#congratulations n a t h a n you have T W O albums
parisiangiraffe · 4 years
Realizing that the past few Taylor Swift albums sum up a lot of my past and my thoughts at the times they were released like
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kiddoryder · 5 years
Comission 1: The Birth of Lucius
For @anitoonzforever. Enjoy!
 Lucius belongs to me, but I would allow other people to use my oc if they want too.
In the Mansion, Sir Pentious was working on a new invention. His nephew Lucius was visiting him and was helping him built some parts of his latest invention. Then two egg Bois came carrying some books and papers for their bosses. Egg boi 104 - “We got you more of your books boss!” Sir Pentious took them but  and realized that they took the scrapbook and Lucius sketchbook.
Sir Pentious - “You scrambles nitwits! You grabbed the wrong books!”
 Lucius - “What's that, Uncle Pentious?” Sir Pentious - “Oh it's one of my photo albums, Lucius. I keep my most treasured pictures in this.
Lucius - “Can I see it?” Pentious - “Well of course.”
They open the scrapbook and start looking through the pages. There were pictures of the family in Hell spending time together or torturing other demons.
 Lucius - *amazed* “Wow. Never realized we had so many pictures.”
Sir Pentious - “You'd be amazed.” They keep going until they stop at different pages. Lucius’s eyes widen in surprise because he saw pictures of his parents and Uncle when they were humans during the Victorian era.
 Lucius - “Wow. It’s been a while since I saw you, Mother and Father as humans.”
 Sir Pentious - “I know. We look great but as demons, we look better.”
 Lucius - “My memory of the good old days is a little rusty.”
 Sir Pentious - “Well you were rather quite young when we all went to Hell.”
 Lucius turn a page and saw a picture of his parents smiling at Sir Pentious holding a baby Lucius. Pentious looks touched at this picture.   Sir Pentious - *fondly* “Oh I remember this.”
Lucius - “Really you do?”
 Sir Pentious - “Now how could I forget the birth of my own nephew? *hugs him* I remember it like it was just yesterday.”
Lucius - “Do you mind telling me the story?”
Sir Pentious - “Why I'd love to.” Flashback (They are humans in the flashback)
 Inside a Victorian house, there was Pentious’s older brother Jonathan who have pale skin, black slick back hair, wearing a black and white tuxedo, and fancy shoes. With him is his lovely pregnant wife Bethany who have long wavy brown hair, wearing a purple Victorian dress and purple shoes. They were visiting Jonathan's brother Pentious and Bethany was 9 months pregnant with her and Jonathan first child. Right now they were just having some tea and talking to each other.
 Bethany - “Oh Jonathan. I can't wait for this little to come out in a few days.”
 Jonathan - “I can't wait either, my dear Bethany. And I'm sure my brother is excited to see his little niece or nephew soon.”
 Bethany - “To this day I'm still excited that we are going to be parents!”
Jonathan - “So am I my dear. So am I.”
 Bethany - *looking around* “Speaking of your brother, where is he?”
 Jonathan - “Probably in his laboratory that I made for him in the house. Maybe I should check up on him. You know how much he loves to invent things.”
Bethany -  “Well okay.”
Jonathan got up to go to his brother’s laboratory. He went downstairs to the basement since that where the lab was. Inside, he saw  that Pentious who was working on his invention. Jonathan  - “Pentious?”
 Sir Pentious - *looks up to his brother* “Oh hello, Jonathon. What can I do for you?”
Jonathan - “We wanted to see how you were doing? Bethany and I have noticed that every time we talk about the baby, you go to the lab. Is everything alright?”
Sir Pentious - “Oh it's nothing…” Jonathon - *concerned* “Are you sure? You can tell me anything.” Sir Pentious -  *sighs* “Well, I'm just...worried.”
Jonathan - “Worried? About what?”
 Sir Pentious - “What if the baby doesn't like me? What if I turn out to be a bad uncle?”
 Jonathan - “Now that won't happen.” Pentious - “Jonathan,  you know that I don't like uncouth children. I don't have any of my own and I never been around children that much.”
Jonathan - “But I know you'll warm up to my child. He or she will love you. I know that Uncle feeling will come once you meet him or her.”
Sir Pentious - “Do you really think so?”
Jonathan - *smiles* “I promise.”
Suddenly they both heard a loud scream of pain and glass shattering.
Jonathan - *worried* Bethany?!
