#deadass four days and I wake up and f*ck
louisianimal · 7 months
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I failed at NoNutNovember….forgive me Nut God
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tracelii · 7 years
New-Ass OCs-- The Kiddos(tm)
(tagging @ellieofmidnight and @poketin because they have n o ch o i c  e)
- Female- She was in and out of foster care a lot as a teen because lets face it, her parents weren’t the best (she has an unspoken noodle incident that left an ugly scar on the back of her hand that Yorre calls ‘the boomerang’ for the shape). She’s used to growing up to fast, and having to make the best of a shitty situation (Lixi Is also super handy, like she’ll MacGyver some shit- she’ll have to do what she has to do to survive, but in a legal kind of way). At least now she can live alone, however the hell shes managing to do that with no job and no home to speak of. No one knows where she stays now, but she talks with her friends, and she frequently meets up with Novae and Yorre at the market Nov works at to chill with them. She has the car out of all of them.
Elix- Black, but shes had redheads in her family certainly. She has wild, ginger colored hair and about 8 million freckles all over her face and body. Has a mysterious boomerang-shaped scar on her hand she refuses to talk about. Likes wearing dresses but she doesn’t have one. She has a red shirt and overalls Shes the shortest at 5’5” but super close to Yorre in the height department so its not too bad and there aren’t that many short jokes. Light brown eyes
- Female- Met Elix though a foster home her mother used to work at- and they became friends at the age of 12, so they mercilessly tease each other, but Yorre knows the foster system aint pretty, and wishes the best for her friend. They frequently lost contact with each other as Elix was shifted around, but always managed to find each other again in the end. She considers herself a good kid, but frequently gets caught up in some shady business to make a little money. She has no clue why she finds having money so important- there was just seeing something about everyone in her house struggle even though both her parents and her older brother had a job- it was a shitty world and she knows it, and in a way, its jaded her, and so her morals are very very gray.
Yorre is 5’6” with her black hair pulled back in a bun but she also has bangs. She usually just has black jeans and a snarky shirt, but she isn’t picky about clothing. Green eyes and resting bitch-face but she can’t help it I don’t th I nk. Tanned skin, but every time someone asks her where shes from she gives a different country- her family seems to be distantly Polynesian???? It’s a god damn mystery with Yorre.
- Male- Lives with his deadass Aunt because who needs parents (aka he and his perfect politician parents never quite saw eye to eye, and he opted to run away, and was allowed to stay in her care.) She lets him do whatever and he knows it, but he usually keeps to being a good kid- graduating school, picking up a little weekend job to put food in the house, and trying very hard to keep his head down and find out what he wants to do for the rest of his life. Of course, his parents always welcome him home, lavish and perfect, with the best colleges picked out for him, but hes never felt more out of control than when he was at home. He was pretty much being groomed to being another part of the perfect family picture, and it just wasn’t him- he just couldn’t do it. Of course, he still shows signs of what he experienced as he was growing up- he would quiet down and straighten up to please someone, or retract whatever he said at the first sign of anger or disagreement- sometimes his friends have to remind him that hes not infront of the press, he doesn’t have to be someone else for the camera anymore.
Novae is Half black half white, his skin is on the lighter side and he has blue eyes with short, light brown curly hair. He’s about 5’10”, and usually ironically wears one of those t-shirts with that has a picture of a tie on it (‘my parents said I should dress up wherever I go’ he says) and jeans. He wants to dye his hair but hes worried about getting f ir  ed
- agender (no preferred gender, but she/they is most typical), it depends on the day- Lilte’s friends considers it a freedom. Somedays shes fine, sometimes he isn’t- Each day Lilte wakes up feeling a little different and taking a look into their face in the mirror, they can suddenly come upon a decision- masculine today? Femme tomorrow? Masc for a week or for a few hours, or nondescript all the time? Its still weird that out of the four strange friends, Lilte could be ready the fastest, like thoughts are instantly sent into their head. To the other kiddos, Lilte seems other worldly- always kind, calm cool and totally collected, (if not just completely spacy and out there) but Lilte hides secrets of their own, how they struggle with their identity of just who they are and what they want- but theyre quite the stepford smiler, never showing a crack in their outer skin. She met Novae one day when he noticed they had been sitting in front of the store he worked at for about 3 hours. When asked if they were okay, they just looked at him, smiled, and sort of shook their head, but offered no explanation. They would then show up the same time almost every other day until Elix just was like ‘fuck it’ and invited them to hang out.
Lilte- Almond shaped-eyes, could be of Asian descent, but is most obviously black. Silver hair black at the roots, and they usually have it done in two braids. Tall as h e ck, definitely at 6’4” or 6’5”. Has about a billion outfits depending on what they feel like wearing but its usually just shorts and a button up short sleeved shirt. Dark brown eyes- Always a dreamy smile on this here gentle giant
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