#curious if this was the same with kit and with asylum instead
doll3tt33 · 4 months
i was talking to your Kit bot (the one where i’m like babysitting) and he took me to meet his kids. Then they started asking me if i was a bad person and a sinner, then they literally started interrogating me about God and where sinners go (they literally asked whether i think God is a man or a woman). FYI, I’ve never set foot in a church and i’m not particularly religious but i answered all those question with lots of worries about unintentionally upsetting the children. (They also asked me whether i think their mums are in heaven or hell, and they asked whether they’d be able to see them when they die)
They asked you like… right off the bat??? Why does this lowkey feel canon tho 😳, with the whole religious themes in ahs asylum ((I didn’t include the asylum lore into the bot’s settings if anyone’s wondering
Then again, WERENT THOSE KIDS RELATED TO ALIENS??? (I forgot. Again, didn’t include that stuff into the bot) No wonder they asking weird crap like that 😭😭
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ahs-theories · 5 years
Episode Reaction: 9x08 Rest in pieces
@echoesout | @its-a-goode-day
Alright, we’re almost done. While I was watching the episode I kept having this feeling that it seemed to be mostly a set up for the finale. Almost every scene consisted on the characters getting ready for the final act/fight/event. That said, it made for a very entertaining hour.
The deadly trio
Now that we know who the deadly trio is, it seems so obvious. But in all honesty, I wasn’t considering Bruce at all. I wondered if we would see him again, but I didn’t expect that he would play a significant role in the final stages of the story. Not complaining, though. I find his wannabe ways highly entertaining. On the other hand, while I don’t believe Margaret’s plan will be successful, I find it quite logical and very business-oriented, lol.
I still feel silly because I literally had this whole thing about Bruce heading towards the camp and being a fan of Ramirez and in all that not once did it occur to me that they’d actually probably meet XD I love all three of them together though, it’s a very fun team dynamic.
The ghosts
It was really interesting to see the shift on Montana when she found out that Ramirez had changed since she first met him and after Richter all but told her that she was the cause for that. At first it seemed like she was going to just be depressed about, and almost could detect a hint of guilt in her, but I loved how she pick herself up and rejected the idea of being another woman blamed for a man’s actions. (Also off-topic, kind of, but Montana’s face when Trevor mentioned that no good aerobics class were left anymore. Priceless. Billie is being great this season).
I loved the speech, but honestly, I thought her whole “Ricky wasn’t like that when I knew him!” thing was really random. He was already in the news as the Night Stalker, albeit his streak was just beginning. He was already a Satanist. Seriously, he killed some dude at her aerobics studio and licked the blood off her feet. And she liked it. So, I don’t quite get in what way he’s turned out different than she expected, or why she was depressed about it considering how many people she’s killed just for fun these past few years. It definitely seems like they’re trying to backtrack with everyone one by one--Donna, Jingles, Montana--so we know the real villains are Margaret and Ramirez, and I don’t mind giving her character more depth, but I’m not sure this was the best way to do it.
I do hope Montana and Ramirez meet again in the next episode, if only because I have no idea how it would go. Ramirez seems pretty attached to Margaret and I wonder if he’s thought about Montana at all. Plus, I wonder how Xavier’s gonna handle the news of Montana getting together with Trevor (I still don’t understand them together either. They almost had sex one time in a lake and apparently he’s been in love with her for years since).
Brooke + Donna
Who else thinks Donna will be the final girl? They made such a big deal of it not happening. It’s very interesting to watch her trying to help Brooke, even though her experiment is over (or is it?), she’s still thinking on scientific terms (’you don’t have to act on those feelings and become a murderer’). As for Stacey the reporter, I wonder if she’ll show up as a ghost next episode.
Brooke and Donna were super cute in the roller rink and they seem like a great team, but I still feel like we just blew over the fact that Brooke knows about Donna’s role in the 1984 events. At the very least there should have been some acknowledgement of it, whether to say Brooke forgave her or is just teaming up with her because they’ve got bigger problems, etc., but something. And like Nora wonders if Donna’s experiment is really over, I wonder if Brooke is really Donna’s ally. It doesn’t seem like a huge stretch that once Margaret is taken care of, Brooke might punish the other people who had a hand in that terrible night
I’ve heard a couple of different things about that ending (I’ll let my partner in crime here expose her initial idea on that), but the feeling I got is that it’s not “real”. I believe it’s Benjamin’s very own afterlife, the same way in AHS universe everyone goes to their own hell. So the Lavinia there was not the Lavinia we saw last episode, but the one in Benjamin’s idea of heaven. One that has been reunited with her dead son and loves Benjamin. The real Lavinia is still roaming around the camp, and will probably never rest.