Sir Pentious -  “*worried* “What's going on?!“
They rush upstairs to check on her. Bethany looking like she had trouble standing up and groaning in pain. It even sound like she had trouble breathing.
 Jonathan - “Bethany my love! Are you okay?”
Bethany - *panting* H-Honey, I-I don't want to alarm you or P-Pentious but...the baby's coming!”
 Both - *shocked* “What?!”
Jonathon - “B-But the Doctor said in a few days!”
 Bethany - *annoyed and in pain* “Well the baby just said now! W-We need to get t-to the hospital! N-Now!!”
 Jonathan - *freaking and pacing around* “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!”
Sir Pentious - “Don't just stand there, help her!!”
Jonathan - “Alright, Alright!”
Jonathan helps Bethany to her feet. Bethany began to scream in pain again due to labor pains.
 Sir Pentious - “We gotta get to the cart now!”
Bethany - *panting* Oh oh please do!!
Jonathan - “Pentious, help my wife while I start the cart!”
Sir Pentious - “I'm on it!”
 Sir Pentious helped Bethany to the back seat of the cart. Then Jonathan and Pentious was at the front and Jonathan had the ropes that was connected to the horse.   Sir Pentious - “Step on it!”
Jonathan - “You got it!”
Jonathan then started to whip the horse which made the Horse move the cart. While they're driving, there's explosions going off everywhere. This was starting to scare Jonathan.
Jonathan - *scared* “What's going on?”
 Sir Pentious -  *annoyed and angered* “It's another one of those infernal turf wars! Out of all days, they wanted to do this day?!”
Jonathan - “Well they better watch it! Don’t know my wife is having a baby?!”
 Bethany - “Well we better get to the hospital now!”
*groan in pain*
Sir Pentious - “Hang on!”
 Sir Pentious took the rope, and made the horse go faster to avoid the explosion. While the horse was quick, turf wars was still happening and there were bombs being thrown. Thanks to the turf war, a bomb was thrown at the back of the cart wheel, and a tire broke. Pentious quickly pulled the rope to make the horse stop and it worked. Jonathon and Pentious quickly got off and opened the cart to see if Bethany is okay, luckily, she didn’t get injured.
Sir Pentious - “Is everybody alright?”
 Jonathan -  “I'm okay.” Bethany - *in pain* “Hello! I'm still in agony here!!”
Jonathan - “Sorry my love!”
Bethany - *scared* “Ohh...What should we do?!”
 Jonathon - *panicking* “I-I don’t know! The hospital is still a mile away!”
 Pentious turned around and saw that his house was a few feet away.
 Sir Pentious - “Hang on, my mansion is close by!”
 Bethany - *pain* “I-I don't care if W-we have to deliver it behind a tree, its j-Just need to come o-out now!!” *wince in pain*
Jonathan: “Let’s hurry!”
Taking caution, they carry Bethany to the mansion and made it safely inside.   Sir Pentious - “Just get my room ready, now!!”
Both Sir Pentious and Jonathan carry Bethany to Sir Pentious’s room. They both put Bethany on the bed, and Jonathon brought a bucket of water and some towels. As they were getting ready to deliver the baby, they still heard loud explosions. Pentious looked outside and saw it was some punks throwing some bombs one almost landed in his house.
Sir Pentious - *angered* Oh it's those turf wars idiots!
Jonathan - *scared* “What will we do!?! They can harm Bethany and the baby.”
Sir Pentious - “I'll take care of them. Jonathon, you help Bethany.” Jonathan - *concern* “But Pentious…”
Sir Pentious - “Just do it, brother! Bethany needs you!”
 Bethany - “BIG TIME!” *scream in pain*
 Jonathan - “Alright just be careful!” Sir Pentious nodded and took one last look at Jonathan and Bethany and left the room. As he was walking downstairs, Sir Pentious grabbed a cannon gun that he made and went outside to see the turf war and the punks that was trying to harm him and his family.   Sir Pentious - “I’m giving you all a warning! Leave this place at once! Or you will suffer by the hands of Sir Pentious!!”
 Gang member 1 - *laughing* “You and what army old man?”
 Gang member 2 - “Yeah this place can be perfect for our new turf.”
 Pentious starts firing his cannon at some the gang members. Some dodge them, but two of them got exploded.
Sir Pentious - *angry* “I said leave!!”
Gang member 3 - “Make us!” Pentious - “Alright you asked for it!”
