#desmond deserves a corruption arc
sneaky-eel · 5 months
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“Come to me now again and deliver me from oppressive anxieties;
fulfill all my heart longs to fulfill,
and you yourself be my fellow-fighter.”
- “Ode to Aphrodite” Sappho
Found the ask!
Edit: This cut looks better
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doomonfilm · 5 years
Favorites : The Messenger - The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)
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By the time 1999 rolled around, Luc Besson was already a legend in my book.  I’d yet to see Le Femme Nikita, but Leon the Professional and The Fifth Element were arguable classics that I would definitely go to bat for.  In my mind, however, as talented as Besson was, I didn’t think he was the kind of director that could tell a tale based on history.  All of that got thrown out the window once The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc hit the scene.
In the year 1420, France and England find themselves at an impasse due to the concurrent deaths of both kings, leaving a power vacuum and civil unrest that leads to war between the two nations.  Joan (Milla Jovovich), orphaned when English soldiers kill her family and destroy her town, finds herself torn apart due to her religious devotion and holy visions.  Once old enough, Joan seeks an audience with Dauphin Charles VII (John Malkovich), the next in line to be King of France, with a religious charge.  Joan claims that God called to her to convince the Dauphin to provide her with an army that will lead France to victory.  Desperate, and at the behest of his mother Yolande of Aragon (Faye Dunaway), the Dauphin agrees.  Joan fights dutifully and with full belief in her vision, eventually leading Charles VII to a successful seat on the throne, but Joan finds that her troubles are just beginning.
Using the story of Joan of Arc for this highly stylized film creates a historical drama with all of the tools used by suspense films.  In looks, the movie is a period piece, but it feels extremely contemporary, even 20 years after release.  With Joan’s story being rooted so heavily in faith and religion, Besson shows these aspects deep respect without falling into the realms of loftiness or being preachy (no pun intended), instead using the focus on deep faith and belief as the driving force of the narrative.  Though a completely different story, The Messenger feels like a contemporary equal to The Last Temptation of Christ in terms of the way it examines faith and judgement by the unfaithful.  Joan’s faith is examined deeply on both sides... the warrior given a purpose by God versus a woman with a God complex looking to exert her will.  Joan’s infamous trial of faith by the English Ecclesiastical courts is given all of the gravitas and attention it deserves for its pure absurdity.  
The tale presented is (relatively) historically accurate, but somehow Besson manages to inject humorous and grounded moments within the film without undercutting the respect the film deserves.  The dream sequences and visions used to present Joan’s charge are striking and moving.  The concepts of faith, royalty and combat are all given equal examination, as all three aspects were key to the shaping of Europe at the time.  Joan being a woman is surprisingly not the major point of conflict within the film, as there are numerous bigger fish to fry, and Charles VII ultimately used her as a means to an end.  In the end, glory escapes all involved... Joan’s faith is questioned even in victory (and ultimately becomes her downfall), the horrors of war are shown, and the corruption of royalty is obviously the root cause of it all.
The set design and costuming in this film is top notch, from the peasant level to the royals, and all aspects in-between.  The camerawork is extremely dynamic, and in combination with the editing, the energy and emotional levels are kicked into high gear.  The score is amazing, including the use of synthesizers buried in the mix to emulate the voice of God.  The battle scenes are vivid and striking, capturing the fullness of the fury and madness of Medieval warfare.
Milla Jovovich portrays the steadfast and undying faith of Joan of Arc to the letter, at times letting her fanaticism well up in her eyes in a way that hits you dead in the soul.  John Malkovich was tailor-made to play Charles VII, as his pre-appointment timidness is put to the side by his post-appointment arrogance beautifully.  Faye Dunaway plays the wise voice of reason in the world of royal folly, and she completely pulls off what appears to be the most uncomfortable headdress in the world.  Dustin Hoffman invokes the spirit of the trickster while bringing an otherworldly presence to his performance, wrapping it all in an eerie stillness.  Desmond Harrington exudes devotion and honor in his role, while letting humility be his defining trait.  Tcheky Karyo’s cockiness and confidence fits him well as lead of the French army.  Vincent Cassel and Richard Ridings stand out as French soldiers, while Andrew Birkin is equally impressive as an English one.  The numerous and plentiful cast is strong from lead to background.
It’s been a while since Luc Besson released a film that hit me like the first five he produced, but for what it’s worth, The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc was a great capstone for that run.  For a historical drama, it is highly entertaining, and the replay value is sky high.
