#deli meat and pickled everything. tonight might be the end for me
woke up feeling like shit so I've attempted to resolve that by eating two of the most horrifyingly salty meals available in the fast casual category and nothing else. except cookies
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odaatlover · 3 years
Any tips on how to accept your body and your weight?
I’ve been trying to loose weight since forever and it’s hard and I want to keep going but not make it my priority and not let it really affect me but it’s hard.
I don’t really have tips for how to feel comfortable in your own body because that’s something per individual :/ But I have some tips for helping you reach your goals!
First, being in a caloric deficit and consistency are the only two things you need for fat loss. The issue that most people have — myself included — is consistency. You have to find something you can sustain for the rest of your life, because once you lose the weight you have to be able to keep it off so it’s not like you lose it and then can eat whatever you want. You’ll end up just gaining it all back, especially if you’re someone like me who has an unhealthy relationship with food and struggle with binging. So these diets like weight watchers, Atkins, Jenny Craig, or even things like keto or a low carb diet don’t really work because they’re not sustainable. You lose it at first and then you gain it back. And so you blame yourself thinking “Oh I just didn’t do it well enough and need to get back at it again” when in reality the programs aren’t meant to last forever. That’s how they get you to go back to it. They make you think it worked because you lost some weight for a bit and so you repeatedly buy their products. These diets are only useful as tools. They only help if you understand why you’re losing weight on them.
So you have to find something that works for you! If you tried something and lost weight but you weren’t able to keep it off and ended up gaining it back, then it’s not something that worked for you. As Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Try something different! I’m still trying to find the thing that works for me, 12 years of losing weight and gaining some back repeatedly.
Right now I’m trying to eat lower calorie foods that will fill me up, and that taste really good. For example, these are the kinds of meals I’m eating now:
Brownies: 280 calories for the whole plate (cocoa powder, chocolate protein powder, flour, baking powder, pinch of salt, Diet Coke, Lily’s white chocolate chips, topped with crushed reduced fat graham crackers)
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Cheeseburger crunch wrap with salad: 430 calories for the meal (whole Joseph’s lavash bread, beyond meat crumbles [can use lean ground beef], onions, tomatoes, pickles, ketchup, mustard, reduced fat shredded cheese) and for the salad (cucumber, tomatoes, green onions, spinach, 0 calorie honey mustard)
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Anabolic chocolate ice cream: 365 calories for the bowl (cocoa powder, PEScience chocolate cupcake protein powder, xanthan gum, topped with sugar free chocolate sauce and a fiber one brownie bar)
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Breakfast burrito: 380 calories (whole Joesph’s lavash bread, 1 egg, 3 servings of egg whites, beyond meat crumbles, sugar free maple syrup for some sweetness — or can use salsa)
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Egg grilled cheese sandwiches: 320 calories (4 slices Lewis 35 calories white bread, 4 servings egg whites, reduced fat shredded cheese — sometimes I’ll add some Simple Truth vegetarian deli ham slices for an extra 70 calories to add protein)
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French toast with eggs and fruit: 430 calories for the whole meal — I usually have 4 pieces of French toast so that’s what the 430 calories is including. The French toast is 4 slices of 35 calorie Lewis bread dipped in a mixture of egg whites, cinnamon, Stevia, half capful of vanilla and cooked on pan with a bit of cooking spray. The eggs is 1 egg with 1 serving of egg whites and veggies. And I use sugar free maple syrup and just eat as much of that as I want because it’s only 5 calories for 2 tbsp.
