#dan thawley
ssawmagazine · 8 months
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SSAW Autumn Winter 2019-2020. Issue 16. RACHEL MARX at Established photographed in London by TOM ORDOYNO and styled by ELLIE GRACE CUMMING. Interview by DAN THAWLEY  Set Design by DOUGAL MACARTHUR Casting by SHAUN BEYEN SB/CAST Production by ELOISE HAUTCOEUR Archive black calfskin hooded bodysuit by OLIVIER THEYSKENS Spring Summer 1999
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julia-sette · 28 days
Object_ Parox. Inspired by the first Paradoxist Manifesto by Florentin Smarandache and the Fluxus art movement of the 1960s.
ISSUE 1_ Negative Income
This Magazine is for those who get it, 
those who do not get it, 
and for those who get it 
but realize there is nothing to get 
Mentor: Dan Thawley 
Art Directors & Editors - Julia Sette and Ellen Torsteinsrud
Photography - Julia Sette
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kajsastenvinkels · 28 days
Object _ Qualia
Qualia is your personal experience of, for example observing the red hues of the evening sky or the happiness when your lover gives you flowers. It's not bound to reason alone but rather builds on elements that shape how we perceive and interpret the world around us.
When you look at a work of art, it should feel like it’s looking at you. The work is completely dependent on the spectator. We invite you to activate and discover through your senses. What makes a magazine a magazine - rather than sheets of stacked paper? The spectators touch. Therefore I focused with experimenting with how to interact with the reader trough papper, 6 different types of papper where included in the making of the object and elements like cut outs, transparency and textures where highlighted.
Mentor: Dan Thawley
Editor-in-chief, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Writer - Kajsa Stenvinkel
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lizseyi · 5 months
New “Matter And Shape” Design Salon Set To Take Place In Paris In Spring 2024 - Skywire London
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As the New Year looms, efforts are continuing among pioneering individuals to reimagine what design salons and fashion fairs should look and feel like. 
Further evidence of this was apparent in the recent announcement of a new event, “Matter and Shape”, which is set to take place in the Jardin des Tuileries in Paris in the spring of next year. 
‍What do we know about the new event so far? 
Many a luxury ecommerce agency and their clients will be intrigued to know more about the upcoming fair. It is the brainchild of fashion journalist Dan Thawley, who will handle the salon’s creative direction, and fashion veteran Mathieu Pinet, who will be the show’s director. 
Matter and Shape is also “powered” by the Paris-based trade fair sector experts, WSN, who organise such events as the Who’s Next fashion fair and the Premiere Classe accessory trade show. 
As for the exact date, the Matter and Shape website presently shows dates of 1st to 4th March 2024, and contains little other information, aside from the event’s social media links and a call for visitors to the site to “register your interest”. 
However, Thawley provided greater insight into the thinking behind the business-focused salon at what Wallpaper reported as being “an intimate lunch in Paris” on 20th October, when he introduced the initiative. 
‍“A bold step in aligning the design world with the fashion calendar”
“Why now? Why another fair?”, he was quoted as saying, adding: “My answer is not simple. My answer is however that we are on the crest of a wave, and we are in a moment where there is a lot of noise.” 
Thawley questioned the “white box” model for fairs, and explained of his years spent “doing the rounds of… prestigious design happenings around the world” that he had “often been faced with extraordinary objects in extraordinary settings, but left with little more than catalogues and photographs.” 
He indicated that the new event would be positioned as a “business-focused design salon” coinciding with Paris Fashion Week, adding that this constituted “a bold step in aligning the design world with the fashion calendar and allowing a greater cross-over of commerce between these two worlds.”
The event is set to happen in a 3,000-square-metre temporary space in the Tuileries. The venue will incorporate a vaulted ceiling and transparent lateral walls to enable the space to be flooded with natural light. 
It is also expected that there will be customised display stands for as many as 50 exhibitors, in addition to a design bookstore and boutique, and a dedicated restaurant available for lunch and private dinner opportunities. 
In a statement made by the fair and quoted by Business of Fashion, Matter and Shape was declared to be “an open call to design companies, fashion houses, independent makers, raw material innovators and contemporary galleries to show meaningful displays of product – from limited-edition designs to full-scale production – available for immediate and short-lead deliveries worldwide.” 
Certainly, if the final event lives up to that kind of billing, it is one that our own luxury ecommerce agency and many of our clients will pay close attention to. 
For more information in the meantime about how we can help enhance your lifestyle, high-end, or fashion brand’s presence online, please don’t wait any longer to get in touch with the digital and strategic professionals at Skywire London. 
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Gli appuntamenti settimanali di Triennale Milano.
