utilizing these bearings:
Use the lower left-hand corner of the part as the beginning.
Use a 3″- breadth face-processing shaper and machine from option to left.
Use a freedom plane of 0.100″.
Turn on flood coolant (M8) when the apparatus is brought to the leeway plane.
Face factory at Z0.
Use an axle speed of 2000 RPM.
Use a plunging feed pace of 15.0 IPM.
Use a confronting feed pace of 30.0 IPM.
End the program by killing coolant (M9), withdrawing to the leeway plane, and moving all tomahawks to home positions. The past model just confronted one side of the part.
Frequently, the part drawing requires both the top and the base surfaces to be confronted and a particular thickness to be accomplished.
This requires a M0 program stop and the part to be flipped physically in the wake of confronting the main side. Enough thickness should be left when side one is confronted so that side two can likewise be confronted. After side two is confronted, the part ought to be at its last thickness. The confronting pass on side one is customized at a Z-positive position. After the part is flipped, the confronting pass for side two is modified at Z-zero. At the point when the machine is set up, Z-zero should be painstakingly set with the goal that the last confronting pass liable for completing the part thickness additionally makes the Z-zero plane. The model beneath shows ventures for confronting a section to thickness, including a section flip. Likewise with the past model, the stock is 1.0″ thick and the objective thickness is 0.900″. Here, as well, the Z-zero should be set 0.100″ underneath the top surface of the unpleasant stock (1.0 – 0.900 = 0.100). It is a smart thought to eliminate equivalent sums from each side. Since 0.100″ of complete material should be eliminated, 0.050″ will be taken from each side (0.100″/2 = 0.050″).
CNC machined part factory shows the top and front perspective on a work piece during confronting. Notice how the Z-zero position is underneath the top surface of the unpleasant stock on side one, and the face factory is making a plane at a positive Z-position. This leaves material to be looked on the opposite side of the part after it has been flipped.
The part consistently lays on the equals, so the space between the top surface of the equals and the Z-zero position is the last part thickness. Notice the front perspective on a work piece during looking of side two. The Z-zero position is beneath the top surface of the unpleasant stock, yet the face plant is situated at Z-zero and is making a machined surface at that position. The program code for a Fanuc or Haas machine is likewise appeared and incorporates a program stop with the goal that the machining cycle is stopped for the part-flip.
This article is from http://www.cncmachinings.com/
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5axismachiningchina · 4 years
Boring Operation
Posted from 5 axis machining China blog
Boring Operation
This different pass system makes accomplishing wanted size simpler on the grounds that it disposes of factors in the exhausting activity. The main pass sets the boundaries of the activity of high precision surface grinder manufacturers china. The subsequent pass checks those boundaries and their outcomes. The last pass accomplishes the ideal outcome. In the case of drilling different openings, two last passes will be adequate for ensuing openings, in light of the fact that the boundaries are known and unsurprising.
To play out an exhausting procedure on the vertical processing machine, follow these means.
Mount the boring head in the machine shaft.
Mount a proper size bar in the exhausting head.
Use the biggest drilling bar that will securely fit inside the current opening.
Use the most limited bar that will arrive at the ideal profundity, yet be certain the exhausting bar is sufficiently long to stay away from impacts between the lower part of the exhausting head, and the highest point of the workpiece, and any work-holding gadgets.
A drilling head often has more than one opening for mounting drilling bars. The mounting opening to be utilized by china high precision cnc machining metal mechanical parts will be controlled by the size of the opening to be machined and the size of the boring bar. More modest measurements are machined utilizing openings closer to the focal point of the drilling head while bigger openings will require utilizing openings farther away from the middle.
Mount the boring bar so cutting tip is situated in-accordance with the centerline of the exhausting head slide. Numerous carbide embedded exhausting bars will have a level that will effectively adjust the device when the mounting screw is fixed against the level.
Adjust the slide of the drilling head so the bar will fit inside the current opening.
Set the micrometer changing nut on the processing machine so plume travel will permit the exhausting bar to machine to the ideal profundity.
For through openings permit the slicing tip of the bar to go around 1/8″ past the lower part of the workpiece.
For dazzle openings and counterbores, set the changing nut to machine shy of the last profundity by about 0.005″ to 0.010″
When machining starts, profundity can be checked and changes made utilizing the micrometer changing nut or the knee.
Lower the plume to carry the bar into the current opening.
Slowly change the micrometer dial until the tip of the drilling bar connects against the outside of the current opening. Applying some design liquid in the opening can make it simpler to see when the bar ignites the surface.
Retract the plume to free the bar once again from the opening.
Calculate and set a suitable axle speed. Boring bars are less inflexible than other holemaking instruments for precision machining iron parts manufacturers.
Shaft velocities may should be decreased by one-fourth to 33% of the determined RPM for a drill of a similar width as the drag. This will help diminish exorbitant vibration and prattle. Some experimentation might be needed to show up at a reasonable shaft RPM.