That ending did look like the end of his story, didn’t it? If it is, I liked it very much. Although depending on how accurate the theories are about Finn playing playing grown up Bobby (the son, not the brother), we may see more of him.
Also, I wasn’t expecting to see Lily again, so thanks for that, even thought it was only a few minutes.
I agree-that’s definitely not the real Lavinia. She never even liked him before Bobby died, and it’s really weird that they’d skip over any sort of reunion between her and Bobby if it was real and Bobby was literally hiding in the lake the entire time just waiting for his big brother so they could be a family again or something.
I’m skeptical on the afterlife bit, though. The last time we saw him, he was begging not to be thrown into the lake because his son would die if he couldn’t stop Ramirez. From what we know of past ghosts in the Murphyverse, he shouldn’t be able to move on to the afterlife until he’d made peace with not saving his son, not go to the afterlife in order to make that peace. 
Honestly, I’m not sure what it’s all about. One option is that he’s hallucinating from oxygen deprivation. Obviously ghosts don’t need to breathe, but they can experience pain and other physical sensations, so theoretically he should still experience all the feelings of drowning and maybe this part, too. Other than that, it’s crossed my mind that it could somehow be Bobby’s doing. Benjamin and Jonas talk a little bit about the void ghosts go to between “dying” and coming back, but what if Bobby gave him a dream or somehow talked to him instead?
Either way, unlike my lovely co-writer, I feel like having Bobby drag him into the water so he can go have a nice talk with an idealized version of his mom would be a disappointing end. Without him as the bridging factor, I doubt we’ll see Lavinia or Bobby again, and I’d really want to see them reunite and for Benjamin to get to see real brother again. There has to be a reason why Bobby showed back up now after all these years. I have an imagine of Benjamin waking up on the banks with Bobby standing over him looking like he did before he died instead of all swamp-monster-y.
Season Finale
The plot summary goes like this:  Camp Redwood draws in a lost soul looking for closure.
Aren’t there a few lost souls looking for closure? I’m guessing they are talking about Brooke, but they couldn’t be more vague if they tried XD
I don’t have many theories other than Donna being final girl (if there’s any at all) and what I mentioned in a past episode reaction about Margaret’s fate. Other than that, I’m curious about how the flashforward to present time is going to play out. If Finn is really playing Benjamin’s son, I can see how it can go with him going back to the camp to seek revenge. It is AHS after all, so I’m not looking for a clear cut ending.
I think it could be Bobby himself who’s the “lost soul.” Say someone kills Margaret, prevents anymore murders. Brooke and Donna and anyone else still alive would probably just disappear into anonymity, knowing that one one would believe their story. So, the official story still remains that Mr. Jingles committed the 1970 massacre, and Bobby would think his father was a mass murderer. But also, he was left to be raised by a neighbor, some who would probably tell him stories about what a lovely couple his parents were and how much they loved him. I could easily imagine Bobby going to Camp Redwood as an adult just looking for some way to reconcile the two stories. It’s a lot of “probably”s and guessing, but it’s my best theory at the moment. Although yeah, considering AHS is not one for cut-and-dry endings, I think it’s definitely likely they’ll go darker. Maybe Margaret was the final girl after all and after hearing the real story, Bobby goes after her and becomes a killer himself.
Also, this is completely random, but like, I want Lavinia to kill Ramirez. She may not like Benjamin, but she’s still a mom and knows what it’s like to lose a child, and I think it would be awesome if she took it into her own hands to make sure her grandson wasn’t harmed.
Season 10 theme
So, according to Ryan Murphy, there’s a clue about season 10’s theme in this episode. I should probably rewatch and pay more attention, but the two things that caught my mind were Stacey’s mentions of Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster, which makes me think of urban-legend creatures, cryptids and such, and Small Wonder, that is, robots. Of the two, I’d say the first one is more plausible, but I’d like to hear more theories.
A cryptid season would be so much fun and could go in so many different directions, although I do wonder if it might be too similar to this season--people being terrorized in the middle of the woods and all. On the other hand, this isn’t the first reference we’ve gotten to robots. I remember everyone making a big deal of Mrs. Mead singing the robot’s song from Space Odyssey as she died. People have been wanting a space/extraterrestrial/future/robot/etc. season forever, so maybe it’s finally going to happen. Murphy’s said he’d never do something actually set in space because it’s American Horror Story, but we’ve seen the aliens and their technology on Earth before in Asylum. I’d especially love a direct follow up featuring Kit’s children.
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