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realyoungdarius · 5 years
Discover Your Superpower - Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
Discover Your Superpower - Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
JUNE 5, 2017|IN
Have you ever fantasized about surprising your friends with an amazing skill they didn’t know you had? Perhaps at night you dream about breaking out a cape, a mask, and saving the world from corruption. We all have dreams, aspirations, and goals. We are all unique individuals with our own set of strengths. But how does your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type affect your strengths and skills? Before I go on, let’s consider two things:
Your Myers-Briggs personality type can impact your skills
For example, if you’re an ESTP, you’re likely to have strong coordination and physical awareness in crisis situations. This may help you in athletics and is likely why a large percentage of college athletes type as ESTPs.
Your Myers-Briggs personality type may have nothing to do with your skill
If you have the drive and ambition you can master many skills without it being dependent on your Myers-Briggs® personality type. For example, Richard Branson, an ESFP is an avid and esteemed chess player. Most people associate the ESFP personality with entertaining, being adventurous, and being morally driven. Many people associate INTJs with chess and strategy. This just shows that you can’t stereotype people; just because someone is one type doesn’t mean they won’t excel at something commonly attributed to another type. Many skills can be learned regardless of type. Which is why it’s important to remember that…Type isn’t everything.Your type should never limit you or constrain you. You can build any skill or have numerous character qualities that lay outside of the margins of personality type. That said, when you are a healthy version of your type you will have unique gifts and abilities that come naturally to you. When your cognitive functions work together in harmony you can have strengths and abilities that astound and surprise other people. Let’s take a look at what “superpower” each personality type has.Not sure what your personality type is? Take the most accurate free online personality indicator
.ISTJ – Concentration
ISTJs have a masterful eye for detail and accuracy. They are extremely aware of all the nuances and physical aspects of the project they are working on. While other types flit from idea to idea or can glaze over details, the ISTJ misses nothing. They  may not say everything they think or express all their thoughts and plans, but they notice and see everything. If you need someone who can keep an attentive, protective eye on a project or person they care about, you can count on an ISTJ.
Famous ISTJs with This Ability: George Washington, Warren Buffett, Peter Thiel, Morgan Freeman.
ISFJ –  Devotion
ISFJs are known for their generosity, compassion, and attention to detail. Throughout history they have been people who guarded the defenseless, attended the sick, and stood up for the less fortunate. They have an astounding memory for details, and they are very attentive to the needs of the people around them. They are the quiet caretakers, the loyal confidantes, and people who deserve much more recognition than they usually receive.
Famous ISFJs With This Ability: Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Kate Middleton.
ESTJ – Organization
ESTJs can be surrounded by disaster and disorder and pull everything together in a practical, no-nonsense way. They can easily see a goal, fixate on important details, and lead everyone in the most efficient direction. They are no-nonsense, practical, and have strong leadership skills. According to the MBTI® Manual, ESTJs ranked first of all 16 types in using cognitive coping resources. These leaders can keep a level head and maintain control even when the world is going haywire.
Famous ESTJs With This Ability: Theresa May, Michelle Obama, Sonia Sotomayor, Emma Watson.
ESFJ – Planning
ESFJs know how to organize, prepare, and ensure that everyone is taken care of in a crisis. They are the ones who have anticipated what could go wrong and have a plan to make sure everything is handled with care and concern. When a crisis erupts, these are the ones comforting the downtrodden, fetching practical necessities, and organizing a plan of action so that nobody’s needs go unnoticed.
Famous ESFJs With This Ability: Pope Francis, Harry S. Truman, Andrew Carnegie.
ISTP – Resourcefulness
ISTPs can keep a cool head in the most dire situations. They know how to detach themselves from commotion and turmoil to think of clever, effective solutions. Like the TV secret agent MaGyver, ISTPs are the ones you can count on to create fast, ingenious solutions to the most complex problems. Psychologist David Keirsey calls ISTPs “Masters of tools”. He says that ISTPs “are fearless…risking themselves again and again, despite frequent injury…(they) are most likely to pit themselves or their technique, against chance or odds…Let (them) handle equipment of any complexity and power and see how fast they learn to use it.”
Famous ISTPs With This Ability: Miyamoto Musashi, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Lee.