Engage the force feed transmission wrench.
Set the feed switching handle so the plume takes care of the ideal way (normally descending).
Position the plume feed selector handle to set the ideal feed rate.
When roughing and utilizing bigger breadth bars, utilize the higher feed paces of 0.003 or 0.006 IPR.
When completing and utilizing more modest measurement bars, utilize the lighter feed paces of 0.0015 or 0.003 IPR. Once more, some experimentation might be expected to decide an appropriate feed rate.
Use the micrometer screw to balance the exhausting bar to the ideal profundity of cut. Remember the 2/3-nose sweep rule.
Manually lower the plume to bring the exhausting bar inside around 1/8″ of the top surface of the workpiece.
Start the shaft.
Engage the feed control switch to start drilling the opening.
When the plume stop nut arrives at the changing nut toward the finish of the pass, the force feed will consequently separate. It is acceptable practice to stop the axle prior to withdrawing the bar from the opening. This may leave a little score line on the drag, yet withdrawing the bar with the axle on will leave an enormous winding imprint around within the drag.
Sometimes the spring in the plume feed handle will make the plume withdraw when the feed separates, pulling the pivoting device upward and back into the drag. This can be tried not to by apply light hand strain to the plume feed handle not long before the feed withdraws.
Keep at the top of the priority list the numerous pass system when moving toward conclusive size.
To try not to score the drag after the finished product, withdraw the drilling bar utilizing the micrometer screw prior to withdrawing the bar from the opening.
This article is from http://www.5axismachiningchina.com
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architectnews · 2 years
ETH Zurich develops formwork from 3D-printed foam to slash concrete use in buildings
Researchers at ETH Zurich have used 3D-printed formwork elements made from recyclable mineral foam to create a pre-cast concrete slab, which they say is lighter and better insulated while using 70 per cent less material.
The system, known as FoamWork, sees a conventional rectangular mould filled with 24 mineral formwork elements in different shapes and sizes before concrete is cast around them and left to cure, creating hollow cells throughout the panel.
The resulting internal geometry was optimised to reinforce the slab along its principal stress lines, creating the necessary strength while drastically reducing the amount of concrete needed to produce it.
The 3D-printed FoamWork elements are arranged inside a timber perimeter mould
If adopted at scale, architect Patrick Bedarf believes this could help to reduce the carbon footprint construction and cement production in particular, which is the biggest single emitter of CO2 in the world.
"Construction contributes significantly to CO2 emissions, with cement production alone responsible for 7 per cent of emissions globally," said Bedarf, who is a researcher in the department for Digital Building Technologies (DBT) at ETH Zurich.
"With FoamWork, emissions through material consumption would be reduced in the concrete slab. The lower mass would also have secondary effects on the dimensioning of the entire load-bearing structure and would reduce efforts for shipping and handling on construction sites."
Ultra high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete is poured around the formwork elements
The formwork elements themselves are 3D printed by an autonomous robotic arm using mineral foam, which is traditionally made by foaming cement and is increasingly being used as an insulation material in construction due to its high porosity.
To avoid the emissions associated with cement production, the FoamWork system makes use of an alternative developed by Swiss start-up FenX that is made of a waste product from coal-fired power stations called fly ash.
This helps to minimise the carbon footprint of the foam, the company claims, even when considering the emissions associated with coal combustion.
The formwork can be left in place or removed, recycled and reprinted
The final FoamWork elements can either be left in place to improve the insulation of the precast concrete slab or recycled and reprinted to create new formwork.
Considering that no offcuts are created in the additive manufacturing process, this means the entire system has the potential to be zero-waste.
"Currently, custom formwork geometries are very wasteful to produce or simply not feasible," Bedarf told Dezeen.
The system was 3D-printed using an autonomous robotic arm
"Hollow plastic forms can be used to reduce concrete in large standardised slabs and, for smaller non-standardized applications, complex formwork for concrete is manually built in timber or CNC-cut from dense plastic foams," he added.
"Both approaches are labour-intensive and waste a lot of material through chipping and offcuts."
ETH Zurich combines 3D printing and casting to make more efficient concrete structures
The internal geometry of the concrete panel was optimised for its particular shape, informed by the way that Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi developed floor slabs in the 1940s that were ribbed along their principal stress lines.
But the shape and configuration of the internal cells could be customised to create a range of concrete building elements from walls to entire roofs.
The FoamWork provides additional insulation through its porosity
In a bid to tackle its outsized carbon footprint, the Global Cement and Concrete Association recently committed itself to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.
To achieve this, the industry is working to find substitutes for clinker – the most carbon-intensive ingredient of cement – as well as making use of carbon capture technologies to remove the emissions created in the clinker production process. It currently involves burning calcium carbonate at high temperatures to separate the calcium needed to create cement from the carbon, which is released into the atmosphere.
