#comments on the snowpiercer fic would be great too
raving-raven-writing Β· 11 months
2,3,6 and 13πŸ’œ
Thanks for the ask @roxynmae I noticed you changed your profile picture, it's cool, I like it! 2. Do you read/reread your own fics? I do indeed read and reread my own stories. Sometimes for fun or if I can't find anything that is new or updated with a certain tag/vibe I want to read. Other times I will reread a work if someone leaves a comment and comments on something that I don't remember where I'm like "Gotta go refresh my brain." Other times I do it out of boredom, and just to see my own work in a less critical eye. Because as I am reading fics, I sometimes forget the name of the author, and I've done that before with my own stuff, where I will read it, go and look at the author name and I'm like "Oh, that's me. Well, that was a pretty good story." 3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? I don't know if I have an all time favorite story that I've written. I have a handful of stories that I would label a favorite. One that certainly seems to be a favorite among other readers if I look at my statistics is There For You for The Umbrella Academy fandom, which is pretty good if you ask me. I also like most of the Newsies stories I've written. My Snowpiercer content is also good too imo--I have a one shot that is over 10,000 words which is my longest ever! In regards to Avatar fandom, I like A Sleepwalking Spider probably the best at the moment--puts a smile to my face everytime. 6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time? Hmm, yes, there are. Reread and or read when it's updated. I particularly like your "Sins of the Father" and also "Stolen Laughs"; those are both good rereads! Also waiting on you to update Live and Let Die Also, @lanzzo story "Frakrr Say", there's one chapter I keep rereading for a guilty pleasure. @naavispider stories Caught and Cat's In the Cradle. @stupidlytiredstudent story "You'll Be in My Heart"--freaking love how they write! @fictionramblings "Left For Dead"--like the Japez action they're throwing in there. And also their All You Have is Your Soul. @imeanwhynotbruv The Blood of Children"--make me cry why don't you and"Brother Mine". And idk if this person has Tumblr, but on ao3 CheeseSnack's "I Wish I Could Let You Go". And then also @dumbass-tumbler-cryptid "Mama's Boy" and "Cabin in the Woods"-love that they're making this a choose your own ending type thing! @mayfriend "Tabula Rasa" and @futureslaps "The Captive". And I am not sure if these people have Tumblr either, but on ao3 GobiBSide's "Custody" and Quickbow's "Radiator" Sorry, that's a long ass list! But they're all great reads! I am sure there are more I could list but thee ones that are complete are ones that come to mind now and again. The ones that are in progress also come to mind quite often as well.
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it! I don't have Spotify and I'm not one for making playlists normally. Sometimes, one or two songs will pop into my head for something I am writing. Right now, with the smutty WIP I got, "Mommy Issues" by Cloudy June is probably at the top of the very small list.
Thanks again for the asks. And, sorry to anyone that I @ if you didn't want to be.
EDIT: I realize I was looking at the wrong damn number for the last one. Oops. But whatever, I'll answer 12 too. So to answer 13. How much planning do you do before writing? I do a little bit of planning. I will normally have a general outline, and if not, I will know how the story begins and have an idea when/how the story will end.
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kangaracha Β· 2 years
πŸ“₯ πŸ–Š πŸ… 😈 πŸ“š πŸ’­ πŸ‘©β€πŸ­ let’s gooooo
πŸ“₯ What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
HMMMMM my instant reaction was the pokemon fic but the more i think about it the more i think the answer is actually the bucky fic
πŸ–Š Post a snippet from a current WIP.
damn well i've been meaning to send you a valleys sneak peek anyway so birds, stone.
A song finds its way into his head as rain begins to mist down again.
It comes to him from long ago, some winter he's forgotten, and it consists only of a clear, high voice, sharp as the bitter cold. Lover, come to find me in the dark, it croons in the back of his mind.
Nothing comes to him in the night, nothing but the whistle of the wind between buildings and cold water stinging his cheeks as it blows in under the eaves. He huddles down into his collar and bunches his sleeves around his fingers, drawing his cloak tighter. His breath heaves precious warmth into the air like steam rising from a kettle, but his body doesn't feel like it is boiling.
πŸ… What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
i've had to step back for a couple weeks while i finish my job and transition back into my horse stuff and all that, so just this week i've been really proud of the quality of writing that i'm producing. the hawkeye fic is a real solid fluff piece, and the one scene of valleys i've written has come out way better than i actually thought it would.
i'm also proud of myself for stepping away from valleys and coming back again. generally when i step away from my multichaps i end up accidentally leaving them for like two years.
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
sad endings? hopelessness? mostly i guess because i personally hate that in books and fics....and yet i keep goddamn doing it lmfao. anyway there was a 'people roo made cry' club once so uh...sorry babes.
πŸ“š Do you read your own fic?
haha. yeah i do. guilty. my bucky fic is a work of goddamn art and if you guys aren't gonna read it i'll do it myself. i also reread my pokemon fic a LOT it's my therapy fic lmfao.
πŸ’­ What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. that it's the best body of work by any author in the zombies fandom. lmfaooooo.
no i guess. there's a running theme in my zombies future fics that are canon compliant of things going downhill a bit after school; tightening restrictions again, protests, etc etc. so i guess that's my headcanon in all my universes. things get hard for them again after high school. and no, i haven't published the fic that actually explores this yet.
πŸ‘©β€πŸ­ If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
i mean any of the disney ones, right. they're going to copyright strike us into the ground one day aren't they.
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