#coral for mangal dosh
astrosawal1 · 1 month
Unraveling Mangal Dosh: Meaning, Remedies, and Types
Mangal Dosh, also known as Manglik Dosh, is a significant aspect in Vedic astrology, believed to influence marital harmony and overall life prospects. Understanding its meaning, remedies, and types is crucial for those affected.
Mangal Dosh Meaning: Mangal Dosh occurs when Mars (Mangal) is placed unfavorably in one's horoscope. It is believed to bring discord in marriage and other areas of life, impacting relationships and career prospects.
Remedies for Manglik Dosh: Various remedies are suggested to mitigate the adverse effects of Mangal Dosh. These include conducting specific poojas, wearing gemstones like coral (moonga), performing charitable acts, or even marrying a person with a similar dosha.
Types of Manglik Dosha: There are different classifications of Mangal Dosh based on its severity and influence. Anshik Mangal Dosh, when Mars is in conjunction with other planets, and Kulik Mangal Dosh, when Mars is placed in the 2nd house, are two common types. Paap Mangal Dosh and Kuja Dosha are other variations.
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panditgpujamp · 10 months
A Spiritual Journey: Performing Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain
In the realm of Vedic astrology, the alignment of celestial bodies can influence various aspects of an individual's life. Among the significant planetary positions is the Mangal Dosh, commonly known as "Manglik Dosha" or "Kuja Dosha." When the planet Mars (Mangal) is placed unfavorably in certain houses of the birth chart, it is believed to bring forth malefic effects, impacting marriage, relationships, and overall well-being. To counter these influences and seek blessings for a harmonious life, many people embark on a spiritual journey by performing Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain. Ujjain, the ancient city on the banks of the sacred Shipra River, is renowned for its spiritual significance and revered as a destination to conduct this powerful puja.
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Understanding Mangal Dosh and Its Effects
In Vedic astrology, Mangal Dosh is considered an unfavorable planetary combination that occurs when Mars is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the natal chart. Individuals born with Mangal Dosh are called "Manglik." The presence of Mangal Dosh in one's birth chart is believed to bring obstacles in their married life, leading to disharmony, conflicts, and even the possibility of a spouse's early demise. This astrological condition is held in high regard, and those affected often seek remedies through puja and rituals to mitigate its malefic effects.
Ujjain: The Spiritual Haven for Mangal Dosh Puja
Ujjain, an ancient city in the state of Madhya Pradesh, holds immense spiritual significance in Hindu mythology and astrology. It is one of the four sacred cities that host the grand Kumbh Mela, a major religious event attended by millions of devotees seeking spiritual cleansing. Ujjain is also associated with the prominent Jyotirlinga temple, Mahakaleshwar, dedicated to Lord Shiva. Due to its celestial importance and historical connections, Ujjain is renowned for offering spiritual solace and powerful remedies to address astrological imbalances like Mangal Dosh.
Performing the Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain
The Mangal Dosh Puja Ujjain is an elaborate and sacred ritual that seeks to pacify the malefic effects of Mars and invoke blessings for a prosperous and harmonious life. Devotees and astrologers often recommend performing this puja before or after marriage, depending on an individual's birth chart analysis. The puja is usually conducted by experienced priests and astrologers, who follow precise rituals and procedures to appease the planetary energies.
1. Panchamukhi Hanuman Puja: The Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain often commences with the worship of Lord Hanuman, especially the Panchamukhi Hanuman, known for his protective powers. This puja is believed to remove obstacles and bring courage to face life's challenges.
2. Navagraha Shanti Puja: As Mangal Dosh involves the influence of Mars and other planets, the Navagraha Shanti Puja is performed to appease all nine celestial bodies. Each planet is honored with specific mantras and offerings to seek their benevolence.
3. Mangal Mantra Chanting: Chanting the Mangal Beej Mantra is an integral part of the puja. The repetition of this powerful mantra is said to pacify the malefic influence of Mars and invoke its positive energies.
4. Offering Red Coral (Moonga): As Mars is associated with the red coral gemstone, devotees often offer Moonga as a symbol of appeasement to the planet Mars during the puja.
5. Performing Kumbh Vivah: In some cases, where a person is believed to be severely affected by Mangal Dosh, a Kumbh Vivah may be recommended. This ritual involves marrying a banana tree or a silver idol of Lord Vishnu, symbolizing the nullification of the inauspicious effects of Mars.