Until these kinds of innovations can be adopted at scale, the easiest way for architects to minimise the embodied carbon footprint of their buildings from materials and construction is to use high-carbon materials such as concrete and steel more sparingly and efficiently.
The system reduces the amount of concrete needed to product a slab
Currently, a large number of buildings in the UK are overdesigned according to Cambridge University engineering professor Julian Allwood.
"We have done a lot of studies on the utilisation of steel," he said during RIBA's recent Built Environment Summit. "And we found that most commercial buildings in the UK are overdesigned by up to 50 to 60 per cent."
"What we can do today to reduce emissions in construction is all about material efficiency, using less materials because the materials have embodied emissions."
The photography is by Patrick Bedarf.
The post ETH Zurich develops formwork from 3D-printed foam to slash concrete use in buildings appeared first on Dezeen.
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xccarbonfiber-blog · 6 years
carbon fiber sheet machining
Specification Pattern Twill,Plain Surface Glossy,Matte Line 3K Or 1K,1.5K,,6K Color Black; Gold,Silver,Red,Bue,Gree(Or With Color Silk) Lay Up 3K+UD+3K,3K+Fiberglass+3K,Full UD,Full 3K Material Japan Toray Carbon Fiber Fabric+Resin Dimension Custom Thickness 0.2-60 mm  Net Weight(g)  200g/sqm -360g/sqm   Feature 1.High Strength, Light Weight, Enviromental,Durable Nice Surface, Fashion 2.Low Coefficiency Of Thermal Expansion,High Temperature Resistance 3.Good Ternacity, Good Toughness,Low Coefficiency Of Thermal Expansion  Application 1. Aerospace, Helicopters Model Drone ,UAVS, FPV,RC Model Parts 2.Manufacture Fixtures And Tooling, Industrial Automation And Robotics 3.Sports Equipment,Musical Instruments,Medical Device 4.Building Construction Repair And Strengthening 5.Car Interior Decoration Parts, Art Products 6.Others   Read the full article
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vampearlgrey · 4 years
High power lasers
High power lasers may double as many other kinds of lasers. We have a variety of laser cutting systems which each have different characteristics and attributes. Illustrator and designer Junichi Tsuneoka combines traditional woodworking techniques with laser cutting. Laser cutting for metals has the advantages over plasma cutting of being more precise and using less energy when cutting sheet metal; however, most industrial lasers cannot cut through the greater metal thickness that plasma can. Laser cutters use a thin, focused laser beam to pierce and cut through materials to cut out patterns and geometries specified by designers. We react quickly and professionally on urgent Laser cutting requests. Our top notch design, manufacturing, and quality control departments, allows us to deliver high level standards required by todays industries. Before beginning laser cutting, manufacturers map out what they're going to do based on a number of factors as they relate to your application. At Recam Laser we offer 2D and 3D laser cutting service, laser tube cutting, product engineering, CNC bending, TIG MIG and laser welding, CNC machining, surface finishes, assemblies and logistics management. Laser Cutting is possible by creating a 2D vector file. Laser cutting accuracy rates top those of any other cutting methods, with slightly higher precision tolerances and smaller slicing widths than even water jet cutting. It's easy to cut and engrave designs on any material with this laser. Not only do we provide a high volume tube laser cutting service, we specialise in short run, quick turnaround projects. From cake toppers and stencils to architectural models and engraving, our lasers can carve your project into reality. Artist Jay Thomson streamlines the bow tie making process by selling acrylic laser cutting design templates. We've also included a comprehensive guide to laser cutting, sharing everything you need to know about this technology before you make an investment. LA Laser Cutting began as a small community artist resource when Bert, then a professor at Art Center School of Design, began sharing his laser cutters with his students. First, laser cutting produces parts with nearly zero edge deformation, roll-off, or edge factor. You must be an inducted workshop user to access this Moodle page and book a laser cutter. Additional services such as assembly, design, etching, finishing, polishing, and plating offered. PrintFab offers laser cutting services to all our customers with projects big or small. Making it the perfect desktop laser cutter for everything from home use to starting a business. It's an entry-level device, easily utilized with efficient engraving and cutting operation.
With over 20 years of experience in the laser cutting industry, SawGrass has seen and cut just about everything out there. By property matching your parts to our lasers, we can offer the most economical way to produce your metal blanks. Our vertically integrated facility allows us to perform all work in-house, from sourcing the right material, to performing the cutting itself, to any final assembly and quality control you require. Its high level of accuracy and detail, repeatability and consistency mean laser cutting tech is hugely popular. Log into the B-made 'Workshop Users' Moodle to book a laser cutter at either our 22 Gordon Street or Here East site. Our emergency service is designed to offer the fastest turn around of your project at the highest quality. Continuous investment in the latest equipment, a 24 hour laser cutting service, competitive pricing and excellent customer care ensure that customers get the best With our expertise, we can help you with everything from one off items to full scale production and large batches. CNC laser cutting is a great option if you need to produce a large number of complex pieces. Fibre optic laser cutting also allows our company to perform complex machining and linear and circular cuts. Laser cutting and engraving are incredibly cost and time-efficient manufacturing methods that cut and engrave any shapes in most metals and non-metallic materials. By the ‘70s, manufacturers around the world were using laser cutting systems for all sorts of applications, from titanium cutting for aerospace to textile cutting. At Gratnells Engineering we believe that quality and customer service are every bit as important as price and lead time. The laser, when supplied with the right settings, will cut all the way through your material, so vector cutting is normally used for cutting out the outline of the part as well as any features or holes that you want to cut out of the material. We are your ideal supplier for small, thin, delicate and high-precision parts laser cut from a variety of metals and plastics, in flat or tube form. 
