#diphthong is doing a ramble and it's actually helping a bit lol
diphthongsfordays · 2 years
Writer Brain go Brrr
So here's the thing. I'm trying to figure stuff out, and I'm inflicting it on ya'll.
I've been working on Niv and the Neverwhere, usually in very small word counts every day (or three lol). I still am invested in that story, but I'm finding myself more and more wanting at least some sort of outline - which is the exact opposite of what I set out to do, since this book was an experiment in what I do when very deliberately not writing an outline, lol.
I also am wanting more and more to go back to Deathdancer. To print out that 95k disaster of an outline draft, and go through it, and cover my wall in post-its trying to solve problems, and all that fun stuff. I just miss Ailin and Zaul a lot. Every time I do anything that involves opening Deathdancer, I get excited. I feel like I should follow the excitement :-) Of course, working on this also involves finding a way of printing 400 pages in a semi-responsible manner, so there's that...
I also someday have to put some serious time into Firetide Rising again if I ever want to actually finish that one, lol. But I'm content for now to let it simmer while I work on other things.
I am not a person who has EVER successfully worked on two projects at once. But I'm also pretty sure that's because I...haven't tried? I also have to consider I go back to work next week, and my writing time will be limited, which is a big part of why I've not really tried actively juggling projects.
So. The choice before me is, roughly:
Just keep working on Niv and the Neverwhere as-is
Develop a loose outline, and then continue writing
Switch fully to preparing for the Deathdancer rewrite
Work on both
I'm thinking I may do Deathdancer. I just have to sort out printing...
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