6. Feeding Brahmins and the Needy: As a gesture of gratitude and to seek blessings for a prosperous life, devotees often arrange for a meal for Brahmins and offer donations to the needy.
Contact us for:- 
Grahan Dosh Puja Ujjain
Chandal Dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain
Mahamrityunjay Anusthan Puja in Ujjain
Benefits of Mangal Dosh Puja
The Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain is believed to bestow numerous benefits on the devotees:
1. Harmonious Married Life: Performing the puja is said to foster marital harmony and mitigate the negative effects of Mangal Dosh, ensuring a peaceful and loving relationship between spouses.
2. Enhanced Confidence: The puja helps in boosting self-confidence and removing fear and anxieties associated with Mangal Dosh.
3. Professional Success: It is believed that the puja can improve career prospects and provide a path to success in professional endeavors.
4. Overcoming Obstacles: The blessings of the puja are thought to assist in overcoming various obstacles and challenges in life.
5. Health and Well-being: The positive energies invoked through the puja are believed to promote good health and well-being.
In conclusion, the Manglik Dosh Puja in Ujjain offers a spiritual journey of seeking solace and remedies for the malefic effects of Mangal Dosh. Ujjain, with its rich spiritual heritage and ancient traditions, provides a sacred space for devotees to perform this significant puja. By conducting this puja with devotion and faith, individuals seek divine blessings to lead a fulfilling and harmonious life, embracing the teachings of Vedic astrology and finding solace in the celestial powers that guide our lives. 
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abroadastrology · 11 months
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Astrology Tips for Removing Manglik dosh
If you're seeking astrology tips for removing Manglik dosh, consider the following suggestions. Perform the Mangal Shanti Puja to appease the planet Mars and mitigate the dosh's effects. Reciting the Navagraha Mantra or Hanuman Chalisa can also bring positive energy. Astrology Tips for Removing Manglik dosh and wearing a Coral gemstone (Moonga) or chanting the Mangal Beej Mantra daily is believed to pacify Mars. Consult with a knowledgeable astrologer for personalized remedies tailored to your birth chart. . If you are looking vivah ke liye Kundli Milan Contact us. For more info visit: https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/services/online-report/mangal-dosha-calculator.php
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mangaldubey · 1 year
What are the Types of Mangal Dosha? - Detailed Explanation
When Mars occupies an unfavourable position in a person's horoscope, this is known as a Mangal Dosha in Vedic astrology. If the planet Mars occupies a specific location in a Hindu's horoscope, that individual may experience ill results. These ill consequences may impact the individual's marital and social life. We'll talk about the wide mangal dosh puja Ujjain varieties and their impacts in this piece.
Describe Mangal Dosha.
When Mars is in a bad position in a person's horoscope, it's called Mangal Dosha. Kuja Dosha, Bhom Dosha, and Angaraka Dosha are all names for it. If Mangal Dosha is present in their horoscope, several issues might arise in a person's life, including marriage and other relationships.
What triggers Mangal Dosha?
When Mars occupies one of a person's sensitive house positions, they may experience the negative effects of mangal dosh puja Ujjain. Mars in these signs may not always indicate Mangal Dosha, but it does for some people. The severity of Mangal Dosha is determined by the position of Mars inside a person's horoscope and how it interacts with the positions of the other planets in that chart.
There are five subtypes of Mangal Dosha, each with unique symptoms and features. This includes:
If Mars occupies the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house of the horoscope with a degree of less than 28, this configuration is known as Anshik Mangal Dosha. Compared to other forms of Mangal Dosha, this one is generally considered mild.
Mars in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house of the horoscope with a degree greater than 28 is said to be in Paatak Mangal Dosha. When compared to Anshik Mangal Dosha, this form of Mangal Dosha is seen as more detrimental.
If Mars occupies the 2nd house of the horoscope, the resulting planetary configuration is known as Kulik Mangal Dosha. Mangal Dosha is considered extremely harmful and can lead to major difficulties in a person's life.
When Mars occupies the fourth house of the horoscope, a planetary configuration known as Vishakt Mangal Dosha is formed, issues with money and property may arise due to this Mangal Dosha.
When Mars is near the Moon in the horoscope, this configuration is called Chandra-Mangal Dosha. Having this kind of Mangal Dosha can negatively impact one's health, especially in the areas of the circulatory system and the nervous system.