Getting everything together in drawings for laser cutting and engraving is the key first stage. Aluminum alloys, carbon steel, galvanized steel, copper, brass and stainless steel materials worked. Using state-of-the-art technology and high-quality materials, we offer precision laser cutting services that provides fantastic results. Requirements to setup production begins with a digitized design file and your industry specific materials. LA Laser Cutting services include laser cutting and engraving, graphic design, custom finishing, painting and fabrication, as well additional specialized works. By using laser for cutting, we avoid machining waste and defects, and reduce production costs. The small spot size of a fiber optic laser provides high quality cut edges with minimal material warping, ideal for the food, medical, and many other industries. There are several different types of laser cutting machines available, though all follow a similar process. Fusion cutting, also known as melt and blow cutting, involves blowing molten material from the cutting area using pressurized gas. Since our formation, we've built a solid reputation for laser cutting aluminium sheet with the highest levels of accuracy and quality. Laser cutting beats traditional methods of cutting, delivering much cleaner, smoother edges and allowing extremely precise measurements. Read a more comprehensive list of the materials that we can laser cut and laser etch. Our machining expertise is well demonstrated by our precision laser cutting services. The B-made workshops at 22 Gordon Street and Here East have different laser cutters. It's compatible with a wide range of materials, including leather, wood, acrylic, glass, fabric, cardboard, and can even engrave metal materials like anodized aluminum and titanium. Most commonly materials cut by our laser cutter are acrylics, wood, card and fabric. The Glowforge Plus is a professional-grade laser cutter that is both easy-to-use and highly reliable.
Laser cutting tech uses less energy than traditional cutting methods. Experience and advanced laser cutting facilities give you press-ready, precision-cut product every time. Piercing usually involves a high-power pulsed laser beam which slowly makes a hole in the material, taking around 5-15 seconds for 0.5-inch-thick (13 mm) stainless steel , for example. Learn more about creating designs for laser cutting. We're proud to offer complete turnkey services on location, with skilled specialists and cutting-edge technology supporting your new product from concept to manufacturing. High precision laser cutting of a wide variety of metals. Laser cutter service providers generally employ a carbon dioxide laser to perform the low-distortion hot cutting. Acrylic sheet can be laser engraved with a CO2 laser, which produces either white or clear engraved images, depending on how we set up the machine and what you want done. At work we have a 40w laser cutter we use to cut and make acrylic labels. The high precision laser vaporises a cut line through the material, leaving a 90 degree high quality cut edge finish. Laser Cutting - Remaly Manufacturing Company, Inc. Precision and accurate controls guarantee the integrity of the machined materials, which are immediately usable in the various sectors. The kerf of a laser cutter is much thinner in general than the kerf of a sawblade or a milling bit, for example, so laser cutters can do some really nice detail work. With low power usage, relatively low price, and high efficiency, this laser cutting technology is the most ideal for consumers and maker spaces. What was once a tool strictly for industrial purposes, you can now find laser cutters in schools, maker spaces, and even homes. If you have any questions about laser cutting or services please reach out and connect with us about your questions, or arrange a visit to the studio to find our more, see examples, and meet the team.