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Shepherds Pie: 285 calories for the bow full, 1/4 of the dish. (Mashed cauliflower — which is a head of cauliflower, one potato, few spoonfuls of Greek yogurt, and spices blended together; Gardein crumbles, frozen veggie mix, vegetable stock)
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Nachos: 400 calories (2 whole Joseph’s lavash breads cut up and baked in oven to make chips, reduced fat shredded cheese, onions, salsa)
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These are just a few examples. But notice how much food you get for low calories — that’s what you want! I’ve been trying this for the past month and have lost about 10lbs so far. I’m not sure if this is THE thing for me yet, but so far it’s incredibly easy to stick with because everything tastes so good! And it doesn’t feel like a diet or anything. The foods don’t taste like a 10/10 like the highly paletteable foods that are full of sugar and fat, but these are more like an 8/10 or sometimes even 9/10, and that’s worth it to me for being able to stay in a good caloric deficit. So if this is something you think might work for you, then definitely try it out! Read food labels and WEIGH your food! Even you’re bread — you’d be surprised.
On Saturdays I allow myself a “cheat” meal. We usually do something active like a bike ride and I’ll eat what I want afterwards. Right now I’m eating pizza 😂 But I’m going to be trying a low calorie chocolate chip cookie recipe for dessert tonight so I’m not going too crazy! The important thing is I can definitely see myself eating this for the rest of my life because I don’t feel deprived, everything tastes good, and I’m not constantly thinking about fast food because this food honestly helps those cravings as you can imagine.
So, just try to find something that works for you, that you can do for the rest of your life! Something is out there, I promise. Take your time with it. Trust the process, don’t rush it. Don’t try to lose weight fast because omg that’ll most likely cause you to gain it back because you’re under eating and will eventually want to give up and eat everything high in calories lol. Also, DON’T WEIGH YOURSELF EVERY DAY. I’d say once a week at most. But the scale isn’t that great of a tool because weight constantly fluctuates. Use your clothes and measurements to track progress, plus pics! Otherwise, you’ll get easily discouraged thinking you’re gaining fat when reality you’re probably losing fat but retaining water and gaining some muscle so the number went up.
This was a lot, but I’m so passionate about it and love helping people as much as I can with it, because I was really heavy a while back and know what it’s like to try to lose fat. So I really hope this helps ❤️ Feel free to DM me anytime if you want some more tips or recipes!
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
The Convenient Groom: 6/13
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I just want to apologize for how long it took to get such a short chapter out. You know that saying, “when it rains, it pours”? Well, that’s been me lately. On top of a procedure last week at the gynecologist (which was as fun as you would imagine), an elderly dog that is keeping us up at night like a newborn baby, and my kids taking turns falling off their bikes and requiring an obscene amount of band aids, yesterday we also lost our internet connection. So I was originally going to post this yesterday, but finally, here it is. (And it’s only 8 pm here, and I’m struggling to stay awake to do it.) It’s only a little over 1k, and frankly, not much happens, but our OTP has cute banter and are forced to display PDA, so there’s that . . . I feel like I’m not making any sense, so I’ll just post this already . . .
Summary: Killian Jones just happens to be there when Emma Swan gets the phone call that changes everything: her fiance is leaving her at the altar. The thing is, it could also mean the end of her career. Convenient that Killian has nothing better to do that day. Convenient that he’s secretly in love with her. Not that Emma has to know that. Written for @spartanguard​​ .
Rating: M
Also on Ao3
Tagging: @snowbellewells​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @kmomof4​ @let-it-raines​ @teamhook​ @bethacaciakay​ @xhookswenchx​ @tiganasummertree​ @shireness-says​ @stahlop​ @scientificapricot​ @welllpthisishappening​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @thislassishooked​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @kday426​ @ekr032-blog-blog​ @lfh1226-linda​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @nikkiemms​ @distant-rose @optomisticgirl​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @carpedzem​ @ohmakemeahercules​ @branlovestowrite​​ @superchocovian​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​ @vvbooklady1256​​ @hollyethecurious​​ @winterbaby89​​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​​ @jennjenn615​��� @snidgetsafan​
Emma didn’t know why she was staring at him as he took a bite of the sandwich she’d made. It was just turkey meat from the deli with a slice of cheese and a piece of lettuce between two slices of bread slathered with mustard. Kind of hard to go wrong there. Except . . . well, people usually had a specific sandwich order, right? Like everyone took coffee a certain way or had a way they liked their eggs. Or at least, that was Richard Grere’s theory in Runaway Bride.