Negative Repercussions of Mangal Dosha
 It is thought that mangal bhat puja Ujjain may have a wide range of detrimental impacts on a person's life, especially in the spheres of marriage and intimate relationships.
Mango Dosha Treatments
Several different therapies can alleviate Mangal Dosha. These are a few popular treatments:
To appease Mars and mitigate its effects, worshippers undertake a puja known as Mangal Dosha Puja.
Mangal Bhat Puja — a ritual carried out by the single to mitigate the ill effects of Mangal Dosha and boost their marriage prospects.
Contributions - Giving away red things, red lentils, or copper to help alleviate the ill effects of Mangal Dosha.
Gemstones — Dosha-balancing gemstones may be worn, such as coral, red garnet, or ruby.
Mangal dosh puja in ujjain, in the state of Madhya Pradesh in India, is a holy city for Hindus and Jains. There are several temples in the city where people can do the puja and get blessed to lessen the impact of Mangal Dosha. The Mangalnath Temple and the Mahakaleshwar Temple are two most visited places of worship to perform the mangal dosh puja in ujjain.
Mangal Dosha is a major factor in Vedic astrology, and when it manifests negatively, it can have serious consequences for a person's life. To mitigate the unfavourable consequences of Mangal Dosha, worshippers should fast, give, wear jewels, and undertake other rituals like puja. People worldwide come to Ujjain to perform and get blessings from the mangal bhat puja Ujjain.
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sarnamg · 1 year
Buy Navratna rings online and know its benefits
Navratnas are otherwise referred to as the nine gemstones. They are said to be linked with the nine planets in our solar system. The wearer’s life gets changed in a positive way by wearing these gemstones. Navratna consists of nine stones – Ruby, Diamond, Pearl, Red Coral, Hessonite, Blue Sapphire, Cat’s Eye, Yellow Sapphire, and Emerald. The nine stones which together combine to make the Navratna balance the important chakras of the human body.
The Navratna was popular among kings and queens of the primeval period due to its exceptional benefits. It possesses healing powers that are beneficial for people suffering from chronic diseases, stress and anxiety. It is an enticing piece of jewellery that can augment your look.
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The nine gemstones and its benefits:- 
Ruby – It is otherwise known as Manik stone and symbolizes vitality, purity and independence. The stone represents the Sun God and those with a weak sun in their horoscope should wear it to get the blessings of the Sun God. It is placed at the center of all Navratna rings. The gemstone is considered a source of energy, power, longevity and success. Buy Navratna rings online to succeed in your endeavors.
Natural Pearl – It is otherwise known as Moti. The stone represents the moon. Pearls should be worn by those who are under the negative influence of the moon. The stone symbolizes peace, mental well-being, motherly affection, and happiness.
Red Coral – It is otherwise known as Moonga. It is a reddish-orange colored stone and fosters courage, self-esteem, agility and happy married life. Those with Mangal Dosh prevailing in their horoscope are advised to wear red coral gems. Buy Navratna rings online to benefit from its properties.  
Hessonite – It is otherwise known as Gomed. The gemstone is linked with the planet Rahu and is worn to get freed from the evil effects of this planet. The color of Gomed ranges from deep-brownish honey to reddish-orange colors. The stone emits positive energies and is worn by people who wish to avoid addictions, gambling, and drugs.   
Diamond – It is otherwise known as Heera. The stone symbolizes wisdom, power and clarity of mind. Diamond jewelries are cherished by women the most. Diamond entices power, wealth and marital bliss.
 Blue Sapphire – It is otherwise referred to as Neelam Ratan. The blue-colored gemstone cures depression and removes the ill-effects of the planet Shani.           
Cat’s Eye – It is otherwise known as Lehsunia. The gemstone symbolizes nobility and farsight. It is associated with the planet Ketu which is linked with knowledge and spiritual awakening. It comes in various colors such as gray, honey, brownish. It shields you from scandals, bad reputations, and brings positive energy.
Yellow Sapphire – It is otherwise known as Pukhraj. Its ruling planet is Jupiter and empowers the owner with prosperity, wisdom, compassion, judgement and enthusiasm.
Emerald – It is otherwise known as Panna Ratan. The ruling planet of the gemstone is Mercury. The gemstone augments communication skills, keeps the wearer mentally alert, and increases concentration levels as well as intellectual power. You can buy Navratna rings online from webshops like Sarnamg.