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mfaeda2013-blog1 · 6 years
Selecting a Laser Machining Company Service
Machining is a significant area of the production method and is extremely expensive when how many goods being manufactured has larger volumes. So it's important to adopt a quick and qualitative approach to the process and utilize the best machining process obtainable in the market. That is exactly the point whereby laser machining makes the acrylic diamond polishing machine  to greatly help everyone. However laser machining is of good value but a big bulk still decides for mainstream machining processes. Mainstream machining, by utilizing power pushed tools like lathes, punch pushes, and milling machines assist in substance removal by mechanically chopping the material to attain the desired geometry. These strategies are both expensive and slow while taking care of a sizable level of incomplete work parts to create finished products. Hence it is needed to accept the advanced engineering of Laser machining for production process. That form of machining enables easy and rapid removal of stable ingredients from the incomplete perform piece by irradiating it with the help of a laser beam. That goal of solid material elimination is achieved with a pulsed laser column; another option could possibly be to use supports of large laser power by moving constant trend laser beams. The essential means of stable product treatment depends upon the visual properties of the product and this decides the quantity of laser energy absorbed by the material. The laser pulses are super easy to manage and precision can be acquired on the basis of the selection of length and flux connected with the pulse. This kind of machining is very important as it can be used equally in Professional Production Techniques as well as in Study activities. Since no solvents or substances are utilized, that form of machining is equally driver and environmental friendly. The machining method is super easy to automate by using robots. The laser pulse is beneficial to clear steel areas, eliminate films, and prepare the top for painting activities. Even though the capital expense cost maybe a bit larger but the actual working charge for Laser machining is less than other old-fashioned methods used in the market. Laser machining can be really delicate on the unfinished perform parts as compared to rough techniques. The quantity of heat expected on the target is very less and in blend components the carbon fibers aren't broken while using the this kind of machining. Laser machining also allows momentum move to the top being produced, almost just like reaching the surface of the material with a hammer. That is extremely crucial that you machine the hard material surfaces. So, you can easily observe that laser machining is a better option when compared with different old-fashioned technique. Only some of the benefits are stated in previous paragraphs but laser machining has a extended set of advantages that may be enjoyed after getting a proper company. Laser machining methods are utilized together with pc numeric get a handle on (CNC), which makes it perfect for use with slim walled tubing, boasting order sizes down to .0005 '. In this technique, the machining agent uses computers to regulate device instruments for manufacturing complex and complex parts in metal and other materials. A laser machining method requires the use of mainstream along with fibre optic beam distribution techniques, which allow precision placing while chopping steel or other materials. It's applied to reduce burr-free elements which are required in a number of industries such as for example aerospace, car, transport, and others. The procedure is quickly, effective, and may be repeated a variety of occasions based on production volumes. It's used to create lines which are cut to a certain depth with one pass of a laser column without severing any material from the task piece. Laser machining is used for creating a knurled or roughened surface on hard materials such as for example metals and delicate resources such as for instance ceramics and glass. The engineering can also be used for noticing material surfaces. Along the way a high intensity laser order is transferred via a stencil of a reflection and onto the area of the product or function part that is being marked. Study is underway to develop sophisticated laser machining methods which will enable the generation of tiny products for use in medical industry. This may help in fighting life-threatening diseases such as for instance cancer in the near future.
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klarmmachining · 4 years
Milling Operation
New Post has been published on http://www.cncmachinings.com/milling-operation/
Milling Operation
Some of the time workholding gadgets, for example, point plates, V-squares, and custom installations can be mounted in a tight clamp without the requirement for any further arrangement. In the event that the gadgets are excessively huge for tight clamp mounting, they can be adjusted utilizing a cycle like adjusting a tight clamp. Huge workpieces that require direct clasping typically should be adjusted too.
Two techniques can be utilized to around adjust these bigger things. Since the T-spaces are machined corresponding with the table development, two pins equivalent to the width of the T-openings can be set in the openings. At that point a workpiece or workholding gadget can be put against the pins.
Another strategy is to put a square with the pillar against either the front or back surface of the machine table and the sharp edge level on the table. At that point the work or workholding gadget can be changed, and oppositeness can be checked against the sharp edge of the square.
When in position, secure the high precision cnc machining parts or workholding gadget with cinches. Contingent upon the necessary degree of precision, these means might be sufficient to meet determinations. On the off chance that higher exactness is required, in the wake of situating clips, a dial marker might be utilized to adjust a china cnc machining metal component all the more precisely, as appeared in china stainless steel cnc machining part suppliers.
Computing axle RPM for processing activities is equivalent to figuring RPM for drill press tasks. Utilize the standard equation RPM =3.82. CS/D where CS =cutting speed in surface feet every moment and D = distance across of the cutting apparatus. Get cutting velocities for processing activities from diagrams or tables from Machinery’s Handbook or cutting device producers similarly as when performing estimations for drill press and machine tasks. Some cutting rate graphs may list cutting velocities just for processing while others may simply contain a different processing segment. When performing holemaking procedure on the factory, apply a similar speed and feed standards as when utilizing the drill press for a similar activity.
FPT (feed per tooth) can likewise be called IPT (inches per tooth) or chip load. It is the thickness of the chip eliminated by one front line of the instrument per every upset of the cutting device. FPT values are little and for the most part range from around 0.0005″ to 0.010″. They can be found on feed diagrams like the one appeared in customized cnc milling parts factory. Diagrams like these are accessible from various sources, including cutting apparatus makers and Machinery’s Handbook. Increasing chip load by the quantity of teeth, or woodwinds, gives a feed for each unrest esteem. Increasing that esteem by RPM gives an IPM esteem.