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Gli appuntamenti settimanali di Triennale Milano. Tutti gli appuntamanti dal 19 – 24 settembre. 19 settembre 18.30 Incontro | The latest thinking on sustainability and innovation from all fronts Ingresso libero previa registrazione: triennale.org In concomitanza con la Milano Fashion Week, dal 19 al 21 settembre 2023, Triennale Milano presenta Fashion Issues, un ciclo di tre speciali appuntamenti, aperti al pubblico, dedicati al mondo della moda, ai temi, alle sfide e alle trasformazioni che la fashion industry sta affrontando. The latest thinking on sustainability and innovation from all fronts, primo appuntamento del format, è un incontro su sostenibilità e innovazione con Federico Marchetti, imprenditore e fondatore di YOOX, Loris Messina e Simone Rizzo di Sunnei, Massimiliano Giornetti, direttore del Polimoda, e Marina Testino, attivista ambientale. Moderano l'incontro Cathy Horyn, giornalista e fashion editor di "The New York Magazine" e "The Cut", e l'editor Dan Thawley. 20 settembre 10.00 Triennale Radio Show Evento online Proseguono gli appuntamenti radiofonici in collaborazione con Radio Raheem. Host della trasmissione Damiano Gullì, curatore per Arte contemporanea e Public program di Triennale Milano. 19.00 Incontro | A conversation with Pierre-Alexis Dumas, Hermès Ingresso libero previa registrazione: triennale.org Il secondo appuntamento di Fashion Issues vedrà Cathy Horyn in dialogo con Pierre-Alexis Dumas, direttore artistico di Hermès e membro della famiglia fondatrice che gestisce l'azienda da sei generazioni. Dumas parlerà della capacità della maison di bilanciare in modo unico tradizione e modernità, sia nel design che nella comunicazione della sua immagine e delle sue idee. 19.30 Spettacolo | Here Comes The Time Presso Volvo Studio Milano Ingresso libero previa registrazione: triennale.org Here Comes The Time è un momento singolare e irripetibile che sancisce l'incontro tra il collettivo MINE e il dj e producer Lele Sacchi. Una composizione istantanea di danza e musica che scandisce il dialogo tra corpi e ne definisce l'accordatura. 21 settembre 10.00 Laboratorio | Dance Well - Ricerca e movimento per il Parkinson Ingresso libero previa iscrizione: triennale.org Triennale Milano presenta Dance Well: un'iniziativa per promuovere la pratica della danza contemporanea in spazi museali e contesti artistici, che si rivolge principalmente, ma non esclusivamente, a persone che vivono con il Parkinson. Le classi si tengono tutti i giovedì mattina fino alla fine dell'anno. La partecipazione è aperta a tutti. 18.30 Presentazione volume | Romanés Ingresso libero previa registrazione: triennale.org Un libro fotografico (tonocontinuo edizioni, 2023) che racconta – grazie agli scatti del fotografo Paolo Poce realizzati nel corso della sua carriera tra i campi rom – la cultura, le tradizioni e la storia delle popolazioni Romanés tra sgomberi, matrimoni e ritratti. Modera l'incontro Tiziana Ricci, giornalista, con intervista a Paolo Poce. Intervengono: Dijana Pavlović e Moni Ovadia. 19.00 Incontro | Video interview with Demna, Balenciaga Ingresso libero previa registrazione: triennale.org Il terzo e ultimo appuntamento di Fashion Issues, ciclo di incontri dedicato al mondo della moda, ai temi, alle sfide e alle trasformazioni che la fashion industry sta affrontando, ha come protagonista Demna, il direttore creativo di Balenciaga. Da quando è entrato a far parte di Balenciaga nel 2015, Demna ha profondamente rinnovato la storica maison. Ha ripristinato la linea haute couture di Balenciaga, con una nuova visione sul suo significato, aprendosi al contempo a nuove collaborazioni creative, come quelle con i creatori dei Simpson e delle Crocs. Nella video intervista, che si è svolta nella casa di alta moda Balenciaga, Demna dialoga con Cathy Horyn. 23 settembre 12.00 Visita guidata | Museo del Design Italiano Visita guidata a pagamento, per maggiori informazioni: triennale.org Triennale propone una serie di visite guidate alla scoperta delle sue mostre e della sua collezione permanente. Il Museo del Design Italiano presenta la sua nuova selezione di oggetti e il suo nuovo allestimento attraversando i cento anni della storia di Triennale, con oltre 300 pezzi scelti tra i 1.600 che compongono le collezioni dell'istituzione e altri in prestito da importanti collezioni private. 