#d.p.b aus
Thinking about evil priest Tomura slowly turning human Dabi into a demon but turns out Tomura was kicked from the church for defending Satan's right to hate God and Dabi is the disgraced heir that found comfort in the idea of having the power to kill his abusive dad.
Bonus if ir uses every romantic cliché in a twisted way, like Tomura getting the church to sing a holy song but it sounds like they are singing it to Dabi, or if they have the heart to heart in a graveyard while feeding pieces of their souls to the dead as a sacrifice.
Maximum bonus if they use every type of catholic symbolism and make the narrative feels almost sacred in all the wrong ways.
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It was the sky making Tomura cry.
It was the morning after the last battle, the one that was meant to finish his pain. In some way, he knew it was true. He couldn't feel anymore the hatred that lived in his lungs for so long, strangling his voice until it sounded nothing like the clear speech of the living, but rather like nails dragging dirt and trying to scape their tombs.
He could not mutter a word. Even if he hadn't had his vocal chords damaged in the fight (he would recover from it, according to the doctors), he couldn't have speak at all. The morning was opening from the mountains and the buildings like an arm raising over a chest. Pale fingers of light were grasping the sky above, so very gold and bright. Tomura was trying to remember when Toga's hair had been like that, but she was most of the time with her hair a little dirty from the places they sleped in. There were her eyes tho, always so awake, just like that morning. He had been next to the window before the sun started to rise. He had seen Dabi's eyes there two, mixed with cloud straws of pink a purple that reminded Tomura of Spinner's hair. The night belonged to Kurogiri, with the stars shining through the obscure mist. The night had lights like marbles, blinking reflexes of silver like the ones that Giran's eyeglasses had cast on the bar every time he had visited.
Alone in his hospital room, there was not much to do but remembering. He couldn't properly move either. Every corner saved a special hell for his heart. Having his memory back was a curse, Tomura has learnt so far. In every kid he saw Hana, in every mother he saw his mom. Loud noises made him jumpy, violent. He couldn't touch his videogames after watching Spinner's body on the battle, so much he didn't recognize it was his friend.
The world had tear them (his friends) apart, limb by limb. The heroes had taken their revenge, AFO had made Tomura pay for betraying his trust.
And for Tomura? The world had been saved. Everyone had a place to go. Tomura couldn't even visit the cemetery. Spinner's parents had reclaimed his ashes, and so had done Toga and Dabi's families. There was nothing left of Twice or Compress or Giran. Not even Kurogiri. They had killed him to put to rest the memory of Shirakumo.
He was so heavily sedated... He sometimes started at that window for hours, wondering why it should felt different that his time with AFO. Deku and All Might were at first with him. Then the days passed, life went back to normal, they went back to their shiny society.
And Tomura stayed. He stayed on the battlefield, watching once more how his actions ended with his family dead. There was a limit to his hatred. Because hate means caring, and caring means loving. No, Tomura could now feel just a big great void, a hollow between his ribs, in the insides of his eyes. The morning bleed into the city, reaching with his light every loving creature. Tomura stayed behind the curtains, in the fresh shadows of realization.
There was no hope. There was no safety. There was a hole with a bottom that no one was able to reach, and he was laying there facing the sky high above. Too far gone.
Not even the greatest hero had been able to save him. Tenko was back to the streets of his childhood, hand against hand against his chest, eyes focused on strangers. There were no words. He felt the others looking, looking away, moving away. He had been haunting those streets since he was five years old. Maybe he had died that day? Maybe they were gently leaving a room to a ghost until he understood he didn't belong with the living?
He remembered crying. It was nothing physical, but rather a feeling of dryness in his eyes, the need to scratch them. His throat was firmly closed, his chest tight like he was still living with another being inside of him.
He saw the afternoon pass, the arrival of the moonlight and the night, as he felt himself drifting away.
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Okay but it's time for the angst so I'm warning you all I'll be tagging about scenarios, aus and fanfics of characters dying and others mourning and tragedies happening.
So please block #d.p.b character death, #d.p.b tragic endings and #d.p.b mourning.
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