There are a few factors that can influence speed, feed, and cut profundity, including unbending nature of the work and cutting instrument, machine torque, material being machined, and cutting liquid utilized. It takes insight to get comfortable with great practices, however following these couple of standards will help while deciding protected, proficient speeds, feeds, and cut profundities. While roughing, use somewhat lower speeds, higher feed rates, and more profound cuts. This will deliver more unpleasant surface completes yet will eliminate material rapidly. When completing, utilize somewhat higher cutting velocities, more slow feed rates, and lighter cuts. This will create smoother surface completions. Remember, nonetheless, that as cuts become very profound, feed may almost certainly must be diminished to make predictable, safe slicing conditions and to forestall untimely cutting-device wear. With a strong arrangement on the vertical plant, face factories and shell endmills can withstand slice profundities up to 0.200″ or more. The most extreme suggested profundity of cut for an endmill is around one-portion of its distance across when cutting with the face, or end, of the instrument. When processing with the side of an endmill, greatest suggested profundity of cut is around one-fourth of the instrument width.
This article is from http://www.cncmachinings.com
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5axismachiningchina · 4 years
Posted from 5 axis machining China blog
Outside Toolholders for Carbide Inserts
A toolholder is accessible to suit each embed alternative. The normalized framework appeared in china precision cnc titanium machining is utilized to distinguish the different setups of toolholders.
Addition Mounting
The primary situation of the assignment distinguishes the strategy utilized for affixing the addition. Strategies incorporate screws, cams, clips, and tightens. cnc prototyping made in china gives some basic techniques for securing.
Addition Shape
The second situation in customized cnc milling parts factory recognizes the state of the supplement. A similar ID letters utilized in the supplement arrangement framework are additionally utilized for toolholders.
Toolholder Style
The third situation  recognizes the instrument holder style. This indicates whether the shank is straight or counterbalanced. The end or side cutting point made when the supplement is mounted in the holder is additionally determined here.
Addition Clearance Angle
The fourth situation distinguishes the addition freedom point that the holder will acknowledge. The supplement and the holder must have viable points, or the addition won’t situate appropriately in the toolholder pocket.
Hand of Tool
The fifth situation recognizes the hand of the instrument. The toolholder positions the supplement to make the ideal course of cut conceivable. As referenced before in the unit, a right-hand apparatus slices from option to left, a left-hand instrument slices from left to right, and an impartial device can cut in either course.
Pocket Style
Position six  indicates data about the pocket in which the addition will mount. The pocket of an addition offers help to the supplement and serves to precisely situate it in the holder. In the event that the holder didn’t have a pocket, the mounting screw or clasp would be under incredible power during machining, and the supplement could sneak out of position or break the screw.
Some holder
pockets have only one divider, which just offers help to the addition one way. Different holders have a full pocket that has in any event two dividers to offer more noteworthy help and situating of the addition.
Toolhoolder Shank Size
The seventh situation in cnc stainless steel turned machining parts suppliers distinguishes the shank. Shanks can be either square or rectangular. The number recorded on a square shank holder will be the quantity of 1/16ths of an inch of stature and of width. Rectangular shanks will be recognized by two numbers, the first for the width in 1/8ths of an inch and the second for the quantity of 1/4ths of an inch of stature.
Supplement Size
The size of supplement that the toolholder pocket will acknowledge is indicated in position eight of Figure 5.2.60. This worth speaks to the quantity of 1/8ths of an inch of the supplement recorded circle.
Qualified Dimensions
The ninth situation in cnc carbon fibre cutting manufacturers distinguishes the certified elements of the holder. The absolute length of the holder in addition to the supplement is known as the certified end length. Both toolholders and additions are produced to reliable, exact measurements. This forestalls machine arrangement changes and changes when an addition is filed or supplanted or a holder is traded.
Maker’s Option
Position ten of the recognizable proof framework gives discretionary space to the producer to make an exceptional note about a novel component of their item.
Inner Toolholders for Carbide Inserts
Inner toolholders utilize a distinguishing proof framework like outer holders. This normalized framework and its segments are appeared in precision parts manufacturers china. Three basic supplement mounting strategies for inside holders are appeared in china 4 axis cnc machining.
Holemaking Tools
Standard holemaking tasks including dilling, reaming, countersinking, and counterboring can be performed by mounting cutting instruments in the machine tailstock.
Tighten Shank Tools
The Morse tighten in the machine tailstock plume can be utilized for mounting tighten shank holemaking apparatuses or tosses that can hold straight shank devices. Morse tighten sleeves and attachments can be utilized to adjust tighten shanks to fit the shape size in the tailstock. Follow these means to mount and eliminate a Morse tighten cutting device or toss in the tailstock.
  Extend the tailstock plume around 2″ out of the tailstock body so the shank doesn’t base in the drag.
Check that the tailstock bore and instrument (or hurl) shank are both clean and burr free.
Align the tang with the opening in the drag.
Push the devices in the tailstock simply like mounting devices in a drill press axle.
To eliminate a shape shank instrument from the tailstock plume, withdraw the plume with the hand wheel until obstruction is felt.
Hold the instrument in one hand and strongly turn the hand wheel somewhat farther to deliver the shape lock between the shank and bore. Figure 5.2.64 shows a Morse tighten drill mounted in a machine tailstock.