15.30 e 18.30 Laboratorio | Quando soffia il tempo Laboratorio a pagamento, per maggiori informazioni: triennale.org In occasione delle Giornate Europee del Patrimonio, un'attività che indaga le trasformazioni di Triennale Milano attraverso incontri fisici e simbolici, bambini e famiglie sono guidati in un percorso inusuale all'interno del Palazzo dell'Arte, alla riscoperta dei cambiamenti che ha subito nel tempo. A conclusione della visita, ha luogo un laboratorio di trasformazione di uno degli elementi architettonici più caratterizzanti di Triennale Milano attraverso materiali plastici e leggeri. I bambini stessi diventano i protagonisti di un processo di creazione. dalle 16.00 Everything Everywhere All at Once Per maggiori informazioni: triennale.org Tutto ovunque in una sola volta. Dalle 16.00 alle 02.00 una grande festa – ideata insieme a Carlo Pastore – un festival diffuso negli spazi più noti e anche in quelli mai visti di Triennale Milano, organizzato come le mattonelle luminose di un dancefloor che si accendono al passaggio, nell'idea di un flusso armonico. Un vero e proprio momento di celebrazione – in occasione del centenario di Triennale Milano – e di condivisione. Concerti, performance, esibizioni e talk con oltre 20 artisti distribuiti dal balcone della facciata al rooftop del Palazzo dell'Arte, passando dagli spazi espositivi e Casa Lana di Ettore Sottsass, senza dimenticare i bagni. 18.30 Visita guidata | Siamo Foresta Visita guidata a pagamento, per maggiori informazioni: triennale.org Triennale Milano propone delle visite guidate alla scoperta della mostra Siamo Foresta, in collaborazione con Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain. L'esposizione approfondisce la visione estetica e politica della foresta come multiverso egualitario di popoli viventi ed esplorare l'allegoria di un mondo possibile al di là del nostro antropocentrismo. 24 settembre 12.00 Visita guidata | Triennale Discover: Palazzo dell'Arte e Giardino Giancarlo De Carlo Visita guidata a pagamento, per maggiori informazioni: triennale.org Nell'ambito delle Giornate Europee del Patrimonio, uno speciale tour, tra architettura e opere d'arte, per percorrere la storia del palazzo di Triennale Milano – progettato dall'architetto Giovanni Muzio agli inizi degli anni Trenta del XX secolo – spostandosi tra i vari piani per andare fino al Teatro dell'Arte e al Giardino Giancarlo De Carlo, ricco di opere di grandi artisti del Novecento. 15.30 Laboratorio | Manto di foglie Laboratorio a pagamento, per maggiori informazioni: triennale.org Dopo aver esplorato le tante foreste del mondo con una visita guidata alla mostra Siamo Foresta, attraverso il laboratorio Manto di foglie – a cura di Arianna Giorgia Bonazzi e Isabella Musacchia – i bambini saranno chiamati a riconoscere e trovare piante diverse tra le foglie di un coloratissimo tappeto, in una sfida di osservazione e rapidità. 18.30 Visita guidata | Siamo Foresta Visita guidata a pagamento, per maggiori informazioni: triennale.org... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Futura Proxima  Curated for Gucci
With contributions by Emanuele Coccia, Natsuko Uchino, Alice Potts, Katie Paterson, Carlijn Jacobs, Aria Dean, Simon Denny, Jeremy Shaw, and more.
A Publisher, Antwerp 2022, 132 pages, 24 x 29 cm., softcover, ISBN  9789077745250
euro 35,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
A PUBLISHER presents FUTURA PROXIMA Curated For Gucci — a spiral-bound, perforated ‘calendar’ magazine conceived on the occasion of Gucci’s centennial anniversary.
This 132-page hybrid editorial publication, designed to be hung on the wall or read like a magazine, includes a cross-cultural exploration of the passage of time for the year 2022 and beyond.
FUTURA PROXIMA is brought to life over 12 months with 12 artists divining the future through their thinking and their craft.Designed by Paris-based design studio Ohlman Consorti, FUTURA PROXIMA includes a deep graphic study into the language of calendars, including radial and numeric variants that detail birthstones, flowers, and each month written in a selection of 12 languages: English, Italian, French, Greek, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Cherokee, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew and Hindi.
orders to:     [email protected]
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instagram:         fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano tumblr:                fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano
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“Miss Mary Mack,” A Magazine Fall/Winter 2018
Videographer: Thurstan Redding
Fashion Editor: Celestine Cooney
Hair Stylist: Holly Mills
Makeup Artist: Asami Taguchi
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thisisnotatie · 7 years
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dan thawley
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ladylachic · 7 years
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La Chic/ Street fashion
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black-is-no-colour · 7 years
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Maison Margiela Artisanal by John Galliano, Fall 2016 show, Look 19 - Lulu Leika, photographed by Dan Thawley.