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astrologyindia · 1 year
How many types of kundli dosha are there? 
Several negative doshas in the kundli create problems in an individual's life. The malefic planets like Sun, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn form negative dosha in the kundli. Associating the malefic planets with the benefic planets spoils their good effects and thus creates kundli dosha. some most popular and common dosha are Mangal dosha, Pitra dosha, kaalsarp dosha, nadi dosha, guru chandaal dosha, and angaarak dosha etc. In this write-up, we are giving some general yet very effective remedies to remove the effects of these negative dosha in the Kundli. One should visit an astrologer or use astrology calculators to find their presence in his horoscope.     
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Mangal Dosha Remedies
A marriage between two Manglik people cancels the Manglik dosha.
One can perform Kumbh vivaah to remove the bad effects of Manglik dosha. Here, a Manglik person marries a Banana, peepal tree, or a silver/golden statue of Lord Vishnu before marrying a person.
If Mars is in its exaltation or its own house, the Manglik dosha gets canceled. 
One should observe a fast on Tuesdays as one of the most effective mangal dosha remedies. The observer should eat only toor daal (split pigeon daal) on the fasting day.
Manglik person should chant the Mangal Beeja Mantra on Tuesdays. 
One can also chant the Gayatri mantra 108 times or the Hanuman Chalisa daily.
Visiting Navgraha temples also decrease the destructive effects of Mangal Dosha. 
Perform mangal dosh nivaran puja on Tuesdays.
Visit a Lord Hanuman temple to worship him on Tuesdays. Offer a ghee lamp, vermilion, and sweets in the temple. 
Make donations of sweets, swords, knives, dishes made of red lentil daal (masoor daal), wheat bread, red silks, and coral stone. 
Wear a gemstone coral to alleviate the ill effects of Mars. However, an astrological consultation can give better suggestions.
Pitra Dosha Remedies
Perform proper shraadh and tarpan rituals of your forefathers as the best pitra dosha remedies. 
Offer Water on Shivalingam and Banayan trees on Mondays. 
Perform Grah Shaanti Puja. 
Help needy and poor people during Pitra Paksha. 
Donate food to hungry people and animals.
Respect priests and feed them on Amavasya. 
One should donate on the Panchmi, Amavasya, Purnima, and Ashtami tithi.  
Offer cooked rice and chapati to cows and crows for 11 consecutive days.
Keep fast on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Chant the mantra- "Om Shreem Sarva Pitra Dosha Nivaranay Klesham Han Han Sukh Shantim Dehi Phat Swaha." 
Kaal Sarp Dosha Remedies
Chant Maha Mrutyunjay Mantra 11 times twice a day. This remedy serves as the most effective of all Kaal sarp dosha remedies.
Chant 'Om Namah Shivaya' 108 times daily.
Chant ‘Om Naagkulaya Vidmahe Vishadantaya Dheemahi Tanno Sarpa Prachodayat’.
Chant Vishnu Sahasranama.
Keep fast for 11 consecutive Mondays.
Don't harm snakes.
Perform Rudra-Abhishekam of Shivalingam on Mondays.
One can float 11 coconuts in running water on Saturday or Panchami Tithi.
Perform Grah Shanti Puja.
Observe fast on Nag Panchami day. 
Nadi Dosha Remedies
The native can wear a suitable gemstone after consulting an astrologer.
The suitable gemstone and yantras work for the well-being of the couple. 
The popular nadi dosha remedies include chanting of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra daily. 
One should perform nadi dosha nivaran puja to offset the Nadi dosha. One can take the help of an experienced priest to conduct this puja.  
Donate food, gold, grains, and clothes to needy people. 
Perform Tula daan, wherein the person donates food equal to his body weight. 
Guru Chandal dosha remedies
Control your harsh speech. 
The person should worship the planet Jupiter as one of the best guru chandal dosha remedies. 
Give respect to the elders and parents to reduce the harmful effects of Guru Chandal Dosh.
Act politely and meet people most lovingly.
Seek the advice of elderly people before making any decision.
Offer green fodder to cows. 
Help those in need and feed them.
Worship Lord Hanuman to reduce the ill effects of Rahu. 
Worship Lord Shiva and Ganesha regularly.
Offer raw milk to the root of the banyan tree.
Angarak dosha remedies
The person should eat honey regularly. 