 Sir Pentious fires even more and even hits some of them. He dodges some of the bombs that was being thrown and shoot some the punks. Half of the punks got injured, and other died. Sir Pentious -  “That'll teach you to terrorize my family!! I suggest you leave now!”
 After nearly being smoldered, the gang leaves. Sir Pentious sigh in relief that he managed to not only save his house, but protect his brother, sister in law, and the baby. Speaking of them, Sir Pentious quickly ran back inside.
 Sir Pentious - “Oh I just hope everything is okay.”
 When Pentious was quickly back inside, he heard a strange noise and then silence. This made Pentious worried.
 Pentious - *worried* “Hello? Bethany? Jonathan? Is everything okay?”
 He goes upstairs and finds Jonathan at the door. Jonathan didn’t have his black jacket on, he was sweating, and his hands look like it was recently washed. Sir Pentious quickly ran to his brother.
Sir Pentious - *worried* “Arthur what happened?! Is Bethany and the baby alright?!” Jonathan places a hand on his brothers’ shoulder. He first looked serious, which scared Pentious thinking that something bad happened. Jonathan - “*serious* “Pentious........*ecstatic* We have a son!! It's a boy!”
Pentious - *shocked* “....What! A boy!”
Jonathan - *happy* Yes! You got a baby nephew!”
Sir Pentious - *ecstatic* “Oh congratulations brother!”
Sir Pentious ��hugs his brother tight. He was happy that not only Jonathan and Bethany were safe, but he got a nephew now. Speaking of Bethany:
Sir Pentious - “How's Bethany?”
Jonathan - “She's fine. Just tired.”
Pentious - “Who delivered the baby?” Jonathan - “Actually I did.”
 Sir Pentious - *surprised* “Wow! Didn't think you could do it!”
 Jonathan - “Me either. But  I couldn't bear to see my darling Bethany in pain or worried something would happen to the baby. So I decided to deliver it.” Pentious - *happy* “Oh I'm so proud of you.” Jonathan - “Would you like to see your nephew?” Pentious - *paused for a minute and smiled* “Yes...Yes I would.”
They go inside to see an exhausted, but happy Bethany holding a little bundle in her arms. The newborn baby was wrapped in a blue fuzzy blanket. Jonathon’s tuxedo jacket was in a basket and it was covered in blood. The floor look like it was recently clean, and the mop was in the bucket, and the water was red.
Bethany - *smile weakly* “Pentious....come look at your nephew.”
Pentious looked nervous at first. He still has that nervous feeling of being a bad Uncle. Jonathan - “Go on. You deserve it for protecting us.”
Sir Pentious goes to Bethany's side and sees the face of his newborn nephew sleeping in her arms. The baby had his and father’s black hair.
Sir Pentious - *speechless* “So...This is him?”
Bethany: *nods* “Yes...would you like to hold him?”
Pentious - *nervously* “I-I don't know.” Jonathan - “Go ahead. Like I said before, you deserve it.”
 Sir Pentious: *sighs deeply* “Well...Alright.”
Bethany gently handed the newborn baby to Sir Pentious and he was now holding him in his arms. He looks at the boy and for the first time in his life, if he ever did, tears of joy pooled in his eyes.
Sir Pentious - *happy and proud* I-I can't believe I...have a nephew...”
The newborn baby did a cute yawn and opened his eyes and saw his Uncle Pentious for the first time.
Sir Pentious - “H-Hello little one. I'm your Uncle Pentious.”
The baby smiled and extended one of its tiny hands out. Sir Pentious holds out a finger and the baby hold it.
Jonathan - *happily* “I think somebody is saying hello.”
Sir Pentious smiles and gently hugged his little nephew. Jonathon was certainly right: his Uncle feeling was already starting to kick in. Sir Pentious - “My boy...my dear boy...I promise I will love you like you were my own. And I will always help you and keep you safe.”
 Bethany - “Oh Pentious...That is so sweet.”
Jonathan - “We know you'll be a great Uncle.” Sir Pentious - “By the way, what's the boy’s name?”
Bethany - “We thought of one already.” Jonathan - “We're naming him Lucius.”
Pentious- “Lucius...That's an amazing name. It shows how much power and a gentleman he is.”
 Jonathan - “Oh that'd be wonderful!”
 Newborn Lucius let out a coo, then did a cute yawn again.
 Sir Pentious - *touched* “Aww, how sweet!”