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maurodelsignore · 2 years
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Paris with Dan Thawley
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usahotshirtonline · 3 years
The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt
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Now, we’re aware this is all The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt . A whole lot of statement looks to take in. But when done right, a strategic Y2K piece can infuse your look with fabulous flair. The trend is certainly not for minimalists, so just remember it’s not to be taken too seriously. Let your inner 2000s teen go wild! It’s particularly ideal for a night out, where you can even infuse some Y2K beauty to complete the look—space buns, colorful eyeshadow, and all. You’d just need a Motorola Razr or T-Mobile Sidekick to complete the look.The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Classic Women's
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Long Sleeved
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Unisex Sweatshirt
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  The Instagram account @nigeriangothic is one of the most information-packed archive feeds on the platform The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt . There you’ll find an old JanSport ad from the early 2000s, a photo of Missy Elliott smoking a joint from a 2000 issue of Vibe magazine, the animated opening of Toni Braxton’s “He Wasn’t Man Enough for Me,” and a black-and-white photograph of a Hajendoa warrior from Sudan that dates back to 1938. Dazed editor in chief Ib Kamara, fashion label Wales Bonner, editor Dan Thawley, and model Paloma Elsesser are all followers, though the mysterious owner of the account has never revealed himself, preferring to let the images speak for themselves (a rarity in the fashion industry). The account is run by Daniel Obaweya, a 23-year-old from Lagos, Nigeria, who spends hours on the Internet, clicking through and amassing stellar images. His curation has gained him gigs too: He’s worked with the London label Mowalola and Dazed, and researched extensively for a shoot about auntie culture in Nigeria that was styled by Gabriella Karefa-Johnson and published in the November 2020 issue of Vogue.  It’s fair to say we could all use a bit of a confidence boost. As it turns out, 18 months of binge-drinking, -eating, -watching, and -sitting doesn’t do wonders for your self-esteem. Add being locked inside for much of that time with only your thoughts and a looming pandemic, and many of us are coping with mental and emotional scars. As we slowly make our re-entry into (hopefully) post-pandemic life, a new form of power dressing has emerged: activewear. Gone are the days of relying on shoulder pads and pinstripes to channel your inner boss lady — comfort-driven dressing has become a work-from-home staple (thanks, Zoom calls!) and an unexpected source of empowerment. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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hotshirtstoreonline · 3 years
The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt
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Now, we’re aware this is all The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt . A whole lot of statement looks to take in. But when done right, a strategic Y2K piece can infuse your look with fabulous flair. The trend is certainly not for minimalists, so just remember it’s not to be taken too seriously. Let your inner 2000s teen go wild! It’s particularly ideal for a night out, where you can even infuse some Y2K beauty to complete the look—space buns, colorful eyeshadow, and all. You’d just need a Motorola Razr or T-Mobile Sidekick to complete the look.The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Classic Women's
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Long Sleeved
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Unisex Sweatshirt
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  The Instagram account @nigeriangothic is one of the most information-packed archive feeds on the platform The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt . There you’ll find an old JanSport ad from the early 2000s, a photo of Missy Elliott smoking a joint from a 2000 issue of Vibe magazine, the animated opening of Toni Braxton’s “He Wasn’t Man Enough for Me,” and a black-and-white photograph of a Hajendoa warrior from Sudan that dates back to 1938. Dazed editor in chief Ib Kamara, fashion label Wales Bonner, editor Dan Thawley, and model Paloma Elsesser are all followers, though the mysterious owner of the account has never revealed himself, preferring to let the images speak for themselves (a rarity in the fashion industry). The account is run by Daniel Obaweya, a 23-year-old from Lagos, Nigeria, who spends hours on the Internet, clicking through and amassing stellar images. His curation has gained him gigs too: He’s worked with the London label Mowalola and Dazed, and researched extensively for a shoot about auntie culture in Nigeria that was styled by Gabriella Karefa-Johnson and published in the November 2020 issue of Vogue.  It’s fair to say we could all use a bit of a confidence boost. As it turns out, 18 months of binge-drinking, -eating, -watching, and -sitting doesn’t do wonders for your self-esteem. Add being locked inside for much of that time with only your thoughts and a looming pandemic, and many of us are coping with mental and emotional scars. As we slowly make our re-entry into (hopefully) post-pandemic life, a new form of power dressing has emerged: activewear. Gone are the days of relying on shoulder pads and pinstripes to channel your inner boss lady — comfort-driven dressing has become a work-from-home staple (thanks, Zoom calls!) and an unexpected source of empowerment. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt
