dirtangeldean · 7 months
ren. | he/they. | rowena's black salt apprentice. | ao3 (floorboards creak wip 8/10, ch. 9 coming soon! ) + vocal! feel free to tip!
tag me in your work! or use #da.tags
(jailblog) @dirtangeldeanjail
(cas pics; new) @crinklecas
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dirtangeldean · 3 years
about me!
"first of all, through cas all things are possible, so jot that down" - me
hi! i'm ren. 30. queer/bi. trans (tme). Black. pronouns: he/they. femme (ish). outside of tumblr, i write on ao3 + vocal! feel free to tip!
fics: but i’m singin’ like a bird ‘bout it now. aka my self-indulgent hoziernatural communicationnatural 15x18 fix-it fic [ complete! ] + floorboards creak... [ch. 6/10!] aka my nycnatural brownstone!au with beekeeper/cat cafe employee!cas, mechanic/aspiring photographer!dean wip fic!
poems: long distanced kiss + what makes them fit to be king? + the hem of his garment
casual projects:
#dirtangel500 - 500 follower celebration!
#dirtangelrewatch - my thoughts/ramblings on my next go around
#dirtangelastro - gonna expand on this later when i have spoons but basically figuring out chart activation. what in each person's chart facilitated actions, not justifications (i dislike justifications)
#d.constructed - curated thoughts about dean
i’m tracking tag #da.tags & my url @dirtangeldean, feel free to tag me in anything! no need to ask. ✨
i'll also trigger warning or tag whatever is necessary for you to have a great time, feel free to message/dm/ask whatever you feel most comfortable with!!
i missed spn fandom so i remade and came back, i heard there was a wedding?
but seriously, i'm not too huge on multilevel fandom labels bc i'm a deancoded cas gay with billie flair and jack sensibilities but i do ship destiel & deancassie plus deanbenny and i think samwena, saileen, casmick and drowley are all variably interesting. really i like most ships i just want people to be happy but no winstuff or kline stuff pls i cant no angels either for the love of all things pls they’re siblings
uhm, idk what else to share so i'm gonna end this by saying i may start writing poetry and fics. spn was my first ever fandom experience. and i've liked spn since the start of the live premiere so after my rewatch it'll be personally interesting to me to see what i create and share after folks have shared so much. idk! i'm excited ✨
ongoing project: currently in the middle of cataloguing random heritage posts from/about spn tumblr. check it out! it's 2k13,2k12, & 2k11 respective from jail and here. various/misc/post 2013 lore will be here!
i have a postlimit space which is a side blog aka @dirtangeldeanjail
currently jailed: yes [_] or no [x]
idk how to end this so bye
xoxo - dirtangeldean
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dirtangeldean · 2 years
ofc cas was gonna be iconic, they debuted him on the cw's second solar return. a 3H profecture year. cas & cw would be inextricably linked from the beginning, since the 3H is siblings. interest. activity. and for an "event" could also be reputation (tho that's more 10H)
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