Bethany - *clear her throat* “Oh do you mind handing me back the baby
Sir Pentious - “Oh right! Sorry.”
He hands her back the baby. Jonathan and Bethany kept looking at their newborn son lovingly.
Jonathan - “Oh we are going to raise a perfect gentleman.”
 Bethany -  “Just like his father and Uncle.”
Sir Pentious - *surprised* “Me?”
Jonathan - “Of course. You're one of the greatest men I ever know.”
 Sir Pentious - *proudly* “Well you're just as smart as I am.”
Bethany - “There’s something else we wanted to tell you Pentious.” Jonathan - “We would be honored if you would be the Godfather of our son.”
Sir Pentious - *surprised* “Me? Really?”
Jonathan - *happy and nodded* “Yes brother.” Sir Pentious: *tears of joy* “I'd be honored!!”
 Bethany - “Oh I'm am so happy! This is truly the best day of my life.”
Jonathan - “Mine too.” Sir Pentious - “Mine three.”
Newborn Lucius was smiling in his sleep. The other took noticed and Bethany said: Bethany - “Where should I set him down?”
Jonathan - “Do we have a crib or baby bed somewhere?”
 Pentious - I actually built a crib for him that I meant to send to you guys. It's in the room you and Jonathon usually stay whenever you come visit me. I'll take him.” Bethany - “Thank you Pentious.” She gently handed newborn Lucius to Pentious who held him in his arms.
Sir Pentious - “Come with me, my dear nephew.”
 Sir Pentious then took Lucius to the room and gently put him down in the crib and cover him with the blanket. Newborn Lucius was asleep in the crib as Sir Pentious was staring down at him.
Sir Pentious - *happy and proud* “Such a beautiful boy....I promise I will always be there for you.”
Sir Pentious gently stroke newborn Lucius's cheek. Tears of joy was filling his eyes again. Sir Pentious - “I promise not to let anything happen to you.”
He gives the new baby boy a kiss on the forehead. The baby smiled in his sleep. Sir Pentious - “I love you, Lucius.”
Sir Pentious looked at newborn baby Lucius one last time before leaving the room. That the promise he is definitely keeping loving and protecting his nephew no matter what.
Flashback ends
 Lucius - *amazed* “Wow! So that's how I was born!”
 Pentious - *fondly* Yes. It was the happiest day of mine and your parents’ lives.”
 Lucius - “I just can't believe my Mother and Father went through all that.”
Pentious - “Well they did want to keep you safe.”
Lucius - “And it's all thanks to you, Uncle Pentious.
Pentious - “You know I would do anything to protect you.” Lucius smiles and see himself as a baby holding a screwdriver.
Lucius - *amazed* “Wow. I loved building things even as a baby.”
Sir Pentious - “Of course. I was the first person to discover it.” Flashback A baby Lucius was sucking on his pacifier and crawling in the hallway. He kept on crawling until he saw his Uncle Pentious in his room inventing a new machine. That's when baby Lucius crawl into the room and tugged on Sir Pentious’s pant legs. Sir Pentious felt the tug and  looks down and smiles seeing his precious baby nephew. Sir Pentious - *happy* “Why hello, my little nephew! Did you come to see your uncle?”
Lucius holds out his hands as if he's saying "pick me up"
Pentious - “You wanna see me work?” Pentious gently picked him up and Lucius looked puzzled yet, interested at the machine Pentious is working on.
 Sir Pentious - “What a curious little boy you are. Your father and I happened to be one of the most respected inventors in the world”
Lucius looks at his Uncle Pentious with his eyes widen in amazement.
Sir Pentious - “And someday when you're older, you'll be an inventor too.”
Lucius cooed, and was looking at the machine and tools.  He looked a bit curious as he tried to grab one of the tools.
 Sir Pentious - “What is it, my boy?”
 Baby Lucius pointed to the screwdriver. He was trying to reach for it.
Sir Pentious: *grabs it* “Oh this? You want this?”
Lucius starts making baby noises and grabbed it. Then  he began to screw a bolt on the machine Pentious is working on. This surprised and impressed Sir Pentious.
 Sir Pentious - *impressed* “Oh my! Very good, Lucius!”
 Baby Lucius even saw two pieces and put them together. It caused the machine to slightly start to work since the lights was going on.
 Sir Pentious - *happy* “That’s my boy! Someone is getting a treat for this!”
Baby Lucius clapped his tiny hands. Jonathan comes in to pick up his son.