She had to stop with these rom-com cliches.
“I didn’t know how you like your sandwich,” she finally admitted, popping a chip in her mouth.
Killian swallowed and then wiped at the corner of his mouth with a napkin.
“We had those sandwiches on the hon - er, the trip.”
Would either of them ever be able to refer to “the trip” as their honeymoon?
Emma shrugged. “Yeah, but they were just generic and then all the condiments and stuff were on the side.”
Killian nodded and leaned back in his chair, regarding her with that infuriating grin of his. “I like it just this way.”
Emma narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re lying.”
He leaned forward. “Fair. Okay, you got it all right except I would have added pickles.”
Emma leaned forward as well, mimicking his serious expression. “What kind? Dill? Sweet? Gherkin?”
“Does it matter?”
Emma gasped and reared back. “Does it matter? Killian Jones, I don’t think we can be married if you think the kind of pickle doesn’t matter.”
He chuckled as he picked his sandwich back up. “Bread and butter.”
Emma nodded as she picked up hers.
“You, Swan?”
“Dill. There is no other kind of pickle.”
Killian arched a brow. “Agree to disagree?”
She gave him a dramatic nod as she “clinked” her sandwich with his. “As long as we keep both stocked in the pantry.”
They ate in silence for a few more minutes, until Emma noticed that Killian was fidgeting. He kept glancing from his phone, which sat on the patio table, then at her, then back again. He also began drumming his finger on the table while practically glaring at his phone.
“If you stare at that any harder, you’re going to burn a hole in it.”
“Hm?” he asked, gaze snapping back to her.
She gestured with her chin as she chewed and swallowed a bite of her sandwich. “Your phone. You keep staring at it.”
“Oh,” he chuckled nervously, picking up the object in question and clenching his jaw as he pressed his thumb to the screen, “it’s this text I got earlier. Elsa made a huge pot of that chowder last night, and she’s rather adamant that we join them for dinner tonight.”
Emma’s eyebrows rose. “Rather adamant?”
“Aye,” Killian answered apologetically as he palmed at the back of his neck.
Emma set her sandwich down and propped her elbows on the table. “You think we should go.”
He shrugged. “Well, we can’t avoid it forever, and the longer we wait, the more suspicious it will seem.”
“Hmm,” she mused, propping her chin in one hand, “or, they might assume that - like most newlyweds - we’re over here fucking our brains out all day long.”
Killian blinked rapidly, his face growing red. She found his discomfort at times incredibly amusing, especially considering the shameless way he had always flirted with her in the past. He stuttered for a moment, cleared his throat a few times, then found his voice.
“Well they’re my family, you see, and I know they won’t be put off for long. Liam’s already suspicious, I can tell, and then there’s the chowder -”
“Your sister-in-law is really hung up on this chowder, isn’t she?”
He spread his hands in front of him innocently. “What can I say? She’s won the blue ribbon three years running at the Storybrooke Crab Festival.”
Emma snorted out a laugh that died when she realized Killian wasn’t laughing. “Wait - are you serious?”
“About the blue ribbon part or the crab festival part?”
She shook her head. “I know about the crab festival, I remember it from last year. I just didn’t know there was a chowder competition.”
“We Mainers are very serious about our clam chowder, love.”
She barked out another laugh as he waggled his eyebrows at her, then she sighed. “Sure, dinner is fine. I mean, I do love clam chowder.”
Emma wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting when she agreed to dinner with Killian’s family, but this casual setting sure wasn’t it. Liam had lit the fire pit in their backyard which, like Killian’s, felt more like an extension of the beach. Everyone served themselves, then carried their bowls of chowder down the steps of the back deck. Cans of beer and softdrinks were crammed into coolers filled with ice, and a patio table nearby was spread with the fixings for s’mores later. It was more of a casual, beachside get together than a family dinner, and it made Emma feel much more at ease. Elsa and Anna were at her side from the beginning. Anna peppered her with questions, but Elsa was more quiet. Yet something about Elsa’s gentle smiles made Emma feel welcome.