ISFP – Passion
While on the outside ISFPs may seem sensitive and reserved, inside they have a fiery commitment to their ideals. If someone or something they believe in is threatened, they will fight with a passion and determination that is astounding. They are individualists, artists, and practical dreamers whose passion guides them to be strong in some of the most harrowing circumstances.
Famous ISFPs With This Ability: Thich Nhat Hanh, Bob Dylan, Trent Reznor, Audrey Hepburn.
ESTP – Agility
ESTPs are known for their intense physical awareness, fast reflexes, and keen problem-solving abilities. They not only have physical agility but mental agility; easily maneuvering through physical landmines while finding realistic, logical solutions to the problems at hand.  If you need someone who can think quickly on their feet during a crisis, these are the guys (or girls) to have.
Famous ESTPs With This Ability:  Alexander the Great, Theodore Roosevelt, George S. Patton, Harry Houdini.
ESFP – Optimism
ESFPs are quick to find a bright side to any hazardous scenario. These energetic, enthusiastic types have a strong determination and zest for life that can encourage and motivate those who are struggling or oppressed. They won’t give up when times get hard, and they won’t wallow in pessimism and self-pity. While they  may have moments of despair like any of us do, ESFPs have an unquenchable curiosity and grit that will not only help them, but their friends and comrades.
Famous ESFPs With This Ability: Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Desmond Tutu.
INTP – Analytical Thinking
INTPs are excellent at organizing logical principles and creating a framework for how things work. They disregard bias or emotional distractions to decide what is most rational, objective, and fair. While other types might lose patience with complex dilemmas, the INTP can effectively dissect the problem to discover creative, ingenious solutions.
Famous INTPs With This Ability: Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Adam Smith, John Le Carre.
INTJ – Strategizing
INTJs easily see the long-range implications of current events. They can quickly navigate through roadblocks and setbacks, constantly re-constructing their vision and re-determining what “will be”. They have a clear, precise view of the future and know how to arrange outer elements so that the desired outcome can be achieved.
Famous INTJs With This Ability: Isaac Newton, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Bobby Fischer, Nikola Tesla.
ENTP – Innovation
ENTPs are creative visionaries who trailblaze new pathways in invention, technology, and science. They are curious, out-of-the-box thinkers who can navigate their way out of the most precarious situations with a blend of charm, intuition, and logical thought. An ENTP can take an “impossible” situation and find inventive, novel solutions that would never occur to other types.
Famous ENTPs With This Ability: Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Feynman, Steve Wozniak.
ENTJ – Efficiency
ENTJs are decisive, visionary, and determined. These types know how to cast aside useless details or outer emotions and “get the job done”. They know how to keep a level head when calamity strikes and move forward with precision, energy, and intense strategic foresight. They make strong leaders who can rise to any challenge with confidence.
Famous ENTJs With This Ability: Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, Alexander Hamilton.
INFP – Integrity
INFPs are known for their strong moral compass and their authentic, compassionate nature. They will not stray into morally ambiguous waters and they will lead with honesty and kindness. They will work tirelessly in the defense of the downtrodden, the outcasts, or the beliefs they stand for. They are passionate, imaginative, and true to their values and ideals.
Famous INFPs With This Ability: Joan of Arc, J.R.R. Tolkien, Hans Christian Andersen, John Milton.
INFJ – Vision
INFJs have an uncanny ability to take current events and foresee where they will lead. They can easily glimpse where people’s choices will take them and how they will affect everyone else in the picture. They have a deep understanding of human nature and use their vision and empathy to make the world a better place for future generations.
Famous INFJs With This Ability: Carl Jung, Mahatma Gandhi, Dante Alighieri, Baruch Spinoza.
ENFP – Imagination
ENFPs aren’t afraid to think outside the box and find imaginative, creative solutions to the most complex dilemmas. They do this while inspiring and encouraging their friends to be optimistic and steadfast. ENFPs can motivate a team to stay strong and seek new avenues, adventures, and innovative ideas.
Famous ENFPs With This Ability: Anne Frank, Michio Kaku, Dr. Seuss, Salvador Dali, J.J. Abrams.
ENFJ – Empathy
ENFJs can instantly absorb the moods and emotions of people around them, feeling their pain and joy intensely. They know how to reach out to people and connect with them on an emotional level. They make people feel heard, cared for, and understood. Their gift of empathy and insight makes them inspirational leaders and powerful counselors.
Famous ENFJs With This Ability: Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey.
What Do You Think?
Do you relate to your superpower or one of the others listed here? Let me know in the comments!
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