Worship Lord Hanuman and offer ghee lamps, sweets, and sindoor.
Worship Lord Ganesha to mitigate the effects of Angarak dosha. 
Worship Goddess Laxmi, Saraswati, and Lord Shiva together as good Angarak dosh remedies.
Clean the house with a broom.
Cook sweet chapati to feed the street dogs.
Perform Rahu grah shanti puja at home.
Worship Goddess Laxmi when the Moon transits in the Rohini nakshatra.
The native must perform meditation and stay away from any kind of disputes.
Light a ghee lamp every evening.
On Tuesday, wear a ring made of tridhaatu- three metals, i.e., copper, silver, and gold.
Respect and take care of your mother.
The person can put Shree yantra or kuber yantra at home.
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brahamagems · 1 year
Buy Red Coral Capsule Shape
If you are interested in buy red coral capsule shape. The deep red organic stone known as red coral (Moonga) is created by marine organisms known as coral polyps in the deep sea. The stone is very effective at curing Mangal Dosh and ensures success in leadership positions, sports, business, and health.
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9gemaus · 2 years
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Buy natural premium grade coral gemstone 11+ Ratti online in India at best price.We provide high-quality lab certified red coral gemstones. Our Coral gemstones are natural and untreated make us one of the best coral gemstone dealers in the market.
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premiumsapphire · 2 years
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gemnjewelery · 3 years
Quantity: 16Pcs Of 6+ Ratti ( 3.6CT) Origin: Italian Certification: GemLab Laboratories Treatment: This beautiful Coral is Unheated / Untreated &100 % pure Vedic natural gemstone. Buy Certified Coral online in India & Worldwide. Photograph: Actual No Editing or Enhancement By Photoshop.
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ninegemus · 2 years
Hessonite (Gomed) Hessonite is a deep brown or honey colored, semi-precious gemstone from the grossular Garnet mineral family. It is worn to overcome negative effects of Rahu as well as to gain power, wealth and success in public careers, jobs and businesses.
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astroprayag · 4 years
There is a lot of fear in our society in the name of Manglik Dosh and there are many misconceptions also, if there is a Mars in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house of the horoscope, then it is Mangalik but it will have an impact on the married life. Marriage with mangalik is for the similarities of their nature, thoughts and mindset. Many disadvantages of Mangalik Dosh are revealed, but the actual loss should be considered only from Mars or Shani.
According to Acharya and Shastro, some Mangal boys or girls are allowed to marry even if they have Mangalik Dosh in one's horoscope, because its decision also depends on the position of the Moon in the Kundali. If a girl has this fault in her horoscope, she has to suffer, the girl should marry a Peepal or Vishnu statue before marriage. Lord Vishnu is away from the bondage of life and death, so the girl whose horoscope is in this horoscope ends Vedya Yoga.
This marriage should be kept strictly confidential, otherwise the fruit will not be received. It is only the girl who does not have any role of father, Vishnu statue does not need to be donated in marriage, the women of the family should be present at the time of marriage, this marriage should be kept completely confidential. Tell the Acharya with whom to get married.
Mangal Ratna - Its main gemstone is coral, get it rooted in gold or copper of eight to fifteen rattis and go to the temple of Hanuman ji on the first Tuesday of Suklapaksha and chant Om Om Angarakaya Nam Mantra eleven times and rotate it on the ring and wear it for nine days. After this its effect starts. Keep in mind that if the wife has Mangal dosh in the bud then the husband should wear this gem and if the husband has this dosh in the bud then the wife should wear it.
Mangal Vrat - Mangalvrat has special significance for ending Mangal Dosh. Beginning this fast on the first Tuesday of auspicious one, light food like fruits, mava sweets, churma etc. can be taken. Must follow Brahmacharya on Tuesday and Wednesday. Along with this, it is also giving wealth, building, happiness - prosperity and desired children.
One hundred and eight names of Mars - The pronunciation of one hundred and eight names of Mars is very beneficial for ending Mangal Dosh. Mangal Dosh is prevented by reciting one hundred and eight names daily. This makes married life happy.
Remedy for Eradication of Mangal Dosh - On every Saturday, light a jasmine oil lamp in front of Hanuman ji's picture and recite the beautiful scandal. Wear a modified Mars device around the neck, if there is a Mars factor in the magazine, wear a triangle finger. Wear the bracelet of Tridhatu in the left hand and the male in the right hand.