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Now, we’re aware this is all The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt . A whole lot of statement looks to take in. But when done right, a strategic Y2K piece can infuse your look with fabulous flair. The trend is certainly not for minimalists, so just remember it’s not to be taken too seriously. Let your inner 2000s teen go wild! It’s particularly ideal for a night out, where you can even infuse some Y2K beauty to complete the look—space buns, colorful eyeshadow, and all. You’d just need a Motorola Razr or T-Mobile Sidekick to complete the look.The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Classic Women's
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Long Sleeved
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Unisex Sweatshirt
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  The Instagram account @nigeriangothic is one of the most information-packed archive feeds on the platform The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt . There you’ll find an old JanSport ad from the early 2000s, a photo of Missy Elliott smoking a joint from a 2000 issue of Vibe magazine, the animated opening of Toni Braxton’s “He Wasn’t Man Enough for Me,” and a black-and-white photograph of a Hajendoa warrior from Sudan that dates back to 1938. Dazed editor in chief Ib Kamara, fashion label Wales Bonner, editor Dan Thawley, and model Paloma Elsesser are all followers, though the mysterious owner of the account has never revealed himself, preferring to let the images speak for themselves (a rarity in the fashion industry). The account is run by Daniel Obaweya, a 23-year-old from Lagos, Nigeria, who spends hours on the Internet, clicking through and amassing stellar images. His curation has gained him gigs too: He’s worked with the London label Mowalola and Dazed, and researched extensively for a shoot about auntie culture in Nigeria that was styled by Gabriella Karefa-Johnson and published in the November 2020 issue of Vogue.  It’s fair to say we could all use a bit of a confidence boost. As it turns out, 18 months of binge-drinking, -eating, -watching, and -sitting doesn’t do wonders for your self-esteem. Add being locked inside for much of that time with only your thoughts and a looming pandemic, and many of us are coping with mental and emotional scars. As we slowly make our re-entry into (hopefully) post-pandemic life, a new form of power dressing has emerged: activewear. Gone are the days of relying on shoulder pads and pinstripes to channel your inner boss lady — comfort-driven dressing has become a work-from-home staple (thanks, Zoom calls!) and an unexpected source of empowerment. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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thisisnotatie · 7 years
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Dan Thawley
0 notes
whynottshirt · 3 years
The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt
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Now, we’re aware this is all The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt . A whole lot of statement looks to take in. But when done right, a strategic Y2K piece can infuse your look with fabulous flair. The trend is certainly not for minimalists, so just remember it’s not to be taken too seriously. Let your inner 2000s teen go wild! It’s particularly ideal for a night out, where you can even infuse some Y2K beauty to complete the look—space buns, colorful eyeshadow, and all. You’d just need a Motorola Razr or T-Mobile Sidekick to complete the look.The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Classic Women's
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Long Sleeved
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Unisex Sweatshirt
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The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  The Instagram account @nigeriangothic is one of the most information-packed archive feeds on the platform The world needs all kinds of minds t-shirt . There you’ll find an old JanSport ad from the early 2000s, a photo of Missy Elliott smoking a joint from a 2000 issue of Vibe magazine, the animated opening of Toni Braxton’s “He Wasn’t Man Enough for Me,” and a black-and-white photograph of a Hajendoa warrior from Sudan that dates back to 1938. Dazed editor in chief Ib Kamara, fashion label Wales Bonner, editor Dan Thawley, and model Paloma Elsesser are all followers, though the mysterious owner of the account has never revealed himself, preferring to let the images speak for themselves (a rarity in the fashion industry). The account is run by Daniel Obaweya, a 23-year-old from Lagos, Nigeria, who spends hours on the Internet, clicking through and amassing stellar images. His curation has gained him gigs too: He’s worked with the London label Mowalola and Dazed, and researched extensively for a shoot about auntie culture in Nigeria that was styled by Gabriella Karefa-Johnson and published in the November 2020 issue of Vogue.  It’s fair to say we could all use a bit of a confidence boost. As it turns out, 18 months of binge-drinking, -eating, -watching, and -sitting doesn’t do wonders for your self-esteem. Add being locked inside for much of that time with only your thoughts and a looming pandemic, and many of us are coping with mental and emotional scars. As we slowly make our re-entry into (hopefully) post-pandemic life, a new form of power dressing has emerged: activewear. Gone are the days of relying on shoulder pads and pinstripes to channel your inner boss lady — comfort-driven dressing has become a work-from-home staple (thanks, Zoom calls!) and an unexpected source of empowerment. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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