Jonathan - “Oh there you are Lucius! You gave me quite a scare when you weren’t in your crib.”
 Baby Lucius claps his hands for his Daddy. Jonathan took Baby Lucius from his Uncle’s hands.
Pentious - “Oh brother Lucius has the gift!”
 Jonathan - *confused* “A gift?”
Sir Pentious - “Yes!! Look what your brilliant boy can do!” Sir Pentious gave baby Lucius a couple of more pieces of his unfinished machine. Baby Lucius first looked at them, then he put the pieces together and connected them to the machine. This made the machine light up and start to work. Jonathan was surprised and realize that his brother was right.
 Jonathan - *gasps* “Oh my god! He does have it!”
Sir Pentious - *proudly* “You see? He already has the genes of a brilliant inventor!”
 Jonathan - *happy* “Oh I am so proud!”
 Sir Pentious - “So am I!”
 Baby Lucius did a cute smile and clapped his tiny hands. Both Jonathan and Pentious hugged Baby Lucius.
 Jonathan - “That’s my boy!”
 Flashback ends Lucius - *amazed* “Wow. I didn't know I was gifted at a young age.”
Sir Pentious - “Of course you are, my boy! Everyone in this family has the gift of inventing. Yours just came at an early age.”
Lucius - “Wow that's amazing!”
 Sir Pentious - “You never disappointed me, and you never will.”
Lucius - “Even when I fail?”
 Sir Pentious: *hugs him* “You won't fail. I know you won't. And even if you did, I'll still be by your side.”
Lucius - *happy* “Oh thank you Uncle Pentious
 Sir Pentious - “Anytime my dear nephew.”
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saisakurano5 · 6 years
..I expected this okay here goes !
Do I know them already?: YES can I make it any bolder
If I know them:
Hi Hello because it was released in July(which is my birth month) and that song fills me up so with many feels that I cannot stop but slowly smile as the song progresses and the sincerity of the lyrics ….it’s so beautiful.
Out of my Mind for the simple reason that once I start listening to it, I ebd up looping it at least 10 times before moving forward, especially the final version d o n t a s k m e w h y  my brain is weird sorry not sorry
Least Favourite Song: LEAST favourite song yes, that sounds better, because I love all songs and never feel like skipping any of them, but probably I’d say Habits is the one I’ve listened to the least on my own? Mostly because the other songs in their discography in my opinion are just more appealing to me.
          By an EXTREMELY NARROW MARGIN, LIKE IN THE FEMTODECIMAL            SCALE, I’ve got to say Daydream. Just for now. Probably would change              later. But for now this is the answer. I’ve been in a low mood these past                few days and the light daydream-y sound of the album has been doing a              lot in lifting my spirits !! ( I love Moonrise too huhuhuh because it’s                        definitely the most mature and sincere album they’ve put out so far which            is reflective of the age they’re in.)
Least Favourite Album: UUUUMMMM OKAY BY AGAIN A FEMTODECIMAL MARGIN ITS THE DAY. Mostly because I WAS NOT PRESENT FOR THE ALBUM PROMOTIONS AT ALL SO IM SALTY AT MY SELF(that’s a stupid reason. I know that. The real reason is I feel the album is definitely the most poppier of all of them? and I definitely enjoyed the sound of the others better? But it has the masterpiece that is Colors so…. *pulls hair*)
Song that got me into them: Letting Go ! but I Wait was my proper comeback with them. I had heard Congratulations once when it dropped but never really pursued it, but started paying a little attention to them after Letting Go. (because I had Apple Music then on trial. Don’t get me started on JYP’s refusal to have music on Spotify which is what I used till early 2017. Also coincided with when I REALLY fell for Day6. But I digress.)
Seen Live?: YES YES YES YES YES YES YES which is why October 22nd 2017 is going to be one of the most memorable days of my life ! My standards for live performances shot up exponentially after watching them live. ALSO I SHOOK HANDS WITH THEM AND WANTED TO CUT MY HAND OFF TO DISPLAY IT TO MY KIDS BECAUSE IT MADE CONTACT WITH LEGENDS AND THE SOFTEST BEAR IN THE WORLD WHO HAD WHOLE GALAXIES IN HIS EYES also our concert was when one of the fans fainted and the boys got super worried ! Witnessing their love for mydays IRL made me…fall for them even more *Pouring plays in the background*
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 10000000000000000000
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