Straight Shank Tools
Holemaking cutting devices with straight shanks can essentially be mounted in a throw that is introduced in the machine tailstock, much the same as those utilized in drill presses.
This article is from http://www.5axismachiningchina.com/
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cncmachiningchina · 3 years
Rapid Traverse
Fast navigate developments should be performed cautiously in a CNC going machine to forestall crashes. Uncommon consideration should be paid to the shifting lengths of the cutting apparatuses and that they are so near other machine parts and the workpiece. Another thought is the area of the device before and toward the fruition of the fast developments. For example, if the instrument is an ID…
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thedunwells · 6 years
Utilization of Skin Laser Products for the Glowing Epidermis
Therefore it will become necessary to just accept the superior engineering of Laser machining for manufacturing process. That kind of machining allows easy and rapid elimination of acrylic diamond polishing machine substances from the unfinished function bit by irradiating it with the aid of a laser beam. This purpose of stable material elimination is achieved with a pulsed laser column; another option could possibly be to make use of beams of large laser power by driving constant trend laser beams. The basic procedure for stable substance treatment depends on the optical qualities of the product and this decides the amount of laser energy absorbed by the material. The laser impulses are quite simple to manage and precision may be acquired on the basis of the array of period and flux related to the pulse. This type of machining is extremely important because it may be used equally in Professional Production Operations in addition to in Research activities. Since no solvents or substances are utilized, that form of machining is equally owner and environmental friendly. The machining method is quite simple to automate by using robots. The laser heart is helpful to clear steel areas, eliminate coatings, and make the top for painting activities. Even though capital investment charge maybe a bit larger but the particular operating charge for Laser machining is less than other mainstream strategies used in the market. Laser machining can be really gentle on the incomplete perform parts when compared with abrasive techniques. The quantity of temperature expected on the goal is extremely less and in composite components the carbon fibers are not ruined while using this kind of machining. Laser machining also enables traction transfer to the outer lining being produced, almost just like hitting the outer lining of the material with a hammer. This really is acutely important to equipment the hard material surfaces. Therefore, it is simple to see that laser machining is a much better choice when compared with different conventional technique. Only some of the benefits are mentioned in previous paragraphs but laser machining includes a extended list of advantages which can be loved following getting a correct company. Laser machining methods are utilized together with pc numeric get a handle on (CNC), which makes it perfect for use with slim walled tubing, boasting beam sizes right down to .0005 '. In this method, the machining driver uses pcs to control device methods for manufacturing complex and intricate parts in metal and different materials. A laser machining process involves the use of conventional along with fibre optic column supply systems, which let detail positioning while cutting metal and other materials. It's applied to cut burr-free pieces which can be needed in numerous industries such as for instance aerospace, vehicle, shipping, and others. The process is quickly, effective, and may be recurring a variety of occasions based on generation volumes. It's used to create lines that are reduce to a particular level with one pass of a laser order without severing any product from the job piece. Laser machining is useful for creating a knurled or roughened area on difficult resources such as for example materials and delicate materials such as for instance ceramics and glass. The technology can also be useful for marking substance surfaces. In the act a top strength laser column is passed via a stencil of a mirror and onto the area of the product or perform bit that is being marked. Research is underway to develop sophisticated laser machining methods that'll permit the generation of microscopic devices for use within medical industry. This can assist in preventing fatal diseases such as for instance cancer in the near future.
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juliandmouton30 · 7 years
Friend & Company harnesses "robotic craft" to build new shop for V&A museum
Robots were used to manufacture the components of these two pavilions, which form the new shop for the V&A museum in London.
Designed by London studio Friend & Company, the shop is intended to pay tribute to the V&A's first retail space, which functioned as a showcase for contemporary crafts from 1863 onward.
This new space was constructed using a variety of digital fabrication techniques, including 3D-printed ceramics, laser cutting, CNC routing and water-jet cutting. The design team refer to these processes as "robotic craft".
"The shop design was inspired by our fascination with digital craft processes and is now as much a showcase of latest building technologies as it is a new space to display new designers' work and additions to the shop collection," said architect Adrian Friend.
"We are fascinated with how architecture is made and through our work try to take control of the socio-economic tools of production to push the envelope of possibilities through owning, influencing and ultimately showcasing in the final design the industrial processes of manufacturing."
The new shop is located in the same space as the old one, just beyond the entrance of the historic London museum. It forms one of the main routes into the exhibition spaces, so had to also accommodate people passing through.
It was this that led Friend to design the shop as a pair of pavilions – creating "a concept of lanes and street facades". The benefit of this approach is that it creates clear routes through the space, as well as extra wall space for displaying products.
The first of the two structures is called the Jewellery Pavilion, as it forms a display space for jewellery collections.
It is framed by four so-called "weldments", which are steel columns featuring an intricate patterned surface. These were produced through a process of laser cutting and hand welding, and are finished in a silver zinc spray.
