#crystal bushinyan
asknarashikari 1 month
Kari-chan, Shotaro accidently attracts multiple cat Yo-kai.
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(Ignore the Riders and Pok茅mon)
Now for all of their names.
Picture 1
Yo-kai Watch 1: Jibanyan, Baddinyan, Thornyan, Robonyan, Goldenyan, Shogunyan, Dianyan, Sapphinyan, Emenyan, Topanyan, Rubinyan, and Doppelnyan. Yo-kai Watch 2: Hovernyan, Darknyan, Buchinyan, Robonyan F, Sailornyan, Master Nyada, Machonyan, Dracunyan, Jibakoma, Grapenyan, Kiwinyan, Melonyan, Oranyan, Watermelnyan, and Strawbnyan. Yo-kai Watch Busters: Rudy, Maginyan, Sir Nyansalot, Momonyan, Pheasanyan, Puppynyan, Chimpanyan, Odysseynyan, and Kintaronyan. Yo-kai Watch 3: Tomnyan, Originyan, The Last Nyanmurai, Terminyanator, Ultimate Robonyan, Nyanses II, Wobblenyan, Showbonyan, Mr. Crabbycat, Mooglenyan, Bastnetnyan, and Supernyan. Yo-kai Watch Busters 2: Crystal Shogunyan, Punifuyu, and Enma Neko'ou Matatabi. Yo-kai Watch 4: Junior, and Gusto. Y School Heroes: Wampus, Bluepon, Goromi, and Terramin. Yo-kai Watch World: Mitonattounyan, Raichinyan, Ringonyan, Pinenyan, and Lemonyan. Yo-kai Watch Puni Puni: Robouemon, Black Dianyan, Bushinyan Future, Goku Bushinyan, Kuroi Jibanyan, Prancy-nyan, and Fancy-nyan.
Picture 2
Yo-kai Watch 2: Meganyan and Rubeus J. Yo-kai Watch Busters: Aristokat, Red Paws, Robonyan 28, Robonyan 3000, and Shogun King. Yo-kai Watch 3: The Lastest Nyanmurai. Yo-kai Watch Busters 2: Gowin, Catleen, Tanto, Dandory, Spatto, Kirene, Golden T, and Dark Master.
What is the reaction of the Double cast to Shotaro's newly founded talking cat friends/army? Now, Houtaro and Shotaro share something in common with their large army of friends that come from other worlds and dimensions.
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(Also, did you ever get to watching the second Yo-kai Watch movie from the link I sent you?)
They'd barely even bat an eyelash lol. Shoutaro isn't the go-to person for missing cat cases for nothing, you know. His reputation as the Cat Whisperer precedes him, and he's also a magnet for cryptids... this is just the two coming together in one incident
Unfortunately I haven't had the time to watch the movie you sent me 馃槄 I'll try to squeeze it in on the weekend if I have time
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kaialonedoodles 6 years
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Bushinyan Twins!
It's probably just obvious, but these are young "main" Bushinyan (aka Shogunyan), and Crystal Bushinyan, pre-crystalization.
I picture their given names to be "Getsunyan" and "Jitsunyan" respectively.
Well, this is all just my headcanon of course.
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plants-and-swords 6 years
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