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sehdevjewellers · 2 years
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aptiiatease · 2 years
Gemstone for Mars
Red coral is the GEMSTONE FOR MARS. Red coral (Moonga) gemstone is believed to nullify all malefic effects of Mars planet. Due to this reason Astrologer always suggest to wear Red coral or white coral gemstone especially those who born under that planetary influence of Mars. It is available inside of the sea. It is gelatinous marine animals called polyps. Red corals are organic gemstones formed out of skeletons of individual polyps depositing together to make a colony. It is divided into two categories. viz, red and white. Again red is subdivided into three colors namely color rising sun color and deep reddish. It looks like an underwater colorful plant which keeps growing biologically. It is one of the beautiful and priceless gifts from the sea for the people. Red coral gemstone is harvested from the Tunisia and Sardinia. It can be found on the world's all the oceanic parts. It is found in Australia, the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, the Aleutian Islands off Alaska and the coast of Washington. As per planetary astrology, the planet of Mars is represented by Red coral and this gemstone protects the planet of Mars. According to astrology, if the planet of Mars is the Lord of Kendra, trikon or a Yogakarak planet, and planet Mars is weak, afflicted, combust or create Mangal dosh in your birth chart then the person should wear Red Coral gemstone. The red coral gemstone removes all the problems from the life of its wearer. This gemstone is beneficiary for Scorpio, Aries, Leo and Cancer born ascendant native. There are a plethora of reasons to wear this stone. This gemstone helps to avoid evil effects. If a person suffers from an accident, chronic disease, biting by insects, bleeding, injury by weapons, loss of finance, pimples, the use of Red Coral can give good effects in general. This gemstone helps its wearer to fight against injustice. It is helpful for early settlement of marriage for girls.
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drishtigems · 2 years
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kalsarppujapandit · 2 years
Pooja for Mangal Dosha at trimbakeshwar
It is described in astrology as the placement of Mars, also known as Mangal, in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, and twelfth houses in a person's horoscope chart. Its occurrence in any of these six houses, out of a total of twelve, results in this dosha. Mangliks are those who have this dosha. 
The typical effects of this dosha on married couples include difficulties and strife, which can occasionally result in separation and divorce. Mangal Dosha also predicts financial loss and career difficulties.
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Treatments to lessen the negative effects of Mangal dosha 
1. Wedding Between Two Manglik people 
When both couples are Mangliks, this dosha is eliminated. All of its negative consequences are eliminated, allowing the couple to enjoy a blessed and happy marriage. 
2. Vivah Kumbh 
The Kumbh Vivah ritual can be used to counteract the harmful effects of Mangal dosha in marriages where one partner is Manglik. A Manglik person is destined to marry a peepal tree, a silver or gold idol of Lord Vishnu, a banana tree, or a peepal tree, according to Hindu Vedic Astrology.
3. Position of Mars in the sky map
Additionally, according to astrologers, if the first house in a person's horoscope is Aries or Mesh and Mars or Mangal is located.
4. Fasting 
Out of all the treatments, fasting on Tuesdays is also regarded as a successful treatment. Manglik people who fast on this day should only eat toor dal (split pigeon dal).
5. Chanting
On Tuesdays, Mangliks should recite the Navgraha mantra known as the Mangal Mantra. They can also recite the Hanuman Chalisa or the Gayatri mantra 108 times per day.
6. Temple Pujas being performed
Visits to Navgraha temples lessen the negative effects of Mangal Dosha. However, there aren't many temples in India that are specifically dedicated to Lord Mangal.
7. Contributions and offerings
Making contributions on Tuesdays is thought to be therapeutic for Manglik people. Swords or knives, foods composed of red lentil dals (masoor daal), wheat breads, crimson silks, and red stones like corals are among gifts that are thought to be appropriate to offer to Mars. 
Wear a golden ring with a vivid red coral on your right ring finger. However, before wearing it, have the horoscope chart properly examined by a reputable astrologer.
Looking to get rid of Pooja For Mangal Dosha ? Trimbakeshwar is the perfect place to go! Our Pooja for Mangal Dosha will help you get rid of the negative effects of Mars and live a happy, prosperous life.
Contact us:- +91 9922282497 Visit Website https://www.kalsarppujapandit.com/mangal-dosh-nivaran-puja.php
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