This combination of digital fabrication and hand craft is a common theme in the project. It crops up again in the second of the two pavilions, the Pocket Workshop, which features a structure that combines simple joinery with water-jet-cut glass fins.
The aim was to make the wooden shelves "appear to float on structural air".
Both pavilions feature a floor of 3D-printed ceramic tiles, created in collaboration with Guan Lee of fabrication lab Grymsdyke Farm. They create a continuous, non-repeating pattern based on the design of a 20th-century Chinese bowl in the V&A's collection.
These tiles were 3D-printed by a robotic arm, before being hand glazed.
"By design, all materials have been digitally manufactured, either laser cut, CNC routed or 3D printed, before painstaking application of a custom hand finish so as to radiate more than one colour depending on how they are viewed, to create a shimmer effect," said the V&A.
As well as the two pavilions, the walls of the space also offer display areas for merchandise. They integrate a versatile "flip-flop" system of trays and boxes, which can switch between tabletop and wall displays.
The renovation also involved removing an old suspended ceiling, which was installed in the 1970s.
The new shop opened on 5 May 2017, five months after the V&A hosted a season dedicated to engineering, which featured an exhibition charting the career and legacy of Ove Arup and a robotically woven carbon-fibre pavilion.
The museum also recently appointed a new director, British politician Tristram Hunt, following the resignation of Martin Roth.
Related story
Robotically fabricated carbon-fibre pavilion opens at the V&A
Photography is by Ed Reeve.
The post Friend & Company harnesses "robotic craft" to build new shop for V&A museum appeared first on Dezeen.
from ifttt-furniture https://www.dezeen.com/2017/05/19/friend-company-harnesses-robotic-craft-new-shop-va-museum-london/
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jeniferdlanceau · 7 years
Friend & Company harnesses "robotic craft" to build new shop for V&A museum
Robots were used to manufacture the components of these two pavilions, which form the new shop for the V&A museum in London.
Designed by London studio Friend & Company, the shop is intended to pay tribute to the V&A's first retail space, which functioned as a showcase for contemporary crafts from 1863 onward.
This new space was constructed using a variety of digital fabrication techniques, including 3D-printed ceramics, laser cutting, CNC routing and water-jet cutting. The design team refer to these processes as "robotic craft".
"The shop design was inspired by our fascination with digital craft processes and is now as much a showcase of latest building technologies as it is a new space to display new designers' work and additions to the shop collection," said architect Adrian Friend.
"We are fascinated with how architecture is made and through our work try to take control of the socio-economic tools of production to push the envelope of possibilities through owning, influencing and ultimately showcasing in the final design the industrial processes of manufacturing."
The new shop is located in the same space as the old one, just beyond the entrance of the historic London museum. It forms one of the main routes into the exhibition spaces, so had to also accommodate people passing through.
It was this that led Friend to design the shop as a pair of pavilions – creating "a concept of lanes and street facades". The benefit of this approach is that it creates clear routes through the space, as well as extra wall space for displaying products.
The first of the two structures is called the Jewellery Pavilion, as it forms a display space for jewellery collections.
It is framed by four so-called "weldments", which are steel columns featuring an intricate patterned surface. These were produced through a process of laser cutting and hand welding, and are finished in a silver zinc spray.
This combination of digital fabrication and hand craft is a common theme in the project. It crops up again in the second of the two pavilions, the Pocket Workshop, which features a structure that combines simple joinery with water-jet-cut glass fins.
The aim was to make the wooden shelves "appear to float on structural air".
Both pavilions feature a floor of 3D-printed ceramic tiles, created in collaboration with Guan Lee of fabrication lab Grymsdyke Farm. They create a continuous, non-repeating pattern based on the design of a 20th-century Chinese bowl in the V&A's collection.
These tiles were 3D-printed by a robotic arm, before being hand glazed.
"By design, all materials have been digitally manufactured, either laser cut, CNC routed or 3D printed, before painstaking application of a custom hand finish so as to radiate more than one colour depending on how they are viewed, to create a shimmer effect," said the V&A.
As well as the two pavilions, the walls of the space also offer display areas for merchandise. They integrate a versatile "flip-flop" system of trays and boxes, which can switch between tabletop and wall displays.
The renovation also involved removing an old suspended ceiling, which was installed in the 1970s.
The new shop opened on 5 May 2017, five months after the V&A hosted a season dedicated to engineering, which featured an exhibition charting the career and legacy of Ove Arup and a robotically woven carbon-fibre pavilion.
The museum also recently appointed a new director, British politician Tristram Hunt, following the resignation of Martin Roth.
Related story
Robotically fabricated carbon-fibre pavilion opens at the V&A
Photography is by Ed Reeve.
The post Friend & Company harnesses "robotic craft" to build new shop for V&A museum appeared first on Dezeen.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217598 https://www.dezeen.com/2017/05/19/friend-company-harnesses-robotic-craft-new-shop-va-museum-london/
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