“So,” Anna said as a grunt passed her lips. She wavered halfway down into a beach chair and began frantically waving for her husband. He rushed over and helped her heavily pregnant form down onto the seat. “As I was saying,” she chuckled, brushing strands of red hair out of her face, “how did you two manage this without any of us finding out?”
“Yes,” Liam quickly put in from across the fire pit, “I’ve been wondering the same.”
Emma caught Killian’s eye, and he quickly answered his brother for both of them. “Well, until a few months ago, as you all know, Emma lived in New York City. After months of chatting online, she agreed for me to meet her there.” He crossed the lawn to come stand at her side and put an arm around her. “The rest, as they say, is history.”
“That still doesn’t explain why you never once mentioned her,” Liam commented before taking a sip of the beer in his hand.
“Emma’s in the public eye, Liam,” Killian quickly explained before Emma could even open her mouth. “We didn’t think it would be a good idea. There would be way too much scrutiny on us.”
“We would never scrutinize you!” Kristoff insisted.
“Exactly,” Liam agreed.
“Yeah right,” Killian muttered into the mouth of his beer bottle before taking a swig. Only Emma heard him, and she pressed her face into his shoulder to muffle her laughter.
“And we would have kept it quiet,” Liam added.
Emma felt like she couldn’t put all this on Killian, so she jumped in. “Well we took it slow at first. We didn’t even want any of you to know, just in case nothing came of it. But then -”
“It was kind of exciting sneaking around,” Killian finished for her cheekily. He then surprised her by claiming her lips. It was a quick kiss, but far from chaste. She could taste the beer on his tongue as he swiped it quickly against hers. When he pulled away, she had to blink to get her bearings.
“You two are adorable!” Anna sighed.
“I don’t remember you driving to New York any more than usual in the past couple of years.” Liam had set down his beer and was crossing his arms as he narrowed his eyes at them.
“Oh Liam, stop,” Elsa admonished, smacking her husband in the arm, “they aren’t on trial here.”
“I’m just trying to understand how my brother fell in love, got engaged, then had a huge spectacle of a wedding without including any of us.”
“About that,” Emma said, clearing her throat, “we were wondering if 4th of July would work for the family ceremony. Killian said you all have a huge party that day anyway.”
“That sounds fantastic!” Anna cheered. “How can we help?”
Emma shrugged. “Honestly, I am so tapped out with planning one wedding, you can have free reign on this one.”
“Did you hear that, Elsa?” Anna asked, twisting in her chair to look at her sister.
Elsa laughed. “Emma, you may regret telling my sister that.”
“You never answered my question, you know,” Liam said stubbornly. “I don’t remember that many trips to the city.”
“Bloody hell, Liam!” Killian cried out. “I took the boat, if you must know. Elsa’s right, you’re acting like we’re on trial.”
“You like boating, Emma?” Liam asked.
“Uh, yeah, Killian got me hooked on it.” Emma’s head pounded as the lie slipped off her tongue. She hoped Liam didn’t start quizzing her on nautical terms or something. In actuality, the only boat she’d ever been on was one of those you paddled with your feet at that carnival Sarah took her to when she was fourteen. She’d never even taken the ferry in New York.
“Then we need to all go out on the Jewel sometime!”
Emma looked quizzically at Killian. “The Jewel?” “Aye love, that’s Liam’s boat. It’s a bit bigger than The Jolly Roger.” He leaned over as if to brush a kiss to her cheek, but instead turned his head to whisper in her ear. “The Jolly is mine.”
“Oh,” she said with a nod, “that sounds . . . fun.”
With bright eyes, Liam raised his beer bottle in salute. “It’s a date then!”
Emma faked a smile before taking a huge gulp of her beer. How many lies were going to pile up before this marriage blew up in their faces?
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